diff scripts/pickUniqMate.pl @ 0:28d1a6f8143f draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/portiahollyoak/Tools commit 132bb96bba8e7aed66a102ed93b7744f36d10d37-dirty
author portiahollyoak
date Mon, 25 Apr 2016 13:08:56 -0400
children ca36262102d8
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scripts/pickUniqMate.pl	Mon Apr 25 13:08:56 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+use List::Util qw(sum);
+use Bio::Seq;
+die "perl $0 <mate sam with header> <uniq bed>\n" if @ARGV<1;
+open in,$ARGV[1];
+my %uniq;
+	chomp;
+	my @f=split;
+	$uniq{$f[3]}=[@f];
+close in;
+open in,$ARGV[0];
+my (%te,@ref,%ref);
+	chomp;
+	my @f=split/\t/,$_,12;
+	# headers
+	if(/^\@SQ/)
+	{
+		my ($sn,$ln)=/SN:(.*?)\tLN:(\d+)/;
+		push @ref,[$sn,$ln];
+		$ref{$sn}=$#ref;
+		next;
+	}
+	# unmapped
+	next if $f[2] eq "*";
+	# alignments
+	if($f[11]=~/XT:A:/)
+	{
+		my ($rnum)=$f[1]=~/(\d)$/;
+		# CIGAR
+		my (@cigar_m)=$f[5]=~/(\d+)M/g;
+		my (@cigar_d)=$f[5]=~/(\d+)D/g;
+		my (@cigar_s)=$f[5]=~/(\d+)S/g;
+		my (@cigar_i)=$f[5]=~/(\d+)I/g;
+		my $aln_ln=sum(@cigar_m,@cigar_d);
+		my $strand="+";
+        	if($f[1]=~/r/)
+        	{
+                	my $seq=Bio::Seq->new(-seq=>$f[9]);
+                	$f[9]=$seq->revcom->seq;
+                	$strand="-";
+        	}
+		# align to the junctions
+		if(($f[3]+$aln_ln-1)>${$ref[$ref{$f[2]}]}[1])
+		{
+			if(($f[3]+($aln_ln-1)/2)>${$ref[$ref{$f[2]}]}[1])
+			{
+				$f[2]=${$ref[$ref{$f[2]}+1]}[0];
+				$f[3]=1;
+				$aln_ln=$aln_ln-(${$ref[$ref{$f[2]}]}[1]-$f[3]+1);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$aln_ln=${$ref[$ref{$f[2]}]}[1]-$f[3]+1;
+			}
+		}
+		$pe{$f[0]}{$rnum}=$f[2].",".$strand."$f[3]".";";
+		# XA tag
+		if($f[11]=~/XA:Z:/)
+		{
+			my ($xa)=$f[11]=~/XA:Z:(.*);$/; 
+			my @xa=split(";",$xa);
+			$pe{$f[0]}{$rnum}.=join(",",(split/,/)[0,1]).";" foreach @xa;
+		}
+	}
+close in;
+foreach my $id (keys %pe)
+	next if exists $pe{$id}{1} && exists $pe{$id}{2} && exists $uniq{$id."/1"} && exists $uniq{$id."/2"};
+	foreach my $rid (keys %{$pe{$id}})
+	{
+		my $mate_id=($rid==1)?2:1;
+		if(exists $uniq{$id."/".$mate_id})
+		{
+			${$uniq{$id."/".$mate_id}}[4]=$pe{$id}{$rid};
+			print join("\t",@{$uniq{$id."/".$mate_id}}),"\n";
+		}
+	}