diff tools/protein_analysis/signalp3.py @ 0:bca9bc7fdaef

Migrated tool version 0.0.1 from old tool shed archive to new tool shed repository
author peterjc
date Tue, 07 Jun 2011 18:03:34 -0400
children 0f1c61998b22
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/protein_analysis/signalp3.py	Tue Jun 07 18:03:34 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Wrapper for SignalP v3.0 for use in Galaxy.
+This script takes exactly fives command line arguments:
+ * the organism type (euk, gram+ or gram-)
+ * length to truncate sequences to (integer)
+ * number of threads to use (integer)
+ * an input protein FASTA filename
+ * output tabular filename.
+It then calls the standalone SignalP v3.0 program (not the webservice)
+requesting the short output (one line per protein) using both NN and HMM
+for predictions.
+First major feature is cleaning up the output. The raw output from SignalP
+v3.0 looks like this (21 columns space separated):
+# SignalP-NN euk predictions                                   	                # SignalP-HMM euk predictions
+# name                Cmax  pos ?  Ymax  pos ?  Smax  pos ?  Smean ?  D     ? 	# name      !  Cmax  pos ?  Sprob ?
+gi|2781234|pdb|1JLY|  0.061  17 N  0.043  17 N  0.199   1 N  0.067 N  0.055 N	gi|2781234|pdb|1JLY|B  Q  0.000  17 N  0.000 N  
+gi|4959044|gb|AAD342  0.099 191 N  0.012  38 N  0.023  12 N  0.014 N  0.013 N	gi|4959044|gb|AAD34209.1|AF069992_1  Q  0.000   0 N  0.000 N  
+gi|671626|emb|CAA856  0.139 381 N  0.020   8 N  0.121   4 N  0.067 N  0.044 N	gi|671626|emb|CAA85685.1|  Q  0.000   0 N  0.000 N  
+gi|3298468|dbj|BAA31  0.208  24 N  0.184  38 N  0.980  32 Y  0.613 Y  0.398 N	gi|3298468|dbj|BAA31520.1|  Q  0.066  24 N  0.139 N
+In order to make it easier to use in Galaxy, this wrapper script reformats
+this to use tab separators. Also it removes the redundant truncated name
+column, and assigns unique column names in the header:
+#ID	NN_Cmax_score	NN_Cmax_pos	NN_Cmax_pred	NN_Ymax_score	NN_Ymax_pos	NN_Ymax_pred	NN_Smax_score	NN_Smax_pos	NN_Smax_pred	NN_Smean_score	NN_Smean_pred	NN_D_score	NN_D_pred	HMM_bang	HMM_Cmax_score	HMM_Cmax_pos	HMM_Cmax_pred	HMM_Sprob_score	HMM_Sprob_pred
+gi|2781234|pdb|1JLY|B	0.061	17	N	0.043	17	N	0.199	1	N	0.067	N	0.055	N	Q	0.000	17	N	0.000	N
+gi|4959044|gb|AAD34209.1|AF069992_1	0.099	191	N	0.012	38	N	0.023	12	N	0.014	N	0.013	N	Q	0.000	0	N	0.000	N
+gi|671626|emb|CAA85685.1|	0.139	381	N	0.020	8	N	0.121	4	N	0.067	N	0.044	N	Q	0.000	0	N	0.000	N
+gi|3298468|dbj|BAA31520.1|	0.208	24	N	0.184	38	N	0.980	32	Y	0.613	Y	0.398	N	Q	0.066	24	N	0.139	N
+The second major feature is overcoming SignalP's built in limit of 4000
+sequences by breaking up the input FASTA file into chunks. This also allows
+us to pre-trim the sequences since SignalP only needs their starts.
+The third major feature is taking advantage of multiple cores (since SignalP
+v3.0 itself is single threaded) by using the individual FASTA input files to
+run multiple copies of TMHMM in parallel. I would normally use Python's
+multiprocessing library in this situation but it requires at least Python 2.6
+and at the time of writing Galaxy still supports Python 2.4.
+import sys
+import os
+from seq_analysis_utils import stop_err, split_fasta, run_jobs
+MAX_LEN = 6000 #Found by trial and error
+if len(sys.argv) != 6:
+   stop_err("Require five arguments, organism, truncate, threads, input protein FASTA file & output tabular file")
+organism = sys.argv[1]
+if organism not in ["euk", "gram+", "gram-"]:
+   stop_err("Organism argument %s is not one of euk, gram+ or gram-" % organism)
+   truncate = int(sys.argv[2])
+   truncate = 0
+if truncate < 0:
+   stop_err("Truncate argument %s is not a positive integer (or zero)" % sys.argv[2])
+   num_threads = int(sys.argv[3])
+   num_threads = 0
+if num_threads < 1:
+   stop_err("Threads argument %s is not a positive integer" % sys.argv[3])
+fasta_file = sys.argv[4]
+tabular_file = sys.argv[5]
+def clean_tabular(raw_handle, out_handle):
+    """Clean up SignalP output to make it tabular."""
+    for line in raw_handle:
+        if not line or line.startswith("#"):
+            continue
+        parts = line.rstrip("\r\n").split()
+        assert len(parts)==21, repr(line)
+        assert parts[14].startswith(parts[0])
+        #Remove redundant truncated name column (col 0)
+        #and put full name at start (col 14)
+        parts = parts[14:15] + parts[1:14] + parts[15:]
+        out_handle.write("\t".join(parts) + "\n")
+fasta_files = split_fasta(fasta_file, tabular_file, n=FASTA_CHUNK, truncate=truncate, max_len=MAX_LEN)
+temp_files = [f+".out" for f in fasta_files]
+assert len(fasta_files) == len(temp_files)
+jobs = ["signalp -short -t %s %s > %s" % (organism, fasta, temp)
+        for (fasta, temp) in zip(fasta_files, temp_files)]
+assert len(fasta_files) == len(temp_files) == len(jobs)
+def clean_up(file_list):
+    for f in file_list:
+        if os.path.isfile(f):
+            os.remove(f)
+if len(jobs) > 1 and num_threads > 1:
+    #A small "info" message for Galaxy to show the user.
+    print "Using %i threads for %i tasks" % (min(num_threads, len(jobs)), len(jobs))
+results = run_jobs(jobs, num_threads)
+assert len(fasta_files) == len(temp_files) == len(jobs)
+for fasta, temp, cmd in zip(fasta_files, temp_files, jobs):
+    error_level = results[cmd]
+    try:
+        output = open(temp).readline()
+    except IOError:
+        output = ""
+    if error_level or output.lower().startswith("error running"):
+        clean_up(fasta_files)
+        clean_up(temp_files)
+        stop_err("One or more tasks failed, e.g. %i from %r gave:\n%s" % (error_level, cmd, output),
+                 error_level)
+del results
+out_handle = open(tabular_file, "w")
+fields = ["ID"]
+#NN results:
+for name in ["Cmax", "Ymax", "Smax"]:
+    fields.extend(["NN_%s_score"%name, "NN_%s_pos"%name, "NN_%s_pred"%name])
+fields.extend(["NN_Smean_score", "NN_Smean_pred", "NN_D_score", "NN_D_pred"])
+#HMM results:
+fields.extend(["HMM_type", "HMM_Cmax_score", "HMM_Cmax_pos", "HMM_Cmax_pred",
+               "HMM_Sprob_score", "HMM_Sprob_pred"])
+out_handle.write("#" + "\t".join(fields) + "\n")
+for temp in temp_files:
+    data_handle = open(temp)
+    clean_tabular(data_handle, out_handle)
+    data_handle.close()