diff clean_rm_output.R @ 0:ea6a3059a6af draft

author petr-novak
date Mon, 18 Oct 2021 11:01:20 +0000
children 814cba36e435
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/clean_rm_output.R	Mon Oct 18 11:01:20 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+gff_cleanup = function(gff){
+  ## remove overlapin annotation track - assign new annot
+  gff_disjoin = disjoin(gff, with.revmap=TRUE)
+  ## append annotation:
+  gff_names = mclapply(as.list(gff_disjoin$revmap), FUN = function(x)gff$Name[x], mc.cores = 8)
+  gff_strands = mclapply(as.list(gff_disjoin$revmap), FUN = function(x)strand(gff[x]), mc.cores = 8)
+  new_annot = sapply(sapply(gff_names, unique), paste, collapse="|")
+  new_annot_uniq = unique(new_annot)
+  lca_annot = sapply(strsplit(new_annot_uniq, "|", fixed = TRUE), resolve_name)
+  names(lca_annot) = new_annot_uniq
+  new_annot_lca = lca_annot[new_annot] 
+  #new_annot_lca = sapply(sapply(gff_names, unique), resolve_name)
+  strand_attribute = sapply(sapply(gff_strands, unique), paste, collapse="|")
+  gff_disjoin$strands=strand_attribute
+  gff_disjoin$source="RM"
+  gff_disjoin$type="repeat"
+  gff_disjoin$score=NA
+  gff_disjoin$phase=NA
+  gff_disjoin$Name=new_annot_lca
+  gff_disjoin$Original_names=new_annot
+  gff_disjoin$revmap=NULL
+  return(gff_disjoin)
+  if (length(x)==1){
+    # no conflict
+    return(x)
+  } else{
+    y = sapply(x, strsplit,  split="/", fixed = TRUE)
+    ny = table(unlist(sapply(y, function(x)paste(seq_along(x),x))))
+    if (max(ny)<length(x)){
+      return("Unknown")
+    }else{
+      k = which(ny==length(x))
+      r = max(as.numeric((gsub(" .+","",names(k)))))
+      out = paste(y[[1]][1:r], collapse="/")
+      return(out)
+    }
+  }
+infile = commandArgs(T)[1]
+outfile = commandArgs(T)[2]
+## infile = "./test_data/raw_rm.out"
+rm_out = read.table(infile, as.is=TRUE, sep="", skip = 2, fill=TRUE, header=FALSE)
+gff = GRanges(seqnames = rm_out$V5, ranges = IRanges(start = rm_out$V6, end=rm_out$V7))
+# repeat class after # symbol - syntax 1
+## is repeat type is specifies by double underscore:
+## then rm_out$V11 is unspecified
+if (any(rm_out$V11 == "Unspecified")){
+  ## set Name from prefix
+  ## TODO
+  inc = rm_out$V11 == "Unspecified"
+  Name = gsub("__.+","",rm_out$V10)
+  # chanche Usnpsecified to new name
+  gff$Name[inc] = Name
+## join neighbors with the same annotation, disregard strand!
+result <- unlist(reduce(split(gff, gff$Name)))
+result$Name <- names(result)
+result_clean = gff_cleanup(result)
+## TODO
+## identify conflicting annotation, replace by LCA but keep origin list of classifications
+gff_out = sortSeqlevels(result_clean)
+gff_out = sort(gff_out)
+gff_out$type = "repeat_region"
+gff_out$source = "RepeatMasker_parsed"
+gff_out$ID=paste0(gff_out$Name, "_", seq_along(gff_out$Name))
+export(gff_out,  format = "gff3", con=outfile)