diff trimal_repo/source/rwAlignment.cpp @ 0:b15a3147e604 draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/inab/trimal commit cbe1e8577ecb1a46709034a40dff36052e876e7a-dirty"
author padge
date Fri, 25 Mar 2022 17:10:43 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/trimal_repo/source/rwAlignment.cpp	Fri Mar 25 17:10:43 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2253 @@
+/* ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
+   ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
+    trimAl v1.4: a tool for automated alignment trimming in large-scale
+                 phylogenetics analyses.
+    readAl v1.4: a tool for automated alignment conversion among different
+                 formats.
+    2009-2015 Capella-Gutierrez S. and Gabaldon, T.
+              [scapella, tgabaldon]@crg.es
+    This file is part of trimAl/readAl.
+    trimAl/readAl are free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, the last available version.
+    trimAl/readAl are distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with trimAl/readAl. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
+***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** */
+#include "alignment.h"
+#include "defines.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+extern int errno;
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+bool alignment::fillMatrices(bool aligned) {
+  /* Function to determine if a set of sequences, that can be aligned or not,
+   * have been correctly load and are free of errors. */
+  int i, j;
+  /* Initialize some variables */
+  residuesNumber = new int[sequenNumber];
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+    residuesNumber[i] = sequences[i].size();
+  }
+  /* Check whether there are any unknow/no allowed character in the sequences */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    for(j = 0; j < residuesNumber[i]; j++)
+      if((!isalpha(sequences[i][j])) && (!ispunct(sequences[i][j]))) {
+        cerr << endl << "ERROR: The sequence \"" << seqsName[i] << "\" has an "
+          << "unknown (" << sequences[i][j] << ") character." << endl;
+        return false;
+      }
+  /* Check whether all sequences have same size or not */
+  for(i = 1; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    if(residuesNumber[i] != residuesNumber[i-1])
+      break;
+  /* Set an appropriate flag for indicating if sequences are aligned or not */
+  isAligned = (i != sequenNumber) ? false : true;
+  /* Warm about those cases where sequences should be aligned
+   * and there are not */
+  if (aligned and !isAligned) {
+    cerr << endl << "ERROR: Sequences should be aligned (all with same length) "
+      << "and there are not. Check your input alignment" << endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+  /* Full-fill some information about input alignment */
+  if(residNumber == 0)
+    residNumber = residuesNumber[0];
+  /* Check whether aligned sequences have the length fixed for the input alig */
+  for(i = 0; (i < sequenNumber) and (aligned); i++) {
+    if(residuesNumber[i] != residNumber) {
+      cerr << endl << "ERROR: The sequence \"" << seqsName[i] << "\" ("
+        << residuesNumber[i] << ") does not have the same number of residues "
+        << "fixed by the alignment (" << residNumber << ")." << endl;
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If the sequences are aligned, initialize some additional variables.
+   * These variables will be useful for posterior analysis */
+  if((aligned) || (isAligned)) {
+    /* Asign its position to each column. That will be used to determine which
+     * columns should be kept in output alignment after applying any method
+     * and which columns should not */
+    saveResidues = new int[residNumber];
+    for(i = 0; i < residNumber; i++)
+      saveResidues[i] = i;
+    /* Asign its position to each sequence. Similar to the columns numbering
+     * process, assign to each sequence its position is useful to know which
+     * sequences will be in the output alignment */
+    saveSequences = new int[sequenNumber];
+    for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+      saveSequences[i] = i;
+  }
+  /* Return an flag indicating that everything is fine */
+  return true;
+void alignment::getSequences(ostream &file) {
+  /* Get only residues sequences from input alignment */
+  int i, j;
+  string *tmpMatrix;
+  /* Allocate local memory for generating output alignment */
+  tmpMatrix = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Depending on alignment orientation: forward or reverse. Copy directly
+   * sequence information or get firstly the reversed sequences and then copy
+   * it into local memory. Once orientation has been determined, remove gaps
+   * from resuting sequences */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    tmpMatrix[i] = (!reverse) ? utils::removeCharacter('-', sequences[i]) : \
+      utils::removeCharacter('-', utils::getReverse(sequences[i]));
+  /* Print output set of sequences in FASTA format*/
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+    file << ">" << seqsName[i] << endl;
+    for(j = 0; j < (int) tmpMatrix[i].size(); j += 60)
+      file << tmpMatrix[i].substr(j, 60) << endl;
+    file << endl;
+  }
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  delete [] tmpMatrix;
+int alignment::formatInputAlignment(char *alignmentFile) {
+  /* Guess input alignment format */
+  char c, *firstWord = NULL, *line = NULL;
+  int format = 0, blocks = 0;
+  ifstream file;
+  string nline;
+  /* Check the file and its content */
+  file.open(alignmentFile, ifstream::in);
+  if(!utils::checkFile(file))
+    return false;
+  /* Read first valid line in a safer way */
+  do {
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  } while ((line == NULL) && (!file.eof()));
+  /* If the file end is reached without a valid line, warn about it */
+  if (file.eof())
+    return false;
+  /* Otherwise, split line */
+  firstWord = strtok(line, OTHDELIMITERS);
+  /* Clustal Format */
+  if((!strcmp(firstWord, "CLUSTAL")) || (!strcmp(firstWord, "clustal")))
+    format = 1;
+  /* NBRF/PIR Format */
+  else if(firstWord[0] == '>' && firstWord[3] == ';')
+    format = 3;
+  /* Fasta Format */
+  else if(firstWord[0] == '>')
+    format = 8;
+  /* Nexus Format */
+  else if((!strcmp(firstWord, "#NEXUS")) || (!strcmp(firstWord, "#nexus")))
+    format = 17;
+  /* Mega Format */
+  else if((!strcmp(firstWord, "#MEGA")) || (!strcmp(firstWord, "#mega"))) {
+    /* Determine specific mega format: sequential or interleaved.
+     * Counting the number of blocks (set of lines starting by "#") in
+     * the input file. */
+    blocks = 0;
+    do {
+      file.read(&c, 1);
+    } while((c != '#') && (!file.eof()));
+    do {
+      while((c != '\n') && (!file.eof()))
+        file.read(&c, 1);
+      file.read(&c, 1);
+      if(c == '#')
+        blocks++;
+    } while((c != '\n') && (!file.eof()));
+    /* MEGA Sequential (22) or Interleaved (21) */
+    format = (!blocks) ? 22 : 21;
+  }
+  /* Phylip Format */
+  else {
+    /* Determine specific phylip format: sequential or interleaved. */
+    /* Get number of sequences and residues */
+    sequenNumber = atoi(firstWord);
+    firstWord = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+    if(firstWord != NULL)
+      residNumber = atoi(firstWord);
+    /* If there is only one sequence, use by default sequential format since
+     * it is impossible to determine exactly which phylip format is */
+    if((sequenNumber == 1) && (residNumber != 0))
+      format = 12;
+    /* If there are more than one sequence, analyze sequences distribution to
+     * determine its format. */
+    else if((sequenNumber != 0) && (residNumber != 0)) {
+      blocks = 0;
+      /* Read line in a safer way */
+      do {
+        if (line != NULL)
+          delete [] line;
+        line = utils::readLine(file);
+      } while ((line == NULL) && (!file.eof()));
+      /* If the file end is reached without a valid line, warn about it */
+      if (file.eof())
+        return false;
+      firstWord = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+      while(firstWord != NULL) {
+        blocks++;
+        firstWord = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+      }
+      /* Read line in a safer way */
+      do {
+        if (line != NULL)
+          delete [] line;
+        line = utils::readLine(file);
+      } while ((line == NULL) && (!file.eof()));
+      firstWord = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+      while(firstWord != NULL) {
+        blocks--;
+        firstWord = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+      }
+      /* If the file end is reached without a valid line, warn about it */
+      if (file.eof())
+        return false;
+      /* Phylip Interleaved (12) or Sequential (11) */
+      format = (!blocks) ? 12 : 11;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Close the input file and delete dinamic memory */
+  file.close();
+  if (line != NULL)
+    delete [] line;
+  /* Return the input alignment format */
+  return format;
+bool alignment::loadPhylipAlignment(char *alignmentFile) {
+  /* PHYLIP/PHYLIP 4 (Sequential) file format parser */
+  char *str, *line = NULL;
+  ifstream file;
+  int i;
+  /* Check the file and its content */
+  file.open(alignmentFile, ifstream::in);
+  if(!utils::checkFile(file))
+    return false;
+  /* Store some data about filename for possible uses in other formats */
+  filename.append("!Title ");
+  filename.append(alignmentFile);
+  filename.append(";");
+  /* Read first valid line in a safer way */
+  do {
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  } while ((line == NULL) && (!file.eof()));
+  /* If the file end is reached without a valid line, warn about it */
+  if (file.eof())
+    return false;
+  /* Read the input sequences and residues for each sequence numbers */
+  str = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+  sequenNumber = 0;
+  if(str != NULL)
+    sequenNumber = atoi(str);
+  str = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+  residNumber = 0;
+  if(str != NULL)
+    residNumber = atoi(str);
+  /* If something is wrong about the sequences or/and residues number,
+   * return an error to warn about that */
+  if((sequenNumber == 0) || (residNumber == 0))
+    return false;
+  /* Allocate memory  for the input data */
+  sequences  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  seqsName   = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Read the lines block containing the sequences name + first fragment */
+  i = 0;
+  while((i < sequenNumber) && (!file.eof())){
+    /* Read lines in a safer way. Destroy previous stored information */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    /* It the input line/s are blank lines, skip the loop iteration  */
+    if(line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* First token: Sequence name */
+    str = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+    seqsName[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+    /* Trim the rest of the line from blank spaces, tabs, etc and store it */
+    str = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+    while(str != NULL) {
+      sequences[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      str = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+    }
+    i++;
+  }
+  /* Read the rest of the input file */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Try to get for each sequences its corresponding residues */
+    i = 0;
+    while((i < sequenNumber) && (!file.eof())) {
+      /* Read lines in a safer way. Destroy previous stored information */
+      if (line != NULL)
+        delete [] line;
+      line = utils::readLine(file);
+      /* It the input line/s are blank lines, skip the loop iteration  */
+      if(line == NULL)
+        continue;
+      /* Remove from the current line non-printable characters and add fragments
+       * to previous stored sequence */
+      str = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+      while(str != NULL) {
+        sequences[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+        str = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+      }
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Close the input file and delete dinamic memory */
+  file.close();
+  if (line != NULL)
+    delete [] line;
+  /* Check the matrix's content */
+  return fillMatrices(true);
+bool alignment::loadPhylip3_2Alignment(char *alignmentFile) {
+  /* PHYLIP 3.2 (Interleaved) file format parser */
+  int i, blocksFirstLine, firstLine = true;
+  char *str, *line = NULL;
+  ifstream file;
+  /* Check the file and its content */
+  file.open(alignmentFile, ifstream::in);
+  if(!utils::checkFile(file))
+    return false;
+  /* Store the file name for futher format conversion*/
+  filename.append("!Title ");
+  filename.append(alignmentFile);
+  filename.append(";");
+  /* Read first valid line in a safer way */
+  do {
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  } while ((line == NULL) && (!file.eof()));
+  /* If the file end is reached without a valid line, warn about it */
+  if (file.eof())
+    return false;
+  /* Get the sequences and residues numbers. If there is any mistake,
+   * return a FALSE value to warn about the possible error */
+  str = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+  sequenNumber = 0;
+  if(str != NULL)
+    sequenNumber = atoi(str);
+  str = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+  residNumber = 0;
+  if(str != NULL)
+    residNumber = atoi(str);
+  if((sequenNumber == 0) || (residNumber == 0))
+    return false;
+  /* Reserve memory according to the input parameters */
+  sequences  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  seqsName   = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Point to the first sequence in the alignment. Since the alignment could not
+   * have blank lines to separate the different sequences. Store the blocks size
+   * for the first line including a sequence identifier */
+  i = 0;
+  blocksFirstLine = 0;
+  do {
+    /* Read lines in a safer way. Destroy previous stored information */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    /* If there is nothing in the input line, skip the loop instructions */
+    if(line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    str = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+    /* First block: Sequence Name + Sequence fragment. Count how many blocks
+     * the first sequence line is divided. It could help to identify the
+     * different sequences from the input file */
+    if(firstLine) {
+      seqsName[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      str = strtok(NULL, OTHDELIMITERS);
+      firstLine = 1;
+    }
+    /* Sequence fragment */
+    while(str != NULL) {
+      sequences[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      str = strtok(NULL, OTHDELIMITERS);
+      /* Count the blocks number for the sequences first line */
+      if (firstLine)
+        firstLine += 1;
+    }
+    /* Store the blocks number for the first sequence including the name */
+    if ((blocksFirstLine == 0) and firstLine)
+      blocksFirstLine = firstLine;
+    /* If a false positive new sequence was detected, add stored information for
+     * the current sequence to the previous one and clear the data structure
+     * for the current sequence. Finally, move the sequence pointer to the
+     * previous one. */
+    if ((firstLine != false) and (firstLine != blocksFirstLine)) {
+      sequences[i-1].append(seqsName[i]);
+      seqsName[i].clear();
+      sequences[i-1].append(sequences[i]);
+      sequences[i].clear();
+      i --;
+    }
+    firstLine = false;
+    /* There are many ways to detect a new sequence. */
+    /* One of them -experimental- is just to detect if the residues number for
+     * the current entry is equal to the residues number for the whole align */
+    if ((int) sequences[i].size() == residNumber) {
+      firstLine = true;
+      i++;
+    }
+  } while(!file.eof());
+  /* Close the input file and delete dinamic memory */
+  file.close();
+  if (line != NULL)
+    delete [] line;
+  /* Check the matrix's content */
+  return fillMatrices(true);
+bool alignment::loadClustalAlignment(char *alignmentFile) {
+  /* CLUSTAL file format parser */
+  int i, seqLength, pos, firstBlock;
+  char *str, *line = NULL;
+  ifstream file;
+  /* Check input file and its content */
+  file.open(alignmentFile, ifstream::in);
+  if(!utils::checkFile(file))
+    return false;
+  /* Store some details about input file to be used in posterior format
+   * conversions */
+  filename.append("!Title ");
+  filename.append(alignmentFile);
+  filename.append(";");
+  /* The first valid line corresponding to CLUSTAL label is ignored */
+  do {
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  } while ((line == NULL) && (!file.eof()));
+  /* If the file end is reached without a valid line, warn about it */
+  if (file.eof())
+    return false;
+  /* Ignore blank lines before first sequence block starts */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Deallocate previously used dynamic memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read lines in safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line != NULL)
+      break;
+  }
+  /* The program in only interested in the first blocks of sequences since
+   * it wants to know how many sequences are in the input file */
+  sequenNumber = 0;
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* If a new line without any valid character is detected
+     * means the first block is over */
+    if (line == NULL)
+      break;
+    /* Count how many times standard characters as well as
+     * gap symbol "-" is detected in current line. */
+    seqLength = (int) strlen(line);
+    for(pos = 0; pos < seqLength; pos++)
+      if((isalpha(line[pos])) || (line[pos] == '-'))
+        break;
+    /* If not standard characters are detected in current line means that
+     * the program has found typical line in clustal alignment files to mark
+     * some scores for some columns. In that case, the first block is over */
+    if(pos == seqLength)
+      break;
+    sequenNumber++;
+    /* Deallocate previously used dynamic memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read lines in safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  }
+  /* Finish to preprocess the input file. */
+  file.clear();
+  file.seekg(0);
+  /* Allocate memory for the input alignmet */
+  seqsName  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  sequences = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Read the title line and store it */
+  line = utils::readLine(file);
+  if (line == NULL)
+    return false;
+  aligInfo.append(line, strlen(line));
+  /* Ignore blank lines before first sequence block starts */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Deallocate previously used dynamic memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read lines in safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line != NULL)
+      break;
+  }
+  /* Set-up sequences pointer to the first one and the flag to indicate
+   * the first blocks. That flag implies that sequences names have to be
+   * stored */
+  i = 0;
+  firstBlock = true;
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    if (line == NULL) {
+      /* Sometimes, clustalw files does not have any marker after first block
+       * to indicate conservation between its columns residues. In that cases,
+       * mark the end of first block */
+      if (i == 0)
+        firstBlock = false;
+      /* Read current line and analyze it*/
+      line = utils::readLine(file);
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Check whteher current line is a standard line or it is a line to mark
+     * quality scores for that alignment column */
+    seqLength = (int) strlen(line);
+    for(pos = 0; pos < seqLength; pos++)
+      if((isalpha(line[pos])) || (line[pos] == '-'))
+        break;
+    /* Start a new block in the input alignment */
+    if (pos == seqLength) {
+      firstBlock = false;
+      /* Deallocate dinamic memory if it has been used before */
+      if (line != NULL)
+        delete [] line;
+      /* Read current line and analyze it*/
+      line = utils::readLine(file);
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* If it is a standard line, split it into two parts. The first one contains
+     * sequence name and the second one the residues. If the "firstBlock" flag
+     * is active then store the sequence name */
+    str = strtok(line, OTHDELIMITERS);
+    if(str != NULL) {
+      if(firstBlock)
+        seqsName[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      str = strtok(NULL, OTHDELIMITERS);
+      if(str != NULL)
+        sequences[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      /* Move sequences pointer in a circular way */
+      i = (i + 1) % sequenNumber;
+    }
+    /* Deallocate dinamic memory if it has been used before */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read current line and analyze it*/
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  }
+  /* Close the input file */
+  file.close();
+  /* Deallocate dinamic memory */
+  if (line != NULL)
+    delete [] line;
+  /* Check the matrix's content */
+  return fillMatrices(true);
+bool alignment::loadFastaAlignment(char *alignmentFile) {
+  /* FASTA file format parser */
+  char *str, *line = NULL;
+  ifstream file;
+  int i;
+  /* Check the file and its content */
+  file.open(alignmentFile, ifstream::in);
+  if(!utils::checkFile(file))
+    return false;
+  /* Store input file name for posterior uses in other formats */
+  filename.append("!Title ");
+  filename.append(alignmentFile);
+  filename.append(";");
+  /* Compute how many sequences are in the input alignment */
+  sequenNumber = 0;
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Deallocate previously used dinamic memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read lines in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* It the line starts by ">" means that a new sequence has been found */
+    str = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+    if (str == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* If a sequence name flag is detected, increase sequences counter */
+    if(str[0] == '>')
+      sequenNumber++;
+  }
+  /* Finish to preprocess the input file. */
+  file.clear();
+  file.seekg(0);
+  /* Allocate memory for the input alignmet */
+  seqsName  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  sequences = new string[sequenNumber];
+  seqsInfo  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  for(i = -1; (i < sequenNumber) && (!file.eof()); ) {
+    /* Deallocate previously used dinamic memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read lines in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* Store original header fom input sequences including non-standard
+     * characters */
+    if (line[0] == '>')
+      seqsInfo[i+1].append(&line[1], strlen(line) - 1);
+    /* Cut the current line and check whether there are valid characters */
+    str = strtok(line, OTHDELIMITERS);
+    if (str == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* Check whether current line belongs to the current sequence
+     * or it is a new one. In that case, store the sequence name */
+    if(str[0] == '>') {
+      /* Move sequence name pointer until a valid string name is obtained */
+      do {
+        str = str + 1;
+      } while(strlen(str) == 0);
+      seqsName[++i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Sequence */
+    while(str != NULL) {
+      sequences[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      str = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Close the input file */
+  file.close();
+  /* Deallocate previously used dinamic memory */
+  if (line != NULL)
+    delete [] line;
+  /* Check the matrix's content */
+  return fillMatrices(false);
+bool alignment::loadNexusAlignment(char *alignmentFile) {
+  /* NEXUS file format parser */
+  char *frag = NULL, *str = NULL, *line = NULL;
+  int i, pos, state, firstBlock;
+  ifstream file;
+  /* Check the file and its content */
+  file.open(alignmentFile, ifstream::in);
+  if(!utils::checkFile(file))
+    return false;
+  /* Store input file name for posterior uses in other formats */
+  /* We store the file name */
+  filename.append("!Title ");
+  filename.append(alignmentFile);
+  filename.append(";");
+  state = false;
+  do {
+    /* Destroy previous assigned memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read line in a safer way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* Discard line where there is not information */
+    str = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+    if(str == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* If the line has any kind of information, try to catch it */
+    /* Firstly, convert to capital letters the input line */
+    for(i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++)
+      str[i] = toupper(str[i]);
+    /* ... and then compare it again specific tags */
+    if(!strcmp(str, "BEGIN"))
+      state = true;
+    else if(!strcmp(str, "MATRIX"))
+      break;
+    /* Store information about input format file */
+    else if(!strcmp(str, "FORMAT")) {
+      str = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+      while(str != NULL) {
+        aligInfo.append(str, strlen(str));
+        aligInfo.append(" ", strlen(" "));
+        str = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+      }
+    }
+    /* In this case, try to get matrix dimensions */
+    else if((!strcmp(str, "DIMENSIONS")) && state) {
+      str = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+      frag = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
+      str = strtok(str, "=;");
+      sequenNumber = atoi(strtok(NULL, "=;"));
+      frag = strtok(frag, "=;");
+      residNumber = atoi(strtok(NULL, "=;"));
+    }
+  } while(!file.eof());
+  /* Check all parameters */
+  if(strcmp(str, "MATRIX") || (sequenNumber == 0) || (residNumber == 0))
+    return false;
+  /* Allocate memory for the input alignmet */
+  seqsName  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  sequences = new string[sequenNumber];
+  pos = 0;
+  state = false;
+  firstBlock = true;
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Destroy previous assigned memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read line in a safer way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* Discard any comments from input file */
+    for(i = 0; i < (int) strlen(line); i++) {
+      if (line[i] == '[')
+        state = true;
+      else if (line[i] == ']' && state) {
+        state = false;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    /* If there is a multi-line comments, skip it as well */
+    if ((state) || (not state && i != (int) strlen(line)))
+     continue;
+    /* Check for a specific tag indicating matrix end */
+    if((!strncmp(line, "end;", 4)) || (!strncmp(line, "END;", 4)))
+      break;
+    /* Split input line and check it if it is valid */
+    str = strtok(line, OTH2DELIMITERS);
+    if (str == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* Store the sequence name, only from the first block */
+    if(firstBlock)
+      seqsName[pos].append(str, strlen(str));
+    /* Store rest of line as part of sequence */
+    str = strtok(NULL, OTH2DELIMITERS);
+    while(str != NULL) {
+      sequences[pos].append(str, strlen(str));
+      str = strtok(NULL, OTH2DELIMITERS);
+    }
+    /* Move sequences pointer to next one. It if it is last one, move it to
+     * the beginning and set the first block to false for avoiding to rewrite
+     * sequences name */
+    pos = (pos + 1) % sequenNumber;
+    if (not pos)
+      firstBlock = false;
+  }
+  /* Deallocate memory */
+  if (line != NULL)
+    delete [] line;
+  /* Close the input file */
+  file.close();
+  /* Check the matrix's content */
+  return fillMatrices(true);
+bool alignment::loadMegaNonInterleavedAlignment(char *alignmentFile) {
+  /* MEGA sequential file format parser */
+  char *frag = NULL, *str = NULL, *line = NULL;
+  ifstream file;
+  int i;
+  /* Check the file and its content */
+  file.open(alignmentFile, ifstream::in);
+  if(!utils::checkFile(file))
+    return false;
+  /* Filename is stored as a title for MEGA input alignment.
+   * If it is detected later a label "TITLE" in input file, this information
+   * will be replaced for that one */
+  filename.append("!Title ");
+  filename.append(alignmentFile);
+  filename.append(";");
+  /* Skip first valid line */
+  do {
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  } while ((line == NULL) && (!file.eof()));
+  /* If the file end is reached without a valid line, warn about it */
+  if (file.eof())
+    return false;
+  /* Try to get input alignment information */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Destroy previously allocated memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read a new line in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* If a sequence name flag is found, go out from getting information loop */
+    if(!strncmp(line, "#", 1))
+      break;
+    /* Destroy previously allocated memory */
+    if (frag != NULL)
+      delete [] frag;
+    /* Create a local copy from input line */
+    frag = new char[strlen(line) + 1];
+    strcpy(frag, line);
+    /* Split input line copy into pieces and analize it
+     * looking for specific labels */
+    str = strtok(frag, "!: ");
+    for(i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++)
+      str[i] = toupper(str[i]);
+    /* If TITLE label is found, replace previously stored information with
+     * this info */
+    if(!strcmp(str, "TITLE")) {
+      filename.clear();
+      if(strncmp(line, "!", 1))
+        filename += "!";
+      filename += line;
+    }
+    /* If FORMAT label is found, try to get some details from input file */
+    else if(!strcmp(str, "FORMAT"))
+      aligInfo.append(line, strlen(line));
+  }
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  if (frag != NULL)
+    delete [] frag;
+  /* Count how many sequences are in input alignment file */
+  do {
+    /* Check whether input line is valid or not */
+    if (line == NULL) {
+      line = utils::readLine(file);
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* If current line starts by a # means that it is a sequence name */
+    if (!strncmp(line, "#", 1))
+      sequenNumber++;
+    /* Destroy previously allocated memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read a new line in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  } while(!file.eof());
+  /* Move file pointer to the beginner */
+  file.clear();
+  file.seekg(0);
+  /* Allocate memory */
+  seqsName  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  sequences = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Skip first line */
+  line = utils::readLine(file);
+  /* Skip lines until first sequence name is found */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Destroy previously allocated memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read a new line in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* If sequence name label is found, go out from loop */
+    if (!strncmp(line, "#", 1))
+      break;
+  }
+  /* First sequence is already detected so its name should be stored */
+  i = -1;
+  /* This loop is a bit tricky because first sequence name has been already
+   * detected, so it is necessary to process it before moving to next line.
+   * That implies that lines are read at loop ends */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Skip blank lines */
+    if (line == NULL) {
+      line = utils::readLine(file);
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Skip lines with comments */
+    if (!strncmp(line, "!", 1)) {
+      /* Deallocate memory and read a new line */
+      delete [] line;
+      line = utils::readLine(file);
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Remove comments inside of sequences and split input line */
+    frag = utils::trimLine(line);
+    /* Skip lines with only comments */
+    if (frag == NULL) {
+      /* Deallocate memory and read a new line */
+      if (line != NULL)
+        delete [] line;
+      line = utils::readLine(file);
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Otherwise, split it into fragments */
+    str = strtok(frag, " #\n");
+    /* Sequence Name */
+    if (!strncmp(line, "#", 1)) {
+      i += 1;
+      seqsName[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      str = strtok(NULL, " #\n");
+    }
+    /* Sequence itself */
+    while(str != NULL) {
+      sequences[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      str = strtok(NULL, " \n");
+    }
+    /* Deallocate dynamic memory */
+    if (frag != NULL)
+      delete [] frag;
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read a new line in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  }
+  /* Close input file */
+  file.close();
+  /* Deallocate dynamic memory */
+  if (line != NULL)
+    delete [] line;
+  /* Check the matrix's content */
+  return fillMatrices(true);
+bool alignment::loadMegaInterleavedAlignment(char *alignmentFile) {
+  /* MEGA interleaved file format parser */
+  char *frag = NULL, *str = NULL, *line = NULL;
+  int i, firstBlock = true;
+  ifstream file;
+  /* Check the file and its content */
+  file.open(alignmentFile, ifstream::in);
+  if(!utils::checkFile(file))
+    return false;
+  /* Filename is stored as a title for MEGA input alignment.
+   * If it is detected later a label "TITLE" in input file, this information
+   * will be replaced for that one */
+  filename.append("!Title ");
+  filename.append(alignmentFile);
+  filename.append(";");
+  /* Skip first valid line */
+  do {
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+  } while ((line == NULL) && (!file.eof()));
+  /* If the file end is reached without a valid line, warn about it */
+  if (file.eof())
+    return false;
+  /* Try to get input alignment information */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Destroy previously allocated memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read a new line in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* If a sequence name flag is found, go out from getting information loop */
+    if(!strncmp(line, "#", 1))
+      break;
+    /* Create a local copy from input line */
+    frag = new char[strlen(line) + 1];
+    strcpy(frag, line);
+    /* Split input line copy into pieces and analize it
+     * looking for specific labels */
+    str = strtok(frag, "!: ");
+    for(i = 0; i < (int) strlen(str); i++)
+      str[i] = toupper(str[i]);
+    /* If TITLE label is found, replace previously stored information with
+     * this info */
+    if(!strcmp(str, "TITLE")) {
+      filename.clear();
+      if(strncmp(line, "!", 1))
+        filename += "!";
+      filename += line;
+    }
+    /* If FORMAT label is found, try to get some details from input file */
+    else if(!strcmp(str, "FORMAT"))
+      aligInfo.append(line, strlen(line));
+    /* Destroy previously allocated memory */
+    if (frag != NULL)
+      delete [] frag;
+  }
+  /* Count how many sequences are in input file */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* If a sequence name flag has been detected, increase counter */
+    if(!strncmp(line, "#", 1))
+      sequenNumber++;
+    /* Deallocate dynamic memory */
+    if(line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read lines in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    /* If a blank line is detected means first block of sequences is over */
+    /* Then, break counting sequences loop */
+    if (line == NULL)
+      break;
+  }
+  /* Finish to preprocess the input file. */
+  file.clear();
+  file.seekg(0);
+  /* Allocate memory */
+  seqsName  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  sequences = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Skip first line */
+  line = utils::readLine(file);
+  /* Skip lines until first # flag is reached */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Deallocate previously used dynamic memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read line in a safer way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    /* Determine whether a # flag has been found in current string */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      if(!strncmp(line, "#", 1))
+        break;
+  }
+  /* Read sequences and get from first block, the sequences names */
+  i = 0;
+  firstBlock = true;
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    if (line == NULL) {
+    /* Read line in a safer way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    continue;
+    }
+    if (!strncmp(line, "!", 1)) {
+      /* Deallocate memory and read a new line */
+      delete [] line;
+      line = utils::readLine(file);
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Trim lines from any kind of comments and split it */
+    frag = utils::trimLine(line);
+    str = strtok(frag, " #\n");
+    /* Check whether a line fragment is valid or not */
+    if (str == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* Store sequences names if firstBlock flag is TRUE */
+    if(firstBlock)
+      seqsName[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+    /* Store sequence */
+    str = strtok(NULL, " \n");
+    while(str != NULL) {
+      sequences[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      str = strtok(NULL, " \n");
+    }
+    /* Deallocate previously used dynamic memory */
+    if (frag != NULL)
+      delete [] frag;
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read line in a safer way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    i = (i + 1) % sequenNumber;
+    if (i == 0)
+      firstBlock = false;
+  }
+  /* Close input file */
+  file.close();
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  if (line != NULL)
+    delete [] line;
+  /* Check the matrix's content */
+  return fillMatrices(true);
+bool alignment::loadNBRF_PirAlignment(char *alignmentFile) {
+  /* NBRF/PIR file format parser */
+  bool seqIdLine, seqLines;
+  char *str, *line = NULL; 
+  ifstream file;
+  int i;
+  /* Check the file and its content */
+  file.open(alignmentFile, ifstream::in);
+  if(!utils::checkFile(file))
+    return false;
+  /* Store input file name for posterior uses in other formats */
+  filename.append("!Title ");
+  filename.append(alignmentFile);
+  filename.append(";");
+  /* Compute how many sequences are in the input alignment */
+  sequenNumber = 0;
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Deallocate previously used dinamic memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read lines in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* It the line starts by ">" means that a new sequence has been found */
+    str = strtok(line, DELIMITERS);
+    if (str == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* If a sequence name flag is detected, increase sequences counter */
+    if(str[0] == '>')
+      sequenNumber++;
+  }
+  /* Finish to preprocess the input file. */
+  file.clear();
+  file.seekg(0);
+  /* Allocate memory for the input alignmet */
+  sequences = new string[sequenNumber];
+  seqsName  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  seqsInfo  = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Initialize some local variables */
+  seqIdLine = true;
+  seqLines = false;
+  i = -1;
+  /* Read the entire input file */
+  while(!file.eof()) {
+    /* Deallocate local memory */
+    if (line != NULL)
+      delete [] line;
+    /* Read lines in a safe way */
+    line = utils::readLine(file);
+    if (line == NULL)
+      continue;
+    /* Sequence ID line.
+     * Identification of these kind of lines is based on presence of ">" and ";"
+     * symbols at positions 0 and 3 respectively */
+    if((line[0] == '>') && (line[3] == ';') && (seqIdLine)) {
+      seqIdLine = false;
+      i += 1;
+      /* Store information about sequence datatype */
+      str = strtok(line, ">;");
+      seqsInfo[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+      /* and the sequence identifier itself */
+      str = strtok(NULL, ">;");
+      seqsName[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+    }
+    /* Line just after sequence Id line contains a textual description of
+     * the sequence. */
+    else if((!seqIdLine) && (!seqLines)) {
+      seqLines = true;
+      seqsInfo[i].append(line, strlen(line));
+    }
+    /* Sequence lines itself */
+    else if (seqLines) {
+      /* Check whether a sequence end symbol '*' exists in current line.
+       * In that case, set appropriate flags to read a new sequence */
+      if (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '*') {
+        seqLines = false;
+        seqIdLine = true;
+      }
+      /* Process line */
+      str = strtok(line, OTHDELIMITERS);
+      while (str != NULL) {
+        sequences[i].append(str, strlen(str));
+        str = strtok(NULL, OTHDELIMITERS);
+      }
+      /* In case the end symbol '*' has been detected, remove it */
+      if(sequences[i][sequences[i].size() - 1] == '*')
+        sequences[i].erase(sequences[i].size()-1);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Close the input file */
+  file.close();
+  /* Deallocate dinamic memory */
+  if (line != NULL)
+    delete [] line;
+  /* Check the matrix's content */
+  return fillMatrices(true);
+void alignment::alignmentPhylipToFile(ostream &file) {
+  /* Generate output alignment in PHYLIP/PHYLIP 4 format (sequential) */
+  int i, j, maxLongName;
+  string *tmpMatrix;
+  /* Check whether sequences in the alignment are aligned or not.
+   * Warn about it if there are not aligned. */
+  if (!isAligned) {
+    cerr << endl << "ERROR: Sequences are not aligned. Format (PHYLIP) "
+      << "not compatible with unaligned sequences." << endl << endl;
+    return ;
+  }
+  /* Allocate local memory for generating output alignment */
+  tmpMatrix = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Depending on alignment orientation: forward or reverse. Copy directly
+   * sequence information or get firstly the reversed sequences and then
+   * copy it into local memory */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    tmpMatrix[i] = (!reverse) ? sequences[i] : utils::getReverse(sequences[i]);
+  /* Depending on if short name flag is activated (limits sequence name up to
+   * 10 characters) or not, get maximum sequence name length */
+  maxLongName = PHYLIPDISTANCE;
+  for(i = 0; (i < sequenNumber) && (!shortNames); i++)
+    maxLongName = utils::max(maxLongName, seqsName[i].size());
+  /* Generating output alignment */
+  /* First Line: Sequences Number & Residued Number */
+  file << " " << sequenNumber << " " << residNumber << endl;
+  /* First Block: Sequences Names & First 60 residues */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    file << setw(maxLongName + 3) << left << seqsName[i].substr(0, maxLongName)
+      << tmpMatrix[i].substr(0, 60) << endl;
+  file << endl;
+  /* Rest of blocks: Print 60 residues per each blocks of sequences */
+  for(i = 60; i < residNumber; i += 60) {
+    for(j = 0; j < sequenNumber; j++)
+      file << tmpMatrix[j].substr(i, 60) << endl;
+    file << endl;
+  }
+  file << endl;
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  delete [] tmpMatrix;
+void alignment::alignmentPhylip3_2ToFile(ostream &file) {
+  /* Generate output alignment in PHYLIP 3.2 format (interleaved) */
+  int i, j, k, maxLongName;
+  string *tmpMatrix;
+  /* Check whether sequences in the alignment are aligned or not.
+   * Warn about it if there are not aligned. */
+  if (!isAligned) {
+    cerr << endl << "ERROR: Sequences are not aligned. Format (PHYLIP) "
+      << "not compatible with unaligned sequences." << endl << endl;
+    return ;
+  }
+  /* Allocate local memory for generating output alignment */
+  tmpMatrix = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Depending on alignment orientation: forward or reverse. Copy directly
+   * sequence information or get firstly the reversed sequences and then
+   * copy it into local memory */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    tmpMatrix[i] = (!reverse) ? sequences[i] : utils::getReverse(sequences[i]);
+  /* Depending on if short name flag is activated (limits sequence name up to
+   * 10 characters) or not, get maximum sequence name length */
+  maxLongName = PHYLIPDISTANCE;
+  for(i = 0; (i < sequenNumber) && (!shortNames); i++)
+    maxLongName = utils::max(maxLongName, seqsName[i].size());
+  /* Generating output alignment */
+  /* First Line: Sequences Number & Residued Number */
+  file << " " << sequenNumber << " " << residNumber << endl;
+  /* Alignment */
+  /* For each sequence, print its identifier and then the sequence itself in
+   * blocks of 50 residues */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+    /* Sequence Name */
+    file << setw(maxLongName + 3) << left << seqsName[i].substr(0, maxLongName);
+    /* Sequence. Each line contains a block of 5 times 10 residues. */
+    for(j = 0; j < residNumber; j += 50) {
+      for(k = j; (k < residNumber) && (k < (j + 50)); k += 10)
+        file << sequences[i].substr(k, 10) << " ";
+      file << endl;
+      /* If the sequences end has not been reached, print black spaces
+       * to follow format specifications */
+      if((j + 50) < residNumber)
+        file << setw(maxLongName + 3) << " ";
+    }
+    /* Print a blank line to mark sequences separation */
+    file << endl;
+  }
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  delete [] tmpMatrix;
+void alignment::alignmentPhylip_PamlToFile(ostream &file) {
+  /* Generate output alignment in PHYLIP format compatible with PAML program */
+  int i, maxLongName;
+  string *tmpMatrix;
+  /* Check whether sequences in the alignment are aligned or not.
+   * Warn about it if there are not aligned. */
+  if (!isAligned) {
+    cerr << endl << "ERROR: Sequences are not aligned. Format (PHYLIP) "
+      << "not compatible with unaligned sequences." << endl << endl;
+    return ;
+  }
+  /* Allocate local memory for generating output alignment */
+  tmpMatrix = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Depending on alignment orientation: forward or reverse. Copy directly
+   * sequence information or get firstly the reversed sequences and then
+   * copy it into local memory */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    tmpMatrix[i] = (!reverse) ? sequences[i] : utils::getReverse(sequences[i]);
+  /* Depending on if short name flag is activated (limits sequence name up to
+   * 10 characters) or not, get maximum sequence name length */
+  maxLongName = PHYLIPDISTANCE;
+  for(i = 0; (i < sequenNumber) && (!shortNames); i++)
+    maxLongName = utils::max(maxLongName, seqsName[i].size());
+  /* Generating output alignment */
+  /* First Line: Sequences Number & Residued Number */
+  file << " " << sequenNumber << " " << residNumber << endl;
+  /* Print alignment */
+  /* Print sequences name follow by the sequence itself in the same line */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    file << setw(maxLongName + 3) << left << seqsName[i].substr(0, maxLongName)
+      << sequences[i] << endl;
+  file << endl;
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  delete [] tmpMatrix;
+void alignment::alignmentClustalToFile(ostream &file) {
+  /* Generate output alignment in CLUSTAL format */
+  int i, j, maxLongName = 0;
+  string *tmpMatrix;
+  /* Check whether sequences in the alignment are aligned or not.
+   * Warn about it if there are not aligned. */
+  if (!isAligned) {
+    cerr << endl << "ERROR: Sequences are not aligned. Format (CLUSTAL) "
+      << "not compatible with unaligned sequences." << endl << endl;
+    return ;
+  }
+  /* Allocate local memory for generating output alignment */
+  tmpMatrix = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Depending on alignment orientation: forward or reverse. Copy directly
+   * sequence information or get firstly the reversed sequences and then
+   * copy it into local memory */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    tmpMatrix[i] = (!reverse) ? sequences[i] : utils::getReverse(sequences[i]);
+  /* Compute maximum sequences name length */
+  for(i = 0; (i < sequenNumber) && (!shortNames); i++)
+    maxLongName = utils::max(maxLongName, seqsName[i].size());
+  /* Print alignment header */
+  if((aligInfo.size() != 0)  && (iformat == oformat))
+    file << aligInfo << endl << endl;
+  else
+    file << "CLUSTAL multiple sequence alignment" << endl << endl;
+  /* Print alignment itself */
+  /* Print as many blocks as it is needed of lines composed
+   * by sequences name and 60 residues */
+  for(j = 0; j < residNumber; j += 60) {
+    for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+      file << setw(maxLongName + 5) << left << seqsName[i]
+        << tmpMatrix[i].substr(j, 60) << endl;
+    file << endl << endl;
+  }
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  delete [] tmpMatrix;
+void alignment::alignmentFastaToFile(ostream &file) {
+  /* Generate output alignment in FASTA format. Sequences can be unaligned. */
+  int i, j, maxLongName;
+  string *tmpMatrix;
+  /* Allocate local memory for generating output alignment */
+  tmpMatrix = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Depending on alignment orientation: forward or reverse. Copy directly
+   * sequence information or get firstly the reversed sequences and then
+   * copy it into local memory */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    tmpMatrix[i] = (!reverse) ? sequences[i] : utils::getReverse(sequences[i]);
+  /* Depending on if short name flag is activated (limits sequence name up to
+   * 10 characters) or not, get maximum sequence name length. Consider those
+   * cases when the user has asked to keep original sequence header */
+  maxLongName = 0;
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    if (!keepHeader)
+      maxLongName = utils::max(maxLongName, seqsName[i].size());
+    else if (seqsInfo != NULL)
+      maxLongName = utils::max(maxLongName, seqsInfo[i].size());
+   if (shortNames && maxLongName > PHYLIPDISTANCE) {
+    maxLongName = PHYLIPDISTANCE;
+    if (keepHeader)
+      cerr << endl << "WARNING: Original sequence header will be cut by charac"
+        << "ter 10" << endl;
+    }
+  /* Print alignment. First, sequences name id and then the sequences itself */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+    if (!keepHeader)
+      file << ">" << seqsName[i].substr(0, maxLongName) << endl;
+    else if (seqsInfo != NULL)
+      file << ">" << seqsInfo[i].substr(0, maxLongName) << endl;
+    for(j = 0; j < residuesNumber[i]; j+= 60)
+      file << tmpMatrix[i].substr(j, 60) << endl;
+  }
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  delete [] tmpMatrix;
+void alignment::alignmentNexusToFile(ostream &file) {
+  /* Generate output alignment in NEXUS format setting only alignment block */
+  int i, j, k, maxLongName = 0;
+  string *tmpMatrix;
+  /* Check whether sequences in the alignment are aligned or not.
+   * Warn about it if there are not aligned. */
+  if (!isAligned) {
+    cerr << endl << "ERROR: Sequences are not aligned. Format (NEXUS) "
+      << "not compatible with unaligned sequences." << endl << endl;
+    return ;
+  }
+  /* Allocate local memory for generating output alignment */
+  tmpMatrix = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Depending on alignment orientation: forward or reverse. Copy directly
+   * sequence information or get firstly the reversed sequences and then
+   * copy it into local memory */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    tmpMatrix[i] = (!reverse) ? sequences[i] : utils::getReverse(sequences[i]);
+  /* Compute maximum sequences name length */
+  for(i = 0; (i < sequenNumber) && (!shortNames); i++)
+    maxLongName = utils::max(maxLongName, seqsName[i].size());
+  /* Compute output file datatype */
+  getTypeAlignment();
+  /* Remove characters like ";" from input alignment information line */
+  while((int) aligInfo.find(";") != (int) string::npos)
+    aligInfo.erase(aligInfo.find(";"), 1);
+  /* Print Alignment header */
+  file << "#NEXUS" << endl << "BEGIN DATA;" << endl << " DIMENSIONS NTAX="
+    << sequenNumber << " NCHAR=" << residNumber <<";" << endl;
+  /* Print alignment datatype */
+  if ((dataType == DNAType) || (dataType == DNADeg))
+  else if ((dataType == RNAType) || (dataType == RNADeg))
+  else if (dataType == AAType)
+  i = 0;
+  /* Using information from input alignment. Use only some tags. */
+  while((j = aligInfo.find(" ", i)) != (int) string::npos) {
+    if((aligInfo.substr(i, j - i)).compare(0, 7, "MISSING") == 0 ||
+       (aligInfo.substr(i, j)).compare(0, 7, "missing") == 0)
+      file << " " << (aligInfo.substr(i, j - i));
+    else if((aligInfo.substr(i, j)).compare(0, 9, "MATCHCHAR") == 0 ||
+       (aligInfo.substr(i, j)).compare(0, 9, "matchchar") == 0)
+      file << " " << (aligInfo.substr(i, j - i));
+    i = j + 1;
+  }
+  file << ";" << endl;
+  /* Print sequence name and sequence length */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    file << "[Name: " << setw(maxLongName + 4) << left << seqsName[i] << "Len: "
+      << residNumber << "]" << endl;
+  file << endl << "MATRIX" << endl;
+  /* Print alignment itself. Sequence name and 50 residues blocks */
+  for(j = 0; j < residNumber; j += 50) {
+    for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+      file << setw(maxLongName + 4) << left << seqsName[i];
+      for(k = j; k < (j + 50) && k < residNumber; k += 10)
+        file << " " << sequences[i].substr(k, 10);
+      file << endl;
+    }
+    file << endl;
+  }
+  file << ";" << endl << "END;" << endl;
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  delete [] tmpMatrix;
+void alignment::alignmentMegaToFile(ostream &file) {
+  /* Generate output alignment in MEGA format */
+  int i, j, k;
+  string *tmpMatrix;
+  /* Check whether sequences in the alignment are aligned or not.
+   * Warn about it if there are not aligned. */
+  if (!isAligned) {
+    cerr << endl << "ERROR: Sequences are not aligned. Format (MEGA) "
+      << "not compatible with unaligned sequences." << endl << endl;
+    return ;
+  }
+  /* Allocate local memory for generating output alignment */
+  tmpMatrix = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Depending on alignment orientation: forward or reverse. Copy directly
+   * sequence information or get firstly the reversed sequences and then
+   * copy it into local memory */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    tmpMatrix[i] = (!reverse) ? sequences[i] : utils::getReverse(sequences[i]);
+  /* Compute output file datatype */
+  getTypeAlignment();
+  /* Print output alignment header */
+  file << "#MEGA" << endl << filename << endl;
+  /* Print alignment datatype */
+  if ((dataType == DNAType) || (dataType == DNADeg))
+    file << "!Format DataType=DNA ";
+  else if ((dataType == RNAType) || (dataType == RNADeg))
+    file << "!Format DataType=RNA ";
+  else if (dataType == AAType)
+    file << "!Format DataType=protein ";
+  /* Print number of sequences and alignment length */
+  file << "NSeqs=" << sequenNumber << " Nsites=" << residNumber
+    << " indel=- CodeTable=Standard;" << endl << endl;
+  /* Print sequences name and sequences divided into blocks of 50 residues */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+    file << "#" << seqsName[i] << endl;
+    for(j = 0; j < residNumber; j += 50) {
+      for(k = j; ((k < residNumber) && (k < j + 50)); k += 10)
+        file << tmpMatrix[i].substr(k, 10) << " ";
+      file << endl;
+    }
+    file << endl;
+  }
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  delete [] tmpMatrix;
+void alignment::alignmentNBRF_PirToFile(ostream &file) {
+  /* Generate output alignment in NBRF/PIR format. Sequences can be unaligned */
+  int i, j, k;
+  string alg_datatype, *tmpMatrix;
+  /* Allocate local memory for generating output alignment */
+  tmpMatrix = new string[sequenNumber];
+  /* Depending on alignment orientation: forward or reverse. Copy directly
+   * sequence information or get firstly the reversed sequences and then
+   * copy it into local memory */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    tmpMatrix[i] = (!reverse) ? sequences[i] : utils::getReverse(sequences[i]);
+  /* Compute output file datatype */
+  getTypeAlignment();
+  if ((dataType == DNAType) || (dataType == DNADeg))
+    alg_datatype = "DL";
+  else if ((dataType == RNAType) || (dataType == RNADeg))
+    alg_datatype = "RL";
+  else if (dataType == AAType)
+    alg_datatype = "P1";
+  /* Print alignment */
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+    /* Print sequence datatype and its name */
+    if((seqsInfo != NULL) && (iformat == oformat))
+      file << ">" << seqsInfo[i].substr(0, 2) << ";" << seqsName[i]
+        << endl << seqsInfo[i].substr(2) << endl;
+    else
+      file << ">" << alg_datatype << ";" << seqsName[i] << endl
+        << seqsName[i] << " " << residuesNumber[i] << " bases" << endl;
+    /* Write the sequence */
+    for(j = 0; j < residuesNumber[i]; j += 50) {
+      for(k = j; (k < residuesNumber[i]) && (k < (j + 50)); k += 10)
+        file << " " << tmpMatrix[i].substr(k, 10);
+      if(k >= residuesNumber[i]) {
+        if((residuesNumber[i] % 50) == 0)
+          file << endl << " ";
+        else if((residuesNumber[i] % 10) == 0)
+          file << " ";
+        file << "*";
+      }
+      file << endl;
+    }
+    file << endl;
+  }
+  /* Deallocate local memory */
+  delete [] tmpMatrix;
+bool alignment::alignmentSummaryHTML(char *destFile, int residues, int seqs, \
+  int *selectedRes, int *selectedSeq, float *consValues) {
+  /* Generate an HTML file with a visual summary about which sequences/columns
+   * have been selected and which have not */
+  int i, j, k, kj, upper, minHTML, maxLongName, *gapsValues;
+  string tmpColumn;
+  float *simValues;
+  bool *res, *seq;
+  ofstream file;
+  char type;
+  /* Allocate some local memory */
+  tmpColumn.reserve(sequenNumber);
+  /* Check whether sequences in the alignment are aligned or not.
+   * Warn about it if there are not aligned. */
+  if (!isAligned) {
+    cerr << endl << "ERROR: Sequences are not aligned." << endl << endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+  /* Open output file and check that file pointer is valid */
+  file.open(destFile);
+  if(!file)
+    return false;
+  /* Compute maximum sequences name length. */
+  maxLongName = 0;
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    maxLongName = utils::max(maxLongName, seqsName[i].size());
+  /* Compute HTML blank spaces */
+  minHTML = utils::max(25, maxLongName + 10);
+  /* Initialize local variables to control which columns/sequences
+   * will be kept in the output alignment */
+  res = new bool[residNumber];
+  for(i = 0; i < residNumber; i++)
+    res[i] = false;
+  seq = new bool[sequenNumber];
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    seq[i] = false;
+  /* Record which columns/sequences from original alignment
+   * have been kept in the final one */
+  for(i = 0; i < residues; i++)
+    res[selectedRes[i]] = true;
+  for(i = 0; i < seqs; i++)
+    seq[selectedSeq[i]] = true;
+  /* Recover some stats about different scores from current alignment */
+  gapsValues = NULL;
+  if (sgaps != NULL)
+    gapsValues = sgaps -> getGapsWindow();
+  simValues = NULL;
+  if (scons != NULL)
+    simValues = scons -> getMdkwVector();
+  /* Print HTML header into output file */
+  file << "<!DOCTYPE html>" << endl << "<html><head>" << endl << "    <meta "
+    << "http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\" />"
+    << endl << "    <title>trimAl v1.4 Summary</title>" << endl
+    << "    <style type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\">" << endl
+    << "    #b  { background-color: #3366ff; }\n"
+    << "    #r  { background-color: #cc0000; }\n"
+    << "    #g  { background-color: #33cc00; }\n"
+    << "    #p  { background-color: #ff6666; }\n"
+    << "    #m  { background-color: #cc33cc; }\n"
+    << "    #o  { background-color: #ff9900; }\n"
+    << "    #c  { background-color: #46C7C7; }\n"
+    << "    #y  { background-color: #FFFF00; }\n"
+    << "    .sel  { background-color: #B9B9B9; }\n"
+    << "    .nsel { background-color: #E9E9E9; }\n"
+  /* Sets of colors for high-lighting scores intervals */
+    << "    .c1   { background-color: #FFFBF2; }\n"
+    << "    .c2   { background-color: #FFF8CC; }\n"
+    << "    .c3   { background-color: #FAF0BE; }\n"
+    << "    .c4   { background-color: #F0EAD6; }\n"
+    << "    .c5   { background-color: #F3E5AB; }\n"
+    << "    .c6   { background-color: #F4C430; }\n"
+    << "    .c7   { background-color: #C2B280; color: white; }\n"
+    << "    .c8   { background-color: #DAA520; color: white; }\n"
+    << "    .c9   { background-color: #B8860B; color: white; }\n"
+    << "    .c10  { background-color: #918151; color: white; }\n"
+    << "    .c11  { background-color: #967117; color: white; }\n"
+    << "    .c12  { background-color: #6E5411; color: white; }\n"
+  /* Other HTML elements */
+    << "    </style>\n  </head>\n\n" << "  <body>\n" << "  <pre>" << endl;
+  /* Show information about how many sequences/residues have been selected */
+  file << "    <span class=sel>Selected Sequences: " << setw(5) << right << seqs
+    <<" /Selected Residues: " << setw(7) << right << residues << "</span>"
+    << endl << "    <span class=nsel>Deleted Sequences:  " << setw(5) << right
+    << sequenNumber - seqs << " /Deleted Residues:  " << setw(7) << right
+    << residNumber - residues << "</span>" << endl;
+  /* Print headers for different scores derived from input alignment/s */
+  if (gapsValues != NULL)
+    file << endl << setw(minHTML) << left << "    Gaps Scores:        "
+      << "<span  class=c1>  =0=  </span><span  class=c2> <.001 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c3> <.050 </span><span  class=c4> <.100 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c5> <.150 </span><span  class=c6> <.200 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c7> <.250 </span><span  class=c8> <.350 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c9> <.500 </span><span class=c10> <.750 </span>"
+      << "<span class=c11> <1.00 </span><span class=c12>  =1=  </span>";
+  if (simValues != NULL)
+    file << endl << setw(minHTML) << left << "    Similarity Scores:  "
+      << "<span  class=c1>  =0=  </span><span  class=c2> <1e-6 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c3> <1e-5 </span><span  class=c4> <1e-4 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c5> <.001 </span><span  class=c6> <.010 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c7> <.100 </span><span  class=c8> <.250 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c9> <.500 </span><span class=c10> <.750 </span>"
+      << "<span class=c11> <1.00 </span><span class=c12>  =1=  </span>";
+  if (consValues != NULL)
+    file << endl << setw(minHTML) << left << "    Consistency Scores: "
+      << "<span  class=c1>  =0=  </span><span  class=c2> <.001 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c3> <.050 </span><span  class=c4> <.100 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c5> <.150 </span><span  class=c6> <.200 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c7> <.250 </span><span  class=c8> <.350 </span>"
+      << "<span  class=c9> <.500 </span><span class=c10> <.750 </span>"
+      << "<span class=c11> <1.00 </span><span class=c12>  =1=  </span>";
+  if ((gapsValues != NULL) or (simValues == NULL) or (consValues == NULL))
+    file << endl;
+  /* Print Sequences in block of BLOCK_SIZE */
+  for(j = 0, upper = HTMLBLOCKS; j < residNumber; j += HTMLBLOCKS, upper += \
+    /* Print main columns number */
+    file << endl << setw(minHTML + 10) << right << (j + 10);
+    for(i = j + 20; ((i <= residNumber) && (i <= upper)); i += 10)
+      file << setw(10) << right << (i);
+    /* Print special characters to delimit sequences blocks */
+    file << endl << setw(minHTML + 1) << right;
+    for(i = j + 1; ((i <= residNumber) && (i <= upper)); i++)
+      file << (!(i % 10) ? "+" : "=");
+    file << endl;
+    /* Print sequences name */
+    for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+      file << "    <span class=" << ((seq[i]) ? "sel>" : "nsel>") << seqsName[i]
+        << "</span>" << setw(minHTML - 4 - seqsName[i].size()) << right << "";
+      /* Print residues corresponding to current sequences block */
+      for(k = j; ((k < residNumber) && (k < upper)); k++) {
+        for(kj = 0, tmpColumn.clear(); kj < sequenNumber; kj++)
+          tmpColumn += sequences[kj][k];
+        /* Determine residue color based on residues across the alig column */
+        type = utils::determineColor(sequences[i][k], tmpColumn);
+        if (type == 'w')
+          file << sequences[i][k];
+        else
+          file << "<span id=" << type << ">" << sequences[i][k] << "</span>";
+      }
+      file << endl;
+    }
+    file << endl << setw(minHTML) << left << "    Selected Cols:      ";
+    for(k = j; ((k < residNumber) && (k < (j + HTMLBLOCKS))); k++)
+      file << "<span class=" << (res[k] ? "sel" : "nsel") << "> </span>";
+    file << endl;
+    /* If there is not any score to print, skip this part of the function */
+    if ((gapsValues == NULL) and (simValues == NULL) and (consValues == NULL))
+      continue;
+    /* Print score colors according to certain predefined thresholds */
+    if (gapsValues != NULL) {
+      file << endl << setw(minHTML) << left << "    Gaps Scores:        ";
+      for(k = j; ((k < residNumber) && (k < (j + HTMLBLOCKS))); k++)
+        if(gapsValues[k] == 0)
+          file << "<span class=c12> </span>";
+        else if(gapsValues[k] == sequenNumber)
+          file << "<span class=c1> </span>";
+        else if(1 - (float(gapsValues[k])/sequenNumber) >= .750)
+          file << "<span class=c11> </span>";
+        else if(1 - (float(gapsValues[k])/sequenNumber) >= .500)
+          file << "<span class=c10> </span>";
+        else if(1 - (float(gapsValues[k])/sequenNumber) >= .350)
+          file << "<span  class=c9> </span>";
+        else if(1 - (float(gapsValues[k])/sequenNumber) >= .250)
+          file << "<span  class=c8> </span>";
+        else if(1 - (float(gapsValues[k])/sequenNumber) >= .200)
+          file << "<span  class=c7> </span>";
+        else if(1 - (float(gapsValues[k])/sequenNumber) >= .150)
+          file << "<span  class=c6> </span>";
+        else if(1 - (float(gapsValues[k])/sequenNumber) >= .100)
+          file << "<span  class=c5> </span>";
+        else if(1 - (float(gapsValues[k])/sequenNumber) >= .050)
+          file << "<span  class=c4> </span>";
+        else if(1 - (float(gapsValues[k])/sequenNumber) >= .001)
+          file << "<span  class=c3> </span>";
+        else
+          file << "<span  class=c2> </span>";
+    }
+    if (simValues != NULL) {
+      file << endl << setw(minHTML) << left << "    Similarity Scores:  ";
+      for(k = j; ((k < residNumber) && (k < (j + HTMLBLOCKS))); k++)
+        if(simValues[k] == 1)
+          file << "<span class=c12> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] == 0)
+          file << "<span class=c1> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] >= .750)
+          file << "<span class=c11> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] >= .500)
+          file << "<span class=c10> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] >= .250)
+          file << "<span  class=c9> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] >= .100)
+          file << "<span  class=c8> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] >= .010)
+          file << "<span  class=c7> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] >= .001)
+          file << "<span  class=c6> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] >= 1e-4)
+          file << "<span  class=c5> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] >= 1e-5)
+          file << "<span  class=c4> </span>";
+        else if(simValues[k] >= 1e-6)
+          file << "<span  class=c3> </span>";
+        else
+          file << "<span  class=c2> </span>";
+    }
+    if (consValues != NULL) {
+      file << endl << setw(minHTML) << left << "    Consistency Scores: ";
+      for(k = j; ((k < residNumber) && (k < (j + HTMLBLOCKS))); k++)
+        if(consValues[k] == 1)
+          file << "<span class=c12> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] == 0)
+          file << "<span class=c1> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] >= .750)
+          file << "<span class=c11> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] >= .500)
+          file << "<span class=c10> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] >= .350)
+          file << "<span  class=c9> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] >= .250)
+          file << "<span  class=c8> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] >= .200)
+          file << "<span  class=c7> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] >= .150)
+          file << "<span  class=c6> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] >= .100)
+          file << "<span  class=c5> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] >= .050)
+          file << "<span  class=c4> </span>";
+        else if(consValues[k] >= .001)
+          file << "<span  class=c3> </span>";
+        else
+          file << "<span  class=c2> </span>";
+    }
+    file << endl;
+  }
+  /* Print HTML footer into output file */
+  file << "    </pre>" << endl << "  </body>" << endl << "</html>" << endl;
+  /* Close output file and deallocate local memory */
+  file.close();
+  delete [] seq;
+  delete [] res;
+  return true;
+bool alignment::alignmentColourHTML(ostream &file) {
+  int i, j, kj, upper, k = 0, maxLongName = 0;
+  string tmpColumn;
+  char type;
+  /* Allocate some local memory */
+  tmpColumn.reserve(sequenNumber);
+  /* Check whether sequences in the alignment are aligned or not.
+   * Warn about it if there are not aligned. */
+  if (!isAligned) {
+    cerr << endl << "ERROR: Sequences are not aligned." << endl << endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+  /* Compute maximum sequences name length */
+  maxLongName = 0;
+  for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++)
+    maxLongName = utils::max(maxLongName, seqsName[i].size());
+  /* Print HTML header into output file */
+  file << "<!DOCTYPE html>" << endl << "<html><head>" << endl << "    <meta "
+    << "http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\" />"
+    << endl << "    <title>readAl v1.4</title>" << endl
+    << "    <style type=\"text/css\">" << endl
+    << "    #b  { background-color: #3366ff; }\n"
+    << "    #r  { background-color: #cc0000; }\n"
+    << "    #g  { background-color: #33cc00; }\n"
+    << "    #p  { background-color: #ff6666; }\n"
+    << "    #m  { background-color: #cc33cc; }\n"
+    << "    #o  { background-color: #ff9900; }\n"
+    << "    #c  { background-color: #46C7C7; }\n"
+    << "    #y  { background-color: #FFFF00; }\n"
+    << "    </style>\n  </head>\n\n" << "  <body>\n  <pre>" << endl;
+  /* Print sequences colored according to CLUSTAL scheme based on
+   * physical-chemical properties */
+  for(j = 0, upper = HTMLBLOCKS; j < residNumber; j += HTMLBLOCKS, upper += \
+    file << endl;
+    /* Print main columns number */
+    file << setw(maxLongName + 19) << right << (j + 10);
+    for(i = j + 20; ((i <= residNumber) && (i <= upper)); i += 10)
+      file << setw(10) << right << i;
+    /* Print special characters to delimit sequences blocks */
+    file << endl << setw(maxLongName + 10);
+    for(i = j + 1; ((i <= residNumber) && (i <= upper)); i++)
+      file << (!(i % 10) ? "+" : "=");
+    /* Print sequences themselves */
+    for(i = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+      /* Print sequences name */
+      file << endl << setw(maxLongName + 9) << left << seqsName[i];
+      /* Print residues corresponding to current sequences block */
+      for(k = j; ((k < residNumber) && (k < upper)); k++) {
+        for(kj = 0, tmpColumn.clear(); kj < sequenNumber; kj++)
+          tmpColumn += sequences[kj][k];
+        /* Determine residue color based on residues across the alig column */
+        type = utils::determineColor(sequences[i][k], tmpColumn);
+        if (type == 'w')
+          file << sequences[i][k];
+        else
+          file << "<span id=" << type << ">" << sequences[i][k] << "</span>";
+      }
+    }
+    file << endl;
+  }
+  /* Print HTML footer into output file */
+  file << "    </pre>" << endl << "  </body>" << endl << "</html>" << endl;
+  return true;
+void alignment::printAlignmentInfo(ostream &file) {
+  /* Print information about sequences number, average sequence length, maximum
+   * and minimum sequences length, etc */
+  int i, j, valid_res, max, min, max_pos, min_pos, total_res;
+  /* Storage which sequences are the longest and shortest ones */
+  max = 0;
+  max_pos = 0;
+  min_pos = 0;
+  min = residuesNumber[0];
+  for(i = 0, total_res = 0; i < sequenNumber; i++) {
+    /* Discard gaps from current sequence and then compute real length */
+    for(j = 0, valid_res = 0; j < residuesNumber[i]; j++)
+      valid_res += (sequences[i][j] != '-' ? 1 : 0);
+    /* Compute the total residues in the alignment to calculate avg. sequence
+     * length */
+    total_res += valid_res;
+    /* Get values for the longest sequence */
+    max_pos = (max > valid_res) ? max_pos : i;
+    max = (max > valid_res) ? max : valid_res;
+    /* Similarily, get values for the shortest sequence */
+    min_pos = (min < valid_res) ? min_pos : i;
+    min = (min < valid_res) ? min : valid_res;
+  }
+  file << "## Total sequences\t" << sequenNumber << endl;
+  if (isFileAligned())
+    file << "## Alignment length\t" << residNumber << endl;
+  file  << "## Avg. sequence length\t" << (float) total_res / sequenNumber << endl
+    << "## Longest seq. name\t'"   << seqsName[max_pos] << "'" << endl
+    << "## Longest seq. length\t"  << max << endl
+    << "## Shortest seq. name\t'"  << seqsName[min_pos] << "'" << endl
+    << "## Shortest seq. length\t" << min << endl;