diff Intchecks/Script_intensity_check.R @ 3:bdee2c2c484b draft

author melpetera
date Fri, 08 Mar 2019 09:07:12 -0500
parents 4973a2104cfd
children a31f3f802b2b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Intchecks/Script_intensity_check.R	Mon Jan 14 08:17:26 2019 -0500
+++ b/Intchecks/Script_intensity_check.R	Fri Mar 08 09:07:12 2019 -0500
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # SCRIPT INTENSITY CHECK                                                #
 #                                                                       #
 # Input: Data Matrix, VariableMetadata, SampleMetadata                  #
-# Output: VariableMetadata, Graphics (barplots and boxplots)            #
+# Output: VariableMetadata, Graphics                                    #
 #                                                                       #
 # Dependencies: RcheckLibrary.R                                         #
 #                                                                       #
@@ -13,16 +13,18 @@
   rm(list = ls())
-  setwd("Y:\\Developpement\\Intensity check\\Pour tests")
+  setwd("Y:\\Developpement\\Intensity check\\Pour tests\\Tests_global")
   DM.name <- "DM_NA.tabular"
   SM.name <- "SM_NA.tabular"
   VM.name <- "vM_NA.tabular"
-  class.col <- "2"
-  type <- "One_class"
-  class1 <- "Blanks"
+  method <- "one_class"
+  chosen.stat <- "mean,sd,quartile,decile,NA" 
+  class.col <- "2" 
+  test.fold <- "Yes" 
+  class1 <- "Pools"
   fold.frac <- "Top"
-  logarithm <- "log2"
+  logarithm <- "log10"
   VM.output <- "new_VM.txt"
   graphs.output <- "Barplots_and_Boxplots.pdf"
@@ -30,31 +32,31 @@
-intens_check <- function(DM.name, SM.name, VM.name, class.col, type, class1, fold.frac, logarithm,
-                         VM.output, graphs.output){
+intens_check <- function(DM.name, SM.name, VM.name, method, chosen.stat, class.col, test.fold, class1, fold.frac, 
+                         logarithm, VM.output, graphs.output){
-  # This function allows to check the intensities considering classes with a mean fold change calculation,  
-  # the number and the proportion of missing values (NA) in dataMatrix
+  # This function allows to check the intensities with various statistics, number of missing values and mean fold change
-  # Two options: 
-  # - one class (selected by the user) against all the remaining samples ("One_class")
-  # - tests on each class ("Each_class")
+  # Three methods proposed:
+  # - global: tests for each variable without distinction between samples
+  # - one class: one class versus all the remaining samples
+  # - each class: if the class columns contains at least three classes and you want to test each of them
   # Parameters:
   # DM.name, SM.name, VM.name: dataMatrix, sampleMetadata, variableMetadata files access
-  # class.col: number of the sampleMetadata's column with classes
-  # type: "One_class" or "Each_class"
-  # class1: name of the class, only if type="One_class"
-  # fold.frac: if type="One class": class1/other ("Top") or other/class1 ("Bottom")
-  # logarithm: "log2", "log10" or "none" for log mean fold change
+  # method: "global", "one_class", "each_class"
+  # chosen.stat: character listing the chosen analysis (comma-separated)
+  # class.col: number of the sampleMetadata's column with classes (if method = one_class or each_class)
+  # test.fold: "yes" or "no" (if method = one_class or each_class)
+  # class1: name of the class (if method = one_class)
+  # fold.frac: "Top" -> class1/other or "Bottom" -> other/class1 (if method = one_class) 
+  # logarithm: "log2", "log10" or "none" (if method = one_class or each_class)
   # VM.output: output file's access (VM with new columns)
   # graphs.output: pdf file's access with barplots for the proportion of NA and boxplots with the folds values
   # Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   DM <- read.table(DM.name, header=TRUE, sep="\t", check.names=FALSE)
@@ -66,247 +68,344 @@
   # Table match check with Rchecklibrary
   table.check <- match3(DM, SM, VM)
   rownames(DM) <- DM[,1]
   var_names <- DM[,1]
   DM <- DM[,-1]
   DM <- data.frame(t(DM))
-  class.col <- colnames(SM)[as.numeric(class.col)]
+  stat.list <- strsplit(chosen.stat,",")[[1]]
   # check class.col, class1 and the number of classes ---------------------------------------------------------
-  if(!(class.col %in% colnames(SM))){
-    stop("\n- - - - - - - - -\n", "The column ",class.col, " is not a part of the specify sample Metadata","\n- - - - - - - - -\n")
+  #set 1 class for all samples in case of method = no_class
+  if(method=="no_class"){
+    c_class <- rep("global", length=nrow(DM))
+    classnames <- "global"
+    nb_class=1
+    test.fold <- "No"
+  if(method != "no_class"){
+    class.col <- colnames(SM)[as.numeric(class.col)]
+    if(!(class.col %in% colnames(SM))){
+      stop("\n- - - - - - - - -\n", "The column ",class.col, " is not a part of the specify sample Metadata","\n- - - - - - - - -\n")
+    }
-  c_class <- SM[,class.col]
-  c_class <- as.factor(c_class)
-  nb_class <- nlevels(c_class)
-  classnames <- levels(c_class)
+    c_class <- SM[,class.col]
+    c_class <- as.factor(c_class)
+    nb_class <- nlevels(c_class)
+    classnames <- levels(c_class)
+    if((nb_class < 2)&&(test.fold=="Yes")){
+      err.1class <- c("\n The column",class.col, "contains only one class, fold calculation could not be executed \n")
+      cat(err.1class)  
+    }
+    if((nb_class > (nrow(SM))/3)&&(method == "each_class")){
+      class.err <- c("\n There are too many classes, think about reducing the number of classes and excluding those
+                    with few samples \n")
+      cat(class.err)
+    }
+    if(method == "one_class"){  
+      if(!(class1 %in% classnames)){
+        list.class1 <- c("\n Classes:",classnames,"\n")
+        cat(list.class1)
+        err.class1 <- c("The class ",class1, " does not appear in the column ", class.col)
+        stop("\n- - - - - - - - -\n", err.class1,"\n- - - - - - - - -\n")
+      }
-  if(nb_class < 2){
-    err.1class <- c("\n The column",class.col, "contains only one class, fold calculation could not be executed \n")
-    cat(err.1class)  
+      #If method is "one_class", change others classes in "other"
+      for(i in 1:length(c_class)){
+        if(c_class[i]!=class1){
+          c_class <- as.character(c_class)
+          c_class[i] <- "Other"
+          c_class <- as.factor(c_class)
+          nb_class <- nlevels(c_class)
+          classnames <- c(class1,"Other")
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  # Statistics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ### Initialization
+  DM <- cbind(c_class,DM)
+  stat.res <- t(DM[0,-1,drop=FALSE])
+  names <- NULL
+  mean.res <- NULL
+  mean.names <- NULL
-  if((nb_class > (nrow(SM))/3)){
-    class.err <- c("\n There are too many classes, think about reducing the number of classes and excluding those
-                   with few samples \n")
-    cat(class.err)
-  }
+  sd.res <- NULL
+  sd.names <- NULL
+  med.res <- NULL
+  med.names <- NULL
+  quart.res <- NULL
+  quart.names <- NULL
+  dec.res <- NULL
+  dec.names <- NULL
+  NA.res <- NULL
+  NA.names <- NULL
+  pct_NA.res <- NULL
+  pct_NA.names <- NULL
+  fold.res <- NULL
+  fold.names <- NULL
+  if(("NA" %in% stat.list)||(test.fold=="Yes")){
+    graphs <- 1 
+  }else{
+    graphs=0
+    }
+    data_bp <- data.frame() #table for NA barplot
-  if(type == "One_class"){  
-    if(!(class1 %in% classnames)){
-      list.class1 <- c("\n Classes:",classnames,"\n")
-      cat(list.class1)
-      err.class1 <- c("The class ",class1, " does not appear in the column ", class.col)
-      stop("\n- - - - - - - - -\n", err.class1,"\n- - - - - - - - -\n")
-    }
-  }
+  ### Computation
-  #If type is "one_class", change others classes in "other"
-  if(type == "One_class"){
-    for(i in 1:length(c_class)){
-      if(c_class[i]!=class1){
-        c_class <- as.character(c_class)
-        c_class[i] <- "Other"
-        c_class <- as.factor(c_class)
-        nb_class <- nlevels(c_class)
-        classnames <- c(class1,"Other")
+  for(j in 1:nb_class){
+    # Mean ---------
+    if("mean" %in% stat.list){ 
+      mean.res <- cbind(mean.res, colMeans(DM[which(DM$c_class==classnames[j]),-1],na.rm=TRUE))
+      mean.names <- cbind(mean.names, paste("Mean",classnames[j], sep="_"))
+      if(j == nb_class){
+        stat.res <- cbind(stat.res, mean.res)
+        names <- cbind(names, mean.names)
+      }
+    }
+    # Standard deviation -----
+    if("sd" %in% stat.list){ 
+      sd.res <- cbind(sd.res, apply(DM[which(DM$c_class==classnames[j]),-1],2,sd,na.rm=TRUE))
+      sd.names <- cbind(sd.names, paste("Sd",classnames[j], sep="_"))
+      if(j == nb_class){
+        stat.res <- cbind(stat.res, sd.res)
+        names <- cbind(names, sd.names)
+      }
+    }
+    # Median ---------
+    if(("median" %in% stat.list)&&(!("quartile" %in% stat.list))){
+      med.res <- cbind(med.res, apply(DM[which(DM$c_class==classnames[j]),-1],2,median,na.rm=TRUE))
+      med.names <- cbind(med.names, paste("Median",classnames[j], sep="_"))
+      if(j == nb_class){
+        stat.res <- cbind(stat.res, med.res)
+        names <- cbind(names, med.names)
+      }
+    }
+    # Quartiles ------
+    if("quartile" %in% stat.list){
+      quart.res <- cbind(quart.res,t(apply(DM[which(DM$c_class==classnames[j]),-1],2,quantile,na.rm=TRUE)))
+      quart.names <- cbind(quart.names, paste("Min",classnames[j], sep="_"),paste("Q1",classnames[j], sep="_"),
+                                        paste("Median",classnames[j],sep="_"),paste("Q3",classnames[j],sep="_"),
+                                         paste("Max",classnames[j],sep="_"))
+      if(j == nb_class){
+        stat.res <- cbind(stat.res, quart.res)
+        names <- cbind(names, quart.names)
+      }
+    }
+    # Deciles ------
+    if("decile" %in% stat.list){
+      dec.res <- cbind(dec.res,t(apply(DM[which(DM$c_class==classnames[j]),-1],2,quantile,na.rm=TRUE,seq(0,1,0.1))))
+      dec.names <- cbind(dec.names, t(matrix(paste((paste("D",seq(0,10,1),sep="")),classnames[j],sep="_"))))
+      if(j == nb_class){
+        stat.res <- cbind(stat.res, dec.res)
+        names <- cbind(names, dec.names)
+      }
+    }
+    # Missing values ------------
+    if("NA" %in% stat.list){
+      nb_NA <- apply(DM[which(DM$c_class==classnames[j]),-1],2,function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
+      pct_NA <- round(nb_NA/nrow(DM[which(DM$c_class==classnames[j]),-1])*100,digits=4)
+      NA.res <- cbind(NA.res,nb_NA)
+      pct_NA.res <- cbind(pct_NA.res,pct_NA)
+      NA.names <- cbind(NA.names, paste("NA",classnames[j], sep="_"))
+      pct_NA.names <- cbind(pct_NA.names,paste("Pct_NA", classnames[j], sep="_"))
+      if(j == nb_class){
+        stat.res <- cbind(stat.res, NA.res,pct_NA.res)
+        names <- cbind(names, NA.names,pct_NA.names)
+      }
+      #for barplots
+      Nb_NA_0_20 <- 0
+      Nb_NA_20_40 <- 0
+      Nb_NA_40_60 <- 0
+      Nb_NA_60_80 <- 0
+      Nb_NA_80_100 <- 0
+      for (i in 1:length(pct_NA)){
+        if ((0<=pct_NA[i])&(pct_NA[i]<20)){
+          Nb_NA_0_20=Nb_NA_0_20+1}
+        if ((20<=pct_NA[i])&(pct_NA[i]<40)){
+          Nb_NA_20_40=Nb_NA_20_40+1}
+        if ((40<=pct_NA[i])&(pct_NA[i]<60)){
+          Nb_NA_40_60=Nb_NA_40_60+1}
+        if ((60<=pct_NA[i])&(pct_NA[i]<80)){
+          Nb_NA_60_80=Nb_NA_60_80+1}   
+        if ((80<=pct_NA[i])&(pct_NA[i]<=100)){
+          Nb_NA_80_100=Nb_NA_80_100+1}   
+      }
+      data_bp[1,j] <- Nb_NA_0_20
+      data_bp[2,j] <- Nb_NA_20_40
+      data_bp[3,j] <- Nb_NA_40_60
+      data_bp[4,j] <- Nb_NA_60_80
+      data_bp[5,j] <- Nb_NA_80_100
+      rownames(data_bp) <- c("0%-20%", "20%-40%", "40%-60%", "60%-80%", "80%-100%")
+      if(j == nb_class){
+        # Alert message if there is no missing value in data matrix
+        sum_total <- sum(NA.res)
+        alerte <- NULL
+        if(sum_total==0){
+          alerte <- c(alerte, "Data Matrix contains no NA.\n")
+        }
+        if(length(alerte) != 0){
+          cat(alerte,"\n")
+        }
+        colnames(data_bp) <- classnames
+        data_bp <- as.matrix(data_bp)
+      }
+    }   
+    # Mean fold change ------------
+    if(test.fold=="Yes"){
+      if(nb_class >= 2){
+        if(j!=nb_class){
+          ratio1 <- NULL
+          ratio2 <- NULL
+          if(method=="each_class"){
+            fold.frac <- "Top"
+          }
+          for(k in (j+1):nb_class) {
+            if(fold.frac=="Bottom"){
+              ratio1 <- classnames[k]
+              ratio2 <- classnames[j]
+            }else{
+              ratio1 <- classnames[j]
+              ratio2 <- classnames[k]
+            }
+            fold <- colMeans(DM[which(DM$c_class==ratio1),-1],na.rm=TRUE)/
+                    colMeans(DM[which(DM$c_class==ratio2),-1],na.rm=TRUE)
+            if(logarithm=="log2"){
+              fold.res <- cbind(fold.res,log2(fold))
+            }else if(logarithm=="log10"){
+              fold.res <- cbind(fold.res,log10(fold))
+            }else{
+              fold.res <- cbind(fold.res, fold)
+            }
+            if(logarithm == "none"){
+              fold.names <- cbind(fold.names,paste("fold",ratio1,"VS", ratio2, sep="_"))
+            }else{
+            fold.names <- cbind(fold.names,paste(logarithm, "fold", ratio1, "VS", ratio2, sep="_"))
+            }
+          }
+        }else{
+          stat.res <- cbind(stat.res,fold.res)
+          names <- cbind(names, fold.names)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ############
+  # check columns names in variableMetadata
+  VM.names <- colnames(VM)
+  for (i in 1:length(VM.names)){
+    for (j in 1:length(names)){
+      if (VM.names[i]==names[j]){
+        names[j] <- paste(names[j], "2", sep="_")
+  colnames(stat.res) <- names
-  DM <- cbind(DM,c_class)
-  # fold calculation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  if(nb_class >= 2){
-    fold <- data.frame()
-    n <- 1
-    ratio1 <- NULL
-    ratio2 <- NULL
-    if(type=="Each_class"){
-      fold.frac <- "Top"
-    }
-    for(j in 1:(nb_class-1)){
-      for(k in (j+1):nb_class) {
-        if(fold.frac=="Bottom"){
-          ratio1 <- classnames[k]
-          ratio2 <- classnames[j]
-        }else{
-          ratio1 <- classnames[j]
-          ratio2 <- classnames[k]
-        }
-        for (i in 1:(length(DM)-1)){
-          fold[i,n] <- mean(DM[which(DM$c_class==ratio1),i], na.rm=TRUE)/
-            mean(DM[which(DM$c_class==ratio2),i], na.rm=TRUE)
-          if(logarithm=="log2"){
-            fold[i,n] <- log2(fold[i,n])
-          }else if(logarithm=="log10"){
-            fold[i,n] <- log10(fold[i,n])
-          }
-        }
-        names(fold)[n] <- paste("fold",ratio1,"VS", ratio2, sep="_")
-        if(logarithm != "none"){
-          names(fold)[n] <- paste(logarithm,names(fold)[n], sep="_")
-        }
-        n <- n + 1}
-    }
-  }
-  # number and proportion of NA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  calcul_NA <- data.frame()
-  pct_NA <- data.frame()
-  for (i in 1:(length(DM)-1)){
-    for (j in 1:nb_class){
-      n <- 0
-      new_DM <- DM[which(DM$c_class==classnames[j]),i]
-      for(k in 1:length(new_DM)){
-        if (is.na(new_DM[k])){
-          n <- n + 1}
-        calcul_NA[i,j] <- n
-        pct_NA[i,j] <- (calcul_NA[i,j]/length(new_DM))*100}
-    }
-  }
-  names(calcul_NA) <- paste("NA",classnames, sep="_")
-  names(pct_NA) <- paste("Pct_NA", classnames, sep="_")
-  # Alert message if there is no NA in data matrix
-  sumNA <- colSums(calcul_NA)
-  sum_total <- sum(sumNA)
-  alerte <- NULL
-  if(sum_total==0){
-    alerte <- c(alerte, "Data Matrix contains no NA.\n")
-  }
-  if(length(alerte) != 0){ 
-    cat(alerte,"\n")
-  }
-  table_NA <- cbind(calcul_NA, pct_NA)
-  # check columns names ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  VM.names <- colnames(VM)
-  # Fold
-  if(nb_class >=2){
-    fold.names <- colnames(fold)
-    for (i in 1:length(VM.names)){
-      for (j in 1:length(fold.names)){
-        if (VM.names[i]==fold.names[j]){
-          fold.names[j] <- paste(fold.names[j],"2", sep="_")
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    colnames(fold) <- fold.names
-    VM <- cbind(VM,fold)
-  }
-  # NA
-  NA.names <- colnames(table_NA)
-  for (i in 1:length(VM.names)){
-    for (j in 1:length(NA.names)){
-      if (VM.names[i]==NA.names[j]){
-        NA.names[j] <- paste(NA.names[j],"2", sep="_")
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  colnames(table_NA) <- NA.names
-  VM <- cbind(VM,table_NA)
-  #for NA barplots -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  data_bp <- data.frame()
-  for (j in 1:ncol(pct_NA)){
-    Nb_NA_0_20 <- 0
-    Nb_NA_20_40 <- 0
-    Nb_NA_40_60 <- 0
-    Nb_NA_60_80 <- 0
-    Nb_NA_80_100 <- 0
-    for (i in 1:nrow(pct_NA)){
-      if ((0<=pct_NA[i,j])&(pct_NA[i,j]<20)){
-        Nb_NA_0_20=Nb_NA_0_20+1
-      }
-      if ((20<=pct_NA[i,j])&(pct_NA[i,j]<40)){
-        Nb_NA_20_40=Nb_NA_20_40+1}
-      if ((40<=pct_NA[i,j])&(pct_NA[i,j]<60)){
-        Nb_NA_40_60=Nb_NA_40_60+1}
-      if ((60<=pct_NA[i,j])&(pct_NA[i,j]<80)){
-        Nb_NA_60_80=Nb_NA_60_80+1}   
-      if ((80<=pct_NA[i,j])&(pct_NA[i,j]<=100)){
-        Nb_NA_80_100=Nb_NA_80_100+1}   
-    }
-    data_bp[1,j] <- Nb_NA_0_20
-    data_bp[2,j] <- Nb_NA_20_40
-    data_bp[3,j] <- Nb_NA_40_60
-    data_bp[4,j] <- Nb_NA_60_80
-    data_bp[5,j] <- Nb_NA_80_100
-  }
-  rownames(data_bp) <- c("0%-20%", "20%-40%", "40%-60%", "60%-80%", "80%-100%")
-  colnames(data_bp) <- classnames
-  data_bp <- as.matrix(data_bp)
   # Output ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  VM <-cbind(VM,stat.res)
   write.table(VM, VM.output,sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
-  #graphics pdf
+  ### graphics pdf
+  if(graphs == 1){
   #Barplots for NA
+  if("NA" %in% stat.list){
+  graph.colors <- c("green3","palegreen3","lightblue","orangered","red")
   par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 8.1), xpd=TRUE)
-  bp=barplot(data_bp, col=rainbow(nrow(data_bp)), main="Proportion of NA", xlab="Classes", ylab="Variables")
-  legend("topright", fill=rainbow(nrow(data_bp)),rownames(data_bp), inset=c(-0.3,0))
+  bp=barplot(data_bp, col=graph.colors, main="Proportion of NA", xlab="Classes", ylab="Variables")
+  legend("topright", fill=graph.colors,rownames(data_bp), inset=c(-0.3,0))
   for (i in 1:nrow(data_bp)){
     text(bp, stock+data_bp[i,]/2, data_bp[i,], col="white", cex=0.7)
     stock <- stock+data_bp[i,]
-  #Boxplots for fold test
+  }
+  # Boxplots for fold test
-  if(nb_class >= 2){
-    clean_fold <- fold
+  if((test.fold=="Yes")&&(nb_class >= 2)){
+    clean_fold <- fold.res
     for(i in 1:nrow(clean_fold)){
       for(j in 1:ncol(clean_fold)){
@@ -316,12 +415,23 @@
     for (j in 1:ncol(clean_fold)){
       title <- paste(fold.names[j])
-      boxplot(clean_fold[j], main=title)
+      boxplot(clean_fold[,j], main=title)
-    }
+  }
+  dev.off()
-  dev.off()
+  }else{
+    pdf(graphs.output)
+    plot.new()
+    legend("center","You did not select any option with graphical output.")
+    dev.off()
+  }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file