diff Ms4TabSqlDb.R @ 0:e66bb061af06 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/workflow4metabolomics/lcmsmatching.git commit 3529b25417f8e1a5836474c9adec4b696d35099d-dirty
author prog
date Tue, 12 Jul 2016 12:02:37 -0400
children 20d69a062da3
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Ms4TabSqlDb.R	Tue Jul 12 12:02:37 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+if ( ! exists('Ms4TabSqlDb')) { # Do not load again if already loaded
+	library('methods')
+	source('msdb-common.R')
+	source('MsDb.R')
+	#####################
+	#####################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb <- setRefClass("Ms4TabSqlDb", contains = "MsDb", fields = list(.host = "character", .port = "integer", .dbname = "character", .user = "character", .password = "character", .drv = "ANY", .conn = "ANY"))
+	###############
+	###############
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( initialize = function(host = NA_character_, port = NA_integer_, dbname = NA_character_, user = NA_character_, password = NA_character_, ...) {
+		# Initialize members
+		.host <<- if ( ! is.null(host)) host else NA_character_
+		.port <<- if ( ! is.null(port)) port else NA_integer_
+		.dbname <<- if ( ! is.null(dbname)) dbname else NA_character_
+		.user <<- if ( ! is.null(user)) user else NA_character_
+		.password <<- if ( ! is.null(password)) password else NA_character_
+		.drv <<- NULL
+		.conn <<- NULL
+		callSuper(...)
+	})
+	##################
+	##################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( .get.connection = function() {
+		# Initialize connection
+		if (is.null(.self$.conn)) {
+			library('RPostgreSQL')
+			.drv <<- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
+			.conn <<- dbConnect(.self$.drv, host = .self$.host, port = .self$.port, dbname = .self$.dbname, user = .self$.user, password = .self$.password)
+		}
+		return(.self$.conn)
+	})
+	##############
+	##############
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( .send.query = function(query) {
+		conn <- .self$.get.connection() # Call it first separately, so library RPostgreSQL is loaded.
+		rs <- try(dbSendQuery(conn, query))
+		return(rs)
+	})
+	####################
+	####################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( getMoleculeIds = function() {
+		rs <- .self$.send.query('select pkmol.molecule_id as id from peaklist_name as pkmol;')
+		ids <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
+		ids <- ids[['id']] # Get 'id' column
+		ids <- vapply(ids, function(x) { if (substring(x, 1, 1) == 'N') as.integer(substring(x, 2)) else as.integer(x) } , FUN.VALUE = 1, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+		ids <- (sort(ids))
+		return(ids)
+	})
+	####################
+	####################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( getNbMolecules = function() {
+		rs <- .self$.send.query('select count(*) from peaklist_name;')
+		df <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
+		n <- df[[1]]
+		return(n)
+	})
+	#####################
+	#####################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( getMoleculeName = function(molid) {
+		# Build request
+		where <- paste0(vapply(molid, function(id) paste0("pkmol.molecule_id = 'N", id, "'"), FUN.VALUE = ''), collapse = ' or ')
+		request <- paste0('select pkmol.molecule_id as id, pkmol.name from peaklist_name as pkmol where ', where, ';')
+		# Run request
+		rs <- .self$.send.query(request)
+		df <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
+		# Get IDs
+		ids <- vapply(df[['id']], function(x) as.integer(substring(x, 2)), FUN.VALUE = 1, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+		# Get names in the same order as the input vector
+		names <- df[['name']][order(ids)[order(molid)]]
+		return(if (is.null(names)) NA_character_ else names)
+	})
+	###############################
+	###############################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( getChromCol = function(molid = NULL) {
+		# Get all columns
+		if (is.null(molid)) {
+			request <- 'select name from method;'
+		# Get columns of the specified molecules
+		} else {
+			where_molids <- paste0(vapply(molid, function(id) paste0("pkmol.molecule_id = 'N", id, "'"), FUN.VALUE = ''), collapse = ' or ')
+			where <- paste0('pk.name_id = pkmol.id and pk.id = pkret.id_peak and pkret.id_method = method.id and (', where_molids, ')')
+			request <- paste0('select distinct method.name from method, peaklist as pk, peaklist_name as pkmol, peaklist_ret as pkret where ', where, ';')
+		}
+		# Run request
+		rs <- .self$.send.query(request)
+		df <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
+		# Gets column list
+		cols <- df[['name']]
+		# Remove FIA
+		cols <- cols[ cols != 'FIA']
+		# Normalize names
+		cols <- vapply(cols, .normalize_column_name, FUN.VALUE = '', USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+		# Remove duplicates
+		cols <- cols[ ! duplicated(cols)]
+		# Make data frame
+		cols <- data.frame(id = cols, title = cols, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+		return(cols)
+	})
+	################
+	################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( findByName = function(name) {
+		if (is.null(name)) return(NA_integer_)
+		# Put names in uppercase
+		uname <- toupper(name)
+		# Build request
+		where <- paste0(vapply(uname, function(n) paste0("upper(pkmol.name) = '", gsub("'", "''", n, perl = TRUE), "'"), FUN.VALUE = '', USE.NAMES = FALSE), collapse = ' or ')
+		request <- paste0('select pkmol.molecule_id as id, pkmol.name from peaklist_name as pkmol where ', where, ';')
+		# Run request
+		rs <- .self$.send.query(request)
+		df <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
+		# Adds missing names/IDs
+		missing_names <- uname[ ! uname %in% toupper(df[['name']])]
+		df <- rbind(df, data.frame(id = rep(NA_integer_, length(missing_names)), name = missing_names))
+		# Get IDs and names
+		ids <- vapply(df[['id']], function(x) as.integer(substring(x, 2)), FUN.VALUE = 1, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+		names <- toupper(as.character(df[['name']]))
+		# Get IDs in the same order as the input vector
+		ids[order(uname)] <- ids[order(names)]
+		return(if (is.null(ids)) NA_integer_ else ids)
+	})
+	#######################
+	#######################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( getRetentionTimes = function(molid, col = NA_character_) {
+		if (is.null(molid) || is.na(molid) || length(molid)  != 1)
+			stop("The parameter molid must consist only in a single integer.")
+		# Build request
+		request <- paste0("select distinct method.name as col, (pkret.retention * 60) as ret from peaklist as pk, peaklist_name as pkmol, peaklist_ret as pkret, method where pkret.id_peak = pk.id and pkmol.id = pk.name_id and pkret.id_method = method.id and pkmol.molecule_id = 'N", molid, "'")
+		if ( ! is.na(col)) {
+			where_cols <- paste0(vapply(col, function(c) paste0("method.name = '", c, "'"), FUN.VALUE = ''), collapse = ' or ')
+			request <- paste0(request, ' and (', where_cols, ')')
+		}
+		request <- paste0(request, ';')
+		# Run request
+		rs <- .self$.send.query(request)
+		df <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
+		# Remove FIA
+		df <- df[df[['col']] != 'FIA', ]
+		# Normalize names
+		df[['col']] <- vapply(df[['col']], .normalize_column_name, FUN.VALUE = '', USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+		# Build output list
+		lst <- list()
+		if (nrow(df) > 0)
+			for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
+				c <- df[i, 'col']
+				lst[[c]] <- c(lst[[c]], df[i, 'ret'])
+			}
+		return(lst)
+	})
+	################
+	################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( getNbPeaks = function(molid = NA_integer_, type = NA_character_) {
+		# Build request
+		request <- paste0("select count(*) from peaklist as pk, peaklist_name as pkmol where pkmol.id = pk.name_id")
+		if ( length(molid) > 1 || ! is.na(molid)) {
+			where_molids <- paste0(vapply(molid, function(id) paste0("pkmol.molecule_id = 'N", id, "'"), FUN.VALUE = ''), collapse = ' or ')
+			request <- paste0(request, ' and (', where_molids, ')')
+		}
+		if ( ! is.na(type)) {
+			request <- paste0(request, ' and ', if (type == MSDB.TAG.POS) '' else 'not ', 'ion_pos')
+		}
+		request <- paste0(request, ';')
+		# Run request
+		rs <- .self$.send.query(request)
+		df <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
+		return(df[1,1])
+	})
+	###############################
+	###############################
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( .to.dbcols = function(col) {
+		# Get all column names
+		request <- 'select name from method;'
+		rs <- .self$.send.query(request)
+		df <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
+		# Get database column names
+		dbcols <- df[['name']]
+		dbcols <- dbcols[ dbcols != 'FIA']
+		# Get normalize names
+		normcols <- vapply(dbcols, .normalize_column_name, FUN.VALUE = '', USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+		return(dbcols[normcols == tolower(col)])
+	})
+	#################
+	#################
+	# Returns a numeric vector of all masses stored inside the database.
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( getMzValues = function(mode = NULL) {
+		# Build request
+		select <- paste0("select distinct pk.mass as ", MSDB.TAG.MZTHEO)
+		from <- " from peaklist as pk"
+		where <- ""
+		if ( ! is.null(mode))
+			where <- paste0(" where ", if (mode == MSDB.TAG.POS) '' else 'not ', 'pk.ion_pos')
+		# Assemble request
+		request <- paste0(select, from, where, ';')
+		# Run request
+		rs <- .self$.send.query(request)
+		df <- fetch(rs, n=-1)
+		return(df[[MSDB.TAG.MZTHEO]])
+	})
+	##########
+	# SEARCH #
+	##########
+	Ms4TabSqlDb$methods( .do.search.for.mz.rt.bounds = function(mode, mz.low, mz.high, rt.low = NULL, rt.high = NULL, col = NULL, attribs = NULL, molids = NULL) {
+		# Build request
+		select <- paste0("select pkmol.molecule_id as ", MSDB.TAG.MOLID, ", pkmol.name as ", MSDB.TAG.MOLNAMES,", pk.mass as ", MSDB.TAG.MZTHEO, ", pk.composition as ", MSDB.TAG.COMP,", pk.attribution as ", MSDB.TAG.ATTR)
+		from <- " from peaklist as pk, peaklist_name as pkmol"
+		where <- paste0(" where pkmol.id = pk.name_id and pk.mass >= ", mz.low, " and pk.mass <= ", mz.high)
+		where <- paste0(where, ' and ', if (mode == MSDB.TAG.POS) '' else 'not ', 'pk.ion_pos')
+		# Insert where clause on attribs
+		if ( ! is.null(attribs)) {
+			where.attribs <- paste0(vapply(attribs, function(a) paste0("pk.attribution = '", a, "'"), FUN.VALUE = '', USE.NAMES = FALSE), collapse = " or ")
+			where <- paste0(where, ' and (', where.attribs, ')')
+		}
+		# Insert where clause on molids
+		if ( ! is.null(molids)) {
+			where.molids <- paste0(vapply(molids, function(id) paste0("pkmol.molecule_id = 'N", id, "'"), FUN.VALUE = ''), collapse = ' or ')
+			where <- paste0(where, ' and (', where.molids, ')')
+		}
+		# Insert where clause on columns
+		if ( ! is.null(col)) {
+			dbcols <- .self$.to.dbcols(col)
+			if ( ! is.null(dbcols)) {
+				# Can't find specified columns
+				if (length(dbcols) == 0 && length(col) > 0)
+					return(.get.empty.result.df(rt = TRUE))
+				select <- paste0(select, ", (60 * pkret.retention) as ", MSDB.TAG.COLRT, ", method.name as ", MSDB.TAG.COL)
+				from <- paste0(from, ", method, peaklist_ret as pkret")
+				where.cols <- if (length(dbcols) == 0) 'TRUE' else paste0(vapply(dbcols, function(c) paste0("method.name = '", c, "'"), FUN.VALUE = '', USE.NAMES = FALSE), collapse = " or ")
+				where <- paste0(where, " and pk.id = pkret.id_peak and pkret.id_method = method.id and (", where.cols, ")")
+				if (! is.null(rt.low) && ! is.null(rt.high))
+					where <- paste0(where, " and pkret.retention * 60 >= ", rt.low, " and pkret.retention * 60 <= ", rt.high)
+			}
+		}
+		# Assemble request
+		request <- paste0(select, from, where, ';')
+		# Run request
+		rs <- .self$.send.query(request)
+		df <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
+		# No results
+		# Remove N prefix from IDs
+		if (nrow(df) > 0)
+			df[[MSDB.TAG.MOLID]] <- vapply(df[[MSDB.TAG.MOLID]], function(x) substring(x, 2), FUN.VALUE = '', USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+		else if (nrow(df) == 0)
+			df <- .get.empty.result.df(rt = ! is.null(col))
+		return(df)
+	})
+} # end of load safe guard