view spatyper.xml @ 0:52d69f74b19e draft

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author nml
date Mon, 20 Mar 2023 20:16:56 +0000
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<tool id="spatyper" name="Generate spa type identification" version="@VERSION@+galaxy0" profile="21.01">
        <token name="@VERSION@">0.3.3</token>
        <requirement type="package" version="@VERSION@">spatyper</requirement>
    <command detect_errors="aggressive"> <![CDATA[
        spaTyper -f '${input1}' -r '${input2}' > '${output1}' 
    ]]> </command>
        <param type="data" name="input1" format="fasta" label="SPA Fasta file" help="Staphylococcus aureus - staphylococcal protein A fasta file. This will be assigned a type based on its repeat region."/>
        <param type="data" name="input2" format="fasta" label="Repeats Library Multifasta" help="A multifasta representing a set of known repeat regions found in staphylococcal protein A. This can be downloaded at ("/>
        <data name="output1" format="txt" />
            <param name="input1" value="input.fasta"/>
            <param name="input2" value="sparepeats.fasta"/>
            <output name="output1">
                    <has_text text = "t11215" />

    USAGE: spaTyper [-h] [-r REPEAT_FILE] [-o REPEAT_ORDER_FILE] [-d FOLDER] [-f FASTA [FASTA ...]] [-g GLOB] [-e] [--output OUTPUT] [--version] [--debug] [--info] Get spa types

    Version: 0.3.3
    License: GPLv3
    Prints spa type to stdout

    It will download sparepeats.fasta and spatypes.txt to repository directory 
    if files not provided or already in directory. It can be loaded as a python
    module. Python 3 version only.

    Options: -h     show this help message and exit
             -r     REPEAT_FILE (
             -o     REPEAT_ORDER_FILE (
             -d     Folder to save downloaded files from Ridom/Spa server
             -f     List of one or more fasta files.
             -g     Uses unix style pathname expansion to run spa typing on all files. If your shell autoexpands wildcards use -f.
             -e     Do PCR product enrichment. [Default: False]

        <citation type="bibtex">
  author = {HCGB},
  year = {2020},
  title = {spaTyper},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  url = {},