comparison msigdb_workflow.xml @ 0:0fbb062e0cf5 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit a73787be689a9af5641ff1b594c9a35d29093247-dirty
author mbernt
date Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:51:04 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:0fbb062e0cf5
1 <tool id="proteomicsr_msigdb_workflow" name="proteomicsr: enrichment using MSigDB gene sets" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" profile="21.05">
2 <macros>
3 <import>macros.xml</import>
4 </macros>
5 <expand macro="requirements"/>
6 <stdio>
7 <regex source="stdout" level="fatal" match="ERROR: Timeout" description="The ENSEMBL server timed out. A retry may help."/>
8 </stdio>
9 <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
10 Rscript '$rscript'
11 && mv Rdata/Summary_ALL.csv .
12 ]]></command>
13 <configfiles>
14 <configfile name="rscript"><![CDATA[
15 library(proteomicsr)
17 #if $dat_calculated.ext == 'csv'
18 dat_calculated <- read.csv("$dat_calculated", row.names = 1)
19 #else
20 dat_calculated <- read.delim("$dat_calculated", header = TRUE, row.names = 1, sep = "\t")
21 #end if
24 null <- run_msigdb_workflow(
25 dat_calculated,
26 msigdb_category = "$msigdb_category",
27 #if $msigdb_subcategory
28 msigdb_subcategory = "$msigdb_subcategory",
29 #end if
30 ## knowledgebase = NULL, not needed
31 sampleGenes = NULL,
32 sampleMapping = NULL,
33 pvalue_decision = "$pvalue_decision",
34 significance_cutoff_candidates = $significance_cutoff_candidates,
35 get_ID_to_map = NULL,
36 ID_provided = "$ID_provided",
37 organism = "$organism",
38 padjust_method = "$padjust_method",
39 significance_cutoff_terms = $significance_cutoff_terms,
40 direction_calculation = "$direction_calculation",
41 topx = $topx,
42 topx_per_comparison = $topx_per_comparison,
43 #if $plot_term_candidates
44 plot_term_candidates = "$plot_term_candidates",
45 #end if
46 color_up = "${color_up}FF",
47 color_down = "${color_down}FF"
48 )
49 ]]></configfile>
50 </configfiles>
51 <inputs>
53 <param argument="dat_calculated" type="data" format="csv,tabular" label="Sample table" help="Rows: unique identifiers (e.g. uniprot accessions), Columns: samples. Replicates should be indicated using _1, _2, .... Content should be numeric."/>
54 <param argument="msigdb_category" type="select" label="Gene set knowledgebase" help="Visit to get more information on MSigDB categories and if the chosen category needs the definition of a subcategory. MEDICUS and LEGACY gene sets seem to be not supported yet.">
55 <option value="H">Hallmark gene sets</option>
56 <option value="C1">Positional gene sets</option>
57 <option value="C2">Curated gene sets</option>
58 <option value="C3">Regulatory target gene sets</option>
59 <option value="C4">Computational gene sets</option>
60 <option value="C5">Ontology gene sets</option>
61 <option value="C6">Oncogenic signature gene sets</option>
62 <option value="C7">Immunologic signature gene sets</option>
63 <option value="C8">Cell type signature gene sets</option>
64 </param>
65 <param argument="msigdb_subcategory" type="select" optional="true" label="Gene set knowledgebase subcategory" help="Visit to get more information on MSigDB categories and if the chosen category needs the definition of a subcategory. MEDICUS and LEGACY gene sets seem to be not supported yet.">
66 <option value="CGP">C2 subcategory: chemical and genetic perturbations</option>
67 <option value="CP">C2 subcategory: canonical pathways</option>
68 <option value="CP:BIOCARTA">C2 subcategory: BioCarta canonical pathways</option>
69 <option value="CP:KEGG">C2 subcategory: KEGG canonical pathways (KEGG_MEDICUS and KEGG_LEGACY seem to be not supported yet)</option>
70 <option value="CP:PID">C2 subcategory: PID canonical pathways</option>
71 <option value="CP:REACTOME">C2 subcategory: Reactome canonical pathways</option>
72 <option value="MIR:MIRDB">C3 subcategory: gene sets containing high-confidence gene-level predictions of human miRNA targets as catalogued by miRDB v6.0 algorithm (MIR_LEGACY seems to be not supported yet)</option>
73 <option value="TFT:GTRD">C3 subcategory: genes that share GTRD predicted transcription factor binding sites in the region -1000,+100 bp around the TSS for the indicated transcription factor.</option>
74 <option value="CGN">C4 subcategory: cancer gene neighborhoods</option>
75 <option value="CM">C4 subcategory: cancer modules</option>
76 <option value="GO:BP">C5 subcategory: gene sets derived from the GO Biological Process ontology</option>
77 <option value="GO:CC">C5 subcategory: gene sets derived from the GO Cellular Component ontology</option>
78 <option value="GO:MF">C5 subcategory: gene sets derived from the GO Molecular Function ontology</option>
79 <option value="HPO">C5 subcategory: Human Phenotype Ontology</option>
80 <option value="IMMUNESIGDB">C7 subcategory: gene sets representing chemical and genetic perturbations of the immune system generated by manual curation of published studies in human and mouse immunology</option>
81 <option value="VAX">C7 subcategory: gene sets curated by the Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) describing human transcriptomic immune responses to vaccinations</option>
82 </param>
83 <!-- <param argument="knowledgebase" type="text" value="" label="Pattern to add to ouput, i.e. the database used for enrichment" help="Default is NULL, thus nothing is added to the output."/> -->
84 <expand macro="sample_genes_mapping"/>
85 <param argument="ID_provided" type="text" value="uniprotswissprot" label="Define provided identifier" help="Define the ID type used in your dataframe of average Log2(FCs) and (adjusted) p-values. The ID should relate to attributes available using attributes = biomaRt::listAttributes(biomaRt::useMart(biomart = &quot;ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL&quot;, dataset = &quot;hsapiens_gene_ensembl&quot;)) or the attributes specific for the defined organism (e.g. &quot;mmusculus_gene_ensembl&quot; or &quot;rnorvegicus_gene_ensembl&quot;)."/>
86 <!-- set of supported species can be determined with msigdbr::msigdbr_species()
87 TODO commented species require input to get_ID_to_map -->
88 <param argument="organism" type="select" label="Organism used" help="">
89 <!-- <option value="Anolis carolinensis"/> -->
90 <option value="Bos taurus"/>
91 <option value="Caenorhabditis elegans"/>
92 <option value="Canis lupus familiaris"/>
93 <option value="Danio rerio"/>
94 <option value="Drosophila melanogaster"/>
95 <!-- <option value="Equus caballus"/> -->
96 <!-- <option value="Felis catus"/> -->
97 <option value="Gallus gallus"/>
98 <option value="Homo sapiens" selected="true"/>
99 <!-- <option value="Macaca mulatta"/> -->
100 <!-- <option value="Monodelphis domestica"/> -->
101 <option value="Mus musculus"/>
102 <!-- <option value="Ornithorhynchus anatinus"/> -->
103 <!-- <option value="Pan troglodytes"/> -->
104 <option value="Rattus norvegicus"/>
105 <option value="Saccharomyces cerevisiae"/>
106 <!-- <option value="Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-"/> -->
107 <option value="Sus scrofa"/>
108 <!-- <option value="Xenopus tropicalis"/> -->
109 </param>
110 <!-- should be pvalue pvalueadj if used downstream of fc_workflow or intensity_workflow -->
111 <param argument="pvalue_decision" type="text" value="pvalueadj" label="Pattern to select columns containing p-values to use" help="Examples: When pvalue, all columns ending on _pvalue are used to filter for significantly altered candidates, whereas the pattern pvalueadj will use all columns ending with this pattern"/>
112 <param argument="significance_cutoff_candidates" type="float" value="0.05" min="0" max="1" label="Significance cutoff to filter for candidates used for enrichment" help="All candidates with (adjusted) p-value below this threshold will be subjected to enrichment analysis"/>
113 <param argument="significance_cutoff_terms" type="float" value="0.05" min="0" max="1" label="Significance cutoff to identify significantly enriched terms" help="All terms with (adjusted) p-value below this threshold will be considered significantly enriched"/>
114 <param argument="padjust_method" type="select" label="Method for p-value adjustment during enrichment analysis" help="">
115 <option value="holm">Holm</option>
116 <option value="hochberg">Hochberg</option>
117 <option value="hommel">Hommel</option>
118 <option value="bonferroni">Bonferroni</option>
119 <option value="BY">Benjamini &amp; Yekutieli (BY)</option>
120 <option value="fdr" selected="true">Benjamini &amp; Hochberg (BH/fdr)</option>
121 <option value="none">None</option>
122 </param>
123 <param argument="direction_calculation" type="select" label="Decide how to calculate the direction of the term regulation" help="Decide whether to use median or mean values of the Log2(fold changes) of the candidates used for enrichment and assigned to the term.">
124 <option value="median">Hallmark gene sets</option>
125 <option value="mean">Positional gene sets</option>
126 </param>
127 <param argument="topx" type="integer" min="1" value="10" label="Number of top enriched pathways to return and visualize" help="In addition to exporting and visualizing all enriched terms and the significantly enriched terms, the top enriched terms will be exported and visualized based on the value defined here."/>
128 <param argument="topx_per_comparison" type="boolean" truevalue="TRUE" falsevalue="FALSE" checked="true" label="Extract the top enriched terms condition-wise" help="Decide whether to extract the top enriched terms condition-wise or based on their summed enrichment over all conditions"/>
129 <param argument="plot_term_candidates" type="select" optional="true" label="Decide whether to visualize candidates assigned to enriched terms" help="">
130 <option value="significant">Candidates of significantly enriched terms</option>
131 <option value="all">Candidates of all enriched terms</option>
132 </param>
133 <param argument="color_up" type="color" value="#DC0000" label="Color for up-regulated candidates"/>
134 <param argument="color_down" type="color" value="#3C5488" label="Color for down-regulated candidates"/>
135 <param name="out_select" type="select" multiple="true" optional="true" label="Optional outputs">
136 <option value="tables" selected="true">Detailed tables</option>
137 <option value="plots" selected="true">Plots</option>
138 </param>
139 </inputs>
140 <outputs>
141 <data name="summary" format="csv" from_work_dir="Summary_ALL.csv"/>
142 <collection name="output" type="list" label="${} on ${on_string}: additional tables">
143 <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="Rdata"/>
144 <filter>out_select and "tables" in out_select</filter>
145 </collection>
146 <collection name="plots" type="list" label="${} on ${on_string}: plots">
147 <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="Plots"/>
148 <filter>out_select and "plots" in out_select</filter>
149 </collection>
151 <collection name="sig_output" type="list" label="${} on ${on_string}: additional tables for significantly enriched terms">
152 <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="CandidatesSignificantTerms/Rdata"/>
153 <filter>"significant" in plot_term_candidates</filter>
154 <filter>out_select and "tables" in out_select</filter>
155 </collection>
156 <collection name="sig_plots" type="list" label="${} on ${on_string}: plots for significantly enriched terms">
157 <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="CandidatesSignificantTerms/Plots"/>
158 <filter>"significant" in plot_term_candidates</filter>
159 <filter>out_select and "plots" in out_select</filter>
160 </collection>
162 <collection name="all_output" type="list" label="${} on ${on_string}: additional tables for all enriched terms">
163 <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="CandidatesAllTerms/Rdata"/>
164 <filter>"all" in plot_term_candidates</filter>
165 <filter>out_select and "tables" in out_select</filter>
166 </collection>
167 <collection name="all_plots" type="list" label="${} on ${on_string}: plots for all enriched terms">
168 <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="CandidatesAllTerms/Plots"/>
169 <filter>"all" in plot_term_candidates</filter>
170 <filter>out_select and "plots" in out_select</filter>
171 </collection>
172 </outputs>
173 <tests>
174 <test expect_num_outputs="5">
175 <param name="dat_calculated" value="dat_calculated.csv" ftype="csv"/>
176 <param name="plot_term_candidates" value="significant"/>
177 <output name="summary">
178 <assert_contents>
179 <has_n_lines n="89"/>
180 <has_n_columns sep="," n="7"/>
181 </assert_contents>
182 </output>
183 <output_collection name="output" count="5" type="list">
184 <element name="Enrichment_results_log.p.adjust_pvalueadj_0.05" ftype="csv">
185 <assert_contents>
186 <has_n_lines n="45"/>
187 <has_n_columns sep="," n="3"/>
188 </assert_contents>
189 </element>
190 <element name="Enrichment_results_long_pvalueadj_0.05_median_FC" ftype="csv">
191 <assert_contents>
192 <has_n_lines n="70"/>
193 <has_n_columns sep="," n="12"/>
194 </assert_contents>
195 </element>
196 <element name="Enrichment_results_median_FC_pvalueadj_0.05" ftype="csv">
197 <assert_contents>
198 <has_n_lines n="45"/>
199 <has_n_columns sep="," n="3"/>
200 </assert_contents>
201 </element>
202 <element name="MSigDB_gene_set_ID_mapping" ftype="csv">
203 <assert_contents>
204 <has_n_lines n="8210"/>
205 <has_n_columns sep="," n="2"/>
206 </assert_contents>
207 </element>
208 <element name="Summary_Top10_combined" ftype="csv">
209 <assert_contents>
210 <has_n_lines n="29"/>
211 <has_n_columns sep="," n="7"/>
212 </assert_contents>
213 </element>
214 </output_collection>
215 <output_collection name="plots" count="9" type="list"/>
216 <output_collection name="sig_output" count="8" type="list">
217 <element name="Candidates_HALLMARK_COMPLEMENT" ftype="csv">
218 <assert_contents>
219 <has_n_lines n="13"/>
220 <has_n_columns sep="," n="8"/>
221 </assert_contents>
222 </element>
223 <element name="Candidates_HALLMARK_INFLAMMATORY_RESPONSE" ftype="csv">
224 <assert_contents>
225 <has_n_lines n="10"/>
226 <has_n_columns sep="," n="8"/>
227 </assert_contents>
228 </element>
229 <element name="Candidates_HALLMARK_TNFA_SIGNALING_VIA_NFKB" ftype="csv">
230 <assert_contents>
231 <has_n_lines n="16"/>
232 <has_n_columns sep="," n="8"/>
233 </assert_contents>
234 </element>
235 <element name="Candidates_HALLMARK_UV_RESPONSE_UP" ftype="csv">
236 <assert_contents>
237 <has_n_lines n="8"/>
238 <has_n_columns sep="," n="8"/>
239 </assert_contents>
240 </element>
241 <element name="Candidates_ggplot_HALLMARK_COMPLEMENT" ftype="csv">
242 <assert_contents>
243 <has_n_lines n="25"/>
244 <has_n_columns sep="," n="8"/>
245 </assert_contents>
246 </element>
247 <element name="Candidates_ggplot_HALLMARK_INFLAMMATORY_RESPONSE" ftype="csv">
248 <assert_contents>
249 <has_n_lines n="19"/>
250 <has_n_columns sep="," n="8"/>
251 </assert_contents>
252 </element>
253 <element name="Candidates_ggplot_HALLMARK_TNFA_SIGNALING_VIA_NFKB" ftype="csv">
254 <assert_contents>
255 <has_n_lines n="31"/>
256 <has_n_columns sep="," n="8"/>
257 </assert_contents>
258 </element>
259 <element name="Candidates_ggplot_HALLMARK_UV_RESPONSE_UP" ftype="csv">
260 <assert_contents>
261 <has_n_lines n="15"/>
262 <has_n_columns sep="," n="8"/>
263 </assert_contents>
264 </element>
265 </output_collection>
266 <output_collection name="sig_plots" count="8" type="list"/>
267 </test>
268 <!-- same + sample genes -->
269 <test expect_num_outputs="5">
270 <param name="dat_calculated" value="dat_calculated.csv" ftype="csv"/>
271 <param name="sampleGenes" value="sampleGenes.csv" ftype="csv"/>
272 <param name="plot_term_candidates" value="significant"/>
273 <output name="summary">
274 <assert_contents>
275 <has_n_lines n="89"/>
276 <has_n_columns sep="," n="7"/>
277 </assert_contents>
278 </output>
279 <output_collection name="output" count="5" type="list"/>
280 <output_collection name="plots" count="9" type="list"/>
281 <output_collection name="sig_output" count="8" type="list"/>
282 <output_collection name="sig_plots" count="8" type="list"/>
283 </test>
284 <!-- same + sample genes + sample mapping -->
285 <test expect_num_outputs="5">
286 <param name="dat_calculated" value="dat_calculated.csv" ftype="csv"/>
287 <param name="sampleGenes" value="sampleGenes.csv" ftype="csv"/>
288 <param name="sampleMapping" value="sampleMapping.csv" ftype="csv"/>
289 <param name="plot_term_candidates" value="significant"/>
290 <output name="summary">
291 <assert_contents>
292 <has_n_lines n="89"/>
293 <has_n_columns sep="," n="7"/>
294 </assert_contents>
295 </output>
296 <output_collection name="output" count="5" type="list"/>
297 <output_collection name="plots" count="9" type="list"/>
298 <output_collection name="sig_output" count="8" type="list"/>
299 <output_collection name="sig_plots" count="8" type="list"/>
300 </test>
301 <!-- same as 1st test but plot all candidates + only output tables -->
302 <test expect_num_outputs="3">
303 <param name="dat_calculated" value="dat_calculated.csv" ftype="csv"/>
304 <param name="plot_term_candidates" value="all"/>
305 <param name="out_select" value="tables"/>
306 <output name="summary">
307 <assert_contents>
308 <has_n_lines n="89"/>
309 <has_n_columns sep="," n="7"/>
310 </assert_contents>
311 </output>
312 <output_collection name="output" count="5" type="list"/>
313 <output_collection name="all_output" count="88" type="list"/>
314 </test>
315 </tests>
316 <help><![CDATA[
317 Enrichment analysis workflow using MSigDB gene sets
319 Providing a table with average Log2(FCs) and (adjusted) p-values, enrichment analysis is conducted against the gene sets provided by the MSigDB
320 ]]></help>
321 <expand macro="citations"/>
322 </tool>