diff tools/get_orfs_or_cdss/get_orfs_or_cdss.py @ 5:5208c15805ec draft

Uploaded v0.0.5 dependant on Biopython 1.62
author peterjc
date Mon, 28 Oct 2013 05:19:38 -0400
children 705a2e2df7fb
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/get_orfs_or_cdss/get_orfs_or_cdss.py	Mon Oct 28 05:19:38 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Find ORFs in a nucleotide sequence file.
+get_orfs_or_cdss.py $input_fasta $input_format $table $ftype $ends $mode $min_len $strand $out_nuc_file $out_prot_file
+Takes ten command line options, input sequence filename, format, genetic
+code, CDS vs ORF, end type (open, closed), selection mode (all, top, one),
+minimum length (in amino acids), strand (both, forward, reverse), output
+nucleotide filename, and output protein filename.
+This tool is a short Python script which requires Biopython. If you use
+this tool in scientific work leading to a publication, please cite the
+Biopython application note:
+Cock et al 2009. Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational
+molecular biology and bioinformatics. Bioinformatics 25(11) 1422-3.
+http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp163 pmid:19304878.
+This script is copyright 2011-2013 by Peter Cock, The James Hutton Institute
+(formerly SCRI), Dundee, UK. All rights reserved.
+See accompanying text file for licence details (MIT/BSD style).
+This is version 0.0.3 of the script.
+import sys
+import re
+if "-v" in sys.argv or "--version" in sys.argv:
+    print "v0.0.3"
+    sys.exit(0)
+def stop_err(msg, err=1):
+    sys.stderr.write(msg.rstrip() + "\n")
+    sys.exit(err)
+    from Bio.Seq import Seq, reverse_complement, translate
+    from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+    from Bio import SeqIO
+    from Bio.Data import CodonTable
+except ImportError:
+    stop_err("Missing Biopython library")
+#Parse Command Line
+    input_file, seq_format, table, ftype, ends, mode, min_len, strand, out_nuc_file, out_prot_file = sys.argv[1:]
+except ValueError:
+    stop_err("Expected ten arguments, got %i:\n%s" % (len(sys.argv)-1, " ".join(sys.argv)))
+    table = int(table)
+except ValueError:
+    stop_err("Expected integer for genetic code table, got %s" % table)
+    table_obj = CodonTable.ambiguous_generic_by_id[table]
+except KeyError:
+    stop_err("Unknown codon table %i" % table)
+if ftype not in ["CDS", "ORF"]:
+    stop_err("Expected CDS or ORF, got %s" % ftype)
+if ends not in ["open", "closed"]:
+    stop_err("Expected open or closed for end treatment, got %s" % ends)
+    min_len = int(min_len)
+except ValueError:
+    stop_err("Expected integer for min_len, got %s" % min_len)
+if seq_format.lower()=="sff":
+    seq_format = "sff-trim"
+elif seq_format.lower()=="fasta":
+    seq_format = "fasta"
+elif seq_format.lower().startswith("fastq"):
+    seq_format = "fastq"
+    stop_err("Unsupported file type %r" % seq_format)
+print "Genetic code table %i" % table
+print "Minimum length %i aa" % min_len
+#print "Taking %s ORF(s) from %s strand(s)" % (mode, strand)
+starts = sorted(table_obj.start_codons)
+assert "NNN" not in starts
+re_starts = re.compile("|".join(starts))
+stops = sorted(table_obj.stop_codons)
+assert "NNN" not in stops
+re_stops = re.compile("|".join(stops))
+def start_chop_and_trans(s, strict=True):
+    """Returns offset, trimmed nuc, protein."""
+    if strict:
+        assert s[-3:] in stops, s
+    assert len(s) % 3 == 0
+    for match in re_starts.finditer(s):
+        #Must check the start is in frame
+        start = match.start()
+        if start % 3 == 0:
+            n = s[start:]
+            assert len(n) % 3 == 0, "%s is len %i" % (n, len(n))
+            if strict:
+                t = translate(n, table, cds=True)
+            else:
+                #Use when missing stop codon,
+                t = "M" + translate(n[3:], table, to_stop=True)
+            return start, n, t
+    return None, None, None
+def break_up_frame(s):
+    """Returns offset, nuc, protein."""
+    start = 0
+    for match in re_stops.finditer(s):
+        index = match.start() + 3
+        if index % 3 != 0:
+            continue
+        n = s[start:index]
+        if ftype=="CDS":
+            offset, n, t = start_chop_and_trans(n)
+        else:
+            offset = 0
+            t = translate(n, table, to_stop=True)
+        if n and len(t) >= min_len:
+            yield start + offset, n, t
+        start = index
+    if ends == "open":
+        #No stop codon, Biopython's strict CDS translate will fail
+        n = s[start:]
+        #Ensure we have whole codons
+        #TODO - Try appending N instead?
+        #TODO - Do the next four lines more elegantly
+        if len(n) % 3:
+            n = n[:-1]
+        if len(n) % 3:
+            n = n[:-1]
+        if ftype=="CDS":
+            offset, n, t = start_chop_and_trans(n, strict=False)
+        else:
+            offset = 0
+            t = translate(n, table, to_stop=True)
+        if n and len(t) >= min_len:
+            yield start + offset, n, t
+def get_all_peptides(nuc_seq):
+    """Returns start, end, strand, nucleotides, protein.
+    Co-ordinates are Python style zero-based.
+    """
+    #TODO - Refactor to use a generator function (in start order)
+    #rather than making a list and sorting?
+    answer = []
+    full_len = len(nuc_seq)
+    if strand != "reverse":
+        for frame in range(0,3):
+            for offset, n, t in break_up_frame(nuc_seq[frame:]):
+                start = frame + offset #zero based
+                answer.append((start, start + len(n), +1, n, t))
+    if strand != "forward":
+        rc = reverse_complement(nuc_seq)
+        for frame in range(0,3) :
+            for offset, n, t in break_up_frame(rc[frame:]):
+                start = full_len - frame - offset #zero based
+                answer.append((start - len(n), start, -1, n ,t))
+    answer.sort()
+    return answer
+def get_top_peptides(nuc_seq):
+    """Returns all peptides of max length."""
+    values = list(get_all_peptides(nuc_seq))
+    if not values:
+        raise StopIteration
+    max_len = max(len(x[-1]) for x in values)
+    for x in values:
+        if len(x[-1]) == max_len:
+            yield x
+def get_one_peptide(nuc_seq):
+    """Returns first (left most) peptide with max length."""
+    values = list(get_top_peptides(nuc_seq))
+    if not values:
+        raise StopIteration
+    yield values[0]
+if mode == "all":
+    get_peptides = get_all_peptides
+elif mode == "top":
+    get_peptides = get_top_peptides
+elif mode == "one":
+    get_peptides = get_one_peptide
+in_count = 0
+out_count = 0
+if out_nuc_file == "-":
+    out_nuc = sys.stdout
+    out_nuc = open(out_nuc_file, "w")
+if out_prot_file == "-":
+    out_prot = sys.stdout
+    out_prot = open(out_prot_file, "w")
+for record in SeqIO.parse(input_file, seq_format):
+    for i, (f_start, f_end, f_strand, n, t) in enumerate(get_peptides(str(record.seq).upper())):
+        out_count += 1
+        if f_strand == +1:
+            loc = "%i..%i" % (f_start+1, f_end)
+        else:
+            loc = "complement(%i..%i)" % (f_start+1, f_end)
+        descr = "length %i aa, %i bp, from %s of %s" \
+                % (len(t), len(n), loc, record.description)
+        r = SeqRecord(Seq(n), id = record.id + "|%s%i" % (ftype, i+1), name = "", description= descr)
+        t = SeqRecord(Seq(t), id = record.id + "|%s%i" % (ftype, i+1), name = "", description= descr)
+        SeqIO.write(r, out_nuc, "fasta")
+        SeqIO.write(t, out_prot, "fasta")
+    in_count += 1
+if out_nuc is not sys.stdout:
+    out_nuc.close()
+if out_prot is not sys.stdout:
+    out_prot.close()
+print "Found %i %ss in %i sequences" % (out_count, ftype, in_count)