1 #echo "1: " $1 " 2: " $2 " 3: " $3 " 4: " $4 " 5: " $5 " 6: " $6 " 7: " $7 " 8: " $8 " 9: " $9 " 10: " ${10}
2 #echo "11: " ${11} " 12: " ${12} 13: " ${13} 14: " ${14} " 15: " ${15} " 16: " ${16} " 17: " ${17} " 18: " ${18} " 19: " ${19} " 20: " ${20}
3 #echo "21: "${21}" 22: "${22}" 23: "${23}" 24: "${24}" 25: "${25}" 26: "${26}" 27: "${27}" 28: "${28}" 29: "${29}" 30: "${30}
5 #Count total number of parameters, dataLayer parameters, and classification parameters
6 parmSize=0
7 classSize=0
8 dataLayerSize=0
9 attribSize=0
10 for i in "$@"; do
11 currParm=$(cut -d'|' -f1 <<< $i)
12 parmSize=$((parmSize+1))
13 if [ $currParm = "classification" ]
14 then
15 classSize=$((classSize+1))
16 fi
17 if [ $currParm = "matrix_files" ]
18 then
19 dataLayerSize=$((dataLayerSize+1))
20 fi
21 if [ $currParm = "attribute" ]
22 then
23 attribSize=$((attribSize+1))
24 fi
25 done
27 if [ $dataLayerSize -lt 1 ]
28 then
29 noDataLayer="ERROR: No Heat Map Matrices provided. Please add at least one Heat Map Matrix to your request and try again."
30 echo $noDataLayer
31 exit $noDataLayer
32 fi
34 #Get tool data and tool install directories
35 tooldir=$1
36 tooldata=$2
37 #create temp directory for row and col order and dendro files.
38 tdir=$tooldata/$(date +%y%m%d%M%S)
39 mkdir $tdir
40 #echo "tdir: "$tdir
42 #Extract parameters for row and column order and dendro files
43 rowOrderFile=$tdir/ROfile.txt
44 rowDendroFile=$tdir/RDfile.txt
45 colOrderFile=$tdir/COfile.txt
46 colDendroFile=$tdir/CDfile.txt
47 rowOrderJson='"order_file": "'$rowOrderFile'",'
48 rowDendroJson='"dendro_file": "'$rowDendroFile'",'
49 colOrderJson='"order_file": "'$colOrderFile'",'
50 colDendroJson='"dendro_file": "'$colDendroFile'",'
52 #BEGIN: Construct JSON for all non-repeating parameters
53 parmJson='{'
54 rowConfigJson='"row_configuration": {'
55 colConfigJson='"col_configuration": {'
57 ctr=0
58 for i in "$@"; do
59 if [ $ctr -gt 1 ]
60 then
61 currParm=$(cut -d'|' -f1 <<< $i)
62 if [ $currParm != "matrix_files" ] && [ $currParm != "row_configuration" ] && [ $currParm != "col_configuration" ] && [ $currParm != "classification" ] && [ $currParm != "attribute" ] && [ $currParm != "chm_name" ]
63 then
64 #Parse pipe-delimited parameter parameter
65 parmJson=$parmJson' "'$(cut -d'|' -f1 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< $i)'",'
66 fi
67 if [ $currParm = "chm_name" ]
68 then
69 currVal=$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< $i)
70 currEdit=$(echo "$currVal" | sed 's/\//_/g')
71 parmJson=$parmJson' "'$(cut -d'|' -f1 <<< $i)'":"'$currEdit'",'
72 fi
73 if [ $currParm = "row_configuration" ]
74 then
75 rowOrder=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< $i)
76 rowDistance=$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< $i)
77 rowAgglomeration=$(cut -d'|' -f7 <<< $i)
78 rowCuts=$(cut -d'|' -f9 <<< $i)
79 rowLabels=$(cut -d'|' -f11 <<< $i)
80 rowDataTypeJson='"'$(cut -d'|' -f10 <<< $i)'":["'$rowLabels'"],'
81 rowCutType=$(cut -d'|' -f16 <<< $i)
82 rowTopItemsJson=''
83 rowTopItems=$(cut -d'|' -f13 <<< $i)
84 if [ $rowTopItems != "None" ] && [ $rowTopItems != "" ]
85 then
86 rowTopItemsJson='"'$(cut -d'|' -f12 <<< $i)'": ['
87 rowTopItems=${rowTopItems//,/'","'}
88 rowTopItemsJson=$rowTopItemsJson'"'$rowTopItems'"],'
89 fi
90 rowCutsJson=''
91 if [ $rowCutType != "none" ]
92 then
93 cutValues=$(cut -d'|' -f15 <<< $i)
94 if [ $cutValues != "None" ] && [ $cutValues != "0" ]
95 then
96 if [ $rowCutType = "treecuts" ]
97 then
98 rowCutsJson=$rowCutsJson'"tree_cuts": "'$cutValues'",'
99 rowCutsJson=$rowCutsJson'"cut_width": "5",'
100 fi
101 if [ $rowCutType = "positional" ]
102 then
103 rowCutErrorVal=0
104 [[ $cutValues != ?(-)+([0-9,]) ]] && rowCutErrorVal=$((rowCutErrorVal+1))
105 if [ $rowCutErrorVal -gt 0 ]
106 then
107 echo "GALAXY PARAMETER WARNING: Non-numeric values found for Row Fixed Gap Locations. Ignoring parameter value: "$cutValues
108 else
109 rowCutsJson=$rowCutsJson'"cut_locations": ['$cutValues'],'
110 rowCutsJson=$rowCutsJson'"cut_width": "5",'
111 fi
112 fi
113 fi
114 fi
115 rowConfigJson=$rowConfigJson$rowDataTypeJson$rowCutsJson$rowTopItemsJson
116 if [ $rowOrder = 'Hierarchical' ]
117 then
118 rowConfigJson=$rowConfigJson$rowOrderJson$rowDendroJson
119 fi
120 rowConfigJson=$rowConfigJson' "'$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f4 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f6 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f7 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f17 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f18 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f19 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f20 <<< $i)'"},'
121 fi
122 if [ $currParm = "col_configuration" ]
123 then
124 colOrder=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< $i)
125 colDistance=$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< $i)
126 colAgglomeration=$(cut -d'|' -f7 <<< $i)
127 colCuts=$(cut -d'|' -f9 <<< $i)
128 colLabels=$(cut -d'|' -f11 <<< $i)
129 colDataTypeJson='"'$(cut -d'|' -f10 <<< $i)'":["'$colLabels'"],'
130 colCutType=$(cut -d'|' -f16 <<< $i)
131 colTopItemsJson=''
132 colTopItems=$(cut -d'|' -f13 <<< $i)
133 if [ $colTopItems != "None" ] && [ $colTopItems != "" ]
134 then
135 colTopItemsJson='"'$(cut -d'|' -f12 <<< $i)'": ['
136 colTopItems=${colTopItems//,/'","'}
137 colTopItemsJson=$colTopItemsJson'"'$colTopItems'"],'
138 fi
139 colCutsJson=''
140 if [ $colCutType != "none" ]
141 then
142 cutValues=$(cut -d'|' -f15 <<< $i)
143 if [ $cutValues != "None" ] && [ $cutValues != "0" ]
144 then
145 if [ $colCutType = "treecuts" ]
146 then
147 colCutsJson=$colCutsJson'"tree_cuts": "'$cutValues'",'
148 colCutsJson=$colCutsJson'"cut_width": "5",'
149 fi
150 if [ $colCutType = "positional" ]
151 then
152 colCutErrorVal=0
153 [[ $cutValues != ?(-)+([0-9,]) ]] && colCutErrorVal=$((colCutErrorVal+1))
154 if [ $colCutErrorVal -gt 0 ]
155 then
156 echo "GALAXY PARAMETER WARNING: Non-numeric values found for Column Fixed Gap Locations. Ignoring parameter value: "$cutValues
157 else
158 colCutsJson=$colCutsJson'"cut_locations": ['$cutValues'],'
159 colCutsJson=$colCutsJson'"cut_width": "5",'
160 fi
161 fi
162 fi
163 fi
164 colConfigJson=$colConfigJson$colDataTypeJson$colCutsJson$colTopItemsJson
165 if [ $colOrder = 'Hierarchical' ]
166 then
167 colConfigJson=$colConfigJson$colOrderJson$colDendroJson
168 fi
169 colConfigJson=$colConfigJson' "'$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f4 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f6 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f7 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f17 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f18 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f19 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f20 <<< $i)'"},'
170 fi
171 fi
172 ctr=$((ctr+1))
173 done
175 #END: Construct JSON for all non-repeating parameters
176 #echo "rowOrder: "$rowOrder
177 #echo "rowDistance: "$rowDistance
178 #echo "rowAgglomeration: "$rowAgglomeration
179 #echo "rowCuts: "$rowCuts
180 #echo "rowLabels: "$rowLabels
181 #echo "ROW CONFIG JSON: "$rowConfigJson
182 #echo "colOrder: "$colOrder
183 #echo "colDistance: "$colDistance
184 #echo "colAgglomeration: "$colAgglomeration
185 #echo "colCuts: "$colCuts
186 #echo "colLabels: "$colLabels
187 #echo "COL CONFIG JSON: "$colConfigJson
189 #BEGIN: Construct JSON for data layers
190 matrixJson='"matrix_files": [ '
191 inputMatrix=''
192 dataLayerIter=0
193 dataLayerNames=''
194 for i in "$@"; do
195 currParm=$(cut -d'|' -f1 <<< $i)
196 if [ $currParm = "matrix_files" ]
197 then
198 if [ $dataLayerIter -lt 1 ]
199 then
200 inputMatrix=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< $i)
201 fi
202 currMatrixName=$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< $i)
203 dataLayerIter=$((dataLayerIter+1))
204 if [[ $dataLayerNames =~ $currMatrixName ]]
205 then
206 currMatrixName=$currMatrixName$dataLayerIter
207 fi
208 dataLayerNames=$dataLayerNames$currMatrixName
209 colorPref=$(cut -d'|' -f16 <<< $i)
210 colorMapJson=''
211 if [ $colorPref = "defined" ]
212 then
213 #validations to place leading zero on first breakpoint (if necessary)
214 b1=$(cut -d'|' -f20 <<< $i)
215 b1first=$(cut -d'.' -f1 <<< $b1)
216 if [ $b1first = "-" ]
217 then
218 b1="-0."$(cut -d'.' -f2 <<< $b1)
219 fi
220 if [ "$b1first" = "" ]
221 then
222 b1="0"$b1
223 fi
224 #validations to place leading zero on second breakpoint (if necessary)
225 b2=$(cut -d'|' -f21 <<< $i)
226 b2first=$(cut -d'.' -f1 <<< $b2)
227 if [ $b2first = "-" ]
228 then
229 b2="-0."$(cut -d'.' -f2 <<< $b2)
230 fi
231 if [ "$b2first" = "" ]
232 then
233 b2="0"$b2
234 fi
235 #validations to place leading zero on third breakpoint (if necessary)
236 b3=$(cut -d'|' -f22 <<< $i)
237 b3first=$(cut -d'.' -f1 <<< $b3)
238 if [ $b3first = "-" ]
239 then
240 b3="-0."$(cut -d'.' -f2 <<< $b3)
241 fi
242 if [ "$b3first" = "" ]
243 then
244 b3="0"$b3
245 fi
246 #validation to ensure that all entered breakpoints are numeric values
247 regExp='^[+-]?([0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)$'
248 if [[ $b1 =~ $regExp ]] && [[ $b2 =~ $regExp ]] && [[ $b3 =~ $regExp ]]
249 then
250 colorMapJson=$colorMapJson'"color_map": {"colors": ["'$(cut -d'|' -f17 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f18 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f19 <<< $i)'"],'
251 colorMapJson=$colorMapJson'"thresholds": ['$b1','$b2','$b3'],'
252 colorMapJson=$colorMapJson'"missing":"'$(cut -d'|' -f23 <<< $i)'"},'
253 else
254 echo "GALAXY PARAMETER WARNING: Not all user-defined breakpoints are numbers. Defined breakpoints and colors will be ignored."
255 fi
256 fi
257 #Parse pipe-delimited parameter parameter
258 matrixJson=$matrixJson' {'$colorMapJson'"'$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f4 <<< $i)'":"'$currMatrixName'","'$(cut -d'|' -f6 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f7 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f8 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f9 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f10 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f11 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f12 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f13 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f14 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f15 <<< $i)'"}'
259 if [ $dataLayerIter -lt $dataLayerSize ]
260 then
261 matrixJson=$matrixJson','
262 fi
263 fi
264 done
265 matrixJson=$matrixJson"],"
266 #END: Construct JSON for data layers
267 #echo "DATA LAYER JSON: "$matrixJson
268 #echo "INPUT MATRIX: "$inputMatrix
270 #BEGIN: Construct JSON for attributes
271 attribJson='"chm_attributes": [ '
272 attribIter=0
273 for i in "$@"; do
274 currParm=$(cut -d'|' -f1 <<< $i)
275 if [ $currParm = "attribute" ]
276 then
277 attribIter=$((attribIter+1))
278 attribParam=$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< $i)
279 #Parse pipe-delimited 2-part data layer parameter
280 attribJson=$attribJson' {"'$(cut -d':' -f1 <<< $attribParam)'":"'$(cut -d':' -f2 <<< $attribParam)'"}'
281 if [ $attribIter -lt $attribSize ]
282 then
283 attribJson=$attribJson','
284 fi
285 fi
286 done
287 attribJson=$attribJson'],'
288 #END: Construct JSON for attributes
289 #echo "ATTRIB JSON: "$attribJson
291 #BEGIN: Construct JSON for classification files
292 classJson='"classification_files": [ '
293 colCutClass=''
294 rowCutClass=''
295 if [ $rowCuts -gt 1 ]
296 then
297 rowCutClass='{"name": "Class", "path": "'$tdir'/ROfile.txt.cut","position": "row", "color_map": {"type": "discrete"}, "bar_type": "color_plot"}'
298 fi
300 if [ $colCuts -gt 1 ]
301 then
302 if [ $rowCuts -gt 1 ]
303 then
304 rowCutClass=$rowCutClass','
305 fi
306 colCutClass='{"name": "Class", "path": "'$tdir'/COfile.txt.cut","position": "column", "color_map": {"type": "discrete"}, "bar_type": "color_plot"}'
307 if [ $classSize -gt 0 ]
308 then
309 colCutClass=$colCutClass','
310 fi
311 else
312 if [ $rowCuts -gt 1 ] && [ $classSize -gt 0 ]
313 then
314 rowCutClass=$rowCutClass','
315 fi
316 fi
318 classJson=$classJson$rowCutClass$colCutClass
319 classIter=0
320 for i in "$@"; do
321 currParm=$(cut -d'|' -f1 <<< $i)
322 if [ $currParm = "classification" ]
323 then
324 classIter=$((classIter+1))
325 className=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< $i)
326 #Parse pipe-delimited 3-part classification bar parameter
327 if [[ -z "$className" ]]; then
328 className="covar"$classIter
329 fi
330 classJson=$classJson' {"'$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< $i)'":"'$className'","'$(cut -d'|' -f4 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f8 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f9 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f12 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f13 <<< $i)'","'$(cut -d'|' -f14 <<< $i)'":"'$(cut -d'|' -f15 <<< $i)'"'
331 classCat=$(cut -d'|' -f7 <<< $i)
332 classColorType=$(cut -d'_' -f2 <<< $classCat)
333 classJson=$classJson','
334 classHeight=$(cut -d'|' -f11 <<< $i)
335 heightErrorVal=0
336 [[ $classHeight != ?(-)+([0-9]) ]] && heightErrorVal=$((heightErrorVal+1))
337 if [ $heightErrorVal -gt 0 ]
338 then
339 echo 'GALAXY PARAMETER WARNING: Non-numeric values found for covariate bar ('$className') height. Height value ignored and default of 15 used: '$classHeight
340 else
341 classJson=$classJson'"height": "'$classHeight'",'
342 fi
343 classJson=$classJson' "position":"'$(cut -d'_' -f1 <<< $classCat)'","color_map": {"type":"'$classColorType'"}}'
344 if [ $classIter -lt $classSize ]
345 then
346 classJson=$classJson','
347 fi
348 fi
349 done
350 classJson=$classJson']'
351 #END: Construct JSON for classification files
352 #echo "CLASSIFICATION JSON: "$classJson
354 #Add build platform JSON for distinction between GenePattern and Galaxy Builders
355 platformJson='"build_platform": "Galaxy",'
357 #Complete construction of Parameter JSON file by adding all JSON sections created above
358 parmJson=$parmJson$rowConfigJson$colConfigJson$attribJson$matrixJson$platformJson$classJson
359 parmJson=$parmJson'}'
360 #echo "COMPLETED PARAMETER JSON: "$parmJson
362 #run R to cluster matrix
363 output="$(R --slave --vanilla --file=$tooldir/CHM_Advanced.R --args $inputMatrix $rowOrder $rowDistance $rowAgglomeration $colOrder $colDistance $colAgglomeration $rowOrderFile $colOrderFile $rowDendroFile $colDendroFile $rowCuts $colCuts $rowLabels $colLabels 2>&1)"
364 # Check for errors from R step, log them if found, and exit script
365 rc=$?;
366 if [ $rc != 0 ]
367 then
368 echo $output;
369 if [ `echo "$output" | grep -c "Inf in foreign function call"` -gt 0 ]
370 then
371 echo "";
372 echo "";
373 echo "R CLUSTERING: Error in clustering the matrix provided (View Details stdout). "
374 echo "Note: This error can occur when:"
375 echo " 1. There is invalid numeric data in the matrix provided. Try using Matrix Manipulation tools to fix invalid data.";
376 echo " 2. There is no variation in a row or column in the matrix. Try a different distance measure or remove rows/columns without variation using Matrix Manipulation tools.";
377 echo " 3. A covariate file has inadvertently been selected as an Input Matrix. Check your Input Matrix entry.";
378 fi
379 exit $rc;
380 fi
382 #Call java program to generate NGCHM viewer files.
383 java -jar $tooldir/GalaxyMapGen.jar "$parmJson"
384 #clean up tempdir
385 rm -rf $tdir