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view MassdbConn.R @ 4:b34c14151f25 draft
planemo upload for repository commit 494194bb501d1d7033613131865f7bd68976041c
author | prog |
date | Tue, 14 Mar 2017 12:40:22 -0400 (2017-03-14) |
parents | 20d69a062da3 |
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##################### # CLASS DECLARATION # ##################### MassdbConn <- methods::setRefClass("MassdbConn", contains = "BiodbConn") ############################### # GET CHROMATOGRAPHIC COLUMNS # ############################### # Get a list of chromatographic columns contained in this database. # compound.ids A list of compound IDs used to filter results. # The returned value is a data.frame with two columns : one for the ID (BIODB.ID) and another one for the title (BIODB.TITLE). MassdbConn$methods( getChromCol = function(compound.ids = NULL) { stop("Method getChromCol() is not implemented in concrete class.") }) ################# # GET MZ VALUES # ################# # Returns a numeric vector of all masses stored inside the database. MassdbConn$methods( getMzValues = function(mode = NULL, max.results = NA_integer_) { stop("Method getMzValues() not implemented in concrete class.") }) ################ # GET NB PEAKS # ################ # Returns the number of peaks contained in the database MassdbConn$methods( getNbPeaks = function(mode = NULL, compound.ids = NULL) { stop("Method getNbPeaks() not implemented in concrete class.") }) ######################### # FIND COMPOUND BY NAME # ######################### # Find a molecule by name # name A vector of molecule names to search for. # Return an integer vector of the same size as the name input vector, containing the found molecule IDs, in the same order. MassdbConn$methods( findCompoundByName = function(name) { stop("Method findCompoundByName() not implemented in concrete class.") }) #################################### # FIND SPECTRA IN GIVEN MASS RANGE # #################################### # Find spectra in the given mass range. # rtype the type of return, objects, dfspecs data.frame of spectra, dfpeaks data.frame of peaks. MassdbConn$methods( searchMzRange = function(mzmin, mzmax, rtype = c("objects","dfspecs","dfpeaks")){ stop("Method searchMzRange() not implemented in concrete class.") }) #################################### # FIND SPECTRA IN GIVEN MASS RANGE # #################################### MassdbConn$methods( searchMzTol = function(mz, tol, tolunit=BIODB.MZTOLUNIT.PLAIN, rtype = c("objects","dfspecs","dfpeaks")){ stop("Method searchMzTol() not implemented in concrete class.") }) ###################################################### # FIND A MOLECULES WITH PRECURSOR WITHIN A TOLERANCE # ###################################################### MassdbConn$methods( searchSpecPrecTol = function(mz, tol, tolunit=BIODB.MZTOLUNIT.PLAIN, mode = NULL){ stop("Method searchSpecPrecTol not implemented in concrete class.") }) ################################# #perform a database MS-MS search# ################################# ### spec : the spec to match against the database. ### precursor : the mass/charge of the precursor to be looked for. ### mtol : the size of the windows arounf the precursor to be looked for. ### ppm : the matching ppm tolerance. ### fun : ### dmz : the mass tolerance is taken as the minium between this quantity and the ppm. ### npmin : the minimum number of peak to detect a match (2 recommended) MassdbConn$methods( msmsSearch = function(spec, precursor, mztol, tolunit, ppm, fun = BIODB.MSMS.DIST.WCOSINE, params = list(), npmin=2, dmz = 0.001, mode = BIODB.MSMODE.POS, return.ids.only = TRUE){ # TODO replace by msms precursor search when available. lspec <- .self$searchSpecPrecTol( precursor, mztol, BIODB.MZTOLUNIT.PLAIN, mode = mode) rspec <- lapply(lspec,function(x){ peaks <- x$getFieldValue(BIODB.PEAKS) ####Getting the correct fields vcomp <- c(BIODB.PEAK.MZ, BIODB.PEAK.RELATIVE.INTENSITY, BIODB.PEAK.INTENSITY) foundfields <- vcomp %in% colnames(peaks) if(sum(foundfields ) < 2){ stop(paste0("fields can't be coerced to mz and intensity : ",colnames(peaks))) } peaks <- peaks[ , vcomp[which( foundfields ) ] ] peaks }) # TODO Import compareSpectra into biodb and put it inside massdb-helper.R or hide it as a private method. res <- compareSpectra(spec, rspec, npmin = npmin, fun = fun, params = params) if(is.null(res)) return(NULL) # To decide at MassdbConn level: return empty list (or empty data frame) or NULL. ###Adiing the matched peaks and the smimlarity values to spectra. lret <-vector(length(lspec),mode = "list") vsimilarity <- numeric( length( lspec ) ) vmatched <- vector( mode = "list", length( lspec ) ) if( return.ids.only ){ lret <- sapply( lspec, function( x ) { x$getFieldValue( BIODB.ACCESSION ) }) }else{ ###TODO implement three types of return. lret <- lspec } ###Reordering the list. lret <- lret[ res$ord ] return( list(measure = res$similarity[ res$ord ], matchedpeaks = res$matched [ res$ord ], id = lret)) })