diff kegg_maps_visualization.R @ 0:9845dc9c7323 draft

planemo upload commit ad5f1c5a1a71d7fa2bc8bac408856aa80b0fc2a3
author proteore
date Tue, 18 Dec 2018 10:02:54 -0500
children 6f389729a30b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kegg_maps_visualization.R	Tue Dec 18 10:02:54 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#Rscript made for mapping genesID on KEGG pathway with Pathview package
+#input : csv file containing ids (uniprot or geneID) to map, plus parameters
+#output : KEGG pathway : jpeg or pdf file.
+options(warn=-1)  #TURN OFF WARNINGS !!!!!!
+read_file <- function(path,header){
+    file <- try(read.csv(path,header=header, sep="\t",stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quote="\"", check.names = F, comment.char = "#"),silent=TRUE)
+    if (inherits(file,"try-error")){
+      stop("File not found !")
+    }else{
+      return(file)
+    }
+##### fuction to clean and concatenate pathway name (allow more flexibility for user input) 
+concat_string <- function(x){
+  x <- gsub(" - .*","",x)
+  x <- gsub(" ","",x)
+  x <- gsub("-","",x)
+  x <- gsub("_","",x)
+  x <- gsub(",","",x)
+  x <- gsub("\\'","",x)
+  x <- gsub("\\(.*)","",x)
+  x <- gsub("\\/","",x)
+  x <- tolower(x)
+  return(x)
+#return output suffix (pathway name) from id kegg (ex : hsa:00010)
+get_suffix <- function(pathways_list,species,id){
+  suffix = gsub("/","or",pathways_list[pathways_list[,1]==paste(species,id,sep=""),2])
+  suffix = gsub(" ","_",suffix)
+  if (nchar(suffix) > 50){
+    suffix = substr(suffix,1,50)
+  }
+  return(suffix)
+str2bool <- function(x){
+  if (any(is.element(c("t","true"),tolower(x)))){
+    return (TRUE)
+  }else if (any(is.element(c("f","false"),tolower(x)))){
+    return (FALSE)
+  }else{
+    return(NULL)
+  }
+is.letter <- function(x) grepl("[[:alpha:]]", x)
+#### hsa00010 -> 00010
+remove_kegg_prefix <- function(x){
+  x = gsub(":","",x)
+  if (substr(x,1,4) == 'path'){
+    x=substr(x,5,nchar(x))
+  }
+  if (is.letter(substr(x,1,3))){
+    x <- substr(x,4,nchar(x))
+  }
+  return(x)
+kegg_to_geneID <- function(vector){
+  vector <- sapply(vector, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,":"))[2],USE.NAMES = F)
+  return (vector)
+clean_bad_character <- function(string)  {
+  string <- gsub("X","",string)
+  return(string)
+get_list_from_cp <-function(list){
+  list = strsplit(list, "[ \t\n]+")[[1]]
+  list = list[list != ""]    #remove empty entry
+  list = gsub("-.+", "", list)  #Remove isoform accession number (e.g. "-2")
+  return(list)
+get_ref_pathways <- function(species){
+  ##all available pathways for the species
+  pathways <-keggLink("pathway", species)
+  tot_path<-unique(pathways)
+  ##formating the dat into a list object
+  ##key= pathway ID, value = genes of the pathway in the kegg format
+  pathways_list <- sapply(tot_path, function(pathway) names(which(pathways==pathway)))
+  return (pathways_list)
+mapping_summary <- function(pv.out,species,id,id_type,pathways_list,geneID,uniprotID,mapped2geneID){
+  ref_pathways = get_ref_pathways(species)
+  names(ref_pathways) <- sapply(names(ref_pathways), function(x) gsub("path:[a-z]{3}","",x),USE.NAMES = F)
+  #genes present in pathway
+  genes = ref_pathways[id][[1]]
+  nb_genes = length(genes)
+  #genes mapped on pathway genes
+  mapped <- unlist(sapply(pv.out$plot.data.gene$all.mapped, function(x) strsplit(x,",")),use.names = F)
+  mapped = unique(mapped[mapped!=""])
+  nb_mapped <- length(mapped)
+  #compue ratio of mapping
+  ratio = round((nb_mapped/nb_genes)*100, 2)
+  if (is.nan(ratio)) { ratio = ""}
+  pathway_id = paste(species,id,sep="")
+  pathway_name = as.character(pathways_list[pathways_list[,1]==pathway_id,][2])
+  if (id_type=="geneid" || id_type=="keggid") {
+    row <- c(pathway_id,pathway_name,length(unique(geneID)),nb_mapped,nb_genes,ratio,paste(mapped,collapse=";"))
+    names(row) <- c("KEGG pathway ID","pathway name","nb of Entrez gene ID used","nb of Entrez gene ID mapped",
+                    "nb of Entrez gene ID in the pathway", "ratio of Entrez gene ID mapped (%)","Entrez gene ID mapped")
+  } else if (id_type=="uniprotid") {
+    row <- c(pathway_id,pathway_name,length(unique(uniprotID)),length(unique(geneID)),nb_mapped,nb_genes,ratio,paste(mapped,collapse=";"),paste(mapped2geneID[which(mapped2geneID[,2] %in% mapped)],collapse=";"))
+    names(row) <- c("KEGG pathway ID","pathway name","nb of Uniprot_AC used","nb of Entrez gene ID used","nb of Entrez gene ID mapped",
+                    "nb of Entrez gene ID in the pathway", "ratio of Entrez gene ID mapped (%)","Entrez gene ID mapped","uniprot_AC mapped")
+  } 
+  return(row)
+#take data frame, return  data frame
+split_ids_per_line <- function(line,ncol){
+  #print (line)
+  header = colnames(line)
+  line[ncol] = gsub("[[:blank:]]|\u00A0","",line[ncol])
+  if (length(unlist(strsplit(as.character(line[ncol]),";")))>1) {
+    if (length(line)==1 ) {
+      lines = as.data.frame(unlist(strsplit(as.character(line[ncol]),";")),stringsAsFactors = F)
+    } else {
+      if (ncol==1) {                                #first column
+        lines = suppressWarnings(cbind(unlist(strsplit(as.character(line[ncol]),";")), line[2:length(line)]))
+      } else if (ncol==length(line)) {                 #last column
+        lines = suppressWarnings(cbind(line[1:ncol-1],unlist(strsplit(as.character(line[ncol]),";"))))
+      } else {
+        lines = suppressWarnings(cbind(line[1:ncol-1], unlist(strsplit(as.character(line[ncol]),";"),use.names = F), line[(ncol+1):length(line)]))
+      }
+    }
+    colnames(lines)=header
+    return(lines)
+  } else {
+    return(line)
+  }
+#create new lines if there's more than one id per cell in the columns in order to have only one id per line
+one_id_one_line <-function(tab,ncol){
+  if (ncol(tab)>1){
+    tab[,ncol] = sapply(tab[,ncol],function(x) gsub("[[:blank:]]","",x))
+    header=colnames(tab)
+    res=as.data.frame(matrix(ncol=ncol(tab),nrow=0))
+    for (i in 1:nrow(tab) ) {
+      lines = split_ids_per_line(tab[i,],ncol)
+      res = rbind(res,lines)
+    }
+  }else {
+    res = unlist(sapply(tab[,1],function(x) strsplit(x,";")),use.names = F)
+    res = data.frame(res[which(!is.na(res[res!=""]))],stringsAsFactors = F)
+    colnames(res)=colnames(tab)
+  }
+  return(res)
+get_limit <- function(mat) {
+  min = min(apply(mat,2,min))
+  max = max(apply(mat,2,max))
+  return(c(min,max))
+get_args <- function(){
+  ## Collect arguments
+  args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+  ## Default setting when no arguments passed
+  if(length(args) < 1) {
+    args <- c("--help")
+  }
+  ## Help section
+  if("--help" %in% args) {
+    cat("Pathview R script
+    Arguments:
+      --help                  Print this test
+      --input                 path of the input  file (must contains a colum of uniprot and/or geneID accession number)
+      --id_list               list of ids to use, ',' separated
+      --pathways_id           Id(s) of pathway(s) to use, if several, semicolon separated list : hsa00010;hsa05412 
+      --id_type               Type of accession number ('uniprotID' or 'geneID')
+      --id_column             Column containing accesion number of interest (ex : 'c1')
+      --header                Boolean, TRUE if header FALSE if not
+      --output                Output filename
+      --fold_change_col       Column(s) containing fold change values (comma separated)
+      --native_kegg           TRUE : native KEGG graph, FALSE : Graphviz graph
+      --species               KEGG species (hsa, mmu, ...)
+      --pathways_input        Tab with pathways in a column, output format of find_pathways
+      --pathway_col           Column of pathways to use
+      --header2               Boolean, TRUE if header FALSE if not
+      --pathways_list         path of file containg the species pathways list (hsa_pathways.loc, mmu_pathways.loc, ...)
+      Example:
+      ./PathView.R --input 'input.csv' --pathway_id '05412' --id_type 'uniprotID' --id_column 'c1' --header TRUE \n\n")
+    q(save="no")
+  }
+  parseArgs <- function(x) strsplit(sub("^--", "", x), "=")
+  argsDF <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", parseArgs(args)))
+  args <- as.list(as.character(argsDF$V2))
+  names(args) <- argsDF$V1
+  return(args)
+main <- function(){
+  args <- get_args()
+  #save(args,file="/home/dchristiany/proteore_project/ProteoRE/tools/kegg_maps_visualization/args.Rda")
+  #load("/home/dchristiany/proteore_project/ProteoRE/tools/kegg_maps_visualization/args.Rda")
+  ###setting variables
+  if (!is.null(args$pathways_id)) { 
+    ids <- get_list_from_cp(clean_bad_character(args$pathways_id))
+    ids <- sapply(ids, function(x) remove_kegg_prefix(x),USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+  }else if (!is.null(args$pathways_input)){
+    header2 <- str2bool(args$header2)
+    pathway_col <- as.numeric(gsub("c", "" ,args$pathway_col))
+    pathways_file = read_file(args$pathways_input,header2)
+    ids <- sapply(rapply(strsplit(clean_bad_character(pathways_file[,pathway_col]),","),c), function(x) remove_kegg_prefix(x),USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+  }
+  pathways_list <- read_file(args$pathways_list,F)
+  if (!is.null(args$id_list)) {
+    id_list <- get_list_from_cp(args$id_list)
+    }
+  id_type <- tolower(args$id_type)
+  ncol <- as.numeric(gsub("c", "" ,args$id_column))
+  header <- str2bool(args$header)
+  native_kegg <- str2bool(args$native_kegg)
+  species=args$species
+  fold_change_data = str2bool(args$fold_change_data)
+  #org list used in mapped2geneID
+  org <- c('Hs','Mm','Rn')
+  names(org) <- c('hsa','mmu','rno')
+  #read input file or list
+  if (!is.null(args$input)){
+    tab <- read_file(args$input,header)
+    tab <- data.frame(tab[which(tab[ncol]!=""),],stringsAsFactors = F)
+    tab = one_id_one_line(tab,ncol)
+  } else {
+    id_list = gsub("[[:blank:]]|\u00A0|NA","",id_list)
+    id_list = unique(id_list[id_list!=""])
+    tab <- data.frame(id_list,stringsAsFactors = F)
+    ncol=1
+  }
+  ##### map uniprotID to entrez geneID and kegg to geneID
+  uniprotID=""
+  mapped2geneID=""
+  if (id_type == "uniprotid") {
+    uniprotID=tab[,ncol]
+    mapped2geneID = id2eg(ids = uniprotID, category = "uniprot", org = org[[species]], pkg.name = NULL)
+    geneID = mapped2geneID[,2]
+    tab = cbind(tab,geneID)
+    ncol=ncol(tab)
+  }else if (id_type == "keggid"){
+    keggID = tab[,ncol]  
+    geneID = kegg_to_geneID(keggID)
+    tab = cbind(tab,geneID)
+    ncol=ncol(tab)
+  }else if (id_type == "geneid"){
+    colnames(tab)[ncol] <- "geneID"
+  }
+  ##### build matrix to map on KEGG pathway (kgml : KEGG xml)
+  geneID_indices = which(!is.na(tab$geneID))
+  if (fold_change_data) {
+    fold_change <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(gsub("c","",args$fold_change_col),",")))
+    if (length(fold_change) > 3) { fold_change= fold_change[1:3] }
+    if (length(fold_change)==1){
+      tab[,fold_change] <- as.double(gsub(",",".",as.character(tab[,fold_change]) ))
+    } else {
+      tab[,fold_change] <- apply(tab[,fold_change],2,function(x) as.double(gsub(",",".",as.character(x))))
+    }
+    mat = tab[geneID_indices,c(ncol,fold_change)]
+    mat = mat[(!duplicated(mat$geneID)),]
+    geneID=mat$geneID
+    mat = as.data.frame(mat[,-1])
+    row.names(mat)=geneID
+    limit = get_limit(mat)
+  } else {
+    mat = unique(as.character(tab$geneID[!is.na(tab$geneID[tab$geneID!=""])]))
+    geneID=mat
+    limit=1
+  }
+  #####mapping geneID (with or without expression values) on KEGG pathway
+  plot.col.key= TRUE
+  low_color = "green"
+  mid_color = "#F3F781" #yellow
+  high_color = "red"
+  if (!fold_change_data) {
+    plot.col.key= FALSE   #if there's no exrepession data, we don't show the color key
+    high_color = "#81BEF7" #blue
+  } 
+  #create graph(s) and text output
+  for (id in ids) {
+    suffix= get_suffix(pathways_list,species,id)
+    pv.out <- suppressMessages(pathview(gene.data = mat,
+             gene.idtype = "entrez", 
+             pathway.id = id,
+             species = species, 
+             kegg.dir = ".", 
+             out.suffix=suffix,
+             kegg.native = native_kegg,
+             low = list(gene = low_color, cpd = "blue"), 
+             mid = list(gene = mid_color, cpd = "transparent"), 
+             high = list(gene = high_color, cpd = "yellow"), 
+             na.col="#D8D8D8", #gray
+             cpd.data=NULL,
+             plot.col.key = plot.col.key,
+             pdf.size=c(9,9),
+             limit=list(gene=limit, cpd=limit)))
+    if (is.list(pv.out)){
+      #creating text file
+      if (!exists("DF")) { 
+        DF <- data.frame(t(mapping_summary(pv.out,species,id,id_type,pathways_list,geneID,uniprotID,mapped2geneID)),stringsAsFactors = F,check.names = F)
+      } else {
+        #print (mapping_summary(pv.out,species,id))
+        DF <- rbind(DF,data.frame(t(mapping_summary(pv.out,species,id,id_type,pathways_list,geneID,uniprotID,mapped2geneID)),stringsAsFactors = F,check.names = F))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  DF <- as.data.frame(apply(DF, c(1,2), function(x) gsub("^$|^ $", NA, x)))  #convert "" et " " to NA
+  #text file output
+  write.table(DF,file=args$output,quote=FALSE, sep='\t',row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)