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view MsPeakForestDb.R @ 1:253d531a0193 draft
planemo upload for repository commit 36c9d8099c20a1ae848f1337c16564335dd8fb2b
author | prog |
date | Sat, 03 Sep 2016 17:02:01 -0400 (2016-09-03) |
parents | e66bb061af06 |
children | 20d69a062da3 |
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if ( ! exists('MsPeakForestDb')) { # Do not load again if already loaded library(methods) source('MsDb.R') source(file.path('UrlRequestScheduler.R')) ##################### # CLASS DECLARATION # ##################### MsPeakForestDb <- setRefClass("MsPeakForestDb", contains = "MsDb", fields = list(.url = "character", .url.scheduler = "ANY", .token = "character")) ############### # CONSTRUCTOR # ############### MsPeakForestDb$methods( initialize = function(url = NA_character_, useragent = NA_character_, token = NA_character_, ...) { # Check URL if (is.null(url) || stop("No URL defined for new MsPeakForestDb instance.") if (substring(url, nchar(url) - 1, 1) == '/') url <- substring(url, nchar(url) - 1) .url <<- url .url.scheduler <<- UrlRequestScheduler$new(n = 3, useragent = useragent) .self$.url.scheduler$setVerbose(1L) .token <<- token callSuper(...) }) ########### # GET URL # ########### MsPeakForestDb$methods( .get.url = function(url, params = NULL, ret.type = 'json') { res <- NULL # Add url prefix if (substring(url, 1, 1) == '/') url <- substring(url, 2) url <- paste(.self$.url, url, sep = '/') # Add token if ( !$.token)) params <- c(params, token = .self$.token) param.str <- if (is.null(params)) '' else paste('?', vapply(names(params), function(p) paste(p, params[[p]], sep = '='), FUN.VALUE = ''), collapse = '&', sep = '') # Get URL content <- .self$.url.scheduler$getUrl(url = url, params = params) if (ret.type == 'json') { library(RJSONIO) res <- fromJSON(content, nullValue = NA) if (class(res) == 'list' && 'success' %in% names(res) && res$success == FALSE) { param.str <- if (is.null(params)) '' else paste('?', vapply(names(params), function(p) paste(p, params[[p]], sep = '='), FUN.VALUE = ''), collapse = '&', sep = '') stop(paste0("Failed to run web service. URL was \"", url, param.str, "\".")) } } else { if (ret.type == 'integer') { if (grepl('^[0-9]+$', content, perl = TRUE)) res <- as.integer(content) else { library(RJSONIO) res <- fromJSON(content, nullValue = NA) } } } return(res) }) #################### # GET MOLECULE IDS # #################### MsPeakForestDb$methods( getMoleculeIds = function() { ids <- as.character(.self$.get.url(url = 'compounds/all/ids')) return(ids) }) #################### # GET NB MOLECULES # #################### MsPeakForestDb$methods( getNbMolecules = function() { n <- .self$.get.url(url = 'compounds/all/count', ret.type = 'integer') return(n) }) ############################### # GET CHROMATOGRAPHIC COLUMNS # ############################### MsPeakForestDb$methods( getChromCol = function(molid = NULL) { # Set URL params <- NULL if ( ! is.null(molid)) params <- list(molids = paste(molid, collapse = ',')) # Call webservice wscols <- .self$.get.url(url = 'metadata/lc/list-code-columns', params = params) # Build data frame cols <- data.frame(id = character(), title = character()) for(id in names(wscols)) cols <- rbind(cols, data.frame(id = id, title = wscols[[id]]$name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) return(cols) }) ####################### # GET RETENTION TIMES # ####################### MsPeakForestDb$methods( getRetentionTimes = function(molid, col = NA_character_) { if (is.null(molid) || || length(molid) != 1) stop("The parameter molid must consist only in a single value.") rt <- list() # Set URL params <- NULL if ( ! is.null(molid)) params <- list(molids = paste(molid, collapse = ',')) # Call webservice spectra <- .self$.get.url(url = 'spectra/lcms/search', params = params) if (class(spectra) == 'list' && length(spectra) > 0) { for (s in spectra) if ( || s$liquidChromatography$columnCode %in% col) { ret.time <- (s$RTmin + s$RTmax) / 2 c <- s$liquidChromatography$columnCode if (c %in% names(rt)) { if ( ! ret.time %in% rt[[c]]) rt[[c]] <- c(rt[[c]], ret.time) } else rt[[c]] <- ret.time } } return(rt) }) ##################### # GET MOLECULE NAME # ##################### MsPeakForestDb$methods( getMoleculeName = function(molid) { library(RJSONIO) if (is.null(molid)) return(NA_character_) # Initialize names names <- as.character(molid) # Get non NA values <- molid[ !] if (length( > 0) { # Set URL params <- c(molids = paste(, collapse = ',')) # Call webservice names[ !] <- .self$.get.url(url = 'compounds/all/names', params = params) } return(names) }) ################ # FIND BY NAME # ################ MsPeakForestDb$methods( findByName = function(name) { if (is.null(name)) return(NA_character_) ids <- list() for (n in name) { if ( ids <- c(ids, NA_character_) else { compounds <- .self$.get.url(url = paste0('search/compounds/name/', curlEscape(n)))$compoundNames ids <- c(ids, list(vapply(compounds, function(c) as.character(c$compound$id), FUN.VALUE = ''))) } } return(ids) }) ################# # GET NB PEAKS # ################# MsPeakForestDb$methods( getNbPeaks = function(molid = NA_integer_, type = NA_character_) { # Build URL params <- NULL if ( ! params <- c(params, mode = if (type == MSDB.TAG.POS) 'pos' else 'neg') if ( ! is.null(molid) && (length(molid) > 1 || ! params <- c(params, molids = paste(molid, collapse = ',')) # Run request n <- .self$.get.url(url = 'spectra/lcms/count-peaks', params = params, ret.type = 'integer') return(sum(n)) }) ################# # GET MZ VALUES # ################# MsPeakForestDb$methods( getMzValues = function(mode = NULL) { # Query params params <- NULL if ( ! is.null(mode)) params <- c(params, mode = if (mode == MSDB.TAG.POS) 'positive' else 'negative') # Get MZ valuels mz <- .self$.get.url(url = 'spectra/lcms/peaks/list-mz', params = params) return(mz) }) ############################## # DO SEARCH FOR MZ RT BOUNDS # ############################## MsPeakForestDb$methods( = function(mode, mz.low, mz.high, rt.low = NULL, rt.high = NULL, col = NULL, attribs = NULL, molids = NULL) { # Build URL for mz search url <- paste0('spectra/lcms/peaks/get-range/', mz.low, '/', mz.high) # Get spectra spectra <- .self$.get.url(url = url) # Build result data frame results <- data.frame(MSDB.TAG.MOLID = character(), MSDB.TAG.MOLNAMES = character(), MSDB.TAG.MZTHEO = numeric(), MSDB.TAG.COMP = character(), MSDB.TAG.ATTR = character()) for (x in spectra) results <- rbind(results, data.frame(MSDB.TAG.MOLID = vapply(x$source$listOfCompounds, function(c) as.character(c$id), FUN.VALUE = ''), MSDB.TAG.MOLNAMES = vapply(x$source$listOfCompounds, function(c) paste(c$names, collapse = MSDB.MULTIVAL.FIELD.SEP), FUN.VALUE = ''), MSDB.TAG.MZTHEO = as.numeric(x$theoricalMass), MSDB.TAG.COMP = as.character(x$composition), MSDB.TAG.ATTR = as.character(x$attribution), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) # RT search if ( ! is.null(rt.low) && ! is.null(rt.high)) { rt.res <- data.frame(MSDB.TAG.MOLID = character(), MSDB.TAG.COL = character(), MSDB.TAG.COLRT = numeric()) if (nrow(results) > 0) { # Build URL for rt search url <- paste0('spectra/lcms/range-rt-min/', rt.low, '/', rt.high) params <- NULL if ( ! is.null(col)) params <- c(columns = paste(col, collapse = ',')) # Run query rtspectra <- .self$.get.url(url = url, params = params) # Get compound/molecule IDs for (x in spectra) rt.res <- rbind(rt.res, data.frame(MSDB.TAG.MOLID = vapply(x$listOfCompounds, function(c) as.character(c$id), FUN.VALUE = ''), MSDB.TAG.COL = as.character(x$liquidChromatography$columnCode), MSDB.TAG.COLRT = (as.numeric(x$RTmin) + as.numeric(x$RTmax)) / 2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) } # Add retention times and column info results <- merge(results, rt.res) } # Rename columns with proper names colnames(results) <- vapply(colnames(results), function(s) eval(parse(text=s)), FUN.VALUE = '') return(results) }) }