diff trimal_repo/source/statisticsGaps.cpp @ 0:b15a3147e604 draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/inab/trimal commit cbe1e8577ecb1a46709034a40dff36052e876e7a-dirty"
author padge
date Fri, 25 Mar 2022 17:10:43 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/trimal_repo/source/statisticsGaps.cpp	Fri Mar 25 17:10:43 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+/* ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
+   ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
+    trimAl v1.4: a tool for automated alignment trimming in large-scale
+                 phylogenetics analyses.
+    2009-2015 Capella-Gutierrez S. and Gabaldon, T.
+              [scapella, tgabaldon]@crg.es
+    This file is part of trimAl.
+    trimAl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, the last available version.
+    trimAl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with trimAl. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
+***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** */
+#include "statisticsGaps.h"
+|  statisticsGaps::statisticsGaps(char **, int, int)                                                                   |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+|       Class constructor. This method uses the inputs parameters to put the information in the new object that        |
+|       has been created.                                                                                              |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+statisticsGaps::statisticsGaps(string *alignmentMatrix, int species, int aminos, int dataType_) {
+  int i, j;
+  char indet;
+  columnLength = species;
+  columns =      aminos;
+  maxGaps =      0;
+  halfWindow =   0;
+  dataType = dataType_;
+  if(dataType == AAType)
+    indet = 'X';
+  else
+    indet = 'N';
+  /* Memory allocation for the vectors and its initialization */
+  gapsInColumn =       new int[columns];
+  utils::initlVect(gapsInColumn, columns, 0);
+  aminosXInColumn =    new int[columns];
+  utils::initlVect(aminosXInColumn, aminos, 0);
+  gapsWindow =         new int[columns];
+  utils::initlVect(gapsWindow, columns, 0);
+  numColumnsWithGaps = new int[species+1];
+  utils::initlVect(numColumnsWithGaps, columnLength+1, 0);
+  /* Count the gaps and indeterminations of each columns */
+  for(i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
+    for(j = 0; j < columnLength; j++) {
+      if(alignmentMatrix[j][i] == '-')
+        gapsInColumn[i]++;
+      else if(alignmentMatrix[j][i] == indet)
+        aminosXInColumn[i]++;
+    }
+    /* Increase the number of colums with the number of gaps of the last processed column */
+    numColumnsWithGaps[gapsInColumn[i]]++;
+    gapsWindow[i] = gapsInColumn[i];
+    if(gapsWindow[i] > maxGaps) maxGaps = gapsWindow[i];
+  }
+|  statisticsGaps::statisticsGaps(void)                                                                                |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+|       Class constructor.                                                                                             |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+statisticsGaps::statisticsGaps(void) {
+  /* Initializate all values to NULL or 0 */
+  gapsInColumn = NULL;
+  numColumnsWithGaps = NULL;
+  aminosXInColumn = NULL;
+  gapsWindow = NULL;
+  columns = 	  0;
+  columnLength  = 0;
+  maxGaps = 	  0;
+  halfWindow = 	  0;
+  dataType =      0;
+|  statisticsGaps::~statisticsGaps(void)                                                                               |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+|       Class destroyer.                                                                                               |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+statisticsGaps::~statisticsGaps(void) {
+  /* Only free memory if there is previous memory allocation */
+  if(gapsInColumn != NULL){
+    delete[] gapsInColumn;
+    delete[] numColumnsWithGaps;
+    delete[] aminosXInColumn;
+    delete[] gapsWindow;
+  }
+|  bool statisticsGaps::applyWindow(int)                                                                               |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+|       This method computes for each column's alignment its gapwindows' value. For this purpose, the method uses the  |
+|       values that previously has been calculated and the window's size value.                                        |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+bool statisticsGaps::applyWindow(int _halfWindow) {
+  int i, j, window;
+  /* If one of this conditions is true, we return FALSE:                         */
+  /*    .- If already exists a previously calculated vector for this window size */
+  /*    .- If halfWinSize value is greater than 1/4 of alignment length        */
+  if((halfWindow == _halfWindow) || (_halfWindow > columns/4))
+     return false;
+  /* Initializate to 0 the vector that will store the number of gaps of each column */
+  /* and the vector that will store window processing results                       */
+  utils::initlVect(numColumnsWithGaps, columnLength+1, 0);
+  utils::initlVect(gapsWindow, columns, 0);
+  /* Initializate maximum gaps' number per column value and store the mediumWinSize value in the object. */
+  maxGaps = 0;
+  halfWindow = _halfWindow;
+  window = (2 * halfWindow + 1);
+  /* We calculate some statistics for every column in the alignment,and the maximum gaps' number value */
+  for(i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
+    /* Sum the total number of gaps for the considered window */
+    for(j = i - halfWindow, gapsWindow[i] = 0; j <= i + halfWindow; j++) {
+      if(j < 0)
+        gapsWindow[i] += gapsInColumn[-j];
+      else if(j >= columns)
+        gapsWindow[i] += gapsInColumn[((2 * columns - j) - 2)];
+      else
+        gapsWindow[i] += gapsInColumn[j];
+    }
+    /* Calculate, and round to the nearest integer, the number of gaps for the i column */
+    gapsWindow[i] = utils::roundInt(((double) gapsWindow[i]/window));
+    /* Increase in 1 the number of colums with the same number of gaps than column i */
+    numColumnsWithGaps[gapsWindow[i]]++;
+    /* Update the max number of gaps in the alignment, if neccesary */
+    if(gapsWindow[i] > maxGaps)
+      maxGaps = gapsWindow[i];
+  }
+  return true;
+|  int *statisticsGaps::getGapsWindow(void)                                                                            |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+|       This method returns a pointer to gaps window's vector                                                          |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+int *statisticsGaps::getGapsWindow(void) {
+  return gapsWindow;
+double statisticsGaps::calcCutPoint(float minInputAlignment, float gapThreshold)
+  {
+  /* Method to select the cutting point based on gaps values from the input
+   * alignment. The cutting point is selected as the maximum gaps number allowed
+   * in the output alignment given a minimum percentage of the input alignment
+   * to be kept and a maximum gaps number. In case of both values set different
+   * cutting points, the minimum percentage of the input alignment prevails. */
+  double cuttingPoint_MinimumConserv, cuttingPoint_gapThreshold;
+  int i, acum;
+  /* Calculate the gap number represented by the gaps threshold. This gap number
+   * represents the maximum gap number in any column in the output alignment */
+  cuttingPoint_gapThreshold = (double) columnLength * gapThreshold;
+  /* Compute the minimum columns number to be kept from the input alignment */
+  cuttingPoint_MinimumConserv = utils::roundInt(((double)
+    (columns * minInputAlignment) / 100.0));
+  if(cuttingPoint_MinimumConserv > columns)
+    cuttingPoint_MinimumConserv = columns;    
+  /* We look at the number of gaps which allows us to keep the minimum columns
+   * number from the input alignment */
+  for(i = 0, acum = 0; i < columnLength; i++) {
+    acum += numColumnsWithGaps[i];
+    if(acum >= cuttingPoint_MinimumConserv)
+      break;
+  }
+  /* If there is not an exact number for the gaps cutting point, compute such
+   * value as the inmediate superior gap number minus the proportion of columns
+   * necessary to respect the minimum percentage from the input alignment to be
+   * kept */
+  if(numColumnsWithGaps[i])
+    cuttingPoint_MinimumConserv = (double) (i - ((float)
+      (acum - cuttingPoint_MinimumConserv)/numColumnsWithGaps[i]));
+  else
+    cuttingPoint_MinimumConserv = 0;
+  /* Return the maximum gap number of the two computed cutting points. */
+  return (utils::max(cuttingPoint_MinimumConserv, cuttingPoint_gapThreshold));
+|  int statisticsGaps::calcCutPointMixSlope(void)                                                                      |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+|       This method computes and selects the cut point based on the maximum rate between the first slope ratio between |
+|       gaps' percentage in the columns and alignments' length and the "second" slope (slope between three consecutive |
+|       points using only the first and third of them) ratio between gaps' percentage in the columns and alignments'   |
+|       length.                                                                                                        |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+int statisticsGaps::calcCutPointMixSlope(void) {
+  float delta = 0, maxSlope = -1, *firstSlopeVector, *secondSlopeVector;
+  int prev, pprev, maxIter, row = 1, act = 0, max = 0;
+  /* We build two slope vectors, one vector for the first slope and another one for the second. */
+  firstSlopeVector = new float[maxGaps+1];
+  secondSlopeVector = new float[maxGaps+1];
+  /* We initialize them with -1.0 value and fix the maximum iteractions' number as maximun gaps' number plus 1. */
+  utils::initlVect(firstSlopeVector, maxGaps, -1.0);
+  utils::initlVect(secondSlopeVector, maxGaps, -1.0);
+  maxIter = maxGaps + 1;
+  /* Until to achieve the maximum iteractions' number. */
+  while(act < maxIter) {
+    /* We look for a first point to second slope. */
+    while((numColumnsWithGaps[act]) == 0) act++;
+    pprev = act; if((act+1) >= maxIter) break;
+    /* We look for a first point to first slope. */
+    do { act++; } while((numColumnsWithGaps[act]) == 0);
+    prev = act; if((act+1) >= maxIter) break;
+    /* We look for a second point to first and second slope. */
+    do { act++; } while((numColumnsWithGaps[act]) == 0);
+    if(act >= maxIter) break;
+    /* Calculate the first slope between the earlier previus and previus points. */
+    firstSlopeVector[prev] =  ((float) (prev - pprev) / columnLength);
+    firstSlopeVector[prev] /= ((float) numColumnsWithGaps[prev] / columns);
+    /* Calculate the first slope between the previus and current points. */
+    firstSlopeVector[act] =  ((float) (act - prev) / columnLength);
+    firstSlopeVector[act] /= ((float) numColumnsWithGaps[act] / columns);
+    /* Calculate the second slope between the earlier previus and current points. */
+    secondSlopeVector[act] = ((float) (act - pprev) / columnLength);
+    secondSlopeVector[act] /= ((float) (numColumnsWithGaps[act] + numColumnsWithGaps[prev]) / columns);
+    /* If the ratio between ... */
+    if((secondSlopeVector[pprev] != -1.0) || (firstSlopeVector[pprev] != -1.0)) {
+      /* .- first slope previus and first slope earlier previus points. */
+      if(firstSlopeVector[pprev] != -1.0) {
+        delta = firstSlopeVector[prev]/firstSlopeVector[pprev];
+        row = pprev;
+      }
+      /* .- first slope current and first slope previus points. */
+      if(delta < (firstSlopeVector[act]/firstSlopeVector[prev])) {
+        delta = firstSlopeVector[act]/firstSlopeVector[prev];
+        row = prev;
+      }
+      /* .- second slope current and second slope earlier previus points. */
+      if(secondSlopeVector[pprev] != -1.0) {
+        if(delta < (secondSlopeVector[act]/secondSlopeVector[pprev])) {
+          delta = secondSlopeVector[act]/secondSlopeVector[pprev];
+          row = pprev;
+        }
+      }
+      /* ... is better that current maxSlope then we modify the maxSlope with the best ratio. */
+      if(delta > maxSlope) {
+        maxSlope = delta;
+        max = row;
+      }
+    }
+    act = prev;
+  }
+  /* We delete the local memory. */
+  delete[] firstSlopeVector;
+  delete[] secondSlopeVector;
+  /* and, finally, we return the cut point. */
+  return max;
+|  int statisticsGaps::calcCutPoint2ndSlope(void)                                                                      |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+|       This method computes and selects the cut point based on the maximum "second" slope (slope between three        |
+|       consecutive points using only the first and third of them) ratio between gaps' percentage in the columns and   |
+|       alignments' length.                                                                                            |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+int statisticsGaps::calcCutPoint2ndSlope(void) {
+  float maxSlope = -1, *secondSlopeVector;
+  int prev, pprev, maxIter, act = 0, max = 0;
+  /* We build one slope vector and fix the maximum iteractions' number as the gaps'number plus 1. */
+  secondSlopeVector = new float[maxGaps+1];
+  utils::initlVect(secondSlopeVector, maxGaps, -1.0);
+  maxIter = maxGaps + 1;
+  /* Find the lowest number of gaps into the input alignment. If there are few
+   * points, it is possible that lowest number of gaps is returned as the thres
+   * hold. It could happen input alignment does not have columns with no-gaps */
+  for(act = 0, max = 0; numColumnsWithGaps[act] == 0; act++)
+    max = act + 1;
+  act = 0;
+  while(act < maxIter) {
+    /* We look for a first point to second slope. */
+    while((numColumnsWithGaps[act]) == 0)
+      act++;
+    pprev = act;
+    if((act+1) >= maxIter)
+      break;
+    /* We look for a first point to first slope. */
+    do {
+      act++;
+    } while((numColumnsWithGaps[act]) == 0);
+    prev = act;
+    if((act+1) >= maxIter)
+      break;
+    /* We look for a second point to first and second slope. */
+    do {
+      act++;
+    } while((numColumnsWithGaps[act]) == 0);
+    if(act >= maxIter)
+      break;
+    /* Calculate the second slope between the earlier previous and current points. */
+    secondSlopeVector[act] = ((float) (act - pprev) / columnLength);
+    secondSlopeVector[act] /= ((float) (numColumnsWithGaps[act] + numColumnsWithGaps[prev]) / columns);
+    /* If the ratio between second slope current and second slope earlier previous points. */
+    if(secondSlopeVector[pprev] != -1.0) {
+      if((secondSlopeVector[act]/secondSlopeVector[pprev]) > maxSlope) {
+        maxSlope = (secondSlopeVector[act]/secondSlopeVector[pprev]);
+        max = pprev;
+      }
+    } else if(secondSlopeVector[prev] != -1.0) {
+      if((secondSlopeVector[act]/secondSlopeVector[prev]) > maxSlope) {
+        maxSlope = (secondSlopeVector[act]/secondSlopeVector[prev]);
+        max = pprev;
+      }
+    }
+    act = prev;
+  }
+  /* We deallocate local memory. */
+  delete[] secondSlopeVector;
+  /* Finally, we return the selected cut point. */
+  return max;
+|  void statisticsGaps::printGapsColumns(void)                                                                         |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+|       This method shows the gaps' percentage per each column in the alignment.                                       |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+void statisticsGaps::printGapsColumns(void) {
+  int *vectAux;
+  /* We allocate a local vector to recovery information on it */
+  vectAux = new int[columns];
+  /* We decide about the information's source then we get the information. */
+  if(halfWindow == 0)
+    utils::copyVect(gapsInColumn, vectAux, columns);
+  else
+   utils::copyVect(gapsWindow, vectAux, columns);
+  /* Fix the precision of output */
+  /* We set the output precision and print the header. */
+  cout << "| Residue\t  % Gaps \t   Gap Score   |" << endl;
+  cout << "| Number \t         \t               |" << endl;
+  cout << "+----------------------------------------------+" << endl;
+  cout.precision(10);
+  /* Show the information that have been requered */
+  for(int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
+    cout << "  " << setw(5) << i << "\t\t" << setw(10) << (vectAux[i] * 100.0)/columnLength
+         << "\t" << setw(7) << 1 -((vectAux[i] * 1.0)/columnLength) << endl;
+  /* Finally, we deallocate the local memory */
+  delete[] vectAux;
+|  void statisticsGaps::printGapsAcl(void)                                                                             |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+|       This method shows the gaps' statistics for the alignment.                                                      |
+|                                                                                                                      |
+void statisticsGaps::printGapsAcl(void) {
+  int acm, i;
+  /* Fix the precision of output */
+  cout << "| Number of\t        \t|\t Cumulative \t% Cumulative\t|\tNumber of Gaps\t  % Gaps  \tGap Score  |"  << endl;
+  cout << "| Residues \t% Length\t|\tNumberResid.\t   Length   \t|\t  per Column  \tper Column\tper Column |" << endl;
+  cout << "+-------------------------------+-----------------------------"
+       << "----------+--------------------------------------------------+" << endl;
+  cout.precision(10);
+  /* Count for each gaps' number the columns' number with that gaps' number. */
+  for(i = 0, acm = 0; i <= maxGaps; i++) {
+    /* If the columns' number with this gaps' number is not equal to zero, we will count the columns. */
+    if(numColumnsWithGaps[i] != 0) {
+      /* Compute and prints the accumulative values for the gaps in the alignment. */
+      acm += numColumnsWithGaps[i];
+      cout << "  " << setiosflags(ios::left) << numColumnsWithGaps[i] << "\t\t" << setw(10) << (numColumnsWithGaps[i] * 100.0)/columns
+           << "\t\t" << acm << "\t\t" << setw(10) << (acm * 100.0)/columns
+           << "\t\t" << i << "\t\t" << setw(10) << (i * 1.0)/columnLength << "\t"<< setw(10) << 1 - ((i * 1.0)/columnLength) << endl;
+    }
+  }