view kegg_identification.R @ 1:d600ce7f2484 draft

planemo upload commit bdd7e8a1f08c11db2a9f1b6db5535c6d32153b2b-dirty
author proteore
date Tue, 18 Dec 2018 10:00:40 -0500 (2018-12-18)
children f4e32dee3b28
line wrap: on
line source
options(warn=-1)  #TURN OFF WARNINGS !!!!!!


get_args <- function(){
  ## Collect arguments
  args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
  ## Default setting when no arguments passed
  if(length(args) < 1) {
    args <- c("--help")
  ## Help section
  if("--help" %in% args) {
    cat("Pathview R script
      --help                  Print this test
      --input                 tab file
      --id_list               id list ',' separated
      --id_type               type of input ids (kegg-id, uniprot_AC,geneID)
      --id_column             number og column containg ids of interest
      --nb_pathways           number of pathways to return
      --header                boolean
      --output                output path
      --species               species used to get specific pathways (hsa,mmu,rno)

      Rscript keggrest.R --input='P31946,P62258' --id_type='uniprot' --id_column 'c1' --header TRUE \n\n")
  parseArgs <- function(x) strsplit(sub("^--", "", x), "=")
  argsDF <-"rbind", parseArgs(args)))
  args <- as.list(as.character(argsDF$V2))
  names(args) <- argsDF$V1

str2bool <- function(x){
  if (any(is.element(c("t","true"),tolower(x)))){
    return (TRUE)
  }else if (any(is.element(c("f","false"),tolower(x)))){
    return (FALSE)

read_file <- function(path,header){
  file <- try(read.csv(path,header=header, sep="\t",stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quote="\"", check.names = F),silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(file,"try-error")){
    stop("File not found !")

get_pathways_list <- function(species){
  ##all available pathways for the species
  pathways <-keggLink("pathway", species)
  ##formating the dat into a list object
  ##key= pathway ID, value = genes of the pathway in the kegg format
  pathways_list <- sapply(tot_path, function(pathway) names(which(pathways==pathway)))
  return (pathways_list)

get_list_from_cp <-function(list){
  list = strsplit(list, "[ \t\n]+")[[1]]
  list = gsub("[[:blank:]]|\u00A0|NA","",list)
  list = list[which(![list != ""]))]    #remove empty entry
  list = unique(gsub("-.+", "", list))  #Remove isoform accession number (e.g. "-2")

geneID_to_kegg <- function(vector,species){
  vector <- sapply(vector, function(x) paste(species,x,sep=":"),USE.NAMES = F)
  return (vector)

to_keggID <- function(id_list,id_type){
  if (id_type == "ncbi-geneid") {                              
    id_list <-  unique(geneID_to_kegg(id_list,args$species))
  } else if (id_type=="uniprot"){
    id_list <- unique(sapply(id_list, function(x) paste(id_type,":",x,sep=""),USE.NAMES = F))
    if (length(id_list)>250){
      id_list <- split(id_list, ceiling(seq_along(id_list)/250))
      id_list <- sapply(id_list, function(x) keggConv("genes",x))
      id_list <- unique(unlist(id_list))
    } else {
      id_list <- unique(keggConv("genes", id_list))
  } else if (id_type=="kegg-id") {
    id_list <- unique(id_list)
  return (id_list)

#take data frame, return  data frame
split_ids_per_line <- function(line,ncol){
  #print (line)
  header = colnames(line)
  line[ncol] = gsub("[[:blank:]]|\u00A0","",line[ncol])
  if (length(unlist(strsplit(as.character(line[ncol]),";")))>1) {
    if (length(line)==1 ) {
      lines =[ncol]),";")),stringsAsFactors = F)
    } else {
      if (ncol==1) {                                #first column
        lines = suppressWarnings(cbind(unlist(strsplit(as.character(line[ncol]),";")), line[2:length(line)]))
      } else if (ncol==length(line)) {                 #last column
        lines = suppressWarnings(cbind(line[1:ncol-1],unlist(strsplit(as.character(line[ncol]),";"))))
      } else {
        lines = suppressWarnings(cbind(line[1:ncol-1], unlist(strsplit(as.character(line[ncol]),";"),use.names = F), line[(ncol+1):length(line)]))
  } else {

#create new lines if there's more than one id per cell in the columns in order to have only one id per line
one_id_one_line <-function(tab,ncol){
  if (ncol(tab)>1){
    tab[,ncol] = sapply(tab[,ncol],function(x) gsub("[[:blank:]]","",x))
    for (i in 1:nrow(tab) ) {
      lines = split_ids_per_line(tab[i,],ncol)
      res = rbind(res,lines)
  }else {
    res = unlist(sapply(tab[,1],function(x) strsplit(x,";")),use.names = F)
    res = data.frame(res[which(![res!=""]))],stringsAsFactors = F)

kegg_mapping<- function(kegg_id_list,id_type,ref_ids) {
    map<-lapply(ref_ids, is.element, unique(kegg_id_list))
    names(map) <- sapply(names(map), function(x) gsub("path:","",x),USE.NAMES = FALSE)    #remove the prefix "path:"
    in.path<-sapply(map, function(x) length(which(x==TRUE)))
    tot.path<-sapply(map, length)
    ratio <- (as.numeric(in.path[which(in.path!=0)])) / (as.numeric(tot.path[which(in.path!=0)]))
    ratio <- as.numeric(format(round(ratio*100, 2), nsmall = 2))
    ##useful but LONG
    ## to do before : in step 1
    name <- sapply(path.names, function(x) keggGet(x)[[1]]$NAME,USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    res<-data.frame(I(names(in.path[which(in.path!=0)])), I(name), ratio, as.numeric(in.path[which(in.path!=0)]), as.numeric(tot.path[which(in.path!=0)]))
    res <- res[order(as.numeric(res[,3]),decreasing = TRUE),]
    colnames(res)<-c("pathway_ID", "Description" , "Ratio IDs mapped/total IDs (%)" ,"nb KEGG genes IDs mapped in the pathway", "nb total of KEGG genes IDs present in the pathway")

#get args from command line
args <- get_args()


###setting variables
header = str2bool(args$header)
if (!is.null(args$id_list)) {id_list <- get_list_from_cp(args$id_list)}           #get ids from copy/paste input
if (!is.null(args$input)) {                                                       #get ids from input file
  csv <- read_file(args$input,header)
  ncol <- as.numeric(gsub("c", "" ,args$id_column))
  csv <- one_id_one_line(csv,ncol)
  id_list <- as.vector(csv[,ncol])
  id_list <- unique(id_list[which(![id_list!=""]))])

#convert to keggID if needed
id_list <- to_keggID(id_list,args$id_type)

#get pathways of species with associated KEGG ID genes
pathways_list <- get_pathways_list(args$species)

#mapping on pathways
res <- kegg_mapping(id_list,args$id_type,pathways_list)
if (nrow(res) > as.numeric(args$nb_pathways)) { res <- res[1:args$nb_pathways,] }

write.table(res, file=args$output, quote=FALSE, sep='\t',row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)