diff Matrix_Transformations.py @ 1:f1bcd79cd923 draft default tip

author insilico-bob
date Tue, 27 Nov 2018 14:20:40 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Matrix_Transformations.py	Tue Nov 27 14:20:40 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+Created on Jun 6, 2017  updated Feb 2018
+@author: cjacoby and Bob Brown
+import os
+import sys, traceback, argparse
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import size, array
+import warnings
+from Matrix_Validate_import import reader
+#import scipy.stats as ss
+#Define argparse Function
+def get_args():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('input_file_txt', help='text file input matrix(include .txt in name)')
+    parser.add_argument('choice', type=str, help='Choose normalization Method: 1 = Z-score, 2 = Mean Centered, 3 = log2, 4= rank')
+    parser.add_argument('axes', type=str, help='Choose Axis to normalize On (Row or Column)')
+    parser.add_argument('scalevalue', help='optional scaling factor for matrix)')
+    parser.add_argument('offsetvalue', help='optional offset for matrix')
+    parser.add_argument('output_file_txt', help='text file output matrix(include .txt in name)')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args
+def Zscore_row(matrix):
+    #Loop To Perform Z-Score normalization
+    for i in range(0,len(matrix)):
+        temp_mean = np.nanmean(matrix[i])
+        temp_stdev = np.nanstd(matrix[i],ddof=1)
+        for j in range(0,len(matrix[0])):
+            matrix[i][j] = (matrix[i][j]-temp_mean)/temp_stdev
+    return(matrix)
+#Define Z-Score normalization Function
+def Zscore_col(matrix):
+    #Loop To Perform Z-Score normalization
+    for i in range(len(matrix[0])):
+#            matrix[:][i] = [scaleValue*x+offset for x in matrix[i]] 
+        temp_mean = np.nanmean([row[i] for row in matrix])
+        temp_stdev = np.nanstd([row[i] for row in matrix],ddof=1)
+        #Probably Should Have if statement checking if stdev equals zero, although this implies the data is already Z-score normalized
+        for j in range(len(matrix)):
+            matrix[j][i] = (matrix[j][i]-temp_mean)/temp_stdev
+    return(matrix)
+#Define Mean Centered or Median centered normalization Function
+def MeanMedianCenter_row(matrix,type):
+    #Loop To Perform mean or median center
+    for i in range(0,len(matrix)):
+        if type == "mean": 
+            temp_type = np.nanmean(matrix[i][1::])
+        else:
+            temp_type = np.nanmedian(matrix[i][1::])
+        for j in range(0,len(matrix[0])):
+            matrix[i][j] = (matrix[i][j]-temp_type)
+    return(matrix)
+#Define mean or median
+def MeanMedianCenter_col(matrix,type):
+    #Loop To Perform mean or median center
+    for i in range(0,len(matrix[0])):
+        if type == "mean": 
+            temp_type = np.nanmean([row[i] for row in matrix])
+        else:
+            temp_type = np.nanmedian([row[i] for row in matrix])
+        #Probably Should Have if statement checking if stdev equals zero, although this implies the data is already Z-score normalized
+        for j in range(0,len(matrix)):
+            matrix[j][i] = (matrix[j][i]-temp_type)
+    return(matrix)
+#Divide by sum of the Row Function
+def Divide_By_Sum_row(matrix):
+    #Loop To Perform mean or median center
+    numRow,numCol= np.shape(matrix)
+    for i in range(numRow):
+        sumValue = sum(matrix[i][:])
+        #if equals zero
+        if abs(sumValue) > .0001:
+            for j in range(numCol):
+                matrix[i][j] = matrix[i][j]/sumValue
+        else: 
+            print("ERROR Cannot divide by Sum almost zero", str(sumValue), " for Row ",str(i+1))
+    return(matrix)
+#Divide by sum of the Column Function
+def Divide_By_Sum_col(matrix):
+    #Loop To Perform mean or median center
+    numRow,numCol= np.shape(matrix)
+    for i in range(numCol):
+        sumValue= 0
+        #if equals zero
+        if abs(sumValue) > .0001:
+            for j in range(numRow):
+                matrix[j][i] = (matrix[j][i]/sumValue)
+        else: 
+            print("ERROR Cannot divide by Sum almost zero", str(sumValue), " for Column ",str(i+1))
+    return(matrix)
+#scale or add offset to matrix by row 
+def ScaleOffset_row(matrix,scaleValue,offset):
+    #Loop To Perform scale and offset do one or the other per request
+    if abs(scaleValue) > 0.0001:
+        for i in range(0,len(matrix)):
+            matrix[i][:] = [scaleValue*x+offset for x in matrix[i]] 
+    else:
+        print (" Scale facter "+str(scaleValue)+" too small")
+    return(matrix)
+#scale or add offset to matrix by column
+def ScaleOffset_col(matrix,scaleValue,offset):
+    #Loop To Perform scale and offset do one or the other per request
+    if abs(scaleValue) > 0.0001:
+        for i in range(0,len(matrix[0])):
+            matrix[:][i] = [scaleValue*x+offset for x in matrix[i]] 
+    else:
+        print (" Scale facter "+str(scaleValue)+" too small")
+    return(matrix)
+#Define Log2 normalization Method
+def Convert2Logs(matrix,logValue, offset):
+    import warnings
+    warnings.filterwarnings('error')
+    #Loop To Perform Z-Score normalization
+    for i in range(0,len(matrix)):
+        for j in range(0,len(matrix[0])):
+            try:
+                if logValue == "log2":
+                    matrix[i][j] = np.log2(matrix[i][j]+offset)
+                else:
+                    matrix[i][j] = np.log10(matrix[i][j]+offset)
+            except RuntimeWarning:
+                print(logValue+" normalization Failed: Encountered elements <= 0, which are invalid inputs for a Log normalization")
+                break
+        else:
+            continue
+        break
+    return(matrix) 
+#transpose matrix
+def Transpose(in_mat):
+    out_mat     = []
+    numRow,numCol= np.shape(in_mat)
+    for i in range(numCol):
+        temp= []
+        for j in range(numRow):
+            temp.append(in_mat[j][i])
+        out_mat.append(temp)
+    #print( str(out_mat))
+    return out_mat
+# restores row and column labels in ouput
+def labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,output_file_txt):
+    #Define Null Sets For Col and Row Headers
+    with open(output_file_txt,'w') as f:
+        f.write("")
+        for k in range(0,len(og_cols)):
+                f.write('\t' + str(og_cols[k]) )
+        f.write('\n')
+        for i in range(0,len(og_rows)):
+                f.write(str(og_rows[i]) )
+                for j in range(0,len(matrix[0])):
+                        f.write('\t' + format(matrix[i][j]))
+                f.write('\n')
+#Define Main Function
+def main():
+    try:
+        args = get_args()
+        scaleValue = float(args.scalevalue)
+        offsetValue= float(args.offsetvalue)
+        #print(args)
+        #sys.stdout.write(str(args)+"\n")
+        matrix,og_cols,og_rows = reader(args.input_file_txt)
+        if args.choice == "z_score_normalization":
+            if args.axes == "Row":
+                matrix = Zscore_row(matrix)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("zcore, row")
+            elif args.axes == "Column":
+                matrix = Zscore_col(matrix)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("zscore, column")
+            else:
+                print("zscore, invalid axis")
+        elif args.choice == "mean_center_normalization":
+            if args.axes == "Row":
+                matrix = MeanMedianCenter_row(matrix,"mean")
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("mean-center by row")
+            elif args.axes == "Column":
+                matrix = MeanMedianCenter_col(matrix,"mean")
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("mean-center by column")
+            else:
+                print("meancenter, invalid axis")
+        elif args.choice == "median_center_normalization":
+            if args.axes == "Row":
+                matrix = MeanMedianCenter_row(matrix,"median")
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("median-center by row")
+            elif args.axes == "Column":
+                matrix = MeanMedianCenter_col(matrix,"median")
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("median-center by column")
+            else:
+                print("meancenter, invalid axis")
+        elif args.choice == "add_offset":
+            if args.axes == "Row":
+                #offset = -100 #!!!! TODO REMOVE AND ADD WHEN clause to xml to get value                
+                matrix = ScaleOffset_row(matrix,1.0,offsetValue)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("offset of "+str(offsetValue)+" by row")
+            elif args.axes == "Column":
+                matrix = ScaleOffset_col(matrix,1.0,offsetValue)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("offset of "+str(offsetValue)+" by column")
+            else:
+                print("offset"+str(offsetValue)+" invalid axis -not row or column")
+        elif args.choice == "scale":
+            if args.axes == "Row":
+                #scaleValue = 1000 #!!!! TODO REMOVE AND ADD WHEN clause to xml to get value
+                matrix = ScaleOffset_row(matrix,scaleValue,0.0)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("scaling "+str(scaleValue)+" by row")
+            elif args.axes == "Column":
+                matrix = ScaleOffset_col(matrix,scaleValue,0.0)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("scaling "+str(scaleValue)+" by column")
+            else:
+                print("scaling "+str(scaleValue)+" invalid axis")
+        elif args.choice == "transpose":
+            matrix = Transpose(matrix)  #issue using same  matrix? 
+            labeler(matrix,og_rows,og_cols,args.output_file_txt) #swapped row&col labels
+            print("transpose mxn matrix to nxm size")
+        elif args.choice == "ln_normalization":
+            matrix = Convert2Logs(matrix,"log2",offsetValue)
+            labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+            print("log2 plus "+str(offsetValue)+" normalization for all values")
+        elif args.choice == "log_normalization":
+            matrix = Convert2Logs(matrix,"log10",offsetValue)
+            labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+            print("log10 normalization for all values")
+        elif args.choice == "rank":
+            if args.axes == "Row":
+                matrix = Rankdata_ByRow(matrix)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("performed rank normalization by row")
+            elif args.axes == "Column":
+                matrix = Rankdata_ByColumn(matrix)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("performed rank normalization by column")
+            else:
+                print("rank, invalid axis")
+        elif args.choice == "divide_by_sum":
+            if args.axes == "Row":
+                matrix = Divide_By_Sum_row(matrix)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("performed divide row N values by row N's sum")
+            elif args.axes == "Column":
+                matrix = Divide_By_Sum_col(matrix)
+                labeler(matrix,og_cols,og_rows,args.output_file_txt)
+                print("performed divide column N values by column N's sum")
+            else:
+                print("divide_by_sum, invalid axis")
+        else:
+            print("Invalid normalization Choice")
+    except Exception as err:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
+    print("Done")