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date Fri, 28 Jun 2019 05:08:48 -0400
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V1	neXtProt_ID	Ensembl	SeqLength	MW	IsoPoint	TMDomains	ProteinExistence	Chr	SubcellLocations	Diseases	Gene	Gene description	RNA tissue category	Reliability (IH)	RNA TS TPM
A0AVF1	NX_A0AVF1	ENSG00000105948	554	64178	6.5	0	PE1	7	Cytoplasm;Nucleus;Nucleus;Cytoskeleton;Cytoplasm;Cilium	NA	TTC26	Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 26	Tissue enhanced	Supported	fallopian tube: 22.4;testis: 22.0
A1A519	NX_A1A519	ENSG00000164334	330	37158	5	0	PE1	5	Nucleus	NA	FAM170A	Family with sequence similarity 170, member A	Tissue enriched	Approved	testis: 20.8
A4FU69	NX_A4FU69	ENSG00000176927	1503	173404	5.58	0	PE1	17	NA	NA	EFCAB5	EF-hand calcium binding domain 5	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 15.3
A5D8V7	NX_A5D8V7	ENSG00000198003	595	69140	9.11	0	PE1	19	Cilium;Cilium basal body;Centriole;Cilium axoneme	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 30	CCDC151	Coiled-coil domain containing 151	Tissue enhanced	Supported	fallopian tube: 13.6;parathyroid gland: 7.0;testis: 7.5
A5D8W1	NX_A5D8W1	ENSG00000105792	941	105883	6.81	0	PE1	7	NA	NA	CFAP69	Cilia and flagella associated protein 69	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	prostate: 24.6
A6NCJ1	NX_A6NCJ1	ENSG00000183397	209	24176	9.14	0	PE1	19	Cell membrane;Cytoplasm	NA	C19orf71	Chromosome 19 open reading frame 71	Mixed	Uncertain	NA
A6NIV6	NX_A6NIV6	ENSG00000188306	560	63977	8.43	0	PE1	3	NA	NA	LRRIQ4	Leucine-rich repeats and IQ motif containing 4	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	testis: 4.3
A6NJV1	NX_A6NJV1	ENSG00000173557	201	23421	10	0	PE1	2	Cytoplasm;Cytoplasmic vesicle;Nucleus	NA	C2orf70	Chromosome 2 open reading frame 70	Group enriched	Approved	fallopian tube: 11.9;stomach: 4.9;testis: 17.5
A6NNW6	NX_A6NNW6	ENSG00000188316	628	68821	5.7	0	PE1	10	Nucleus	NA	ENO4	Enolase family member 4	Tissue enhanced	Supported	fallopian tube: 14.6
B2RC85	NX_B2RC85	ENSG00000169402	870	100547	7.16	0	PE2	7	NA	NA	RSPH10B2	Radial spoke head 10 homolog B2 (Chlamydomonas)	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 16.2;testis: 35.7
O14734	NX_O14734	ENSG00000101473	319	35914	7.22	0	PE1	20	Mitochondrion;Cytoplasmic vesicle;Cytoplasm;Peroxisome matrix	NA	ACOT8	Acyl-CoA thioesterase 8	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
O14967	NX_O14967	ENSG00000153132	610	70039	4.58	1	PE1	4	Endoplasmic reticulum;Endoplasmic reticulum membrane	NA	CLGN	Calmegin	Tissue enhanced	Supported	testis: 185.4
O15371	NX_O15371	ENSG00000100353	548	63973	5.79	0	PE1	22	Cytoplasm;Nucleus;Cytoplasm	NA	EIF3D	Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit D	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
O43236	NX_O43236	ENSG00000108387	478	55098	5.77	0	PE1	17	Nucleoplasm;Cytoplasm;Cytoskeleton;Flagellum;Mitochondrion;Nucleus	NA	SEPT4	Septin 4	Group enriched	Supported	adrenal gland: 218.2;cerebral cortex: 288.7;spleen: 57.8
O60733	NX_O60733	ENSG00000184381	806	89903	6.86	0	PE1	22	Cytoplasm;Membrane	Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation 2A;Parkinson disease 14;Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation 2B	PLA2G6	Phospholipase A2, group VI (cytosolic, calcium-independent)	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
O75367	NX_O75367	ENSG00000113648	372	39617	9.8	0	PE1	5	Nucleus;Nucleus;Chromosome	NA	H2AFY	H2A histone family, member Y	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
O75425	NX_O75425	ENSG00000106330	235	25519	9.29	2	PE1	7	Nucleoplasm;Cytoplasm;Membrane	NA	MOSPD3	Motile sperm domain containing 3	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA
O75487	NX_O75487	ENSG00000076716	556	62412	6.26	0	PE1	X	Cytoplasmic vesicle;Cell membrane;Extracellular space	NA	GPC4	Glypican 4	Mixed	Approved	NA
O75610	NX_O75610	ENSG00000243709	366	40880	8.6	0	PE1	1	Secreted	NA	LEFTY1	Left-right determination factor 1	Tissue enhanced	Approved	colon: 59.7;rectum: 35.8
O75787	NX_O75787	ENSG00000182220	350	39008	5.76	1	PE1	X	Membrane	Parkinsonism with spasticity, X-linked;Mental retardation, X-linked, with epilepsy	ATP6AP2	ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal accessory protein 2	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
O95995	NX_O95995	ENSG00000141013	478	56356	7.72	0	PE1	16	Cytoplasm;Cytoskeleton;Flagellum;Cilium axoneme;Cilium basal body;Golgi apparatus	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 33	GAS8	Growth arrest-specific 8	Mixed	Approved	NA
P06748	NX_P06748	ENSG00000181163	294	32575	4.64	0	PE1	5	Nucleolus;Nucleus;Nucleus;Nucleolus;Nucleolus;Nucleoplasm;Centrosome	NA	NPM1	Nucleophosmin (nucleolar phosphoprotein B23, numatrin)	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
P0C221	NX_P0C221	ENSG00000151838	793	93626	6.34	0	PE1	14	NA	NA	CCDC175	Coiled-coil domain containing 175	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 4.0
P12268	NX_P12268	ENSG00000178035	514	55805	6.44	0	PE1	3	Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Nucleus	NA	IMPDH2	IMP (inosine 5'-monophosphate) dehydrogenase 2	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
P12956	NX_P12956	ENSG00000196419	609	69843	6.23	0	PE1	22	Nucleus;Nucleoplasm;Nucleus;Chromosome	NA	XRCC6	X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
P21810	NX_P21810	ENSG00000182492	368	41654	7.16	0	PE1	X	Golgi apparatus;Extracellular matrix	Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, X-linked	BGN	Biglycan	Mixed	Supported	NA
P21980	NX_P21980	ENSG00000198959	687	77329	5.11	0	PE1	20	Cytoplasm;Cell membrane;Nucleus	NA	TGM2	Transglutaminase 2	Tissue enhanced	Approved	cervix, uterine: 456.8
P35606	NX_P35606	ENSG00000184432	906	102487	5.15	0	PE1	3	Cytoplasm;Cytosol;Golgi apparatus membrane;COPI-coated vesicle membrane;Golgi apparatus;Cytoplasm	NA	COPB2	Coatomer protein complex, subunit beta 2 (beta prime)	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
P35663	NX_P35663	ENSG00000183035	651	74242	9.68	0	PE1	X	Calyx	NA	CYLC1	Cylicin, basic protein of sperm head cytoskeleton 1	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 42.7
P36578	NX_P36578	ENSG00000174444	427	47697	11.07	0	PE1	15	Nucleus;Nucleolus;Cytoplasm	NA	RPL4	Ribosomal protein L4	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA
P39023	NX_P39023	ENSG00000100316	403	46109	10.19	0	PE1	22	Nucleolus;Nucleoplasm;Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Nucleolus	NA	RPL3	Ribosomal protein L3	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA
P45880	NX_P45880	ENSG00000165637	294	31567	7.5	0	PE1	10	Mitochondrion;Mitochondrion outer membrane	NA	VDAC2	Voltage-dependent anion channel 2	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
P46777	NX_P46777	ENSG00000122406	297	34363	9.73	0	PE1	1	Nucleolus;Cytoplasm;Nucleolus;Cytoplasm	Diamond-Blackfan anemia 6	RPL5	Ribosomal protein L5	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
P46781	NX_P46781	ENSG00000170889; ENSG00000278270; ENSG00000274950; ENSG00000274646	194	22591	10.66	0	PE1	19	Cytoplasm	NA	RPS9	Ribosomal protein S9	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
P49327	NX_P49327	ENSG00000169710	2511	273427	6.01	0	PE1	17	Cell membrane;Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Melanosome	NA	FASN	Fatty acid synthase	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
P49585	NX_P49585	ENSG00000161217	367	41731	6.82	0	PE1	3	Nucleus;Cytosol;Membrane	Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with cone-rod dystrophy	PCYT1A	Phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1, choline, alpha	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
P50402	NX_P50402	ENSG00000102119	254	28994	5.29	1	PE1	X	Nucleus envelope;Nucleus membrane;Endoplasmic reticulum;Nucleus inner membrane;Nucleus outer membrane	Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy 1, X-linked	EMD	Emerin	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
P50570	NX_P50570	ENSG00000079805	870	98064	7.04	0	PE1	19	Golgi apparatus;Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Cytoskeleton;Cell junction;Clathrin-coated pit;Postsynaptic density;Synapse;Midbody;Phagocytic cup;Phagosome membrane	Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, dominant, intermediate type, B;Lethal congenital contracture syndrome 5;Myopathy, centronuclear, 1;Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 2M	DNM2	Dynamin 2	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
P52272	NX_P52272	ENSG00000099783	730	77516	8.84	0	PE1	19	Nucleus;Nucleoplasm;Nucleolus	NA	HNRNPM	Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
P57740	NX_P57740	ENSG00000111581	925	106374	5.28	0	PE1	12	Nucleoplasm;Centrosome;Nucleus membrane;Nuclear pore complex;Kinetochore	Nephrotic syndrome 11	NUP107	Nucleoporin 107kDa	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA
P61247	NX_P61247	ENSG00000145425	264	29945	9.75	0	PE1	4	Nucleolus;Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Nucleus	NA	RPS3A	Ribosomal protein S3A	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
P62241	NX_P62241	ENSG00000142937	208	24205	10.32	0	PE1	1	Nucleus;Nucleolus;Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Membrane	NA	RPS8	Ribosomal protein S8	Expressed in all	NA	NA
Q00839	NX_Q00839	ENSG00000153187	825	90584	5.76	0	PE1	1	Nucleoplasm;Cytoskeleton;Nucleus;Cytoplasm;Cell surface	NA	HNRNPU	Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (scaffold attachment factor A)	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
Q02878	NX_Q02878	ENSG00000089009	288	32728	10.59	0	PE1	12	Cytoskeleton;Cytoskeleton	NA	RPL6	Ribosomal protein L6	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q08211	NX_Q08211	ENSG00000135829	1270	140958	6.41	0	PE1	1	Nucleus;Nucleolus;Cytoplasm	NA	DHX9	DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
Q0VAA2	NX_Q0VAA2	ENSG00000100565	488	54535	5.22	0	PE1	14	NA	NA	LRRC74A	Leucine rich repeat containing 74A	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 7.0
Q14093	NX_Q14093	ENSG00000155833	348	39079	9.74	0	PE1	9	Calyx	NA	CYLC2	Cylicin, basic protein of sperm head cytoskeleton 2	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 79.9
Q14393	NX_Q14393	ENSG00000183087	721	79677	5.84	0	PE1	13	Cytoplasm;Microtubule organizing center;Secreted	NA	GAS6	Growth arrest-specific 6	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q14693	NX_Q14693	ENSG00000134324	890	98664	6.14	0	PE1	2	Nucleus membrane;Cytosol;Endoplasmic reticulum membrane	Myoglobinuria, acute recurrent, autosomal recessive	LPIN1	Lipin 1	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q15393	NX_Q15393	ENSG00000189091	1217	135577	5.13	0	PE1	16	Nucleus;Nucleus;Nucleolus	NA	SF3B3	Splicing factor 3b, subunit 3, 130kDa	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
Q2TAA8	NX_Q2TAA8	ENSG00000102904	658	76773	4.99	0	PE1	16	Perinuclear region	NA	TSNAXIP1	Translin-associated factor X interacting protein 1	Group enriched	NA	fallopian tube: 15.4;testis: 40.0
Q494V2	NX_Q494V2	ENSG00000163885	611	71117	6.65	0	PE1	3	Cilium axoneme	NA	CFAP100	Cilia and flagella associated protein 100	Group enriched	Approved	fallopian tube: 43.0;testis: 34.3
Q4G0X9	NX_Q4G0X9	ENSG00000141519	1142	130113	5.21	0	PE1	17	Cytoskeleton;Cytoplasm;Cilium	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 15	CCDC40	Coiled-coil domain containing 40	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 23.5
Q502W7	NX_Q502W7	ENSG00000165972	563	65315	8.81	0	PE1	12	Centrosome	NA	CCDC38	Coiled-coil domain containing 38	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 26.2
Q53EV4	NX_Q53EV4	ENSG00000010626	343	39761	4.57	0	PE1	12	Nucleolus	NA	LRRC23	Leucine rich repeat containing 23	Group enriched	Supported	fallopian tube: 164.7;testis: 43.2
Q53TS8	NX_Q53TS8	ENSG00000155754	623	71159	6.55	0	PE1	2	NA	NA	ALS2CR11	Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region, candidate 11	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 73.8
Q5BJF6	NX_Q5BJF6	ENSG00000136811	829	95401	7.53	0	PE1	9	Centrosome;Cilium;Centriole;Spindle pole;Centrosome	NA	ODF2	Outer dense fiber of sperm tails 2	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 533.7
Q5I0G3	NX_Q5I0G3	ENSG00000138400	518	58651	5.85	0	PE1	2	NA	NA	MDH1B	Malate dehydrogenase 1B, NAD (soluble)	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 34.9;testis: 43.5
Q5JU00	NX_Q5JU00	ENSG00000146221	501	55632	6.31	0	PE1	6	NA	NA	TCTE1	T-complex-associated-testis-expressed 1	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 22.8;testis: 35.3
Q5JU67	NX_Q5JU67	ENSG00000160401	520	60533	8.88	0	PE1	9	Cytoplasmic vesicle;Cilium;Cell membrane;Cytoplasm	NA	CFAP157	Cilia and flagella associated protein 157	Tissue enriched	Supported	fallopian tube: 93.9
Q5JX69	NX_Q5JX69	ENSG00000213714	171	19499	9.08	1	PE1	20	Membrane	NA	FAM209B	Family with sequence similarity 209, member B	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 111.9
Q5T0N1	NX_Q5T0N1	ENSG00000156042	1121	125721	5.57	0	PE1	10	Cilium	NA	CFAP70	Cilia and flagella associated protein 70	Tissue enhanced	Approved	fallopian tube: 23.4;testis: 38.3
Q5T1B0	NX_Q5T1B0	ENSG00000162779	1012	118027	5.49	0	PE1	1	NA	NA	AXDND1	Axonemal dynein light chain domain containing 1	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 24.4
Q5T655	NX_Q5T655	ENSG00000120051	872	103417	8.44	0	PE1	10	Nucleus;Cilium	NA	CFAP58	Cilia and flagella associated protein 58	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 13.2;testis: 23.4
Q5TCS8	NX_Q5TCS8	ENSG00000155085	1911	221413	4.96	0	PE1	6	Nucleus membrane;Nucleus;Cytoplasm;Nucleus	NA	AK9	Adenylate kinase 9	Tissue enhanced	Approved	testis: 31.1
Q5TEZ5	NX_Q5TEZ5	ENSG00000203872	329	38553	6.49	0	PE1	6	NA	NA	C6orf163	Chromosome 6 open reading frame 163	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 13.9
Q5TZF3	NX_Q5TZF3	ENSG00000183831	282	31810	4.59	0	PE1	1	NA	NA	ANKRD45	Ankyrin repeat domain 45	Tissue enhanced	Supported	fallopian tube: 34.5;parathyroid gland: 22.5;testis: 36.2
Q5VTH9	NX_Q5VTH9	ENSG00000152763	848	94573	5.53	0	PE1	1	NA	NA	WDR78	WD repeat domain 78	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 43.2;testis: 62.6
Q5VTT2	NX_Q5VTT2	ENSG00000204711	229	26445	6.75	1	PE1	9	Membrane	NA	C9orf135	Chromosome 9 open reading frame 135	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 54.5;testis: 24.2
Q66K79	NX_Q66K79	ENSG00000109625	652	73655	8.22	0	PE1	4	Extracellular matrix	NA	CPZ	Carboxypeptidase Z	Tissue enhanced	NA	ovary: 121.2
Q6NXR0	NX_Q6NXR0	ENSG00000124449	463	50288	5.22	0	PE1	19	NA	NA	IRGC	Immunity-related GTPase family, cinema	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 62.9
Q6PF18	NX_Q6PF18	ENSG00000139714	240	27585	8.63	0	PE1	12	Nucleoplasm	NA	MORN3	MORN repeat containing 3	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 6.7
Q6URK8	NX_Q6URK8	ENSG00000159648	271	30717	9.09	0	PE1	16	Secreted	NA	TEPP	Testis, prostate and placenta expressed	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 7.3
Q6XZB0	NX_Q6XZB0	ENSG00000188992	460	52992	9.22	0	PE1	21	Membrane;Secreted;Membrane	Hypertriglyceridemia, familial	LIPI	Lipase, member I	Tissue enriched	NA	epididymis: 568.5
Q6ZNM6	NX_Q6ZNM6	ENSG00000196900	134	15452	9.3	0	PE1	5	NA	NA	TEX43	Testis expressed 43	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 35.2
Q75WM6	NX_Q75WM6	ENSG00000187166	255	28116	11.77	0	PE1	12	Nucleus;Chromosome	NA	H1FNT	H1 histone family, member N, testis-specific	Tissue enriched	Approved	testis: 77.7
Q7Z304	NX_Q7Z304	ENSG00000165072	686	77556	5.05	0	PE1	9	Endoplasmic reticulum;Extracellular matrix	NA	MAMDC2	MAM domain containing 2	Mixed	Uncertain	NA
Q7Z4T9	NX_Q7Z4T9	ENSG00000183833	603	70999	7.34	0	PE1	3	Cytoplasm;Mitochondrion;Cilium axoneme;Mitochondrion	NA	MAATS1	MYCBP-associated, testis expressed 1	Tissue enhanced	NA	fallopian tube: 22.4;testis: 15.8
Q7Z5J8	NX_Q7Z5J8	ENSG00000151687	1434	162026	8.39	1	PE1	2	Microtubule organizing center;Nucleus;Membrane	NA	ANKAR	Ankyrin and armadillo repeat containing	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 10.2
Q7Z5V6	NX_Q7Z5V6	ENSG00000162148	425	47295	8.74	0	PE1	11	NA	NA	PPP1R32	Protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 32	Tissue enhanced	Supported	fallopian tube: 64.0;testis: 87.4
Q7Z7H3	NX_Q7Z7H3	ENSG00000158428	387	43900	5.28	0	PE1	2	Nucleus;Cytoplasm;Cell membrane;Cytoskeleton	NA	CATIP	Ciliogenesis associated TTC17 interacting protein	Tissue enhanced	Supported	fallopian tube: 31.6
Q86UC2	NX_Q86UC2	ENSG00000130363	560	63687	5.53	0	PE1	6	Cytoplasmic vesicle;Cell membrane;Cilium axoneme;Cytoplasm	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 32	RSPH3	Radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas)	Mixed	Approved	NA
Q86WT1	NX_Q86WT1	ENSG00000197557	665	76136	5.11	0	PE1	2	Cilium	NA	TTC30A	Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 30A	Mixed	Supported	NA
Q86WT6	NX_Q86WT6	ENSG00000185880; ENSG00000278211	500	57419	6.04	0	PE1	15	Cytoplasm;Nucleus;Nucleus speckle	NA	TRIM69	Tripartite motif containing 69	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 56.8
Q86XH1	NX_Q86XH1	ENSG00000132321	822	95341	9.48	0	PE1	2	Nucleus	NA	IQCA1	IQ motif containing with AAA domain 1	Tissue enhanced	NA	fallopian tube: 17.7;thyroid gland: 32.1
Q86XQ3	NX_Q86XQ3	ENSG00000152705	398	46422	5.88	6	PE1	5	Flagellum membrane	NA	CATSPER3	Cation channel, sperm associated 3	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 38.3
Q8IV63	NX_Q8IV63	ENSG00000105053	474	52881	9.21	0	PE1	19	Nucleus;Cytoplasmic vesicle;Nucleolus;Nucleus	NA	VRK3	Vaccinia related kinase 3	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q8IWZ5	NX_Q8IWZ5	ENSG00000155890	723	82745	8.3	0	PE1	3	NA	NA	TRIM42	Tripartite motif containing 42	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 29.1
Q8IXS2	NX_Q8IXS2	ENSG00000139537	484	57297	6.96	0	PE1	12	NA	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 27	CCDC65	Coiled-coil domain containing 65	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 42.4;testis: 67.5
Q8IY82	NX_Q8IY82	ENSG00000159625	874	103497	5.49	0	PE1	16	Flagellum;Cilium axoneme	NA	DRC7	Dynein regulatory complex subunit 7	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 32.4;testis: 81.1
Q8IYE0	NX_Q8IYE0	ENSG00000135205	955	112806	8.59	0	PE1	7	Centriole	NA	CCDC146	Coiled-coil domain containing 146	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 57.0;testis: 39.7
Q8IYM1	NX_Q8IYM1	ENSG00000140623	358	40748	6.67	0	PE1	16	Cytoplasm;Cytoskeleton;Spindle;Nucleus;Flagellum	Spermatogenic failure 10	SEPT12	Septin 12	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 107.9
Q8IYR0	NX_Q8IYR0	ENSG00000272514	622	71193	6.38	0	PE1	6	Cilium axoneme	NA	CFAP206	Cilia and flagella associated protein 206	Group enriched	Approved	fallopian tube: 35.3;testis: 107.4
Q8IYW2	NX_Q8IYW2	ENSG00000171811	2715	303500	7.07	0	PE1	10	Cilium axoneme	NA	CFAP46	Cilia and flagella associated protein 46	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 8.4;testis: 17.6
Q8N443	NX_Q8N443	ENSG00000158423	379	44015	8.92	0	PE1	X	NA	NA	RIBC1	RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 1	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 44.6;testis: 41.6
Q8N865	NX_Q8N865	ENSG00000153790	590	68464	6.9	0	PE1	7	Centrosome	NA	C7orf31	Chromosome 7 open reading frame 31	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 130.7
Q8NA54	NX_Q8NA54	ENSG00000164675	791	92581	6.21	0	PE1	7	NA	NA	IQUB	IQ motif and ubiquitin domain containing	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 65.9
Q8NA56	NX_Q8NA56	ENSG00000137473	475	55082	5.5	0	PE1	4	NA	NA	TTC29	Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 29	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 33.8;testis: 150.4
Q8NAT1	NX_Q8NAT1	ENSG00000144647	580	66615	8.81	1	PE1	3	Endoplasmic reticulum membrane	Muscular dystrophy-dystroglycanopathy congenital with brain and eye anomalies A8	POMGNT2	Protein O-linked mannose N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 (beta 1,4-)	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA
Q8NBM4	NX_Q8NBM4	ENSG00000134882	344	38964	9.21	3	PE1	13	Cytoplasm;Endoplasmic reticulum membrane	NA	UBAC2	UBA domain containing 2	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q8NBZ7	NX_Q8NBZ7	ENSG00000115652	420	47577	8.99	1	PE1	2	Golgi stack membrane	NA	UXS1	UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase 1	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA
Q8NCR6	NX_Q8NCR6	ENSG00000164972	262	30167	8.76	0	PE1	9	Cytoskeleton;Nucleus;Cytoplasm	NA	C9orf24	Chromosome 9 open reading frame 24	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 172.5;testis: 65.1
Q8ND07	NX_Q8ND07	ENSG00000119636	529	61987	9.07	0	PE1	14	Microtubule organizing center;Nucleus;Cell membrane;Cilium basal body	NA	BBOF1	Basal body orientation factor 1	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	testis: 69.7
Q8NDM7	NX_Q8NDM7	ENSG00000197748	1665	191984	5.71	0	PE1	10	Cytoplasm;Nucleus;Flagellum	NA	CFAP43	Cilia and flagella associated protein 43	Group enriched	NA	fallopian tube: 77.1;testis: 102.7
Q8NE09	NX_Q8NE09	ENSG00000132554	1264	147163	8.08	0	PE1	8	Cytoplasm;Nucleus	NA	RGS22	Regulator of G-protein signaling 22	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 108.4
Q8NEC5	NX_Q8NEC5	ENSG00000175294	780	90091	7.22	6	PE1	11	Flagellum membrane	Spermatogenic failure 7	CATSPER1	Cation channel, sperm associated 1	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 20.4
Q8NEY3	NX_Q8NEY3	ENSG00000150628	305	34751	9.86	0	PE1	4	NA	NA	SPATA4	Spermatogenesis associated 4	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 241.7
Q8NHU2	NX_Q8NHU2	ENSG00000089101	1237	141349	5.76	0	PE1	20	Cytoplasm;Nucleoplasm;Cilium axoneme	NA	CFAP61	Cilia and flagella associated protein 61	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 20.0;heart muscle: 6.9;testis: 30.1
Q8TBZ2	NX_Q8TBZ2	ENSG00000136449	947	108153	7.13	0	PE1	17	Cytoplasm;Membrane	NA	MYCBPAP	MYCBP associated protein	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 91.0
Q8TC36	NX_Q8TC36	ENSG00000167098	379	43081	8.61	1	PE1	20	Nucleus inner membrane	NA	SUN5	Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 5	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 40.8
Q8TC94	NX_Q8TC94	ENSG00000181786	416	45627	6.61	0	PE1	19	Cytoskeleton	NA	ACTL9	Actin-like 9	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 50.2
Q8TC99	NX_Q8TC99	ENSG00000073598	324	35921	5.01	0	PE1	17	NA	NA	FNDC8	Fibronectin type III domain containing 8	Tissue enriched	Supported	testis: 107.9
Q8WW14	NX_Q8WW14	ENSG00000165863	230	25923	8.78	0	PE1	10	Mitochondrion	NA	C10orf82	Chromosome 10 open reading frame 82	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 111.2
Q8WW24	NX_Q8WW24	ENSG00000163060	435	50649	6.01	0	PE1	2	Flagellum;Flagellum axoneme;Cilium axoneme	NA	TEKT4	Tektin 4	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 4.2;testis: 5.2
Q8WYA0	NX_Q8WYA0	ENSG00000122970	676	79746	8.9	0	PE1	12	Cytoplasm;Centrosome;Cilium	NA	IFT81	Intraflagellar transport 81	Mixed	Supported	NA
Q8WYR4	NX_Q8WYR4	ENSG00000160188	309	35124	4.58	0	PE1	21	Nucleoplasm;Cytoplasm;Cilium	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 24	RSPH1	Radial spoke head 1 homolog (Chlamydomonas)	Tissue enriched	Supported	fallopian tube: 249.5
Q92743	NX_Q92743	ENSG00000166033	480	51287	8.09	0	PE1	10	Cell membrane;Cell membrane;Secreted;Cytosol	Cerebral arteriopathy, autosomal dominant, with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy, 2;Macular degeneration, age-related, 7;Cerebral arteriopathy, autosomal recessive, with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy	HTRA1	HtrA serine peptidase 1	Mixed	Approved	NA
Q969V4	NX_Q969V4	ENSG00000167858	418	48283	5.98	0	PE1	17	Cilium axoneme;Flagellum axoneme	NA	TEKT1	Tektin 1	Group enriched	Supported	fallopian tube: 79.4;testis: 18.3
Q96DB2	NX_Q96DB2	ENSG00000163517	347	39183	7.17	0	PE1	3	Cell membrane;Nucleus	NA	HDAC11	Histone deacetylase 11	Mixed	NA	NA
Q96DY2	NX_Q96DY2	ENSG00000166578	449	52359	9.26	0	PE1	12	NA	NA	IQCD	IQ motif containing D	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 34.5;testis: 65.3
Q96EY1	NX_Q96EY1	ENSG00000103423; ENSG00000276726	480	52489	9.37	0	PE1	16	Mitochondrion matrix;Mitochondrion;Cytosol;Postsynaptic cell membrane	NA	DNAJA3	DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily A, member 3	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q96LB3	NX_Q96LB3	ENSG00000096872	600	69239	5.73	0	PE1	9	Golgi apparatus;Cilium;Cytoplasmic vesicle	Bardet-Biedl syndrome 20	IFT74	Intraflagellar transport 74	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q96LI6	NX_Q96LI6	ENSG00000169953; ENSG00000172468	401	45107	6.68	0	PE1	Y	Nucleus;Cytoplasm	NA	HSFY2	Heat shock transcription factor, Y-linked 2	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 24.5
Q96LK8	NX_Q96LK8	ENSG00000184361	384	42325	4.7	0	PE1	17	NA	NA	SPATA32	Spermatogenesis associated 32	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 40.8
Q96M29	NX_Q96M29	ENSG00000153060	485	56294	6.8	0	PE1	16	Flagellum	NA	TEKT5	Tektin 5	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 45.4
Q96M32	NX_Q96M32	ENSG00000140057	723	82658	4.67	0	PE1	14	Cytoplasm;Cytosol;Nucleus	NA	AK7	Adenylate kinase 7	Tissue enhanced	Approved	fallopian tube: 38.5
Q96M63	NX_Q96M63	ENSG00000105479	670	75046	5.87	0	PE1	19	Cilium	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 20	CCDC114	Coiled-coil domain containing 114	Group enriched	Approved	fallopian tube: 6.5;testis: 5.8
Q96M69	NX_Q96M69	ENSG00000155530	825	93618	6	0	PE1	7	Acrosome	NA	LRGUK	Leucine-rich repeats and guanylate kinase domain containing	Group enriched	Uncertain	epididymis: 1.7;fallopian tube: 5.4;testis: 8.3
Q96M86	NX_Q96M86	ENSG00000179532	4753	533644	6.25	0	PE1	11	Nucleoplasm	NA	DNHD1	Dynein heavy chain domain 1	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 19.5
Q96M91	NX_Q96M91	ENSG00000172361	514	61835	9	0	PE1	18	Cilium	Heterotaxy, visceral, 6, autosomal	CFAP53	Cilia and flagella associated protein 53	Group enriched	Supported	fallopian tube: 44.1;testis: 126.4
Q96M95	NX_Q96M95	ENSG00000161973	316	38019	9.18	0	PE1	17	NA	NA	CCDC42	Coiled-coil domain containing 42	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 128.7
Q96MA6	NX_Q96MA6	ENSG00000165695	479	54926	5.77	0	PE1	9	Cytosol	NA	AK8	Adenylate kinase 8	Tissue enhanced	Approved	fallopian tube: 29.6;testis: 21.6
Q96MC2	NX_Q96MC2	ENSG00000157856	740	87134	5.3	0	PE1	2	Cilium axoneme	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 21	DRC1	Dynein regulatory complex subunit 1	Group enriched	NA	fallopian tube: 61.8;testis: 36.7
Q96MR6	NX_Q96MR6	ENSG00000243710	1250	144961	5.61	0	PE1	1	Cytoplasm	NA	CFAP57	Cilia and flagella associated protein 57	Group enriched	Supported	fallopian tube: 35.3;testis: 27.6
Q96MT7	NX_Q96MT7	ENSG00000206530	982	111729	4.75	0	PE1	3	Flagellum	NA	CFAP44	Cilia and flagella associated protein 44	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	testis: 24.9
Q96N23	NX_Q96N23	ENSG00000188596	3096	351970	8.41	0	PE1	12	Cilium axoneme	NA	CFAP54	Cilia and flagella associated 54	Mixed	Supported	NA
Q96P26	NX_Q96P26	ENSG00000185013	610	68804	9.03	0	PE1	2	Cytoplasm	NA	NT5C1B	5'-nucleotidase, cytosolic IB	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 57.8
Q96PF2	NX_Q96PF2	ENSG00000206203	358	40939	9.02	0	PE1	22	Cytoplasm;Centriole	NA	TSSK2	Testis-specific serine kinase 2	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 120.0
Q96RN1	NX_Q96RN1	ENSG00000112053	970	109006	5.86	12	PE1	6	Membrane	Spermatogenic failure 3	SLC26A8	Solute carrier family 26 (anion exchanger), member 8	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 75.6
Q96SB4	NX_Q96SB4	ENSG00000096063	655	74325	5.81	0	PE1	6	Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Nucleus;Nucleus;Cell membrane;Cytoplasm;Nucleus;Nucleus matrix;Microsome;Cytoplasm;Nucleus matrix;Microsome	NA	SRPK1	SRSF protein kinase 1	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q99932	NX_Q99932	ENSG00000137098	426	44819	5.31	0	PE1	9	Cytoplasm;Nucleus;Acrosome;Microtubule organizing center;Spindle	NA	SPAG8	Sperm associated antigen 8	Group enriched	Supported	fallopian tube: 28.7;testis: 16.3
Q9BRK5	NX_Q9BRK5	ENSG00000078808	362	41807	4.76	0	PE1	1	Golgi apparatus;Bleb;Golgi apparatus lumen;Cytoplasm;Cell membrane	NA	SDF4	Stromal cell derived factor 4	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
Q9BRQ6	NX_Q9BRQ6	ENSG00000159685	235	26458	9.01	0	PE1	3	Cytoplasm;Nucleus;Mitochondrion;Mitochondrion inner membrane;Mitochondrion	NA	CHCHD6	Coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 6	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q9BXA6	NX_Q9BXA6	ENSG00000178093	273	30331	9.24	0	PE1	19	NA	NA	TSSK6	Testis-specific serine kinase 6	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 18.7
Q9BXC9	NX_Q9BXC9	ENSG00000125124	721	79871	5.74	0	PE1	16	Cilium membrane;Cytoplasm;Centriolar satellite	Bardet-Biedl syndrome 2;Retinitis pigmentosa 74	BBS2	Bardet-Biedl syndrome 2	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q9BXF9	NX_Q9BXF9	ENSG00000125409	490	56636	6.93	0	PE1	17	Cilium axoneme;Flagellum axoneme	NA	TEKT3	Tektin 3	Tissue enriched	Uncertain	testis: 46.0
Q9BY76	NX_Q9BY76	ENSG00000167772	406	45214	9.07	0	PE1	19	Secreted;Extracellular matrix	NA	ANGPTL4	Angiopoietin-like 4	Tissue enhanced	Approved	adipose tissue: 78.2
Q9BZW7	NX_Q9BZW7	ENSG00000135951	698	81421	5.73	0	PE1	2	Nucleus;Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Nucleus;Nucleus membrane	NA	TSGA10	Testis specific, 10	Group enriched	Approved	fallopian tube: 19.0;testis: 92.4
Q9C0B2	NX_Q9C0B2	ENSG00000142609	1584	178589	6.01	0	PE1	1	Cilium axoneme	NA	CFAP74	Cilia and flagella associated protein 74	Tissue enhanced	Supported	fallopian tube: 10.4;testis: 9.0
Q9H069	NX_Q9H069	ENSG00000171962	523	61054	4.68	0	PE1	17	Cytoplasm;Cilium axoneme	NA	DRC3	Dynein regulatory complex subunit 3	Tissue enhanced	Approved	fallopian tube: 98.0
Q9H095	NX_Q9H095	ENSG00000114473	443	51918	6.18	0	PE1	3	Cytoplasm;Cytoskeleton;Cytoplasm;Flagellum;Cilium;Cytoskeleton	NA	IQCG	IQ motif containing G	Group enriched	NA	fallopian tube: 83.0;testis: 78.7
Q9H0C1	NX_Q9H0C1	ENSG00000066185	365	41818	5.82	0	PE1	1	Nucleus;Cytoplasm	NA	ZMYND12	Zinc finger, MYND-type containing 12	Tissue enhanced	NA	fallopian tube: 23.1;testis: 51.6
Q9H0I3	NX_Q9H0I3	ENSG00000103021	377	44220	8.75	0	PE1	16	Nucleus;Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Nucleoplasm;Centriolar satellite	NA	CCDC113	Coiled-coil domain containing 113	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 49.6;testis: 32.7
Q9H0K4	NX_Q9H0K4	ENSG00000104941	717	80913	4.36	0	PE1	19	Nucleus;Cytoplasm	NA	RSPH6A	Radial spoke head 6 homolog A (Chlamydomonas)	Tissue enriched	Approved	testis: 30.5
Q9H1X1	NX_Q9H1X1	ENSG00000172426	276	31292	5.28	0	PE1	6	Cilium axoneme	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 12	RSPH9	Radial spoke head 9 homolog (Chlamydomonas)	Group enriched	Supported	fallopian tube: 14.5;testis: 12.6
Q9H4K1	NX_Q9H4K1	ENSG00000128408	309	37060	9.57	0	PE1	22	NA	NA	RIBC2	RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 2	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 15.8;testis: 37.3
Q9HBG6	NX_Q9HBG6	ENSG00000163913	1241	141825	6.08	0	PE1	3	Cytoplasm;Nucleoplasm;Cytoplasm;Cilium;Cilium basal body	Cranioectodermal dysplasia 1	IFT122	Intraflagellar transport 122	Expressed in all	Approved	NA
Q9HCU5	NX_Q9HCU5	ENSG00000138073	417	45468	8.02	1	PE1	2	Endoplasmic reticulum;Endoplasmic reticulum membrane;Nucleus	NA	PREB	Prolactin regulatory element binding	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA
Q9NR50	NX_Q9NR50	ENSG00000070785	452	50240	6.08	0	PE1	1	Cytoplasm;Cytoplasmic vesicle;Cytoplasm	Leukodystrophy with vanishing white matter	EIF2B3	Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B, subunit 3 gamma, 58kDa	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
Q9NU02	NX_Q9NU02	ENSG00000132623	776	86664	8.51	0	PE1	20	NA	NA	ANKEF1	Ankyrin repeat and EF-hand domain containing 1	Tissue enhanced	Approved	testis: 33.7
Q9NVH1	NX_Q9NVH1	ENSG00000007923	559	63278	8.54	0	PE1	1	Cytoplasm;Mitochondrion	NA	DNAJC11	DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 11	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA
Q9NWB7	NX_Q9NWB7	ENSG00000114446	429	49108	4.93	0	PE1	3	Cilium basal body	NA	IFT57	Intraflagellar transport 57	Mixed	Supported	NA
Q9P0V9	NX_Q9P0V9	ENSG00000186522	454	52593	6.35	0	PE1	2	Cytoplasm;Cell membrane;Cytoskeleton;Cytoskeleton;Cytoplasm;Cytoskeleton	NA	SEPT10	Septin 10	Mixed	Approved	NA
Q9P1Z9	NX_Q9P1Z9	ENSG00000197816	1646	191100	5.74	1	PE1	9	Membrane	NA	CCDC180	Coiled-coil domain containing 180	Group enriched	NA	fallopian tube: 15.6;testis: 37.7
Q9P2H3	NX_Q9P2H3	ENSG00000068885	777	88035	7.59	0	PE1	3	Cytoplasm;Cilium basal body;Cilium axoneme	Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 2 with or without polydactyly	IFT80	Intraflagellar transport 80	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA
Q9P2M1	NX_Q9P2M1	ENSG00000109771	347	39780	7.99	0	PE1	4	Cytoplasm	NA	LRP2BP	LRP2 binding protein	Tissue enhanced	Approved	fallopian tube: 12.5;testis: 20.2
Q9P2S6	NX_Q9P2S6	ENSG00000144504	941	105516	6.28	0	PE1	2	Cytoplasm;Cytoplasm;Nucleus	NA	ANKMY1	Ankyrin repeat and MYND domain containing 1	Group enriched	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 39.0;testis: 118.1
Q9UFE4	NX_Q9UFE4	ENSG00000145075	941	109901	6.1	0	PE1	3	Mitochondrion;Cilium axoneme	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 14	CCDC39	Coiled-coil domain containing 39	Mixed	Supported	NA
Q9UHP6	NX_Q9UHP6	ENSG00000100218	348	38592	6.43	0	PE1	22	NA	NA	RSPH14	Radial spoke head 14 homolog (Chlamydomonas)	Tissue enhanced	Uncertain	fallopian tube: 18.8;testis: 30.8
Q9UI46	NX_Q9UI46	ENSG00000122735	699	79283	6.4	0	PE1	9	Cilium axoneme	Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 1;Kartagener syndrome	DNAI1	Dynein, axonemal, intermediate chain 1	Group enriched	Approved	fallopian tube: 53.6;testis: 60.9
Q9UIF3	NX_Q9UIF3	ENSG00000092850	430	49672	5.39	0	PE1	1	Flagellum;Cilium axoneme;Flagellum axoneme	NA	TEKT2	Tektin 2 (testicular)	Group enriched	Approved	fallopian tube: 96.6;testis: 63.3
Q9Y238	NX_Q9Y238	ENSG00000008226	1755	195684	5.92	0	PE1	3	Cytoplasm	Lung cancer;Esophageal cancer	DLEC1	Deleted in lung and esophageal cancer 1	Tissue enhanced	Supported	fallopian tube: 29.4;testis: 17.3
Q9Y366	NX_Q9Y366	ENSG00000101052	437	49706	5.14	0	PE1	20	Cytoplasm;Cilium	Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 16 with or without polydactyly	IFT52	Intraflagellar transport 52	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
Q9Y4P3	NX_Q9Y4P3	ENSG00000106638	447	49798	9.52	0	PE1	7	Cytoplasm	NA	TBL2	Transducin (beta)-like 2	Tissue enriched	NA	testis: 83.4
Q9Y512	NX_Q9Y512	ENSG00000100347	469	51976	6.44	0	PE1	22	Mitochondrion;Mitochondrion outer membrane;Cytoplasm;Mitochondrion	NA	SAMM50	SAMM50 sorting and assembly machinery component	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
Q9Y678	NX_Q9Y678	ENSG00000181789	874	97718	5.32	0	PE1	3	Golgi apparatus;Cytoplasm;Golgi apparatus membrane;COPI-coated vesicle membrane	NA	COPG1	Coatomer protein complex, subunit gamma 1	Expressed in all	Supported	NA
Q9Y6J8	NX_Q9Y6J8	ENSG00000127952	313	35818	5.73	0	PE1	7	NA	NA	STYXL1	Serine/threonine/tyrosine interacting-like 1	Expressed in all	Uncertain	NA