diff fasta_summary.pl @ 0:ad2b274663f8 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/phac-nml/galaxy_tools commit 3f9ae719338c7c8db81d645b8ee09727e2d9ce23
author nml
date Tue, 07 Nov 2017 12:28:31 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fasta_summary.pl	Tue Nov 07 12:28:31 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Script to output statistsics and histograms for reads and contigs/isotigs
+# Outputs include:
+#    Mean, N50, StdDev or reads or contig lengths,
+#    Mean and Modal read or contig lengths.
+#    Number of reads or contigs > 1 kb in length 
+#    Summed contig length (by number of contigs, in sorted order)
+#    Histogram of read or contig lengths,
+#    Graph of sums of read-lengths
+#    File of reads or contigs sorted by read or contig length
+#    Test for mono/di-nucelotide repeats
+#    Randomly selected reads or contigs
+# Needs gnuplot installed to create the histograms:
+#   On Fedora/Redhat linux: sudo yum install gnuplot 
+#   On Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install gnuplot
+#  Uses a linux pipe to call gnu-plot directly, rather than as a separate shell script.
+# Original written by Sujai Kumar, 2008-09-05 University of Edinburgh
+# Modified by Stephen: 29-Apr-2009:
+# Last changed by Stephen: 9-Aug-2010
+# Usage: fasta_summary.pl -i infile.fasta  -o process_reads -t read OR contig OR isotig (to use 'read' or 'contig' or 'isotig' in the output table & graphs. Isotig is for 'runAssembly -cdna ...' output file '454Isotigs.fna') [-r 1 to indicate count simple nucleotide repeats] [-n number of random reads to output] [-c cutoff_length] [-l 1 to indicate output the longest read] [-f (s or t or w) for spacer, tab or wiki format table output.]
+# Note: The parameters above in the [] are optional.
+# eg: fasta_summary.pl -i myfile.fasta  -o process_reads -t read
+# Where:
+#  -i reads or contigs as input, in fasta format.
+#  -o output_dir (created if it doesn't exist)
+#  -t read, contig or isotig
+# Gives back
+# - N50
+# - num of contigs > 1 kb
+# - num of contigs
+# - Read or Contig Histogram and graphs.
+# - Summed contig length (by number of contigs, in sorted order)
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $infile;
+my $output_dir;
+my $type='read'; # Defaults to 'read' at present
+my $repeats=1;
+my $num_random_reads_to_output=0;
+my $cutoff_length=-1; # -1 means won't check this cutoff
+my $longest_read=-1; # -1 mean's don't output the sequence for the longest read.
+my $doCommify=1; # Outputs statistics numbers in format: 9,999,999
+my $format="t";  # "s"=spaces between columns, "t"=tabs between columns, "w"=wiki '||' and '|'.
+my $bucket1=0; # For optional exact length histogram distribution as asked for by JH.
+if ($#ARGV==-1) {die "
+ Usage:  
+    fasta_summary.pl -i infile.fasta  -o output_dir  -t ( read | contig | isotig ) [ -r 0 ] [ -n num_reads ] [ -c cutoff_length ] [ -l 1 ] [ -d 0 ] [ -f (w | t ) ] [ -bucket1 ]
+ where:
+    -i or -infile  infile.fasta  :  input fatsa file of raeds, contigs or isotigs, 
+    -o or -output_dir output_directory : directory to put output stats and graphs into.
+    -t or -type (read or contig or isotig) : for displaying the graph title, where type is 'read' or 'contig' or 'isotig'.
+    -r or -repeats 0 or 1        :  1=count number of reads that contain over 70% simple mono-nucleotide and di-nucleotide repeat bases; 0=don't count.
+    -n or -number num_reads      : For outputting specified number of randomly selected reads or contigs.
+    -c or -cutoff cutoff_length  : Give a number of reads to do extra analysis (calculating again the number of reads and number of bases in reads above this length)
+    -l or -longest 0 or 1        : 1=Output the longest read;  0= don't output the longest read
+    -d or -doCommify 0 or 1      : Output numbers formatted with commas to make easier to read: 0=no commas, default=1
+    -f or -format w or t         : w=wiki_format (ie. table with || and | for column dividers), t=tabs between column symbols for the wiki pages, default is spaces between columns.
+    -b or -bucket1               : To also output histogram file of exact read lengths (ie. bucket size of 1)
+  eg: For 454 reads:      fasta_summary.pl  -i RawReads.fna -o read_stats -t read
+      For 454 isotigs:    fasta_summary.pl  -i 454Isotigs.fna -o isotig_stats -t isotig
+GetOptions (
+	"infile=s"      => \$infile,
+	"output_dir=s"  => \$output_dir,
+	"type=s"        => \$type, ## type is 'read' or 'contig' or 'isotig' - for displaying the graph title
+	"repeats=i"     => \$repeats, # To count simple repeats
+	"number=i"      => \$num_random_reads_to_output, # For outputting specified number of random reads
+	"cutoff=i"      => \$cutoff_length, # Give a number of reads to do extra analysis (calculating again the number of reads and number of bases in reads above this length)
+	"longest=i"     => \$longest_read, # Output the longest read.
+	"doCommify=i"   => \$doCommify, # Output numbers formatted with commas to make easier to read: 0=no commas, default=1
+	"format=s"      => \$format, # "w"=wiki_format (ie. table with || and | for column dividers), "t"=tabs between column symbols for the wiki pages, default is spaces between columns.
+        "bucket1"       => \$bucket1, # To also output histogram file of exact read lengths (ie. bucket size of 1)
+if ($#ARGV>-1) {die "Unused options specified: @ARGV\n";}
+if ( (! defined $infile) || ($infile eq '') ) {die "\nPlease give input fasta file, preceeded by the '-i' option\n\n";}
+if ( (! defined $output_dir) || ($output_dir eq '') ) {die "Please give output_directory, preceeded by the '-o' option\n\n";}
+if ( (! defined $type) || (($type ne 'contig') && ($type ne 'read') && ($type ne 'isotig')) ) {die "ERROR: On commandline: -t type must be 'contig' or 'read' or 'isotig'\n\n";}
+my ($L,$M,$R, $Lh,$Mh,$Rh, $Lhnewline,$Mhnotab);
+if    ($format eq 's') {($L,$M,$R, $Lh,$Mh,$Rh, $Lhnewline,$Mhnotab)=('','  ','', '','  ','', "\n",'');}
+elsif ($format eq 't') {($L,$M,$R, $Lh,$Mh,$Rh, $Lhnewline,$Mhnotab)=("\t","\t",'', "","\t",'', "\n",'');} # There is correctly a tab for the $L, but not the $Lh.
+elsif ($format eq 'w') {($L,$M,$R, $Lh,$Mh,$Rh, $Lhnewline,$Mhnotab)=('| ',' | ',' |', '|| ',' || ',' ||', '|| ',' || ');}
+else {die "\nInvalid output format code: '$format'. Should be 's', 't' or 'w'.\n\n";}
+### create output_dir if it doesn't exist
+if (-d $output_dir) {
+	print STDERR "  Directory '$output_dir' exists, so the existing fasta_summary.pl output files will be overwritten\n";
+} else {
+	mkdir $output_dir;
+	print STDERR "  Directory '$output_dir' created\n";
+my $gc_count = 0;
+#--------------- Read in contigs from fasta file -------------------
+open INFILE, "<$infile" or die "Failed to open file: '$infile' : $!";
+open STATS, ">$output_dir/stats.txt" or die "Failed to open $output_dir/stats.txt: '' : $!";
+my $header = <INFILE>;
+if (! defined($header) ) {print "\n** ERROR: First line of input fasta file is undefined - so file must be empty **\n\n"; print STATS "No sequences found\n"; exit 1;}
+if ($header!~/^>/) {print "\nERROR: First line of input fasta file should start with '>' BUT first line is: '$header'\n"; print STATS "No sequences found\n"; exit 1;}
+my $seq = "";
+my @sequences;
+while (<INFILE>) {
+	if (/^>/) {
+		push @sequences, [length($seq), $header, $seq];
+		$header = $_;
+		$seq = "";
+	} else {
+		chomp;
+		$gc_count += tr/gcGC/gcGC/;
+		$seq .= $_;
+	}
+push @sequences, [length($seq), $header, $seq];
+close INFILE;
+if ($#sequences==-1) {print "\nERROR: There are zero sequences in the input file: $infile\n\n"; print STATS "No sequences found\n"; exit 1;}
+my $all_contigs_length=0;
+foreach (@sequences) {$all_contigs_length += $_->[0];}
+if ($all_contigs_length==0) {print "\nERROR: Length of all contigs is zero\n\n"; exit 2;}
+# Find number and number of bases in reads greater than the optional cut-off length given at command-line.
+my $num_reads_above_cutoff=0;
+my $num_of_bases_in_reads_above_cutoff=0;
+if ($cutoff_length>0) 
+  {
+  foreach (@sequences)
+    {
+    if ($_->[0]>=$cutoff_length) {$num_of_bases_in_reads_above_cutoff+= $_->[0]; $num_reads_above_cutoff++;}
+    }
+  }
+#--------------- Gather Plots Data, Find N50, Print sorted contig file -------------------
+my $summed_contig_length = 0;
+my @summed_contig_data; # <-- For graph of summed length (in number of bases) versus number of contigs.
+my @summed_contig_data_contigLens; # <-- Added by SJBridgett to get graph of summed contig length versus min. contig length included (ie. X-axis is sort of inverse of above)
+my $contig1k_count = 0;
+my $contig1k_length = 0;
+open SORTED, ">$output_dir/sorted_contigs.fa" or die $!;
+# top row in stats file
+#print STATS "N50\nMax contig size\nNumber of bases in contigs\nNumber of contigs\nNumber of contigs >=1kb\nNumber of contigs in N50\nNumber of bases in contigs >=1kb\nGC Content of contigs\n";
+my $N50size=-1;
+my $N50_contigs = 0;
+my @sorted_by_contig_length = sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @sequences;
+### variables and initialization for histogram (stored in @bins)
+my $max = $sorted_by_contig_length[0][0];
+my $mean= $all_contigs_length/($#sequences+1); # <-- Added by Stephen Bridgett.  Note: as $# gives the highest index number, so add 1 as arrays are zero-based.
+# Calculate standard deviation
+my $sumsquares = 0;
+foreach (@sequences) {$sumsquares += ($_->[0] - $mean) ** 2;} # <-- Taken from John's "mean_fasta_length.pl" script.
+my $stddev = ( $sumsquares/($#sequences+1) ) ** 0.5;
+my $min = 0;
+# Aim for approximately 100 bins, so 
+my $bin_size=1;
+my $min_max_range=$max - $min;
+# $bin_size = ($min_max_range)/(99); # (99 is 100-1) so   1000/100
+if    ($min_max_range>=100000000) {$bin_size=1000000;}
+elsif ($min_max_range>=10000000) {$bin_size=100000;}
+elsif ($min_max_range>=1000000) {$bin_size=10000;}
+elsif ($min_max_range>=100000) {$bin_size=1000;}
+elsif ($min_max_range>=10000) {$bin_size=100;}
+else  {$bin_size=10;}  # elsif  ($min_max_range>=1000) {$bin_size=10;}
+#elsif ($min_max_range>=100) {$bin_size=1;}
+#elsif ($min_max_range>=10) {}
+#elsif ($min_max_range>=1) {}
+# WAS: my $bin_size = ($type eq 'contig') ? 1000 : 10;
+my @bins;
+$#bins = int(($min_max_range)/$bin_size) + 1; # <-- Set the bins array size.
+foreach (@bins) {$_ = 0};
+foreach (@sorted_by_contig_length) {
+	my $curr_contig_length = $_->[0];
+	push @summed_contig_data_contigLens, $curr_contig_length; # <-- added by Stephen.
+	$bins[int(($curr_contig_length + 1 - $min)/$bin_size)]++;
+	$summed_contig_length += $curr_contig_length;
+	push @summed_contig_data, $summed_contig_length;
+	### sorted contigs file
+	print SORTED $_->[1] . $_->[2] . "\n";
+	if ($curr_contig_length >= 1000) {
+		$contig1k_count++;
+		$contig1k_length += $curr_contig_length;
+	}
+	$N50_contigs++ unless ($N50size>-1); # Was unless $N50_found
+	if ($summed_contig_length > ($all_contigs_length / 2) and $N50size == -1) {
+		$N50size = $curr_contig_length;
+	}
+if ($bucket1!=0) 
+  {
+  # This firsdt method works and agress with the second, but the lengths are in reverse order, at the @sorted_by_contig_length array was sorted with longest contig first.
+  open BUCKET1, ">$output_dir/lengths_hist1.txt" or die "Failed to open file '$output_dir/lengths_hist1.txt' : $!\n";
+  print BUCKET1 "Length\tFrequency\n";
+  my $len=-1;
+  my $count=0;
+  foreach (@sorted_by_contig_length)
+    {  
+    if ( $len != $_->[0] ) {if ($len>-1) {print BUCKET1 "$len\t$count\n";} $len=$_->[0]; $count=0;}
+    $count++;
+    }
+  if ($len>-1) {print BUCKET1 "$len\t$count\n";} # Print length of final length grouping.
+  close BUCKET1;
+  open BUCKET1, ">$output_dir/lengths_hist1_with_zeros.txt" or die "Failed to open file '$output_dir/lengths_hist1_with_zeros.txt' : $!\n";
+  print BUCKET1 "Length\tFrequency\n";
+  my @bucket=(); # To check the result by using array.
+  foreach (@sequences)
+    {
+    my $len=$_->[0];
+    if (defined $bucket[$len]) {$bucket[$len]++;}
+    else {$bucket[$len]=1;}
+    }
+  for (my $i=0; $i<=$#bucket; $i++)  
+# for (my $i=$#bucket; $i>=0; $i--) # <-- for reverse order
+   {
+   if (defined $bucket[$i]) {print BUCKET1 "$i\t$bucket[$i]\n";} 
+   else {print BUCKET1 "$i\t0\n";} # Can uncomment this later if don't want zeros in the output.
+   }
+  close BUCKET1;
+  }
+my $type_plural=$type.'s';
+print STATS  $Lh."Statistics for $type lengths:".$Mhnotab.$Rh."\n";
+print STATS  $L."Min $type length:".$M.&commify_if($sorted_by_contig_length[$#sequences][0],$doCommify).$R."\n";
+print STATS  $L."Max $type length:".$M.&commify_if($max,$doCommify).$R."\n";
+printf STATS $L."Mean %s length:".$M."%.2f".$R."\n", $type,$mean; # <-- Added by Stephen Bridgett, April 2009.
+printf STATS $L."Standard deviation of %s length:".$M."%.2f".$R."\n", $type,$stddev;  ## <-- Added by Stephen Bridgett, May 2009.
+print STATS  $L."Median $type length:".$M.&commify_if($sorted_by_contig_length[int($#sequences/2)][0],$doCommify).$R."\n";
+print STATS  $L."N50 $type length:".$M.&commify_if($N50size,$doCommify).$R."\n";
+print STATS  $Lhnewline."Statistics for numbers of $type_plural:".$Mhnotab.$Rh."\n";
+print STATS  $L."Number of $type_plural:".$M.&commify_if($#sequences+1,$doCommify).$R."\n";
+print STATS  $L."Number of $type_plural >=1kb:".$M.&commify_if($contig1k_count,$doCommify).$R."\n";
+print STATS  $L."Number of $type_plural in N50:".$M.&commify_if($N50_contigs,$doCommify).$R."\n";
+print STATS  $Lhnewline."Statistics for bases in the $type_plural:".$Mhnotab.$Rh."\n";
+print STATS  $L."Number of bases in all $type_plural:".$M.&commify_if($all_contigs_length,$doCommify).$R."\n";
+print STATS  $L."Number of bases in $type_plural >=1kb:".$M.&commify_if($contig1k_length,$doCommify).$R."\n";
+printf STATS $L."GC Content of %s:".$M."%.2f %%".$R."\n", $type_plural,(100*$gc_count/$all_contigs_length);
+if ($cutoff_length>0) 
+  {
+  print STATS $Lhnewline."Statistics for $type_plural >= $cutoff_length bp in length:".$Mhnotab.$Rh."\n";
+  print STATS $L."Number of $type_plural >= $cutoff_length bp:".$M.&commify($num_reads_above_cutoff,$doCommify).$R."\n";
+  print STATS $L."\tNumber of bases in $type_plural >= $cutoff_length bp:".$M.&commify($num_of_bases_in_reads_above_cutoff,$doCommify).$R."\n";
+  }
+if ($repeats==1) {&countRepeats();}
+print STATS "\n";
+# Output random selection of reads if requested on commandline:
+my $fastaLineLen=60; # <-- The line length used for 454 sffinfo output, but could use a value read from input file (but be careful not to read a short line)
+if ($num_random_reads_to_output>0)
+  {
+  my @randlist;
+  if ($num_random_reads_to_output<($#sequences+1))
+    {    
+    print STATS "\nSome randomly selected reads:\n\n";
+    @randlist= &getListOfRandomNumbers($#sequences, $num_random_reads_to_output); # Don't use ($#sequences + 1), just ($#sequences) otherwise would be outside the array.
+    }
+  else # Just print all the sequences:
+    {
+    print STATS "\nAll ".($#sequences+1)." reads:\n\n";
+    for (my $i=0;$i<=$#sequences;$i++) {push @randlist,$i;}
+    }
+  &print_sequences(\@randlist)
+  }    
+# Print the longest read:
+if ($longest_read>0)
+  {
+  my $length_of_longest_read=-1;
+  my @longest_read=();
+  my $i=0;
+  foreach (@sequences)
+    {
+    if ($_->[0]>$length_of_longest_read) {$length_of_longest_read=$_->[0]; $longest_read[0]=$i;}
+    $i++;
+    }
+  if ($length_of_longest_read>0) {print STATS "\nLongest read:\n"}
+  &print_sequences(\@longest_read);
+  }
+print STATS "\n$type\tSummed\nlength\tlength\n"; # <-- Added by Stephen Bridgett, but better to produce a graph instead.
+my $i=0;
+foreach (@summed_contig_data) {
+#	print STATS $sorted_by_contig_length[$i]->[0]."\t".$summed_contig_data_contigLens[$i]."\t".$_."\t".$summed_contig_data[$i]."\n";
+	print STATS $sorted_by_contig_length[$i]->[0]."\t".$_."\n";
+	$i++;
+open  SUMMED, ">$output_dir/summed_contig_lengths.dat" or die $!;
+print SUMMED join "\n",@summed_contig_data;
+close SUMMED;
+open  HISTOGRAMBINS, ">$output_dir/histogram_bins.dat" or die $!;
+my $bin_size_counter = 0;
+foreach (@bins) {
+	print HISTOGRAMBINS eval($bin_size_counter++ * $bin_size + $bin_size/2) . "\t$_\n";
+# Graph of cumulative (summed) number of reads on y-axis, versus length of read (decending order) on x-axis
+open  SUMREAD_READLEN, ">$output_dir/sum_reads_vs_read_len.dat" or die $!;
+#my $read_counter= 0;
+my $read_counter= $#sorted_by_contig_length+1;
+foreach (@sorted_by_contig_length) {
+#	$read_counter++;
+	$read_counter--;
+	print SUMREAD_READLEN "$_->[0]\n"; # $read_counter
+my $properType=ucfirst($type); # Makes the first letter an upper case letter, ie. 'Config' or 'Read'
+#if ($type eq 'contig') 
+#  {
+  # print the outcome of the gnu_plot as may have a write permissions error sometimes.
+  my $YHistogramScaleType = ($type eq 'read') ? '' : 'log y';    # Not using log scale for reads, just for contig/isotigs.
+  &plot_graph('histogram', "$output_dir/histogram_bins.dat",  "Histogram of $type lengths", "$properType length", "Number of $type_plural", '0.9', $YHistogramScaleType);
+  &plot_graph('line',      "$output_dir/summed_contig_lengths.dat", "Summed $type lengths", "Number of $type_plural", "Summed $type length in bases", '0.9', '');
+  &plot_graph('line',      "$output_dir/sum_reads_vs_read_len.dat", "X-axis gives the Number of $type_plural that are greater than the $properType-length given on the Y-axis", "$properType length", "Cummulative number of $type_plural",  '0.9', '');
+  #  print `gnuplot_histogram.sh $output_dir/histogram_bins.dat`;
+  &plot_graph("$output_dir/summed_contig_lengths.dat", 'Summed contig lengths', 'Number of contigs', 'Summed contig length in bases', '0.9', '');
+  #  print `gnuplot_summedcontigs.sh $output_dir/summed_contig_lengths.dat`;
+  &plot_graph('line', "$output_dir/sum_reads_vs_read_len.dat", 'X-axis gives the Number of contigs that are greater than the Contig-length given on the Y-axis', 'Contig length', 'Cummulative number of contigs',  '0.9', '');
+  #  print `gnuplot_sum_contig_vs_contig_len.sh $output_dir/sum_reads_vs_read_len.dat`;
+  }
+elsif ($type eq 'read')
+  {
+  #  print `gnuplot_readshistogram_logY.sh $output_dir/histogram_bins.dat`; # There's also optionally a "...._linearY.sh"
+  &plot_graph('line', "$output_dir/summed_contig_lengths.dat",'Summed read lengths', 'Number of reads', 'Summed read length in bases', '0.9', '');
+  #  print `gnuplot_summedreads.sh $output_dir/summed_contig_lengths.dat`;
+  &plot_graph('line', "$output_dir/sum_reads_vs_read_len.dat", 'X-axis gives the Number of reads that are greater than the Read-length given on the Y-axis', 'Read length', 'Cummulative number of reads', '0.9', '');
+  #  print `gnuplot_sum_reads_vs_read_len.sh $output_dir/sum_reads_vs_read_len.dat`;  
+  }
+else  {die "\n** ERROR: Invalid type='$type' **\n\n";}
+close SORTED;
+close STATS;
+# Use pipe to plot directly with gnuplot, rather than calling a separate shell script:
+# http://www.vioan.ro/wp/2008/09/30/calling-gnuplot-from-perl/
+# http://forums.devshed.com/perl-programming-6/plotting-with-gnuplot-within-perl-script-549682.html
+# Another option is the perl module: GnuplotIF: http://lug.fh-swf.de/perl/GnuplotIF.html OR: http://lug.fh-swf.de/perl/
+# PlPlot: Perl: http://search.cpan.org/~dhunt/PDL-Graphics-PLplot-0.47/plplot.pd
+#               http://plplot.sourceforge.net/
+# dislin: http://www.mps.mpg.de/dislin/overview.html
+# MathGL: http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/index.html
+sub plot_graph
+# Plots a histogram or xy-line graph
+# Parameters: GraphType (histogram/line) DataFile, Title, X-label, Y-label, Y-range
+# Graphfile should end with '.png'
+# The $yloglinear is 'log y' for log, or '' for linear
+my ($graphtype, $datafile, $title,$xlabel,$ylabel,$yrange,$yloglinear)=@_;  # yrange for reads: 0.1, and for contigs: 0.9
+my $graphstyle='';
+if ($graphtype eq 'histogram') {$graphstyle="plot \"$datafile\" using 1:2 with boxes";}
+elsif ($graphtype eq 'line') {$graphstyle="plot \"$datafile\" using 1 with lines";}
+else {die "\n** ERROR: Invalid graphtype='$graphtype'\n\n";}
+my $yloglinearscale= ($yloglinear eq '') ? '' : "set $yloglinear";
+# To capture any errors that are normally sent from gnuplot to stderr, could use: open3 pipe interface: 
+# http://www.clintoneast.com/articles/perl-open3-example.php
+# http://hell.org.ua/Docs/oreilly/perl2/prog/ch16_03.htm
+# But the following should be fine, as the stderr will display when running the script anyway.
+# If needed a simpler way would be to sent the output to a file using eg: open (GNUPLOT, "|gnuplot > gnu_out.txt 2>&1")  or die .... The read the resulting file.
+open (GNUPLOT, "|gnuplot") or die "\n**ERROR: Failed to open gnuplot : $!\n\n **";
+set terminal png
+set output "$datafile.png"
+set nokey
+set xlabel "$xlabel"
+set ylabel "$ylabel"
+set yrange [$yrange:]
+set title "$title"
+if ($? != 0) {print "\n** WARNING: GNUplot pipe returned non-zero status: '$?'\n\n";} # $? is the status returned by the last pipe close (or backtick or system operator)
+if (! -e "$datafile.png") {die "\n** ERROR: Failed to create '$datafile.png'**\n\n";}
+set term png small xFFFFFF
+set output "$file.png"
+set size 1 ,1
+set nokey
+set data style line
+set xlabel "frequency" font "VeraMono,10"
+set title "Fast Fourier Transform" font "VeraMono,10"
+set grid xtics ytics
+set xtics 100
+plot "$file" using 1:2 w lines 1
+#WAS PREVIOUSLY AS .sh script
+# The 'gnuplot_readshistogram_logY.sh' is:
+set terminal png
+set output "$1.png"
+set log y
+set xlabel "Read length"
+set ylabel "Frequency"
+set yrange [0.9:]
+set title "Histogram of read lengths"
+plot "$1" using 1:2 with boxes
+# Was previously a separate .sh file:
+gnuplot << EOF
+set terminal png
+set output "$1.png"
+set xlabel "Number of contigs"
+set ylabel "Summed contig length in bases"
+set yrange [0.9:]
+set title "Summed contig lengths"
+plot "$1" using 1 with lines
+# Added function to count number of simple dinucleotide repeats:
+sub countRepeats 
+  {
+  # To count the number of sequences that contain mostly repeats.
+  # This would be faster if called a C program on the file.
+# Common simple repeats are listed here: http://www.bioinfo.de/isb/2005/05/0041/
+# Dinucleotide
+#   AT/TA
+#   AC/TG
+#   AG/TC
+#   CG/GC
+# Trinucleotide	
+#   AAT/TTA
+#   CTA/GAT
+#   ATG/TAC
+#   ACT/TGA
+#   CTC/GAG
+#   AGG/TCC
+#   CAG/GTC
+#   AAG/TTC
+#   ATA/TAT
+#   CAA/GTT
+#   AGC/TCG
+#   ACA/TGT
+#   ACG/TGC
+#   AGA/TCT
+#   ACC/TGG
+#   Other
+# Tetranucleotide	
+#   AAAT
+#   AAAC
+#   CACG
+#   AACA
+#   AATA
+#   AAGA
+#   TGAA
+#   AAAG
+#   ACAT
+#   AATG
+#   AGCC
+#   Other
+# Pentanucleotide	
+#   AAAAC
+#   AATTG
+#   GCTAA
+#   ATAAT
+#   AAAAT
+#   AAACA
+#   ATATA
+#   TTGCC
+#   Other
+  # I also add mono-nucleotide repeats: - ie. just all T's, or A's, etc
+  # Just consider the dinucleotide repeats for now:
+  my ($ATseq,$CGseq,$ACseq,$TGseq,$AGseq,$TCseq)=(0,0,0,0,0,0);
+  my ($AAseq,$TTseq,$CCseq,$GGseq)=(0,0,0,0);
+  foreach (@sequences)
+    {
+    my $seq_len=$_->[0];
+    my $seq=$_->[2]; # This copy might be slow, maybe should just stick with using the reference.
+    my $mnt=0.35*$seq_len;  # Mononucleotide threshold:  HERE 0.35 also means 70%;  0.4 means 80% dinucleotide repeats, as really one base so 0.5 = 100%
+    my $dnt=0.35*$seq_len;  # Dinucleotide threshold:  0.35 means 70%;  0.4 means 80% dinucleotide repeats, as two bases so 0.5 = 100%
+    my ($AT,$CG,$AC,$TG,$AG,$TC)=(0,0,0,0,0,0);
+    my ($AA,$TT,$CC,$GG)=(0,0,0,0);
+    # See: http://www.allinterview.com/showanswers/76719.html
+    # AT/TA seems most common repeat so process it first to save time:
+    while ($seq=~/AT/g) {$AT++;} if ($AT>$dnt) {$ATseq++; next;} # AT is same as TA.   If has 80% AT's then won't have 80% AC etc.
+    while ($seq=~/CG/g) {$CG++;}  if ($CG>$dnt) {$CGseq++; next;} # CG is same as GC.
+    # AC,TG
+    while ($seq=~/AC/g) {$AC++;} if ($AC>$dnt) {$ACseq++; next;}
+    while ($seq=~/TG/g) {$TG++;} if ($TG>$dnt) {$TGseq++; next;}
+    # AG/TC
+    while ($seq=~/AG/g) {$AG++;} if ($AG>$dnt) {$AGseq++; next;}
+    while ($seq=~/TC/g) {$TC++;} if ($TC>$dnt) {$TCseq++; next;}
+    # Added my simple mononucleotde repeat count:
+    while ($seq=~/AA/g) {$AA++;} if ($AA>$mnt) {$AAseq++; next;}
+    while ($seq=~/TT/g) {$TT++;} if ($TT>$mnt) {$TTseq++; next;}
+    while ($seq=~/CC/g) {$CC++;} if ($CC>$mnt) {$CCseq++; next;}
+    while ($seq=~/GG/g) {$GG++;} if ($GG>$mnt) {$GGseq++; next;}
+    }
+  my $num_seq=($#sequences+1);
+  my $total_din_repeats_seq= $ACseq+$TGseq+$ATseq+$AGseq+$TCseq+$CGseq;
+  my $percent_din_repeats=100*$total_din_repeats_seq/$num_seq;
+  print STATS "\nSimple Dinucleotide repeats:\n";
+  printf STATS "\tNumber of %s with over 70%% dinucleotode repeats:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", $type_plural, $percent_din_repeats, $total_din_repeats_seq, $type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tAT:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$ATseq/$num_seq),$ATseq,$type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tCG:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$CGseq/$num_seq),$CGseq,$type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tAC:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$ACseq/$num_seq),$ACseq,$type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tTG:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$TGseq/$num_seq),$TGseq,$type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tAG:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$AGseq/$num_seq),$AGseq,$type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tTC:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$TCseq/$num_seq),$TCseq,$type_plural;
+  my $total_mono_repeats_seq= $AAseq+$TTseq+$CCseq+$GGseq;
+  my $percent_mono_repeats=100*$total_mono_repeats_seq/$num_seq;
+  print STATS "\nSimple mononucleotide repeats:\n";
+  printf STATS "\tNumber of %s with over 50%% mononucleotode repeats:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", $type_plural, $percent_mono_repeats, $total_mono_repeats_seq, $type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tAA:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$AAseq/$num_seq),$AAseq,$type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tTT:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$TTseq/$num_seq),$TTseq,$type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tCC:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$CCseq/$num_seq),$CCseq,$type_plural;
+  printf STATS "\tGG:\t%.2f %% (%d %s)\n", (100*$GGseq/$num_seq),$GGseq,$type_plural;
+  return $percent_din_repeats+$percent_mono_repeats;
+  }
+sub commify_if
+  {
+  # If doCommify is >0 then converts output to commas.   
+  # Formats '1234567890.01' with commas as "1,234,567,890.01
+  # Based on: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=110137
+  my ($number,$doCommify)=@_;
+  if ($doCommify > 0) {$number =~ s/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(\D|$))/$1\,/g;}
+  return $number;
+  }
+#--------------- Produce ordered list of random numbers -------------------
+# This is copied from: my_random_contigs.pl
+sub getListOfRandomNumbers
+# Use: @list=getListOfRandomNumbers(200,20); to return sorted list of 20 numbers in range from 0 to 200 inclusive.
+my %list2=();
+my $i=0;
+my $MaxNumber=$_[0];
+my $NumToPick=$_[1];
+while ($i<$NumToPick)
+  {
+  my $intRand = int(rand($MaxNumber+1)); # For Zero-based perl-arrays. The +1 means this generates random integers between 0 and $MaxNumber. (See: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/rand.html )
+  if ($intRand>$MaxNumber) {$intRand=$MaxNumber} # Just to be extra sure that don't exceed $MaxNumber.
+  if ( !exists($list2{$intRand}) ) {$list2{$intRand}=1; $i++;}
+  }
+#foreach my $key(keys %list2) {print "$key ";} 
+# Sort the list of numbers:
+#my @SortedList2 = sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%list2);
+#return @SortedList2;
+return (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%list2));
+#print "Sorted list of ".$NumToPick." random numbers:\n";
+#foreach my $num(@SortedList2) {print "$num\n";}
+#print "\n\n";
+sub print_sequences
+  {
+  # Print the sequences wrapping sequences using index array, at line length of '$fastaLineLen' characters:
+  # Uses the global '@sequences' array.
+  my $sequence_indexes_list=$_[0]; # This is an array reference, not the array itself.
+  foreach my $num(@{$sequence_indexes_list})
+    {
+#print "$num (max=$#sequences)\n";
+    print STATS $sequences[$num]->[1]; # Prints the header, no "\n" needed after it.
+    my $pos=0;
+    my $seqlen=$sequences[$num]->[0];
+    while ($pos<$seqlen)
+      {
+      print STATS substr($sequences[$num]->[2],$pos,$fastaLineLen)."\n";
+      $pos+=$fastaLineLen;
+      }
+    print STATS "\n";
+    }
+  }
+# Some test runs for mono-nucleotides and dinucelotides:
+>FUOMOGO01AQV42DUMMYA length=339 xy=0189_0676 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AQV42DUMMYB length=339 xy=0189_0676 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AQV42DUMMYC length=339 xy=0189_0676 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AQV42DUMMYD length=339 xy=0189_0676 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AQV42 length=339 xy=0189_0676 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AUK0D length=214 xy=0231_0843 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AUB7C length=64 xy=0228_1718 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AU00B length=213 xy=0236_1097 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01ATYRT length=169 xy=0224_0695 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01ARMLN length=400 xy=0197_2201 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AVGRX length=44 xy=0241_1051 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01ASZ6K length=315 xy=0213_0922 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01ARSZF length=65 xy=0199_2281 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AYV8U length=49 xy=0280_1324 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AYV9X length=40 xy=0280_1363 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AUX4M length=40 xy=0235_1460 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AWOTU length=54 xy=0255_0800 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01A11TC length=66 xy=0316_1054 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01ASRJP length=401 xy=0210_2019 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_
+>FUOMOGO01AU1ZH length=67 xy=0236_2363 region=1 run=R_2009_04_23_17_54_06_