diff strelka2/configureStrelkaWorkflow.pl @ 0:7a9f20ca4ad5

author mini
date Thu, 25 Sep 2014 11:59:08 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/strelka2/configureStrelkaWorkflow.pl	Thu Sep 25 11:59:08 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+=head1 LICENSE
+Strelka Workflow Software
+Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Illumina, Inc.
+This software is provided under the terms and conditions of the
+Illumina Open Source Software License 1.
+You should have received a copy of the Illumina Open Source
+Software License 1 along with this program. If not, see
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+configureStrelkaWorkflow.pl --tumor FILE --normal FILE --ref FILE --config FILE [options]
+This script configures the strelka workflow for somatic variant
+calling on matched tumor-normal BAM files. The configuration process
+will produce an analysis makefile and directory structure. The
+makefile can be used to run the analysis on a workstation or compute
+cluster via make/qmake or other makefile compatible process.
+=over 4
+=item --tumor FILE
+Path to tumor sample BAM file (required)
+=item --normal FILE
+Path to normal sample BAM file (required)
+=item --ref FILE
+Path to reference genome fasta (required)
+=item --config FILE
+Strelka configuration file. Default config files can be found in
+${STRELKA_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ for both ELAND and BWA alignments. (required)
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item --output-dir DIRECTORY
+Root of the analysis directory. This script will place all
+configuration files in the analysis directory, and after configuration
+all results and intermediate files will be written within the analysis
+directory during a run. This directory must not already
+exist. (default: ./strelkaAnalysis)
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+$SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
+use Cwd qw(getcwd);
+use File::Spec;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+my $baseDir;
+my $libDir;
+    my $thisDir=(File::Spec->splitpath($0))[1];
+    $baseDir=$thisDir;#$baseDir=File::Spec->catdir($thisDir,File::Spec->updir());
+    $libDir=File::Spec->catdir($baseDir,'lib');
+use lib $libDir;
+use Utils;
+if(getAbsPath($baseDir)) {
+    errorX("Can't resolve path for strelka_workflow install directory: '$baseDir'");
+my $libexecDir=File::Spec->catdir($baseDir,'libexec');
+#my $optDir=File::Spec->catdir($baseDir,'opt');
+my $scriptName=(File::Spec->splitpath($0))[2];
+my $argCount=scalar(@ARGV);
+my $cmdline = join(' ',$0,@ARGV);
+sub usage() { pod2usage(-verbose => 1,
+                        -exitval => 2); }
+# user configuration:
+my ($tumorBam, $normalBam, $refFile, $configFile, $outDir);
+my $help;
+GetOptions( "tumor=s" => \$tumorBam,
+            "normal=s" => \$normalBam,
+            "ref=s" => \$refFile,
+            "config=s" => \$configFile,
+            "output-dir=s" => \$outDir,
+            "help|h" => \$help) || usage();
+usage() if($help);
+usage() unless($argCount);
+# Validate input conditions:
+sub checkFileArg($$) {
+   my ($file,$label) = @_;
+   errorX("Must specify $label file") unless(defined($file)); #raise an error if file not defined
+   checkFile($file,$label);
+checkFileArg($tumorBam,"tumor BAM");
+checkFileArg($normalBam,"normal BAM");
+checkFileArg($refFile,"reference fasta");
+checkFileArg($configFile,"configuration ini");
+sub makeAbsoluteFilePaths(\$) {
+    my ($filePathRef) = @_;
+    my ($v,$fileDir,$fileName) = File::Spec->splitpath($$filePathRef);
+    if(getAbsPath($fileDir)) {
+        errorX("Can't resolve directory path for '$fileDir' from input file argument: '$$filePathRef'");
+    }
+    $$filePathRef = File::Spec->catfile($fileDir,$fileName);
+# also check for BAM index files:
+sub checkBamIndex($) {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    my $ifile = $file . ".bai";
+    if(! -f $ifile) {
+        errorX("Can't find index for BAM file '$file'");
+    }
+sub checkFaIndex($) {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    my $ifile = $file . ".fai";
+    if(! -f $ifile) {
+        errorX("Can't find index for fasta file '$file'");
+    }
+    # check that fai file isn't improperly formatted (a la the GATK bundle NCBI 37 fai files)
+    open(my $FH,"< $ifile") || errorX("Can't open fai file '$ifile'");
+    my $lineno=1;
+    while(<$FH>) {
+          chomp;
+          my @F=split();
+          if(scalar(@F) != 5) {
+              errorX("Unexpected format for line number '$lineno' of fasta index file: '$ifile'\n\tRe-running fasta indexing may fix the issue. To do so, run: \"samtools faidx $file\"");
+          }
+          $lineno++;
+    }
+    close($FH);
+if(defined($outDir)) {
+    if(getAbsPath($outDir)) {
+        errorX("Can't resolve path for ouput directory: '$outDir'");
+    }
+} else {
+    $outDir=File::Spec->catdir(Cwd::getcwd(),'strelkaAnalysis');
+if(-e $outDir) {
+    errorX("Output path already exists: '$outDir'");
+if(getAbsPath($baseDir)) {
+    errorX("Can't resolve path for strelka install directory: '$baseDir'");
+		#my $samtoolsDir = File::Spec->catdir($optDir,'samtools');
+checkDir($libexecDir,"strelka libexec");
+		#checkDir($samtoolsDir,"samtools");
+my $callScriptName = "callSomaticVariants.pl";
+my $filterScriptName = "filterSomaticVariants.pl";
+my $finishScriptName = "consolidateResults.pl";
+my $callScript = File::Spec->catfile($libexecDir,$callScriptName);
+my $filterScript = File::Spec->catfile($libexecDir,$filterScriptName);
+my $finishScript = File::Spec->catfile($libexecDir,$finishScriptName);
+my $countFasta = File::Spec->catfile($libexecDir,"countFastaBases");
+		#my $samtoolsBin = File::Spec->catfile($samtoolsDir,"samtools");
+checkFile($callScript,"somatic variant call script");
+checkFile($filterScript,"somatic variant filter script");
+checkFile($finishScript,"result consolidation script");
+checkFile($countFasta,"fasta scanner");
+# Configure bin runs:
+# Configure bin runs: open and validate config ini
+my $config = parseConfigIni($configFile);
+sub checkConfigKeys($) {
+    my ($keyref) = @_;
+    for (@$keyref) {
+        errorX("Undefined configuration option: '$_'") unless(defined($config->{user}{$_}));
+    }
+# these are the keys we need at configuration time:
+my @config_keys = qw(binSize);
+# these are additional keys we will need to run the workflow:
+# (note we don't check for (maxInputDepth,minTier2Mapq) for back compatibility with older config files)
+my @workflow_keys = qw(
+minTier1Mapq isWriteRealignedBam ssnvPrior sindelPrior ssnvNoise sindelNoise ssnvNoiseStrandBiasFrac
+ssnvQuality_LowerBound sindelQuality_LowerBound isSkipDepthFilters depthFilterMultiple
+snvMaxFilteredBasecallFrac snvMaxSpanningDeletionFrac indelMaxRefRepeat
+indelMaxWindowFilteredBasecallFrac indelMaxIntHpolLength);
+my $binSize = int($config->{user}{binSize});
+$config->{derived}{configurationCmdline} = $cmdline;
+$config->{derived}{normalBam} = $normalBam;
+$config->{derived}{tumorBam} = $tumorBam;
+$config->{derived}{refFile} = $refFile;
+$config->{derived}{outDir} = $outDir;
+# Configure bin runs: check for consistent chrom info between BAMs and reference
+sub getBamChromInfo($) {
+    my $file = shift;
+    my $cmd = "samtools view -H $file |";
+    open(my $FH,$cmd) || errorX("Can't open process $cmd");
+    my %info;
+    my $n=0;
+    while(<$FH>) {
+        next unless(/^\@SQ/);
+        chomp;
+        my @F = split(/\t/);
+        scalar(@F) >= 3 || errorX("Unexpected bam header for file '$file'");
+        my %h = ();
+        foreach (@F) {
+            my @vals = split(':');
+            $h{$vals[0]} = $vals[1];
+        }
+        $F[1] = $h{'SN'};
+        $F[2] = $h{'LN'};
+        my $size = int($F[2]);
+        ($size > 0) || errorX("Unexpected chromosome size '$size' in bam header for file '$file'");
+        $info{$F[1]}{size} = $size;
+        $info{$F[1]}{order} = $n;
+        $n++;
+    }
+    close($FH) || errorX("Can't close process $cmd");
+    return %info;
+my %chromInfo = getBamChromInfo($normalBam);
+my @chroms = sort { $chromInfo{$a}{order} <=> $chromInfo{$b}{order} } (keys(%chromInfo));
+    #consistency check:
+    my %tumorChromInfo = getBamChromInfo($tumorBam);
+    for my $chrom (@chroms) {
+        my $ln = $chromInfo{$chrom}{size};
+        my $tln = $tumorChromInfo{$chrom}{size};
+        my $order = $chromInfo{$chrom}{order};
+        my $torder = $tumorChromInfo{$chrom}{order};
+        unless(defined($tln) && ($tln==$ln) && ($torder==$order)) {
+            errorX("Tumor and normal BAM file headers disagree on chromosome: '$chrom'");
+        }
+        delete $tumorChromInfo{$chrom};
+    }
+    for my $chrom (keys(%tumorChromInfo)) {
+        errorX("Tumor and normal BAM file headers disagree on chromosome: '$chrom'");
+    }
+my %refChromInfo;
+logX("Scanning reference genome");
+    my $knownGenomeSize=0;
+    my $cmd="$countFasta $refFile |";
+    open(my $FFH,$cmd) || errorX("Failed to open process '$cmd'");
+    while(<$FFH>) {
+        chomp;
+        my @F = split(/\t/);
+        scalar(@F) == 4 || errorX("Unexpected value from '$cmd'");
+        $knownGenomeSize += int($F[2]);
+        $refChromInfo{$F[1]}{knownSize} = int($F[2]);
+        $refChromInfo{$F[1]}{size} = int($F[3]);
+    }
+    close($FFH) || errorX("Failed to close process '$cmd'");
+    #consistency check:
+    for my $chrom (@chroms) {
+        my $ln = $chromInfo{$chrom}{size};
+        my $rln = $refChromInfo{$chrom}{size};
+        unless(defined($rln) && ($rln==$ln)) {
+            errorX("BAM headers and reference fasta disagree on chromosome: '$chrom'");
+        }
+        $config->{derived}{"chrom_${chrom}_size"} = $rln;
+        $config->{derived}{"chrom_${chrom}_knownSize"} = $refChromInfo{$chrom}{knownSize};
+    }
+    $config->{derived}{chromOrder} = join("\t",@chroms);
+    $config->{derived}{knownGenomeSize} = $knownGenomeSize;
+logX("Scanning reference genome complete");
+# Configure bin runs: create directory structure
+my $resultsDir = File::Spec->catdir($outDir,'results');
+if($config->{user}{isWriteRealignedBam}) {
+    my $bamDir = File::Spec->catdir($outDir,'realigned');
+    checkMakeDir($bamDir);
+my $chromRootDir = File::Spec->catdir($outDir,'chromosomes');
+for my $chrom (@chroms) {
+    my $chromDir = File::Spec->catdir($chromRootDir,$chrom);
+    checkMakeDir($chromDir);
+    my $chromRef = $chromInfo{$chrom};
+    $chromRef->{dir} = $chromDir;
+    $chromRef->{binList} = getBinList($chromRef->{size},$binSize);
+    my $binRootDir = File::Spec->catdir($chromDir,'bins');
+    checkMakeDir($binRootDir);
+    for my $binId ( @{$chromRef->{binList}} ) {
+        my $binDir = File::Spec->catdir($binRootDir,$binId);
+        checkMakeDir($binDir);
+    }
+# write run config file:
+my $runConfigFile;
+    my $cstr = <<END;
+; Strelka workflow configuration file
+; This is an automatically generated file, you probably don't want to edit it. If starting a new run,
+; input configuration templates (with comments) can be found in the Strelka etc/ directory.
+    $cstr .= writeConfigIni($config);
+    my $configDir = File::Spec->catdir($outDir,'config');
+    checkMakeDir($configDir);
+    $runConfigFile = File::Spec->catdir($configDir,'run.config.ini');
+    open(my $FH,"> $runConfigFile") || errorX("Can't open file '$runConfigFile'");
+    print $FH $cstr;
+    close($FH);
+# create makefile
+my $makeFile = File::Spec->catfile($outDir,"Makefile");
+open(my $MAKEFH, "> $makeFile") || errorX("Can't open file: '$makeFile'");
+my $completeFile = "task.complete";
+print $MAKEFH <<ENDE;
+# This makefile was automatically generated by $scriptName
+# Please do not edit.
+script_dir := $libexecDir
+call_script := \$(script_dir)/$callScriptName
+filter_script := \$(script_dir)/$filterScriptName
+finish_script := \$(script_dir)/$finishScriptName
+config_file := $runConfigFile
+analysis_dir := $outDir
+results_dir := \$(analysis_dir)/results
+print $MAKEFH <<'ENDE';
+complete_tag := task.complete
+finish_task := $(analysis_dir)/$(complete_tag)
+get_chrom_dir = $(analysis_dir)/chromosomes/$1
+get_chrom_task = $(call get_chrom_dir,$1)/$(complete_tag)
+get_bin_task = $(call get_chrom_dir,$1)/bins/$2/$(complete_tag)
+all: $(finish_task)
+	@$(print_success)
+define print_success
+echo Analysis complete. Final somatic calls can be found in $(results_dir);\
+# top level results target:
+	$(finish_script) --config=$(config_file) && touch $@
+# chromosome targets:
+for my $chrom (@chroms) {
+    print $MAKEFH <<ENDE;
+chrom_${chrom}_task := \$(call get_chrom_task,$chrom)
+\$(finish_task): \$(chrom_${chrom}_task)
+	\$(filter_script) --config=\$(config_file) --chrom=$chrom && touch \$@
+print $MAKEFH <<ENDE;
+# chromosome bin targets:
+for my $chrom (@chroms) {
+    for my $bin (@{$chromInfo{$chrom}{binList}}) {
+print $MAKEFH <<ENDE;
+chrom_${chrom}_bin_${bin}_task := \$(call get_bin_task,$chrom,$bin)
+\$(chrom_${chrom}_task): \$(chrom_${chrom}_bin_${bin}_task)
+	\$(call_script) --config=\$(config_file) --chrom=$chrom --bin=$bin && touch \$@
+    }
+# If the eval function is available, this is the way we could finish
+# the makefile without being so verbose but it doesn't look like qmake
+# understands this function.
+print $MAKEFH <<ENDE;
+chroms := @chroms
+for my $chrom (@chroms) {
+    print $MAKEFH "${chrom}_bins := " . join(" ",@{$chromInfo{$chrom}{binList}}) . "\n";
+print $MAKEFH <<'ENDE';
+define chrom_task_template
+chrom_$1_task := $(call get_chrom_task,$1)
+$(finish_task): $$(chrom_$1_task)
+	$$(filter_script) --config=$$(config_file) --chrom=$1 && touch $$@
+$(foreach c,$(chroms),$(eval $(call chrom_task_template,$c)))
+# chromosome bin targets:
+define chrom_bin_task_template
+chrom_$1_bin_$2_task := $(call get_bin_task,$1,$2)
+$$(chrom_$1_task): $$(chrom_$1_bin_$2_task)
+	$$(call_script) --config=$$(config_file) --chrom=$1 --bin=$2 && touch $$@
+$(foreach c,$(chroms), \
+    $(foreach b,$($c_bins),$(eval $(call chrom_bin_task_template,$c,$b))) \
+ )
+print <<END;
+Successfully configured analysis and created makefile '$makeFile'.
+To run the analysis locally using make, run:
+make -C $outDir
+cd $outDir