1 library(flashpcaR)
2 library(dbscan)
3 library(cluster)
5 ## MAIN ###
6 # get command line arguments
7 CLI_FLAG = 1
8 if (CLI_FLAG == 1) {
9 n = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[1]
10 outdir = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[2]
11 basename = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[3]
12 data_source = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[4]
13 data_type = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[5]
14 eth_filename = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[6]
15 control_tag = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[7]
16 if (control_tag == "None") {control_tag = NULL}
17 cases_tag = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[8]
18 if (cases_tag == "None") {cases_tag = NULL}
19 numsds = as.numeric(commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[9])
20 cmethod = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[10]
21 tmethod = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[11]
22 path_to_r_functions = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[12]
23 xsamples_filename = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[13]
24 xsnps_filename = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[14]
25 } else {
26 n = 10
27 basename = "test_eth2"
28 data_source = "./data/halo1_numeric.ped"
29 data_type = "numeric_ped"
30 outdir = paste0(getwd(), "/full_output_", basename)
31 #data_source = "./data/HapMap3_flashPCA_data.rds"
32 #data_type = "rds"
33 #eth_filename = "./data/HapMap3_ethnicity_rf.txt"
34 eth_filename = "./data/Halo_ethnicity_rf.txt"
35 control_tag = "HAPS"
36 cases_tag = NULL
37 numsds = 1.1
38 cmethod = "hclust"
39 tmethod = "mcd"
40 path_to_r_functions = paste0(getwd(), "/R_functions/")
41 xsamples_filename = "./xfiles/halo1_xsamples.txt"
42 xsnps_filename = "./xfiles/halo1_xsnps.txt"
43 }
45 # get source code
46 source(paste0(path_to_r_functions, "/", "plotting_functions.R"))
47 source(paste0(path_to_r_functions, "/", "pca_helpers.R"))
48 source(paste0(path_to_r_functions, "/", "pipeline_code.R"))
49 source(paste0(path_to_r_functions, "/", "clustering_functions.R"))
50 source(paste0(path_to_r_functions, "/", "outlier_trimming.R"))
52 if (CLI_FLAG != 1) {
53 unlink(paste0(getwd(), "/", "full_output_", basename), recursive=TRUE)
54 }
56 # read in data
57 ped_data = get_source_data(data_source, data_type)
58 eth_data = parse_ethnicity_file(eth_filename)
59 xsamples = get_first_column(xsamples_filename)
60 xsnps = get_first_column(xsnps_filename)
62 # do the pca and prepare plots
63 iterations = list()
64 for(i in 1:n) {
65 fpd = filter_ped_data(ped_data, xsamples, xsnps)
66 iterations[[i]] = single_iteration(outdir, basename, fpd, xsamples, numsds,
67 cmethod, tmethod, control_tag, cases_tag, ethnicity_data=eth_data)
68 iterations[[i]]$dirname = generate_directory_name(outdir, basename, i)
69 xsamples = iterations[[i]]$xsamples
70 }
72 # create folders and plots
73 for (i in 1:n) {
74 titer = iterations[[i]]
75 dir.create(titer$dirname, recursive=TRUE)
76 num_plots = titer$num_plots
78 for (j in 1:num_plots) {
79 plot_filename = sprintf("%s/%s_plot_number_%d.png", titer$dirname, basename, j)
80 plot_by_groups(titer$pca_data$values[, c(1, 2)],
81 titer$plots[[j]]$groups,
82 titer$plots[[j]]$tags,
83 titer$plots[[j]]$plot_colors,
84 titer$plots[[j]]$plot_symbols,
85 titer$plots[[j]]$plot_title,
86 plot_filename=plot_filename
87 )
88 }
90 # write outliers to file
91 xfilename = paste0(titer$dirname, "/", basename, "_xfile.txt")
92 outliers_filename = paste0(titer$dirname, "/", basename, "_outliers.txt")
93 xscon = add_ethnicity_data(titer$old_xsamples, eth_data)
94 olcon = add_ethnicity_data(titer$outliers, eth_data)
95 write.table(xscon, file=xfilename, row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, sep=",")
96 write.table(olcon, file=outliers_filename, row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, sep=",")
97 } |