view annotate_contigs.R @ 3:e955b40ad3a4 draft default tip

author petr-novak
date Tue, 12 Oct 2021 07:43:54 +0000
parents cf3cea0a3039
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
## input 1 - fasta with CLXContig names
## input 2 - annotation
## output 3 - annotated fasta

clean_contigs = function(s){
  ## remove all N
  sc = as.character(s)
  sc_trimmed = gsub("N+$", "", gsub("^N+","",s))
  ## remove blank and short sequences:
  sc_trimmed_not_empty = sc_trimmed[nchar(sc_trimmed) !=0]
  sc_trimmed_short = sc_trimmed_not_empty[nchar(sc_trimmed_not_empty) <=20]
  sc_trimmed_long = sc_trimmed_not_empty[nchar(sc_trimmed_not_empty) >20]
  sc_trimmed_short_tarean = sc_trimmed_short[grep("sc_", names(sc_trimmed_short), fixed=TRUE)]
  sc_out = DNAStringSet(c(sc_trimmed_long, sc_trimmed_short_tarean))

## annotate_rm_fasta.R input.fasta annot.csv output.fasta
## input 1 - input.fasta - contigs from clustering
## input 2 - annot.csv of clusters, firts column is CL number, seciond is annotation
## output - clean conntigs with appended annotation

## find header row of annotation table
x = readLines(commandArgs(T)[2])

## TODO - check mandatory names!!!
hl = intersect(grep("cluster", tolower(x)), grep("automatic_annotation", tolower(x)))
message("using line ", hl, " as header")

annotation_table=read.table(commandArgs(T)[2], sep="\t", header=TRUE, skip = hl - 1)
colnames(annotation_table) = tolower(colnames(annotation_table))

contigs = readDNAStringSet(commandArgs(T)[1])
if("final_annotation" %in% colnames(annotation) & all(!$final_annotation))){
  annot_dict = annotation_table$final_annotation
  message("using final annotation column")
  message("using automatic annotation column")
  annot_dict = annotation_table$automatic_annotation

names(annot_dict) = paste0("CL",annotation_table$cluster)

contigs_ok = clean_contigs(contigs)
contig_name = gsub("Contig.+","",names(contigs_ok))

## keep only contigs which are in annot table
include = contig_name %in% names(annot_dict)

contig_name_inc = contig_name[include]
contig_ok_include = contigs_ok[include]

new_name_with_annot = paste0(names(contig_ok_include),"#",annot_dict[contig_name_inc])
names(contig_ok_include) = new_name_with_annot

writeXStringSet(contig_ok_include, filepath = commandArgs(T)[3])