view clipkit_repo/docs/advanced/index.rst @ 0:49b058e85902 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit cbe1e8577ecb1a46709034a40dff36052e876e7a-dirty"
author padge
date Fri, 25 Mar 2022 13:04:31 +0000 (2022-03-25)
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Advanced Usage


This section describes the various features and options of ClipKIT.

- Modes_
- Output_
- Log_
- Complementary_
- `All options`_


.. _Modes:


Herein, we describe the various trimming modes implemented in ClipKIT. If you are unsure which is appropriate for you,
**we recommend using the default smart-gap trimming mode**. 

ClipKIT can be run with eight different modes, which are specified with the -m/--mode argument.
*Default: 'smart-gap'*

* smart-gap: dynamic determination of gaps threshold
* gappy: trim all sites that are above a threshold of gappyness (default: 0.9)
* kpic: keep only parismony informative and constant sites
* kpic-smart-gap: a combination of kpic- and smart-gap-based trimming 
* kpic-gappy: a combination of kpic- and gappy-based trimming
* kpi: keep only parsimony informative sites
* kpi-smart-gap: a combination of kpi- and smart-gap-based trimming
* kpi-gappy: a combination of kpi- and gappy-based trimming

.. code-block:: shell

	# smart-gap-based trimming
	clipkit <input>
	clipkit -m smart-gap

	# gappy-based trimming
	clipkit <input> -m gappy

	# kpic-based trimming
	clipkit <input> -m kpic

	# kpic- and smart-gap-based trimming
	clipkit <input> -m kpic-smart-gap

	# kpic- and gappy-based trimming
	clipkit <input> -m kpic-gappy

	# kpi-based trimming
	clipkit <input> -m kpi

	# kpi- and smart-gap-based trimming
	clipkit <input> -m kpi-smart-gap

	# kpi- and gappy-based trimming
	clipkit <input> -m kpi-gappy

.. _Output:



By default, output files will have the same name as the input file with the suffix ".clipkit"
appended to the name. Users can specify output file names with the -o option. 

.. code-block:: shell

	# specify output
	clipkit <input> -o <output>


.. _Log:

It can be very useful to have information about the each position in an alignment. For
example, this information could be used in alignment diagnostics, fine-tuning of trimming
parameters, etc. To create the log file, use the -l/\\-\\-log option. Using this option
will create a four column file with the suffix 'clipkit.log'. *Default: off*

* col1: position in the alignment (starting at 1)
* col2: reports if site was trimmed or kept (trim or keep, respectively)
* col3: reports if the site is parsimony informative or not (PI or nPI, respectively)
* col4: reports the gappyness of the position (number of gaps / entries in alignment)

.. code-block:: shell

	clipkit <input> -l 


.. _Complementary:


Having an alignment of the sequences that were trimmed can be useful for other analyses. 
To obtain an alignment of the sequences that were trimmed, use the -c/\\-\\-complementary 

.. code-block:: shell

	clipkit <input> -c

Output file with the suffix '.clipkit.complementary'


.. _`All options`:

All options

| Option                      | Usage and meaning                                                 |
| -h/\-\-help                 | Print help message                                                |
| -v/\-\-version              | Print software version                                            |
| -m/\-\-mode                 | Specify trimming mode (default: smart-gap)                        |
| -o/\-\-output               | Specify output file name                                          |
| -g/\-\-gaps                 | Specify gappyness threshold (between 0 and 1). *Default: 0.9*     |
| -if/\-\-input_file_format   | Specify input file format*. *Default: auto-detect*                |
| -of/\-\-output_file_format  | Specify output file format*. *Default: input file type*           |
| -l/\-\-log                  | Create a log file. *Default: off*                                 |
| -c/--complementary          | Create a complementary alignment file. *Default: off*             |

\*Acceptable file formats include: 
`fasta <>`_,
`clustal <>`_,
`maf <>`_,
`mauve <>`_,
`phylip <>`_,
`phylip-sequential <>`_,
`phylip-relaxed <>`_,
`stockholm <>`_