view wgcna_preprocessing.Rmd @ 4:a41eb67bce4c draft

planemo upload for repository commit d9ab791a7ce12362dc6e28c0a518a3f23dd581fe-dirty
author mingchen0919
date Tue, 17 Oct 2017 19:14:03 -0400
parents 4275479ada3a
line wrap: on
line source

title: 'WGCNA: data preprocessing'
      number_sections: true
      toc: true
      theme: cosmo
      highlight: tango

```{r setup, include=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
  echo = ECHO


# Import data

Each row represents a gene and each column represents a sample.

expression_data = read.csv('EXPRESSION_DATA', header = TRUE, row.names = 1)

Display the first 100 genes.

datatable(head(expression_data, 100), style="bootstrap", filter = 'top',
          class="table-condensed", options = list(dom = 'tp', scrollX = TRUE))

Transpose expression data matrix so that each row represents a sample and each column represents a gene.

expression_data =

# Checking data

Checking data for excessive missing values and identification of outlier microarray samples.

gsg = goodSamplesGenes(expression_data, verbose = 3)
if (!gsg$allOK) {
  # Optionally, print the gene and sample names that were removed:
  if (sum(!gsg$goodGenes)>0)
    printFlush(paste("Removing genes:", paste(names(expression_data)[!gsg$goodGenes], collapse = ", ")));
  if (sum(!gsg$goodSamples)>0)
    printFlush(paste("Removing samples:", paste(rownames(expression_data)[!gsg$goodSamples], collapse = ", ")));
  # Remove the offending genes and samples from the data:
  expression_data = expression_data[gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes]
} else {
  print('all genes are OK!')

# Clustering samples

If there are any outliers, choose a height cut that will remove the offending sample. Remember this number since you will need this number in further analysis.

```{r fig.align='center'}
sampleTree = hclust(dist(expression_data), method = "average");
plot(sampleTree, main = "Sample clustering to detect outliers", sub="", xlab="",
     cex.axis = 1, cex.main = 1, cex = 0.5)

```{r echo=FALSE}
save(list=ls(all.names = TRUE), file='PREPROCESSING_WORKSPACE')