diff heatmap.xml @ 0:edbb84a94a36 draft

planemo upload commit bdd7e8a1f08c11db2a9f1b6db5535c6d32153b2b
author proteore
date Tue, 18 Dec 2018 09:58:49 -0500
children b8a5139cf5b9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/heatmap.xml	Tue Dec 18 09:58:49 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+<tool id="heatmap" name="HeatMap" version="2018.12.12">
+    <description></description>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="4.7.1">r-plotly</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="0.14.1">r-heatmaply</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="2.1.1">phantomjs</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="2.2.1">pandoc</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
+        Rscript $__tool_directory__/heatmap_viz.R 
+            --input='$file' 
+            --output="$file.name"  
+            --type='$output_type' 
+            --cols='$select_data_columns.cols' 
+            --row_names=$rownames 
+            --header='$header' 
+            --col_text_angle='$angle_col'
+            --dist="$distance"
+            --clust="$clustering"
+            --dendrogram="$dendrogram"
+    ]]></command>
+    <inputs>
+        <param name="file" type="data" format="txt,tabular" label="Select your file (table)" help="" />
+        <param name="header" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" label="Does your file contain a header?" />
+        <conditional name="select_data_columns">
+            <param name="enter_cols" type="select" label="Select columns or a range of columns containing expression values">
+                <option value="cols_number">Select columns to be used one by one</option>
+                <option value="cols_range">Select a range of columns to be used</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="cols_number">
+                <param name="cols" type="text" label="Enter column number (separated by a comma)" help="For example : c3,c5,c7"/>
+            </when>
+            <when value="cols_range">
+                <param name="cols" type="text" label="Enter a range of column number, first and last column separated by ':'" help="For example : c2:c7"/>
+            </when>
+        </conditional>
+        <param name="rownames" type="text" value="c1" label="Enter column number containing row labels" help="for example : c1 if labels are in column n°1"/>
+        <param type="integer" name="angle_col" label="Angle of column labels" value="0" min="-90" max="90" />
+        <param name="clustering" type="select" label="Clustering method" value="average">
+            <option value="ward.D">Ward</option>
+            <option value="ward.D2">Ward2</option>
+            <option value="single">Single linkage (nearest neighbor)</option>
+            <option value="complete">Complete linkage (farthest neighbor)</option>
+            <option value="average" selected="true">Group average linkage (UPGMA)</option>
+            <option value="mcquitty">Simple average method (WPGMA)</option>
+            <!--option value="median">Median (WPGMC)</option>
+            <option value="centroid">Centroid (UPGMC)</option-->
+        </param>
+         <param name="distance" type="select" label="Distance measurement method" value="euclidean">
+            <option value="euclidean" selected="true">Euclidean</option>
+            <option value="pearson" selected="true">Pearson</option>
+            <option value="spearman">Spearman</option>
+            <option value="kendall">Kendall</option>
+            <option value="maximum">Maximum</option>
+            <option value="manhattan">Manhattan</option>
+            <option value="canberra">Canberra</option>
+            <option value="binary">Binary</option>
+            <option value="minkowski">Minkowski</option>
+        </param>
+        <param name="dendrogram" type="select" label="Apply clustering on :" value="both">
+            <option value="row">Rows</option>
+            <option value="column">Columns</option>
+            <option value="both" selected="true">Rows and columns</option>
+            <option value="none">None</option>
+        </param>
+        <param name="output_type" type="select" label="Select output format">
+            <option value="html">html</option>
+            <option value="pdf">pdf</option>
+            <option value="jpeg">jpeg</option>
+            <option value="png">png</option>
+        </param>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="output" format="html">
+            <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)\.html" ext="html" visible="true" assign_primary_output="true"/>
+                <filter>output_type=="html"</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="pdf" format="pdf">
+            <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)\.pdf" ext="pdf" visible="true" assign_primary_output="true"/>
+                <filter>output_type=="pdf"</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="jpeg" format="jpg">
+            <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)\.jpg" ext="jpg" visible="true" assign_primary_output="true"/>
+                <filter>output_type=="jpeg"</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="png" format="png">
+            <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+)\.png" ext="png" visible="true" assign_primary_output="true"/>
+                <filter>output_type=="png"</filter>
+        </data>
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <test>
+            <output name="output" file="heatmap.html"/>
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help><![CDATA[
+This tool allows users to generate, cluster and visualize expression-based heat maps from transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic experiments.
+It is based on heatmaply, an R package for easily creating interactive cluster heatmaps (see reference below)
+A file (tab-delimited) having a column with labels (e.g. a gene name, Uniprot accession number...) and colums with numerical value (intensities) for clustering.
+See table below for an example input file
+.. csv-table:: example of input file
+   :header: "Uniprot","iBAQ_CTR1","iBAQ_CTR2","iBAQ_CTR3","iBAQ_pTCN1","iBAQ_pTCN2","iBAQ_pTCN3"
+   "Q49AN9",17.4091970440807,16.0474907255521,14.9687330755858,21.8454060245779,18.9468529040903,21.2330797498008
+   "O00148",14.1001686145694,14.806777888004,15.3555560564928,17.2942797505583,18.2106568817514,16.9479095182613
+   "F5H6E2",15.0235503328855,16.6142578028388,20.5969569088489,14.6615767253835,17.9752549753108,20.4023495267791
+   "E9PPW7",18.0770953690935,15.312218369812,13.8048301075204,17.5522130063356,15.9664520099065,15.1597932646987
+   "O00483",17.4188205774495,16.783665086968,15.1589556127476,19.7398973660168,20.8648965533665,20.1781898785682
+   "O00571",12.9049717044645,16.717296441372,13.8708732177805,19.8879681981565,21.0815521014477,17.4710040202845
+"Select columns or a range of columns containing expression values": choose the columns to use to perform clustering and to create the heatmap.
+You can enter specific column number (e.g. c2,c5 will create a heatmap for column 2 and 5 corresponding to condition from the example file above ) or a range of columns to use (e.g. c2:c7 will consider all replicates of each condition in the example above)).
+"Enter column number containing row labels": enter the column number containing the rows labels (e.g. "c1" in the example above).
+"Angle of column labels": In case of long label name, you might want to incline the column labels for practical display.
+"Clustering method": methods for computing hierarchical clustering (six available) 
+"Distance measurement method": function used to compute the distance (dissimilarity) between both rows and columns (nine available). The options "pearson", "spearman" and "kendall" can
+be used to use correlation-based clustering.
+Default output is html; it allows browsing the heatmap in an interactive way (of note: for large file, display and interactivity can be altered)
+pdf, jpeg or png format are propsoed for static output.
+.. class:: infomark
+Galili T, O'Callaghan A, Sidi J, Sievert C. heatmaply: an R package for creating interactive cluster heatmaps for online publishing. Bioinformatics. 2018. 34(9):1600-1602. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx657. PubMed PMID: 29069305
+.. class:: infomark
+**Galaxy integration**
+David Christiany, Florence Combes, Yves Vandenbrouck CEA, INSERM, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University, BIG Institute, FR
+Sandra Dérozier, Olivier Rué, Christophe Caron, Valentin Loux INRA, Paris-Saclay University, MAIAGE Unit, Migale Bioinformatics platform, FR
+This work has been partially funded through the French National Agency for Research (ANR) IFB project.
+Contact support@proteore.org for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
+    ]]></help>