diff td.py @ 0:3e56058d9552 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/monikaheinzl/duplexanalysis_galaxy/tree/master/tools/hd commit 9bae9043a53f1e07b502acd1082450adcb6d9e31-dirty
author mheinzl
date Wed, 16 Oct 2019 04:17:59 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/td.py	Wed Oct 16 04:17:59 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1364 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Tag distance analysis of SSCSs
+# Author: Monika Heinzl, Johannes-Kepler University Linz (Austria)
+# Contact: monika.heinzl@edumail.at
+# Takes at least one TABULAR file with tags before the alignment to the SSCS and
+# optionally a second TABULAR file as input. The program produces a plot which shows a histogram of Hamming distances
+# separated after family sizes, a family size distribution separated after Hamming distances for all (sample_size=0)
+# or a given sample of SSCSs or SSCSs, which form a DCS. In additon, the tool produces HD and FSD plots for the
+# difference between the HDs of both parts of the tags and for the chimeric reads and finally a CSV file with the
+# data of the plots. It is also possible to perform the HD analysis with shortened tags with given sizes as input.
+# The tool can run on a certain number of processors, which can be defined by the user.
+# USAGE: python td.py --inputFile filename --inputName1 filename --sample_size int /
+#        --only_DCS True --FamilySize3 True --subset_tag True --nproc int --minFS int --maxFS int
+#        --nr_above_bars True/False --output_tabular outptufile_name_tabular
+import argparse
+import itertools
+import operator
+import sys
+from collections import Counter, defaultdict
+from functools import partial
+from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
+import random
+import os
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
+def plotFSDwithHD2(familySizeList1, maximumXFS, minimumXFS, originalCounts,
+                   subtitle, pdf, relative=False, diff=True, rel_freq=False):
+    if diff is False:
+        colors = ["#e6194b", "#3cb44b", "#ffe119", "#0082c8", "#f58231", "#911eb4"]
+        labels = ["TD=1", "TD=2", "TD=3", "TD=4", "TD=5-8", "TD>8"]
+    else:
+        colors = ["#93A6AB", "#403C14", "#731E41", "#BAB591", "#085B6F", "#E8AA35", "#726C66"]
+        if relative is True:
+            labels = ["d=0", "d=0.1", "d=0.2", "d=0.3", "d=0.4", "d=0.5-0.8", "d>0.8"]
+        else:
+            labels = ["d=0", "d=1", "d=2", "d=3", "d=4", "d=5-8", "d>8"]
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 7))
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+    plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1)
+    p1 = numpy.bincount(numpy.concatenate(familySizeList1))
+    maximumY = numpy.amax(p1)
+    if len(range(minimumXFS, maximumXFS)) == 0:
+        range1 = range(minimumXFS - 1, minimumXFS + 2)
+    else:
+        range1 = range(0, maximumXFS + 2)
+    if rel_freq:
+        w = [numpy.zeros_like(data) + 1. / len(numpy.concatenate(familySizeList1)) for data in familySizeList1]
+        counts = plt.hist(familySizeList1, label=labels, weights=w, color=colors, stacked=True,
+                          rwidth=0.8, alpha=1, align="left", edgecolor="None", bins=range1)
+        plt.ylabel("Relative Frequency", fontsize=14)
+        plt.ylim((0, 1.07))
+    else:
+        counts = plt.hist(familySizeList1, label=labels, color=colors, stacked=True,
+                          rwidth=0.8, alpha=1, align="left", edgecolor="None", bins=range1)
+        if len(numpy.concatenate(familySizeList1)) != 0:
+            plt.ylim((0, max(numpy.bincount(numpy.concatenate(familySizeList1))) * 1.1))
+        plt.ylabel("Absolute Frequency", fontsize=14)
+        plt.ylim((0, maximumY * 1.2))
+    plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=14, frameon=True, bbox_to_anchor=(1.45, 1))
+    plt.suptitle(subtitle, y=1, x=0.5, fontsize=14)
+    plt.xlabel("Family size", fontsize=14)
+    ticks = numpy.arange(0, maximumXFS + 1, 1)
+    ticks1 = map(str, ticks)
+    if maximumXFS >= 20:
+        ticks1[len(ticks1) - 1] = ">=20"
+    plt.xticks(numpy.array(ticks), ticks1)
+    [l.set_visible(False) for (i, l) in enumerate(ax.get_xticklabels()) if i % 5 != 0]
+    plt.xlim((0, maximumXFS + 1))
+    legend = "\nfamily size: \nabsolute frequency: \nrelative frequency: "
+    plt.text(0.15, -0.08, legend, size=12, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)
+    count = numpy.bincount(originalCounts)  # original counts
+    if max(originalCounts) >= 20:
+        max_count = ">= 20"
+    else:
+        max_count = max(originalCounts)
+    legend1 = "{}\n{}\n{:.5f}".format(max_count, p1[len(p1) - 1], float(p1[len(p1) - 1]) / sum(p1))
+    plt.text(0.5, -0.08, legend1, size=12, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)
+    legend3 = "singletons\n{:,}\n{:.5f}".format(int(p1[1]), float(p1[1]) / sum(p1))
+    plt.text(0.7, -0.08, legend3, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure, size=12)
+    plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='#424242', linestyle=':')
+    pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight")
+    plt.close("all")
+def plotHDwithFSD(list1, maximumX, minimumX, subtitle, lenTags, pdf, xlabel, relative=False,
+                  nr_above_bars=True, nr_unique_chimeras=0, len_sample=0, rel_freq=False):
+    if relative is True:
+        step = 0.1
+    else:
+        step = 1
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8))
+    plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1)
+    p1 = numpy.array([v for k, v in sorted(Counter(numpy.concatenate(list1)).iteritems())])
+    maximumY = numpy.amax(p1)
+    if relative is True:  # relative difference
+        bin1 = numpy.arange(-1, maximumX + 0.2, 0.1)
+    else:
+        bin1 = maximumX + 1
+    if rel_freq:
+        w = [numpy.zeros_like(data) + 1. / len(numpy.concatenate(list1)) for data in list1]
+        counts = plt.hist(list1, bins=bin1, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1, weights=w,
+                          label=["FS=1", "FS=2", "FS=3", "FS=4", "FS=5-10", "FS>10"], rwidth=0.8,
+                          color=["#808080", "#FFFFCC", "#FFBF00", "#DF0101", "#0431B4", "#86B404"],
+                          stacked=True, alpha=1, align="left", range=(0, maximumX + 1))
+        plt.ylim((0, 1.07))
+        plt.ylabel("Relative Frequency", fontsize=14)
+        bins = counts[1]  # width of bins
+        counts = numpy.array(map(float, counts[0][5]))
+    else:
+        counts = plt.hist(list1, bins=bin1, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1,
+                          label=["FS=1", "FS=2", "FS=3", "FS=4", "FS=5-10", "FS>10"], rwidth=0.8,
+                          color=["#808080", "#FFFFCC", "#FFBF00", "#DF0101", "#0431B4", "#86B404"],
+                          stacked=True, alpha=1, align="left", range=(0, maximumX + 1))
+        maximumY = numpy.amax(p1)
+        plt.ylim((0, maximumY * 1.2))
+        plt.ylabel("Absolute Frequency", fontsize=14)
+        bins = counts[1]  # width of bins
+        counts = numpy.array(map(int, counts[0][5]))
+    plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=14, frameon=True, bbox_to_anchor=(1.45, 1))
+    plt.suptitle(subtitle, y=1, x=0.5, fontsize=14)
+    plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=14)
+    plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='#424242', linestyle=':')
+    plt.xlim((minimumX - step, maximumX + step))
+    # plt.axis((minimumX - step, maximumX + step, 0, numpy.amax(counts) + sum(counts) * 0.1))
+    plt.xticks(numpy.arange(0, maximumX + step, step))
+    if nr_above_bars:
+        bin_centers = -0.4 * numpy.diff(bins) + bins[:-1]
+        for x_label, label in zip(counts, bin_centers):  # labels for values
+            if x_label == 0:
+                continue
+            else:
+                if rel_freq:
+                    plt.annotate("{:,}\n{:.3f}".format(int(round(x_label * len(numpy.concatenate(list1)))),
+                                                       float(x_label)),
+                                 xy=(label, x_label + len(numpy.concatenate(list1)) * 0.0001),
+                                 xycoords="data", color="#000066", fontsize=10)
+                else:
+                    plt.annotate("{:,}\n{:.3f}".format(x_label, float(x_label) / sum(counts)),
+                                 xy=(label, x_label + len(numpy.concatenate(list1)) * 0.01),
+                                 xycoords="data", color="#000066", fontsize=10)
+    if nr_unique_chimeras != 0:
+        if (relative and ((counts[len(counts)-1] / nr_unique_chimeras) == 2)) or \
+                (sum(counts) / nr_unique_chimeras) == 2:
+            legend = "nr. of tags = {:,}\nsample size = {:,}\nnr. of data points = {:,}\nnr. of CF = {:,} ({:,})"\
+                .format(lenTags, len_sample, len(numpy.concatenate(list1)), nr_unique_chimeras, nr_unique_chimeras * 2)
+        else:
+            legend = "nr. of tags = {:,}\nsample size = {:,}\nnr. of data points = {:,}\nnr. of CF = {:,}".format(
+                lenTags, len_sample, len(numpy.concatenate(list1)), nr_unique_chimeras)
+    else:
+        legend = "nr. of tags = {:,}\nsample size = {:,}\nnr. of data points = {:,}".format(
+            lenTags, len_sample, len(numpy.concatenate(list1)))
+    plt.text(0.14, -0.07, legend, size=12, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)
+    pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight")
+    plt.close("all")
+    plt.clf()
+def plotHDwithDCS(list1, maximumX, minimumX, subtitle, lenTags, pdf, xlabel, relative=False,
+                  nr_above_bars=True, nr_unique_chimeras=0, len_sample=0, rel_freq=False):
+    step = 1
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8))
+    plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1)
+    p1 = numpy.array([v for k, v in sorted(Counter(numpy.concatenate(list1)).iteritems())])
+    maximumY = numpy.amax(p1)
+    bin1 = maximumX + 1
+    if rel_freq:
+        w = [numpy.zeros_like(data) + 1. / len(numpy.concatenate(list1)) for data in list1]
+        counts = plt.hist(list1, bins=bin1, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1, weights=w,
+                          label=["DCS", "ab", "ba"], rwidth=0.8, color=["#FF0000", "#5FB404", "#FFBF00"],
+                          stacked=True, alpha=1, align="left", range=(0, maximumX + 1))
+        plt.ylim((0, 1.07))
+        plt.ylabel("Relative Frequency", fontsize=14)
+        bins = counts[1]  # width of bins
+        counts = numpy.array(map(float, counts[0][2]))
+    else:
+        counts = plt.hist(list1, bins=bin1, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1,
+                          label=["DCS", "ab", "ba"], rwidth=0.8, color=["#FF0000", "#5FB404", "#FFBF00"],
+                          stacked=True, alpha=1, align="left", range=(0, maximumX + 1))
+        plt.ylim((0, maximumY * 1.2))
+        plt.ylabel("Absolute Frequency", fontsize=14)
+        bins = counts[1]  # width of bins
+        counts = numpy.array(map(int, counts[0][2]))
+    plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=14, frameon=True, bbox_to_anchor=(1.45, 1))
+    plt.suptitle(subtitle, y=1, x=0.5, fontsize=14)
+    plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=14)
+    plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='#424242', linestyle=':')
+    plt.xlim((minimumX - step, maximumX + step))
+    # plt.axis((minimumX - step, maximumX + step, 0, numpy.amax(counts) + sum(counts) * 0.1))
+    plt.xticks(numpy.arange(0, maximumX + step, step))
+    if nr_above_bars:
+        bin_centers = -0.4 * numpy.diff(bins) + bins[:-1]
+        for x_label, label in zip(counts, bin_centers):  # labels for values
+            if x_label == 0:
+                continue
+            else:
+                if rel_freq:
+                    plt.annotate("{:,}\n{:.3f}".format(int(round(x_label * len(numpy.concatenate(list1)))),
+                                                       float(x_label)),
+                                 xy=(label, x_label + len(numpy.concatenate(list1)) * 0.0001),
+                                 xycoords="data", color="#000066", fontsize=10)
+                else:
+                    plt.annotate("{:,}\n{:.3f}".format(x_label, float(x_label) / sum(counts)),
+                                 xy=(label, x_label + len(numpy.concatenate(list1)) * 0.01),
+                                 xycoords="data", color="#000066", fontsize=10)
+    if nr_unique_chimeras != 0:
+        if (sum(counts) / nr_unique_chimeras) == 2:
+            legend = "nr. of tags = {:,}\nsample size = {:,}\nnr. of data points = {:,}\nnr. of CF = {:,} ({:,})".\
+                format(lenTags, len_sample, len(numpy.concatenate(list1)), nr_unique_chimeras, nr_unique_chimeras * 2)
+        else:
+            legend = "nr. of tags = {:,}\nsample size = {:,}\nnr. of data points = {:,}\nnr. of CF = {:,}".format(
+                lenTags, len_sample, len(numpy.concatenate(list1)), nr_unique_chimeras)
+    else:
+        legend = "nr. of tags = {:,}\nsample size = {:,}\nnr. of data points = {:,}".format(
+            lenTags, len_sample, len(numpy.concatenate(list1)))
+    plt.text(0.14, -0.07, legend, size=12, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)
+    legend2 = "SSCS ab = {:,} ({:.5f})\nSSCS ba = {:,} ({:.5f})\nDCS = {:,} ({:.5f})".format(
+        len(list1[1]), len(list1[1]) / float(nr_unique_chimeras),
+        len(list1[2]), len(list1[2]) / float(nr_unique_chimeras),
+        len(list1[0]), len(list1[0]) / float(nr_unique_chimeras))
+    plt.text(0.6, -0.047, legend2, size=12, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)
+    pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight")
+    plt.close("all")
+    plt.clf()
+def plotHDwithinSeq(sum1, sum1min, sum2, sum2min, min_value, lenTags, pdf, len_sample, rel_freq=False):
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8))
+    plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1)
+    ham_partial = [sum1, sum1min, sum2, sum2min, numpy.array(min_value)]  # new hd within tags
+    maximumX = numpy.amax(numpy.concatenate(ham_partial))
+    minimumX = numpy.amin(numpy.concatenate(ham_partial))
+    maximumY = numpy.amax(numpy.array(numpy.concatenate(map(lambda x: numpy.bincount(x), ham_partial))))
+    if len(range(minimumX, maximumX)) == 0:
+        range1 = minimumX
+    else:
+        range1 = range(minimumX, maximumX + 2)
+    if rel_freq:
+        w = [numpy.zeros_like(data) + 1. / len(data) for data in ham_partial]
+        plt.hist(ham_partial, align="left", rwidth=0.8, stacked=False, weights=w,
+                 label=["TD a.min", "TD b.max", "TD b.min", "TD a.max", "TD a.min + b.max,\nTD a.max + b.min"],
+                 bins=range1, color=["#58ACFA", "#0404B4", "#FE642E", "#B40431", "#585858"],
+                 edgecolor='black', linewidth=1)
+        plt.ylabel("Relative Frequency", fontsize=14)
+        plt.ylim(0, 1.07)
+    else:
+        plt.hist(ham_partial, align="left", rwidth=0.8, stacked=False,
+                 label=["TD a.min", "TD b.max", "TD b.min", "TD a.max", "TD a.min + b.max,\nTD a.max + b.min"],
+                 bins=range1, color=["#58ACFA", "#0404B4", "#FE642E", "#B40431", "#585858"],
+                 edgecolor='black', linewidth=1)
+        plt.ylabel("Absolute Frequency", fontsize=14)
+    plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=14, frameon=True, bbox_to_anchor=(1.6, 1))
+    plt.suptitle('Tag distances within tags', fontsize=14)
+    plt.xlabel("TD", fontsize=14)
+    plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='#424242', linestyle=':')
+    plt.xlim((minimumX - 1, maximumX + 1))
+    # plt.axis((minimumX - 1, maximumX + 1, 0, maximumY * 1.2))
+    plt.xticks(numpy.arange(0, maximumX + 1, 1.0))
+    legend = "nr. of tags = {:,}\nsample size = {:,}\nnr. of data points = {:,}".format(
+        lenTags, len_sample, len(numpy.concatenate(ham_partial)))
+    plt.text(0.14, -0.05, legend, size=12, transform=plt.gcf().transFigure)
+    pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight")
+    plt.close("all")
+    plt.clf()
+def createTableFSD2(list1, diff=True):
+    selfAB = numpy.concatenate(list1)
+    uniqueFS = numpy.unique(selfAB)
+    nr = numpy.arange(0, len(uniqueFS), 1)
+    if diff is False:
+        count = numpy.zeros((len(uniqueFS), 6))
+    else:
+        count = numpy.zeros((len(uniqueFS), 7))
+    state = 1
+    for i in list1:
+        counts = list(Counter(i).items())
+        hd = [item[0] for item in counts]
+        c = [item[1] for item in counts]
+        table = numpy.column_stack((hd, c))
+        if len(table) == 0:
+            state = state + 1
+            continue
+        else:
+            if state == 1:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueFS, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueFS[l]:
+                            count[l, 0] = j[1]
+            if state == 2:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueFS, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueFS[l]:
+                            count[l, 1] = j[1]
+            if state == 3:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueFS, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueFS[l]:
+                            count[l, 2] = j[1]
+            if state == 4:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueFS, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueFS[l]:
+                            count[l, 3] = j[1]
+            if state == 5:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueFS, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueFS[l]:
+                            count[l, 4] = j[1]
+            if state == 6:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueFS, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueFS[l]:
+                            count[l, 5] = j[1]
+            if state == 7:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueFS, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueFS[l]:
+                            count[l, 6] = j[1]
+            state = state + 1
+        sumRow = count.sum(axis=1)
+        sumCol = count.sum(axis=0)
+    uniqueFS = uniqueFS.astype(str)
+    if uniqueFS[len(uniqueFS) - 1] == "20":
+        uniqueFS[len(uniqueFS) - 1] = ">20"
+    first = ["FS={}".format(i) for i in uniqueFS]
+    final = numpy.column_stack((first, count, sumRow))
+    return (final, sumCol)
+def createFileFSD2(summary, sumCol, overallSum, output_file, name, sep, rel=False, diff=True):
+    output_file.write(name)
+    output_file.write("\n")
+    if diff is False:
+        output_file.write("{}TD=1{}TD=2{}TD=3{}TD=4{}TD=5-8{}TD>8{}sum{}\n".format(
+            sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep))
+    else:
+        if rel is False:
+            output_file.write("{}diff=0{}diff=1{}diff=2{}diff=3{}diff=4{}diff=5-8{}diff>8{}sum{}\n".format(
+                sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep))
+        else:
+            output_file.write("{}diff=0{}diff=0.1{}diff=0.2{}diff=0.3{}diff=0.4{}diff=0.5-0.8{}diff>0.8{}sum{}\n".
+                              format(sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep))
+    for item in summary:
+        for nr in item:
+            if "FS" not in nr and "diff" not in nr:
+                nr = nr.astype(float)
+                nr = nr.astype(int)
+            output_file.write("{}{}".format(nr, sep))
+        output_file.write("\n")
+    output_file.write("sum{}".format(sep))
+    sumCol = map(int, sumCol)
+    for el in sumCol:
+        output_file.write("{}{}".format(el, sep))
+    output_file.write("{}{}".format(overallSum.astype(int), sep))
+    output_file.write("\n\n")
+def createTableHD(list1, row_label):
+    selfAB = numpy.concatenate(list1)
+    uniqueHD = numpy.unique(selfAB)
+    nr = numpy.arange(0, len(uniqueHD), 1)
+    count = numpy.zeros((len(uniqueHD), 6))
+    state = 1
+    for i in list1:
+        counts = list(Counter(i).items())
+        hd = [item[0] for item in counts]
+        c = [item[1] for item in counts]
+        table = numpy.column_stack((hd, c))
+        if len(table) == 0:
+            state = state + 1
+            continue
+        else:
+            if state == 1:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 0] = j[1]
+            if state == 2:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 1] = j[1]
+            if state == 3:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 2] = j[1]
+            if state == 4:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 3] = j[1]
+            if state == 5:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 4] = j[1]
+            if state == 6:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 5] = j[1]
+            state = state + 1
+        sumRow = count.sum(axis=1)
+        sumCol = count.sum(axis=0)
+        first = ["{}{}".format(row_label, i) for i in uniqueHD]
+        final = numpy.column_stack((first, count, sumRow))
+    return (final, sumCol)
+def createTableHDwithTags(list1):
+    selfAB = numpy.concatenate(list1)
+    uniqueHD = numpy.unique(selfAB)
+    nr = numpy.arange(0, len(uniqueHD), 1)
+    count = numpy.zeros((len(uniqueHD), 5))
+    state = 1
+    for i in list1:
+        counts = list(Counter(i).items())
+        hd = [item[0] for item in counts]
+        c = [item[1] for item in counts]
+        table = numpy.column_stack((hd, c))
+        if len(table) == 0:
+            state = state + 1
+            continue
+        else:
+            if state == 1:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 0] = j[1]
+            if state == 2:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 1] = j[1]
+            if state == 3:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 2] = j[1]
+            if state == 4:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 3] = j[1]
+            if state == 5:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 4] = j[1]
+            state = state + 1
+        sumRow = count.sum(axis=1)
+        sumCol = count.sum(axis=0)
+        first = ["TD={}".format(i) for i in uniqueHD]
+        final = numpy.column_stack((first, count, sumRow))
+    return (final, sumCol)
+def createTableHDwithDCS(list1):
+    selfAB = numpy.concatenate(list1)
+    uniqueHD = numpy.unique(selfAB)
+    nr = numpy.arange(0, len(uniqueHD), 1)
+    count = numpy.zeros((len(uniqueHD), len(list1)))
+    state = 1
+    for i in list1:
+        counts = list(Counter(i).items())
+        hd = [item[0] for item in counts]
+        c = [item[1] for item in counts]
+        table = numpy.column_stack((hd, c))
+        if len(table) == 0:
+            state = state + 1
+            continue
+        else:
+            if state == 1:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 0] = j[1]
+            if state == 2:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 1] = j[1]
+            if state == 3:
+                for k, l in zip(uniqueHD, nr):
+                    for j in table:
+                        if j[0] == uniqueHD[l]:
+                            count[l, 2] = j[1]
+            state = state + 1
+        sumRow = count.sum(axis=1)
+        sumCol = count.sum(axis=0)
+        first = ["TD={}".format(i) for i in uniqueHD]
+        final = numpy.column_stack((first, count, sumRow))
+    return (final, sumCol)
+def createFileHD(summary, sumCol, overallSum, output_file, name, sep):
+    output_file.write(name)
+    output_file.write("\n")
+    output_file.write("{}FS=1{}FS=2{}FS=3{}FS=4{}FS=5-10{}FS>10{}sum{}\n".format(
+        sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep))
+    for item in summary:
+        for nr in item:
+            if "TD" not in nr and "diff" not in nr:
+                nr = nr.astype(float)
+                nr = nr.astype(int)
+            output_file.write("{}{}".format(nr, sep))
+        output_file.write("\n")
+    output_file.write("sum{}".format(sep))
+    sumCol = map(int, sumCol)
+    for el in sumCol:
+        output_file.write("{}{}".format(el, sep))
+    output_file.write("{}{}".format(overallSum.astype(int), sep))
+    output_file.write("\n\n")
+def createFileHDwithDCS(summary, sumCol, overallSum, output_file, name, sep):
+    output_file.write(name)
+    output_file.write("\n")
+    output_file.write("{}DCS{}SSCS ab{}SSCS ba{}sum{}\n".format(sep, sep, sep, sep, sep))
+    for item in summary:
+        for nr in item:
+            if "TD" not in nr:
+                nr = nr.astype(float)
+                nr = nr.astype(int)
+            output_file.write("{}{}".format(nr, sep))
+        output_file.write("\n")
+    output_file.write("sum{}".format(sep))
+    sumCol = map(int, sumCol)
+    for el in sumCol:
+        output_file.write("{}{}".format(el, sep))
+    output_file.write("{}{}".format(overallSum.astype(int), sep))
+    output_file.write("\n\n")
+def createFileHDwithinTag(summary, sumCol, overallSum, output_file, name, sep):
+    output_file.write(name)
+    output_file.write("\n")
+    output_file.write("{}TD a.min{}TD b.max{}TD b.min{}TD a.max{}TD a.min + b.max, TD a.max + b.min{}sum{}\n".format(sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep, sep))
+    for item in summary:
+        for nr in item:
+            if "TD" not in nr:
+                nr = nr.astype(float)
+                nr = nr.astype(int)
+            output_file.write("{}{}".format(nr, sep))
+        output_file.write("\n")
+    output_file.write("sum{}".format(sep))
+    sumCol = map(int, sumCol)
+    for el in sumCol:
+        output_file.write("{}{}".format(el, sep))
+    output_file.write("{}{}".format(overallSum.astype(int), sep))
+    output_file.write("\n\n")
+def hamming(array1, array2):
+    res = 99 * numpy.ones(len(array1))
+    i = 0
+    array2 = numpy.unique(array2)  # remove duplicate sequences to decrease running time
+    for a in array1:
+        dist = numpy.array([sum(itertools.imap(operator.ne, a, b)) for b in array2])  # fastest
+        res[i] = numpy.amin(dist[dist > 0])  # pick min distance greater than zero
+        i += 1
+    return res
+def hamming_difference(array1, array2, mate_b):
+    array2 = numpy.unique(array2)  # remove duplicate sequences to decrease running time
+    array1_half = numpy.array([i[0:(len(i)) / 2] for i in array1])  # mate1 part1
+    array1_half2 = numpy.array([i[len(i) / 2:len(i)] for i in array1])  # mate1 part 2
+    array2_half = numpy.array([i[0:(len(i)) / 2] for i in array2])  # mate2 part1
+    array2_half2 = numpy.array([i[len(i) / 2:len(i)] for i in array2])  # mate2 part2
+    # diff11 = 999 * numpy.ones(len(array2))
+    # relativeDiffList = 999 * numpy.ones(len(array2))
+    # ham1 = 999 * numpy.ones(len(array2))
+    # ham2 = 999 * numpy.ones(len(array2))
+    # min_valueList = 999 * numpy.ones(len(array2))
+    # min_tagsList = 999 * numpy.ones(len(array2))
+    # diff11_zeros = 999 * numpy.ones(len(array2))
+    # min_tagsList_zeros = 999 * numpy.ones(len(array2))
+    diff11 = []
+    relativeDiffList = []
+    ham1 = []
+    ham2 = []
+    ham1min = []
+    ham2min = []
+    min_valueList = []
+    min_tagsList = []
+    diff11_zeros = []
+    min_tagsList_zeros = []
+    max_tag_list = []
+    i = 0  # counter, only used to see how many HDs of tags were already calculated
+    if mate_b is False:  # HD calculation for all a's
+        half1_mate1 = array1_half
+        half2_mate1 = array1_half2
+        half1_mate2 = array2_half
+        half2_mate2 = array2_half2
+    elif mate_b is True:  # HD calculation for all b's
+        half1_mate1 = array1_half2
+        half2_mate1 = array1_half
+        half1_mate2 = array2_half2
+        half2_mate2 = array2_half
+    # half1_mate1, index_halves = numpy.unique(half1_mate1, return_index=True)
+    # print(len(half1_mate1))
+    # half2_mate1 = half2_mate1[index_halves]
+    # array1 = array1[index_halves]
+    for a, b, tag in zip(half1_mate1, half2_mate1, array1):
+        # exclude identical tag from array2, to prevent comparison to itself
+        sameTag = numpy.where(array2 == tag)[0]
+        indexArray2 = numpy.arange(0, len(array2), 1)
+        index_withoutSame = numpy.delete(indexArray2, sameTag)  # delete identical tag from the data
+        # all tags without identical tag
+        array2_half_withoutSame = half1_mate2[index_withoutSame]
+        array2_half2_withoutSame = half2_mate2[index_withoutSame]
+        array2_withoutSame = array2[index_withoutSame]  # whole tag (=not splitted into 2 halfs)
+        # calculate HD of "a" in the tag to all "a's" or "b" in the tag to all "b's"
+        dist = numpy.array([sum(itertools.imap(operator.ne, a, c)) for c in
+                            array2_half_withoutSame])
+        min_index = numpy.where(dist == dist.min())[0]  # get index of min HD
+        min_value = dist.min()
+        # min_value = dist[min_index]  # get minimum HDs
+        # get all "b's" of the tag or all "a's" of the tag with minimum HD
+        min_tag_half2 = array2_half2_withoutSame[min_index]
+        min_tag_array2 = array2_withoutSame[min_index]  # get whole tag with min HD
+        dist_second_half = numpy.array([sum(itertools.imap(operator.ne, b, e)) for e in
+                                        min_tag_half2])  # calculate HD of "b" to all "b's" or "a" to all "a's"
+        max_value = dist_second_half.max()
+        max_index = numpy.where(dist_second_half == dist_second_half.max())[0]  # get index of max HD
+        max_tag = min_tag_array2[max_index]
+        # for d, d2 in zip(min_value, max_value):
+        if mate_b is True:  # half2, corrects the variable of the HD from both halfs if it is a or b
+            ham2.append(min_value)
+            ham2min.append(max_value)
+        else:  # half1, corrects the variable of the HD from both halfs if it is a or b
+            ham1.append(min_value)
+            ham1min.append(max_value)
+        min_valueList.append(min_value + max_value)
+        min_tagsList.append(tag)
+        difference1 = abs(min_value - max_value)
+        diff11.append(difference1)
+        rel_difference = round(float(difference1) / (min_value + max_value), 1)
+        relativeDiffList.append(rel_difference)
+        # tags which have identical parts:
+        if min_value == 0 or max_value == 0:
+            min_tagsList_zeros.append(numpy.array(tag))
+            difference1_zeros = abs(min_value - max_value)  # td of non-identical part
+            diff11_zeros.append(difference1_zeros)
+            max_tag_list.append(numpy.array(max_tag))
+        else:
+            min_tagsList_zeros.append(None)
+            diff11_zeros.append(None)
+            max_tag_list.append(None)
+        i += 1
+    # print(i)
+    # diff11 = [st for st in diff11 if st != 999]
+    # ham1 = [st for st in ham1 if st != 999]
+    # ham2 = [st for st in ham2 if st != 999]
+    # min_valueList = [st for st in min_valueList if st != 999]
+    # min_tagsList = [st for st in min_tagsList if st != 999]
+    # relativeDiffList = [st for st in relativeDiffList if st != 999]
+    # diff11_zeros = [st for st in diff11_zeros if st != 999]
+    # min_tagsList_zeros = [st for st in min_tagsList_zeros if st != 999]
+    return ([diff11, ham1, ham2, min_valueList, min_tagsList, relativeDiffList, diff11_zeros,
+             min_tagsList_zeros, ham1min, ham2min, max_tag_list])
+def readFileReferenceFree(file):
+    with open(file, 'r') as dest_f:
+        data_array = numpy.genfromtxt(dest_f, skip_header=0, delimiter='\t', comments='#', dtype='string')
+        integers = numpy.array(data_array[:, 0]).astype(int)
+        return(integers, data_array)
+def hammingDistanceWithFS(fs, ham):
+    fs = numpy.asarray(fs)
+    maximum = max(ham)
+    minimum = min(ham)
+    ham = numpy.asarray(ham)
+    singletons = numpy.where(fs == 1)[0]
+    data = ham[singletons]
+    hd2 = numpy.where(fs == 2)[0]
+    data2 = ham[hd2]
+    hd3 = numpy.where(fs == 3)[0]
+    data3 = ham[hd3]
+    hd4 = numpy.where(fs == 4)[0]
+    data4 = ham[hd4]
+    hd5 = numpy.where((fs >= 5) & (fs <= 10))[0]
+    data5 = ham[hd5]
+    hd6 = numpy.where(fs > 10)[0]
+    data6 = ham[hd6]
+    list1 = [data, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6]
+    return(list1, maximum, minimum)
+def familySizeDistributionWithHD(fs, ham, diff=False, rel=True):
+    hammingDistances = numpy.unique(ham)
+    fs = numpy.asarray(fs)
+    ham = numpy.asarray(ham)
+    bigFamilies2 = numpy.where(fs > 19)[0]
+    if len(bigFamilies2) != 0:
+        fs[bigFamilies2] = 20
+    maximum = max(fs)
+    minimum = min(fs)
+    if diff is True:
+        hd0 = numpy.where(ham == 0)[0]
+        data0 = fs[hd0]
+    if rel is True:
+        hd1 = numpy.where(ham == 0.1)[0]
+    else:
+        hd1 = numpy.where(ham == 1)[0]
+    data = fs[hd1]
+    if rel is True:
+        hd2 = numpy.where(ham == 0.2)[0]
+    else:
+        hd2 = numpy.where(ham == 2)[0]
+    data2 = fs[hd2]
+    if rel is True:
+        hd3 = numpy.where(ham == 0.3)[0]
+    else:
+        hd3 = numpy.where(ham == 3)[0]
+    data3 = fs[hd3]
+    if rel is True:
+        hd4 = numpy.where(ham == 0.4)[0]
+    else:
+        hd4 = numpy.where(ham == 4)[0]
+    data4 = fs[hd4]
+    if rel is True:
+        hd5 = numpy.where((ham >= 0.5) & (ham <= 0.8))[0]
+    else:
+        hd5 = numpy.where((ham >= 5) & (ham <= 8))[0]
+    data5 = fs[hd5]
+    if rel is True:
+        hd6 = numpy.where(ham > 0.8)[0]
+    else:
+        hd6 = numpy.where(ham > 8)[0]
+    data6 = fs[hd6]
+    if diff is True:
+        list1 = [data0, data, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6]
+    else:
+        list1 = [data, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6]
+    return(list1, hammingDistances, maximum, minimum)
+def hammingDistanceWithDCS(minHD_tags_zeros, diff_zeros, data_array):
+    diff_zeros = numpy.array(diff_zeros)
+    maximum = numpy.amax(diff_zeros)
+    minimum = numpy.amin(diff_zeros)
+    minHD_tags_zeros = numpy.array(minHD_tags_zeros)
+    idx = numpy.concatenate([numpy.where(data_array[:, 1] == i)[0] for i in minHD_tags_zeros])
+    subset_data = data_array[idx, :]
+    seq = numpy.array(subset_data[:, 1])
+    # find all unique tags and get the indices for ALL tags, but only once
+    u, index_unique, c = numpy.unique(numpy.array(seq), return_counts=True, return_index=True)
+    DCS_tags = u[c == 2]
+    rest_tags = u[c == 1]
+    dcs = numpy.repeat("DCS", len(DCS_tags))
+    idx_sscs = numpy.concatenate([numpy.where(subset_data[:, 1] == i)[0] for i in rest_tags])
+    sscs = subset_data[idx_sscs, 2]
+    all_tags = numpy.column_stack((numpy.concatenate((DCS_tags, subset_data[idx_sscs, 1])),
+                                   numpy.concatenate((dcs, sscs))))
+    hd_DCS = []
+    ab_SSCS = []
+    ba_SSCS = []
+    for i in range(len(all_tags)):
+        tag = all_tags[i, :]
+        hd = diff_zeros[numpy.where(minHD_tags_zeros == tag[0])[0]]
+        if tag[1] == "DCS":
+            hd_DCS.append(hd)
+        elif tag[1] == "ab":
+            ab_SSCS.append(hd)
+        elif tag[1] == "ba":
+            ba_SSCS.append(hd)
+    if len(hd_DCS) != 0:
+        hd_DCS = numpy.concatenate(hd_DCS)
+    if len(ab_SSCS) != 0:
+        ab_SSCS = numpy.concatenate(ab_SSCS)
+    if len(ba_SSCS) != 0:
+        ba_SSCS = numpy.concatenate(ba_SSCS)
+    list1 = [hd_DCS, ab_SSCS, ba_SSCS]  # list for plotting
+    return(list1, maximum, minimum)
+def make_argparser():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tag distance analysis of duplex sequencing data')
+    parser.add_argument('--inputFile',
+                        help='Tabular File with three columns: ab or ba, tag and family size.')
+    parser.add_argument('--inputName1')
+    parser.add_argument('--sample_size', default=1000, type=int,
+                        help='Sample size of Tag distance analysis.')
+    parser.add_argument('--subset_tag', default=0, type=int,
+                        help='The tag is shortened to the given number.')
+    parser.add_argument('--nproc', default=4, type=int,
+                        help='The tool runs with the given number of processors.')
+    parser.add_argument('--only_DCS', action="store_false",
+                        help='Only tags of the DCSs are included in the HD analysis')
+    parser.add_argument('--minFS', default=1, type=int,
+                        help='Only tags, which have a family size greater or equal than specified, '
+                             'are included in the HD analysis')
+    parser.add_argument('--maxFS', default=0, type=int,
+                        help='Only tags, which have a family size smaller or equal than specified, '
+                             'are included in the HD analysis')
+    parser.add_argument('--nr_above_bars', action="store_true",
+                        help='If False, values above bars in the histograms are removed')
+    parser.add_argument('--rel_freq', action="store_false",
+                        help='If True, the relative frequencies are displayed.')
+    parser.add_argument('--output_tabular', default="data.tabular", type=str,
+                        help='Name of the tabular file.')
+    parser.add_argument('--output_pdf', default="data.pdf", type=str,
+                        help='Name of the pdf file.')
+    parser.add_argument('--output_chimeras_tabular', default="data.tabular", type=str,
+                        help='Name of the tabular file with all chimeric tags.')
+    return parser
+def Hamming_Distance_Analysis(argv):
+    parser = make_argparser()
+    args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+    file1 = args.inputFile
+    name1 = args.inputName1
+    index_size = args.sample_size
+    title_savedFile_pdf = args.output_pdf
+    title_savedFile_csv = args.output_tabular
+    output_chimeras_tabular = args.output_chimeras_tabular
+    onlyDuplicates = args.only_DCS
+    rel_freq = args.rel_freq
+    minFS = args.minFS
+    maxFS = args.maxFS
+    nr_above_bars = args.nr_above_bars
+    subset = args.subset_tag
+    nproc = args.nproc
+    sep = "\t"
+    # input checks
+    if index_size < 0:
+        print("index_size is a negative integer.")
+        exit(2)
+    if nproc <= 0:
+        print("nproc is smaller or equal zero")
+        exit(3)
+    if subset < 0:
+        print("subset_tag is smaller or equal zero.")
+        exit(5)
+    # PLOT
+    plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = "E0E0E0"  # grey background color
+    plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 14
+    plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 14
+    plt.rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = "#000000"
+    plt.rc('figure', figsize=(11.69, 8.27))  # A4 format
+    name1 = name1.split(".tabular")[0]
+    with open(title_savedFile_csv, "w") as output_file, PdfPages(title_savedFile_pdf) as pdf:
+        print("dataset: ", name1)
+        integers, data_array = readFileReferenceFree(file1)
+        data_array = numpy.array(data_array)
+        print("total nr of tags:", len(data_array))
+        # filter tags out which contain any other character than ATCG
+        valid_bases = ["A", "T", "G", "C"]
+        tagsToDelete = []
+        for idx, t in enumerate(data_array[:, 1]):
+            for char in t:
+                if char not in valid_bases:
+                    tagsToDelete.append(idx)
+                    break
+        if len(tagsToDelete) != 0:  # delete tags with N in the tag from data
+            print("nr of tags with any other character than A, T, C, G:", len(tagsToDelete),
+                  float(len(tagsToDelete)) / len(data_array))
+            index_whole_array = numpy.arange(0, len(data_array), 1)
+            index_withoutN_inTag = numpy.delete(index_whole_array, tagsToDelete)
+            data_array = data_array[index_withoutN_inTag, :]
+            integers = integers[index_withoutN_inTag]
+            print("total nr of filtered tags:", len(data_array))
+        int_f = numpy.array(data_array[:, 0]).astype(int)
+        data_array = data_array[numpy.where(int_f >= minFS)]
+        integers = integers[integers >= minFS]
+        # select family size for tags
+        if maxFS > 0:
+            int_f2 = numpy.array(data_array[:, 0]).astype(int)
+            data_array = data_array[numpy.where(int_f2 <= maxFS)]
+            integers = integers[integers <= maxFS]
+        if onlyDuplicates is True:
+            tags = data_array[:, 2]
+            seq = data_array[:, 1]
+            # find all unique tags and get the indices for ALL tags, but only once
+            u, index_unique, c = numpy.unique(numpy.array(seq), return_counts=True, return_index=True)
+            d = u[c == 2]
+            # get family sizes, tag for duplicates
+            duplTags_double = integers[numpy.in1d(seq, d)]
+            duplTags = duplTags_double[0::2]  # ab of DCS
+            duplTagsBA = duplTags_double[1::2]  # ba of DCS
+            duplTags_tag = tags[numpy.in1d(seq, d)][0::2]  # ab
+            duplTags_seq = seq[numpy.in1d(seq, d)][0::2]  # ab - tags
+            if minFS > 1:
+                duplTags_tag = duplTags_tag[(duplTags >= minFS) & (duplTagsBA >= minFS)]
+                duplTags_seq = duplTags_seq[(duplTags >= minFS) & (duplTagsBA >= minFS)]
+                duplTags = duplTags[(duplTags >= minFS) & (duplTagsBA >= minFS)]  # ab+ba with FS>=3
+            data_array = numpy.column_stack((duplTags, duplTags_seq))
+            data_array = numpy.column_stack((data_array, duplTags_tag))
+            integers = numpy.array(data_array[:, 0]).astype(int)
+            print("DCS in whole dataset", len(data_array))
+        print("min FS", min(integers))
+        print("max FS", max(integers))
+        # HD analysis for a subset of the tag
+        if subset > 0:
+            tag1 = numpy.array([i[0:(len(i)) / 2] for i in data_array[:, 1]])
+            tag2 = numpy.array([i[len(i) / 2:len(i)] for i in data_array[:, 1]])
+            flanking_region_float = float((len(tag1[0]) - subset)) / 2
+            flanking_region = int(flanking_region_float)
+            if flanking_region_float % 2 == 0:
+                tag1_shorten = numpy.array([i[flanking_region:len(i) - flanking_region] for i in tag1])
+                tag2_shorten = numpy.array([i[flanking_region:len(i) - flanking_region] for i in tag2])
+            else:
+                flanking_region_rounded = int(round(flanking_region, 1))
+                flanking_region_rounded_end = len(tag1[0]) - subset - flanking_region_rounded
+                tag1_shorten = numpy.array(
+                    [i[flanking_region:len(i) - flanking_region_rounded_end] for i in tag1])
+                tag2_shorten = numpy.array(
+                    [i[flanking_region:len(i) - flanking_region_rounded_end] for i in tag2])
+            data_array_tag = numpy.array([i + j for i, j in zip(tag1_shorten, tag2_shorten)])
+            data_array = numpy.column_stack((data_array[:, 0], data_array_tag, data_array[:, 2]))
+        print("length of tag= ", len(data_array[0, 1]))
+        # select sample: if no size given --> all vs. all comparison
+        if index_size == 0:
+            result = numpy.arange(0, len(data_array), 1)
+        else:
+            numpy.random.shuffle(data_array)
+            unique_tags, unique_indices = numpy.unique(data_array[:, 1], return_index=True)  # get only unique tags
+            result = numpy.random.choice(unique_indices, size=index_size,
+                                         replace=False)  # array of random sequences of size=index.size
+            # result = numpy.random.choice(len(integers), size=index_size,
+            #                             replace=False)  # array of random sequences of size=index.size
+            # result = numpy.where(numpy.array(random_tags) == numpy.array(data_array[:,1]))[0]
+        # with open("index_result.pkl", "wb") as o:
+        #     pickle.dump(result, o, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+        # save counts
+        # with open(data_folder + "index_sampleTags1000_Barcode3_DCS.pkl", "wb") as f:
+        #     pickle.dump(result, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+        # with open(data_folder + "dataArray_sampleTags1000_Barcode3_DCS.pkl", "wb") as f1:
+        #     pickle.dump(data_array, f1, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+        #
+        # with open(data_folder + "index_sampleTags100.pkl", "rb") as f:
+        #     result = pickle.load(f)
+        #
+        # with open(data_folder + "dataArray_sampleTags100.pkl", "rb") as f1:
+        #     data_array = pickle.load(f1)
+        # with open(data_folder + "index_result.txt", "w") as t:
+        #     for text in result:
+        #         t.write("{}\n".format(text))
+        # comparison random tags to whole dataset
+        result1 = data_array[result, 1]  # random tags
+        result2 = data_array[:, 1]  # all tags
+        print("sample size= ", len(result1))
+        # HD analysis of whole tag
+        proc_pool = Pool(nproc)
+        chunks_sample = numpy.array_split(result1, nproc)
+        ham = proc_pool.map(partial(hamming, array2=result2), chunks_sample)
+        proc_pool.close()
+        proc_pool.join()
+        ham = numpy.concatenate(ham).astype(int)
+        # with open("HD_whole dataset_{}.txt".format(app_f), "w") as output_file1:
+        # for h, tag in zip(ham, result1):
+        #     output_file1.write("{}\t{}\n".format(tag, h))
+        # # HD analysis for chimeric reads
+        # result2 = data_array_whole_dataset[:,1]
+        proc_pool_b = Pool(nproc)
+        diff_list_a = proc_pool_b.map(partial(hamming_difference, array2=result2, mate_b=False), chunks_sample)
+        diff_list_b = proc_pool_b.map(partial(hamming_difference, array2=result2, mate_b=True), chunks_sample)
+        proc_pool_b.close()
+        proc_pool_b.join()
+        HDhalf1 = numpy.concatenate((numpy.concatenate([item[1] for item in diff_list_a]),
+                                     numpy.concatenate([item_b[1] for item_b in diff_list_b]))).astype(int)
+        HDhalf2 = numpy.concatenate((numpy.concatenate([item[2] for item in diff_list_a]),
+                                     numpy.concatenate([item_b[2] for item_b in diff_list_b]))).astype(int)
+        minHDs = numpy.concatenate((numpy.concatenate([item[3] for item in diff_list_a]),
+                                    numpy.concatenate([item_b[3] for item_b in diff_list_b]))).astype(int)
+        HDhalf1min = numpy.concatenate((numpy.concatenate([item[8] for item in diff_list_a]),
+                                        numpy.concatenate([item_b[8] for item_b in diff_list_b]))).astype(int)
+        HDhalf2min = numpy.concatenate((numpy.concatenate([item[9] for item in diff_list_a]),
+                                        numpy.concatenate([item_b[9] for item_b in diff_list_b]))).astype(int)
+        rel_Diff1 = numpy.concatenate([item[5] for item in diff_list_a])
+        rel_Diff2 = numpy.concatenate([item[5] for item in diff_list_b])
+        diff1 = numpy.concatenate([item[0] for item in diff_list_a])
+        diff2 = numpy.concatenate([item[0] for item in diff_list_b])
+        diff_zeros1 = numpy.concatenate([item[6] for item in diff_list_a])
+        diff_zeros2 = numpy.concatenate([item[6] for item in diff_list_b])
+        minHD_tags = numpy.concatenate([item[4] for item in diff_list_a])
+        minHD_tags_zeros1 = numpy.concatenate([item[7] for item in diff_list_a])
+        minHD_tags_zeros2 = numpy.concatenate([item[7] for item in diff_list_b])
+        chimera_tags1 = sum([item[10] for item in diff_list_a], [])
+        chimera_tags2 = sum([item[10] for item in diff_list_b], [])
+        rel_Diff = []
+        diff_zeros = []
+        minHD_tags_zeros = []
+        diff = []
+        chimera_tags = []
+        for d1, d2, rel1, rel2, zeros1, zeros2, tag1, tag2, ctag1, ctag2 in \
+                zip(diff1, diff2, rel_Diff1, rel_Diff2, diff_zeros1, diff_zeros2, minHD_tags_zeros1, minHD_tags_zeros2,
+                    chimera_tags1, chimera_tags2):
+            relatives = numpy.array([rel1, rel2])
+            absolutes = numpy.array([d1, d2])
+            max_idx = numpy.argmax(relatives)
+            rel_Diff.append(relatives[max_idx])
+            diff.append(absolutes[max_idx])
+            if all(i is not None for i in [zeros1, zeros2]):
+                diff_zeros.append(max(zeros1, zeros2))
+                minHD_tags_zeros.append(str(tag1))
+                tags = [ctag1, ctag2]
+                chimera_tags.append(tags)
+            elif zeros1 is not None and zeros2 is None:
+                diff_zeros.append(zeros1)
+                minHD_tags_zeros.append(str(tag1))
+                chimera_tags.append(ctag1)
+            elif zeros1 is None and zeros2 is not None:
+                diff_zeros.append(zeros2)
+                minHD_tags_zeros.append(str(tag2))
+                chimera_tags.append(ctag2)
+        chimera_tags_new = chimera_tags
+        data_chimeraAnalysis = numpy.column_stack((minHD_tags_zeros, chimera_tags_new))
+        # chimeras_dic = defaultdict(list)
+        #
+        # for t1, t2 in zip(minHD_tags_zeros, chimera_tags_new):
+        #     if len(t2) >1 and type(t2) is not numpy.ndarray:
+        #         t2 = numpy.concatenate(t2)
+        #     chimeras_dic[t1].append(t2)
+        checked_tags = []
+        stat_maxTags = []
+        with open(output_chimeras_tabular, "w") as output_file1:
+            output_file1.write("chimera tag\tfamily size, read direction\tsimilar tag with TD=0\n")
+            for i in range(len(data_chimeraAnalysis)):
+                tag1 = data_chimeraAnalysis[i, 0]
+                info_tag1 = data_array[data_array[:, 1] == tag1, :]
+                fs_tag1 = ["{} {}".format(t[0], t[2]) for t in info_tag1]
+                if tag1 in checked_tags:  # skip tag if already written to file
+                    continue
+                sample_half_a = tag1[0:(len(tag1)) / 2]
+                sample_half_b = tag1[len(tag1) / 2:len(tag1)]
+                max_tags = data_chimeraAnalysis[i, 1]
+                if len(max_tags) > 1 and len(max_tags) != len(data_array[0, 1]) and type(max_tags) is not numpy.ndarray:
+                    max_tags = numpy.concatenate(max_tags)
+                max_tags = numpy.unique(max_tags)
+                stat_maxTags.append(len(max_tags))
+                info_maxTags = [data_array[data_array[:, 1] == t, :] for t in max_tags]
+                chimera_half_a = numpy.array([t[0:(len(t)) / 2] for t in max_tags])  # mate1 part1
+                chimera_half_b = numpy.array([t[len(t) / 2:len(t)] for t in max_tags])  # mate1 part 2
+                new_format = []
+                for j in range(len(max_tags)):
+                    fs_maxTags = ["{} {}".format(t[0], t[2]) for t in info_maxTags[j]]
+                    if sample_half_a == chimera_half_a[j]:
+                        max_tag = "*{}* {} {}".format(chimera_half_a[j], chimera_half_b[j], ", ".join(fs_maxTags))
+                        new_format.append(max_tag)
+                    elif sample_half_b == chimera_half_b[j]:
+                        max_tag = "{} *{}* {}".format(chimera_half_a[j], chimera_half_b[j], ", ".join(fs_maxTags))
+                        new_format.append(max_tag)
+                    checked_tags.append(max_tags[j])
+                sample_tag = "{} {}\t{}".format(sample_half_a, sample_half_b, ", ".join(fs_tag1))
+                output_file1.write("{}\t{}\n".format(sample_tag, ", ".join(new_format)))
+                checked_tags.append(tag1)
+            output_file1.write(
+                "This file contains all tags that were identified as chimeras as the first column and the "
+                "corresponding tags which returned a Hamming distance of zero in either the first or the second "
+                "half of the sample tag as the second column.\n"
+                "The tags were separated by an empty space into their halves and the * marks the identical half.")
+            output_file1.write("\n\nStatistics of nr. of tags that returned max. TD (2nd column)\n")
+            output_file1.write("minimum\t{}\ttag(s)\n".format(numpy.amin(numpy.array(stat_maxTags))))
+            output_file1.write("mean\t{}\ttag(s)\n".format(numpy.mean(numpy.array(stat_maxTags))))
+            output_file1.write("median\t{}\ttag(s)\n".format(numpy.median(numpy.array(stat_maxTags))))
+            output_file1.write("maximum\t{}\ttag(s)\n".format(numpy.amax(numpy.array(stat_maxTags))))
+            output_file1.write("sum\t{}\ttag(s)\n".format(numpy.sum(numpy.array(stat_maxTags))))
+        lenTags = len(data_array)
+        len_sample = len(result1)
+        quant = numpy.array(data_array[result, 0]).astype(int)  # family size for sample of tags
+        seq = numpy.array(data_array[result, 1])  # tags of sample
+        ham = numpy.asarray(ham)  # HD for sample of tags
+        if onlyDuplicates is True:  # ab and ba strands of DCSs
+            quant = numpy.concatenate((quant, duplTagsBA[result]))
+            seq = numpy.tile(seq, 2)
+            ham = numpy.tile(ham, 2)
+            diff = numpy.tile(diff, 2)
+            rel_Diff = numpy.tile(rel_Diff, 2)
+            diff_zeros = numpy.tile(diff_zeros, 2)
+        nr_chimeric_tags = len(data_chimeraAnalysis)
+        print("nr of chimeras", nr_chimeric_tags)
+        # prepare data for different kinds of plots
+        # distribution of FSs separated after HD
+        familySizeList1, hammingDistances, maximumXFS, minimumXFS = familySizeDistributionWithHD(quant, ham, rel=False)
+        list1, maximumX, minimumX = hammingDistanceWithFS(quant, ham)  # histogram of HDs separated after FS
+        # get FS for all tags with min HD of analysis of chimeric reads
+        # there are more tags than sample size in the plot, because one tag can have multiple minimas
+        if onlyDuplicates:
+            seqDic = defaultdict(list)
+            for s, q in zip(seq, quant):
+                seqDic[s].append(q)
+        else:
+            seqDic = dict(zip(seq, quant))
+        lst_minHD_tags = []
+        for i in minHD_tags:
+            lst_minHD_tags.append(seqDic.get(i))
+        if onlyDuplicates:
+            lst_minHD_tags = numpy.concatenate(([item[0] for item in lst_minHD_tags],
+                                                [item_b[1] for item_b in lst_minHD_tags])).astype(int)
+        # histogram with absolute and relative difference between HDs of both parts of the tag
+        listDifference1, maximumXDifference, minimumXDifference = hammingDistanceWithFS(lst_minHD_tags, diff)
+        listRelDifference1, maximumXRelDifference, minimumXRelDifference = hammingDistanceWithFS(lst_minHD_tags,
+                                                                                                 rel_Diff)
+        # chimeric read analysis: tags which have TD=0 in one of the halfs
+        if len(minHD_tags_zeros) != 0:
+            lst_minHD_tags_zeros = []
+            for i in minHD_tags_zeros:
+                lst_minHD_tags_zeros.append(seqDic.get(i))  # get family size for tags of chimeric reads
+            if onlyDuplicates:
+                lst_minHD_tags_zeros = numpy.concatenate(([item[0] for item in lst_minHD_tags_zeros],
+                                                          [item_b[1] for item_b in lst_minHD_tags_zeros])).astype(int)
+            # histogram with HD of non-identical half
+            listDifference1_zeros, maximumXDifference_zeros, minimumXDifference_zeros = hammingDistanceWithFS(
+                lst_minHD_tags_zeros, diff_zeros)
+            if onlyDuplicates is False:
+                listDCS_zeros, maximumXDCS_zeros, minimumXDCS_zeros = hammingDistanceWithDCS(minHD_tags_zeros,
+                                                                                             diff_zeros, data_array)
+        # plot Hamming Distance with Family size distribution
+        plotHDwithFSD(list1=list1, maximumX=maximumX, minimumX=minimumX, pdf=pdf, rel_freq=rel_freq,
+                      subtitle="Tag distance separated by family size", lenTags=lenTags,
+                      xlabel="TD", nr_above_bars=nr_above_bars, len_sample=len_sample)
+        # Plot FSD with separation after
+        plotFSDwithHD2(familySizeList1, maximumXFS, minimumXFS, rel_freq=rel_freq,
+                       originalCounts=quant, subtitle="Family size distribution separated by Tag distance",
+                       pdf=pdf, relative=False, diff=False)
+        # Plot HD within tags
+        plotHDwithinSeq(HDhalf1, HDhalf1min, HDhalf2, HDhalf2min, minHDs, pdf=pdf, lenTags=lenTags,
+                        rel_freq=rel_freq, len_sample=len_sample)
+        # Plot difference between HD's separated after FSD
+        plotHDwithFSD(listDifference1, maximumXDifference, minimumXDifference, pdf=pdf,
+                      subtitle="Delta Tag distance within tags", lenTags=lenTags, rel_freq=rel_freq,
+                      xlabel="absolute delta TD", relative=False, nr_above_bars=nr_above_bars, len_sample=len_sample)
+        plotHDwithFSD(listRelDifference1, maximumXRelDifference, minimumXRelDifference, pdf=pdf,
+                      subtitle="Chimera Analysis: relative delta Tag distance", lenTags=lenTags, rel_freq=rel_freq,
+                      xlabel="relative delta TD", relative=True, nr_above_bars=nr_above_bars,
+                      nr_unique_chimeras=nr_chimeric_tags, len_sample=len_sample)
+        # plots for chimeric reads
+        if len(minHD_tags_zeros) != 0:
+            # HD
+            plotHDwithFSD(listDifference1_zeros, maximumXDifference_zeros, minimumXDifference_zeros, pdf=pdf,
+                          subtitle="Tag distance of chimeric families (CF)", rel_freq=rel_freq,
+                          lenTags=lenTags, xlabel="TD", relative=False,
+                          nr_above_bars=nr_above_bars, nr_unique_chimeras=nr_chimeric_tags, len_sample=len_sample)
+            if onlyDuplicates is False:
+                plotHDwithDCS(listDCS_zeros, maximumXDCS_zeros, minimumXDCS_zeros, pdf=pdf,
+                              subtitle="Tag distance of chimeric families (CF)", rel_freq=rel_freq,
+                              lenTags=lenTags, xlabel="TD", relative=False,
+                              nr_above_bars=nr_above_bars, nr_unique_chimeras=nr_chimeric_tags, len_sample=len_sample)
+        # print all data to a CSV file
+        # HD
+        summary, sumCol = createTableHD(list1, "TD=")
+        overallSum = sum(sumCol)  # sum of columns in table
+        # FSD
+        summary5, sumCol5 = createTableFSD2(familySizeList1, diff=False)
+        overallSum5 = sum(sumCol5)
+        # HD of both parts of the tag
+        summary9, sumCol9 = createTableHDwithTags([HDhalf1, HDhalf1min, HDhalf2, HDhalf2min, numpy.array(minHDs)])
+        overallSum9 = sum(sumCol9)
+        # HD
+        # absolute difference
+        summary11, sumCol11 = createTableHD(listDifference1, "diff=")
+        overallSum11 = sum(sumCol11)
+        # relative difference and all tags
+        summary13, sumCol13 = createTableHD(listRelDifference1, "diff=")
+        overallSum13 = sum(sumCol13)
+        # chimeric reads
+        if len(minHD_tags_zeros) != 0:
+            # absolute difference and tags where at least one half has HD=0
+            summary15, sumCol15 = createTableHD(listDifference1_zeros, "TD=")
+            overallSum15 = sum(sumCol15)
+            if onlyDuplicates is False:
+                summary16, sumCol16 = createTableHDwithDCS(listDCS_zeros)
+                overallSum16 = sum(sumCol16)
+        output_file.write("{}\n".format(name1))
+        output_file.write("nr of tags{}{:,}\nsample size{}{:,}\n\n".format(sep, lenTags, sep, len_sample))
+        # HD
+        createFileHD(summary, sumCol, overallSum, output_file,
+                     "Tag distance separated by family size", sep)
+        # FSD
+        createFileFSD2(summary5, sumCol5, overallSum5, output_file,
+                       "Family size distribution separated by Tag distance", sep,
+                       diff=False)
+        # output_file.write("{}{}\n".format(sep, name1))
+        output_file.write("\n")
+        max_fs = numpy.bincount(integers[result])
+        output_file.write("max. family size in sample:{}{}\n".format(sep, max(integers[result])))
+        output_file.write("absolute frequency:{}{}\n".format(sep, max_fs[len(max_fs) - 1]))
+        output_file.write(
+            "relative frequency:{}{}\n\n".format(sep, float(max_fs[len(max_fs) - 1]) / sum(max_fs)))
+        # HD within tags
+        output_file.write(
+            "Chimera Analysis:\nThe tags are splitted into two halves (part a and b) for which the Tag distances (TD) are calculated seperately.\n"
+            "The tag distance of the first half (part a) is calculated by comparing part a of the tag in the sample against all a parts in the dataset and by selecting the minimum value (TD a.min).\n"
+            "In the next step, we select those tags that showed the minimum TD and estimate the TD for the second half (part b) of the tag by comparing part b against the previously selected subset.\n"
+            "The maximum value represents then TD b.max. Finally, these process is repeated but starting with part b instead and TD b.min and TD a.max are calculated.\n"
+            "Next, the absolute differences between TD a.min & TD b.max and TD b.min & TD a.max are estimated (delta HD).\n"
+            "These are then divided by the sum of both parts (TD a.min + TD b.max or TD b.min + TD a.max, respectively) which give the relative differences between the partial HDs (rel. delta HD).\n"
+            "For simplicity, we used the maximum value of the relative differences and the respective delta HD.\n"
+            "Note that when only tags that can form a DCS are included in the analysis, the family sizes for both directions (ab and ba) of the strand will be included in the plots.\n")
+        output_file.write("\nlength of one half of the tag{}{}\n\n".format(sep, len(data_array[0, 1]) / 2))
+        createFileHDwithinTag(summary9, sumCol9, overallSum9, output_file,
+                              "Tag distance of each half in the tag", sep)
+        createFileHD(summary11, sumCol11, overallSum11, output_file,
+                     "Absolute delta Tag distance within the tag", sep)
+        createFileHD(summary13, sumCol13, overallSum13, output_file,
+                     "Chimera analysis: relative delta Tag distance", sep)
+        if len(minHD_tags_zeros) != 0:
+            output_file.write(
+                "All tags are filtered and only those tags where one half is identical (TD=0) and therefore, have a relative delta TD of 1, are kept.\n"
+                "These tags are considered as chimeras.\n")
+            createFileHD(summary15, sumCol15, overallSum15, output_file,
+                         "Tag distance of chimeric families separated after FS", sep)
+            if onlyDuplicates is False:
+                createFileHDwithDCS(summary16, sumCol16, overallSum16, output_file,
+                                    "Tag distance of chimeric families separated after DCS and single SSCS (ab, ba)", sep)
+        output_file.write("\n")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(Hamming_Distance_Analysis(sys.argv))