comparison spp_wrapper.xml @ 1:6ed68e907ff6 draft

author modencode-dcc
date Thu, 17 Jan 2013 14:36:39 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:1c5611e52fd0 1:6ed68e907ff6
1 <tool id="modencode_peakcalling_spp" name="SPP" version="1.10.1">
2 <description>SPP cross-correlation analysis package</description>
3 <command interpreter="python"> $options_file $output_narrow_peak $output_region_peak $output_peakshift_file $output_rdata_file $output_plot_file $output_default_file</command>
4 <inputs>
5 <!--experiment name and inputs-->
6 <param name="experiment_name" type="text" value="SPP in Galaxy" size="50" label="Experiment Name"/>
8 <!--select function to perform-->
9 <conditional name="major_command">
10 <param name="major_command_selector" type="select" label="Select action to be performed">
11 <option value="cross_correlation">Determine strand cross-correlation peak</option>
12 <option value="peak_calling">Peak calling</option>
13 <option value="idr">IDR analysis</option>
14 <option value="custom">Custom settings</option>
15 </param>
16 <when value="cross_correlation">
17 <!--cross correlation options-->
18 <param name="input_chipseq_file1" type="data" format="bam" label="ChIP-Seq Tag File" />
19 <param name="input_control_file1" type="data" format="bam" optional="True" label="ChIP-Seq Control File" />
21 <param name="replace" truevalue="-rf" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Replace existing plot, Rdata, or narrowpeak file (execution aborts if file exists and option not enabled)" help="(-rf)"/>
23 <param name="save_peakshift_file" truevalue="-out=peakshift.txt" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Save peakshift file" help="(-out)"/>
24 <param name="save_plot_file" truevalue="-savp" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Save plot file" help="(-savp)"/>
25 </when>
26 <when value="peak_calling">
27 <!--peak calling options-->
28 <param name="input_chipseq_file1" type="data" format="bam" label="ChIP-Seq Tag File" />
29 <param name="input_control_file1" type="data" format="bam" label="ChIP-Seq Control File" />
31 <param name="fdr" type="text" label="False discovery rate threshold" value="0" help="default=0 (-fdr)"/>
32 <param name="num_peaks" type="text" label="Threshold on number of peaks to call" value="0" help="default=0 (-npeak)"/>
33 <param name="replace" truevalue="-rf" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Replace existing plot, Rdata, or narrowpeak file (execution aborts if file exists and option not enabled)" help="(-rf)"/>
35 <param name="save_regionpeak_file" truevalue="-savr" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Save regionpeak file " help="(-savr)"/>
36 <param name="save_rdata_file" truevalue="-savd" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Save Rdata file" help="(-savd)"/>
37 <param name="save_narrowpeak_file" truevalue="-savn" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Save narrowpeak file" help="(-savn)"/>
38 <param name="save_plot_file" truevalue="-savp" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Save plot file" help="(-savp)"/>
39 </when>
40 <when value="idr">
41 <!--idr options-->
42 <param name="input_chipseq_file1" type="data" format="bam" label="ChIP-Seq Tag File" />
43 <param name="input_control_file1" type="data" format="bam" label="ChIP-Seq Control File" />
45 <param name="num_peaks" type="integer" label="Threshold on number of peaks to call" value="300000" help="default=300000 (-npeak)"/>
46 <param name="replace" truevalue="-rf" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Replace existing plot, Rdata, or narrowpeak file (execution aborts if file exists and option not enabled)" help="(-rf)"/>
48 <param name="save_regionpeak_file" truevalue="-savr" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Save regionpeak file" help="(-savr)"/>
49 <param name="save_peakshift_file" truevalue="-out=peakshift.txt" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Save peakshift file" help="(-out)"/>
50 <param name="save_plot_file" truevalue="-savp" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="True" label="Save plot file" help="(-savp)"/>
51 </when>
52 <when value="custom">
53 <!--custom settings, includes all relevant options here-->
54 <param name="input_chipseq_file1" type="data" format="bam" label="ChIP-Seq Tag File" />
55 <param name="input_control_file1" type="data" format="bam" optional="True" label="ChIP-Seq Control File" />
57 <param name="strand_shift" type="text" label="Strand shifts at which cross-correlation is evaluated" size="30" value="-100:5:600" help="default=-100:5:600 (-s)"/>
58 <param name="excluded_strand_shift" type="text" label="Strand shifts to exclude" value="10:10" help="default=10:(readlen+10) (-x)"/>
59 <param name="user_defined_strpeak" type="text" label="User defined cross-correlation peak strand shift" help="(-speak)"/>
60 <param name="num_peaks" type="integer" label="Threshold on number of peaks to call" value="0" help="default=0 (-npeak)"/>
61 <param name="fdr" type="integer" label="False discovery rate threshold" value="0" help="default=0 (-fdr)"/>
62 <param name="filter_char" type="text" label="Pattern to use to remove tags that map to specific chromosomes" help="(-filtchr)"/>
63 <param name="replace" truevalue="-rf" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="False" label="Replace existing plot, Rdata, or narrowpeak file (execution aborts if file exists and option not enabled)" help="(-rf)"/>
65 <param name="save_regionpeak_file" truevalue="-savr" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="False" label="Save regionpeak file" help="(-savr)"/>
66 <param name="save_peakshift_file" truevalue="-out=peakshift.txt" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="False" label="Save peakshift file" help="(-out)"/>
67 <param name="save_rdata_file" truevalue="-savd" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="False" label="Save Rdata file" help="(-savd)"/>
68 <param name="save_narrowpeak_file" truevalue="-savn" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="False" label="Save narrowpeak file" help="(-savn)"/>
69 <param name="save_plot_file" truevalue="-savp" falsevalue="" type="boolean" checked="False" label="Save plot file" help="(-savp)"/>
70 </when>
71 </conditional>
72 </inputs>
74 <outputs>
75 <data name="output_default_file" format="txt" label="${} on ${on_string}"/>
76 <data name="output_narrow_peak" format="txt" label="${} on ${on_string} (narrowpeaks)">
77 <filter>major_command['save_narrowpeak_file'] is True</filter>
78 <filter>major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'peak_calling' or major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'custom'</filter>
79 </data>
80 <data name="output_plot_file" format="pdf" label="${} on ${on_string} (plot)">
81 <filter>major_command['save_plot_file'] is True</filter>
82 </data>
83 <data name="output_region_peak" format="txt" label="${} on ${on_string} (regionpeaks)">
84 <filter>major_command['save_regionpeak_file'] is True</filter>
85 <filter>major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'peak_calling' or major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'custom' or major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'idr' </filter>
86 </data>
87 <data name="output_peakshift_file" format="txt" label="${} on ${on_string} (peakshift/phantompeak)">
88 <filter>major_command['save_peakshift_file'] is True</filter>
89 <filter>major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'cross_correlation' or major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'custom' or major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'idr' </filter>
90 </data>
91 <data name="output_rdata_file" format="txt" label="${} on ${on_string} (Rdata)">
92 <filter>major_command['save_rdata_file'] is True</filter>
93 <filter>major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'peak_calling' or major_command['major_command_selector'] == 'custom' </filter>
94 </data>
95 </outputs>
97 <configfiles>
98 <configfile name="options_file">&lt;%
99 import simplejson
100 %&gt;
101 #set $__options ={ 'experiment_name':str($experiment_name), 'chip_file':str($major_command.input_chipseq_file1) }
103 #if str( $major_command.input_control_file1 ) != 'None':
104 #set $__options['input_file'] = str( $major_command.input_control_file1 )
105 #end if
107 ##=============================================================================
108 #if str($major_command.major_command_selector) == 'cross_correlation':
109 #set $__options['action'] = str( "cross_correlation" )
110 #set $__options['rf'] = str( $major_command.replace )
112 #set $__options['out'] = str( $major_command.save_peakshift_file )
113 #set $__options['savp'] = str( $major_command.save_plot_file )
114 #end if
115 ##=============================================================================
116 #if str($major_command.major_command_selector) == 'peak_calling':
117 #set $__options['action'] = str( "peak_calling" )
118 #set $__options['fdr'] = str( $major_command.fdr )
119 #set $__options['npeak'] = str( $major_command.num_peaks )
120 #set $__options['rf'] = str( $major_command.replace )
122 #set $__options['savr'] = str( $major_command.save_regionpeak_file )
123 #set $__options['savd'] = str( $major_command.save_rdata_file )
124 #set $__options['savn'] = str( $major_command.save_narrowpeak_file )
125 #set $__options['savp'] = str( $major_command.save_plot_file )
126 #end if
127 ##=============================================================================
128 #if str($major_command.major_command_selector) == 'idr':
129 #set $__options['action'] = str( "idr" )
130 #set $__options['npeak'] = int( $major_command.num_peaks )
131 #set $__options['rf'] = str( $major_command.replace )
133 #set $__options['savr'] = str( $major_command.save_regionpeak_file )
134 #set $__options['out'] = str( $major_command.save_peakshift_file )
135 #set $__options['savp'] = str( $major_command.save_plot_file )
136 #end if
137 ##=============================================================================
138 #if str($major_command.major_command_selector) == 'custom':
139 #set $__options['action'] = str( "custom" )
140 #set $__options['s'] = str( $major_command.strand_shift )
141 #set $__options['x'] = str( $major_command.excluded_strand_shift )
142 #set $__options['npeak'] = int( $major_command.num_peaks )
143 #set $__options['fdr'] = int( $major_command.fdr )
144 #set $__options['rf'] = str( $major_command.replace )
146 #if str($major_command.user_defined_strpeak) == '':
147 #set $__options['speak'] = str( $major_command.user_defined_strpeak )
148 #else:
149 #set $__options['speak'] = "-speak=$major_command.user_defined_strpeak"
150 #end if
152 #if str($major_command.filter_char) == '':
153 #set $__options['filtchr'] = str( $major_command.filter_char )
154 #else:
155 #set $__options['filtchr'] = "-filtchr=$major_command.filter_char"
156 #end if
158 #set $__options['out'] = str( $major_command.save_peakshift_file )
159 #set $__options['savr'] = str( $major_command.save_regionpeak_file )
160 #set $__options['savd'] = str( $major_command.save_rdata_file )
161 #set $__options['savn'] = str( $major_command.save_narrowpeak_file )
162 #set $__options['savp'] = str( $major_command.save_plot_file )
163 #end if
165 ${ simplejson.dumps( __options ) }
166 </configfile>
167 </configfiles>
168 <tests>
169 <!--none yet for spp-->
170 </tests>
171 <help>
172 **What it does**
174 This tool allows ChIP-seq peak calling using SPP
176 This set of programs operate on mapped Illumina single-end read datasets in tagAlign or BAM format.
178 View the modified SPP documentation:
180 ------
182 **Usage**
184 **Determine strand cross-correlation peak**: Compute the predominant insert-size (fragment length) based on strand cross-correlation peak.
186 **Peak calling**: Call Peaks and regions for punctate binding datasets.
188 **IDR analysis**: Compute Data quality measures based on relative phantom peak.
190 **Custom settings**: Enables all options available to SPP for custom analysis.
192 ------
194 **Citation**
196 Anshul Kundaje, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, ENCODE Consortium, Personal Communication, Oct 2010
197 Kharchenko PK, Tolstorukov MY, Park PJ, Design and analysis of ChIP-seq experiments for DNA-binding proteins Nat Biotechnol. 2008 Dec;26(12):1351-9
199 Integration of SPP with Galaxy performed by Ziru Zhou ( ). Please send your comments/questions to
200 </help>
201 </tool>