diff multiple_to_gd_genotype.py @ 27:8997f2ca8c7a

Update to Miller Lab devshed revision bae0d3306d3b
author Richard Burhans <burhans@bx.psu.edu>
date Mon, 15 Jul 2013 10:47:35 -0400
children 184d14e4270d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/multiple_to_gd_genotype.py	Mon Jul 15 10:47:35 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#       multiple_to_gd_genotype.py
+#       Copyright 2013 Oscar Reina <oscar@niska.bx.psu.edu>
+#       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#       it under the pathways of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#       (at your option) any later version.
+#       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#       GNU General Public License for more details.
+#       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#       along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#       Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+#       MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import argparse
+import base64
+import json
+import os
+import sys
+def fold_line(line, maxlen=200, prefix="#"):
+	"""
+	format hader to a 200 char max.
+	"""
+	line_len = len(line)
+	prefix_len = len(prefix)
+	if line_len + prefix_len <= maxlen:
+		return '%s%s' % (prefix, line)
+	lines = []
+	start_idx = 0
+	offset = 0
+	while start_idx < line_len - 1:
+		last_idx = start_idx
+		idx = start_idx
+		start = start_idx
+		while idx != -1 and idx < maxlen + prefix_len + offset - 1:
+			last_idx = idx
+			idx = line.find(',', start)
+			start = idx+1
+		if idx == -1:
+			lines.append('%s%s' % (prefix, line[start_idx:]))
+			break
+		lines.append('%s%s' % (prefix, line[start_idx:last_idx+1]))
+		start_idx = last_idx + 1
+		offset = last_idx + 1
+	return '\n'.join(lines)
+def formthdr(lPops,dbkey,species):
+	"""
+	returns a formated metadata for a gd_genotype file from a paramSet
+	dictionary and a list (lPops) of individuals
+	"""
+	clmnsVals=', '.join(['"%sG"'%(x+1) for x in range(len(lPops))])#"'1G', '2G', ..."
+	indvdls='], ['.join(['"%s", %s'%(lPops[x],x+5) for x in range(len(lPops))])#['DU23M01 Duroc domestic breed Europe', 5], ['DU23M02 Duroc domestic breed Europe', 6], ...
+	obj='{"rPos": 2, "column_names": ["chr", "pos", "A", "B", %s], "scaffold": 1, "pos": 2, "dbkey": "%s", "individuals": [[%s]], "ref": 1, "species": "%s"}'%(clmnsVals,dbkey,indvdls,species)
+	json_value = json.loads(obj)
+	hdr = fold_line(json.dumps(json_value, separators=(',',':'), sort_keys=True))
+	#~ 
+	return hdr
+def formthdr_gdsnp(lPops,dbkey,species):
+	"""
+	returns a formated metadata for a gd_genotype file from a paramSet
+	dictionary and a list (lPops) of individuals
+	"""
+	clmnsVals=', '.join(['"%sA","%sB","%sG","%sQ"'%((x+1),(x+1),(x+1),(x+1)) for x in range(len(lPops))])#"'1G', '2G', ..."
+	indvdls='], ['.join(['"%s", %s'%(lPops[x],(((x+1)*4)+2)) for x in range(len(lPops))])#['DU23M01 Duroc domestic breed Europe', 5], ['DU23M02 Duroc domestic breed Europe', 9], ...
+	obj='{"rPos": 2, "column_names": ["chr", "pos", "A", "B", "Q", %s], "scaffold": 1, "pos": 2, "dbkey": "%s", "individuals": [[%s]], "ref": 1, "species": "%s"}'%(clmnsVals,dbkey,indvdls,species)
+	json_value = json.loads(obj)
+	hdr = fold_line(json.dumps(json_value, separators=(',',':'), sort_keys=True))
+	#~ 
+	return hdr
+def selAnc(SNPs):
+	"""	
+	returns the ancestral and derived snps, and an gd_genotype-encoded
+	list of SNPs/nucleotides
+	"""
+	dIUPAC={'AC':'M','AG':'R','AT':'W','CG':'S','CT':'Y','GT':'K'}#'N':'N','A':'A','T':'T','C':'C','G':'G',
+	dNtsCnts={}
+	for eSNP in SNPs:
+		if eSNP!='N':
+			try:
+				dNtsCnts[eSNP]+=1
+			except:
+				dNtsCnts[eSNP]=1
+	#~ 
+	nAlleles=len(dNtsCnts.keys())
+	assert nAlleles<=3
+	if nAlleles==3:
+		nonCons=[x for x in dNtsCnts.keys() if x in set(['A','T','C','G'])]
+		cons=[x for x in dNtsCnts.keys() if x not in nonCons]
+		assert len(nonCons)==2 and len(cons)==1 and dIUPAC[''.join(sorted(nonCons))]==''.join(cons)
+		ancd=nonCons[0]
+		dervd=nonCons[1]
+		if dNtsCnts[dervd]>dNtsCnts[ancd]:
+			ancd,dervd=dervd,ancd
+	elif nAlleles==2:
+		cons=set(dNtsCnts.keys()).intersection(set(dIUPAC.values()))
+		assert len(cons)<=1
+		if len(cons)==0:
+			ancd,dervd=dNtsCnts.keys()
+			if dNtsCnts[dervd]>dNtsCnts[ancd]:
+				ancd,dervd=dervd,ancd
+		else:
+			dervd=''.join(cons)
+			ancd=''.join([x for x in dNtsCnts.keys() if x!=dervd])
+	else:#<=1
+		ancd=''.join(dNtsCnts.keys())
+		dervd='N'
+	#~ 
+	lSNPsEncoded=[]
+	for eSNP in SNPs:
+		if eSNP=='N':
+			lSNPsEncoded.append('-1')
+		elif eSNP==ancd:
+			lSNPsEncoded.append('2')
+		elif eSNP==dervd:
+			lSNPsEncoded.append('0')
+		else:
+			lSNPsEncoded.append('1')			
+	#~ 
+	return ancd,dervd,lSNPsEncoded
+def from_csv(in_csv,outgd_gentp,dbkey,species):
+	"""
+	returns a gd_genotype file format from csv file (saved in excel).
+	The input must consist of a set of rows with columns splited by a
+	comma. The first row must contain the names of the individuals. For
+	the other rows, the first of column must contain the chromosome and
+	position of the snp. The other columns must contain any kind of
+	fstat or genepop allele valid encoding, with at	most 2 alleles. Also,
+	the user may input IUPAC valid nucleotide symbols. The program will
+	assume that the mosts common is the ancestral.
+	------------- The file starts here ---------------- 
+	,Ind_1,Ind_2,Ind_3,Ind_4,Ind_5,Ind_6,Ind_7
+	chr1 12334123,A,T,T,A,T,T,W
+	chr2 1232654,C,G,G,C,N,S,N
+	chr3    3356367,T,G,G,G,G,K,K
+	chr4    95673,A,C,C,A,C,M,M
+	chr5 45896,T,C,Y,Y,Y,C,T
+	...
+	or
+	...
+	chr6 2354,22,11,21,00,12,12,22
+	------------- The file ends here -------------------
+	"""
+	infoLn=True
+	slf=open(outgd_gentp,'w')
+	for echl in open(in_csv,'r'):
+		if echl.strip():
+			if infoLn:
+				lPops=[x for x in echl.splitlines()[0].split(',') if x.strip()]
+				hdr=formthdr(lPops,dbkey,species)
+				slf.write('%s\n'%hdr)
+				infoLn=False
+			else:
+				lsplitd=echl.splitlines()[0].split(',')
+				lchrpox,SNPs=lsplitd[0],[x for x in lsplitd[1:] if x.strip()]
+				lchrpox='\t'.join(lchrpox.strip().split())
+				if SNPs[0].isdigit():
+					lSNPsEncoded=[]
+					for snp in SNPs:
+						cnt=0
+						for ep in snp:
+							ep=int(ep)
+							assert ep<=2
+							cnt+=ep
+						cnt=4-cnt
+						if cnt==4:
+							frmtdSNP='-1'
+						else:
+							frmtdSNP=str(cnt)
+						lSNPsEncoded.append(frmtdSNP)
+					ancd,dervd='N','N'
+				else:
+					ancd,dervd,lSNPsEncoded=selAnc(SNPs)
+				outfrmtdDat='%s\t%s\t%s\t%s'%(lchrpox,ancd,dervd,'\t'.join(lSNPsEncoded))
+				slf.write('%s\n'%outfrmtdDat)
+	#~ 
+	slf.close()
+	return 0
+def from_fstat(in_fstat,outgd_gentp,dbkey,species):
+	"""
+	returns a gd_genotype file format from fstat file. Ignores pops
+	structures and alleles other than the combinations of the alleles
+	encoded by 0, 1, and 2 up to 9 digits. The first line contains 4 
+	numbers separated by any number of spaces: number of samples, np,
+	number of loci, nl, highest number used to label an	allele, nu
+	(?=2), and 1 if the code for alleles is a one digit	number (1-2), a
+	2 if code for alleles is a 2 digit number (01-02) or a 3 if code for
+	alleles is a 3 digit number (001-002). Followed by nl lines: each
+	containing the name of a locus, in the order they will appear in the
+	rest of the file On line nl+2, a series of numbers as follow: 1 0102
+	0101 0101 0201 0 0101 first number: identifies the sample to which
+	the individual belongs second: the genotype of the individual at the
+	first locus, coded with a 2 digits number for each allele third: the
+	genotype at the second locus, until locus nl is entered. Missing
+	genotypes are encoded with 0 (0001 or 0100 are not a valid format,
+	so both alleles at a locus have to be known, otherwise, the genotype
+	is considered as missing) no empty lines are needed between samples
+	number of spaces between genotypes can be anything. Numbering of
+	samples need not be sequential the number of samples np needs to be
+	the same as the largest sample identifier. Samples need not to be
+	ordered nu needs to be equal to the largest code given to an allele
+	(even if there are less than nu alleles). Ancestral is taken as 01,
+	derived 02. In all cases ancestral and derived SNPs are returned as
+	N.
+	------------- The file starts here ---------------- 
+	7  5  2  1
+	chr1 12334123
+	chr2 1232654
+	chr3    3356367
+	chr4    95673
+	chr5 45896
+	   Ind_1   22 22 21 11 22
+	   Ind_2   22 22 11 12 22
+	   Ind_3   22 11 22 21 22
+	   Ind_4   22 21 22 21 22
+	   Ind_5   22 22 22 21 22
+	   Ind_6   22 22 22 22 22
+	   Ind_7   22 22 21 21 22
+	------------- The file ends here -------------------
+	"""
+	dChrPos,lPops,lChrPos,addPop={},[],[],False
+	clines=-1
+	for echl in open(in_fstat,'r'):
+		clines+=1
+		if echl.strip():
+			if clines==0:
+				nSmpls,nLoci,nUsed,nDigs=[x for x in echl.splitlines()[0].split() if x.strip()]
+				nLoci=int(nLoci)
+			elif clines<=nLoci:
+				addPop=True
+				lchrpox='\t'.join(echl.strip().split())
+				lChrPos.append(lchrpox)
+			elif addPop:
+				lsplitd=echl.splitlines()[0].split()
+				pop,SNPs=lsplitd[0],[x for x in lsplitd[1:] if x.strip()]
+				pop=pop.strip()
+				for x in range(nLoci):
+					snp=SNPs[x]
+					cnt=0
+					for ep in snp:
+						ep=int(ep)
+						assert ep<=2
+						cnt+=ep
+					cnt=4-cnt
+					if cnt==4:
+						frmtdSNP='-1'
+					else:
+						frmtdSNP=str(cnt)
+					try:
+						dChrPos[lChrPos[x]].append(frmtdSNP)
+					except:
+						dChrPos[lChrPos[x]]=[frmtdSNP]
+				#~ 
+				lPops.append(pop)
+	#~ 
+	hdr=formthdr(lPops,dbkey,species)
+	outfrmtdDat=['%s\t%s\t%s\t%s'%(x,'N','N','\t'.join(dChrPos[x])) for x in lChrPos]
+	#~ 
+	slf=open(outgd_gentp,'w')
+	slf.write('\n'.join([hdr,'\n'.join(outfrmtdDat)]))
+	slf.close()
+	return 0
+def from_genepop(in_genepop,outgd_gentp,dbkey,species):
+	"""
+	returns a gd_genotype file format from genepop file . Ignores pops
+	structures and alleles other than the combinations of the alleles
+	encoded by 00, 01, and 02. The second line must contain the chromosome
+	and position of the SNPs separated by an space or a tab. Each loci
+	should be separated by a comma. Alternatively, they may be given one
+	per line. They may be given one per line, or on the same line but
+	separated by commas. The name of individuals are defined as
+	everything on the left of a comma, and their genotypes following the
+	same order of the SNPs in the second line. Ancestral is taken as 01,
+	derived 02. In all cases ancestral and derived SNPs are returned as N
+		------------- The file starts here ---------------- 
+	Microsat on Chiracus radioactivus, a pest species 
+		 chr1 23123, chr2 90394, chr3 90909, chr3 910909, chr4 10909
+	POP 
+	AA2, 0201 0111 0102 0000      0101 
+	AA1, 0201 0201 0202 0000      0101 
+	A10, 0201 0201 0101 0000      0101 
+	A11, 0201 0202 0102 0000      0102 
+	A12, 0202 0201 0101 0000      0101 
+	A11, 0101 0101 0101 0000      0101 
+	A12, 0202 0201 0201 0000      0101 
+	A11, 0201 0201 0101 0000      0101 
+	Pop
+	AF1, 0000 0000 0000 0000      0101 
+	AF2, 0201 0101 0102 0000      0101 
+	AF3, 0202 0201 0202 0000      0101 
+	AF4, 0201 0101 0000 0000      0101 
+	AF5, 0201 0101 0202 0000      0101 
+	AF6, 0101 0101 0102 0000      0101 
+	AF7, 0201 0100 0000 0000      0101 
+	AF8, 0101 0100 0000 0000      0201 
+	AF9, 0201 0200 0000 0000      0101 
+	AF10, 0101 0202 0202 0000      0101 
+	pop 
+	C211, 0101 0202 0202 0000      0101 
+	C211, 0101 0101 0202 0000      0101 
+	C21E, 0101 0102 0202 0000      0101 
+	C21B, 0101 0101 0102 0000      0201 
+	C21C, 0201 0101 0202 0000      0101 
+	C21D, 0201 0101 0202 0000      0201 
+	------------- The file ends here -------------------
+	"""
+	dChrPos,lPops,lChrPos,addPop,addDat={},[],[],False,True
+	clines=-1
+	for echl in open(in_genepop,'r'):
+		clines+=1
+		if echl.strip():
+			if echl.strip() in set(['pop','POP','Pop']):
+				addDat,addPop=False,True
+			elif addDat and clines>0:
+				lchrpox=['\t'.join(x.split()) for x in echl.split(',') if x.strip()]
+				lChrPos.extend(lchrpox)
+			elif addPop:
+				pop,SNPs=echl.splitlines()[0].split(',')
+				pop=pop.strip()
+				SNPs=[x for x in SNPs.split() if x.strip()]
+				for x in range(len(SNPs)):
+					snp=SNPs[x]
+					cnt=0
+					for ep in snp:
+						ep=int(ep)
+						assert ep<=2
+						cnt+=ep
+					cnt=4-cnt
+					if cnt==4:
+						frmtdSNP='-1'
+					else:
+						frmtdSNP=str(cnt)
+					try:
+						dChrPos[lChrPos[x]].append(frmtdSNP)
+					except:
+						dChrPos[lChrPos[x]]=[frmtdSNP]
+				#~ 
+				lPops.append(pop)
+	#~ 
+	hdr=formthdr(lPops,dbkey,species)
+	outfrmtdDat=['%s\t%s\t%s\t%s'%(x,'N','N','\t'.join(dChrPos[x])) for x in lChrPos]
+	#~ 
+	slf=open(outgd_gentp,'w')
+	slf.write('\n'.join([hdr,'\n'.join(outfrmtdDat)]))
+	slf.close()
+	return 0
+def from_vcf(inVCF,outgd_gentp,dbkey,species):
+	"""
+	returns a gd_genotype file format from vcf a file
+	"""
+	slf=open(outgd_gentp,'w')
+	paramSet,addPop,adinfo=False,False,False
+	lPops=[]
+	for echl in open(inVCF,'r'):
+		if echl.strip():
+			if not paramSet:
+				if echl.find('##')==0:
+					pass
+				elif echl.find('#')==0:
+					paramSet={}
+					all_params=[x for x in echl.split() if x.strip()]
+					clmn=-1
+					for eparam in all_params:
+						clmn+=1
+						if eparam=='#CHROM':
+							paramSet['chr']=clmn
+						elif eparam=='POS':
+							paramSet['pos']=clmn
+						elif eparam=='REF':
+							paramSet['A']=clmn
+						elif eparam=='ALT':
+							paramSet['B']=clmn
+						elif eparam=='QUAL':
+							paramSet['qual']=clmn
+						elif eparam=='FORMAT':
+							paramSet['frmt']=clmn
+							addPop=True
+						elif addPop:
+							lPops.append(eparam)
+							paramSet[eparam]=clmn
+					if paramSet:
+						hdr=formthdr(lPops,dbkey,species)
+						slf.write('%s\n'%hdr)
+			else:
+				all_vals=[x for x in echl.split() if x.strip()]
+				frmt=[x for x in all_vals[paramSet['frmt']].split(':') if x.strip()]
+				clmn=-1
+				gtclmn,adclmn,qulclmn=False,False,False
+				for p in frmt:
+					clmn+=1
+					if p=='GT':
+						gtclmn=clmn
+					elif p=='AD':
+						adclmn=clmn
+						adinfo=True
+					elif p=='GQ':
+						qulclmn=clmn
+				#~
+				if adinfo:
+					outptInfo=[all_vals[paramSet['chr']],all_vals[paramSet['pos']],all_vals[paramSet['A']],all_vals[paramSet['B']],all_vals[paramSet['qual']]]
+					for ePop in lPops:
+						gntyp=all_vals[paramSet[ePop]].replace('|','/').split(':')[gtclmn].split('/')
+						encdGntyp,adA,adB,qual='-1','0','0','-1'
+						#~ 	
+						if set(gntyp)!=set(['.']):
+							encdGntyp=2-sum([int(x) for x in gntyp])
+							if adclmn:
+								try:
+									adA,adB=all_vals[paramSet[ePop]].split(':')[adclmn].split(',')
+								except:
+									pass
+							if qulclmn:
+								try:
+									qual=all_vals[paramSet[ePop]].split(':')[qulclmn]
+								except:
+									pass
+						outptInfo.extend([adA,adB,str(encdGntyp),qual])
+					slf.write('%s\n'%'\t'.join(outptInfo))
+				#~ 
+				else:
+					outptInfo=[all_vals[paramSet['chr']],all_vals[paramSet['pos']],all_vals[paramSet['A']],all_vals[paramSet['B']]]
+					for ePop in lPops:
+						gntyp=all_vals[paramSet[ePop]].replace('|','/').split(':')[gtclmn].split('/')
+						try:
+							encdGntyp=2-sum([int(x) for x in gntyp])
+						except:
+							encdGntyp=-1
+						outptInfo.append(str(encdGntyp))
+					#~ 
+					slf.write('%s\n'%'\t'.join(outptInfo))
+	slf.close()
+	#~ 
+	if adinfo:
+		hdr=formthdr_gdsnp(lPops,dbkey,species)
+		slf=open('%stmp'%outgd_gentp,'w')
+		slf.write('%s\n'%hdr)
+		appnd=False
+		for echl in open(outgd_gentp,'r'):
+			if appnd:
+				slf.write(echl)
+			else:
+				if echl[0]!='#':
+					appnd=True
+		slf.close()
+		#~ 
+		os.system('mv %stmp %s'%(outgd_gentp,outgd_gentp))
+	#~ 
+	return 0	
+def main():
+	#~ 
+	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Returns the count of genes in KEGG categories and their statistical overrrepresentation, from a list of genes and an background file (i.e. plane text with ENSEMBLT and KEGG pathways).')
+	parser.add_argument('--input',metavar='input TXT file',type=str,help='the input file with the table in VCF format.',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--output',metavar='output TXT file',type=str,help='the output file with the table in gd_genotype format.',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--dbkey',metavar='string',type=str,help='the input reference species dbkey (i.e. susScr3).',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--species',metavar='string',type=str,help='the input reference species name (i.e. int).',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--format',metavar='string',type=str,help='format of the input file (i.e. vcf, genepop, fstat, csv).',required=True)
+	args = parser.parse_args()
+	infile = args.input
+	outgd_gentp = args.output
+	dbkey = args.dbkey
+	species = base64.b64decode(args.species)
+	frmat = args.format
+	#~ 
+	if frmat=='vcf':
+		from_vcf(infile,outgd_gentp,dbkey,species)
+	elif frmat=='genepop':
+		from_genepop(infile,outgd_gentp,dbkey,species)
+	elif frmat=='fstat':
+		from_fstat(infile,outgd_gentp,dbkey,species)
+	elif frmat=='csv':
+		from_csv(infile,outgd_gentp,dbkey,species)
+	#~ 
+	return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	main()