view GO_terms_enrich_comparison.xml @ 1:528652235016 draft

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author proteore
date Fri, 13 Dec 2019 05:16:36 -0500
parents 04f363ee805a
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<tool id="go_terms_enrich_comparison" name="GO terms enrich comparison " version="2019.12.13">
    <description>(Human, Mouse, Rat)[clusterProfiler]</description>
        <requirement type="package">R</requirement>
        <requirement type="package" version="3.8.2"></requirement>
        <requirement type="package" version="3.8.2"></requirement>
        <requirement type="package" version="3.8.2"></requirement>
        <requirement type="package" version="3.10.2">bioconductor-dose</requirement>
        <requirement type="package" version="3.12.0">bioconductor-clusterprofiler</requirement>
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[

       Rscript $__tool_directory__/GO_terms_enrich_comparison.R


        #for $index, $list in enumerate($lists)
            #if $list.input.ids == "file"
		        --input.$index="$list.input.file" --name.$index="$list.list_name" --inputtype.$index="file" --header.$index="$list.input.header" --column.$index="$list.input.ncol" 
                --input.$index="$list.input.txt" --name.$index="$list.list_name" --inputtype.$index="text"  
 		    #end if
        #end for


            > $log


        <repeat name="lists" title="List to compare" min="2" max="5" >

            <conditional name="input" >
                <param name="ids" type="select" label="Enter your Gene ID list" help="Copy/paste or from a file (e.g. table)" >
                    <option value="text">Copy/paste your IDs</option>
                    <option value="file" selected="true">Input file containing your IDs</option>
                <when value="text" >
                    <param name="txt" type="text" label="Copy/paste your identifiers" help='IDs must be separated by spaces into the form field, for example: 2810 7534' >
                            <valid initial="string.printable">
                                <remove value="&apos;"/>
                            <mapping initial="none">
                                <add source="&apos;" target="__sq__"/>
                <when value="file" >
                    <param name="file" type="data" format="txt,tabular" label="Choose a file that contains your list of IDs" help="" />
                    <param name="header" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" label="Does file contain header?" />
                    <param name="ncol" type="text" value="c1" label="Column number of IDs" help='For example, fill in "c1" if it is the first column, "c2" if it is the second column and so on'>
                        <validator type="regex" message="Please enter a column number, for example: 'c1' for the first column">[c]{0,1}[0-9]+</validator>
            <param name="list_name" type="text" label="name of your list" value="list" optional="false">
                    <valid initial="string.printable">
                        <remove value="&apos;"/>
                    <mapping initial="none">
                        <add source="&apos;" target="__sq__"/>
                <validator type="regex" message="Please enter a list name">[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+</validator>
        <param name="species" type="select" label="Species" >
            <option value="">Human (Homo sapiens) </option>
            <option value="">Mouse (Mus musculus) </option>
            <option value="">Rat (Rattus norvegicus)</option>
		<param name="ontology" type="select" display="checkboxes" multiple="true" label="Select GO terms category" optional="false" >
            <option value="CC">Cellular Component</option>
            <option value="BP">Biological Process</option>
            <option value="MF">Molecular Function</option>
        <data name="log" format="txt" label="GO enrich comparison" />
        <collection type="list" label="GO enrichComparison results Table" name="text_output">
            <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+\.tsv)" ext="tsv"/>
        <collection type="list" label="GO enrichComparison results Diagram" name="graph_output" >
	        <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+.png)" ext="png" />

            <repeat name="lists">
	            <conditional name="input">
	                <param name="ids" value="file" />
	                <param name="file" value="Gene_ID_BreastUp.txt" />
	                <param name="header" value="true" />
	                <param name="ncol" value="c7" />
	                <param name="name" value="UP" />
            <repeat name="lists">
	            <conditional name="input">
	                <param name="ids" value="file" />
	                <param name="file" value="Gene_ID_BreastDn.txt" />
	                <param name="header" value="true" />
	                <param name="ncol" value="c7" />
	                <param name="name" value="DN" />

            <param name="species" value=""/>
            <param name="ontology" value="BP"/>
            <output name="log" file="log.txt" />
            <output_collection name="text_output">
                <element name="GO_enrich_comparison_BP.tsv" file="GO_enrich_comparison_BP.tsv" ftype="tsv"/>
            <output_collection name="graph_output">
                <element name="GO_enrich_comparison_BP.png" file="GO_enrich_comparison_BP.png" ftype="png"/>


This tool is based on the R package clusterProfiler and allows to compare GO terms enrichment analyses of gene/protein sets. 
Given a list of gene set, this function will compute GO enrichment profiles of each gene list.

This tool calculates GO categories enrichment (over- or under-representation) for the IDs of the input list, compared to a background. 
User has the possibility to use background corresponding to the whole organism or to a user-defined list. 
In this latter case, user has the possibility to use the "Build tissue-specific expression dataset" ProteoRE tool to create this list according to your need. 



Two modes are allowed: either by supplying a tabular file (.csv, .tsv, .txt, .tab) including your IDs (identifiers) or by copy/pasting your IDs (separated by a space).

"Enter your Gene ID list": only Entrez Gene ID (e.g : 4151, 7412).  
If your IDs are not Entrez Gene IDs, please use the ID_Converter tool of ProteoRE. 

"Does file contain header?": in case of file input, you specify if there is header or not. 

"Column number of IDs": in which column are your IDs. (e.g. for column 2 you write "c2")

"name of your list": write the name for this list



"Species": the three supported species are Homo sapiens, Mus musculus and Rattus norvegicus 

"Select GO terms category": allows you to perform analysis on one, two or three categories of the Gene Ontology. The categories are 
 Cellular Component (CC), Biological Process (BP) and Molecular Function (MF). 



Diagram output: graphical output in the form of a dot-plot (png, jpeg or pdf format), one figure for each GO category. 
Text tables: with the following information GO category description (e.g.BP.Description), GO term identifier (e.g. BP.GOID) and GO term frequency (e.g. BP.Frequency)d graphics representing the repartition and/or enrichment of GO categories. One table and one graphic will be produced for each GO catagory. 


G Yu, LG Wang, Y Han, QY He. clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters. 
OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 2012, 16(5):284-287. doi:[10.1089/omi.2011.0118](

User manual / Documentation of the clusterProfiler R package (functions and parameters):


.. class:: infomark

**Galaxy integration**

Florence Combes, Yves Vandenbrouck - CEA, INSERM, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University, BIG Institute, FR

Sandra Dérozier, Olivier Rué, Christophe Caron, Valentin Loux - INRA, Paris-Saclay University, MAIAGE Unit, Migale Bioinformatics platform, FR

This work has been partially funded through the French National Agency for Research (ANR) IFB project.

Contact for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
