# HG changeset patch
# User mheinzl
# Date 1616063714 0
# Node ID d20be7e66378f93cc45a1ce817e1bb2a911b932e
# Parent  712a37137b1fe2946639092ec7a1b4439e628b40
planemo upload for repository https://github.com/Single-Molecule-Genetics/VariantAnalyzerGalaxy/tree/master/tools/variant_analyzer commit ee4a8e6cf290e6c8a4d55f9cd2839d60ab3b11c8

diff -r 712a37137b1f -r d20be7e66378 read2mut.py
--- a/read2mut.py	Thu Mar 18 10:21:12 2021 +0000
+++ b/read2mut.py	Thu Mar 18 10:35:14 2021 +0000
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@
     # sheet 2
     if chimera_correction:
-        header_line2 = ('variant ID', 'cvrg', 'AC alt (all tiers)', 'AF (all tiers)', 'chimeras in AC alt (all tiers)', 'chimera-corrected cvrg', 'chimera-corrected AF (all tiers)', 'cvrg (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'AC alt (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'AF (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'chimeras in AC alt (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'chimera-corrected cvrg (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'chimera-corrected AF (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'AC alt (orginal DCS)', 'AF (original DCS)',
+        header_line2 = ('variant ID', 'cvrg', 'AC alt (all tiers)', 'AF (all tiers)', 'cvrg (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'AC alt (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'AF (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'chimeras in AC alt (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'chimera-corrected cvrg (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'chimera-corrected AF (tiers 1.1-2.5)', 'AC alt (orginal DCS)', 'AF (original DCS)',
                     'tier 1.1', 'tier 1.2', 'tier 2.1', 'tier 2.2', 'tier 2.3', 'tier 2.4', 'tier 2.5',
                     'tier 3.1', 'tier 3.2', 'tier 4', 'tier 5.1', 'tier 5.2', 'tier 5.3', 'tier 5.4', 'tier 5.5', 'tier 6', 'tier 7', 'AF 1.1-1.2', 'AF 1.1-2.1', 'AF 1.1-2.2',
                     'AF 1.1-2.3', 'AF 1.1-2.4', 'AF 1.1-2.5', 'AF 1.1-3.1', 'AF 1.1-3.2', 'AF 1.1-4', 'AF 1.1-5.1', 'AF 1.1-5.2', 'AF 1.1-5.3', 'AF 1.1-5.4', 'AF 1.1-5.5', 'AF 1.1-6', 'AF 1.1-7')
@@ -1232,14 +1232,6 @@
             if sum(used_tiers) == 0: # skip mutations that are filtered by the VA in the first place
             lst.extend([sum(used_tiers), safe_div(sum(used_tiers), cvrg)])
-            if chimera_correction:
-                chimeras_all = chimera_dict[key1][0]
-                new_alt = sum(used_tiers) - chimeras_all
-                fraction_chimeras = safe_div(chimeras_all, float(sum(used_tiers)))
-                if fraction_chimeras is None:
-                    fraction_chimeras = 0.
-                new_cvrg = cvrg * (1. - fraction_chimeras)
-                lst.extend([chimeras_all, new_cvrg, safe_div(new_alt, new_cvrg)])
             lst.extend([(cvrg - sum(used_tiers[-10:])), sum(used_tiers[0:7]), safe_div(sum(used_tiers[0:7]), (cvrg - sum(used_tiers[-10:])))])
             if chimera_correction:
                 chimeras_all = chimera_dict[key1][1]
@@ -1255,9 +1247,9 @@
             lst = tuple(lst)
             ws2.write_row(row + 1, 0, lst)
             if chimera_correction:
-                ws2.conditional_format('P{}:Q{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$P$1="tier 1.1"', 'format': format12, 'multi_range': 'P{}:Q{} P1:Q1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
-                ws2.conditional_format('R{}:V{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$R$1="tier 2.1"', 'format': format32, 'multi_range': 'R{}:V{} R1:V1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
-                ws2.conditional_format('W{}:AF{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$W$1="tier 3.1"', 'format': format22, 'multi_range': 'W{}:AF{} W1:AF1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
+                ws2.conditional_format('M{}:N{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$M$1="tier 1.1"', 'format': format12, 'multi_range': 'M{}:N{} M1:N1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
+                ws2.conditional_format('O{}:S{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$O$1="tier 2.1"', 'format': format32, 'multi_range': 'O{}:S{} O1:S1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
+                ws2.conditional_format('T{}:AC{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$T$1="tier 3.1"', 'format': format22, 'multi_range': 'T{}:AC{} T1:AC1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
                 ws2.conditional_format('J{}:K{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$J$1="tier 1.1"', 'format': format12, 'multi_range': 'J{}:K{} J1:K1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})
                 ws2.conditional_format('L{}:P{}'.format(row + 2, row + 2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$L$1="tier 2.1"', 'format': format32, 'multi_range': 'L{}:P{} L1:P1'.format(row + 2, row + 2)})