diff rank_pathways_pct.py @ 27:8997f2ca8c7a

Update to Miller Lab devshed revision bae0d3306d3b
author Richard Burhans <burhans@bx.psu.edu>
date Mon, 15 Jul 2013 10:47:35 -0400
parents 95a05c1ef5d5
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/rank_pathways_pct.py	Mon Jun 03 12:29:29 2013 -0400
+++ b/rank_pathways_pct.py	Mon Jul 15 10:47:35 2013 -0400
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#       calcfreq.py
+#       KEGGFisher.py
-#       Copyright 2011 Oscar Bedoya-Reina <oscar@niska.bx.psu.edu>
+#       Copyright 2013 Oscar Reina <oscar@niska.bx.psu.edu>
 #       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#       it under the pathways of the GNU General Public License as published by
 #       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 #       (at your option) any later version.
@@ -20,119 +20,187 @@
 #       Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 #       MA 02110-1301, USA.
-import argparse,os,sys
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+from fisher import pvalue as fisher
 from decimal import Decimal,getcontext
-from LocationFile import LocationFile
-from fisher import pvalue
+from math import lgamma,exp,factorial
-#method to rank the the pthways by mut. freq.
-def rankd(ltfreqs):
-	ordvals=sorted(ltfreqs)#sort and reverse freqs.
+def binProb(SAPs_KEGG,NoSAPs_KEGG,SAPs_all,NoSAPs_all,CntKEGG_All,totalSAPs,pKEGG):
+	"""
+	Returns binomial probability.
+	"""
+	def comb(CntKEGG_All,k):
+		return factorial(CntKEGG_All) / Decimal(str(factorial(k)*factorial(CntKEGG_All-k)))
+	probLow = 0
+	for k in range(0, SAPs_KEGG+1):
+		cp=Decimal(str(comb(CntKEGG_All,k)))
+		bp=Decimal(str(pKEGG**k))
+		dp=Decimal(str(1.0-pKEGG))**Decimal(str(CntKEGG_All-k))
+		probLow+=cp*bp*dp
+	#~ 
+	probHigh = 0
+	for k in range(int(SAPs_KEGG),CntKEGG_All+1):
+		cp=Decimal(str(comb(CntKEGG_All,k)))
+		bp=Decimal(str(pKEGG**k))
+		dp=Decimal(str(1.0-pKEGG))**Decimal(str(CntKEGG_All-k))
+		probHigh+=cp*bp*dp
+	return probLow,probHigh
+def gauss_hypergeom(X, CntKEGG_All, SAPs_all, totalSAPs):
+	CntKEGG_All,SAPs_all,totalSAPs
+	"""
+	Returns the probability of drawing X successes of SAPs_all marked items
+	in CntKEGG_All draws from a bin of totalSAPs total items
+	"""
+	def logchoose(ni, ki):
+		try:
+			lgn1 = lgamma(ni+1)
+			lgk1 = lgamma(ki+1)
+			lgnk1 = lgamma(ni-ki+1)
+		except ValueError:
+			raise ValueError
+		return lgn1 - (lgnk1 + lgk1)
-	outrnk=[]
-	tmpFreq0,tmpCount,pval,tmpPthw=ordvals.pop()#the highest possible value
-	crank=1
-	outrnk.append('\t'.join([str(tmpCount),str(tmpFreq0),str(crank),str(pval),tmpPthw]))
-	totalnvals=len(ordvals)
+	r1 = logchoose(SAPs_all, X)
+	try:
+		r2 = logchoose(totalSAPs-SAPs_all, CntKEGG_All-X)
+	except ValueError:
+		return 0
+	r3 = logchoose(totalSAPs,CntKEGG_All)
+	return exp(r1 + r2 - r3)
+def hypergeo_sf(SAPs_KEGG,NoSAPs_KEGG,SAPs_all,NoSAPs_all,CntKEGG_All,totalSAPs,pKEGG):
+	"""
+	Runs Hypergeometric probability test
+	"""
+	s = 0
+	t=0
+	for i in range(SAPs_KEGG,min(SAPs_all,CntKEGG_All)+1):
+		s += max(gauss_hypergeom(i,CntKEGG_All,SAPs_all,totalSAPs), 0.0)
+	for i in range(0, SAPs_KEGG+1):
+		t += max(gauss_hypergeom(i,CntKEGG_All,SAPs_all,totalSAPs), 0.0)
+	return min(max(t,0.0), 1),min(max(s,0.0), 1)
+def fisherexct(SAPs_KEGG,NoSAPs_KEGG,SAPs_all,NoSAPs_all,CntKEGG_All,totalSAPs,pKEGG):
+	"""
+	Runs Fisher's exact test
+	"""
+	ftest=fisher(SAPs_KEGG,NoSAPs_KEGG,SAPs_all,NoSAPs_all)
+	probLow,probHigh=ftest.left_tail,ftest.right_tail
+	return probLow,probHigh
+def rtrnKEGGcENSEMBLc(inBckgrndfile,columnENSEMBLTBckgrnd,columnKEGGBckgrnd):
+	"""
+	"""
+	for eachl in open(inBckgrndfile,'r'):
+		if eachl.strip():
+			ENSEMBLT=eachl.splitlines()[0].split('\t')[columnENSEMBLTBckgrnd]
+			KEGGTs=set(eachl.splitlines()[0].split('\t')[columnKEGGBckgrnd].split('.'))
+			KEGGTs=KEGGTs.difference(set(['','U','N']))
+			for KEGGT in KEGGTs:
+				try:
+				except:
+	ENSEMBLTGinKEGG=set.union(*dKEGGTENSEMBLT.values())
+	"""
+	returns a set of the ENSEMBLT codes present in the input list and
+	in the KEGG file
+	"""
+	for eachl in open(inSAPsfile,'r'):
+		ENSEMBLT=eachl.splitlines()[0].split('\t')[columnENSEMBLT]
+	"""
+	returns a list of the ENSEMBLT codes present in the input list and
+	in the KEGG file. The pathways in this list are: 'Go Term','# Genes in
+	the KEGG Term','# Genes in the list and in the KEGG Term','Enrichement
+	of the KEGG Term for genes in the input list','Genes in the input list
+	present in the KEGG term'
+	"""
+	totalSAPs=len(ENSEMBLTGinKEGG)
+	NoSAPs_all=totalSAPs-SAPs_all
+	pKEGG=SAPs_all/float(totalSAPs)
+	#~ 
-	while totalnvals>cnt:
+	#~ 
+	if statsTest=='fisher':
+		ptest=fisherexct
+	elif statsTest=='hypergeometric':
+		ptest=hypergeo_sf
+	elif statsTest=='binomial':
+		ptest=binProb
+	#~ 
+	ltfreqs=[]
-		tmpFreq,tmpCount,pval,tmpPthw=ordvals.pop()
-		if tmpFreq!=tmpFreq0:
-			crank=len(outrnk)+1
-			tmpFreq0=tmpFreq
-		outrnk.append('\t'.join([str(tmpCount),str(tmpFreq),str(crank),str(pval),tmpPthw]))
-	return outrnk
+		probLow,probHigh=ptest(SAPs_KEGG,NoSAPs_KEGG,SAPs_all,NoSAPs_all,CntKEGG_All,totalSAPs,pKEGG)
+		ltfreqs.append([(SAPs_KEGG/Decimal(CntKEGG_All)),SAPs_KEGG,probLow,probHigh,echKEGGT])
+	#~ 
+	ltfreqs.sort()
+	ltfreqs.reverse()
+	outl=[]
+	cper,crank=Decimal('2'),0
+	#~ 
+	getcontext().prec=2#set 2 decimal places
+	for perc,cnt_go,pvalLow,pvalHigh,goTerm in ltfreqs:
+		if perc<cper:
+			crank+=1
+			cper=perc
+		outl.append('\t'.join([str(cnt_go),str(Decimal(perc)*Decimal('1.0')),str(crank),str(Decimal(pvalLow)*Decimal('1.0')),str(Decimal(pvalHigh)*Decimal('1.0')),goTerm]))
+	#~ 
+	return outl
 def main():
-	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Obtain KEGG images from a list of genes.')
-	parser.add_argument('--input',metavar='input TXT file',type=str,help='the input file with the table in txt format')
-	parser.add_argument('--output',metavar='output TXT file',type=str,help='the output file with the table in txt format. Column 1 is the count of genes in the list, Column 2 is the percentage of the pathway genes present on the list. Column 3 is the rank based on column 2')
-	parser.add_argument('--posKEGGclmn',metavar='column number',type=int,help='the column with the KEGG pathway code/name')
-	parser.add_argument('--KEGGgeneposcolmn',metavar='column number',type=int,help='column with the KEGG gene code')
-	parser.add_argument('--loc_file',metavar='location file',type=str,help='location file')
-	parser.add_argument('--species',metavar='species',type=str,help='species')
-	#~Open arguments 
-	class C(object):
-		pass
-	fulargs=C()
-	parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:],namespace=fulargs)
-	#test input vars
-	inputf,outputf,posKEGGclmn,Kgeneposcolmn=fulargs.input,fulargs.output,fulargs.posKEGGclmn,fulargs.KEGGgeneposcolmn
-	locf,species=fulargs.loc_file,fulargs.species
-	#make a dictionary of valid genes
-	posKEGGclmn-=1
-	Kgeneposcolmn-=1
-	dKEGGcPthws=dict([(x.split('\t')[Kgeneposcolmn],set(x.split('\t')[posKEGGclmn].split('.'))) for x in open(inputf).read().splitlines()[1:] if x.split('\t')[posKEGGclmn] not in set(['U','N'])])
-	for u in ['U','N']:
-		try:
-			a=dKEGGcPthws.pop(u)
-		except:
-			pass
-	getcontext().prec=2#set 2 decimal places
-	sdGenes=set([x for x in dKEGGcPthws.keys() if x.find('.')>-1])
-	while True:#to correct names with more than one gene
-		try:
-			mgenes=sdGenes.pop()
-			pthwsAssotd=dKEGGcPthws.pop(mgenes)
-			mgenes=mgenes.split('.')
-			for eachg in mgenes:
-				dKEGGcPthws[eachg]=pthwsAssotd
-		except:
-			break
-	#~ Count genes
+	#~ 
+	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Returns the count of genes in KEGG categories and their statistical overrrepresentation, from a list of genes and an background file (i.e. plane text with ENSEMBLT and KEGG pathways).')
+	parser.add_argument('--input',metavar='input TXT file',type=str,help='the input file with the table in txt format.',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--inBckgrndfile',metavar='input TXT file',type=str,help='the input file with the background table in txt format.',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--output',metavar='output TXT file',type=str,help='the output file with the table in txt format.',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--columnENSEMBLT',metavar='column number',type=int,help='column with the ENSEMBL transcript code in the input file.',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--columnENSEMBLTBckgrnd',metavar='column number',type=int,help='column with the ENSEMBL transcript code in the background file.',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--columnKEGGBckgrnd',metavar='column number',type=int,help='column with the KEGG pathways in the background file.',required=True)
+	parser.add_argument('--statsTest',metavar='input TXT file',type=str,help='statistical test to compare KEGG pathways (i.e. fisher, hypergeometric, binomial).',required=True)
+	args = parser.parse_args()
-	location_file = LocationFile(locf)
-	prefix, kxml_dir_path, dict_file = location_file.get_values(species)
-	dPthContsTotls = {}
-	try:
-	    with open(dict_file) as fh:
-	        for line in fh:
-	            line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
-	            value, key = line.split('\t')
-	            dPthContsTotls[key] = int(value)
-	except IOError, err:
-	    print >> sys.stderr, 'Error opening dict file {0}: {1}'.format(dict_file, err.strerror)
-	    sys.exit(1)
-	dPthContsTmp=dict([(x,0) for x in dPthContsTotls.keys()])#create a list of genes
-	sdGenes=set(dKEGGcPthws.keys())#list of all genes
-	cntGens=0
-	ltGens=len(sdGenes)
-	while cntGens<ltGens:
-		cGen=sdGenes.pop()
-		sKEGGcPthws=dKEGGcPthws.pop(cGen)
-		for eachP in sKEGGcPthws:
-			if eachP!='N':
-				if eachP in dPthContsTmp:
-					dPthContsTmp[eachP]+=1
-				else:
-					print >> sys.stderr, "Error: pathway not found in database: '{0}'".format(eachP)
-					sys.exit(1)
-		cntGens+=1
-	#~ Calculate Freqs.
-	ltfreqs=[]
-	cntAllKEGGinGnm=sum(dPthContsTotls.values())
-	cntListKEGGinGnm=sum(dPthContsTmp.values())
-	cntAllKEGGNOTinGnm=cntAllKEGGinGnm-cntListKEGGinGnm
-	for pthw in dPthContsTotls:
-		cntAllKEGGinpthw=Decimal(dPthContsTotls[pthw])
-		try:
-			cntListKEGGinpthw=Decimal(dPthContsTmp[pthw])
-		except:
-			cntListKEGGinpthw=Decimal('0')
-		cntAllKEGGNOTinpthw=cntAllKEGGinpthw-cntListKEGGinpthw
-		pval=pvalue(cntListKEGGinpthw,cntAllKEGGNOTinpthw,cntListKEGGinGnm,cntAllKEGGNOTinGnm)
-		ltfreqs.append([(cntListKEGGinpthw/cntAllKEGGinpthw),cntListKEGGinpthw,Decimal(str(pval.two_tail))*1,pthw])
-	#~ ltfreqs=[((Decimal(dPthContsTmp[x])/Decimal(dPthContsTotls[x])),Decimal(dPthContsTmp[x]),x) for x in dPthContsTotls]
-	tabllfreqs='\n'.join(rankd(ltfreqs))
-	salef=open(outputf,'w')
-	salef.write(tabllfreqs)
-	salef.close()
+	inSAPsfile = args.input
+	inBckgrndfile = args.inBckgrndfile
+	saleKEGGPCount = args.output
+	columnENSEMBLT = args.columnENSEMBLT
+	columnENSEMBLTBckgrnd = args.columnENSEMBLTBckgrnd
+	columnKEGGBckgrnd = args.columnKEGGBckgrnd
+	statsTest = args.statsTest
+	columnENSEMBLT-=1
+	columnENSEMBLTBckgrnd-=1
+	columnKEGGBckgrnd=-1
+	#~ 
+	dKEGGTENSEMBLT,ENSEMBLTGinKEGG=rtrnKEGGcENSEMBLc(inBckgrndfile,columnENSEMBLTBckgrnd,columnKEGGBckgrnd)
+	#~ 
+	saleKEGGPCount=open(saleKEGGPCount,'w')
+	saleKEGGPCount.write('\n'.join(outl))
+	saleKEGGPCount.close()
+	#~ 
 	return 0
 if __name__ == '__main__':