diff profrep_db_reducing.py @ 0:a5f1638b73be draft

author petr-novak
date Wed, 26 Jun 2019 08:01:42 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/profrep_db_reducing.py	Wed Jun 26 08:01:42 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import re
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+import os
+import configuration
+def group_reads(reads_files_list, IDENTITY_TH):
+    ''' Reduce the number of reads separately for each significant cluster based on similarities between them using cd-hit tool. 
+		cd-hit produces reduced reads files containing only the representative reads.  
+	'''
+    reads_seqs_cl_reduced_list = []
+    ## Run cd-hit on each cluster separately
+    for cluster_reads in reads_files_list:
+        cl = cluster_reads.split("_")[-1]
+        reads_seqs_cl_reduced = NamedTemporaryFile(
+            suffix=".reduced_{}".format(cl),
+            delete=False)
+        subprocess.call("cd-hit-est -i {} -o {} -c {} -M {}".format(
+            cluster_reads, reads_seqs_cl_reduced.name, IDENTITY_TH,
+            configuration.MEM_LIM),
+                        shell=True)
+        reads_seqs_cl_reduced_list.append(reads_seqs_cl_reduced.name)
+        reads_seqs_cl_reduced.close()
+    ## Return the list of reduced reads files
+    return reads_seqs_cl_reduced_list
+def representative_reads(READS_ALL, CLS_FILE, CL_SIZE_TH, CLS_REDUCED,
+                         IDENTITY_TH):
+    ''' Group the reads based on the sequences similarities. 
+		Replace a group by only the one representative read preserving the quantitative info how much reads it represents
+		1. Loop over the original cls file and find the significant clusters (min. number of reads) 
+		2. Get the reads which are in individual significant clusters
+		2. Get the reads sequences for individual clusters to run cd-hit which groups the reads for each cluster
+		3. After getting all significant ones (clusters sorted by size) process the outputs from cd-hit and to get reads representations
+		4. Create new cls file and write down significant clusters with the new reads IDs
+		5. Continue reading unsignificant original cls file and copy the rest of clusters to the new cls unchanged 
+	Find groups of similar reads and replace them with only one representative also preserving the number of reads it represents	
+	'''
+    reads_dict = {}
+    cl = None
+    line_cl_header = None
+    modify_files = True
+    reads_files_list = []
+    cls_reduced_file = open(CLS_REDUCED, "w")
+    ## parse file of all clusters from RE
+    with open(CLS_FILE, "r") as cls_ori:
+        for line in cls_ori:
+            if line.startswith(">"):
+                line_cl_header = line
+                ## cluster number
+                cl = re.split('\t| ', line)[0].rstrip().lstrip(">")
+            else:
+                reads_in_cl = line.rstrip().split("\t")
+                ## reduce only reads in the biggest clusters:
+                ## the threshold of cluster size is set as a minimum number of reads it has to contain
+                if len(reads_in_cl) >= CL_SIZE_TH:
+                    ## for significant cluster create a separate file to write reads sequences
+                    reads_seqs_cl_orig = NamedTemporaryFile(
+                        suffix="_{}".format(cl),
+                        delete=False)
+                    reads_files_list.append(reads_seqs_cl_orig.name)
+                    ## for every read in the cluster create entry in reads_dict to which cluster it belongs and the file of the read sequence for this cluster
+                    for read in reads_in_cl:
+                        ## Dictionary of reads from significant clusters -> KEY:read_id VALUE:[number of cluster, filename to reads sequences file]
+                        reads_dict[read] = [cl, reads_seqs_cl_orig.name]
+                        reads_seqs_cl_orig.close()
+                ## after getting all significant clusters to be reduced (original cls file sorted by size of clusters), process the reads reads in them and write to the modified reads and cls files
+                elif modify_files:
+                    ## get reads sequences for significant clusters from ALL reads
+                    get_read_sequences(READS_ALL, reads_dict, reads_files_list)
+                    ## run cd-hit to reduce the reads for significant clusters
+                    reads_seqs_cl_reduced_list = group_reads(reads_files_list,
+                                                             IDENTITY_TH)
+                    reads_repre_dict = {}
+                    # for individual significant cluster, process the corresponding file of original and reduced reads
+                    for reads_seqs_cl_orig, reads_seqs_cl_reduced in zip(
+                            reads_files_list, reads_seqs_cl_reduced_list):
+                        cl = reads_seqs_cl_reduced.split("_")[-1]
+                        ## get reads quantitative represantion dictionary for individual cluster
+                        [reads_repre_dict, reads_in_cl_mod
+                         ] = process_reads_groups(reads_seqs_cl_reduced,
+                                                  reads_repre_dict)
+                        ## for each significant cluster write the new IDs of reduced reads to modified cls
+                        modify_cls(cls_reduced_file, reads_in_cl_mod, cl)
+                        os.unlink(reads_seqs_cl_orig)
+                        os.unlink(reads_seqs_cl_reduced)
+                    ## write the last line that was chcecked but not reduced
+                    cls_reduced_file.write(line_cl_header)
+                    cls_reduced_file.write(line)
+                    modify_files = False
+                ## after reducing append the rest of clusters unchanged to the modified cls file
+                else:
+                    cls_reduced_file.write(line_cl_header)
+                    cls_reduced_file.write(line)
+    cls_reduced_file.close()
+    return reads_repre_dict
+def modify_cls(cls_reduced_file, reads_in_cl_mod, cl):
+    ''' For each significant cluster write down the new adjusted names of reads
+	'''
+    num_of_reads = len(reads_in_cl_mod)
+    cls_reduced_file.write(">{}\t{}\n".format(cl, num_of_reads))
+    cls_reduced_file.write("{}\n".format("\t".join(reads_in_cl_mod)))
+def get_read_sequences(READS_ALL, reads_dict, reads_files_list):
+    '''From file of ALL reads sequences take only the ones belonging to significant clusters.
+	Distribute them to separate files based on the cluster they belong to
+	'''
+    with open(READS_ALL, "r") as reads_all:
+        for line in reads_all:
+            if line.startswith(">"):
+                read = line.rstrip().lstrip(">")
+                ## check if the read belong to significant cluster
+                if read in reads_dict.keys():
+                    ## then write it to file of reads for corresponding cluster
+                    with open(reads_dict[read][1], "a") as reads_file:
+                        reads_file.write(line)
+                        reads_file.write(reads_all.readline())
+def process_reads_groups(reads_seqs_cl_reduced, reads_repre_dict):
+    ''' Process the .clstr output of cd-hit which contains groups of original reads
+		Each group starts with > character, on separate lines are listed original reads IDs, the representative one is marked by *.
+		Get the number of reads in every group to preserve the quantitative information
+		Create dictionary of representative reads as keys and the amount of reads they represent as value:
+		value = 0 : read is not representative and will not take place in the reduce database
+		value > 0 : value indicates the number of reads it represents 
+		Create list of new representative reads IDs encoding the original number of read in the group using 'reduce' tag:
+				 e.g. 171freduce10 (10 original reads were reduced to one 171f representative)
+	'''
+    clstr_file = "{}.clstr".format(reads_seqs_cl_reduced)
+    reads_in_cl_mod = []
+    read_represent = ""
+    with open(clstr_file, "r") as clstr:
+        for line in clstr:
+            count_reads = 0
+            while not line.startswith(">"):
+                if not line:
+                    break
+                read = line.split(" ")[1].split(".")[0]
+                count_reads += 1
+                if line.rstrip().endswith("*"):
+                    read_represent = read
+                else:
+                    reads_repre_dict[read] = 0
+                line = clstr.readline()
+            if read_represent:
+                reads_repre_dict[read_represent] = count_reads
+                reads_in_cl_mod.append("{}reduce{}".format(
+                    read_represent.rstrip().lstrip(">"), count_reads))
+    return reads_repre_dict, reads_in_cl_mod
+def reduce_reads(READS_ALL, READS_ALL_REDUCED, reads_repre_dict):
+    ''' Report a new file of reads sequences based on the original file of ALL reads using the reads representation dictionary.
+		Loop over the reads in the original READS_ALL file 
+		There are 3 options evaluated for the read:
+			- the value in the dictionary equals to zero, read is not representative -> it will not take place in the new reads DB
+			- the value is greater than zero, the read is representative -> in new read DB encode the number of representing reads using 'reduce' tag (<Original_read_ID>reduce<number_represented>)
+			- the read is not in the dictionary -> add it unchanged from the original ALL reads database
+	'''
+    with open(READS_ALL_REDUCED, "w") as reads_all_red:
+        with open(READS_ALL, "r") as reads_all_ori:
+            for line in reads_all_ori:
+                if line.startswith(">"):
+                    if line.rstrip() in reads_repre_dict:
+                        amount_represented = reads_repre_dict[line.rstrip()]
+                        if amount_represented > 0:
+                            reads_all_red.write("{}reduce{}\n".format(
+                                line.rstrip(), amount_represented))
+                            reads_all_red.write(reads_all_ori.readline())
+                    else:
+                        reads_all_red.write(line)
+                        reads_all_red.write(reads_all_ori.readline())
+def main(args):
+    CLS_FILE = args.cls
+    READS_ALL = args.reads_all
+    CL_SIZE_TH = args.cluster_size
+    IDENTITY_TH = args.identity_th
+    CLS_REDUCED = args.cls_reduced
+    READS_ALL_REDUCED = args.reads_reduced
+    if not os.path.isabs(CLS_REDUCED):
+        CLS_REDUCED = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), CLS_REDUCED)
+    if not os.path.isabs(READS_ALL_REDUCED):
+        READS_ALL_REDUCED = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), READS_ALL_REDUCED)
+    reads_repre_dict = representative_reads(READS_ALL, CLS_FILE, CL_SIZE_TH,
+                                            CLS_REDUCED, IDENTITY_TH)
+    reduce_reads(READS_ALL, READS_ALL_REDUCED, reads_repre_dict)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # Command line arguments
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-r',
+                        '--reads_all',
+                        type=str,
+                        required=True,
+                        help='input file containing all reads sequences')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-c',
+        '--cls',
+        type=str,
+        required=True,
+        help='input sorted cls file containing reads assigned to clusters')
+    parser.add_argument('-rr',
+                        '--reads_reduced',
+                        type=str,
+                        default=configuration.READS_ALL_REDUCED,
+                        help='output file containing reduced number of reads')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-cr',
+        '--cls_reduced',
+        type=str,
+        default=configuration.CLS_REDUCED,
+        help=
+        'output cls file containing adjusted clusters for the reduced reads database')
+    parser.add_argument('-i',
+                        '--identity_th',
+                        type=float,
+                        default=0.90,
+                        help='reads identity threshold for cdhit')
+    parser.add_argument('-cs',
+                        '--cluster_size',
+                        type=int,
+                        default=1000,
+                        help='minimum cluster size to be included in reducing')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    main(args)