view @ 18:a207e838f232 draft

author mb2013
date Tue, 20 May 2014 03:29:48 -0400
parents aae5945b961e
line wrap: on
line source

# python 2.7
# MB
# Convertion multiple .dta files to one .csv file with coordinates
# and one .csv file with sample names.

from optparse import OptionParser
from os.path import basename

# Function for merging all files in .csv format 
# and extracting the headers of the files.
def main():
    # extracting the users input
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("--input_file", action="append", default=[]) # multiple inputfiles
    parser.add_option("--input_name", action="append", default=[]) # names of multiple inputfiles
    (options, _) = parser.parse_args()

    header = ""
    header_temp = "" 
    # open every file and concatenate the files
    with(open(options.output, "w")) as output:
	with(open(options.output2, "w")) as output2:
            for i, (input_file, input_name) in enumerate(zip(options.input_file, options.input_name)):
		# open a input file
            	for j, line in enumerate(open(input_file, "r").readlines()): 
                    line = line.strip()  
		    split_tabs = line.split('  ')
		    number_columns = len(split_tabs)
		    # extract name of sample
    		    if j == 0:
                    	header_temp = "%s" %(line.replace(' ', '_'))
			header += "%s\n"%(header_temp[1:-4])
		    # extract the coordinates  	
		    if number_columns == 3: 
	    output2.write("%s\n"%(header)) # writing header to output file     #name of sample
