view test-data/Nodes_biogrid_from_Rattus_Hameza_dataset_geneID.tsv @ 3:30dda8d454ce draft

planemo upload commit b8671ffe2e12dc6612b971a3e6e1dc71496aefd0
author proteore
date Fri, 24 Jan 2020 05:21:52 -0500
parents 99f6a94c1ade
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Entrez gene ID	Official Symbol Interactor	Present in user input ids	ID present in Biogrid Rat	Pathway
25	ABL1	False	True	NA
81	ACTN4	False	True	NA
142	PARP1	False	True	NA
156	NA	False	True	NA
160	AP2A1	False	True	NA
176	NA	False	True	NA
207	AKT1	False	True	NA
273	AMPH	False	True	NA
310	NA	False	True	NA
366	NA	False	True	NA
627	NA	False	True	NA
640	NA	False	True	NA
657	NA	False	True	NA
658	NA	False	True	NA
661	NA	False	True	NA
673	NA	False	True	NA
695	NA	False	True	NA
815	CAMK2A	False	True	NA
818	NA	False	True	NA
857	NA	False	True	NA
921	NA	False	True	NA
1020	NA	False	True	NA
1048	CEACAM5	False	True	NA
1147	CHUK	False	True	NA
1326	NA	False	True	NA
1457	NA	False	True	NA
1742	DLG4	False	True	NA
1759	DNM1	False	True	NA
1956	NA	False	True	NA
1969	NA	False	True	NA
1978	NA	False	True	NA
1983	NA	False	True	NA
2054	STX2	False	True	NA
2060	EPS15	False	True	NA
2257	NA	False	True	NA
2287	NA	False	True	NA
2321	NA	False	True	NA
2534	NA	False	True	NA
2569	NA	False	True	NA
2997	NA	False	True	NA
3005	NA	False	True	NA
3053	NA	False	True	NA
3091	HIF1A	False	True	NA
3337	DNAJB1	False	True	NA
3551	IKBKB	False	True	NA
3897	L1CAM	False	True	NA
4133	NA	False	True	NA
4137	MAPT	False	True	NA
4155	NA	False	True	NA
4215	NA	False	True	NA
4430	NA	False	True	NA
4690	NA	False	True	NA
4692	NA	False	True	NA
4792	NA	False	True	NA
4908	NTF3	False	True	NA
4915	NA	False	True	NA
5156	NA	False	True	NA
5340	NA	False	True	NA
5414	NA	False	True	NA
5467	NA	False	True	NA
5481	NA	False	True	NA
5518	NA	False	True	NA
5580	NA	False	True	NA
5604	NA	False	True	NA
5638	NA	False	True	NA
5829	NA	False	True	NA
5998	NA	False	True	NA
6300	NA	False	True	NA
6330	NA	False	True	NA
6449	NA	False	True	NA
6477	SIAH1	False	True	NA
6622	SNCA	False	True	NA
6721	NA	False	True	NA
6769	NA	False	True	NA
6804	STX1A	False	True	NA
6809	STX3	False	True	NA
6810	STX4	False	True	NA
6857	NA	False	True	NA
6885	NA	False	True	NA
7006	NA	False	True	NA
7041	TGFB1I1	False	True	NA
7157	TP53	False	True	NA
7265	NA	False	True	NA
7266	NA	False	True	NA
7528	NA	False	True	NA
7704	ZBTB16	False	True	NA
7867	NA	False	True	NA
7874	NA	False	True	NA
7881	NA	False	True	NA
8416	NA	False	True	NA
8514	NA	False	True	NA
8550	NA	False	True	NA
8573	NA	False	True	NA
8576	NA	False	True	NA
8894	EIF2S2	False	True	NA
9014	NA	False	True	NA
9040	NA	False	True	NA
9379	NA	False	True	NA
9454	HOMER3	False	True	NA
9495	AKAP5	False	True	NA
9616	NA	False	True	NA
9962	NA	False	True	NA
10000	NA	False	True	NA
10013	HDAC6	False	True	NA
10018	BCL2L11	False	True	NA
10110	NA	False	True	NA
10116	NA	False	True	NA
10152	NA	False	True	NA
10243	NA	False	True	NA
10278	NA	False	True	NA
10572	NA	False	True	NA
10963	NA	False	True	NA
11651	NA	False	True	NA
11674	NA	False	True	NA
11740	NA	False	True	NA
11747	NA	False	True	NA
11758	NA	False	True	NA
11792	NA	False	True	NA
11842	NA	False	True	NA
11843	NA	False	True	NA
11946	NA	False	True	NA
11950	NA	False	True	NA
12034	Phb2	False	True	NA
12043	NA	False	True	NA
12346	NA	False	True	NA
12349	NA	False	True	NA
12416	NA	False	True	NA
12461	NA	False	True	NA
12468	NA	False	True	NA
12540	NA	False	True	NA
12631	NA	False	True	NA
12995	NA	False	True	NA
13211	NA	False	True	NA
13628	Eef1a2	False	True	NA
13644	Efs	False	True	NA
13665	NA	False	True	NA
13682	NA	False	True	NA
14182	Fgfr1	False	True	NA
14265	NA	False	True	NA
14400	NA	False	True	NA
14406	NA	False	True	NA
14751	NA	False	True	NA
14811	NA	False	True	NA
14812	NA	False	True	NA
14813	NA	False	True	NA
15288	NA	False	True	NA
15289	NA	False	True	NA
15354	NA	False	True	NA
15381	NA	False	True	NA
15382	NA	False	True	NA
15384	NA	False	True	NA
15387	NA	False	True	NA
15441	NA	False	True	NA
15526	NA	False	True	NA
15568	NA	False	True	NA
16211	Kpnb1	False	True	NA
16647	Kpna2	False	True	NA
16649	Kpna4	False	True	NA
16906	NA	False	True	NA
17089	NA	False	True	NA
17192	NA	False	True	NA
17220	NA	False	True	NA
17448	NA	False	True	NA
17920	NA	False	True	NA
17938	NA	False	True	NA
17999	Nedd4	False	True	NA
18102	NA	False	True	NA
18148	NA	False	True	NA
18150	NA	False	True	NA
18477	NA	False	True	NA
18521	NA	False	True	NA
18648	NA	False	True	NA
18674	NA	False	True	NA
18795	NA	False	True	NA
19016	Pparg	False	True	NA
19045	NA	False	True	NA
19360	NA	False	True	NA
19384	NA	False	True	NA
19387	NA	False	True	NA
19655	NA	False	True	NA
19942	NA	False	True	NA
19944	NA	False	True	NA
19946	NA	False	True	NA
19951	NA	False	True	NA
20005	NA	False	True	NA
20024	NA	False	True	NA
20054	NA	False	True	NA
20068	NA	False	True	NA
20088	NA	False	True	NA
20133	NA	False	True	NA
20191	NA	False	True	NA
20382	NA	False	True	NA
20383	Srsf3	False	True	NA
20586	NA	False	True	NA
20614	Snap25	False	True	NA
20641	NA	False	True	NA
20740	NA	False	True	NA
20823	NA	False	True	NA
20832	NA	False	True	NA
21672	NA	False	True	NA
21894	NA	False	True	NA
21917	NA	False	True	NA
21937	NA	False	True	NA
21991	NA	False	True	NA
22070	NA	False	True	NA
22129	Ttc3	False	True	NA
22273	NA	False	True	NA
22334	NA	False	True	NA
22335	NA	False	True	NA
22608	NA	False	True	NA
22791	NA	False	True	NA
22849	CPEB3	False	True	NA
22888	NA	False	True	NA
23024	NA	False	True	NA
23558	NA	False	True	NA
23983	NA	False	True	NA
24061	NA	False	True	NA
24158	NA	False	True	Beta oxidation of octanoyl-CoA to hexanoyl-CoA
24159	NA	True	False	ChREBP activates metabolic gene expression;Neutrophil degranulation;Fatty acyl-CoA biosynthesis
24161	NA	True	False	NA
24170	NA	True	False	NA
24171	NA	True	False	Miscellaneous transport and binding events
24183	NA	True	False	NA
24185	Akt1	False	True	PIP3 activates AKT signaling;Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation;mTOR signalling;AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol;AKT phosphorylates targets in the nucleus;Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network;eNOS activation;Integrin alphaIIb beta3 signaling;Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex;CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling;CTLA4 inhibitory signaling;G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma;Butyrate Response Factor 1 (BRF1) binds and destabilizes mRNA;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;Regulation of TP53 Degradation;Regulation of TP53 Activity through Acetylation;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;PTK6 Regulates RTKs and Their Effectors AKT1 and DOK1
24186	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;Recycling of bile acids and salts;Scavenging of heme from plasma;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Transport of organic anions;Post-translational protein phosphorylation;HDL remodeling
24189	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;Neutrophil degranulation;Gluconeogenesis
24191	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;Gluconeogenesis
24192	NA	True	False	Pregnenolone biosynthesis
24205	Apc	False	True	Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins;Degradation of beta-catenin by the destruction complex;Beta-catenin phosphorylation cascade;Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex;Ovarian tumor domain proteases
24211	Atp1a1	True	True	Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
24212	Atp1a2	True	True	Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
24213	Atp1a3	True	True	Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
24215	NA	True	False	Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
24223	B2m	False	True	ER-Phagosome pathway;Endosomal/Vacuolar pathway;Immunoregulatory interactions between a Lymphoid and a non-Lymphoid cell;DAP12 interactions;DAP12 signaling;Neutrophil degranulation;Antigen Presentation: Folding, assembly and peptide loading of class I MHC
24232	NA	True	False	Alternative complement activation;Activation of C3 and C5;Immunoregulatory interactions between a Lymphoid and a non-Lymphoid cell;Peptide ligand-binding receptors;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);G alpha (i) signalling events;Neutrophil degranulation;Post-translational protein phosphorylation;Regulation of Complement cascade
24233	NA	False	True	NA
24242	Calm1	True	True	CaMK IV-mediated phosphorylation of CREB;Calmodulin induced events;Cam-PDE 1 activation;Platelet degranulation ;Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation;PKA activation;Synthesis of IP3 and IP4 in the cytosol;Calcineurin activates NFAT;eNOS activation;Inactivation, recovery and regulation of the phototransduction cascade;Stimuli-sensing channels;FCERI mediated Ca+2 mobilization;Ca2+ pathway;Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Sodium/Calcium exchangers;Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of CaMKII/CaMKK/CaMKIV cascasde;Smooth Muscle Contraction;Activation of Ca-permeable Kainate Receptor;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;Phase 0 - rapid depolarisation;Ion homeostasis;CLEC7A (Dectin-1) induces NFAT activation;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases activate PAKs;RAF activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;Glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis);Protein methylation;Ion transport by P-type ATPases;Activation of RAC1 downstream of NMDARs;Long-term potentiation
24244	NA	True	False	CaMK IV-mediated phosphorylation of CREB;Calmodulin induced events;Cam-PDE 1 activation;Platelet degranulation ;Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation;PKA activation;Synthesis of IP3 and IP4 in the cytosol;Calcineurin activates NFAT;eNOS activation;Inactivation, recovery and regulation of the phototransduction cascade;Stimuli-sensing channels;FCERI mediated Ca+2 mobilization;Ca2+ pathway;Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Sodium/Calcium exchangers;Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of CaMKII/CaMKK/CaMKIV cascasde;Smooth Muscle Contraction;Activation of Ca-permeable Kainate Receptor;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;Phase 0 - rapid depolarisation;Ion homeostasis;CLEC7A (Dectin-1) induces NFAT activation;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases activate PAKs;RAF activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;Glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis);Protein methylation;Ion transport by P-type ATPases;Activation of RAC1 downstream of NMDARs;Long-term potentiation
24245	Camk2b	True	True	HSF1-dependent transactivation;Trafficking of AMPA receptors;Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;Phase 0 - rapid depolarisation;Ion homeostasis;RAF activation;Interferon gamma signaling;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
24248	NA	False	True	Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species;Neutrophil degranulation;Peroxisomal protein import
24250	NA	True	False	Cysteine formation from homocysteine
24264	NA	True	False	Creatine metabolism
24265	NA	False	True	Creatine metabolism
24316	Drd1	False	True	Dopamine receptors;G alpha (s) signalling events
24329	Egfr	False	True	NA
24333	NA	True	False	Gluconeogenesis
24334	NA	True	False	Gluconeogenesis
24367	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation;Integrin cell surface interactions;Integrin alphaIIb beta3 signaling;GRB2:SOS provides linkage to MAPK signaling for Integrins ;p130Cas linkage to MAPK signaling for integrins;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);MAP2K and MAPK activation;Post-translational protein phosphorylation
24368	NA	True	False	Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle)
24377	NA	True	False	TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;Pentose phosphate pathway
24380	NA	True	False	GABA synthesis;GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
24383	Gapdh	True	True	NA
24387	NA	True	False	NA
24392	Gja1	True	True	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;Gap junction assembly;Gap junction degradation;c-src mediated regulation of Cx43 function and closure of gap junctions;Formation of annular gap junctions;Transport of connexins along the secretory pathway
24398	Gls	True	True	NA
24399	NA	True	False	Transcriptional activation of mitochondrial biogenesis;Amino acid synthesis and interconversion (transamination)
24400	Gnb1	True	True	Activation of G protein gated Potassium channels;G-protein activation;Activation of the phototransduction cascade;Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP1) regulates insulin secretion;Olfactory Signaling Pathway;ADP signalling through P2Y purinoceptor 12;G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma;Prostacyclin signalling through prostacyclin receptor;Adrenaline,noradrenaline inhibits insulin secretion;Ca2+ pathway;G alpha (q) signalling events;G alpha (12/13) signalling events;G beta:gamma signalling through PLC beta;G alpha (s) signalling events;ADP signalling through P2Y purinoceptor 1;G alpha (i) signalling events;G alpha (z) signalling events;Glucagon-type ligand receptors;Thromboxane signalling through TP receptor;Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins;Thrombin signalling through proteinase activated receptors (PARs);Presynaptic function of Kainate receptors;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding;G beta:gamma signalling through BTK;G beta:gamma signalling through CDC42;Inhibition  of voltage gated Ca2+ channels via Gbeta/gamma subunits
24401	NA	True	False	Amino acid synthesis and interconversion (transamination)
24408	Grin1	True	True	EPHB-mediated forward signaling;Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;Synaptic adhesion-like molecules
24409	Grin2a	True	True	NA
24410	Grin2b	True	True	EPHB-mediated forward signaling;Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;Synaptic adhesion-like molecules
24414	Grm1	False	True	G alpha (q) signalling events;Class C/3 (Metabotropic glutamate/pheromone receptors);Neurexins and neuroligins
24416	Grm3	True	True	G alpha (i) signalling events;Class C/3 (Metabotropic glutamate/pheromone receptors)
24417	Grm4	False	True	NA
24418	Grm5	True	True	NA
24421	NA	True	False	NA
24423	Gstm1	True	True	NA
24424	NA	False	True	Glutathione conjugation
24426	NA	True	False	Glutathione conjugation;Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species;Neutrophil degranulation
24437	NA	True	False	NA
24439	NA	True	False	Pyruvate metabolism
24440	NA	True	False	NA
24465	NA	True	False	Purine salvage
24468	Hspa8	True	True	NA
24472	NA	True	False	Regulation of HSF1-mediated heat shock response;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Attenuation phase;HSF1-dependent transactivation;AUF1 (hnRNP D0) binds and destabilizes mRNA;Neutrophil degranulation
24479	NA	True	False	NADPH regeneration;Neutrophil degranulation;Peroxisomal protein import
24511	Itgb1	False	True	Elastic fibre formation;Fibronectin matrix formation;Immunoregulatory interactions between a Lymphoid and a non-Lymphoid cell;Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall;Basigin interactions;Molecules associated with elastic fibres;Integrin cell surface interactions;Laminin interactions;Syndecan interactions;ECM proteoglycans;Signal transduction by L1;Localization of the PINCH-ILK-PARVIN complex to focal adhesions;MET activates PTK2 signaling;MET interacts with TNS proteins
24513	NA	True	False	Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
24525	Kras	True	True	Activation of RAS in B cells;SHC1 events in ERBB4 signaling;Signaling by SCF-KIT;p38MAPK events;GRB2 events in EGFR signaling;SHC1 events in EGFR signaling;Downstream signal transduction;GRB2 events in ERBB2 signaling;Tie2 Signaling;EGFR Transactivation by Gastrin;DAP12 signaling;FCERI mediated MAPK activation;NCAM signaling for neurite out-growth;VEGFR2 mediated cell proliferation;CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR1;FRS-mediated FGFR1 signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR2;FRS-mediated FGFR2 signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR3;FRS-mediated FGFR3 signaling;FRS-mediated FGFR4 signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR4;Regulation of RAS by GAPs;RAF activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Negative regulation of MAPK pathway;PTK6 Regulates RHO GTPases, RAS GTPase and MAP kinases;MET activates RAS signaling;RUNX3 regulates p14-ARF
24533	NA	True	False	Pyruvate metabolism
24534	NA	True	False	Pyruvate metabolism
24547	NA	True	False	NA
24551	NA	True	False	Gluconeogenesis
24585	NA	False	True	Striated Muscle Contraction
24586	Ncam1	True	True	NA
24588	NA	True	False	NA
24592	Nf1	True	True	NA
24596	Ngfr	False	True	Axonal growth inhibition (RHOA activation);Regulated proteolysis of p75NTR;NFG and proNGF binds to p75NTR;NADE modulates death signalling;NRIF signals cell death from the nucleus;p75NTR recruits signalling complexes;NF-kB is activated and signals survival;Axonal growth stimulation
24598	Nos1	False	True	ROS, RNS production in phagocytes;Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase;Ion homeostasis
24642	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;Gluconeogenesis
24644	NA	True	False	Gluconeogenesis
24648	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;COPII-mediated vesicle transport;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Cargo concentration in the ER;Neutrophil degranulation;Post-translational protein phosphorylation
24653	NA	False	True	phospho-PLA2 pathway;Acyl chain remodelling of PC;Acyl chain remodeling of CL;Acyl chain remodelling of PS;Acyl chain remodelling of PE;Acyl chain remodelling of PI;Hydrolysis of LPC;Synthesis of PA;Arachidonic acid metabolism;ADP signalling through P2Y purinoceptor 1;Platelet sensitization by LDL;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic
24654	Plcb1	True	True	NA
24666	Ppm1a	True	True	NA
24668	NA	True	False	DARPP-32 events
24672	Ppp2ca	True	True	Inhibition of replication initiation of damaged DNA by RB1/E2F1;Spry regulation of FGF signaling;Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;DARPP-32 events;Degradation of beta-catenin by the destruction complex;Beta-catenin phosphorylation cascade;ERK/MAPK targets;ERKs are inactivated;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;CTLA4 inhibitory signaling;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;RAF activation;Regulation of TP53 Degradation;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;Mitotic Prometaphase;Cyclin D associated events in G1;Cyclin A/B1/B2 associated events during G2/M transition;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
24674	Ppp3ca	True	True	Calcineurin activates NFAT;FCERI mediated Ca+2 mobilization;Ca2+ pathway;CLEC7A (Dectin-1) induces NFAT activation
24675	Ppp3cb	True	True	NA
24679	NA	True	False	PKA activation;PKA activation in glucagon signalling;DARPP-32 events;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of Adenylate Cyclase;Hedgehog 'off' state;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;AURKA Activation by TPX2;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
24680	Prkca	False	True	Calmodulin induced events;Disinhibition of SNARE formation;SHC1 events in ERBB2 signaling;Signaling by SCF-KIT;Regulation of KIT signaling;EGFR Transactivation by Gastrin;Syndecan interactions;Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion;Depolymerisation of the Nuclear Lamina;HuR (ELAVL1) binds and stabilizes mRNA;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;VEGFR2 mediated cell proliferation;Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+;RET signaling;ROBO receptors bind AKAP5
24681	Prkcg	True	True	Calmodulin induced events;Disinhibition of SNARE formation;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+
24686	Prnp	True	True	NA
24688	NA	False	True	NA
24691	NA	False	True	Collagen degradation;Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinases;Cobalamin (Cbl, vitamin B12) transport and metabolism;Neutrophil degranulation;Antimicrobial peptides
24703	Raf1	False	True	Stimuli-sensing channels;Rap1 signalling;GP1b-IX-V activation signalling;CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling;RAF activation;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Negative feedback regulation of MAPK pathway;Negative regulation of MAPK pathway
24716	Ret	True	True	RAF/MAP kinase cascade;RET signaling
24766	Scn2a	True	True	NA
24767	Scnn1b	False	True	Stimuli-sensing channels
24768	Scnn1g	False	True	NA
24773	Sftpa1	False	True	Signal regulatory protein family interactions;Surfactant metabolism;Regulation of TLR by endogenous ligand
24778	Slc2a1	True	True	Cellular hexose transport;Vitamin C (ascorbate) metabolism;Regulation of insulin secretion;Lactose synthesis
24786	Sod1	True	True	Platelet degranulation ;Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species
24787	NA	True	False	Transcriptional activation of mitochondrial biogenesis;Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species
24799	NA	True	False	NA
24803	Vamp2	True	True	Serotonin Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Clathrin derived vesicle budding;Lysosome Vesicle Biogenesis;Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis;Other interleukin signaling;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
24804	Syp	True	True	NA
24818	NA	True	False	Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding
24825	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Post-translational protein phosphorylation;Iron uptake and transport;Transferrin endocytosis and recycling
24826	Tg	False	True	NA
24828	NA	True	False	Metalloprotease DUBs
24832	NA	True	False	Post-translational modification: synthesis of GPI-anchored proteins
24838	NA	False	True	Striated Muscle Contraction
24849	NA	True	False	Glycolysis
24851	NA	True	False	NA
24854	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;Terminal pathway of complement;Antimicrobial peptides;Regulation of Complement cascade
24855	Tsc2	False	True	Macroautophagy;Inhibition of TSC complex formation by PKB;AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol;Energy dependent regulation of mTOR by LKB1-AMPK;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;TBC/RABGAPs
24875	NA	False	True	NA
24887	Bax	False	True	Release of apoptotic factors from the mitochondria;Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX;TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest
24888	Bcl2l1	False	True	NA
24896	NA	True	False	NA
24898	Slc6a3	False	True	Dopamine clearance from the synaptic cleft;Na+/Cl- dependent neurotransmitter transporters
24917	NA	True	False	NA
24923	Stx1b	True	True	LGI-ADAM interactions
24936	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;Sperm:Oocyte Membrane Binding
24943	NA	True	False	NA
24949	NA	True	False	Serotonin Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle
24954	Insr	False	True	PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;IRS activation;Signal attenuation;Insulin receptor signalling cascade;Signaling by Insulin receptor;Insulin receptor recycling
24957	NA	True	False	Astrocytic Glutamate-Glutamine Uptake And Metabolism;Amino acid synthesis and interconversion (transamination)
24963	NA	False	True	Regulation of HSF1-mediated heat shock response;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Attenuation phase;HSF1-dependent transactivation
25009	NA	True	False	NA
25012	Snap25	True	True	NA
25014	NA	True	False	Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
25017	NA	True	False	NA
25023	Prkcb	True	True	NA
25027	NA	False	True	Basigin interactions;Proton-coupled monocarboxylate transport;Pyruvate metabolism
25035	NA	True	False	Vitamin C (ascorbate) metabolism;Phase I - Functionalization of compounds;Neutrophil degranulation
25037	NA	True	False	NA
25050	NA	False	True	CaMK IV-mediated phosphorylation of CREB;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of CaMKII/CaMKK/CaMKIV cascasde
25051	NA	False	True	NA
25054	Ntrk2	True	True	Activated NTRK2 signals through PLCG1;Activated NTRK2 signals through FRS2 and FRS3;NTRK2 activates RAC1
25058	NA	True	False	NA
25059	Hk2	False	True	Glycolysis
25062	NA	True	False	NA
25085	Th	False	True	Catecholamine biosynthesis
25097	Pld2	False	True	NA
25101	NA	False	True	Highly sodium permeable acetylcholine nicotinic receptors;Highly calcium permeable postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors;Highly calcium permeable nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
25104	NA	True	False	Biotin transport and metabolism;Gluconeogenesis
25122	Scnn1a	False	True	Stimuli-sensing channels
25124	NA	False	True	Interleukin-6 signaling;ISG15 antiviral mechanism;Signaling by SCF-KIT;Downstream signal transduction;Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling;Interferon gamma signaling;Regulation of IFNG signaling;Interleukin-20 family signaling;Interleukin-35 Signalling;Interleukin-9 signaling;Interleukin-27 signaling;Interleukin-21 signaling;Interferon alpha/beta signaling;Regulation of IFNA signaling
25130	Stx2	False	True	NA
25135	NA	False	True	Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol
25152	Map1a	True	True	NA
25176	NA	True	False	Regulation of insulin secretion
25177	NA	False	True	NA
25181	NA	False	True	A tetrasaccharide linker sequence is required for GAG synthesis;Chondroitin sulfate biosynthesis;Dermatan sulfate biosynthesis;CS/DS degradation;ECM proteoglycans
25183	NA	True	False	Rho GTPase cycle;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
25218	NA	False	True	Retrograde transport at the Trans-Golgi-Network
25230	NA	True	False	Miscellaneous transport and binding events
25244	NA	True	False	NA
25246	NA	True	False	Degradation of the extracellular matrix;Basigin interactions;Integrin cell surface interactions;Proton-coupled monocarboxylate transport;Pyruvate metabolism
25248	Cnr1	True	True	Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors);G alpha (i) signalling events
25252	Dlg1	True	True	NA
25262	Itpr1	True	True	Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis;Elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ levels;Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP1) regulates insulin secretion;cGMP effects;Ion homeostasis;Antigen activates B Cell Receptor (BCR) leading to generation of second messengers
25270	NA	True	False	ABC transporters in lipid homeostasis
25272	NA	True	False	Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;FCERI mediated MAPK activation;JNK (c-Jun kinases) phosphorylation and  activation mediated by activated human TAK1;Activation of the AP-1 family of transcription factors
25274	NA	True	False	Degradation of cysteine and homocysteine
25275	Cnp	True	True	NA
25282	NA	True	False	NA
25287	NA	True	False	Beta oxidation of lauroyl-CoA to decanoyl-CoA-CoA
25288	NA	False	True	alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) metabolism;Synthesis of very long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs
25291	NA	True	False	NA
25293	NA	True	False	Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins;Passive transport by Aquaporins
25303	Abcc2	False	True	ABC-family proteins mediated transport
25307	NA	True	False	Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Neutrophil degranulation;Post-translational protein phosphorylation
25309	NA	True	False	NA
25316	Ms4a2	False	True	NA
25319	NA	True	False	NA
25344	NA	True	False	NA
25349	NA	True	False	Phase 0 - rapid depolarisation
25353	Spp1	False	True	Degradation of the extracellular matrix;Signaling by PDGF;Integrin cell surface interactions;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Post-translational protein phosphorylation
25356	NA	True	False	NA
25363	NA	False	True	NA
25368	NA	True	False	Purine salvage
25379	NA	True	False	NA
25380	NA	False	True	G alpha (q) signalling events;G alpha (i) signalling events;Formyl peptide receptors bind formyl peptides and many other ligands
25388	Arrb2	False	True	G alpha (s) signalling events;Thrombin signalling through proteinase activated receptors (PARs);WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;Activation of SMO;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Ub-specific processing proteases;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
25390	NA	False	True	Basigin interactions;Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
25393	NA	True	False	Degradation of the extracellular matrix;A tetrasaccharide linker sequence is required for GAG synthesis;Chondroitin sulfate biosynthesis;Dermatan sulfate biosynthesis;CS/DS degradation;ECM proteoglycans
25398	Cacna1a	False	True	NA
25399	NA	False	True	NA
25400	Camk2a	True	True	NA
25413	NA	False	True	NA
25414	Bcar1	False	True	NA
25415	NA	True	False	CRMPs in Sema3A signaling
25416	Dpysl2	True	True	CRMPs in Sema3A signaling;Recycling pathway of L1
25417	NA	True	False	CRMPs in Sema3A signaling
25418	NA	True	False	CRMPs in Sema3A signaling
25420	NA	True	False	HSF1-dependent transactivation
25434	NA	True	False	NA
25438	NA	False	True	Gluconeogenesis
25448	NA	True	False	Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;Mitotic Prometaphase
25450	NA	True	False	GABA A receptor activation
25456	Glrb	False	True	Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission
25459	NA	True	False	NA
25466	NA	False	True	PIP3 activates AKT signaling;Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatases;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;Interleukin-36 pathway;Interleukin-33 signaling;Interleukin-1 signaling
25467	Irs1	False	True	NA
25468	Kcna2	True	True	Voltage gated Potassium channels
25470	Kcna5	False	True	Voltage gated Potassium channels
25473	NA	True	False	Laminin interactions;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);MET activates PTK2 signaling;Post-translational protein phosphorylation
25485	NA	True	False	NA
25489	Nedd4	True	True	ISG15 antiviral mechanism;Downregulation of ERBB4 signaling;Regulation of PTEN localization;Regulation of PTEN stability and activity;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
25498	NA	False	True	NA
25506	P4hb	True	True	Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes;Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Hedgehog ligand biogenesis;Post-translational protein phosphorylation;Chylomicron assembly;Interleukin-12 signaling
25513	Pik3r1	False	True	PI3K Cascade;IRS-mediated signalling;GPVI-mediated activation cascade;PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling;PIP3 activates AKT signaling;Interleukin-7 signaling;Signaling by SCF-KIT;Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane;GAB1 signalosome;Downstream signal transduction;PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling;PI3K/AKT activation;Downstream TCR signaling;Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis;Tie2 Signaling;DAP12 signaling;Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization;Costimulation by the CD28 family;CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling;G alpha (q) signalling events;GP1b-IX-V activation signalling;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling;PI-3K cascade:FGFR1;PI-3K cascade:FGFR2;PI-3K cascade:FGFR3;PI-3K cascade:FGFR4;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling;RET signaling;Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K);Interleukin receptor SHC signaling;Regulation of signaling by CBL;Antigen activates B Cell Receptor (BCR) leading to generation of second messengers
25518	NA	True	False	NA
25522	Prkcz	False	True	TGF-beta receptor signaling in EMT (epithelial to mesenchymal transition);VEGFR2 mediated cell proliferation
25528	NA	True	False	Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall;DAP12 interactions;Signal regulatory protein family interactions;Neutrophil degranulation
25529	NA	True	False	NA
25531	NA	True	False	Serotonin Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Neutrophil degranulation;RAB geranylgeranylation;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs;GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
25537	NA	True	False	EPHB-mediated forward signaling;G alpha (12/13) signalling events;Sema4D induced cell migration and growth-cone collapse;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;RHO GTPases Activate ROCKs
25538	NA	False	True	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
25551	NA	True	False	Cellular hexose transport;Vitamin C (ascorbate) metabolism;Neutrophil degranulation
25558	Stxbp1	True	True	Serotonin Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
25562	Tceb3	False	True	Formation of RNA Pol II elongation complex ;RNA Polymerase II Pre-transcription Events;TP53 Regulates Transcription of DNA Repair Genes;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Elongation
25567	Tnr	True	True	NA
25573	Ube2i	False	True	SUMO is transferred from E1 to E2 (UBE2I, UBC9);SUMOylation of DNA damage response and repair proteins;SUMOylation of transcription factors;SUMOylation of ubiquitinylation proteins;SUMOylation of transcription cofactors;SUMOylation of SUMOylation proteins;SUMOylation of intracellular receptors;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;SUMOylation of RNA binding proteins;SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins;SUMOylation of DNA methylation proteins;SUMOylation of immune response proteins;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Formation of Incision Complex in GG-NER;Negative regulation of activity of TFAP2 (AP-2) family transcription factors
25576	Ywhah	True	True	Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria ;Translocation of SLC2A4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;Chk1/Chk2(Cds1) mediated inactivation of Cyclin B:Cdk1 complex
25577	NA	True	False	Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria ;Translocation of SLC2A4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;Chk1/Chk2(Cds1) mediated inactivation of Cyclin B:Cdk1 complex;Regulation of localization of FOXO transcription factors
25578	Ywhaz	True	True	Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria ;Translocation of SLC2A4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane;Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex;Rap1 signalling;GP1b-IX-V activation signalling;KSRP (KHSRP) binds and destabilizes mRNA;Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;Chk1/Chk2(Cds1) mediated inactivation of Cyclin B:Cdk1 complex;NOTCH4 Activation and Transmission of Signal to the Nucleus;Regulation of localization of FOXO transcription factors
25581	Psmc2	True	True	NA
25594	NA	True	False	Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;RHO GTPases activate PAKs
25595	NA	True	False	NA
25596	NA	False	True	NA
25603	NA	False	True	Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion
25604	NA	True	False	NA
25613	Ptprz1	True	True	Other interleukin signaling
25617	Hspa5	True	True	Regulation of HSF1-mediated heat shock response;Antigen Presentation: Folding, assembly and peptide loading of class I MHC
25622	Ptpn11	True	True	Interleukin-6 signaling;PI3K Cascade;MAPK3 (ERK1) activation;MAPK1 (ERK2) activation;GPVI-mediated activation cascade;PIP3 activates AKT signaling;Signaling by SCF-KIT;GAB1 signalosome;Downstream signal transduction;Tie2 Signaling;Costimulation by the CD28 family;CTLA4 inhibitory signaling;PD-1 signaling;Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling;PI-3K cascade:FGFR1;FRS-mediated FGFR1 signaling;PI-3K cascade:FGFR2;FRS-mediated FGFR2 signaling;FRS-mediated FGFR3 signaling;PI-3K cascade:FGFR3;FRS-mediated FGFR4 signaling;PI-3K cascade:FGFR4;Negative regulation of FGFR1 signaling;Negative regulation of FGFR2 signaling;Negative regulation of FGFR3 signaling;Negative regulation of FGFR4 signaling;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;RET signaling;Interleukin-20 family signaling;MET activates PTPN11;Regulation of RUNX1 Expression and Activity;Interferon alpha/beta signaling;Regulation of IFNA signaling;Activation of IRF3/IRF7 mediated by TBK1/IKK epsilon
25630	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;Glycolysis
25632	NA	True	False	Erythrocytes take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen;Erythrocytes take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide;Scavenging of heme from plasma
25636	Prkaca	False	True	PKA activation;PKA activation in glucagon signalling;DARPP-32 events;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP1) regulates insulin secretion;Rap1 signalling;Regulation of insulin secretion;Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of Adenylate Cyclase;Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling;GLI3 is processed to GLI3R by the proteasome;Hedgehog 'off' state;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling;MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling;AURKA Activation by TPX2;HDL assembly;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
25639	NA	True	False	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs
25650	NA	True	False	Basigin interactions;Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
25663	NA	False	True	Interleukin-1 signaling
25669	NA	True	False	NA
25671	NA	False	True	NA
25673	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation 
25686	NA	True	False	PLC beta mediated events;Adenylate cyclase inhibitory pathway;G-protein activation;ADP signalling through P2Y purinoceptor 12;Adrenaline,noradrenaline inhibits insulin secretion;G alpha (i) signalling events;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding
25697	NA	False	True	Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinases;Trafficking and processing of endosomal TLR;Assembly of collagen fibrils and other multimeric structures;MHC class II antigen presentation;RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of keratinocytes
25716	NA	True	False	Serotonin Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
25721	NA	True	False	Glyoxylate metabolism and glycine degradation;Amino acid synthesis and interconversion (transamination)
25722	Scn4a	False	True	Phase 0 - rapid depolarisation
25725	NA	True	False	PKA activation;PKA activation in glucagon signalling;DARPP-32 events;Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of Adenylate Cyclase;Hedgehog 'off' state;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
25728	NA	True	False	Scavenging by Class A Receptors;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Post-translational protein phosphorylation;Chylomicron assembly;Chylomicron remodeling;Chylomicron clearance;HDL remodeling;Retinoid metabolism and transport
25736	Kcnb1	False	True	Voltage gated Potassium channels;Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP1) regulates insulin secretion
25738	Plcg1	False	True	NA
25739	NA	True	False	NA
25740	NA	True	False	PLC beta mediated events;G-protein activation;G alpha (z) signalling events;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding
25741	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;Glycolysis
25742	S100b	True	True	TAK1 activates NFkB by phosphorylation and activation of IKKs complex;Advanced glycosylation endproduct receptor signaling;TRAF6 mediated NF-kB activation
25750	NA	True	False	Biogenic amines are oxidatively deaminated to aldehydes by MAOA and MAOB
25751	Dnm2	True	True	Gap junction degradation;Formation of annular gap junctions;NOSTRIN mediated eNOS trafficking;MHC class II antigen presentation;Lysosome Vesicle Biogenesis;Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis;Recycling pathway of L1;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
25897	NA	False	True	NA
25932	NA	False	True	NA
26192	NA	False	True	NA
26193	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
26195	NA	True	False	NA
26198	NA	True	False	NA
26201	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
26202	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
26204	NA	True	False	NA
26291	NA	False	True	NA
26295	Ogt	True	True	HATs acetylate histones;UCH proteinases
26409	NA	False	True	NA
26519	NA	False	True	NA
26574	AATF	False	True	NA
26759	NA	True	False	Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Beta-Oxidation
26900	NA	False	True	NA
26955	NA	True	False	NA
26956	NA	True	False	NA
26962	NA	True	False	NA
26989	Cadps	True	True	NA
27041	NA	False	True	NA
27139	NA	True	False	NA
27367	NA	False	True	NA
28298	NA	False	True	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
29139	Dcn	False	True	Degradation of the extracellular matrix;A tetrasaccharide linker sequence is required for GAG synthesis;Chondroitin sulfate biosynthesis;Dermatan sulfate biosynthesis;CS/DS degradation;ECM proteoglycans
29144	Canx	True	True	MHC class II antigen presentation;Interleukin-35 Signalling;Calnexin/calreticulin cycle;Interleukin-27 signaling;Antigen Presentation: Folding, assembly and peptide loading of class I MHC
29149	NA	True	False	NA
29150	NA	True	False	NA
29154	Capn2	True	True	Degradation of the extracellular matrix
29158	NA	False	True	Elastic fibre formation;Molecules associated with elastic fibres
29161	Cav3	False	True	Smooth Muscle Contraction
29167	NA	True	False	NA
29177	NA	True	False	NA
29179	NA	True	False	NA
29205	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation
29209	NA	False	True	NA
29213	NA	False	True	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;AURKA Activation by TPX2;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
29214	Tubb5	True	True	Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;Neutrophil degranulation;AURKA Activation by TPX2
29219	Snca	True	True	NA
29220	NA	False	True	Signaling by PDGF
29221	NA	False	True	Neutrophil degranulation;Urea cycle
29223	NA	True	False	Interconversion of nucleotide di- and triphosphates
29224	NA	True	False	NA
29236	NA	True	False	NA
29254	NA	True	False	Acyl chain remodeling of DAG and TAG;Arachidonate production from DAG
29258	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
29271	Cfl1	True	True	NA
29272	NA	True	False	NA
29275	NA	True	False	Striated Muscle Contraction
29276	NA	True	False	NA
29278	NA	True	False	NA
29282	NA	True	False	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
29283	NA	True	False	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
29284	NA	True	False	NA
29286	NA	True	False	NA
29287	NA	True	False	NA
29288	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
29304	NA	True	False	NA
29309	NA	False	True	Ubiquinol biosynthesis
29318	NA	True	False	NA
29331	NA	True	False	ECM proteoglycans
29338	NA	True	False	Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes
29340	Prkce	True	True	NA
29366	NA	False	True	Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation;Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation;Dissolution of Fibrin Clot
29374	NA	True	False	Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding
29376	Irs2	False	True	PI3K Cascade;IRS-mediated signalling;SOS-mediated signalling;PIP3 activates AKT signaling;Interleukin-7 signaling;PI3K/AKT activation;IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;IRS activation;Signal attenuation;RET signaling;Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K);Erythropoietin activates RAS
29382	Ctbp1	True	True	Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex;SUMOylation of transcription cofactors;Repression of WNT target genes
29383	NA	True	False	NA
29384	NA	True	False	NA
29409	NA	True	False	Axonal growth inhibition (RHOA activation);Basigin interactions
29411	NA	True	False	Fatty acyl-CoA biosynthesis
29423	Gap43	True	True	L1CAM interactions
29425	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
29428	NA	True	False	NA
29431	Pak1	True	True	Generation of second messenger molecules;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;FCERI mediated MAPK activation;DSCAM interactions;CD28 dependent Vav1 pathway;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;Ephrin signaling;Sema3A PAK dependent Axon repulsion;Signal transduction by L1;Smooth Muscle Contraction;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling;RHO GTPases activate PAKs;MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling;G beta:gamma signalling through CDC42
29432	Pak2	False	True	Generation of second messenger molecules;FCERI mediated MAPK activation;CD28 dependent Vav1 pathway;Ephrin signaling;Sema3A PAK dependent Axon repulsion;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;Smooth Muscle Contraction;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling;RHO GTPases activate PAKs;MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling
29433	Pak3	True	True	Generation of second messenger molecules;CD28 dependent Vav1 pathway;Ephrin signaling;Sema3A PAK dependent Axon repulsion;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling;RHO GTPases activate PAKs;MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling
29437	NA	False	True	Striated Muscle Contraction
29441	NA	True	False	NA
29443	NA	True	False	Methylation;Sulfur amino acid metabolism
29445	NA	True	False	NA
29448	NA	True	False	MHC class II antigen presentation;Neutrophil degranulation;TBC/RABGAPs;RAB geranylgeranylation;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
29456	Map1b	True	True	NA
29457	NA	True	False	NA
29468	NA	True	False	NA
29473	Aoc3	False	True	Phase I - Functionalization of compounds
29474	NA	True	False	NA
29477	Mapt	False	True	Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins
29482	NA	True	False	NA
29483	NA	True	False	Astrocytic Glutamate-Glutamine Uptake And Metabolism;Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides
29489	NA	True	False	Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;Neutrophil degranulation;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;AURKA Activation by TPX2
29491	Itsn1	True	True	NRAGE signals death through JNK;Rho GTPase cycle;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
29495	Dlg4	True	True	Trafficking of AMPA receptors;Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;Activation of Ca-permeable Kainate Receptor;RHO GTPases activate CIT;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;LGI-ADAM interactions;Neurexins and neuroligins;Synaptic adhesion-like molecules
29507	NA	True	False	NA
29511	NA	True	False	NA
29521	NA	True	False	NA
29525	NA	True	False	NA
29527	Ptgs2	False	True	Nicotinamide salvaging;Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives;Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX);Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs;Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs;Biosynthesis of electrophilic ω-3 PUFA oxo-derivatives
29539	Aldh2	True	True	Ethanol oxidation
29542	Pebp1	True	True	MAP2K and MAPK activation;Negative regulation of MAPK pathway
29545	Uchl1	True	True	UCH proteinases
29546	Homer1	True	True	Neurexins and neuroligins
29547	Homer2	False	True	Neurexins and neuroligins
29548	Homer3	True	True	Neurexins and neuroligins
29555	NA	False	True	G alpha (s) signalling events;Glucagon-type ligand receptors
29557	NA	False	True	NA
29561	NA	True	False	NA
29562	Prps1	True	True	5-Phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthesis
29564	Dync1i1	True	True	NA
29565	NA	True	False	Peptide chain elongation;Synthesis of diphthamide-EEF2;Neutrophil degranulation;Protein methylation
29578	NA	True	False	NA
29592	NA	True	False	Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
29598	NA	True	False	Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
29599	NA	True	False	Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
29600	NA	True	False	Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
29627	Gria2	True	True	NA
29628	NA	True	False	Activation of AMPA receptors;Trafficking of AMPA receptors;Trafficking of GluR2-containing AMPA receptors;Synaptic adhesion-like molecules
29630	Psme1	False	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
29635	NA	False	True	NA
29637	NA	True	False	Cholesterol biosynthesis
29647	Cask	True	True	NA
29648	NA	True	False	Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;Mitotic Prometaphase;Mitotic Telophase/Cytokinesis
29660	NA	False	True	NA
29662	NA	True	False	Rho GTPase cycle;Neutrophil degranulation;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
29663	NA	True	False	MHC class II antigen presentation;Lysosome Vesicle Biogenesis;Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis
29666	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
29668	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
29669	Psma2	True	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;Neutrophil degranulation;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
29670	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
29671	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
29673	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
29675	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
29677	Psmc3	True	True	NA
29681	NA	True	False	Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation
29682	Kcnq3	False	True	NA
29691	NA	False	True	Cam-PDE 1 activation;cGMP effects;G alpha (s) signalling events
29693	NA	True	False	Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
29699	NA	True	False	PKA activation;PKA activation in glucagon signalling;DARPP-32 events;Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of Adenylate Cyclase;Hedgehog 'off' state;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
29704	NA	True	False	NA
29705	NA	True	False	GABA A receptor activation
29715	Slc8a1	True	True	Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Sodium/Calcium exchangers;Ion homeostasis
29738	Kcnab2	True	True	Voltage gated Potassium channels;Neutrophil degranulation
29748	NA	True	False	Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria ;Calcineurin activates NFAT;FCERI mediated Ca+2 mobilization;Ca2+ pathway;CLEC7A (Dectin-1) induces NFAT activation
29752	NA	False	True	NA
29753	NA	True	False	Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria ;Translocation of SLC2A4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane;Signaling by Hippo;NADE modulates death signalling;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;Regulation of HSF1-mediated heat shock response;HSF1 activation;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;Chk1/Chk2(Cds1) mediated inactivation of Cyclin B:Cdk1 complex;AURKA Activation by TPX2;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
29757	NA	True	False	ROS, RNS production in phagocytes;Neutrophil degranulation;Insulin receptor recycling;Transferrin endocytosis and recycling;Ion channel transport
50522	Ubc	False	True	NA
50557	Pten	False	True	Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane;Synthesis of IP3 and IP4 in the cytosol;Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network;Downstream TCR signaling;Ub-specific processing proteases;Ovarian tumor domain proteases;Regulation of PTEN localization;Regulation of PTEN stability and activity
50567	NA	True	False	Basigin interactions;Amino acid transport across the plasma membrane;Tryptophan catabolism
50592	Gria1	True	True	NA
50646	Ptk2b	True	True	Signal regulatory protein family interactions;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;Interleukin-2 signaling
50655	NA	True	False	NA
50663	NA	True	False	CaMK IV-mediated phosphorylation of CREB;Calmodulin induced events;Cam-PDE 1 activation;Platelet degranulation ;Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation;PKA activation;Synthesis of IP3 and IP4 in the cytosol;Calcineurin activates NFAT;eNOS activation;Inactivation, recovery and regulation of the phototransduction cascade;Stimuli-sensing channels;FCERI mediated Ca+2 mobilization;Ca2+ pathway;Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Sodium/Calcium exchangers;Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of CaMKII/CaMKK/CaMKIV cascasde;Smooth Muscle Contraction;Activation of Ca-permeable Kainate Receptor;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;Phase 0 - rapid depolarisation;Ion homeostasis;CLEC7A (Dectin-1) induces NFAT activation;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases activate PAKs;RAF activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;Glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis);Protein methylation;Ion transport by P-type ATPases;Activation of RAC1 downstream of NMDARs;Long-term potentiation
50664	Gnao1	True	True	PLC beta mediated events;G-protein activation;Ca2+ pathway;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding
50671	NA	True	False	ChREBP activates metabolic gene expression;Vitamin B5 (pantothenate) metabolism;Fatty acyl-CoA biosynthesis
50686	NA	True	False	NA
50687	L1cam	True	True	Basigin interactions;L1CAM interactions;Recycling pathway of L1;Interaction between L1 and Ankyrins;Signal transduction by L1
50689	Mapk3	True	True	MAPK3 (ERK1) activation;RAF-independent MAPK1/3 activation;ISG15 antiviral mechanism;Spry regulation of FGF signaling;Golgi Cisternae Pericentriolar Stack Reorganization;Frs2-mediated activation;ERK/MAPK targets;ERKs are inactivated;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);NCAM signaling for neurite out-growth;Signal transduction by L1;Activation of the AP-1 family of transcription factors;Thrombin signalling through proteinase activated receptors (PARs);Negative regulation of FGFR1 signaling;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Negative feedback regulation of MAPK pathway;Negative regulation of MAPK pathway;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;Signal attenuation;Gastrin-CREB signalling pathway via PKC and MAPK;Growth hormone receptor signaling
50693	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation 
50719	NA	True	False	Basigin interactions;Amino acid transport across the plasma membrane;Tryptophan catabolism
50818	NA	False	True	NA
50861	NA	False	True	NA
50864	NA	True	False	NA
51776	NA	False	True	NA
51788	NA	False	True	NA
53319	NA	False	True	NA
53356	NA	False	True	NA
53381	NA	False	True	NA
54226	App	True	True	Platelet degranulation ;ECM proteoglycans;Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);G alpha (q) signalling events;G alpha (i) signalling events;Lysosome Vesicle Biogenesis;TAK1 activates NFkB by phosphorylation and activation of IKKs complex;Advanced glycosylation endproduct receptor signaling;Post-translational protein phosphorylation;TRAF6 mediated NF-kB activation
54231	NA	True	False	Erythrocytes take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen;Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide
54241	NA	True	False	NA
54245	Crk	True	True	ARMS-mediated activation;Downstream signal transduction;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;p130Cas linkage to MAPK signaling for integrins;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;PTK6 Regulates RHO GTPases, RAS GTPase and MAP kinases;MET activates RAP1 and RAC1;MET receptor recycling;Regulation of signaling by CBL
54248	NA	True	False	NA
54257	Grik2	False	True	Activation of Na-permeable kainate receptors;Activation of Ca-permeable Kainate Receptor
54293	NA	False	True	G alpha (q) signalling events;G alpha (i) signalling events
54296	NA	True	False	NA
54308	NA	True	False	NA
54318	NA	False	True	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;PERK regulates gene expression;ABC-family proteins mediated transport;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Recycling of eIF2:GDP
54319	NA	True	False	Netrin-1 signaling;Recycling pathway of L1
54321	Cnn3	False	True	NA
54322	NA	True	False	NA
54323	Arc	False	True	NA
54348	NA	True	False	NA
54709	NA	False	True	NA
55172	NA	False	True	NA
55651	NA	False	True	NA
55803	NA	False	True	NA
55810	NA	False	True	NA
56003	NA	True	False	NA
56010	NA	True	False	Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria ;Translocation of SLC2A4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;Chk1/Chk2(Cds1) mediated inactivation of Cyclin B:Cdk1 complex;AURKA Activation by TPX2;Regulation of localization of FOXO transcription factors
56011	Ywhab	True	True	Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria ;Translocation of SLC2A4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane;mTOR signalling;mTORC1-mediated signalling;Signaling by Hippo;Rap1 signalling;Butyrate Response Factor 1 (BRF1) binds and destabilizes mRNA;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;RAF activation;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Negative regulation of MAPK pathway;Chk1/Chk2(Cds1) mediated inactivation of Cyclin B:Cdk1 complex;Regulation of localization of FOXO transcription factors
56012	NA	False	True	NA
56029	Srcin1	True	True	NA
56040	NA	False	True	NA
56042	NA	True	False	COPII-mediated vesicle transport;COPI-mediated anterograde transport
56064	NA	True	False	NA
56084	Hgs	True	True	NA
56086	NA	False	True	NA
56227	Espn	False	True	NA
56403	NA	False	True	NA
56456	NA	False	True	NA
56611	NA	False	True	Neutrophil degranulation;Dissolution of Fibrin Clot
56646	NA	False	True	Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Post-translational protein phosphorylation
56718	Mtor	True	True	PIP3 activates AKT signaling;Macroautophagy;mTOR signalling;mTORC1-mediated signalling;HSF1-dependent transactivation;Energy dependent regulation of mTOR by LKB1-AMPK;CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;Regulation of PTEN gene transcription
56768	NA	True	False	NA
56781	NA	False	True	Striated Muscle Contraction
56783	Eif5	True	True	Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit
56813	NA	False	True	Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors);G alpha (s) signalling events
56816	Park2	False	True	NA
56941	NA	False	True	NA
57048	NA	False	True	NA
57118	NA	False	True	NA
57120	GOPC	False	True	NA
58814	NA	True	False	Striated Muscle Contraction
58815	NA	True	False	NA
58819	NA	False	True	NA
58823	NA	True	False	NA
58835	NA	True	False	Serine biosynthesis
58857	NA	True	False	Sphingolipid de novo biosynthesis;Neutrophil degranulation
58917	NA	True	False	Scavenging of heme from plasma
58920	NA	True	False	NA
58940	NA	True	False	NA
58945	NA	False	True	NA
58948	NA	True	False	Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;Activation of Ca-permeable Kainate Receptor;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;Neurexins and neuroligins;Synaptic adhesion-like molecules
58953	NA	True	False	Cytosolic sulfonation of small molecules
58959	NA	False	True	Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors);G alpha (s) signalling events
58974	Gabarap	False	True	Macroautophagy;TBC/RABGAPs
59069	NA	False	True	NA
59114	Slc9a3r1	True	True	NA
59312	Shank3	False	True	NA
59317	NA	True	False	Trafficking of AMPA receptors;Neurexins and neuroligins
59322	NA	True	False	MAP2K and MAPK activation
59323	Erbb4	False	True	NA
60324	NA	True	False	NA
60331	Atxn3	False	True	Josephin domain DUBs;FOXO-mediated transcription of oxidative stress, metabolic and neuronal genes
60335	NA	False	True	Formation of the cornified envelope
60341	Camkk1	True	True	CaMK IV-mediated phosphorylation of CREB;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of CaMKII/CaMKK/CaMKIV cascasde;Activation of RAC1 downstream of NMDARs
60355	NA	True	False	NA
60377	NA	False	True	Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;RHO GTPases Activate Rhotekin and Rhophilins
60383	Rbck1	False	True	Regulation of TNFR1 signaling;TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
60384	NA	False	True	NA
60391	Nrxn1	True	True	NA
60416	NA	True	False	NA
60431	NA	True	False	Sphingolipid de novo biosynthesis
60432	NA	False	True	G alpha (s) signalling events;Glucagon-type ligand receptors
60443	NA	False	True	Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
60445	Tsc1	False	True	Macroautophagy;Inhibition of TSC complex formation by PKB;Energy dependent regulation of mTOR by LKB1-AMPK;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;TBC/RABGAPs
60465	NA	True	False	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
60466	NA	True	False	NA
60562	Stx6	True	True	Intra-Golgi traffic;Retrograde transport at the Trans-Golgi-Network
60581	NA	True	False	NA
60666	NA	True	False	Synthesis of PA
60668	Amph	True	True	NA
63836	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation 
63837	NA	True	False	NA
63839	NA	False	True	NA
63864	NA	True	False	Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
63868	Hspd1	True	True	NA
63879	Xiap	False	True	SMAC (DIABLO) binds to IAPs ;SMAC(DIABLO)-mediated dissociation of IAP:caspase complexes ;SMAC, XIAP-regulated apoptotic response;Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex;RIPK1-mediated regulated necrosis;Regulation of TNFR1 signaling;TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway;Regulation of necroptotic cell death;Regulation of PTEN localization;Regulation of PTEN stability and activity
63938	NA	True	False	Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
64001	NA	True	False	Vitamin C (ascorbate) metabolism
64040	NA	True	False	Carnitine synthesis
64053	NA	True	False	NA
64057	NA	True	False	NA
64156	NA	True	False	NA
64157	NA	True	False	eNOS activation
64158	Tuba1a	True	True	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;AURKA Activation by TPX2;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
64159	Sptan1	True	True	Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins;NCAM signaling for neurite out-growth;Interaction between L1 and Ankyrins;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;Neutrophil degranulation;COPI-mediated anterograde transport
64160	NA	True	False	NA
64161	NA	True	False	NA
64169	NA	True	False	NA
64185	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation
64189	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic
64192	NA	True	False	Phenylalanine and tyrosine catabolism
64200	NA	True	False	FGFR2 alternative splicing;mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway
64201	NA	True	False	NA
64202	Calr	True	True	ER-Phagosome pathway;Scavenging by Class A Receptors;Calnexin/calreticulin cycle;Antigen Presentation: Folding, assembly and peptide loading of class I MHC
64204	NA	False	True	Assembly of collagen fibrils and other multimeric structures;Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins;Type I hemidesmosome assembly
64205	NA	True	False	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
64298	NA	True	False	NA
64300	NA	True	False	NA
64302	NA	True	False	NA
64303	NA	False	True	Signaling by ROBO receptors;PCP/CE pathway;RHO GTPases Activate Formins
64304	NA	False	True	Beta oxidation of butanoyl-CoA to acetyl-CoA
64306	NA	True	False	NA
64307	NA	True	False	NA
64310	NA	True	False	Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane;Synthesis of PIPs at the Golgi membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Clathrin derived vesicle budding;Lysosome Vesicle Biogenesis;Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Intra-Golgi traffic
64313	NA	True	False	Amino acid synthesis and interconversion (transamination)
64351	NA	True	False	COPII-mediated vesicle transport;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;Intra-Golgi traffic
64352	NA	True	False	Glutathione conjugation
64356	Nrgn	True	True	Long-term potentiation
64363	NA	False	True	RAF activation;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Negative regulation of MAPK pathway
64367	NA	True	False	Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes
64371	NA	True	False	NA
64373	NA	True	False	GPVI-mediated activation cascade;Rho GTPase cycle;G alpha (12/13) signalling events;Sema4D induced cell migration and growth-cone collapse;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;RHO GTPases activate CIT;RHO GTPases Activate ROCKs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins
64392	NA	True	False	NA
64465	Cdc42	True	True	GPVI-mediated activation cascade;EGFR downregulation;Rho GTPase cycle;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;CDO in myogenesis;CD28 dependent Vav1 pathway;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;DCC mediated attractive signaling;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;RHO GTPases activate KTN1;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases activate PAKs;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling;G beta:gamma signalling through CDC42;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
64473	NA	True	False	Cytosolic sulfonation of small molecules
64507	NA	False	True	NA
64515	Cdc20	False	True	Inhibition of the proteolytic activity of APC/C required for the onset of anaphase by mitotic spindle checkpoint components;Inactivation of APC/C via direct inhibition of the APC/C complex;Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of Cyclin B;SCF-beta-TrCP mediated degradation of Emi1;APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of Securin;APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1;Cdc20:Phospho-APC/C mediated degradation of Cyclin A;Conversion from APC/C:Cdc20 to APC/C:Cdh1 in late anaphase;Regulation of APC/C activators between G1/S and early anaphase;APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of mitotic proteins;Phosphorylation of Emi1;APC-Cdc20 mediated degradation of Nek2A;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;Ub-specific processing proteases;Mitotic Prometaphase;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
64517	NA	True	False	Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
64524	NA	True	False	NA
64525	NA	True	False	Formation of RNA Pol II elongation complex ;Oxygen-dependent proline hydroxylation of Hypoxia-inducible Factor Alpha;RNA Polymerase II Pre-transcription Events;TP53 Regulates Transcription of DNA Repair Genes;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Elongation;Neddylation;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
64526	NA	True	False	Peroxisomal protein import
64527	NA	False	True	Neutrophil degranulation
64533	NA	True	False	Vitamins B6 activation to pyridoxal phosphate
64547	Bcl2l11	False	True	Activation of BIM and translocation to mitochondria ;BH3-only proteins associate with and inactivate anti-apoptotic BCL-2 members;NRAGE signals death through JNK
64551	NA	True	False	MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling
64553	NA	True	False	NA
64627	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;PKMTs methylate histone lysines;HDMs demethylate histones;HATs acetylate histones;RMTs methylate histone arginines;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
64633	NA	True	False	NA
64635	NA	True	False	NA
64640	NA	False	True	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
64646	NA	True	False	NA
64647	NA	True	False	NA
64664	NA	True	False	NA
64665	NA	True	False	Synaptic adhesion-like molecules
64667	Sgta	True	True	NA
64672	NA	False	True	Ion homeostasis;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
64681	NA	False	True	Neutrophil degranulation
64701	NA	True	False	NA
64829	NA	True	False	NA
64845	Gphn	True	True	NA
64862	Map1lc3b	False	True	NA
65028	NA	True	False	NA
65033	NA	True	False	NA
65040	Dlgap1	False	True	Neurexins and neuroligins
65042	NA	True	False	NA
65046	NA	True	False	Retrograde neurotrophin signalling;MHC class II antigen presentation;Trafficking of GluR2-containing AMPA receptors;Recycling pathway of L1;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD2, FZD5 and ROR2;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;VLDLR internalisation and degradation;LDL clearance
65114	NA	False	True	NA
65136	NA	True	False	NA
65137	Ruvbl1	True	True	UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;DNA Damage Recognition in GG-NER;Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere
65138	NA	False	True	UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases
65151	NA	True	False	Threonine catabolism
65152	NA	True	False	NA
65158	NA	True	False	NA
65171	NA	True	False	NA
65178	Snap91	True	True	NA
65179	NA	True	False	Negative regulation of MAPK pathway;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;ESR-mediated signaling
65183	NA	True	False	Sphingolipid de novo biosynthesis;Alpha-oxidation of phytanate
65208	NA	True	False	CRMPs in Sema3A signaling
65218	Agap2	True	True	NA
65262	NA	True	False	NA
65997	NA	False	True	NA
66028	NA	True	False	NA
66030	NA	True	False	NA
66031	NA	True	False	NA
66108	NA	False	True	NA
66475	NA	False	True	NA
66480	NA	False	True	NA
66511	NA	False	True	NA
66592	NA	False	True	NA
66870	NA	False	True	NA
67059	NA	False	True	NA
67097	NA	False	True	NA
67115	NA	False	True	NA
67186	NA	False	True	NA
67332	NA	False	True	NA
67427	NA	False	True	NA
67628	NA	False	True	NA
67738	NA	False	True	NA
67891	NA	False	True	NA
67958	NA	False	True	NA
67979	NA	False	True	NA
68349	NA	False	True	NA
71679	NA	False	True	NA
72900	NA	False	True	NA
73333	NA	False	True	NA
73830	NA	False	True	NA
75273	NA	False	True	NA
75705	NA	False	True	NA
76808	NA	False	True	NA
78957	Shank1	True	True	Neurexins and neuroligins
78959	NA	True	False	Glutathione conjugation;Formation of xylulose-5-phosphate
79011	NA	True	False	NA
79039	NA	False	True	NA
79117	NA	True	False	COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic
79130	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
79131	NA	False	True	Triglyceride catabolism
79212	NA	True	False	Na+/Cl- dependent neurotransmitter transporters;Reuptake of GABA
79213	NA	True	False	Na+/Cl- dependent neurotransmitter transporters;Creatine metabolism;Reuptake of GABA
79239	NA	True	False	Heme degradation;Neutrophil degranulation;Iron uptake and transport
79244	NA	False	True	Synthesis of bile acids and bile salts via 7alpha-hydroxycholesterol;Beta-oxidation of pristanoyl-CoA;Peroxisomal protein import
79249	NA	True	False	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs
79250	NA	True	False	Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle)
79251	NA	True	False	Amino acid synthesis and interconversion (transamination)
79256	NA	True	False	AUF1 (hnRNP D0) binds and destabilizes mRNA;mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway
79257	Axin1	False	True	NA
79433	NA	True	False	NA
79434	Rab11b	True	True	TBC/RABGAPs;RAB geranylgeranylation
79449	NA	False	True	NA
79451	NA	False	True	NA
79559	NA	True	False	NA
80773	NA	True	False	Phase I - Functionalization of compounds
80841	NA	True	False	Triglyceride catabolism
80846	NA	True	False	mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway
80849	NA	True	False	NA
81022	Stxbp5	True	True	NA
81504	Grb2	True	True	PI3K Cascade;SOS-mediated signalling;SHC1 events in ERBB4 signaling;PIP3 activates AKT signaling;Spry regulation of FGF signaling;Signaling by SCF-KIT;Regulation of KIT signaling;Signalling to RAS;GRB2 events in EGFR signaling;GAB1 signalosome;SHC1 events in EGFR signaling;EGFR downregulation;Downstream signal transduction;GRB2 events in ERBB2 signaling;PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;Tie2 Signaling;EGFR Transactivation by Gastrin;DAP12 signaling;SHC-related events triggered by IGF1R;Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization;FCERI mediated MAPK activation;FCERI mediated Ca+2 mobilization;GRB2:SOS provides linkage to MAPK signaling for Integrins ;NCAM signaling for neurite out-growth;Costimulation by the CD28 family;CD28 dependent Vav1 pathway;Signal regulatory protein family interactions;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR1;PI-3K cascade:FGFR1;FRS-mediated FGFR1 signaling;PI-3K cascade:FGFR2;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR2;FRS-mediated FGFR2 signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR3;FRS-mediated FGFR3 signaling;PI-3K cascade:FGFR3;FRS-mediated FGFR4 signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR4;PI-3K cascade:FGFR4;Negative regulation of FGFR1 signaling;Negative regulation of FGFR2 signaling;Negative regulation of FGFR3 signaling;Negative regulation of FGFR4 signaling;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;Negative regulation of MET activity;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;Signal attenuation;Insulin receptor signalling cascade;MET activates RAS signaling;MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling;RET signaling;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;MET activates PTPN11;MET activates RAP1 and RAC1;MET receptor recycling;Interleukin-15 signaling;Erythropoietin activates RAS;Activated NTRK2 signals through FRS2 and FRS3;Interleukin receptor SHC signaling;Regulation of signaling by CBL;Antigen activates B Cell Receptor (BCR) leading to generation of second messengers
81515	Lyn	False	True	GPVI-mediated activation cascade;Signaling by SCF-KIT;Regulation of KIT signaling;Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall;FCGR activation;Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling;FCERI mediated Ca+2 mobilization;FCERI mediated NF-kB activation;CD28 co-stimulation;CTLA4 inhibitory signaling;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse;EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells;CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling;CD22 mediated BCR regulation;Cyclin D associated events in G1;Platelet Adhesion to exposed collagen;Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K);Erythropoietin activates RAS;Regulation of signaling by CBL;Growth hormone receptor signaling
81529	NA	False	True	NA
81530	NA	True	False	NA
81531	NA	True	False	Signaling by ROBO receptors;RHO GTPases Activate Formins
81632	NA	True	False	Degradation of GABA
81634	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;Regulation of cytoskeletal remodeling and cell spreading by IPP complex components
81637	Ap2a2	False	True	Retrograde neurotrophin signalling;MHC class II antigen presentation;Trafficking of GluR2-containing AMPA receptors;Recycling pathway of L1;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD2, FZD5 and ROR2;Neutrophil degranulation;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;VLDLR internalisation and degradation;LDL clearance
81643	NA	True	False	Purine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthesis
81650	Csnk2b	True	True	WNT mediated activation of DVL;Signal transduction by L1;Neutrophil degranulation;Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation;RUNX1 interacts with co-factors whose precise effect on RUNX1 targets is not known;Regulation of PTEN stability and activity
81653	Dbn1	True	True	NA
81654	NA	True	False	Regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex;Glyoxylate metabolism and glycine degradation;Signaling by Retinoic Acid;Pyruvate metabolism
81661	NA	True	False	NA
81662	NA	True	False	NA
81664	NA	True	False	PLC beta mediated events;Adenylate cyclase inhibitory pathway;G-protein activation;ADP signalling through P2Y purinoceptor 12;Adrenaline,noradrenaline inhibits insulin secretion;G alpha (i) signalling events;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding
81666	NA	True	False	NA
81667	NA	True	False	Activation of G protein gated Potassium channels;G-protein activation;Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP1) regulates insulin secretion;ADP signalling through P2Y purinoceptor 12;G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma;Prostacyclin signalling through prostacyclin receptor;Adrenaline,noradrenaline inhibits insulin secretion;Ca2+ pathway;G alpha (q) signalling events;G alpha (12/13) signalling events;G beta:gamma signalling through PLC beta;G alpha (s) signalling events;ADP signalling through P2Y purinoceptor 1;G alpha (i) signalling events;G alpha (z) signalling events;Glucagon-type ligand receptors;Thromboxane signalling through TP receptor;Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins;Thrombin signalling through proteinase activated receptors (PARs);Presynaptic function of Kainate receptors;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding;G beta:gamma signalling through BTK;G beta:gamma signalling through CDC42;Inhibition  of voltage gated Ca2+ channels via Gbeta/gamma subunits
81672	Grm7	False	True	NA
81677	NA	True	False	Synthesis of IP3 and IP4 in the cytosol
81682	NA	False	True	Keratan sulfate biosynthesis;Keratan sulfate degradation;Integrin cell surface interactions
81683	NA	True	False	Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall;Neutrophil degranulation
81708	NA	True	False	Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
81722	Ager	False	True	TAK1 activates NFkB by phosphorylation and activation of IKKs complex;Advanced glycosylation endproduct receptor signaling;TRAF6 mediated NF-kB activation
81728	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
81732	NA	True	False	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
81743	NA	True	False	cGMP effects;G alpha (s) signalling events
81753	NA	False	True	NA
81754	NA	True	False	Golgi Cisternae Pericentriolar Stack Reorganization;COPII-mediated vesicle transport;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;RAB geranylgeranylation;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
81757	Rala	True	True	Translocation of SLC2A4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane
81761	NA	True	False	NA
81763	NA	True	False	NA
81764	NA	True	False	NA
81765	NA	True	False	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
81766	NA	True	False	NA
81767	NA	False	True	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
81768	NA	False	True	NA
81772	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
81773	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
81774	NA	False	True	NA
81779	NA	False	True	NA
81783	NA	False	True	NA
81800	NA	True	False	NA
81802	Stx3	False	True	Other interleukin signaling
81804	Stxbp2	False	True	NA
81807	Tceb2	True	True	Formation of RNA Pol II elongation complex ;Oxygen-dependent proline hydroxylation of Hypoxia-inducible Factor Alpha;RNA Polymerase II Pre-transcription Events;TP53 Regulates Transcription of DNA Repair Genes;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Elongation;Neddylation;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
81815	NA	True	False	Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
81818	NA	True	False	NA
81822	Actb	True	True	Gap junction degradation;Formation of annular gap junctions;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;Adherens junctions interactions;Recycling pathway of L1;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;Interaction between L1 and Ankyrins;Cell-extracellular matrix interactions;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;MAP2K and MAPK activation;UCH proteinases;DNA Damage Recognition in GG-NER;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
81824	NA	True	False	NA
81827	Psmc5	True	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
81829	NA	True	False	Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle)
81869	NA	True	False	Glutathione conjugation
81898	NA	False	True	NA
81921	NA	True	False	EGFR downregulation;Negative regulation of MET activity;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
81922	Sh3gl1	True	True	EGFR downregulation;Negative regulation of MET activity;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
83422	NA	False	True	NA
83427	NA	True	False	Regulation of TNFR1 signaling;TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway;TNFR1-mediated ceramide production
83471	NA	True	False	NA
83501	NA	True	False	NA
83506	Camkk2	False	True	NA
83510	NA	True	False	L1CAM interactions
83523	NA	True	False	NA
83527	NA	True	False	Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins;Neurexins and neuroligins;Neutrophil degranulation
83529	Vdac1	True	True	Pink/Parkin Mediated Mitophagy;Ub-specific processing proteases;Pyruvate metabolism
83531	NA	True	False	Ub-specific processing proteases
83532	NA	True	False	NA
83533	NA	False	True	NA
83534	NA	True	False	NA
83572	NA	True	False	Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;AURKA Activation by TPX2
83576	NA	True	False	Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis
83578	NA	True	False	NA
83579	NA	True	False	NA
83589	Apba1	False	True	NA
83610	Apba2	False	True	NA
83612	NA	True	False	Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides;GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
83613	Nefl	True	True	Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade
83615	NA	True	False	NA
83616	NA	True	False	NA
83688	NA	True	False	Pentose phosphate pathway
83707	NA	False	True	NA
83709	Git1	True	True	NA
83712	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;PKMTs methylate histone lysines;HATs acetylate histones;RMTs methylate histone arginines;Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;Regulation of TP53 Activity through Acetylation;RNA Polymerase I Transcription Initiation;Regulation of PTEN gene transcription;Neddylation;Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6
83718	Clic4	True	True	NA
83725	Wfs1	False	True	NA
83731	Kcnma1	True	True	Ca2+ activated K+ channels
83764	NA	True	False	Synaptic adhesion-like molecules
83765	Rtn4	True	True	Axonal growth inhibition (RHOA activation)
83782	Nme2	True	True	Interconversion of nucleotide di- and triphosphates;Neutrophil degranulation
83788	NA	True	False	NA
83789	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;RMTs methylate histone arginines;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Protein methylation;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
83800	Clta	True	True	Retrograde neurotrophin signalling;Gap junction degradation;Formation of annular gap junctions;MHC class II antigen presentation;Lysosome Vesicle Biogenesis;Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis;Recycling pathway of L1;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD2, FZD5 and ROR2;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;VLDLR internalisation and degradation;LDL clearance
83806	NA	True	False	NA
83807	NA	False	True	NA
83809	Nsfl1c	True	True	NA
83823	NA	True	False	NA
83824	Cxxc4	False	True	NA
83825	NA	True	False	NA
83839	NA	True	False	NA
83841	Sdcbp	False	True	Ephrin signaling;Neurofascin interactions;Neutrophil degranulation
84008	NA	True	False	NA
84013	NA	False	True	Androgen biosynthesis;Synthesis of very long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs
84014	NA	False	True	NA
84016	NA	False	True	NA
84027	Gsk3b	False	True	Degradation of beta-catenin by the destruction complex;Beta-catenin phosphorylation cascade;CRMPs in Sema3A signaling;Disassembly of the destruction complex and recruitment of AXIN to the membrane;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression
84309	NA	False	True	NA
84310	NA	False	True	NA
84353	Ctnnb1	True	True	Degradation of beta-catenin by the destruction complex;Beta-catenin phosphorylation cascade;TCF dependent signaling in response to WNT;Formation of the beta-catenin:TCF transactivating complex;LRR FLII-interacting protein 1 (LRRFIP1) activates type I IFN production;Apoptotic cleavage of cell adhesion  proteins;CDO in myogenesis;Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex;Ca2+ pathway;Adherens junctions interactions;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RUNX3 regulates WNT signaling
84356	NA	False	True	NA
84379	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Retrograde transport at the Trans-Golgi-Network;TBC/RABGAPs;RAB geranylgeranylation;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
84431	NA	True	False	Glycosphingolipid metabolism;Neutrophil degranulation
84469	Maged1	False	True	NA
84471	NA	True	False	NA
84472	NA	True	False	NA
84474	NA	True	False	NA
84478	Ufd1l	False	True	Translesion Synthesis by POLH;Ub-specific processing proteases
84479	NA	False	True	NA
84484	NA	True	False	Bicarbonate transporters
84496	NA	False	True	NA
84509	NA	True	False	NA
84550	NA	True	False	Sodium/Calcium exchangers
84556	NA	True	False	Serotonin Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
84591	Pick1	False	True	NA
84685	Ppp1r9a	True	True	NA
84686	NA	True	False	NA
85238	Synj1	True	True	Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane;Synthesis of IP2, IP, and Ins in the cytosol;Synthesis of IP3 and IP4 in the cytosol;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
85252	NA	True	False	Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex;HuR (ELAVL1) binds and stabilizes mRNA;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling;Mitotic Prometaphase;Cyclin A/B1/B2 associated events during G2/M transition
85254	NA	True	False	Synthesis of PC;Transport of bile salts and organic acids, metal ions and amine compounds;Choline catabolism
85309	NA	True	False	NA
85327	Lin7a	True	True	NA
85333	NA	True	False	NA
85492	NA	False	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;Neutrophil degranulation;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
89789	NA	False	True	NA
89791	NA	True	False	NA
89841	NA	True	False	Synthesis of PE
89953	NA	False	True	NA
90933	NA	False	True	NA
93646	NA	True	False	COPII-mediated vesicle transport;MHC class II antigen presentation;Antigen Presentation: Folding, assembly and peptide loading of class I MHC
94167	Prdx6	True	True	Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species;Neutrophil degranulation
94173	NA	True	False	Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle)
94193	NA	True	False	Regulation of TNFR1 signaling;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
94194	NA	True	False	NA
94197	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;RAB geranylgeranylation;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
94266	NA	False	True	NA
97165	NA	False	True	NA
98221	NA	False	True	NA
98238	NA	False	True	NA
101706	NA	False	True	NA
107686	NA	False	True	NA
107932	NA	False	True	NA
108017	NA	False	True	NA
108071	NA	False	True	NA
108989	NA	False	True	NA
110611	NA	False	True	NA
110954	NA	False	True	NA
110957	NA	False	True	NA
112295	Lmb1	False	True	NA
113893	NA	True	False	NA
113894	Sqstm1	False	True	NRIF signals cell death from the nucleus;p75NTR recruits signalling complexes;NF-kB is activated and signals survival;Pink/Parkin Mediated Mitophagy;Interleukin-1 signaling
113898	NA	True	False	NA
113965	NA	True	False	Beta oxidation of lauroyl-CoA to decanoyl-CoA-CoA
113970	Magi2	False	True	NA
114005	NA	False	True	Glycogen synthesis
114017	NA	False	True	Mitochondrial translation elongation
114023	NA	False	True	Neutrophil degranulation;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic
114096	NA	True	False	NA
114101	NA	True	False	NA
114114	Dnm1l	True	True	Apoptotic execution phase
114122	NA	True	False	NA
114202	NA	True	False	NA
114486	Braf	False	True	NA
114513	NA	True	False	NA
114514	NA	True	False	Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;Mitotic Prometaphase
114515	NA	True	False	NA
114520	NA	True	False	NA
114562	NA	True	False	NA
114591	NA	True	False	NA
114597	NA	True	False	NA
114612	NA	True	False	Cleavage of Growing Transcript in the Termination Region ;Transport of Mature mRNA derived from an Intron-Containing Transcript;mRNA 3'-end processing
114641	NA	False	True	NA
114766	NA	True	False	Processing of SMDT1
115769	NA	False	True	Signaling by Hippo;Apoptotic cleavage of cell adhesion  proteins
116463	NA	True	False	Estrogen biosynthesis;Retinoid metabolism and transport
116470	Stx1a	True	True	Serotonin Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Other interleukin signaling;LGI-ADAM interactions;GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
116482	NA	True	False	Synthesis of PIPs at the ER membrane;Synthesis of PIPs at the Golgi membrane
116483	NA	True	False	NA
116484	NA	True	False	NA
116493	NA	True	False	NA
116506	NA	False	True	G alpha (s) signalling events;Calcitonin-like ligand receptors
116508	Nrxn3	True	True	NA
116509	NA	True	False	Na+/Cl- dependent neurotransmitter transporters
116549	Csnk2a1	True	True	WNT mediated activation of DVL;Signal transduction by L1;Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation;RUNX1 interacts with co-factors whose precise effect on RUNX1 targets is not known;Regulation of PTEN stability and activity
116561	NA	True	False	Gap junction degradation;Formation of annular gap junctions;Lysosome Vesicle Biogenesis;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD2, FZD5 and ROR2;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
116563	NA	True	False	Retrograde neurotrophin signalling;Gap junction degradation;Formation of annular gap junctions;MHC class II antigen presentation;Trafficking of GluR2-containing AMPA receptors;Recycling pathway of L1;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD2, FZD5 and ROR2;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;VLDLR internalisation and degradation;LDL clearance
116590	Mapk1	True	True	phospho-PLA2 pathway;RAF-independent MAPK1/3 activation;MAPK1 (ERK2) activation;Spry regulation of FGF signaling;Golgi Cisternae Pericentriolar Stack Reorganization;Frs2-mediated activation;ERK/MAPK targets;ERKs are inactivated;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);NCAM signaling for neurite out-growth;Recycling pathway of L1;Signal transduction by L1;Activation of the AP-1 family of transcription factors;Thrombin signalling through proteinase activated receptors (PARs);Negative regulation of FGFR1 signaling;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Negative feedback regulation of MAPK pathway;Negative regulation of MAPK pathway;Neutrophil degranulation;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;Signal attenuation;Gastrin-CREB signalling pathway via PKC and MAPK;Growth hormone receptor signaling
116595	Nrxn2	True	True	Neurexins and neuroligins
116597	NA	True	False	NA
116598	Pdia4	False	True	NA
116599	NA	True	False	Heme degradation
116636	NA	False	True	mTORC1-mediated signalling;Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S
116638	NA	True	False	Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;Organic anion transporters
116643	Vcp	True	True	Translesion Synthesis by POLH;HSF1 activation;ABC-family proteins mediated transport;N-glycan trimming in the ER and Calnexin/Calreticulin cycle;Hedgehog ligand biogenesis;Josephin domain DUBs;Ovarian tumor domain proteases;Neutrophil degranulation
116644	Rtn1	True	True	NA
116646	NA	True	False	NA
116653	NA	True	False	NA
116655	Hnrnpm	True	True	FGFR2 alternative splicing;mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway
116657	NA	True	False	NA
116673	NA	False	True	A tetrasaccharide linker sequence is required for GAG synthesis;HS-GAG biosynthesis;HS-GAG degradation;Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall;Syndecan interactions;Retinoid metabolism and transport
116685	Lmnb1	True	True	NA
116690	Nfasc	True	True	Neurofascin interactions;Neutrophil degranulation
116698	NA	True	False	Generic Transcription Pathway
116723	NA	True	False	NA
116725	NA	True	False	ISG15 antiviral mechanism;NOD1/2 Signaling Pathway;Downstream TCR signaling;FCERI mediated NF-kB activation;TAK1 activates NFkB by phosphorylation and activation of IKKs complex;CLEC7A (Dectin-1) signaling;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Formation of Incision Complex in GG-NER;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;E3 ubiquitin ligases ubiquitinate target proteins;Interleukin-1 signaling;IRAK1 recruits IKK complex;TRAF6 mediated IRF7 activation in TLR7/8 or 9 signaling;IRAK1 recruits IKK complex upon TLR7/8 or 9 stimulation;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
116743	Sh3gl2	True	True	Retrograde neurotrophin signalling;EGFR downregulation;MHC class II antigen presentation;Lysosome Vesicle Biogenesis;Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis;Recycling pathway of L1;Negative regulation of MET activity;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
117024	NA	True	False	NA
117028	Bin1	True	True	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
117030	NA	True	False	NA
117042	NA	True	False	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
117044	NA	True	False	Macroautophagy;mTOR signalling;mTORC1-mediated signalling;Energy dependent regulation of mTOR by LKB1-AMPK;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;E3 ubiquitin ligases ubiquitinate target proteins;Regulation of PTEN gene transcription
117053	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
117056	H3f3b	True	True	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
117099	NA	False	True	Synthesis of Ketone Bodies
117104	NA	True	False	Cyclin D associated events in G1;Cyclin A/B1/B2 associated events during G2/M transition;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
117152	Cand1	True	True	Neutrophil degranulation;Neddylation;Iron uptake and transport
117180	NA	True	False	NA
117243	NA	True	False	Synthesis of very long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs
117254	NA	True	False	Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes
117258	NA	True	False	NA
117262	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
117263	Psmc1	True	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;N-glycan trimming in the ER and Calnexin/Calreticulin cycle;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
117272	NA	True	False	NA
117273	Rhoa	True	True	GPVI-mediated activation cascade;Axonal growth inhibition (RHOA activation);Rho GTPase cycle;PI3K/AKT activation;Axonal growth stimulation;TGF-beta receptor signaling in EMT (epithelial to mesenchymal transition);G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse;PCP/CE pathway;G alpha (12/13) signalling events;Sema4D mediated inhibition of cell attachment and migration;Sema4D induced cell migration and growth-cone collapse;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;RHO GTPases activate CIT;RHO GTPases activate KTN1;RHO GTPases Activate ROCKs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;RHO GTPases Activate Rhotekin and Rhophilins;Ovarian tumor domain proteases;ERBB2 Regulates Cell Motility;Neutrophil degranulation;PTK6 Regulates RHO GTPases, RAS GTPase and MAP kinases;SLIT2:ROBO1 increases RHOA activity
117277	Epn1	True	True	NA
117282	NA	True	False	mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway
117284	Lrrc7	True	True	Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;Neutrophil degranulation
117287	Park7	True	True	SUMOylation of transcription cofactors
117515	NA	True	False	Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane
117520	NA	True	False	NA
117526	Tbp	False	True	B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;RNA Polymerase II Pre-transcription Events;Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation;RNA polymerase II transcribes snRNA genes;RNA Polymerase I Transcription Initiation;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Escape;RNA Polymerase II Promoter Escape;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Pre-Initiation And Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Transcription Termination;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Initiation;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Initiation And Promoter Clearance;RNA Polymerase III Transcription Initiation From Type 1 Promoter;RNA Polymerase III Transcription Initiation From Type 2 Promoter;RNA Polymerase III Transcription Initiation From Type 3 Promoter;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
117533	NA	True	False	NA
117542	Baiap2	True	True	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs
117543	NA	True	False	mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids
117548	NA	True	False	COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Kinesins
117550	NA	True	False	MHC class II antigen presentation;RHO GTPases activate KTN1;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Kinesins
117556	NA	True	False	NA
117557	NA	True	False	Striated Muscle Contraction;Smooth Muscle Contraction
117559	NA	True	False	NA
117596	NA	True	False	ROS, RNS production in phagocytes;Insulin receptor recycling;Transferrin endocytosis and recycling;Ion channel transport
122772	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
122799	NA	True	False	NA
124323	NA	True	False	NA
124461	NA	True	False	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
126308	NA	False	True	NA
140290	NA	False	True	NA
140447	NA	True	False	NA
140448	NA	True	False	Reduction of cytosolic Ca++ levels;Sodium/Calcium exchangers;Ion homeostasis
140547	NA	True	False	Beta oxidation of lauroyl-CoA to decanoyl-CoA-CoA
140593	Siah2	False	True	Netrin-1 signaling;Ub-specific processing proteases;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
140597	NA	False	True	NA
140608	NA	True	False	Formation of ATP by chemiosmotic coupling;Cristae formation
140639	Nploc4	False	True	NA
140654	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
140655	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
140661	NA	False	True	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
140662	NA	False	True	NA
140667	NA	True	False	NA
140670	Ap2b1	True	True	Retrograde neurotrophin signalling;MHC class II antigen presentation;Trafficking of GluR2-containing AMPA receptors;Recycling pathway of L1;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD2, FZD5 and ROR2;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;VLDLR internalisation and degradation;LDL clearance
140671	NA	False	True	Glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis)
140673	NA	True	False	COPII-mediated vesicle transport;Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Intra-Golgi traffic;Retrograde transport at the Trans-Golgi-Network
140694	Dnm1	True	True	Gap junction degradation;Formation of annular gap junctions;MHC class II antigen presentation;Recycling pathway of L1;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
140722	Caskin1	True	True	NA
140729	NA	True	False	NA
140734	NA	True	False	Activation of BMF and translocation to mitochondria;Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;Macroautophagy;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase
140868	NA	True	False	Triglyceride catabolism;Signaling by Retinoic Acid;Neutrophil degranulation
140908	Cdk5	True	True	DARPP-32 events;CRMPs in Sema3A signaling;Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation
140922	NA	True	False	NA
140926	Daxx	False	True	SUMOylation of transcription cofactors;Regulation of TP53 Degradation
140927	NA	True	False	NA
140931	NA	False	True	NA
140941	Siah1	False	True	Netrin-1 signaling;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
140945	NA	True	False	Synaptic adhesion-like molecules
146227	NA	False	True	NA
148252	NA	False	True	NA
154968	NA	True	False	NA
155151	NA	True	False	NA
156275	NA	True	False	Aflatoxin activation and detoxification
157074	NA	True	False	Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle)
161475	Psmd9	True	True	NA
161477	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
170082	NA	False	True	NA
170465	NA	True	False	NA
170538	Prkcd	False	True	NA
170587	NA	True	False	NA
170667	NA	True	False	ROS, RNS production in phagocytes;Neutrophil degranulation;Insulin receptor recycling;Transferrin endocytosis and recycling;Ion channel transport
170670	NA	True	False	Acyl chain remodeling of CL;Beta oxidation of myristoyl-CoA to lauroyl-CoA
170673	NA	True	False	NA
170724	NA	True	False	NA
170751	NA	True	False	NA
170821	Atxn10	False	True	NA
170840	Slc40a1	False	True	Metal ion SLC transporters;Iron uptake and transport
170848	Kcnq2	False	True	NA
170851	Map2k1	True	True	NA
170915	Ep300	False	True	NA
170916	NA	True	False	NA
170923	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation
170930	NA	False	True	NA
171026	NA	False	True	Trafficking of AMPA receptors;ROBO receptors bind AKAP5
171039	NA	True	False	NA
171041	Klc1	True	True	MHC class II antigen presentation;RHO GTPases activate KTN1;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Kinesins
171050	Mob4	False	True	NA
171058	NA	True	False	RAB geranylgeranylation
171082	NA	False	True	Formation of ATP by chemiosmotic coupling;Cristae formation
171086	Trak2	False	True	NA
171093	NA	True	False	NA
171102	Cdc25a	False	True	NA
171103	Cdc25b	False	True	NA
171114	NA	True	False	NA
171116	NA	True	False	Regulation of Apoptosis
171119	NA	True	False	NA
171129	NA	True	False	NA
171137	NA	True	False	KSRP (KHSRP) binds and destabilizes mRNA
171140	NA	True	False	HSF1-dependent transactivation;Trafficking of AMPA receptors;Unblocking of NMDA receptors, glutamate binding and activation;Phase 0 - rapid depolarisation;Ion homeostasis;RAF activation;Interferon gamma signaling;Ion transport by P-type ATPases
171155	NA	True	False	Acyl chain remodeling of CL;Beta oxidation of myristoyl-CoA to lauroyl-CoA
171297	NA	True	False	Neurexins and neuroligins
171337	NA	True	False	NA
171350	Pabpc1	True	True	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Deadenylation of mRNA;AUF1 (hnRNP D0) binds and destabilizes mRNA;Translation initiation complex formation;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
171361	NA	True	False	NA
171373	NA	True	False	NA
171374	NA	True	False	NA
171375	NA	True	False	Formation of ATP by chemiosmotic coupling;Cristae formation
171410	NA	True	False	Synthesis of very long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs
171444	NA	True	False	NA
171445	NA	True	False	NA
171451	NA	True	False	Phase I - Functionalization of compounds
171503	NA	True	False	Activation of RAC1 downstream of NMDARs
171574	NA	True	False	MHC class II antigen presentation;Recycling pathway of L1;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
191575	NA	True	False	Interconversion of nucleotide di- and triphosphates
191576	NA	True	False	Synthesis of very long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs
191595	NA	True	False	NA
192117	NA	False	True	Regulation of RAS by GAPs
192152	Tgoln2	False	True	Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis;Retrograde transport at the Trans-Golgi-Network;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Post-translational protein phosphorylation
192172	NA	True	False	Degradation of cysteine and homocysteine
192176	NA	False	True	NA
192179	NA	True	False	NA
192213	NA	True	False	NA
192226	NA	False	True	NA
192235	Hyou1	True	True	NA
192241	NA	True	False	Formation of ATP by chemiosmotic coupling;Cristae formation
192245	Hspb6	False	True	NA
192249	NA	True	False	Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
192253	NA	True	False	NA
192254	Grasp	False	True	NA
192255	NA	False	True	NA
192260	NA	True	False	Synthesis of PI
192268	NA	True	False	Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle;TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes;Amino acid synthesis and interconversion (transamination)
192277	NA	True	False	HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR)
192645	NA	True	False	NA
192647	NA	False	True	NA
201097	NA	True	False	NA
208691	NA	False	True	NA
217337	NA	False	True	NA
217737	NA	False	True	NA
218490	NA	False	True	NA
223696	NA	False	True	NA
228410	NA	False	True	NA
229279	NA	False	True	NA
230908	NA	False	True	NA
231887	NA	False	True	NA
234594	NA	False	True	NA
245709	NA	True	False	Insulin processing;VxPx cargo-targeting to cilium
245955	NA	False	True	Platelet degranulation 
245965	NA	True	False	NA
245981	NA	True	False	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
246118	Tubb3	True	True	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
246136	NA	False	True	NA
246302	NA	True	False	NA
246303	NA	True	False	NA
246307	NA	True	False	Phenylalanine and tyrosine catabolism
246310	Arfgap1	True	True	COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
246755	NA	True	False	NA
246757	Klhl17	False	True	NA
246772	NA	True	False	NA
252881	NA	True	False	Insulin processing;VxPx cargo-targeting to cilium
252892	NA	True	False	LGI-ADAM interactions
252902	NA	True	False	NA
252919	NA	True	False	Amino acid transport across the plasma membrane
252921	NA	False	True	Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;AURKA Activation by TPX2
252922	NA	True	False	NA
252934	NA	True	False	NA
259242	NA	True	False	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs
259269	NA	True	False	NA
259274	NA	True	False	Inactivation, recovery and regulation of the phototransduction cascade;Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria
260321	NA	True	False	HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Attenuation phase;ESR-mediated signaling;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
261736	NA	True	False	DNA Damage Recognition in GG-NER;Formation of TC-NER Pre-Incision Complex;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Neddylation
261737	NA	True	False	NA
266759	Hspa4	True	True	NA
266777	NA	True	False	NA
266975	NA	True	False	NA
267019	NA	False	True	NA
268373	NA	False	True	NA
269610	NA	False	True	NA
276770	NA	False	True	NA
281165	NA	False	True	NA
281296	NA	False	True	NA
282587	NA	True	False	NA
282827	Aip	False	True	Aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling
282843	Sorbs3	False	True	Smooth Muscle Contraction
284273	NA	False	True	NA
286761	NA	True	False	Ovarian tumor domain proteases
286770	DNAJC3	False	True	NA
286906	NA	True	False	Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Post-translational protein phosphorylation
286911	NA	False	True	NA
286928	NA	False	True	NA
286930	NA	True	False	NA
287061	NA	True	False	NA
287069	NA	True	False	NA
287115	NA	True	False	NA
287155	Stub1	False	True	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling;Downregulation of ERBB2 signaling;Regulation of RUNX2 expression and activity;Regulation of PTEN stability and activity;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
287156	NA	True	False	Rho GTPase cycle
287191	NA	True	False	NA
287276	NA	True	False	COPII-mediated vesicle transport;MHC class II antigen presentation;Cargo concentration in the ER;Chylomicron assembly;Antigen Presentation: Folding, assembly and peptide loading of class I MHC
287379	NA	False	True	Carnitine synthesis
287417	NA	False	True	Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
287444	NA	True	False	Hypusine synthesis from eIF5A-lysine
287446	NA	False	True	NA
287535	NA	False	True	Retrograde transport at the Trans-Golgi-Network
287633	NA	True	False	NA
287670	NA	False	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;Neutrophil degranulation;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
287702	NA	False	True	Keratinization;Formation of the cornified envelope
287716	Psme3	False	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
287721	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation
287876	NA	False	True	Gap junction degradation;Formation of annular gap junctions;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;Adherens junctions interactions;Recycling pathway of L1;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;Interaction between L1 and Ankyrins;Cell-extracellular matrix interactions;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
287877	NA	False	True	NA
287927	NA	True	False	Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Formation of Incision Complex in GG-NER;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;E3 ubiquitin ligases ubiquitinate target proteins;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
287931	Ppm1f	True	True	NA
287984	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;Neutrophil degranulation;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
287986	NA	False	True	ISG15 antiviral mechanism;L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;mTORC1-mediated signalling;Deadenylation of mRNA;AUF1 (hnRNP D0) binds and destabilizes mRNA;Translation initiation complex formation;Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
288064	NA	False	True	Activation of DNA fragmentation factor
288174	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation
288275	Hunk	False	True	NA
288444	NA	True	False	Regulation of HSF1-mediated heat shock response
288599	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Translation initiation complex formation;Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit
288620	NA	False	True	Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding
288666	NA	True	False	WNT ligand biogenesis and trafficking
288707	NA	True	False	Glycosphingolipid metabolism
288778	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation
288912	NA	True	False	Methionine salvage pathway
289019	NA	True	False	NA
289125	NA	True	False	Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Beta-Oxidation
289144	NA	True	False	NA
289218	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
289222	NA	True	False	NA
289257	NA	False	True	NCAM signaling for neurite out-growth;Interaction between L1 and Ankyrins;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;COPI-mediated anterograde transport
289668	NA	True	False	NA
289820	NA	True	False	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;Neutrophil degranulation;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
289950	NA	True	False	Regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex;Glyoxylate metabolism and glycine degradation;Signaling by Retinoic Acid;Pyruvate metabolism
290029	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;Purine catabolism
290356	NA	True	False	NA
290364	Itm2b	False	True	NA
290401	NA	True	False	Glutathione conjugation
290408	NA	True	False	The NLRP3 inflammasome
290640	NA	True	False	NA
290641	NA	True	False	NA
290651	NA	True	False	Synthesis of IP2, IP, and Ins in the cytosol
290823	Erlin2	False	True	ABC-family proteins mediated transport
290868	NA	False	True	NA
290880	NA	False	True	NA
291075	NA	True	False	Beta-oxidation of very long chain fatty acids;Peroxisomal protein import
291081	NA	False	True	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
291103	NA	True	False	NA
291145	NA	False	True	NA
291152	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;PKMTs methylate histone lysines;HDMs demethylate histones;HATs acetylate histones;RMTs methylate histone arginines;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
291180	NA	True	False	NA
291394	NA	True	False	Glutathione synthesis and recycling
291434	NA	True	False	NA
291450	NA	True	False	Choline catabolism;Lysine catabolism
291671	Hspa9	False	True	Regulation of HSF1-mediated heat shock response
291796	NA	False	True	Ub-specific processing proteases
291874	Nup93	False	True	Transport of Mature mRNA derived from an Intron-Containing Transcript;SUMOylation of DNA damage response and repair proteins;Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC) Disassembly;Regulation of HSF1-mediated heat shock response;SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins
291877	NA	False	True	Cleavage of Growing Transcript in the Termination Region ;mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway;mRNA 3'-end processing;Processing of Intronless Pre-mRNAs
291926	NA	False	True	NA
291948	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation
292023	NA	True	False	NA
292072	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;Purine salvage
292148	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit
292156	NA	True	False	NA
292267	NA	True	False	NA
292597	NA	True	False	Stimuli-sensing channels
292732	Numbl	True	True	NA
292804	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;Glycolysis
292845	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Protein methylation
292925	Tsg101	True	True	Endosomal Sorting Complex Required For Transport (ESCRT)
292994	NA	False	True	NA
293448	NA	True	False	NA
293481	NA	True	False	NA
293484	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit
293508	NA	True	False	PKA activation;PKA activation in glucagon signalling;DARPP-32 events;Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP1) regulates insulin secretion;Rap1 signalling;Regulation of insulin secretion;Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;CREB1 phosphorylation through the activation of Adenylate Cyclase;GLI3 is processed to GLI3R by the proteasome;Hedgehog 'off' state;CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling;MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling;HDL assembly;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
293621	Hras	True	True	Activation of RAS in B cells;SHC1 events in ERBB4 signaling;Signaling by SCF-KIT;p38MAPK events;GRB2 events in EGFR signaling;SHC1 events in EGFR signaling;Downstream signal transduction;GRB2 events in ERBB2 signaling;Tie2 Signaling;EGFR Transactivation by Gastrin;DAP12 signaling;FCERI mediated MAPK activation;NCAM signaling for neurite out-growth;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;VEGFR2 mediated cell proliferation;CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR1;FRS-mediated FGFR1 signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR2;FRS-mediated FGFR2 signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR3;FRS-mediated FGFR3 signaling;FRS-mediated FGFR4 signaling;SHC-mediated cascade:FGFR4;Regulation of RAS by GAPs;RAF activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Negative regulation of MAPK pathway;PTK6 Regulates RHO GTPases, RAS GTPase and MAP kinases;MET activates RAS signaling
293684	NA	False	True	NA
293692	NA	True	False	Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
293705	Otub1	True	True	Ub-specific processing proteases;Ovarian tumor domain proteases
293719	NA	False	True	N-glycan trimming in the ER and Calnexin/Calreticulin cycle
293725	NA	True	False	NA
293860	NA	False	True	Platelet degranulation ;GP1b-IX-V activation signalling;Cell-extracellular matrix interactions;RHO GTPases activate PAKs
294010	NA	True	False	MHC class II antigen presentation;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;AURKA Activation by TPX2
294239	NA	True	False	eNOS activation
294254	NA	True	False	Regulation of HSF1-mediated heat shock response;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Attenuation phase;HSF1-dependent transactivation;AUF1 (hnRNP D0) binds and destabilizes mRNA;Neutrophil degranulation
294282	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
294292	NA	True	False	Synthesis of pyrophosphates in the cytosol
294320	NA	True	False	Pyruvate metabolism
294326	NA	True	False	NA
294362	NA	True	False	NA
294568	Wasf1	True	True	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs
294810	NA	True	False	NA
294864	NA	True	False	NA
294917	NA	False	True	Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence
294930	NA	True	False	LDL clearance
294972	NA	False	True	NA
295230	NA	True	False	Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding
295277	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;PKMTs methylate histone lysines;HDMs demethylate histones;HATs acetylate histones;RMTs methylate histone arginines;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
295347	NA	False	True	ARMS-mediated activation;Integrin alphaIIb beta3 signaling;GRB2:SOS provides linkage to MAPK signaling for Integrins ;p130Cas linkage to MAPK signaling for integrins;Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP1) regulates insulin secretion;Rap1 signalling;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Neutrophil degranulation;MET activates RAP1 and RAC1
295619	NA	True	False	NA
295645	NA	True	False	Bicarbonate transporters
295690	NA	False	True	NA
295929	Mybpc3	False	True	Striated Muscle Contraction
296131	NA	True	False	NA
296197	NA	False	True	NA
296267	NA	True	False	NA
296318	NA	True	False	NA
296344	NA	False	True	NA
296369	NA	False	True	Striated Muscle Contraction
296480	NA	True	False	NA
296488	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation 
296554	NA	True	False	NA
296570	NA	False	True	NA
296596	NA	True	False	NA
296709	NA	True	False	NA
296710	NA	True	False	NA
296758	NA	True	False	NA
297113	NA	False	True	NA
297428	NA	False	True	COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic
297436	NA	True	False	NA
297518	NA	False	True	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
297566	NA	True	False	NA
297593	NA	False	True	Ub-specific processing proteases;Synthesis of active ubiquitin: roles of E1 and E2 enzymes
297699	NA	True	False	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling
297994	Bag1	False	True	NA
298012	Rad23b	True	True	N-glycan trimming in the ER and Calnexin/Calreticulin cycle;Josephin domain DUBs;DNA Damage Recognition in GG-NER;Formation of Incision Complex in GG-NER
298079	NA	True	False	NA
298101	NA	True	False	Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes;Assembly of collagen fibrils and other multimeric structures;MET activates PTK2 signaling;Collagen chain trimerization
298203	NA	True	False	Processing of SMDT1
298410	NA	True	False	Interconversion of nucleotide di- and triphosphates
298584	NA	True	False	MHC class II antigen presentation;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
298596	NA	True	False	Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle)
298609	NA	True	False	NA
298771	NA	True	False	NA
298848	NA	True	False	NA
298917	NA	True	False	NA
298942	NA	True	False	Regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex;Glyoxylate metabolism and glycine degradation;Signaling by Retinoic Acid;Glycine degradation;Pyruvate metabolism;Branched-chain amino acid catabolism;Lysine catabolism
299027	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;ABC-family proteins mediated transport;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Recycling of eIF2:GDP
299052	NA	False	True	Platelet degranulation ;Neutrophil degranulation;Gluconeogenesis
299194	NA	True	False	NA
299201	NA	True	False	Glyoxylate metabolism and glycine degradation;Lysine catabolism
299331	Hsp90aa1	True	True	Signaling by ERBB2;Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;eNOS activation;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);HSF1 activation;Attenuation phase;HSF1-dependent transactivation;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Sema3A PAK dependent Axon repulsion;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;Neutrophil degranulation;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;AURKA Activation by TPX2;Downregulation of ERBB2 signaling;ESR-mediated signaling;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
299809	NA	True	False	Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis;Neutrophil degranulation;Cooperation of PDCL (PhLP1) and TRiC/CCT in G-protein beta folding
299850	NA	True	False	MHC class II antigen presentation;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;AURKA Activation by TPX2
299872	NA	False	True	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit
299923	NA	True	False	NA
299971	NA	True	False	ROS, RNS production in phagocytes;Insulin receptor recycling;Transferrin endocytosis and recycling;Ion channel transport
300033	NA	True	False	NA
300079	NA	True	False	NA
300111	NA	True	False	NA
300218	NA	True	False	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
300228	NA	False	True	NA
300247	NA	False	True	Keratinization;Formation of the cornified envelope
300250	NA	False	True	Neutrophil degranulation;Keratinization;Formation of the cornified envelope
300677	NA	True	False	Formation of ATP by chemiosmotic coupling;Cristae formation
300724	NA	False	True	Neddylation;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
300726	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport
300850	NA	True	False	NA
300968	NA	True	False	Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
300981	NA	True	False	Aflatoxin activation and detoxification
301011	NA	True	False	NA
301252	NA	True	False	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);HSF1 activation;Attenuation phase;HSF1-dependent transactivation;Sema3A PAK dependent Axon repulsion;Neutrophil degranulation;The NLRP3 inflammasome;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;Aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling;ESR-mediated signaling;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
301384	NA	True	False	Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
301442	Sumo1	False	True	SUMO is conjugated to E1 (UBA2:SAE1);SUMO is transferred from E1 to E2 (UBE2I, UBC9);SUMO is proteolytically processed;SUMOylation of DNA damage response and repair proteins;SUMOylation of transcription factors;SUMOylation of ubiquitinylation proteins;SUMOylation of transcription cofactors;SUMOylation of SUMOylation proteins;SUMOylation of intracellular receptors;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;SUMOylation of RNA binding proteins;SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins;SUMOylation of DNA methylation proteins;SUMOylation of immune response proteins;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Formation of Incision Complex in GG-NER;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;Regulation of IFNG signaling;Negative regulation of activity of TFAP2 (AP-2) family transcription factors
301458	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
301555	Cul3	True	True	Degradation of DVL;Hedgehog 'on' state;Neddylation;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
301618	NA	True	False	NA
302328	NA	False	True	NA
302395	NA	False	True	NA
302500	NA	False	True	NA
302796	NA	True	False	NA
302965	NA	False	True	NA
303222	NA	True	False	Rho GTPase cycle
303306	Srr	True	True	Serine biosynthesis
303634	NA	True	False	NRAGE signals death through JNK;Rho GTPase cycle;G alpha (12/13) signalling events;Thromboxane signalling through TP receptor;Thrombin signalling through proteinase activated receptors (PARs)
303831	NA	True	False	ISG15 antiviral mechanism;L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Deadenylation of mRNA;Translation initiation complex formation;Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit
304017	NA	True	False	Pink/Parkin Mediated Mitophagy;Ub-specific processing proteases
304469	Rilpl1	False	True	NA
304542	NA	False	True	NA
304656	NA	False	True	NA
304805	NA	True	False	NA
305021	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation 
305177	NA	True	False	Methionine salvage pathway
305178	NA	False	True	NA
305227	NA	True	False	NA
305288	NA	False	True	Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;AURKA Activation by TPX2
305332	NA	False	True	NA
305457	NA	True	False	NA
305501	NA	False	True	NA
305614	Sptbn1	False	True	NA
305679	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;Smooth Muscle Contraction;MAP2K and MAPK activation;Neutrophil degranulation
306327	NA	False	True	NA
306332	Ap1m1	True	True	MHC class II antigen presentation;Lysosome Vesicle Biogenesis;Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis;Neutrophil degranulation
306439	NA	True	False	NA
306626	NA	False	True	NA
306840	NA	True	False	NA
306934	NA	True	False	NA
307039	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;RAB geranylgeranylation;RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
307309	Sncaip	False	True	NA
307351	NA	False	True	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
307503	NA	False	True	Eukaryotic Translation Termination;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
307511	Cdc25c	False	True	Polo-like kinase mediated events;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;TP53 regulates transcription of additional cell cycle genes whose exact role in the p53 pathway remain uncertain;Cyclin A/B1/B2 associated events during G2/M transition;Chk1/Chk2(Cds1) mediated inactivation of Cyclin B:Cdk1 complex
307779	NA	True	False	NA
307821	NA	False	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;Neutrophil degranulation;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
308100	NA	True	False	NA
308113	NA	False	True	NA
308571	NA	True	False	Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatases
308578	Ap2a1	False	True	Retrograde neurotrophin signalling;MHC class II antigen presentation;Trafficking of GluR2-containing AMPA receptors;Recycling pathway of L1;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD4;WNT5A-dependent internalization of FZD2, FZD5 and ROR2;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;VLDLR internalisation and degradation;LDL clearance
308650	NA	True	False	mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway
308690	Ndn	False	True	NA
308709	NA	False	True	NA
308759	NA	False	True	NA
308901	Trim21	False	True	Regulation of innate immune responses to cytosolic DNA;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
309168	Map3k11	False	True	RAF activation
309557	NA	False	True	Neurexins and neuroligins
309774	Gopc	False	True	NA
309901	NA	True	False	NA
310635	NA	True	False	NRAGE signals death through JNK;Rho GTPase cycle
310820	NA	True	False	NA
311020	NA	True	False	NA
311078	NA	False	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;Metalloprotease DUBs;Neutrophil degranulation;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
311328	NA	True	False	NA
311422	NA	True	False	Purine catabolism
311621	NA	True	False	NA
311671	NA	False	True	NA
311786	Traf2	False	True	Regulation by c-FLIP;RIPK1-mediated regulated necrosis;CASP8 activity is inhibited;TNFR1-induced proapoptotic signaling;Regulation of TNFR1 signaling;TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway;TNFR2 non-canonical NF-kB pathway;TNF receptor superfamily (TNFSF) members mediating non-canonical NF-kB pathway;Ub-specific processing proteases;Dimerization of procaspase-8;TNF signaling
311848	NA	True	False	NA
311849	NA	False	True	Beta-oxidation of pristanoyl-CoA;Peroxisomal protein import
311860	Abl1	False	True	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;CDO in myogenesis;Role of ABL in ROBO-SLIT signaling;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;HDR through Single Strand Annealing (SSA);Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Cyclin D associated events in G1;RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of HSCs
311913	NA	False	True	RAB GEFs exchange GTP for GDP on RABs
312083	NA	False	True	NA
312444	NA	True	False	NA
312694	Necap1	True	True	Golgi Associated Vesicle Biogenesis;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
312965	Ubxn2b	False	True	NA
313047	NA	True	False	NA
313052	NA	False	True	Neurexins and neuroligins
313200	NA	False	True	NA
313234	NA	True	False	TBC/RABGAPs
313323	NA	True	False	NA
313413	NA	True	False	NA
313474	Eps15	False	True	NA
313647	NA	True	False	NA
313658	NA	True	False	NA
313867	NA	True	False	NA
313934	NA	False	True	Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
314140	NA	True	False	5-Phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthesis
314432	NA	True	False	Synthesis of active ubiquitin: roles of E1 and E2 enzymes;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
314442	NA	True	False	NA
314641	NA	True	False	Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane;SEMA3A-Plexin repulsion signaling by inhibiting Integrin adhesion;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
314721	NA	True	False	NA
314764	Eea1	False	True	NA
314856	Mdm2	False	True	AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Oncogene Induced Senescence;SUMOylation of ubiquitinylation proteins;Trafficking of AMPA receptors;Ub-specific processing proteases;Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation;Regulation of TP53 Degradation;Stabilization of p53;Regulation of RUNX3 expression and activity
314906	NA	True	False	NA
315159	Tob2	False	True	NA
315265	NA	True	False	NA
315509	NA	True	False	Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall;Integrin cell surface interactions
315608	NA	False	True	Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
315648	NA	True	False	Inhibition of replication initiation of damaged DNA by RB1/E2F1;Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;DARPP-32 events;Degradation of beta-catenin by the destruction complex;Beta-catenin phosphorylation cascade;ERK/MAPK targets;ERKs are inactivated;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;CTLA4 inhibitory signaling;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;RAF activation;Regulation of TP53 Degradation;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;Mitotic Prometaphase;Cyclin D associated events in G1;Cyclin A/B1/B2 associated events during G2/M transition
315771	NA	False	True	NA
315840	NA	False	True	NA
315989	NA	False	True	NA
316123	NA	False	True	Formation of RNA Pol II elongation complex ;Formation of the Early Elongation Complex;RNA Polymerase II Pre-transcription Events;TP53 Regulates Transcription of DNA Repair Genes;FGFR2 alternative splicing;RNA polymerase II transcribes snRNA genes;mRNA Capping;mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway;mRNA Splicing - Minor Pathway;Processing of Capped Intron-Containing Pre-mRNA;RNA Polymerase II Promoter Escape;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Pre-Initiation And Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Initiation;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Elongation;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Initiation And Promoter Clearance;RNA Pol II CTD phosphorylation and interaction with CE;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
316258	Cd2ap	False	True	NA
316531	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation ;Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;AURKA Activation by TPX2;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
316632	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
316740	NA	False	True	NA
317259	NA	True	False	NA
319177	NA	False	True	NA
319184	NA	False	True	NA
319189	NA	False	True	NA
319190	NA	False	True	NA
319195	NA	False	True	NA
353227	Zbtb16	False	True	Neddylation;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
360471	Usp7	True	True	NA
360504	NA	True	False	Erythrocytes take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen;Erythrocytes take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide;Scavenging of heme from plasma
360543	NA	False	True	NA
360572	NA	True	False	NA
360593	NA	True	False	NA
360643	Cdc27	False	True	Inactivation of APC/C via direct inhibition of the APC/C complex;APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of Cyclin B;Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of Securin;APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1;Cdc20:Phospho-APC/C mediated degradation of Cyclin A;Conversion from APC/C:Cdc20 to APC/C:Cdh1 in late anaphase;Regulation of APC/C activators between G1/S and early anaphase;APC/C:Cdc20 mediated degradation of mitotic proteins;Phosphorylation of the APC/C;APC-Cdc20 mediated degradation of Nek2A;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);CDK-mediated phosphorylation and removal of Cdc6;Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
360678	NA	True	False	Axonal growth inhibition (RHOA activation);Rho GTPase cycle;Axonal growth stimulation
360687	NA	True	False	NA
360820	Pxn	False	True	GAB1 signalosome;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;Smooth Muscle Contraction;PTK6 Regulates RHO GTPases, RAS GTPase and MAP kinases
360853	NA	False	True	UCH proteinases
360854	NA	False	True	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;Neutrophil degranulation;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
360882	NA	True	False	Adherens junctions interactions;Nectin/Necl  trans heterodimerization
360887	NA	False	True	NA
360891	NA	False	True	Signaling by ROBO receptors
360915	NA	True	False	DNA Damage Recognition in GG-NER;Formation of TC-NER Pre-Incision Complex;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Neddylation
360921	NA	True	False	NA
360950	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation 
360975	NA	True	False	Glyoxylate metabolism and glycine degradation;Lysine catabolism
361118	NA	True	False	NA
361351	NA	True	False	NA
361370	NA	False	True	Neutrophil degranulation
361388	NA	False	True	NA
361422	NA	True	False	Neutrophil degranulation
361433	NA	True	False	Glycerophospholipid biosynthesis
361503	NA	False	True	NA
361527	NA	True	False	Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis
361532	NA	True	False	NA
361585	NA	False	True	Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
361596	NA	True	False	Transcriptional activation of mitochondrial biogenesis;Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle)
361613	NA	True	False	Cyclin A/B1/B2 associated events during G2/M transition
361663	NA	True	False	Purine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthesis
361675	NA	True	False	NA
361677	Tollip	True	True	Neutrophil degranulation;Interleukin-1 signaling
361684	NA	True	False	NA
361791	NA	False	True	NA
361833	NA	True	False	NA
361884	NA	False	True	Biotin transport and metabolism;Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
361967	NA	True	False	ESR-mediated signaling
361970	Trim2	True	True	NA
362013	NA	True	False	Ion homeostasis
362015	NA	True	False	Purine salvage
362036	Ank2	False	True	NA
362152	NA	True	False	mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway
362182	NA	False	True	Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs);Post-translational protein phosphorylation
362245	Map1lc3a	True	True	Macroautophagy;Pink/Parkin Mediated Mitophagy;Receptor Mediated Mitophagy
362332	NA	False	True	Cell-extracellular matrix interactions
362361	NA	True	False	NA
362401	NA	False	True	NA
362440	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
362479	NA	False	True	Formation of RNA Pol II elongation complex ;RNA Polymerase II Pre-transcription Events;Formation of TC-NER Pre-Incision Complex;Dual incision in TC-NER;Gap-filling DNA repair synthesis and ligation in TC-NER;TP53 Regulates Transcription of DNA Repair Genes;RNA Polymerase II Transcription Elongation
362587	Macf1	True	True	NA
362595	NA	False	True	NA
362631	NA	True	False	NA
362634	NA	False	True	Initial triggering of complement;Classical antibody-mediated complement activation;Regulation of Complement cascade
362721	Tssc1	True	True	NA
362738	NA	False	True	NA
362750	NA	True	False	NA
362809	NA	True	False	Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX);HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);HSF1 activation;Attenuation phase;Aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling;ESR-mediated signaling;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
362816	NA	True	False	NA
362817	Cdk2	False	True	G0 and Early G1;Activation of ATR in response to replication stress;Regulation of APC/C activators between G1/S and early anaphase;SCF(Skp2)-mediated degradation of p27/p21;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;Processing of DNA double-strand break ends;TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G1 Cell Cycle Arrest;Regulation of TP53 Degradation;G2 Phase;Orc1 removal from chromatin;Activation of the pre-replicative complex;CDK-mediated phosphorylation and removal of Cdc6;Phosphorylation of proteins involved in G1/S transition by active Cyclin E:Cdk2 complexes;Cyclin E associated events during G1/S transition ;Cyclin A/B1/B2 associated events during G2/M transition;p53-Dependent G1 DNA Damage Response;Cyclin A:Cdk2-associated events at S phase entry;PTK6 Regulates Cell Cycle
362826	Atcay	True	True	NA
362849	March2	False	True	NA
362855	NA	True	False	NA
362862	Hsp90b1	True	True	NA
362950	NA	True	False	FGFR2 alternative splicing
362965	Rangap1	False	True	Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;Mitotic Prometaphase
362969	NA	False	True	NA
363024	NA	True	False	Synthesis of PC;Transport of bile salts and organic acids, metal ions and amine compounds;Neutrophil degranulation
363113	NA	True	False	NA
363150	NA	False	True	NA
363465	NA	True	False	Digestion
363644	NA	True	False	NA
363875	Rac1	True	True	GPVI-mediated activation cascade;PIP3 activates AKT signaling;Signaling by SCF-KIT;NRAGE signals death through JNK;Rho GTPase cycle;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;DAP12 signaling;FCERI mediated MAPK activation;DSCAM interactions;CD28 dependent Vav1 pathway;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;Ephrin signaling;EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells;Sema3A PAK dependent Axon repulsion;PCP/CE pathway;Sema4D mediated inhibition of cell attachment and migration;DCC mediated attractive signaling;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;Signal transduction by L1;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;RHO GTPases activate PKNs;RHO GTPases activate CIT;RHO GTPases activate KTN1;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases activate PAKs;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;RHO GTPases Activate NADPH Oxidases;MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling;Neutrophil degranulation;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;PTK6 Regulates RHO GTPases, RAS GTPase and MAP kinases;MET activates RAP1 and RAC1;NTRK2 activates RAC1;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
363925	NA	False	True	NA
363972	NA	True	False	NA
364052	NA	True	False	RAF-independent MAPK1/3 activation;RAF/MAP kinase cascade
364208	NA	True	False	NA
364694	NA	False	True	NA
364716	NA	False	True	NA
364723	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;PKMTs methylate histone lysines;HDMs demethylate histones;HATs acetylate histones;RMTs methylate histone arginines;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
364838	NA	True	False	Olfactory Signaling Pathway
365216	NA	True	False	NA
365377	NA	False	True	Smooth Muscle Contraction
365388	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;Neutrophil degranulation;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
365877	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Metalloprotease DUBs;Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
366189	NA	False	True	NA
366448	NA	False	True	NA
366568	NA	True	False	NA
367171	NA	True	False	NA
369016	NA	True	False	NA
369017	NA	False	True	NA
382522	NA	False	True	NA
397785	NA	False	True	NA
398985	NA	False	True	NA
403728	NA	False	True	NA
404093	NA	False	True	NA
406167	NA	True	False	NA
408248	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
432508	NA	False	True	NA
445442	NA	False	True	NA
450225	NA	False	True	Keratinization;Formation of the cornified envelope
493810	NA	True	False	MHC class II antigen presentation;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Advanced glycosylation endproduct receptor signaling;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
494445	NA	True	False	Cleavage of Growing Transcript in the Termination Region ;Transport of Mature mRNA derived from an Intron-Containing Transcript;mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway;mRNA Splicing - Minor Pathway;mRNA 3'-end processing
497198	NA	True	False	NA
497794	NA	True	False	NA
497902	NA	True	False	NA
498174	NA	False	True	NA
498407	NA	True	False	NA
498433	NA	False	True	UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
498736	NA	True	False	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
498909	NA	True	False	NA
499417	Sumo3	False	True	SUMO is proteolytically processed;SUMOylation of DNA damage response and repair proteins;SUMOylation of transcription factors;SUMOylation of transcription cofactors;SUMOylation of intracellular receptors;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins;SUMOylation of immune response proteins;Formation of Incision Complex in GG-NER
499529	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
499558	March11	False	True	NA
499782	NA	True	False	NA
499913	NA	True	False	Arachidonate production from DAG
500105	Cntnap2	False	True	NA
500282	NA	True	False	NA
500351	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;PKMTs methylate histone lysines;HDMs demethylate histones;HATs acetylate histones;RMTs methylate histone arginines;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
500377	NA	True	False	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Cilium Assembly;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
500419	NA	False	True	NA
500450	NA	False	True	Striated Muscle Contraction;Smooth Muscle Contraction
500929	NA	True	False	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
500985	Cbl	False	True	Interleukin-6 signaling;Spry regulation of FGF signaling;Regulation of KIT signaling;EGFR downregulation;TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs;Negative regulation of FGFR1 signaling;Negative regulation of FGFR2 signaling;Negative regulation of FGFR3 signaling;Negative regulation of FGFR4 signaling;Negative regulation of MET activity;PTK6 Regulates RTKs and Their Effectors AKT1 and DOK1;Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis;Regulation of signaling by CBL
501083	NA	True	False	NA
501621	NA	False	True	Transport of Mature mRNA derived from an Intron-Containing Transcript
501625	NA	False	True	NA
502125	NA	True	False	NA
502674	NA	True	False	NA
502776	NA	True	False	NA
502913	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;PKMTs methylate histone lysines;HDMs demethylate histones;HATs acetylate histones;RMTs methylate histone arginines;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
513971	NA	False	True	NA
613226	NA	True	False	NA
617095	NA	False	True	NA
618164	NA	False	True	NA
619561	NA	False	True	Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Beta-Oxidation
641434	NA	True	False	Formation of ATP by chemiosmotic coupling;Cristae formation
678759	NA	True	False	Respiratory electron transport;Complex I biogenesis
679221	NA	True	False	NA
680102	NA	False	True	NA
680423	NA	False	True	NA
680522	NA	False	True	NA
681896	NA	True	False	Organic anion transporters
682507	Wasl	False	True	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;NOSTRIN mediated eNOS trafficking;Nephrin family interactions;EPHB-mediated forward signaling;DCC mediated attractive signaling;RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs;Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
683313	NA	False	True	NA
683788	NA	True	False	NA
684097	NA	True	False	NA
684988	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
685859	NA	False	True	NA
686098	Sorbs1	False	True	NA
687008	NA	True	False	NA
687090	NA	True	False	NA
687506	NA	False	True	NA
688288	NA	True	False	Cleavage of Growing Transcript in the Termination Region ;ISG15 antiviral mechanism;Transport of Mature mRNA derived from an Intron-Containing Transcript;Deadenylation of mRNA;mRNA Splicing - Major Pathway;mRNA 3'-end processing;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
688386	NA	True	False	NA
689064	NA	True	False	Erythrocytes take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen;Erythrocytes take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide;Scavenging of heme from plasma;Neutrophil degranulation
689560	Ryr2	True	True	NA
689852	NA	False	True	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
690131	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Metalloprotease DUBs;Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
690163	NA	True	False	Utilization of Ketone Bodies
690244	NA	False	True	NA
690441	NA	True	False	Formation of ATP by chemiosmotic coupling;Cristae formation
690660	NA	True	False	NA
690795	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
690987	NA	False	True	Glycogen synthesis
691149	NA	True	False	NA
691974	NA	False	True	NA
824261	NA	False	True	NA
852088	NA	False	True	NA
852107	NA	False	True	NA
853358	NA	False	True	NA
100134871	NA	True	False	Erythrocytes take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen;Erythrocytes take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide;Scavenging of heme from plasma;Neutrophil degranulation
100145871	NA	True	False	Ethanol oxidation
100359951	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
100359982	NA	True	False	NA
100360117	NA	True	False	NA
100360180	NA	True	False	NA
100360501	NA	True	False	NA
100360508	NA	True	False	NA
100360679	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
100360846	NA	True	False	Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C;UCH proteinases;Ub-specific processing proteases;CDT1 association with the CDC6:ORC:origin complex;Neddylation
100360977	NA	True	False	NA
100361558	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression;Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
100361891	NA	True	False	NA
100361915	NA	False	True	NA
100362149	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
100362640	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
100362684	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
100362830	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
100363439	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
100363502	NA	True	False	NA
100364335	NA	True	False	NA
100365810	NA	True	False	NA
100909441	NA	True	False	Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane;MHC class II antigen presentation;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Recycling pathway of L1;Hedgehog 'off' state;Cilium Assembly;Intraflagellar transport;RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;COPI-mediated anterograde transport;COPI-dependent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic;Mitotic Prometaphase;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;Carboxyterminal post-translational modifications of tubulin;Kinesins
100909595	NA	True	False	Cellular hexose transport;Vitamin C (ascorbate) metabolism;Neutrophil degranulation
100909840	NA	True	False	Signaling by ROBO receptors;RHO GTPases Activate Formins
100911186	NA	True	False	Beta oxidation of lauroyl-CoA to decanoyl-CoA-CoA
100911372	NA	True	False	NA
100911402	NA	True	False	NA
100911417	NA	True	False	Formation of ATP by chemiosmotic coupling;Cristae formation
100911625	NA	True	False	Gluconeogenesis
100912489	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;PKMTs methylate histone lysines;HDMs demethylate histones;HATs acetylate histones;RMTs methylate histone arginines;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
100912564	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;PKMTs methylate histone lysines;HDMs demethylate histones;HATs acetylate histones;RMTs methylate histone arginines;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks;Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ);Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;G2/M DNA damage checkpoint;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
102555453	NA	True	False	NA
103689947	NA	True	False	NA
103689983	NA	True	False	Purine salvage
103689992	NA	True	False	L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression;Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol;Translation initiation complex formation;Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits;Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex;Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
103689999	NA	True	False	Platelet degranulation 
103690002	NA	True	False	PRC2 methylates histones and DNA;Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes;Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence;Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP);DNA Damage/Telomere Stress Induced Senescence;SIRT1 negatively regulates rRNA expression;NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression;B-WICH complex positively regulates rRNA expression;Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs;Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3;Deposition of new CENPA-containing nucleosomes at the centromere;RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening;RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation;RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
103690190	NA	True	False	NA
103692716	NA	True	False	Signaling by ERBB2;Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation;Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation;eNOS activation;Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);HSF1 activation;Attenuation phase;HSF1-dependent transactivation;Loss of Nlp from mitotic centrosomes;Recruitment of mitotic centrosome proteins and complexes;Loss of proteins required for interphase microtubule organization from the centrosome;Recruitment of NuMA to mitotic centrosomes;Sema3A PAK dependent Axon repulsion;VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway;VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability;Anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane;Neutrophil degranulation;The role of GTSE1 in G2/M progression after G2 checkpoint;AURKA Activation by TPX2;Downregulation of ERBB2 signaling;ESR-mediated signaling;Estrogen-dependent gene expression
103693564	NA	True	False	NA
103693780	NA	True	False	Glyoxylate metabolism and glycine degradation;Lysine catabolism
103694857	NA	True	False	Erythrocytes take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen;Erythrocytes take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide;Scavenging of heme from plasma;Neutrophil degranulation
103694877	NA	True	False	Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall;Neutrophil degranulation
103694903	NA	True	False	Inhibition of replication initiation of damaged DNA by RB1/E2F1;Spry regulation of FGF signaling;Amplification  of signal from unattached  kinetochores via a MAD2  inhibitory signal;DARPP-32 events;Degradation of beta-catenin by the destruction complex;Beta-catenin phosphorylation cascade;ERK/MAPK targets;ERKs are inactivated;Separation of Sister Chromatids;Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion;CTLA4 inhibitory signaling;RHO GTPases Activate Formins;RAF activation;Regulation of TP53 Degradation;PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling;Mitotic Prometaphase;Cyclin D associated events in G1;Cyclin A/B1/B2 associated events during G2/M transition;Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
108348061	NA	True	False	NA
108348073	NA	True	False	Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition;GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit
108348108	NA	True	False	Regulation of HSF1-mediated heat shock response;HSP90 chaperone cycle for steroid hormone receptors (SHR);Attenuation phase;HSF1-dependent transactivation;AUF1 (hnRNP D0) binds and destabilizes mRNA;Neutrophil degranulation
108348115	NA	True	False	NA
108348142	NA	True	False	NA
108348148	NA	True	False	Glutathione conjugation
108348161	NA	True	False	NA
108351137	NA	True	False	NA
NA	NA	True	False	NA