diff BC/batch_correction_3Llauncher.R @ 4:23314e1192d4 draft default tip

author melpetera
date Thu, 14 Jan 2021 09:56:58 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BC/batch_correction_3Llauncher.R	Thu Jan 14 09:56:58 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# batch_correction_3Llauncher                                                                                 #
+#                                                                                                             #
+# Authors: Jean-Francois MARTIN / Melanie Petera                                                              #
+# Starting date: 04-08-2020                                                                                   #
+# Based on batch_correction_wrapper.R version 2.91                                                            #
+# Version 1: 02-10-2020                                                                                       #
+#            - split of tool-linked code and script-linked one                                                #
+#            - handling of sample tags' parameters                                                            #
+#            - accepting samples beyond pools and samples                                                     #
+#            - dealing with special characters in IDs and column names                                        #
+#            - adding a min.norm argument to the function                                                     #
+#                                                                                                             #
+# Input files: dataMatrix.txt, sampleMetadata.txt, variableMetadata.txt (BC only)                             #
+# Output files: graph.pdf, corrected table (BC only), diagnostic table (DBC only), variableMetadata (BC only) #
+#                                                                                                             #
+meth3L <- function(idsample,iddata,sample_type_col_name,injection_order_col_name,batch_col_name,sample_type_tags,
+                   factbio,analyse,metaion,detail,method,outlog,span,valnull,
+                   rdata_output,dataMatrix_out,variableMetadata_out,out_graph_pdf,out_preNormSummary,min.norm){
+## Import function
+tab.import <- function(tested.file,tabtype){
+  tab.res <- tryCatch(read.table(tested.file,header=TRUE,sep='\t',check.names=FALSE,comment.char = ''), error=conditionMessage)
+  if(length(tab.res)==1){
+    stop(paste("Could not import the",tabtype,"file. There may be issues in your table integrity.\nCorresponding R error message:\n",tab.res))
+  }else{
+    tab.comp <- tryCatch(read.table(tested.file,header=TRUE,sep='\t',check.names=FALSE,comment.char = '',quote=""), error=conditionMessage)
+    if((length(tab.comp)!=1)&&(dim(tab.res)!=dim(tab.comp))){ # wrong original import due to quotes inside a column name
+      return(tab.comp)
+    }else{ return(tab.res) }
+  }
+## Reading of input files
+### Table match check 
+table.check <- match2(iddata,idsample,"sample")
+### StockID
+samp.id <- stockID(iddata,idsample,"sample")
+iddata<-samp.id$dataMatrix ; idsample<-samp.id$Metadata ; samp.id<-samp.id$id.match
+### Checking mandatory variables
+mand.check <- ""
+for(mandcol in c(sample_type_col_name, injection_order_col_name, batch_col_name)){
+  if(!(mandcol%in%colnames(idsample))){
+    mand.check <- c(mand.check,"\nError: no '",mandcol,"' column in sample metadata.\n",
+                    "Note: column names are case-sensitive.\n")
+  }
+  mand.check <- c(mand.check,"\nFor more information, see the help section or:",
+                  "\n http://workflow4metabolomics.org/sites/",
+                  "workflow4metabolomics.org/files/files/w4e-2016-data_processing.pdf\n")
+  check.err(mand.check)
+if(analyse == "batch_correction") {
+    ## Reading of Metadata Ions file
+    metaion=read.table(metaion,header=T,sep='\t',check.names=FALSE,comment.char = '')
+    ## Table match check 
+    table.check <- c(table.check,match2(iddata,metaion,"variable"))
+    ## StockID
+    var.id <- stockID(iddata,metaion,"variable")
+    iddata<-var.id$dataMatrix ; metaion<-var.id$Metadata ; var.id<-var.id$id.match
+### Formating
+### Transposition of ions data
+### Merge of 2 files (ok even if the two dataframe are not sorted on the same key)
+ids=merge(idsample, idTdata, by.x=1, by.y=1)
+### Checking the number of sample and pool
+# least 2 samples
+if(length(which(ids[[sample_type_col_name]] %in% sample_type_tags$sample))<2){
+    table.check <- c(table.check,"\nError: less than 2 samples specified in sample metadata.",
+           "\nMake sure this is not due to errors in your ",sample_type_col_name," coding.\n")
+# least 2 pools per batch for all batchs
+B <- rep(0,length(levels(ids[[batch_col_name]])))
+for(nbB in 1:length(levels(ids[[batch_col_name]]))){
+    B[nbB]<-length(which(ids[which(ids[[batch_col_name]]==(levels(ids[[batch_col_name]])[nbB])),,drop=FALSE][[sample_type_col_name]] %in% sample_type_tags$pool))
+    table.check <- c(table.check,"\nError: less than 2 pools specified in at least one batch in sample metadata.",
+           "\nMake sure this is not due to errors in your ",sample_type_col_name," coding.\n")
+### Checking the unicity of samples and variables
+uni.check <- function(tested.tab,tabtype,err.obj){
+  unicity <- duplicated(tested.tab[,1])
+  if(sum(unicity)>0){
+    #Sending back an explicit error
+    duptable <- t(t(table(tested.tab[,1][unicity])+1))
+    err.obj <- c(err.obj,paste0("\n-------\nError: your '",tabtype,"' IDs contain duplicates:\n"),
+                 paste(rownames(duptable),duptable,sep=": ",collapse="\n"),
+                 "\nSince identifiers are meant to be unique, please check your data.\n-------\n")
+  }
+  return(err.obj)
+table.check <- uni.check(ids,"sample",table.check)
+if(analyse == "batch_correction"){table.check <- uni.check(metaion,"variable",table.check)}
+## error check
+### BC/DBC-specific processing
+# Gathering mandatory information in a single object
+sm.meta <- list(batch=batch_col_name, injectionOrder=injection_order_col_name, sampleType=sample_type_col_name, sampleTag=sample_type_tags)
+if(analyse == "batch_correction") {
+    ## Launch
+    res = norm_QCpool(ids,nbid,outlog,factbio,metaion,detail,FALSE,FALSE,method,span,valnull,sm.meta,min.norm)
+    ## Get back original IDs
+    var.id <- reproduceID(res[[1]],res[[2]],"variable",var.id)
+    res[[1]] <- var.id$dataMatrix ; res[[2]] <- var.id$Metadata
+    samp.id <- reproduceID(res[[1]],res[[3]],"sample",samp.id)
+    res[[1]] <- samp.id$dataMatrix ; res[[3]] <- samp.id$Metadata
+    ## Save files
+    save(res, file=rdata_output)
+    write.table(res[[1]], file=dataMatrix_out, sep = '\t', row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+    write.table(res[[2]], file=variableMetadata_out, sep = '\t', row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+    ## Launch
+    plotsituation(ids,nbid,out_graph_pdf,out_preNormSummary,factbio,span,sm.meta)
+}#end of meth3L
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