# HG changeset patch
# User goeckslab
# Date 1662072222 0
# Node ID 224e0cf4aaeb14073504922479f3b95a081237d0
# Parent 57f1260ca94ef0fa27b0f44a57f70d8333822b7d
planemo upload for repository https://github.com/ohsu-comp-bio/UNetCoreograph commit cb09eb9d2fa0feae993ae994b6beae05972c644b
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb Dockerfile
--- a/Dockerfile Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-FROM tensorflow/tensorflow:1.15.0-py3
-RUN apt-get update
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TZ=Etc/UTC apt-get -y install tzdata
-RUN apt-get install -y python3-opencv
-RUN apt-get install -y libtiff5-dev git
-RUN pip install cython scikit-image==0.14.2 matplotlib tifffile==2020.2.16 scipy==1.1.0 opencv-python==
-RUN pip install git+https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/pytiff.git@0701f28e5862c26024e8daa34201005b16db4c8f
-COPY . /app
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb LICENSE
--- a/LICENSE Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2020 HMS-IDAC
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb README.md
--- a/README.md Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-*Great*....yet **another** TMA dearray program. What does *this* one do?
-Coreograph uses UNet, a deep learning model, to identify complete/incomplete tissue cores on a tissue microarray. It has been trained on 9 TMA slides of different sizes and tissue types.
-Training sets were acquired at 0.2micron/pixel resolution and downsampled 1/32 times to speed up performance. Once the center of each core has been identifed, active contours is used to generate a tissue mask of each core that can aid downstream single cell segmentation. A GPU is not required but will reduce computation time.
-*Coreograph exports these files:**
-1. individual cores as tiff stacks with user-selectable channel ranges
-2. binary tissue masks (saved in the 'mask' subfolder)
-3. a TMA map showing the labels and outlines of each core for quality control purposes
-*Instructions for use:**
-`python UNetCoreograph.py`
-1. `--imagePath` : the path to the image file. Should be tif or ome.tif
-2. `--outputPath` : the path to save the above-mentioned files
-3. `--downsampleFactor` : how many times to downsample the raw image file. Default is 5 times to match the training data.
-4. `--channel` : which is the channel to feed into UNet and generate probabiltiy maps from. This is usually a DAPI channel
-5. `--buffer` : the extra space around a core before cropping it. A value of 2 means there is twice the width of the core added as buffer around it. 2 is default
-6. `--outputChan` : a range of channels to be exported. -1 is default and will export all channels (takes awhile). Select a single channel or a continuous range. --outputChan 0 10 will export channel 0 up to (and including) channel 10
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb UNet2DtCycifTRAINCoreograph.py
--- a/UNet2DtCycifTRAINCoreograph.py Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from scipy import misc
-import tensorflow as tf
-import shutil
-import scipy.io as sio
-import os,fnmatch,PIL,glob
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\ImageScience')
-from toolbox.imtools import *
-from toolbox.ftools import *
-from toolbox.PartitionOfImage import PI2D
-def concat3(lst):
- return tf.concat(lst,3)
-class UNet2D:
- hp = None # hyper-parameters
- nn = None # network
- tfTraining = None # if training or not (to handle batch norm)
- tfData = None # data placeholder
- Session = None
- DatasetMean = 0
- DatasetStDev = 0
- def setupWithHP(hp):
- UNet2D.setup(hp['imSize'],
- hp['nChannels'],
- hp['nClasses'],
- hp['nOut0'],
- hp['featMapsFact'],
- hp['downSampFact'],
- hp['ks'],
- hp['nExtraConvs'],
- hp['stdDev0'],
- hp['nLayers'],
- hp['batchSize'])
- def setup(imSize,nChannels,nClasses,nOut0,featMapsFact,downSampFact,kernelSize,nExtraConvs,stdDev0,nDownSampLayers,batchSize):
- UNet2D.hp = {'imSize':imSize,
- 'nClasses':nClasses,
- 'nChannels':nChannels,
- 'nExtraConvs':nExtraConvs,
- 'nLayers':nDownSampLayers,
- 'featMapsFact':featMapsFact,
- 'downSampFact':downSampFact,
- 'ks':kernelSize,
- 'nOut0':nOut0,
- 'stdDev0':stdDev0,
- 'batchSize':batchSize}
- nOutX = [UNet2D.hp['nChannels'],UNet2D.hp['nOut0']]
- dsfX = []
- for i in range(UNet2D.hp['nLayers']):
- nOutX.append(nOutX[-1]*UNet2D.hp['featMapsFact'])
- dsfX.append(UNet2D.hp['downSampFact'])
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # downsampling layer
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('placeholders'):
- UNet2D.tfTraining = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='training')
- UNet2D.tfData = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None,UNet2D.hp['imSize'],UNet2D.hp['imSize'],UNet2D.hp['nChannels']],name='data')
- def down_samp_layer(data,index):
- with tf.name_scope('ld%d' % index):
- ldXWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel1')
- ldXWeightsExtra = []
- for i in range(nExtraConvs):
- ldXWeightsExtra.append(tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index+1], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernelExtra%d' % i))
- c00 = tf.nn.conv2d(data, ldXWeights1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
- for i in range(nExtraConvs):
- c00 = tf.nn.conv2d(tf.nn.relu(c00), ldXWeightsExtra[i], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
- ldXWeightsShortcut = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([1, 1, nOutX[index], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='shortcutWeights')
- shortcut = tf.nn.conv2d(data, ldXWeightsShortcut, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
- bn = tf.layers.batch_normalization(tf.nn.relu(c00+shortcut), training=UNet2D.tfTraining)
- return tf.nn.max_pool(bn, ksize=[1, dsfX[index], dsfX[index], 1], strides=[1, dsfX[index], dsfX[index], 1], padding='SAME',name='maxpool')
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # bottom layer
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('lb'):
- lbWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']], nOutX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel1')
- def lb(hidden):
- return tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(hidden, lbWeights1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'),name='conv')
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # downsampling
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('downsampling'):
- dsX = []
- dsX.append(UNet2D.tfData)
- for i in range(UNet2D.hp['nLayers']):
- dsX.append(down_samp_layer(dsX[i],i))
- b = lb(dsX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']])
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # upsampling layer
- # --------------------------------------------------
- def up_samp_layer(data,index):
- with tf.name_scope('lu%d' % index):
- luXWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index+1], nOutX[index+2]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel1')
- luXWeights2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index]+nOutX[index+1], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel2')
- luXWeightsExtra = []
- for i in range(nExtraConvs):
- luXWeightsExtra.append(tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index+1], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel2Extra%d' % i))
- outSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
- for i in range(index):
- outSize /= dsfX[i]
- outSize = int(outSize)
- outputShape = [UNet2D.hp['batchSize'],outSize,outSize,nOutX[index+1]]
- us = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(data, luXWeights1, outputShape, strides=[1, dsfX[index], dsfX[index], 1], padding='SAME'),name='conv1')
- cc = concat3([dsX[index],us])
- cv = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(cc, luXWeights2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'),name='conv2')
- for i in range(nExtraConvs):
- cv = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(cv, luXWeightsExtra[i], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'),name='conv2Extra%d' % i)
- return cv
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # final (top) layer
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('lt'):
- ltWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([1, 1, nOutX[1], nClasses], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel')
- def lt(hidden):
- return tf.nn.conv2d(hidden, ltWeights1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',name='conv')
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # upsampling
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('upsampling'):
- usX = []
- usX.append(b)
- for i in range(UNet2D.hp['nLayers']):
- usX.append(up_samp_layer(usX[i],UNet2D.hp['nLayers']-1-i))
- t = lt(usX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']])
- sm = tf.nn.softmax(t,-1)
- UNet2D.nn = sm
- def train(imPath,logPath,modelPath,pmPath,nTrain,nValid,nTest,restoreVariables,nSteps,gpuIndex,testPMIndex):
- os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']= '%d' % gpuIndex
- outLogPath = logPath
- trainWriterPath = pathjoin(logPath,'Train')
- validWriterPath = pathjoin(logPath,'Valid')
- outModelPath = pathjoin(modelPath,'model.ckpt')
- outPMPath = pmPath
- batchSize = UNet2D.hp['batchSize']
- imSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
- nChannels = UNet2D.hp['nChannels']
- nClasses = UNet2D.hp['nClasses']
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # data
- # --------------------------------------------------
- Train = np.zeros((nTrain,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- Valid = np.zeros((nValid,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- Test = np.zeros((nTest,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- LTrain = np.zeros((nTrain,imSize,imSize,nClasses))
- LValid = np.zeros((nValid,imSize,imSize,nClasses))
- LTest = np.zeros((nTest,imSize,imSize,nClasses))
- print('loading data, computing mean / st dev')
- if not os.path.exists(modelPath):
- os.makedirs(modelPath)
- if restoreVariables:
- datasetMean = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetMean.data'))
- datasetStDev = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetStDev.data'))
- else:
- datasetMean = 0.09
- datasetStDev = 0.09
- #for iSample in range(nTrain+nValid+nTest):
- # I = im2double(tifread('%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,iSample)))
- # datasetMean += np.mean(I)
- # datasetStDev += np.std(I)
- #datasetMean /= (nTrain+nValid+nTest)
- #datasetStDev /= (nTrain+nValid+nTest)
- saveData(datasetMean, pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetMean.data'))
- saveData(datasetStDev, pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetStDev.data'))
- perm = np.arange(nTrain+nValid+nTest)
- np.random.shuffle(perm)
- for iSample in range(0, nTrain):
- path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,perm[iSample])
- im = im2double(tifread(path))
- #im = im[0, 0, 0, :, :]
- Train[iSample,:,:,0] = (im-datasetMean)/datasetStDev
- path = '%s/I%05d_Ant.tif' % (imPath,perm[iSample])
- im = tifread(path)
- for i in range(nClasses):
- LTrain[iSample,:,:,i] = (im == i+1)
- for iSample in range(0, nValid):
- path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,perm[nTrain+iSample])
- im = im2double(tifread(path))
- #im = im[0, 0, 0, :, :]
- Valid[iSample,:,:,0] = (im-datasetMean)/datasetStDev
- path = '%s/I%05d_Ant.tif' % (imPath,perm[nTrain+iSample])
- im = tifread(path)
- for i in range(nClasses):
- LValid[iSample,:,:,i] = (im == i+1)
- for iSample in range(0, nTest):
- path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,perm[nTrain+nValid+iSample])
- im = im2double(tifread(path))
- #im = im[0, 0, 0, :, :]
- Test[iSample,:,:,0] = (im-datasetMean)/datasetStDev
- path = '%s/I%05d_Ant.tif' % (imPath,perm[nTrain+nValid+iSample])
- im = tifread(path)
- for i in range(nClasses):
- LTest[iSample,:,:,i] = (im == i+1)
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # optimization
- # --------------------------------------------------
- tfLabels = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None,imSize,imSize,nClasses],name='labels')
- globalStep = tf.Variable(0,trainable=False)
- learningRate0 = 0.05
- decaySteps = 1000
- decayRate = 0.95
- learningRate = tf.train.exponential_decay(learningRate0,globalStep,decaySteps,decayRate,staircase=True)
- with tf.name_scope('optim'):
- loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tfLabels,tf.log(UNet2D.nn)),3))
- updateOps = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
- # optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(1e-3,0.9)
- optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learningRate,0.9)
- # optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learningRate)
- with tf.control_dependencies(updateOps):
- optOp = optimizer.minimize(loss,global_step=globalStep)
- with tf.name_scope('eval'):
- error = []
- for iClass in range(nClasses):
- labels0 = tf.reshape(tf.to_int32(tf.slice(tfLabels,[0,0,0,iClass],[-1,-1,-1,1])),[batchSize,imSize,imSize])
- predict0 = tf.reshape(tf.to_int32(tf.equal(tf.argmax(UNet2D.nn,3),iClass)),[batchSize,imSize,imSize])
- correct = tf.multiply(labels0,predict0)
- nCorrect0 = tf.reduce_sum(correct)
- nLabels0 = tf.reduce_sum(labels0)
- error.append(1-tf.to_float(nCorrect0)/tf.to_float(nLabels0))
- errors = tf.tuple(error)
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # inspection
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('scalars'):
- tf.summary.scalar('avg_cross_entropy', loss)
- for iClass in range(nClasses):
- tf.summary.scalar('avg_pixel_error_%d' % iClass, error[iClass])
- tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learningRate)
- with tf.name_scope('images'):
- #split0 = tf.slice(UNet2D.nn,[0,0,0,0],[-1,-1,-1,1])
- split0 = tf.slice(UNet2D.nn,[0,0,0,1],[-1,-1,-1,1])
- split1 = tf.slice(tfLabels, [0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1, 1])
- if nClasses > 2:
- split2 = tf.slice(UNet2D.nn,[0,0,0,2],[-1,-1,-1,1])
- tf.summary.image('pm0',split0)
- tf.summary.image('pm1',split1)
- if nClasses > 2:
- tf.summary.image('pm2',split2)
- merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # session
- # --------------------------------------------------
- saver = tf.train.Saver()
- sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) # config parameter needed to save variables when using GPU
- if os.path.exists(outLogPath):
- shutil.rmtree(outLogPath)
- trainWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(trainWriterPath, sess.graph)
- validWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(validWriterPath, sess.graph)
- if restoreVariables:
- saver.restore(sess, outModelPath)
- print("Model restored.")
- else:
- sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # train
- # --------------------------------------------------
- batchData = np.zeros((batchSize,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- batchLabels = np.zeros((batchSize,imSize,imSize,nClasses))
- for i in range(nSteps):
- # train
- perm = np.arange(nTrain)
- np.random.shuffle(perm)
- for j in range(batchSize):
- batchData[j,:,:,:] = Train[perm[j],:,:,:]
- batchLabels[j,:,:,:] = LTrain[perm[j],:,:,:]
- summary,_ = sess.run([merged,optOp],feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, tfLabels: batchLabels, UNet2D.tfTraining: 1})
- trainWriter.add_summary(summary, i)
- # validation
- perm = np.arange(nValid)
- np.random.shuffle(perm)
- for j in range(batchSize):
- batchData[j,:,:,:] = Valid[perm[j],:,:,:]
- batchLabels[j,:,:,:] = LValid[perm[j],:,:,:]
- summary, es = sess.run([merged, errors],feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, tfLabels: batchLabels, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
- validWriter.add_summary(summary, i)
- e = np.mean(es)
- print('step %05d, e: %f' % (i,e))
- if i == 0:
- if restoreVariables:
- lowestError = e
- else:
- lowestError = np.inf
- if np.mod(i,100) == 0 and e < lowestError:
- lowestError = e
- print("Model saved in file: %s" % saver.save(sess, outModelPath))
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # test
- # --------------------------------------------------
- if not os.path.exists(outPMPath):
- os.makedirs(outPMPath)
- for i in range(nTest):
- j = np.mod(i,batchSize)
- batchData[j,:,:,:] = Test[i,:,:,:]
- batchLabels[j,:,:,:] = LTest[i,:,:,:]
- if j == batchSize-1 or i == nTest-1:
- output = sess.run(UNet2D.nn,feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, tfLabels: batchLabels, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
- for k in range(j+1):
- pm = output[k,:,:,testPMIndex]
- gt = batchLabels[k,:,:,testPMIndex]
- im = np.sqrt(normalize(batchData[k,:,:,0]))
- imwrite(np.uint8(255*np.concatenate((im,np.concatenate((pm,gt),axis=1)),axis=1)),'%s/I%05d.png' % (outPMPath,i-j+k+1))
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # save hyper-parameters, clean-up
- # --------------------------------------------------
- saveData(UNet2D.hp,pathjoin(modelPath,'hp.data'))
- trainWriter.close()
- validWriter.close()
- sess.close()
- def deploy(imPath,nImages,modelPath,pmPath,gpuIndex,pmIndex):
- os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']= '%d' % gpuIndex
- variablesPath = pathjoin(modelPath,'model.ckpt')
- outPMPath = pmPath
- hp = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'hp.data'))
- UNet2D.setupWithHP(hp)
- batchSize = UNet2D.hp['batchSize']
- imSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
- nChannels = UNet2D.hp['nChannels']
- nClasses = UNet2D.hp['nClasses']
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # data
- # --------------------------------------------------
- Data = np.zeros((nImages,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- datasetMean = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetMean.data'))
- datasetStDev = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetStDev.data'))
- for iSample in range(0, nImages):
- path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,iSample)
- im = im2double(tifread(path))
- #im = im[0, 0, 0, :, :]
- Data[iSample,:,:,0] = (im-datasetMean)/datasetStDev
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # session
- # --------------------------------------------------
- saver = tf.train.Saver()
- sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) # config parameter needed to save variables when using GPU
- saver.restore(sess, variablesPath)
- print("Model restored.")
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # deploy
- # --------------------------------------------------
- batchData = np.zeros((batchSize,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- if not os.path.exists(outPMPath):
- os.makedirs(outPMPath)
- for i in range(nImages):
- print(i,nImages)
- j = np.mod(i,batchSize)
- batchData[j,:,:,:] = Data[i,:,:,:]
- if j == batchSize-1 or i == nImages-1:
- output = sess.run(UNet2D.nn,feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
- for k in range(j+1):
- pm = output[k,:,:,pmIndex]
- im = np.sqrt(normalize(batchData[k,:,:,0]))
- # imwrite(np.uint8(255*np.concatenate((im,pm),axis=1)),'%s/I%05d.png' % (outPMPath,i-j+k+1))
- imwrite(np.uint8(255*im),'%s/I%05d_Im.png' % (outPMPath,i-j+k+1))
- imwrite(np.uint8(255*pm),'%s/I%05d_PM.png' % (outPMPath,i-j+k+1))
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # clean-up
- # --------------------------------------------------
- sess.close()
- def singleImageInferenceSetup(modelPath,gpuIndex):
- os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']= '%d' % gpuIndex
- variablesPath = pathjoin(modelPath,'model.ckpt')
- hp = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'hp.data'))
- UNet2D.setupWithHP(hp)
- UNet2D.DatasetMean = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetMean.data'))
- UNet2D.DatasetStDev = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetStDev.data'))
- print(UNet2D.DatasetMean)
- print(UNet2D.DatasetStDev)
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # session
- # --------------------------------------------------
- saver = tf.train.Saver()
- UNet2D.Session = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) # config parameter needed to save variables when using GPU
- saver.restore(UNet2D.Session, variablesPath)
- print("Model restored.")
- def singleImageInferenceCleanup():
- UNet2D.Session.close()
- def singleImageInference(image,mode,pmIndex):
- print('Inference...')
- batchSize = UNet2D.hp['batchSize']
- imSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
- nChannels = UNet2D.hp['nChannels']
- PI2D.setup(image,imSize,int(imSize/8),mode)
- PI2D.createOutput(nChannels)
- batchData = np.zeros((batchSize,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- for i in range(PI2D.NumPatches):
- j = np.mod(i,batchSize)
- batchData[j,:,:,0] = (PI2D.getPatch(i)-UNet2D.DatasetMean)/UNet2D.DatasetStDev
- if j == batchSize-1 or i == PI2D.NumPatches-1:
- output = UNet2D.Session.run(UNet2D.nn,feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
- for k in range(j+1):
- pm = output[k,:,:,pmIndex]
- PI2D.patchOutput(i-j+k,pm)
- # PI2D.patchOutput(i-j+k,normalize(imgradmag(PI2D.getPatch(i-j+k),1)))
- return PI2D.getValidOutput()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- logPath = 'D:\\LSP\\UNet\\Coreograph\\TFLogs'
- modelPath = 'D:\\LSP\\Coreograph\\model-4layersMaskAug20New'
- pmPath = 'D:\\LSP\\UNet\\Coreograph\\TFProbMaps'
- # ----- test 1 -----
- # imPath = 'D:\\LSP\\UNet\\tonsil20x1bin1chan\\tonsilAnnotations'
- imPath = 'Z:/IDAC/Clarence/LSP/CyCIF/TMA/training data custom unaveraged'
- # UNet2D.setup(128,1,2,8,2,2,3,1,0.1,2,8)
- # UNet2D.train(imPath,logPath,modelPath,pmPath,500,100,40,True,20000,1,0)
- UNet2D.setup(128, 1, 2, 20, 2, 2, 3, 2, 0.03, 4, 32)
- UNet2D.train(imPath, logPath, modelPath, pmPath, 2053, 513 , 641, True, 10, 1, 1)
- UNet2D.deploy(imPath,100,modelPath,pmPath,1,1)
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb UNetCoreograph.py
--- a/UNetCoreograph.py Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,800 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from scipy import misc as sm
-import shutil
-import scipy.io as sio
-import os
-os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
-import logging
-import skimage.exposure as sk
-import cv2
-import argparse
-import pytiff
-import tifffile
-import tensorflow as tf
-from skimage.morphology import *
-from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
-from skimage.segmentation import chan_vese, find_boundaries, morphological_chan_vese
-from skimage.measure import regionprops,label, find_contours
-from skimage.transform import resize
-from skimage.filters import gaussian, threshold_otsu
-from skimage.feature import peak_local_max,blob_log
-from skimage.color import gray2rgb as gray2rgb
-import skimage.io as skio
-from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes
-from skimage import img_as_bool
-from skimage.draw import circle_perimeter
-from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter
-from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_laplace
-from os.path import *
-from os import listdir, makedirs, remove
-import sys
-from typing import Any
-#sys.path.insert(0, 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\ImageScience')
-from toolbox.imtools import *
-from toolbox.ftools import *
-from toolbox.PartitionOfImage import PI2D
-def concat3(lst):
- return tf.concat(lst,3)
-class UNet2D:
- hp = None # hyper-parameters
- nn = None # network
- tfTraining = None # if training or not (to handle batch norm)
- tfData = None # data placeholder
- Session = None
- DatasetMean = 0
- DatasetStDev = 0
- def setupWithHP(hp):
- UNet2D.setup(hp['imSize'],
- hp['nChannels'],
- hp['nClasses'],
- hp['nOut0'],
- hp['featMapsFact'],
- hp['downSampFact'],
- hp['ks'],
- hp['nExtraConvs'],
- hp['stdDev0'],
- hp['nLayers'],
- hp['batchSize'])
- def setup(imSize,nChannels,nClasses,nOut0,featMapsFact,downSampFact,kernelSize,nExtraConvs,stdDev0,nDownSampLayers,batchSize):
- UNet2D.hp = {'imSize':imSize,
- 'nClasses':nClasses,
- 'nChannels':nChannels,
- 'nExtraConvs':nExtraConvs,
- 'nLayers':nDownSampLayers,
- 'featMapsFact':featMapsFact,
- 'downSampFact':downSampFact,
- 'ks':kernelSize,
- 'nOut0':nOut0,
- 'stdDev0':stdDev0,
- 'batchSize':batchSize}
- nOutX = [UNet2D.hp['nChannels'],UNet2D.hp['nOut0']]
- dsfX = []
- for i in range(UNet2D.hp['nLayers']):
- nOutX.append(nOutX[-1]*UNet2D.hp['featMapsFact'])
- dsfX.append(UNet2D.hp['downSampFact'])
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # downsampling layer
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('placeholders'):
- UNet2D.tfTraining = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='training')
- UNet2D.tfData = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None,UNet2D.hp['imSize'],UNet2D.hp['imSize'],UNet2D.hp['nChannels']],name='data')
- def down_samp_layer(data,index):
- with tf.name_scope('ld%d' % index):
- ldXWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel1')
- ldXWeightsExtra = []
- for i in range(nExtraConvs):
- ldXWeightsExtra.append(tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index+1], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernelExtra%d' % i))
- c00 = tf.nn.conv2d(data, ldXWeights1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
- for i in range(nExtraConvs):
- c00 = tf.nn.conv2d(tf.nn.relu(c00), ldXWeightsExtra[i], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
- ldXWeightsShortcut = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([1, 1, nOutX[index], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='shortcutWeights')
- shortcut = tf.nn.conv2d(data, ldXWeightsShortcut, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
- bn = tf.layers.batch_normalization(tf.nn.relu(c00+shortcut), training=UNet2D.tfTraining)
- return tf.nn.max_pool(bn, ksize=[1, dsfX[index], dsfX[index], 1], strides=[1, dsfX[index], dsfX[index], 1], padding='SAME',name='maxpool')
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # bottom layer
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('lb'):
- lbWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']], nOutX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel1')
- def lb(hidden):
- return tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(hidden, lbWeights1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'),name='conv')
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # downsampling
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('downsampling'):
- dsX = []
- dsX.append(UNet2D.tfData)
- for i in range(UNet2D.hp['nLayers']):
- dsX.append(down_samp_layer(dsX[i],i))
- b = lb(dsX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']])
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # upsampling layer
- # --------------------------------------------------
- def up_samp_layer(data,index):
- with tf.name_scope('lu%d' % index):
- luXWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index+1], nOutX[index+2]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel1')
- luXWeights2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index]+nOutX[index+1], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel2')
- luXWeightsExtra = []
- for i in range(nExtraConvs):
- luXWeightsExtra.append(tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([UNet2D.hp['ks'], UNet2D.hp['ks'], nOutX[index+1], nOutX[index+1]], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel2Extra%d' % i))
- outSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
- for i in range(index):
- outSize /= dsfX[i]
- outSize = int(outSize)
- outputShape = [UNet2D.hp['batchSize'],outSize,outSize,nOutX[index+1]]
- us = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(data, luXWeights1, outputShape, strides=[1, dsfX[index], dsfX[index], 1], padding='SAME'),name='conv1')
- cc = concat3([dsX[index],us])
- cv = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(cc, luXWeights2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'),name='conv2')
- for i in range(nExtraConvs):
- cv = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(cv, luXWeightsExtra[i], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'),name='conv2Extra%d' % i)
- return cv
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # final (top) layer
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('lt'):
- ltWeights1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([1, 1, nOutX[1], nClasses], stddev=stdDev0),name='kernel')
- def lt(hidden):
- return tf.nn.conv2d(hidden, ltWeights1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',name='conv')
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # upsampling
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('upsampling'):
- usX = []
- usX.append(b)
- for i in range(UNet2D.hp['nLayers']):
- usX.append(up_samp_layer(usX[i],UNet2D.hp['nLayers']-1-i))
- t = lt(usX[UNet2D.hp['nLayers']])
- sm = tf.nn.softmax(t,-1)
- UNet2D.nn = sm
- def train(imPath,logPath,modelPath,pmPath,nTrain,nValid,nTest,restoreVariables,nSteps,gpuIndex,testPMIndex):
- os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']= '%d' % gpuIndex
- outLogPath = logPath
- trainWriterPath = pathjoin(logPath,'Train')
- validWriterPath = pathjoin(logPath,'Valid')
- outModelPath = pathjoin(modelPath,'model.ckpt')
- outPMPath = pmPath
- batchSize = UNet2D.hp['batchSize']
- imSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
- nChannels = UNet2D.hp['nChannels']
- nClasses = UNet2D.hp['nClasses']
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # data
- # --------------------------------------------------
- Train = np.zeros((nTrain,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- Valid = np.zeros((nValid,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- Test = np.zeros((nTest,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- LTrain = np.zeros((nTrain,imSize,imSize,nClasses))
- LValid = np.zeros((nValid,imSize,imSize,nClasses))
- LTest = np.zeros((nTest,imSize,imSize,nClasses))
- print('loading data, computing mean / st dev')
- if not os.path.exists(modelPath):
- os.makedirs(modelPath)
- if restoreVariables:
- datasetMean = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetMean.data'))
- datasetStDev = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetStDev.data'))
- else:
- datasetMean = 0
- datasetStDev = 0
- for iSample in range(nTrain+nValid+nTest):
- I = im2double(tifread('%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,iSample)))
- datasetMean += np.mean(I)
- datasetStDev += np.std(I)
- datasetMean /= (nTrain+nValid+nTest)
- datasetStDev /= (nTrain+nValid+nTest)
- saveData(datasetMean, pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetMean.data'))
- saveData(datasetStDev, pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetStDev.data'))
- perm = np.arange(nTrain+nValid+nTest)
- np.random.shuffle(perm)
- for iSample in range(0, nTrain):
- path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,perm[iSample])
- im = im2double(tifread(path))
- Train[iSample,:,:,0] = (im-datasetMean)/datasetStDev
- path = '%s/I%05d_Ant.tif' % (imPath,perm[iSample])
- im = tifread(path)
- for i in range(nClasses):
- LTrain[iSample,:,:,i] = (im == i+1)
- for iSample in range(0, nValid):
- path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,perm[nTrain+iSample])
- im = im2double(tifread(path))
- Valid[iSample,:,:,0] = (im-datasetMean)/datasetStDev
- path = '%s/I%05d_Ant.tif' % (imPath,perm[nTrain+iSample])
- im = tifread(path)
- for i in range(nClasses):
- LValid[iSample,:,:,i] = (im == i+1)
- for iSample in range(0, nTest):
- path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,perm[nTrain+nValid+iSample])
- im = im2double(tifread(path))
- Test[iSample,:,:,0] = (im-datasetMean)/datasetStDev
- path = '%s/I%05d_Ant.tif' % (imPath,perm[nTrain+nValid+iSample])
- im = tifread(path)
- for i in range(nClasses):
- LTest[iSample,:,:,i] = (im == i+1)
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # optimization
- # --------------------------------------------------
- tfLabels = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None,imSize,imSize,nClasses],name='labels')
- globalStep = tf.Variable(0,trainable=False)
- learningRate0 = 0.01
- decaySteps = 1000
- decayRate = 0.95
- learningRate = tf.train.exponential_decay(learningRate0,globalStep,decaySteps,decayRate,staircase=True)
- with tf.name_scope('optim'):
- loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tfLabels,tf.log(UNet2D.nn)),3))
- updateOps = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
- # optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(1e-3,0.9)
- optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learningRate,0.9)
- # optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learningRate)
- with tf.control_dependencies(updateOps):
- optOp = optimizer.minimize(loss,global_step=globalStep)
- with tf.name_scope('eval'):
- error = []
- for iClass in range(nClasses):
- labels0 = tf.reshape(tf.to_int32(tf.slice(tfLabels,[0,0,0,iClass],[-1,-1,-1,1])),[batchSize,imSize,imSize])
- predict0 = tf.reshape(tf.to_int32(tf.equal(tf.argmax(UNet2D.nn,3),iClass)),[batchSize,imSize,imSize])
- correct = tf.multiply(labels0,predict0)
- nCorrect0 = tf.reduce_sum(correct)
- nLabels0 = tf.reduce_sum(labels0)
- error.append(1-tf.to_float(nCorrect0)/tf.to_float(nLabels0))
- errors = tf.tuple(error)
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # inspection
- # --------------------------------------------------
- with tf.name_scope('scalars'):
- tf.summary.scalar('avg_cross_entropy', loss)
- for iClass in range(nClasses):
- tf.summary.scalar('avg_pixel_error_%d' % iClass, error[iClass])
- tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learningRate)
- with tf.name_scope('images'):
- split0 = tf.slice(UNet2D.nn,[0,0,0,0],[-1,-1,-1,1])
- split1 = tf.slice(UNet2D.nn,[0,0,0,1],[-1,-1,-1,1])
- if nClasses > 2:
- split2 = tf.slice(UNet2D.nn,[0,0,0,2],[-1,-1,-1,1])
- tf.summary.image('pm0',split0)
- tf.summary.image('pm1',split1)
- if nClasses > 2:
- tf.summary.image('pm2',split2)
- merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # session
- # --------------------------------------------------
- saver = tf.train.Saver()
- sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) # config parameter needed to save variables when using GPU
- if os.path.exists(outLogPath):
- shutil.rmtree(outLogPath)
- trainWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(trainWriterPath, sess.graph)
- validWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(validWriterPath, sess.graph)
- if restoreVariables:
- saver.restore(sess, outModelPath)
- print("Model restored.")
- else:
- sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # train
- # --------------------------------------------------
- batchData = np.zeros((batchSize,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- batchLabels = np.zeros((batchSize,imSize,imSize,nClasses))
- for i in range(nSteps):
- # train
- perm = np.arange(nTrain)
- np.random.shuffle(perm)
- for j in range(batchSize):
- batchData[j,:,:,:] = Train[perm[j],:,:,:]
- batchLabels[j,:,:,:] = LTrain[perm[j],:,:,:]
- summary,_ = sess.run([merged,optOp],feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, tfLabels: batchLabels, UNet2D.tfTraining: 1})
- trainWriter.add_summary(summary, i)
- # validation
- perm = np.arange(nValid)
- np.random.shuffle(perm)
- for j in range(batchSize):
- batchData[j,:,:,:] = Valid[perm[j],:,:,:]
- batchLabels[j,:,:,:] = LValid[perm[j],:,:,:]
- summary, es = sess.run([merged, errors],feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, tfLabels: batchLabels, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
- validWriter.add_summary(summary, i)
- e = np.mean(es)
- print('step %05d, e: %f' % (i,e))
- if i == 0:
- if restoreVariables:
- lowestError = e
- else:
- lowestError = np.inf
- if np.mod(i,100) == 0 and e < lowestError:
- lowestError = e
- print("Model saved in file: %s" % saver.save(sess, outModelPath))
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # test
- # --------------------------------------------------
- if not os.path.exists(outPMPath):
- os.makedirs(outPMPath)
- for i in range(nTest):
- j = np.mod(i,batchSize)
- batchData[j,:,:,:] = Test[i,:,:,:]
- batchLabels[j,:,:,:] = LTest[i,:,:,:]
- if j == batchSize-1 or i == nTest-1:
- output = sess.run(UNet2D.nn,feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, tfLabels: batchLabels, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
- for k in range(j+1):
- pm = output[k,:,:,testPMIndex]
- gt = batchLabels[k,:,:,testPMIndex]
- im = np.sqrt(normalize(batchData[k,:,:,0]))
- imwrite(np.uint8(255*np.concatenate((im,np.concatenate((pm,gt),axis=1)),axis=1)),'%s/I%05d.png' % (outPMPath,i-j+k+1))
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # save hyper-parameters, clean-up
- # --------------------------------------------------
- saveData(UNet2D.hp,pathjoin(modelPath,'hp.data'))
- trainWriter.close()
- validWriter.close()
- sess.close()
- def deploy(imPath,nImages,modelPath,pmPath,gpuIndex,pmIndex):
- os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']= '%d' % gpuIndex
- variablesPath = pathjoin(modelPath,'model.ckpt')
- outPMPath = pmPath
- hp = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'hp.data'))
- UNet2D.setupWithHP(hp)
- batchSize = UNet2D.hp['batchSize']
- imSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
- nChannels = UNet2D.hp['nChannels']
- nClasses = UNet2D.hp['nClasses']
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # data
- # --------------------------------------------------
- Data = np.zeros((nImages,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- datasetMean = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetMean.data'))
- datasetStDev = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetStDev.data'))
- for iSample in range(0, nImages):
- path = '%s/I%05d_Img.tif' % (imPath,iSample)
- im = im2double(tifread(path))
- Data[iSample,:,:,0] = (im-datasetMean)/datasetStDev
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # session
- # --------------------------------------------------
- saver = tf.train.Saver()
- sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) # config parameter needed to save variables when using GPU
- saver.restore(sess, variablesPath)
- print("Model restored.")
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # deploy
- # --------------------------------------------------
- batchData = np.zeros((batchSize,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- if not os.path.exists(outPMPath):
- os.makedirs(outPMPath)
- for i in range(nImages):
- print(i,nImages)
- j = np.mod(i,batchSize)
- batchData[j,:,:,:] = Data[i,:,:,:]
- if j == batchSize-1 or i == nImages-1:
- output = sess.run(UNet2D.nn,feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
- for k in range(j+1):
- pm = output[k,:,:,pmIndex]
- im = np.sqrt(normalize(batchData[k,:,:,0]))
- # imwrite(np.uint8(255*np.concatenate((im,pm),axis=1)),'%s/I%05d.png' % (outPMPath,i-j+k+1))
- imwrite(np.uint8(255*im),'%s/I%05d_Im.png' % (outPMPath,i-j+k+1))
- imwrite(np.uint8(255*pm),'%s/I%05d_PM.png' % (outPMPath,i-j+k+1))
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # clean-up
- # --------------------------------------------------
- sess.close()
- def singleImageInferenceSetup(modelPath,gpuIndex):
- os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']= '%d' % gpuIndex
- variablesPath = pathjoin(modelPath,'model.ckpt')
- hp = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'hp.data'))
- UNet2D.setupWithHP(hp)
- UNet2D.DatasetMean =loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetMean.data'))
- UNet2D.DatasetStDev = loadData(pathjoin(modelPath,'datasetStDev.data'))
- print(UNet2D.DatasetMean)
- print(UNet2D.DatasetStDev)
- # --------------------------------------------------
- # session
- # --------------------------------------------------
- saver = tf.train.Saver()
- UNet2D.Session = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) # config parameter needed to save variables when using GPU
- #UNet2D.Session = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0}))
- saver.restore(UNet2D.Session, variablesPath)
- print("Model restored.")
- def singleImageInferenceCleanup():
- UNet2D.Session.close()
- def singleImageInference(image,mode,pmIndex):
- print('Inference...')
- batchSize = UNet2D.hp['batchSize']
- imSize = UNet2D.hp['imSize']
- nChannels = UNet2D.hp['nChannels']
- PI2D.setup(image,imSize,int(imSize/8),mode)
- PI2D.createOutput(nChannels)
- batchData = np.zeros((batchSize,imSize,imSize,nChannels))
- for i in range(PI2D.NumPatches):
- j = np.mod(i,batchSize)
- batchData[j,:,:,0] = (PI2D.getPatch(i)-UNet2D.DatasetMean)/UNet2D.DatasetStDev
- if j == batchSize-1 or i == PI2D.NumPatches-1:
- output = UNet2D.Session.run(UNet2D.nn,feed_dict={UNet2D.tfData: batchData, UNet2D.tfTraining: 0})
- for k in range(j+1):
- pm = output[k,:,:,pmIndex]
- PI2D.patchOutput(i-j+k,pm)
- # PI2D.patchOutput(i-j+k,normalize(imgradmag(PI2D.getPatch(i-j+k),1)))
- return PI2D.getValidOutput()
-def identifyNumChan(path):
- s = tifffile.TiffFile(path).series[0]
- return s.shape[0] if len(s.shape) > 2 else 1
- # shape = tiff.pages[0].shape
- # tiff = tifffile.TiffFile(path)
- # for i, page in enumerate(tiff.pages):
- # print(page.shape)
- # if page.shape != shape:
- # numChan = i
- # return numChan
- # break
-# else:
-# raise Exception("Did not find any pyramid subresolutions")
-def getProbMaps(I,dsFactor,modelPath):
- hsize = int((float(I.shape[0]) * float(0.5)))
- vsize = int((float(I.shape[1]) * float(0.5)))
- imagesub = cv2.resize(I,(vsize,hsize),cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
- UNet2D.singleImageInferenceSetup(modelPath, 0)
- for iSize in range(dsFactor):
- hsize = int((float(I.shape[0]) * float(0.5)))
- vsize = int((float(I.shape[1]) * float(0.5)))
- I = cv2.resize(I,(vsize,hsize),cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
- I = im2double(I)
- I = im2double(sk.rescale_intensity(I, in_range=(np.min(I), np.max(I)), out_range=(0, 0.983)))
- probMaps = UNet2D.singleImageInference(I,'accumulate',1)
- UNet2D.singleImageInferenceCleanup()
- return probMaps
-def coreSegmenterOutput(I,initialmask,findCenter):
- hsize = int((float(I.shape[0]) * float(0.1)))
- vsize = int((float(I.shape[1]) * float(0.1)))
- nucGF = cv2.resize(I,(vsize,hsize),cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
- #active contours
- hsize = int(float(nucGF.shape[0]))
- vsize = int(float(nucGF.shape[1]))
- initialmask = cv2.resize(initialmask,(vsize,hsize),cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
- initialmask = dilation(initialmask,disk(15)) >0
- nucGF = gaussian(nucGF,0.7)
- nucGF=nucGF/np.amax(nucGF)
- nuclearMask = morphological_chan_vese(nucGF, 100, init_level_set=initialmask, smoothing=10,lambda1=1.001, lambda2=1)
- TMAmask = nuclearMask
- TMAmask = remove_small_objects(TMAmask>0,round(TMAmask.shape[0])*round(TMAmask.shape[1])*0.005)
- TMAlabel = label(TMAmask)
-# find object closest to center
- if findCenter==True:
- stats= regionprops(TMAlabel)
- counter=1
- minDistance =-1
- index =[]
- for props in stats:
- centroid = props.centroid
- distanceFromCenter = np.sqrt((centroid[0]-nucGF.shape[0]/2)**2+(centroid[1]-nucGF.shape[1]/2)**2)
- # if distanceFromCenter<0.6/2*np.sqrt(TMAlabel.shape[0]*TMAlabel.shape[1]):
- if distanceFromCenter 0] = [1, 0, 0]
- imshowpair(img2,stacked_img)
-def imshowpair(A,B):
- plt.imshow(A,cmap='Purples')
- plt.imshow(B,cmap='Greens',alpha=0.5)
- plt.show()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("--imagePath")
- parser.add_argument("--outputPath")
- parser.add_argument("--maskPath")
- parser.add_argument("--tissue", action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument("--downsampleFactor", type=int, default = 5)
- parser.add_argument("--channel",type = int, default = 0)
- parser.add_argument("--buffer",type = float, default = 2)
- parser.add_argument("--outputChan", type=int, nargs = '+', default=[-1])
- parser.add_argument("--sensitivity",type = float, default=0.3)
- parser.add_argument("--useGrid",action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument("--cluster",action='store_true')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- outputPath = args.outputPath
- imagePath = args.imagePath
- sensitivity = args.sensitivity
- scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- modelPath = os.path.join(scriptPath, 'model')
- maskOutputPath = os.path.join(outputPath, 'masks')
-# if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
-# os.makedirs(outputPath)
-# else:
-# shutil.rmtree(outputPath)
- if not os.path.exists(maskOutputPath):
- os.makedirs(maskOutputPath)
- print(
- channel = args.channel
- dsFactor = 1/(2**args.downsampleFactor)
- I = skio.imread(imagePath, img_num=channel)
- imagesub = resize(I,(int((float(I.shape[0]) * dsFactor)),int((float(I.shape[1]) * dsFactor))))
- numChan = identifyNumChan(imagePath)
- outputChan = args.outputChan
- if len(outputChan)==1:
- if outputChan[0]==-1:
- outputChan = [0, numChan-1]
- else:
- outputChan.append(outputChan[0])
- classProbs = getProbMaps(I, args.downsampleFactor, modelPath)
- if not args.tissue:
- print('TMA mode selected')
- preMask = gaussian(np.uint8(classProbs*255),1)>0.8
- P = regionprops(label(preMask),cache=False)
- area = [ele.area for ele in P]
- if len(P) <3:
- medArea = np.median(area)
- maxArea = np.percentile(area,99)
- else:
- count=0
- labelpreMask = np.zeros(preMask.shape,dtype=np.uint32)
- for props in P:
- count += 1
- yi = props.coords[:, 0]
- xi = props.coords[:, 1]
- labelpreMask[yi, xi] = count
- P=regionprops(labelpreMask)
- area = [ele.area for ele in P]
- medArea = np.median(area)
- maxArea = np.percentile(area,99)
- preMask = remove_small_objects(preMask,0.2*medArea)
- coreRad = round(np.sqrt(medArea/np.pi))
- estCoreDiam = round(np.sqrt(maxArea/np.pi)*1.2*args.buffer)
- #preprocessing
- fgFiltered = blob_log(preMask,coreRad*0.6,threshold=sensitivity)
- Imax = np.zeros(preMask.shape,dtype=np.uint8)
- for iSpot in range(fgFiltered.shape[0]):
- yi = np.uint32(round(fgFiltered[iSpot, 0]))
- xi = np.uint32(round(fgFiltered[iSpot, 1]))
- Imax[yi, xi] = 1
- Imax = Imax*preMask
- Idist = distance_transform_edt(1-Imax)
- markers = label(Imax)
- coreLabel = watershed(Idist,markers,watershed_line=True,mask = preMask)
- P = regionprops(coreLabel)
- centroids = np.array([ele.centroid for ele in P]) / dsFactor
- np.savetxt(outputPath + os.path.sep + 'centroidsY-X.txt', np.asarray(centroids), fmt='%10.5f')
- numCores = len(centroids)
- print(str(numCores) + ' cores detected!')
- estCoreDiamX = np.ones(numCores) * estCoreDiam / dsFactor
- estCoreDiamY = np.ones(numCores) * estCoreDiam / dsFactor
- else:
- print('Tissue mode selected')
- imageblur = 5
- Iblur = gaussian(np.uint8(255*classProbs), imageblur)
- coreMask = binary_fill_holes(binary_closing(Iblur > threshold_otsu(Iblur), np.ones((imageblur*2,imageblur*2))))
- coreMask = remove_small_objects(coreMask, min_size=0.001 * coreMask.shape[0] * coreMask.shape[1])
- ## watershed
- Idist = distance_transform_edt(coreMask)
- markers = peak_local_max(h_maxima(Idist,20),indices=False)
- markers = label(markers).astype(np.int8)
- coreLabel = watershed(-Idist, markers, watershed_line=True,mask = coreMask)
- P = regionprops(coreLabel)
- centroids = np.array([ele.centroid for ele in P]) / dsFactor
- np.savetxt(outputPath + os.path.sep + 'centroidsY-X.txt', np.asarray(centroids), fmt='%10.5f')
- numCores = len(centroids)
- print(str(numCores) + ' tissues detected!')
- estCoreDiamX = np.array([(ele.bbox[3]-ele.bbox[1])*1.1 for ele in P]) / dsFactor
- estCoreDiamY = np.array([(ele.bbox[2]-ele.bbox[0])*1.1 for ele in P]) / dsFactor
- if numCores ==0 & args.cluster:
- print('No cores detected. Try adjusting the downsample factor')
- sys.exit(255)
- singleMaskTMA = np.zeros(imagesub.shape)
- maskTMA = np.zeros(imagesub.shape)
- bbox = [None] * numCores
- imagesub = imagesub/np.percentile(imagesub,99.9)
- imagesub = (imagesub * 255).round().astype(np.uint8)
- imagesub = gray2rgb(imagesub)
- x=np.zeros(numCores)
- xLim=np.zeros(numCores)
- y=np.zeros(numCores)
- yLim=np.zeros(numCores)
-# segmenting each core
- #######################
- for iCore in range(numCores):
- x[iCore] = centroids[iCore,1] - estCoreDiamX[iCore]/2
- xLim[iCore] = x[iCore]+estCoreDiamX[iCore]
- if xLim[iCore] > I.shape[1]:
- xLim[iCore] = I.shape[1]
- if x[iCore]<1:
- x[iCore]=1
- y[iCore] = centroids[iCore,0] - estCoreDiamY[iCore]/2
- yLim[iCore] = y[iCore] + estCoreDiamY[iCore]
- if yLim[iCore] > I.shape[0]:
- yLim[iCore] = I.shape[0]
- if y[iCore]<1:
- y[iCore]=1
- bbox[iCore] = [round(x[iCore]), round(y[iCore]), round(xLim[iCore]), round(yLim[iCore])]
- coreStack = np.zeros((outputChan[1]-outputChan[0]+1,np.int(round(yLim[iCore])-round(y[iCore])-1),np.int(round(xLim[iCore])-round(x[iCore])-1)),dtype='uint16')
- for iChan in range(outputChan[0],outputChan[1]+1):
- with pytiff.Tiff(imagePath, "r", encoding='utf-8') as handle:
- handle.set_page(iChan)
- coreStack[iChan,:,:] =handle[np.uint32(bbox[iCore][1]):np.uint32(bbox[iCore][3]-1), np.uint32(bbox[iCore][0]):np.uint32(bbox[iCore][2]-1)]
- skio.imsave(outputPath + os.path.sep + str(iCore+1) + '.tif',np.uint16(coreStack),imagej=True,bigtiff=True)
- with pytiff.Tiff(imagePath, "r", encoding='utf-8') as handle:
- handle.set_page(args.channel)
- coreSlice= handle[np.uint32(bbox[iCore][1]):np.uint32(bbox[iCore][3]-1), np.uint32(bbox[iCore][0]):np.uint32(bbox[iCore][2]-1)]
- core = (coreLabel ==(iCore+1))
- initialmask = core[np.uint32(y[iCore] * dsFactor):np.uint32(yLim[iCore] * dsFactor),
- np.uint32(x[iCore] * dsFactor):np.uint32(xLim[iCore] * dsFactor)]
- if not args.tissue:
- initialmask = resize(initialmask,size(coreSlice),cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
- singleProbMap = classProbs[np.uint32(y[iCore]*dsFactor):np.uint32(yLim[iCore]*dsFactor),np.uint32(x[iCore]*dsFactor):np.uint32(xLim[iCore]*dsFactor)]
- singleProbMap = resize(np.uint8(255*singleProbMap),size(coreSlice),cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
- TMAmask = coreSegmenterOutput(coreSlice,initialmask,False)
- else:
- Irs = resize(coreSlice,(int((float(coreSlice.shape[0]) * 0.25)),int((float(coreSlice.shape[1]) * 0.25))))
- TMAmask = coreSegmenterOutput(Irs, np.uint8(initialmask), False)
- if np.sum(TMAmask)==0:
- TMAmask = np.ones(TMAmask.shape)
- vsize = int(float(coreSlice.shape[0]))
- hsize = int(float(coreSlice.shape[1]))
- masksub = resize(resize(TMAmask,(vsize,hsize),cv2.INTER_NEAREST),(int((float(coreSlice.shape[0])*dsFactor)),int((float(coreSlice.shape[1])*dsFactor))),cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
- singleMaskTMA[int(y[iCore]*dsFactor):int(y[iCore]*dsFactor)+masksub.shape[0],int(x[iCore]*dsFactor):int(x[iCore]*dsFactor)+masksub.shape[1]]=masksub
- maskTMA = maskTMA + resize(singleMaskTMA,maskTMA.shape,cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
- cv2.putText(imagesub, str(iCore+1), (int(P[iCore].centroid[1]),int(P[iCore].centroid[0])), 0, 0.5, (0,255,0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
- skio.imsave(maskOutputPath + os.path.sep + str(iCore+1) + '_mask.tif',np.uint8(TMAmask))
- print('Segmented core/tissue ' + str(iCore+1))
- boundaries = find_boundaries(maskTMA)
- imagesub[boundaries==1] = 255
- skio.imsave(outputPath + os.path.sep + 'TMA_MAP.tif' ,imagesub)
- print('Segmented all cores/tissues!')
-#restore GPU to 0
- #image load using tifffile
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb coreograph.xml
--- a/coreograph.xml Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ b/coreograph.xml Thu Sep 01 22:43:42 2022 +0000
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- Coreograph uses UNet, a deep learning model, to identify complete/incomplete tissue cores on a tissue microarray. It has been trained on 9 TMA slides of different sizes and tissue types.
+ TMA core detection and dearraying
@@ -57,7 +45,56 @@
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/TMA_MAP.jpg
Binary file images/TMA_MAP.jpg has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/TMA_MAP.tif
Binary file images/TMA_MAP.tif has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/coreographbanner.png
Binary file images/coreographbanner.png has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/coreographbannerv2.png
Binary file images/coreographbannerv2.png has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/coreographbannerv3.png
Binary file images/coreographbannerv3.png has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/coreographbannerv4.png
Binary file images/coreographbannerv4.png has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/coreographbannerv5.png
Binary file images/coreographbannerv5.png has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/probmap.jpg
Binary file images/probmap.jpg has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/probmap.tif
Binary file images/probmap.tif has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/raw.jpg
Binary file images/raw.jpg has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb images/raw.tif
Binary file images/raw.tif has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb macros.xml
--- a/macros.xml Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ b/macros.xml Thu Sep 01 22:43:42 2022 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- labsyspharm/unetcoreograph:@VERSION@
+ labsyspharm/unetcoreograph:@TOOL_VERSION@
- echo @VERSION@
- 2.2.8
+ 2.2.8
+ 0
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb model/checkpoint
--- a/model/checkpoint Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-model_checkpoint_path: "D:\\LSP\\Coreograph\\model-4layersMaskAug20New\\model.ckpt"
-all_model_checkpoint_paths: "D:\\LSP\\Coreograph\\model-4layersMaskAug20New\\model.ckpt"
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb model/datasetMean.data
--- a/model/datasetMean.data Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb model/datasetStDev.data
--- a/model/datasetStDev.data Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb model/hp.data
Binary file model/hp.data has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb model/model.ckpt.data-00000-of-00001
Binary file model/model.ckpt.data-00000-of-00001 has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb model/model.ckpt.index
Binary file model/model.ckpt.index has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb model/model.ckpt.meta
Binary file model/model.ckpt.meta has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb test-data/coreograph_test.tiff
Binary file test-data/coreograph_test.tiff has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb toolbox/PartitionOfImage.py
--- a/toolbox/PartitionOfImage.py Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from toolbox.imtools import *
-# from toolbox.ftools import *
-# import sys
-class PI2D:
- Image = None
- PaddedImage = None
- PatchSize = 128
- Margin = 14
- SubPatchSize = 100
- PC = None # patch coordinates
- NumPatches = 0
- Output = None
- Count = None
- NR = None
- NC = None
- NRPI = None
- NCPI = None
- Mode = None
- W = None
- def setup(image,patchSize,margin,mode):
- PI2D.Image = image
- PI2D.PatchSize = patchSize
- PI2D.Margin = margin
- subPatchSize = patchSize-2*margin
- PI2D.SubPatchSize = subPatchSize
- W = np.ones((patchSize,patchSize))
- W[[0,-1],:] = 0
- W[:,[0,-1]] = 0
- for i in range(1,2*margin):
- v = i/(2*margin)
- W[i,i:-i] = v
- W[-i-1,i:-i] = v
- W[i:-i,i] = v
- W[i:-i,-i-1] = v
- PI2D.W = W
- if len(image.shape) == 2:
- nr,nc = image.shape
- elif len(image.shape) == 3: # multi-channel image
- nz,nr,nc = image.shape
- PI2D.NR = nr
- PI2D.NC = nc
- npr = int(np.ceil(nr/subPatchSize)) # number of patch rows
- npc = int(np.ceil(nc/subPatchSize)) # number of patch cols
- nrpi = npr*subPatchSize+2*margin # number of rows in padded image
- ncpi = npc*subPatchSize+2*margin # number of cols in padded image
- PI2D.NRPI = nrpi
- PI2D.NCPI = ncpi
- if len(image.shape) == 2:
- PI2D.PaddedImage = np.zeros((nrpi,ncpi))
- PI2D.PaddedImage[margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc] = image
- elif len(image.shape) == 3:
- PI2D.PaddedImage = np.zeros((nz,nrpi,ncpi))
- PI2D.PaddedImage[:,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc] = image
- PI2D.PC = [] # patch coordinates [r0,r1,c0,c1]
- for i in range(npr):
- r0 = i*subPatchSize
- r1 = r0+patchSize
- for j in range(npc):
- c0 = j*subPatchSize
- c1 = c0+patchSize
- PI2D.PC.append([r0,r1,c0,c1])
- PI2D.NumPatches = len(PI2D.PC)
- PI2D.Mode = mode # 'replace' or 'accumulate'
- def getPatch(i):
- r0,r1,c0,c1 = PI2D.PC[i]
- if len(PI2D.PaddedImage.shape) == 2:
- return PI2D.PaddedImage[r0:r1,c0:c1]
- if len(PI2D.PaddedImage.shape) == 3:
- return PI2D.PaddedImage[:,r0:r1,c0:c1]
- def createOutput(nChannels):
- if nChannels == 1:
- PI2D.Output = np.zeros((PI2D.NRPI,PI2D.NCPI),np.float16)
- else:
- PI2D.Output = np.zeros((nChannels,PI2D.NRPI,PI2D.NCPI),np.float16)
- if PI2D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- PI2D.Count = np.zeros((PI2D.NRPI,PI2D.NCPI),np.float16)
- def patchOutput(i,P):
- r0,r1,c0,c1 = PI2D.PC[i]
- if PI2D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- PI2D.Count[r0:r1,c0:c1] += PI2D.W
- if len(P.shape) == 2:
- if PI2D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- PI2D.Output[r0:r1,c0:c1] += np.multiply(P,PI2D.W)
- elif PI2D.Mode == 'replace':
- PI2D.Output[r0:r1,c0:c1] = P
- elif len(P.shape) == 3:
- if PI2D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- for i in range(P.shape[0]):
- PI2D.Output[i,r0:r1,c0:c1] += np.multiply(P[i,:,:],PI2D.W)
- elif PI2D.Mode == 'replace':
- PI2D.Output[:,r0:r1,c0:c1] = P
- def getValidOutput():
- margin = PI2D.Margin
- nr, nc = PI2D.NR, PI2D.NC
- if PI2D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- C = PI2D.Count[margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc]
- if len(PI2D.Output.shape) == 2:
- if PI2D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- return np.divide(PI2D.Output[margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc],C)
- if PI2D.Mode == 'replace':
- return PI2D.Output[margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc]
- if len(PI2D.Output.shape) == 3:
- if PI2D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- for i in range(PI2D.Output.shape[0]):
- PI2D.Output[i,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc] = np.divide(PI2D.Output[i,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc],C)
- return PI2D.Output[:,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc]
- def demo():
- I = np.random.rand(128,128)
- # PI2D.setup(I,128,14)
- PI2D.setup(I,64,4,'replace')
- nChannels = 2
- PI2D.createOutput(nChannels)
- for i in range(PI2D.NumPatches):
- P = PI2D.getPatch(i)
- Q = np.zeros((nChannels,P.shape[0],P.shape[1]))
- for j in range(nChannels):
- Q[j,:,:] = P
- PI2D.patchOutput(i,Q)
- J = PI2D.getValidOutput()
- J = J[0,:,:]
- D = np.abs(I-J)
- print(np.max(D))
- K = cat(1,cat(1,I,J),D)
- imshow(K)
-class PI3D:
- Image = None
- PaddedImage = None
- PatchSize = 128
- Margin = 14
- SubPatchSize = 100
- PC = None # patch coordinates
- NumPatches = 0
- Output = None
- Count = None
- NR = None # rows
- NC = None # cols
- NZ = None # planes
- NRPI = None
- NCPI = None
- NZPI = None
- Mode = None
- W = None
- def setup(image,patchSize,margin,mode):
- PI3D.Image = image
- PI3D.PatchSize = patchSize
- PI3D.Margin = margin
- subPatchSize = patchSize-2*margin
- PI3D.SubPatchSize = subPatchSize
- W = np.ones((patchSize,patchSize,patchSize))
- W[[0,-1],:,:] = 0
- W[:,[0,-1],:] = 0
- W[:,:,[0,-1]] = 0
- for i in range(1,2*margin):
- v = i/(2*margin)
- W[[i,-i-1],i:-i,i:-i] = v
- W[i:-i,[i,-i-1],i:-i] = v
- W[i:-i,i:-i,[i,-i-1]] = v
- PI3D.W = W
- if len(image.shape) == 3:
- nz,nr,nc = image.shape
- elif len(image.shape) == 4: # multi-channel image
- nz,nw,nr,nc = image.shape
- PI3D.NR = nr
- PI3D.NC = nc
- PI3D.NZ = nz
- npr = int(np.ceil(nr/subPatchSize)) # number of patch rows
- npc = int(np.ceil(nc/subPatchSize)) # number of patch cols
- npz = int(np.ceil(nz/subPatchSize)) # number of patch planes
- nrpi = npr*subPatchSize+2*margin # number of rows in padded image
- ncpi = npc*subPatchSize+2*margin # number of cols in padded image
- nzpi = npz*subPatchSize+2*margin # number of plns in padded image
- PI3D.NRPI = nrpi
- PI3D.NCPI = ncpi
- PI3D.NZPI = nzpi
- if len(image.shape) == 3:
- PI3D.PaddedImage = np.zeros((nzpi,nrpi,ncpi))
- PI3D.PaddedImage[margin:margin+nz,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc] = image
- elif len(image.shape) == 4:
- PI3D.PaddedImage = np.zeros((nzpi,nw,nrpi,ncpi))
- PI3D.PaddedImage[margin:margin+nz,:,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc] = image
- PI3D.PC = [] # patch coordinates [z0,z1,r0,r1,c0,c1]
- for iZ in range(npz):
- z0 = iZ*subPatchSize
- z1 = z0+patchSize
- for i in range(npr):
- r0 = i*subPatchSize
- r1 = r0+patchSize
- for j in range(npc):
- c0 = j*subPatchSize
- c1 = c0+patchSize
- PI3D.PC.append([z0,z1,r0,r1,c0,c1])
- PI3D.NumPatches = len(PI3D.PC)
- PI3D.Mode = mode # 'replace' or 'accumulate'
- def getPatch(i):
- z0,z1,r0,r1,c0,c1 = PI3D.PC[i]
- if len(PI3D.PaddedImage.shape) == 3:
- return PI3D.PaddedImage[z0:z1,r0:r1,c0:c1]
- if len(PI3D.PaddedImage.shape) == 4:
- return PI3D.PaddedImage[z0:z1,:,r0:r1,c0:c1]
- def createOutput(nChannels):
- if nChannels == 1:
- PI3D.Output = np.zeros((PI3D.NZPI,PI3D.NRPI,PI3D.NCPI))
- else:
- PI3D.Output = np.zeros((PI3D.NZPI,nChannels,PI3D.NRPI,PI3D.NCPI))
- if PI3D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- PI3D.Count = np.zeros((PI3D.NZPI,PI3D.NRPI,PI3D.NCPI))
- def patchOutput(i,P):
- z0,z1,r0,r1,c0,c1 = PI3D.PC[i]
- if PI3D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- PI3D.Count[z0:z1,r0:r1,c0:c1] += PI3D.W
- if len(P.shape) == 3:
- if PI3D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- PI3D.Output[z0:z1,r0:r1,c0:c1] += np.multiply(P,PI3D.W)
- elif PI3D.Mode == 'replace':
- PI3D.Output[z0:z1,r0:r1,c0:c1] = P
- elif len(P.shape) == 4:
- if PI3D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- for i in range(P.shape[1]):
- PI3D.Output[z0:z1,i,r0:r1,c0:c1] += np.multiply(P[:,i,:,:],PI3D.W)
- elif PI3D.Mode == 'replace':
- PI3D.Output[z0:z1,:,r0:r1,c0:c1] = P
- def getValidOutput():
- margin = PI3D.Margin
- nz, nr, nc = PI3D.NZ, PI3D.NR, PI3D.NC
- if PI3D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- C = PI3D.Count[margin:margin+nz,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc]
- if len(PI3D.Output.shape) == 3:
- if PI3D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- return np.divide(PI3D.Output[margin:margin+nz,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc],C)
- if PI3D.Mode == 'replace':
- return PI3D.Output[margin:margin+nz,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc]
- if len(PI3D.Output.shape) == 4:
- if PI3D.Mode == 'accumulate':
- for i in range(PI3D.Output.shape[1]):
- PI3D.Output[margin:margin+nz,i,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc] = np.divide(PI3D.Output[margin:margin+nz,i,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc],C)
- return PI3D.Output[margin:margin+nz,:,margin:margin+nr,margin:margin+nc]
- def demo():
- I = np.random.rand(128,128,128)
- PI3D.setup(I,64,4,'accumulate')
- nChannels = 2
- PI3D.createOutput(nChannels)
- for i in range(PI3D.NumPatches):
- P = PI3D.getPatch(i)
- Q = np.zeros((P.shape[0],nChannels,P.shape[1],P.shape[2]))
- for j in range(nChannels):
- Q[:,j,:,:] = P
- PI3D.patchOutput(i,Q)
- J = PI3D.getValidOutput()
- J = J[:,0,:,:]
- D = np.abs(I-J)
- print(np.max(D))
- pI = I[64,:,:]
- pJ = J[64,:,:]
- pD = D[64,:,:]
- K = cat(1,cat(1,pI,pJ),pD)
- imshow(K)
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb toolbox/__pycache__/PartitionOfImage.cpython-36.pyc
Binary file toolbox/__pycache__/PartitionOfImage.cpython-36.pyc has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb toolbox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc
Binary file toolbox/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb toolbox/__pycache__/ftools.cpython-36.pyc
Binary file toolbox/__pycache__/ftools.cpython-36.pyc has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb toolbox/__pycache__/imtools.cpython-36.pyc
Binary file toolbox/__pycache__/imtools.cpython-36.pyc has changed
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb toolbox/ftools.py
--- a/toolbox/ftools.py Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-from os.path import *
-from os import listdir, makedirs, remove
-import pickle
-import shutil
-def fileparts(path): # path = file path
- [p,f] = split(path)
- [n,e] = splitext(f)
- return [p,n,e]
-def listfiles(path,token): # path = folder path
- l = []
- for f in listdir(path):
- fullPath = join(path,f)
- if isfile(fullPath) and token in f:
- l.append(fullPath)
- l.sort()
- return l
-def listsubdirs(path): # path = folder path
- l = []
- for f in listdir(path):
- fullPath = join(path,f)
- if isdir(fullPath):
- l.append(fullPath)
- l.sort()
- return l
-def pathjoin(p,ne): # '/path/to/folder', 'name.extension' (or a subfolder)
- return join(p,ne)
-def saveData(data,path):
- print('saving data')
- dataFile = open(path, 'wb')
- pickle.dump(data, dataFile)
-def loadData(path):
- print('loading data')
- dataFile = open(path, 'rb')
- return pickle.load(dataFile)
-def createFolderIfNonExistent(path):
- if not exists(path): # from os.path
- makedirs(path)
-def moveFile(fullPathSource,folderPathDestination):
- [p,n,e] = fileparts(fullPathSource)
- shutil.move(fullPathSource,pathjoin(folderPathDestination,n+e))
-def copyFile(fullPathSource,folderPathDestination):
- [p,n,e] = fileparts(fullPathSource)
- shutil.copy(fullPathSource,pathjoin(folderPathDestination,n+e))
-def removeFile(path):
- remove(path)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 57f1260ca94e -r 224e0cf4aaeb toolbox/imtools.py
--- a/toolbox/imtools.py Fri Mar 11 23:40:51 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import tifffile
-import os
-import numpy as np
-from skimage import io as skio
-from scipy.ndimage import *
-from skimage.morphology import *
-from skimage.transform import resize
-def tifread(path):
- return tifffile.imread(path)
-def tifwrite(I,path):
- tifffile.imsave(path, I)
-def imshow(I,**kwargs):
- if not kwargs:
- plt.imshow(I,cmap='gray')
- else:
- plt.imshow(I,**kwargs)
- plt.axis('off')
- plt.show()
-def imshowlist(L,**kwargs):
- n = len(L)
- for i in range(n):
- plt.subplot(1, n, i+1)
- if not kwargs:
- plt.imshow(L[i],cmap='gray')
- else:
- plt.imshow(L[i],**kwargs)
- plt.axis('off')
- plt.show()
-def imread(path):
- return skio.imread(path)
-def imwrite(I,path):
- skio.imsave(path,I)
-def im2double(I):
- if I.dtype == 'uint16':
- return I.astype('float64')/65535
- elif I.dtype == 'uint8':
- return I.astype('float64')/255
- elif I.dtype == 'float32':
- return I.astype('float64')
- elif I.dtype == 'float64':
- return I
- else:
- print('returned original image type: ', I.dtype)
- return I
-def size(I):
- return list(I.shape)
-def imresizeDouble(I,sizeOut): # input and output are double
- return resize(I,(sizeOut[0],sizeOut[1]),mode='reflect')
-def imresize3Double(I,sizeOut): # input and output are double
- return resize(I,(sizeOut[0],sizeOut[1],sizeOut[2]),mode='reflect')
-def imresizeUInt8(I,sizeOut): # input and output are UInt8
- return np.uint8(resize(I.astype(float),(sizeOut[0],sizeOut[1]),mode='reflect',order=0))
-def imresize3UInt8(I,sizeOut): # input and output are UInt8
- return np.uint8(resize(I.astype(float),(sizeOut[0],sizeOut[1],sizeOut[2]),mode='reflect',order=0))
-def normalize(I):
- m = np.min(I)
- M = np.max(I)
- if M > m:
- return (I-m)/(M-m)
- else:
- return I
-def snormalize(I):
- m = np.mean(I)
- s = np.std(I)
- if s > 0:
- return (I-m)/s
- else:
- return I
-def cat(a,I,J):
- return np.concatenate((I,J),axis=a)
-def imerode(I,r):
- return binary_erosion(I, disk(r))
-def imdilate(I,r):
- return binary_dilation(I, disk(r))
-def imerode3(I,r):
- return morphology.binary_erosion(I, ball(r))
-def imdilate3(I,r):
- return morphology.binary_dilation(I, ball(r))
-def sphericalStructuralElement(imShape,fRadius):
- if len(imShape) == 2:
- return disk(fRadius,dtype=float)
- if len(imShape) == 3:
- return ball(fRadius,dtype=float)
-def medfilt(I,filterRadius):
- return median_filter(I,footprint=sphericalStructuralElement(I.shape,filterRadius))
-def maxfilt(I,filterRadius):
- return maximum_filter(I,footprint=sphericalStructuralElement(I.shape,filterRadius))
-def minfilt(I,filterRadius):
- return minimum_filter(I,footprint=sphericalStructuralElement(I.shape,filterRadius))
-def ptlfilt(I,percentile,filterRadius):
- return percentile_filter(I,percentile,footprint=sphericalStructuralElement(I.shape,filterRadius))
-def imgaussfilt(I,sigma,**kwargs):
- return gaussian_filter(I,sigma,**kwargs)
-def imlogfilt(I,sigma,**kwargs):
- return -gaussian_laplace(I,sigma,**kwargs)
-def imgradmag(I,sigma):
- if len(I.shape) == 2:
- dx = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,1])
- dy = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[1,0])
- return np.sqrt(dx**2+dy**2)
- if len(I.shape) == 3:
- dx = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,0,1])
- dy = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,1,0])
- dz = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[1,0,0])
- return np.sqrt(dx**2+dy**2+dz**2)
-def localstats(I,radius,justfeatnames=False):
- ptls = [10,30,50,70,90]
- featNames = []
- for i in range(len(ptls)):
- featNames.append('locPtl%d' % ptls[i])
- if justfeatnames == True:
- return featNames
- sI = size(I)
- nFeats = len(ptls)
- F = np.zeros((sI[0],sI[1],nFeats))
- for i in range(nFeats):
- F[:,:,i] = ptlfilt(I,ptls[i],radius)
- return F
-def localstats3(I,radius,justfeatnames=False):
- ptls = [10,30,50,70,90]
- featNames = []
- for i in range(len(ptls)):
- featNames.append('locPtl%d' % ptls[i])
- if justfeatnames == True:
- return featNames
- sI = size(I)
- nFeats = len(ptls)
- F = np.zeros((sI[0],sI[1],sI[2],nFeats))
- for i in range(nFeats):
- F[:,:,:,i] = ptlfilt(I,ptls[i],radius)
- return F
-def imderivatives(I,sigmas,justfeatnames=False):
- if type(sigmas) is not list:
- sigmas = [sigmas]
- derivPerSigmaFeatNames = ['d0','dx','dy','dxx','dxy','dyy','normGrad','normHessDiag']
- if justfeatnames == True:
- featNames = [];
- for i in range(len(sigmas)):
- for j in range(len(derivPerSigmaFeatNames)):
- featNames.append('derivSigma%d%s' % (sigmas[i],derivPerSigmaFeatNames[j]))
- return featNames
- nDerivativesPerSigma = len(derivPerSigmaFeatNames)
- nDerivatives = len(sigmas)*nDerivativesPerSigma
- sI = size(I)
- D = np.zeros((sI[0],sI[1],nDerivatives))
- for i in range(len(sigmas)):
- sigma = sigmas[i]
- dx = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,1])
- dy = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[1,0])
- dxx = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,2])
- dyy = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[2,0])
- D[:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i ] = imgaussfilt(I,sigma)
- D[:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+1] = dx
- D[:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+2] = dy
- D[:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+3] = dxx
- D[:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+4] = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[1,1])
- D[:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+5] = dyy
- D[:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+6] = np.sqrt(dx**2+dy**2)
- D[:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+7] = np.sqrt(dxx**2+dyy**2)
- return D
- # derivatives are indexed by the last dimension, which is good for ML features but not for visualization,
- # in which case the expected dimensions are [plane,channel,y(row),x(col)]; to obtain that ordering, do
- # D = np.moveaxis(D,[0,3,1,2],[0,1,2,3])
-def imderivatives3(I,sigmas,justfeatnames=False):
- if type(sigmas) is not list:
- sigmas = [sigmas]
- derivPerSigmaFeatNames = ['d0','dx','dy','dz','dxx','dxy','dxz','dyy','dyz','dzz','normGrad','normHessDiag']
- # derivPerSigmaFeatNames = ['d0','normGrad','normHessDiag']
- if justfeatnames == True:
- featNames = [];
- for i in range(len(sigmas)):
- for j in range(len(derivPerSigmaFeatNames)):
- featNames.append('derivSigma%d%s' % (sigmas[i],derivPerSigmaFeatNames[j]))
- return featNames
- nDerivativesPerSigma = len(derivPerSigmaFeatNames)
- nDerivatives = len(sigmas)*nDerivativesPerSigma
- sI = size(I)
- D = np.zeros((sI[0],sI[1],sI[2],nDerivatives)) # plane, channel, y, x
- for i in range(len(sigmas)):
- sigma = sigmas[i]
- dx = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,0,1]) # z, y, x
- dy = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,1,0])
- dz = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[1,0,0])
- dxx = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,0,2])
- dyy = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,2,0])
- dzz = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[2,0,0])
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i ] = imgaussfilt(I,sigma)
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+1 ] = dx
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+2 ] = dy
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+3 ] = dz
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+4 ] = dxx
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+5 ] = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[0,1,1])
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+6 ] = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[1,0,1])
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+7 ] = dyy
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+8 ] = imgaussfilt(I,sigma,order=[1,1,0])
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+9 ] = dzz
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+10] = np.sqrt(dx**2+dy**2+dz**2)
- D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+11] = np.sqrt(dxx**2+dyy**2+dzz**2)
- # D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i ] = imgaussfilt(I,sigma)
- # D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+1 ] = np.sqrt(dx**2+dy**2+dz**2)
- # D[:,:,:,nDerivativesPerSigma*i+2 ] = np.sqrt(dxx**2+dyy**2+dzz**2)
- return D
- # derivatives are indexed by the last dimension, which is good for ML features but not for visualization,
- # in which case the expected dimensions are [plane,y(row),x(col)]; to obtain that ordering, do
- # D = np.moveaxis(D,[2,0,1],[0,1,2])
-def imfeatures(I=[],sigmaDeriv=1,sigmaLoG=1,locStatsRad=0,justfeatnames=False):
- if type(sigmaDeriv) is not list:
- sigmaDeriv = [sigmaDeriv]
- if type(sigmaLoG) is not list:
- sigmaLoG = [sigmaLoG]
- derivFeatNames = imderivatives([],sigmaDeriv,justfeatnames=True)
- nLoGFeats = len(sigmaLoG)
- locStatsFeatNames = []
- if locStatsRad > 1:
- locStatsFeatNames = localstats([],locStatsRad,justfeatnames=True)
- nLocStatsFeats = len(locStatsFeatNames)
- if justfeatnames == True:
- featNames = derivFeatNames
- for i in range(nLoGFeats):
- featNames.append('logSigma%d' % sigmaLoG[i])
- for i in range(nLocStatsFeats):
- featNames.append(locStatsFeatNames[i])
- return featNames
- nDerivFeats = len(derivFeatNames)
- nFeatures = nDerivFeats+nLoGFeats+nLocStatsFeats
- sI = size(I)
- F = np.zeros((sI[0],sI[1],nFeatures))
- F[:,:,:nDerivFeats] = imderivatives(I,sigmaDeriv)
- for i in range(nLoGFeats):
- F[:,:,nDerivFeats+i] = imlogfilt(I,sigmaLoG[i])
- if locStatsRad > 1:
- F[:,:,nDerivFeats+nLoGFeats:] = localstats(I,locStatsRad)
- return F
-def imfeatures3(I=[],sigmaDeriv=2,sigmaLoG=2,locStatsRad=0,justfeatnames=False):
- if type(sigmaDeriv) is not list:
- sigmaDeriv = [sigmaDeriv]
- if type(sigmaLoG) is not list:
- sigmaLoG = [sigmaLoG]
- derivFeatNames = imderivatives3([],sigmaDeriv,justfeatnames=True)
- nLoGFeats = len(sigmaLoG)
- locStatsFeatNames = []
- if locStatsRad > 1:
- locStatsFeatNames = localstats3([],locStatsRad,justfeatnames=True)
- nLocStatsFeats = len(locStatsFeatNames)
- if justfeatnames == True:
- featNames = derivFeatNames
- for i in range(nLoGFeats):
- featNames.append('logSigma%d' % sigmaLoG[i])
- for i in range(nLocStatsFeats):
- featNames.append(locStatsFeatNames[i])
- return featNames
- nDerivFeats = len(derivFeatNames)
- nFeatures = nDerivFeats+nLoGFeats+nLocStatsFeats
- sI = size(I)
- F = np.zeros((sI[0],sI[1],sI[2],nFeatures))
- F[:,:,:,:nDerivFeats] = imderivatives3(I,sigmaDeriv)
- for i in range(nLoGFeats):
- F[:,:,:,nDerivFeats+i] = imlogfilt(I,sigmaLoG[i])
- if locStatsRad > 1:
- F[:,:,:,nDerivFeats+nLoGFeats:] = localstats3(I,locStatsRad)
- return F
-def stack2list(S):
- L = []
- for i in range(size(S)[2]):
- L.append(S[:,:,i])
- return L
-def thrsegment(I,wsBlr,wsThr): # basic threshold segmentation
- G = imgaussfilt(I,sigma=(1-wsBlr)+wsBlr*5) # min 1, max 5
- M = G > wsThr
- return M
\ No newline at end of file