# HG changeset patch
# User pjbriggs
# Date 1510240409 18000
# Node ID 47ec9c6f44b8be9984fd6ec487574cf15b684dc5
planemo upload for repository https://github.com/pjbriggs/Amplicon_analysis-galaxy commit b63924933a03255872077beb4d0fde49d77afa92
diff -r 000000000000 -r 47ec9c6f44b8 README.rst
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.rst Thu Nov 09 10:13:29 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+A Galaxy tool wrapper to Mauro Tutino's ``Amplicon_analysis`` pipeline
+script at https://github.com/MTutino/Amplicon_analysis
+The pipeline can analyse paired-end 16S rRNA data from Illumina Miseq
+(Casava >= 1.8) and performs the following operations:
+ * QC and clean up of input data
+ * Removal of singletons and chimeras and building of OTU table
+ and phylogenetic tree
+ * Beta and alpha diversity of analysis
+Usage documentation
+Usage of the tool (including required inputs) is documented within
+the ``help`` section of the tool XML.
+Installing the tool in a Galaxy instance
+The following sections describe how to install the tool files,
+dependencies and reference data, and how to configure the Galaxy
+instance to detect the dependencies and reference data correctly
+at run time.
+1. Install the dependencies
+The ``install_tool_deps.sh`` script can be used to fetch and install the
+dependencies locally, for example::
+ install_tool_deps.sh /path/to/local_tool_dependencies
+This can take some time to complete. When finished it should have
+created a set of directories containing the dependencies under the
+specified top level directory.
+2. Install the tool files
+The core tool is hosted on the Galaxy toolshed, so it can be installed
+directly from there (this is the recommended route):
+ * https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/pjbriggs/amplicon_analysis_pipeline/
+Alternatively it can be installed manually; in this case there are two
+files to install:
+ * ``amplicon_analysis_pipeline.xml`` (the Galaxy tool definition)
+ * ``amplicon_analysis_pipeline.py`` (the Python wrapper script)
+Put these in a directory that is visible to Galaxy (e.g. a
+``tools/Amplicon_analysis/`` folder), and modify the ``tools_conf.xml``
+file to tell Galaxy to offer the tool by adding the line e.g.::
+3. Install the reference data
+The script ``References.sh`` from the pipeline package at
+https://github.com/MTutino/Amplicon_analysis can be run to install
+the reference data, for example::
+ cd /path/to/pipeline/data
+ wget https://github.com/MTutino/Amplicon_analysis/raw/master/References.sh
+ /bin/bash ./References.sh
+will install the data in ``/path/to/pipeline/data``.
+**NB** The final amount of data downloaded and uncompressed will be
+around 6GB.
+4. Configure dependencies and reference data in Galaxy
+The final steps are to make your Galaxy installation aware of the
+tool dependencies and reference data, so it can locate them both when
+the tool is run.
+To target the tool dependencies installed previously, add the
+following lines to the ``dependency_resolvers_conf.xml`` file in the
+Galaxy ``config`` directory::
+ ...
+ ...
+(NB it is recommended to place these *before* the ````
+(If you're not familiar with dependency resolvers in Galaxy then
+see the documentation at
+for more details.)
+The tool locates the reference data via an environment variable called
+``AMPLICON_ANALYSIS_REF_DATA_PATH``, which needs to set to the parent
+directory where the reference data has been installed.
+There are various ways to do this, depending on how your Galaxy
+installation is configured:
+ * **For local instances:** add a line to set it in the
+ ``config/local_env.sh`` file of your Galaxy installation, e.g.::
+ export AMPLICON_ANALYSIS_REF_DATA_PATH=/path/to/pipeline/data
+ * **For production instances:** set the value in the ``job_conf.xml``
+ configuration file, e.g.::
+ /path/to/pipeline/data
+ and then specify that the pipeline tool uses this destination::
+ (For more about job destinations see the Galaxy documentation at
+ https://galaxyproject.org/admin/config/jobs/#job-destinations)
+5. Enable rendering of HTML outputs from pipeline
+To ensure that HTML outputs are displayed correctly in Galaxy
+(for example the Vsearch OTU table heatmaps), Galaxy needs to be
+configured not to sanitize the outputs from the ``Amplicon_analysis``
+ * **For local instances:** set ``sanitize_all_html = False`` in
+ ``config/galaxy.ini`` (nb don't do this on production servers or
+ public instances!); or
+ * **For production instances:** add the ``Amplicon_analysis`` tool
+ to the display whitelist in the Galaxy instance:
+ - Set ``sanitize_whitelist_file = config/whitelist.txt`` in
+ ``config/galaxy.ini`` and restart Galaxy;
+ - Go to ``Admin>Manage Display Whitelist``, check the box for
+ ``Amplicon_analysis`` (hint: use your browser's 'find-in-page'
+ search function to help locate it) and click on
+ ``Submit new whitelist`` to update the settings.
+Additional details
+Some other things to be aware of:
+ * Note that using the Silva database requires a minimum of 18Gb RAM
+Known problems
+ * Only the ``VSEARCH`` pipeline in Mauro's script is currently
+ available via the Galaxy tool; the ``USEARCH`` and ``QIIME``
+ pipelines have yet to be implemented.
+ * The images in the tool help section are not visible if the
+ tool has been installed locally, or if it has been installed in
+ a Galaxy instance which is served from a subdirectory.
+ These are both problems with Galaxy and not the tool, see
+ https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/issues/4490 and
+ https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/issues/1676
+Appendix: availability of tool dependencies
+The tool takes its dependencies from the underlying pipeline script (see
+for details).
+As noted above, currently the ``install_tool_deps.sh`` script can be
+used to manually install the dependencies for a local tool install.
+In principle these should also be available if the tool were installed
+from a toolshed. However it would be preferrable in this case to get as
+many of the dependencies as possible via the ``conda`` dependency
+The following are known to be available via conda, with the required
+ - cutadapt 1.8.1
+ - sickle-trim 1.33
+ - bioawk 1.0
+ - fastqc 0.11.3
+ - R 3.2.0
+Some dependencies are available but with the "wrong" versions:
+ - spades (need 3.5.0)
+ - qiime (need 1.8.0)
+ - blast (need 2.2.26)
+ - vsearch (need 1.1.3)
+The following dependencies are currently unavailable:
+ - fasta_number (need 02jun2015)
+ - fasta-splitter (need 0.2.4)
+ - rdp_classifier (need 2.2)
+ - microbiomeutil (need r20110519)
+(NB usearch 6.1.544 and 8.0.1623 are special cases which must be
+handled outside of Galaxy's dependency management systems.)
+========== ======================================================================
+Version Changes
+---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+1.1.0 First official version on Galaxy toolshed.
+1.0.6 Expand inline documentation to provide detailed usage guidance.
+1.0.5 Updates including:
+ - Capture read counts from quality control as new output dataset
+ - Capture FastQC per-base quality boxplots for each sample as
+ new output dataset
+ - Add support for -l option (sliding window length for trimming)
+ - Default for -L set to "200"
+1.0.4 Various updates:
+ - Additional outputs are captured when a "Categories" file is
+ supplied (alpha diversity rarefaction curves and boxplots)
+ - Sample names derived from Fastqs in a collection of pairs
+ are trimmed to SAMPLE_S* (for Illumina-style Fastq filenames)
+ - Input Fastqs can now be of more general ``fastq`` type
+ - Log file outputs are captured in new output dataset
+ - User can specify a "title" for the job which is copied into
+ the dataset names (to distinguish outputs from different runs)
+ - Improved detection and reporting of problems with input
+ Metatable
+1.0.3 Take the sample names from the collection dataset names when
+ using collection as input (this is now the default input mode);
+ collect additional output dataset; disable ``usearch``-based
+ pipelines (i.e. ``UPARSE`` and ``QIIME``).
+1.0.2 Enable support for FASTQs supplied via dataset collections and
+ fix some broken output datasets.
+1.0.1 Initial version
+========== ======================================================================
diff -r 000000000000 -r 47ec9c6f44b8 amplicon_analysis_pipeline.py
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/amplicon_analysis_pipeline.py Thu Nov 09 10:13:29 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Wrapper script to run Amplicon_analysis_pipeline.sh
+# from Galaxy tool
+import sys
+import os
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import glob
+class PipelineCmd(object):
+ def __init__(self,cmd):
+ self.cmd = [str(cmd)]
+ def add_args(self,*args):
+ for arg in args:
+ self.cmd.append(str(arg))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return ' '.join([str(arg) for arg in self.cmd])
+def ahref(target,name=None,type=None):
+ if name is None:
+ name = os.path.basename(target)
+ ahref = "%s" % name
+ return ahref
+def check_errors():
+ # Errors in Amplicon_analysis_pipeline.log
+ with open('Amplicon_analysis_pipeline.log','r') as pipeline_log:
+ log = pipeline_log.read()
+ if "Names in the first column of Metatable.txt and in the second column of Final_name.txt do not match" in log:
+ print_error("""*** Sample IDs don't match dataset names ***
+The sample IDs (first column of the Metatable file) don't match the
+supplied sample names for the input Fastq pairs.
+ # Errors in pipeline output
+ with open('pipeline.log','r') as pipeline_log:
+ log = pipeline_log.read()
+ if "Errors and/or warnings detected in mapping file" in log:
+ with open("Metatable_log/Metatable.log","r") as metatable_log:
+ # Echo the Metatable log file to the tool log
+ print_error("""*** Error in Metatable mapping file ***
+%s""" % metatable_log.read())
+ elif "No header line was found in mapping file" in log:
+ # Report error to the tool log
+ print_error("""*** No header in Metatable mapping file ***
+Check you've specified the correct file as the input Metatable""")
+def print_error(message):
+ width = max([len(line) for line in message.split('\n')]) + 4
+ sys.stderr.write("\n%s\n" % ('*'*width))
+ for line in message.split('\n'):
+ sys.stderr.write("* %s%s *\n" % (line,' '*(width-len(line)-4)))
+ sys.stderr.write("%s\n\n" % ('*'*width))
+def clean_up_name(sample):
+ # Remove trailing "_L[0-9]+_001" from Fastq
+ # pair names
+ split_name = sample.split('_')
+ if split_name[-1] == "001":
+ split_name = split_name[:-1]
+ if split_name[-1].startswith('L'):
+ try:
+ int(split_name[-1][1:])
+ split_name = split_name[:-1]
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return '_'.join(split_name)
+def list_outputs(filen=None):
+ # List the output directory contents
+ # If filen is specified then will be the filename to
+ # write to, otherwise write to stdout
+ if filen is not None:
+ fp = open(filen,'w')
+ else:
+ fp = sys.stdout
+ results_dir = os.path.abspath("RESULTS")
+ fp.write("Listing contents of output dir %s:\n" % results_dir)
+ ix = 0
+ for d,dirs,files in os.walk(results_dir):
+ ix += 1
+ fp.write("-- %d: %s\n" % (ix,
+ os.path.relpath(d,results_dir)))
+ for f in files:
+ ix += 1
+ fp.write("---- %d: %s\n" % (ix,
+ os.path.relpath(f,results_dir)))
+ # Close output file
+ if filen is not None:
+ fp.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Command line
+ print "Amplicon analysis: starting"
+ p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ p.add_argument("metatable",
+ metavar="METATABLE_FILE",
+ help="Metatable.txt file")
+ p.add_argument("fastq_pairs",
+ metavar="SAMPLE_NAME FQ_R1 FQ_R2",
+ nargs="+",
+ default=list(),
+ help="Triplets of SAMPLE_NAME followed by "
+ "a R1/R2 FASTQ file pair")
+ p.add_argument("-g",dest="forward_pcr_primer")
+ p.add_argument("-G",dest="reverse_pcr_primer")
+ p.add_argument("-q",dest="trimming_threshold")
+ p.add_argument("-O",dest="minimum_overlap")
+ p.add_argument("-L",dest="minimum_length")
+ p.add_argument("-l",dest="sliding_window_length")
+ p.add_argument("-P",dest="pipeline",
+ choices=["vsearch","uparse","qiime"],
+ type=str.lower,
+ default="vsearch")
+ p.add_argument("-S",dest="use_silva",action="store_true")
+ p.add_argument("-r",dest="reference_data_path")
+ p.add_argument("-c",dest="categories_file")
+ args = p.parse_args()
+ # Build the environment for running the pipeline
+ print "Amplicon analysis: building the environment"
+ metatable_file = os.path.abspath(args.metatable)
+ os.symlink(metatable_file,"Metatable.txt")
+ print "-- made symlink to Metatable.txt"
+ # Link to Categories.txt file (if provided)
+ if args.categories_file is not None:
+ categories_file = os.path.abspath(args.categories_file)
+ os.symlink(categories_file,"Categories.txt")
+ print "-- made symlink to Categories.txt"
+ # Link to FASTQs and construct Final_name.txt file
+ sample_names = []
+ with open("Final_name.txt",'w') as final_name:
+ fastqs = iter(args.fastq_pairs)
+ for sample_name,fqr1,fqr2 in zip(fastqs,fastqs,fastqs):
+ sample_name = clean_up_name(sample_name)
+ r1 = "%s_R1_.fastq" % sample_name
+ r2 = "%s_R2_.fastq" % sample_name
+ os.symlink(fqr1,r1)
+ os.symlink(fqr2,r2)
+ final_name.write("%s\n" % '\t'.join((r1,sample_name)))
+ final_name.write("%s\n" % '\t'.join((r2,sample_name)))
+ sample_names.append(sample_name)
+ # Construct the pipeline command
+ print "Amplicon analysis: constructing pipeline command"
+ pipeline = PipelineCmd("Amplicon_analysis_pipeline.sh")
+ if args.forward_pcr_primer:
+ pipeline.add_args("-g",args.forward_pcr_primer)
+ if args.reverse_pcr_primer:
+ pipeline.add_args("-G",args.reverse_pcr_primer)
+ if args.trimming_threshold:
+ pipeline.add_args("-q",args.trimming_threshold)
+ if args.minimum_overlap:
+ pipeline.add_args("-O",args.minimum_overlap)
+ if args.minimum_length:
+ pipeline.add_args("-L",args.minimum_length)
+ if args.sliding_window_length:
+ pipeline.add_args("-l",args.sliding_window_length)
+ if args.reference_data_path:
+ pipeline.add_args("-r",args.reference_data_path)
+ pipeline.add_args("-P",args.pipeline)
+ if args.use_silva:
+ pipeline.add_args("-S")
+ # Echo the pipeline command to stdout
+ print "Running %s" % pipeline
+ # Run the pipeline
+ with open("pipeline.log","w") as pipeline_out:
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(pipeline.cmd,
+ stdout=pipeline_out,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ exit_code = 0
+ print "Pipeline completed ok"
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
+ # Non-zero exit status
+ sys.stderr.write("Pipeline failed: exit code %s\n" %
+ ex.returncode)
+ exit_code = ex.returncode
+ except Exception as ex:
+ # Some other problem
+ sys.stderr.write("Unexpected error: %s\n" % str(ex))
+ # Write out the list of outputs
+ outputs_file = "Pipeline_outputs.txt"
+ list_outputs(outputs_file)
+ # Check for log file
+ log_file = "Amplicon_analysis_pipeline.log"
+ if os.path.exists(log_file):
+ print "Found log file: %s" % log_file
+ if exit_code == 0:
+ # Create an HTML file to link to log files etc
+ # NB the paths to the files should be correct once
+ # copied by Galaxy on job completion
+ with open("pipeline_outputs.html","w") as html_out:
+ html_out.write("""
+ # Look for raw and trimmed FastQC output for each sample
+ for sample_name in sample_names:
+ fastqc_dir = os.path.join(sample_name,"FastQC")
+ quality_boxplots.write("
" % sample_name)
+ for d in ("Raw","cutdapt_sickle/Q%s" % phred_score):
+ quality_boxplots.write("
" % d)
+ fastqc_html_files = glob.glob(
+ os.path.join(fastqc_dir,d,"*_fastqc.html"))
+ if not fastqc_html_files:
+ quality_boxplots.write("
No FastQC outputs found
+ continue
+ # Pull out the per-base quality boxplots
+ for f in fastqc_html_files:
+ boxplot = None
+ with open(f) as fp:
+ for line in fp.read().split(">"):
+ try:
+ line.index("alt=\"Per base quality graph\"")
+ boxplot = line + ">"
+ break
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if boxplot is None:
+ boxplot = "Missing plot"
+ quality_boxplots.write("
" %
+ (os.path.basename(f),
+ boxplot))
+ quality_boxplots.write("""
+ # Handle additional output when categories file was supplied
+ if args.categories_file is not None:
+ # Alpha diversity boxplots
+ print "Amplicon analysis: indexing alpha diversity boxplots"
+ boxplots_dir = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join("RESULTS",
+ "%s_%s" % (args.pipeline.title(),
+ ("gg" if not args.use_silva
+ else "silva")),
+ "Alpha_diversity",
+ "Alpha_diversity_boxplot",
+ "Categories_shannon"))
+ print "Amplicon analysis: gathering PDFs from %s" % boxplots_dir
+ boxplot_pdfs = [os.path.basename(pdf)
+ for pdf in
+ sorted(glob.glob(
+ os.path.join(boxplots_dir,"*.pdf")))]
+ with open("alpha_diversity_boxplots.html","w") as boxplots_out:
+ boxplots_out.write("""
+Amplicon analysis pipeline: Alpha Diversity Boxplots (Shannon)
+ for pdf in boxplot_pdfs:
+ boxplots_out.write("
\n" % ahref(pdf))
+ boxplots_out.write("
+ boxplots_out.write("""
+ # Finish
+ print "Amplicon analysis: finishing, exit code: %s" % exit_code
+ sys.exit(exit_code)
diff -r 000000000000 -r 47ec9c6f44b8 amplicon_analysis_pipeline.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/amplicon_analysis_pipeline.xml Thu Nov 09 10:13:29 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+ analyse 16S rRNA data from Illumina Miseq paired-end reads
+ amplicon_analysis_pipeline
+ cutadapt
+ sickle
+ bioawk
+ pandaseq
+ spades
+ fastqc
+ qiime
+ blast
+ fasta-splitter
+ rdp-classifier
+ R
+ vsearch
+ microbiomeutil
+ fasta_number
+ categories_file_in is not None
+ = 1.8) paired-end reads.
+1. Preparation of the mapping file and format of unique sample id
+Before using the amplicon analysis pipeline it would be necessary to
+follow the steps as below to avoid analysis failures and ensure samples
+are labelled appropriately. Sample names for the labelling are derived
+from the fastq files names that are generated from the sequencing. The
+labels will include everything between the beginning of the name and
+the sample number (from C11 to S19 in Fig. 1)
+.. image:: Pipeline_description_Fig1.png
+ :height: 46
+ :width: 382
+**Figure 1**
+If analysing 16S data from multiple runs:
+The samples from different runs may have identical IDs. For example,
+when sequencing the same samples twice, by chance, these could be at
+the same position in both the runs. This would cause the fastq files
+to have exactly the same IDs (Fig. 2).
+.. image:: Pipeline_description_Fig2.png
+ :height: 100
+ :width: 463
+**Figure 2**
+In case of identical sample IDs the pipeline will fail to run and
+generate an error at the beginning of the analysis.
+To avoid having to change the file names, before uploading the files,
+ensure that the samples IDs are not repeated.
+2. To upload the file
+Click on **Get Data/Upload File** from the Galaxy tool panel on the
+left hand side.
+From the pop-up window, choose how to upload the file. The
+**Choose local file** option can be used for files up to 4Gb. Fastq files
+from Illumina MiSeq will rarely be bigger than 4Gb and this option is
+After choosing the files click **Start** to begin the upload. The window can
+now be closed and the files will be uploaded onto the Galaxy server. You
+will see the progress on the ``HISTORY`` panel on the right
+side of the screen. The colour will change from grey (queuing), to yellow
+(uploading) and finally green (uploaded).
+Once all the files are uploaded, click on the operations on multiple
+datasets icon and select the fastq files that need to be analysed.
+Click on the tab **For all selected...** and on the option
+**Build List of Dataset pairs** (Fig. 3).
+.. image:: Pipeline_description_Fig3.png
+ :height: 247
+ :width: 586
+**Figure 3**
+Change the filter parameter ``_1`` and ``_2`` to be ``_R1`` and ``_R2``.
+The fastq files forward R1 and reverse R2 should now appear in the
+corresponding columns.
+Select **Autopair**. This creates a collection of paired fastq files for
+the forward and reverse reads for each sample. The name of the pairs will
+be the ones used by the pipeline. You are free to change the names at this
+point as long as they are the same used in the Metatable file
+(see section 3).
+Name the collection and click on **create list**. This reduces the time
+required to input the forward and reverse reads for each individual sample.
+3. Create the Metatable files
+Click on the list of pairs you just created to see the name of the single
+pairs. The name of the pairs will be the ones used by the pipeline,
+therefore, these are the names that need to be used in the Metatable file.
+The Metatable file has to be in QIIME format. You can find a description
+of it on QIIME website http://qiime.org/documentation/file_formats.html
+ #SampleID BarcodeSequence LinkerPrimerSequence Disease Gender Description
+Briefly: the column ``LinkerPrimerSequence`` is empty but it cannot be
+deleted. The header is very important. ``#SampleID``, ``Barcode``,
+``LinkerPrimerSequence`` and ``Description`` are mandatory. Between
+``LinkerPrimerSequence`` and ``Description`` you can add as many columns
+as you want. For every column a PCoA plot will be created (see
+**Results** section). You can create this file in Excel and it will have
+to be saved as ``Text(Tab delimited)``.
+During the analysis the Metatable.txt will be checked to ensure that the
+file has the correct format. If necessary, this will be modified and will
+be available as Metatable_corrected.txt in the history panel. If you are
+going to use the metatable file for any other statistical analyses,
+remember to use the ``Metatable_mod.txt`` one, otherwise the sample
+names might not match!
+Categories.txt (optional)
+This file is required if you want to get box plots for comparison of
+alpha diversity indices (see **Results** section). The file is a list
+(without header and IN ONE COLUMN) of categories present in the
+ONES USED IN THE METATABLE.TXT. You can create this file in Excel and
+will have to be saved as ``Text(Tab delimited)``.
+ Disease
+ Gender
+Metatable and categories files can be uploaded using Get Data as done
+with the fatsq files.
+4. Analysis
+Under **Amplicon_Analysis_Pipeline**
+ * **Title** Name to distinguish between the runs. It will be shown at
+ the beginning of each output file name.
+ * **Input Metatable.txt file** Select the Metatable.txt file related to
+ this analysis
+ * **Input Categories.txt file (Optional)** Select the Categories.txt file
+ related to this analysis
+ * **Input FASTQ type** select *Dataset pairs in a collection* and, then,
+ the collection of pairs you created earlier.
+ * **Forward/Reverse PCR primer sequence** if the PCR primer sequences
+ have not been removed from the MiSeq during the fastq creation, they
+ have to be removed before the analysis. Insert the PCR primer sequence
+ in the corresponding field. DO NOT include any barcode or adapter
+ sequence. If the PCR primers have been already trimmed by the MiSeq,
+ and you include the sequence in this field, this would lead to an error.
+ Only include the sequences if still present in the fastq files.
+ * **Threshold quality below which reads will be trimmed** Choose the
+ Phred score used by Sickle to trim the reads at the 3’ end.
+ * **Minimum length to retain a read after trimming** If the read length
+ after trimming is shorter than a user defined length, the read, along
+ with the corresponding read pair, will be discarded.
+ * **Minimum overlap in bp between forward and reverse reads** Choose the
+ minimum basepair overlap used by Pandaseq to assemble the reads.
+ Default is 10.
+ * **Minimum length in bp to keep a sequence after overlapping** Choose the
+ minimum sequence length used by Pandaseq to keep a sequence after the
+ overlapping. This depends on the expected amplicon length. Default is
+ 380 (used for V3-V4 16S sequencing; expected length ~440bp)
+ * **Pipeline to use for analysis** Choose the pipeline to use for OTU
+ clustering and chimera removal. The Galaxy tool currently supports
+ ``Vsearch`` only. ``Uparse`` and ``QIIME`` are planned to be added
+ shortly (the tools are already available for the stand-alone pipeline).
+ * **Reference database** Choose between ``GreenGenes`` and ``Silva``
+ databases for taxa assignment.
+Click on **Execute** to start the analysis.
+5. Results
+Results are entirely generated using QIIME scripts. The results will
+appear in the History panel when the analysis is completed
+ * **Vsearch_tax_OTU_table (biom format)** The OTU table in BIOM format
+ (http://biom-format.org/)
+ * **Vsearch_OTUs.tree** Phylogenetic tree constructed using
+ ``make_phylogeny.py`` (fasttree) QIIME script
+ (http://qiime.org/scripts/make_phylogeny.html)
+ * **Vsearch_phylum_genus_dist_barcharts_HTML** HTML file with bar
+ charts at Phylum, Genus and Species level
+ (http://qiime.org/scripts/summarize_taxa.html and
+ http://qiime.org/scripts/plot_taxa_summary.html)
+ * **Vsearch_OTUs_count_file** Summary of OTU counts per sample
+ (http://biom-format.org/documentation/summarizing_biom_tables.html)
+ * **Vsearch_table_summary_file** Summary of sequences counts per sample
+ (http://biom-format.org/documentation/summarizing_biom_tables.html)
+ * **Vsearch_multiplexed_linearized_dereplicated_mc2_repset_nonchimeras_OTUs.fasta**
+ Fasta file with OTU sequences
+ * **Vsearch_heatmap_OTU_table_HTML** Interactive OTU heatmap
+ (http://qiime.org/1.8.0/scripts/make_otu_heatmap_html.html )
+ * **Vsearch_beta_diversity_weighted_2D_plots_HTML** PCoA plots in HTML
+ format using weighted Unifrac distance measure. Samples are grouped
+ by the column names present in the Metatable file. The samples are
+ firstly rarefied to the minimum sequencing depth
+ (http://qiime.org/scripts/beta_diversity_through_plots.html )
+ * **Vsearch_beta_diversity_unweighted_2D_plots_HTML** PCoA plots in HTML
+ format using Unweighted Unifrac distance measure. Samples are grouped
+ by the column names present in the Metatable file. The samples are
+ firstly rarefied to the minimum sequencing depth
+ (http://qiime.org/scripts/beta_diversity_through_plots.html )
+Code availability
+**Code is available at** https://github.com/MTutino/Amplicon_analysis
+Pipeline author: Mauro Tutino
+Galaxy tool: Peter Briggs
+ ]]>
+ @misc{githubAmplicon_analysis,
+ author = {Tutino, Mauro},
+ year = {2017},
+ title = {Amplicon Analysis Pipeline},
+ publisher = {GitHub},
+ journal = {GitHub repository},
+ url = {https://github.com/MTutino/Amplicon_analysis},
diff -r 000000000000 -r 47ec9c6f44b8 install_tool_deps.sh
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/install_tool_deps.sh Thu Nov 09 10:13:29 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Install the tool dependencies for Amplicon_analysis_pipeline.sh for
+# testing from command line
+function install_python_package() {
+ echo Installing $2 $3 from $4 under $1
+ local install_dir=$1
+ local install_dirs="$install_dir $install_dir/bin $install_dir/lib/python2.7/site-packages"
+ for d in $install_dirs ; do
+ if [ ! -d $d ] ; then
+ mkdir -p $d
+ fi
+ done
+ wd=$(mktemp -d)
+ echo Moving to $wd
+ pushd $wd
+ wget -q $4
+ if [ ! -f "$(basename $4)" ] ; then
+ echo "No archive $(basename $4)"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ tar xzf $(basename $4)
+ if [ ! -d "$5" ] ; then
+ echo "No directory $5"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd $5
+ /bin/bash <>$INSTALL_DIR/INSTALLATION.log 2>&1
+ popd
+ rm -rf $wd/*
+ rmdir $wd
+function install_amplicon_analysis_pipeline_1_1() {
+ install_amplicon_analysis_pipeline $1 1.1
+function install_amplicon_analysis_pipeline_1_0() {
+ install_amplicon_analysis_pipeline $1 1.0
+function install_amplicon_analysis_pipeline() {
+ version=$2
+ echo Installing Amplicon_analysis $version
+ install_dir=$1/amplicon_analysis_pipeline/$version
+ if [ -f $install_dir/env.sh ] ; then
+ return
+ fi
+ mkdir -p $install_dir
+ echo Moving to $install_dir
+ pushd $install_dir
+ wget -q https://github.com/MTutino/Amplicon_analysis/archive/v${version}.tar.gz
+ tar zxf v${version}.tar.gz
+ mv Amplicon_analysis-${version} Amplicon_analysis
+ rm -rf v${version}.tar.gz
+ popd
+ # Make setup file
+ cat > $install_dir/env.sh < $install_dir/env.sh < $INSTALL_DIR/env.sh <$INSTALL_DIR/INSTALLATION.log 2>&1
+ mv sickle $INSTALL_DIR/bin
+ popd
+ rm -rf $wd/*
+ rmdir $wd
+ # Make setup file
+ mv bioawk $INSTALL_DIR/bin
+ mv maketab $INSTALL_DIR/bin
+ popd
+ rm -rf $wd/*
+ rmdir $wd
+ # Make setup file
+ cat > $INSTALL_DIR/env.sh <$install_dir/INSTALLATION.log 2>&1
+ ./configure --prefix=$install_dir >>$install_dir/INSTALLATION.log 2>&1
+ make; make install >>$install_dir/INSTALLATION.log 2>&1
+ popd
+ rm -rf $wd/*
+ rmdir $wd
+ # Make setup file
+ cat > $1/pandaseq/2.8.1/env.sh < $1/spades/3.5.0/env.sh < $1/fastqc/0.11.3/env.sh < test.f90
+ gfortran -o test test.f90
+ LGF=`ldd test | grep libgfortran | awk '{print $3}'`
+ LGF_CANON=`readlink -f $LGF`
+ LGF_VERS=`objdump -p $LGF_CANON | grep GFORTRAN_1 | sed -r 's/.*GFORTRAN_1\.([0-9])+/\1/' | sort -n | tail -1`
+ if [ $LGF_VERS -gt $BUNDLED_LGF_VERS ]; then
+ fi
+ popd
+ rm -rf $wd/*
+ rmdir $wd
+ # Atlas 3.10 (build from source)
+ # NB this stolen from galaxyproject/iuc-tools
+ ##local wd=$(mktemp -d)
+ ##echo Moving to $wd
+ ##pushd $wd
+ ##wget -q https://depot.galaxyproject.org/software/atlas/atlas_3.10.2+gx0_src_all.tar.bz2
+ ##wget -q https://depot.galaxyproject.org/software/lapack/lapack_3.5.0_src_all.tar.gz
+ ##wget -q https://depot.galaxyproject.org/software/atlas/atlas_patch-blas-lapack-1.0_src_all.diff
+ ##wget -q https://depot.galaxyproject.org/software/atlas/atlas_patch-shared-lib-1.0_src_all.diff
+ ##wget -q https://depot.galaxyproject.org/software/atlas/atlas_patch-cpu-throttle-1.0_src_all.diff
+ ##tar -jxvf atlas_3.10.2+gx0_src_all.tar.bz2
+ ##cd ATLAS
+ ##mkdir build
+ ##patch -p1 < ../atlas_patch-blas-lapack-1.0_src_all.diff
+ ##patch -p1 < ../atlas_patch-shared-lib-1.0_src_all.diff
+ ##patch -p1 < ../atlas_patch-cpu-throttle-1.0_src_all.diff
+ ##cd build
+ ##../configure --prefix="$INSTALL_DIR" -D c -DWALL -b 64 -Fa alg '-fPIC' --with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=../../lapack_3.5.0_src_all.tar.gz -v 2 -t 0 -Si cputhrchk 0
+ ##make
+ ##make install
+ ##popd
+ ##rm -rf $wd/*
+ ##rmdir $wd
+ export ATLAS_BLAS_LIB_DIR=$INSTALL_DIR/lib/atlas
+ # Numpy 1.7.1
+ local wd=$(mktemp -d)
+ echo Moving to $wd
+ pushd $wd
+ wget -q https://depot.galaxyproject.org/software/numpy/numpy_1.7_src_all.tar.gz
+ tar -zxvf numpy_1.7_src_all.tar.gz
+ cd numpy-1.7.1
+ cat > site.cfg < $INSTALL_DIR/env.sh < $install_dir/env.sh <$install_dir/INSTALLATION.log 2>&1
+ mv * $install_dir
+ popd
+ # Clean up
+ rm -rf $wd/*
+ rmdir $wd
+ # Make setup file
+cat > $install_dir/env.sh < $install_dir/env.sh < $install_dir/env.sh <>$install_dir/INSTALLATION.log
+ done
+ # Install fasta-splitter
+ wget -q http://kirill-kryukov.com/study/tools/fasta-splitter/files/fasta-splitter-0.2.4.zip
+ unzip -qq fasta-splitter-0.2.4.zip
+ chmod 0755 fasta-splitter.pl
+ mv fasta-splitter.pl $install_dir/bin
+ popd
+ # Clean up
+ rm -rf $wd/*
+ rmdir $wd
+ # Make setup file
+cat > $install_dir/env.sh < $install_dir/env.sh < $install_dir/env.sh <$install_dir/bin/uc2otutab.py
+ cat uc2otutab.py >>$install_dir/bin/uc2otutab.py
+ chmod +x $install_dir/bin/uc2otutab.py
+ popd
+ # Clean up
+ rm -rf $wd/*
+ rmdir $wd
+ # Make setup file
+cat > $install_dir/env.sh <