diff assignment_of_optimal_breeding_pairs.py @ 31:a631c2f6d913

Update to Miller Lab devshed revision 3c4110ffacc3
author Richard Burhans <burhans@bx.psu.edu>
date Fri, 20 Sep 2013 13:25:27 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/assignment_of_optimal_breeding_pairs.py	Fri Sep 20 13:25:27 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
+import sys
+import munkres
+import random
+class Vertex(object):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+        self.neighbors = {}
+        self.color = 0
+        self.explored = False
+    def add_neighbor(self, neighbor, weight=0.0):
+        if neighbor in self.neighbors:
+            if self.neighbors[neighbor] != weight:
+                die('multiple edges not supported')
+        else:
+            self.neighbors[neighbor] = weight
+class Graph(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.vertex_list = {}
+        self.vertices = 0
+        self.max_weight = 0.0
+    def add_vertex(self, name):
+        if name not in self.vertex_list:
+            self.vertex_list[name] = Vertex(name)
+            self.vertices += 1
+        return self.vertex_list[name]
+    def add_edge(self, name1, name2, weight):
+        vertex1 = self.add_vertex(name1)
+        vertex2 = self.add_vertex(name2)
+        vertex1.add_neighbor(vertex2, weight)
+        vertex2.add_neighbor(vertex1, weight)
+        self.max_weight = max(self.max_weight, weight)
+    def from_edge_file(self, filename):
+        fh = try_open(filename)
+        line_number = 0
+        for line in fh:
+            line_number += 1
+            line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
+            elems = line.split()
+            if len(elems) < 3:
+                die('too few columns on line {0} of {1}:\n{2}'.format(line_number, filename, line))
+            name1 = elems[0]
+            name2 = elems[1]
+            weight = float_value(elems[2])
+            if weight is None:
+                die('invalid weight on line {0} of {1}:\n{2}'.format(line_number, filename, line))
+            self.add_edge(name1, name2, weight)
+        fh.close()
+    def bipartite_partition(self):
+        vertices_left = self.vertex_list.values()
+        while vertices_left:
+            fifo = [vertices_left[0]]
+            while fifo:
+                vertex = fifo.pop(0)
+                if not vertex.explored:
+                    vertex.explored = True
+                    vertices_left.remove(vertex)
+                    if vertex.color == 0:
+                        vertex.color = 1
+                        neighbor_color = 2
+                    elif vertex.color == 1:
+                        neighbor_color = 2
+                    elif vertex.color == 2:
+                        neighbor_color = 1
+                    for neighbor in vertex.neighbors:
+                        if neighbor.color == 0:
+                            neighbor.color = neighbor_color
+                        elif neighbor.color != neighbor_color:
+                            return None, None
+                        fifo.append(neighbor)
+        c1 = []
+        c2 = []
+        for vertex in self.vertex_list.values():
+            if vertex.color == 1:
+                c1.append(vertex)
+            elif vertex.color == 2:
+                c2.append(vertex)
+        return c1, c2
+def try_open(*args):
+    try:
+        return open(*args)
+    except IOError:
+        die('Failed opening file: {0}'.format(args[0]))
+def float_value(token):
+    try:
+        return float(token)
+    except ValueError:
+        return None
+def die(message):
+    print >> sys.stderr, message
+    sys.exit(1)
+def main(input, randomizations, output):
+    graph = Graph()
+    graph.from_edge_file(input)
+    c1, c2 = graph.bipartite_partition()
+    if c1 is None:
+        die('Graph is not bipartite')
+    if len(c1) + len(c2) != graph.vertices:
+        die('Bipartite partition failed: {0} + {1} != {2}'.format(len(c1), len(c2), graph.vertices))
+    with open(output, 'w') as ofh:
+        a1 = optimal_assignment(c1, c2, graph.max_weight)
+        optimal_total_weight = 0.0
+        for a in a1:
+            optimal_total_weight += a[0].neighbors[a[1]]
+        print >> ofh, 'optimal average {0:.3f}'.format(optimal_total_weight / len(a1))
+        if randomizations > 0:
+            random_total_count = 0
+            random_total_weight = 0.0
+            for i in range(randomizations):
+                a2 = random_assignment(c1, c2)
+                random_total_count += len(a2)
+                for a in a2:
+                    random_total_weight += a[0].neighbors[a[1]]
+            print >> ofh, 'random average {0:.3f}'.format(random_total_weight / random_total_count)
+        for a in a1:
+            print >> ofh, '\t'.join([a[0].name, a[1].name])
+def optimal_assignment(c1, c2, max_weight):
+    matrix = []
+    assignment = []
+    for v1 in c1:
+        row = []
+        for v2 in c2:
+            row.append(max_weight + 1.0 - v1.neighbors[v2])
+        matrix.append(row)
+    m = munkres.Munkres()
+    indexes = m.compute(matrix)
+    for row, column in indexes:
+        assignment.append([c1[row], c2[column]])
+    return assignment
+def random_assignment(c1, c2):
+    assignment = []
+    ## note, this assumes that graph is complete bipartite
+    ## this needs to be fixed
+    c1_len = len(c1)
+    c2_len = len(c2)
+    idx_list = list(range(max(c1_len, c2_len)))
+    random.shuffle(idx_list)
+    if c1_len <= c2_len:
+        for i, v1 in enumerate(c1):
+            assignment.append([v1, c2[idx_list[i]]])
+    else:
+        for i, v1 in enumerate(c2):
+            assignment.append([v1, c1[idx_list[i]]])
+    return assignment
+if len(sys.argv) != 4:
+    die('Usage')
+input, randomizations, output = sys.argv[1:]
+main(input, int(randomizations), output)