view @ 0:269c627ae9f4 draft

planemo upload for repository commit 8e118a4d24047e2c62912b962e854f789d6ff559
author mbernt
date Wed, 20 Jun 2018 11:06:57 -0400
children 9a811adb714f
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

import re
import sys
import string
import argparse
import operator


parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""

    Search a fasta file for matches to a regex and return a bed file with the
    coordinates of the match and the matched sequence itself. 
    Output bed file has columns:
    1. Name of fasta sequence (e.g. chromosome)
    2. Start of the match
    3. End of the match
    4. ID of the match
    5. Length of the match
    6. Strand 
    7. Matched sequence as it appears on the forward strand
    For matches on the reverse strand it is reported the start and end position on the
    forward strand and the matched string on the forward strand (so the G4 'GGGAGGGT'
    present on the reverse strand is reported as ACCCTCCC).
    Note: Fasta sequences (chroms) are read in memory one at a time along with the
    matches for that chromosome.
    The order of the output is: chroms as they are found in the inut fasta, matches
    sorted within chroms by positions.

    ## Test data:
    echo '>mychr' > /tmp/mychr.fa
    echo 'ACTGnACTGnACTGnTGAC' >> /tmp/mychr.fa -f /tmp/mychr.fa -r 'ACTG'
        mychr	0	4	mychr_0_4_for	4	+	ACTG
        mychr	5	9	mychr_5_9_for	4	+	ACTG
        mychr	10	14	mychr_10_14_for	4	+	ACTG -f /tmp/mychr.fa -r 'ACTG' --maxstr 3
        mychr	0	4	mychr_0_4_for	4	+	ACT[3,4]
        mychr	5	9	mychr_5_9_for	4	+	ACT[3,4]
        mychr	10	14	mychr_10_14_for	4	+	ACT[3,4]
    less /tmp/mychr.fa | -f - -r 'A\w\wGn'
        mychr	0	5	mychr_0_5_for	5	+	ACTGn
        mychr	5	10	mychr_5_10_for	5	+	ACTGn
        mychr	10	15	mychr_10_15_for	5	+	ACTGn

DOWNLOAD is hosted at

    """, formatter_class= argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)

parser.add_argument('--fasta', '-f',
                   type= str,
                   help='''Input fasta file to search. Use '-' to read the file from stdin.
                   required= True)

parser.add_argument('--regex', '-r',
                   type= str,
                   help='''Regex to be searched in the fasta input.
Matches to the reverse complement will have - strand.
The default regex is '([gG]{3,}\w{1,7}){3,}[gG]{3,}' which searches
for G-quadruplexes.                                   
                   default= '([gG]{3,}\w{1,7}){3,}[gG]{3,}')

parser.add_argument('--matchcase', '-m',
                   action= 'store_true',
                   help='''Match case while searching for matches. Default is
to ignore case (I.e. 'ACTG' will match 'actg').

                   action= 'store_true',
                   help='''Do not search the reverse complement of the input fasta.
Use this flag to search protein sequences.                                   

                   type= int,
                   required= False,
                   default= 10000,
                   help='''Maximum length of the match to report in the 7th column of the output.
Default is to report up to 10000nt.
Truncated matches are reported as <ACTG...ACTG>[<maxstr>,<tot length>]

parser.add_argument('--seqnames', '-s',
                   type= str,
                   nargs= '+',
                   default= [None],
                   required= False,
		   help='''List of fasta sequences in --fasta to
search. E.g. use --seqnames chr1 chr2 chrM to search only these crhomosomes.
Default is to search all the sequences in input.
parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q',
                   action= 'store_true',
                   help='''Do not print progress report (i.e. sequence names as they are scanned).                                   

parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + VERSION)

args = parser.parse_args()

" --------------------------[ Check and parse arguments ]---------------------- "

if args.matchcase:
    flag= 0
    flag= re.IGNORECASE

" ------------------------------[  Functions ]--------------------------------- "

def sort_table(table, cols):
    """ Code to sort list of lists

    sort a table by multiple columns
        table: a list of lists (or tuple of tuples) where each inner list 
               represents a row
        cols:  a list (or tuple) specifying the column numbers to sort by
               e.g. (1,0) would sort by column 1, then by column 0
    for col in reversed(cols):
        table = sorted(table, key=operator.itemgetter(col))

def trimMatch(x, n):
    """ Trim the string x to be at most length n. Trimmed matches will be reported
    with the syntax ACTG[a,b] where Ns are the beginning of x, a is the length of
    the trimmed strng (e.g 4 here) and b is the full length of the match
        trimMatch('ACTGNNNN', 4)
        trimMatch('ACTGNNNN', 8)
    if len(x) > n and n is not None:
        m= x[0:n] + '[' + str(n) + ',' + str(len(x)) + ']'
        m= x

def revcomp(x):
    """Reverse complement string x. Ambiguity codes are handled and case conserved.
    x= 'ACGTRYSWKMBDHVNacgtryswkmbdhvn'
    compdict=  {'A':'T',
    xrc= []
    for n in x:
    xrc= ''.join(xrc)[::-1]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

psq_re_f= re.compile(args.regex, flags= flag)
## psq_re_r= re.compile(regexrev)

if args.fasta != '-':
    ref_seq_fh= open(args.fasta)
    ref_seq_fh= sys.stdin    

line= (ref_seq_fh.readline()).strip()
chr= re.sub('^>', '', line)
line= (ref_seq_fh.readline()).strip()
gquad_list= []
while True:
    if not args.quiet:
        sys.stderr.write('Processing %s\n' %(chr))
    while line.startswith('>') is False:
        line= (ref_seq_fh.readline()).strip()
        if line == '':
    ref_seq= ''.join(ref_seq)
    if args.seqnames == [None] or chr in args.seqnames:
        for m in re.finditer(psq_re_f, ref_seq):
            matchstr= trimMatch(, args.maxstr)
            quad_id= str(chr) + '_' + str(m.start()) + '_' + str(m.end()) + '_for'
            gquad_list.append([chr, m.start(), m.end(), quad_id, len(, '+', matchstr])
        if args.noreverse is False:
            ref_seq= revcomp(ref_seq)
            seqlen= len(ref_seq)
            for m in re.finditer(psq_re_f, ref_seq):
                matchstr= trimMatch(revcomp(, args.maxstr)
                mstart= seqlen - m.end()
                mend= seqlen - m.start()
                quad_id= str(chr) + '_' + str(mstart) + '_' + str(mend) + '_rev'
                gquad_list.append([chr, mstart, mend, quad_id, len(, '-', matchstr])
        gquad_sorted= sort_table(gquad_list, (1,2,3))
        gquad_list= []
        for xline in gquad_sorted:
            xline= '\t'.join([str(x) for x in xline])
    chr= re.sub('^>', '', line)
    ref_seq= []
    line= (ref_seq_fh.readline()).strip()
    if line == '':

#gquad_sorted= sort_table(gquad_list, (0,1,2,3))
#for line in gquad_sorted:
#    line= '\t'.join([str(x) for x in line])
#    print(line)