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author proteore
date Tue, 18 Dec 2018 10:02:54 -0500
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Wrapper for Pathview tool


David Christiany, Florence Combes, Yves Vandenbrouck CEA, INSERM, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University, BIG Institute, FR

Sandra Dérozier, Olivier Rué, Christophe Caron, Valentin Loux INRA, Paris-Saclay University, MAIAGE Unit, Migale Bioinformatics platform

This work has been partially funded through the French National Agency for Research (ANR) IFB project.

Contact for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.


This tool map a list of Uniprot Accession number or Entrez gene ID to KEGG pathway with pathview R package.

You can map Entrez gene IDs / Uniprot accession number from three species : human, mouse and rat.

If your input have another type of IDs, please use the ID_Converter tool.


- KEGG Pathways IDs to be used for mapping can be set by:
    - chosing from the KEGG pathways name list 
    - giving a list (copy/paste)
    - importing a list from a dataset (column) - output of KEGG pathways identification and coverage can be used (1st column)
- Genes/proteins ids to map can be either a list of Entrez genes IDs / Uniprot accession number or a file (tabular, tsv, txt) containing at least one column of Entrez genes IDs / Uniprot accession number. 
- fold change values (up to three columns) from a dataset (same dataset as for Genes/proteins ids to map)

You can see below an example of an input file with identifiers (uniprot_AC) and fold_change values.

.. csv-table:: Simulated data
   :header: "Uniprot_AC","","Number_of_peptides","fc_values 1","fc_values 2","fc_values 3"

   "P02538","Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 6A","53","-0.988842456122076","0.654626325100182","-0.219153396366064"
   "P02768","Serum albumin","44","-0.983493243315454","0.113752002761474","-0.645886132600729"
   "P08779","Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 16","29","0.552302597284443","-0.329045605110646","2.10616106806788"


.. class:: warningmark 

If there's more than one id per line in the defined column, it will be split to have only one id per line. For example this table:

.. csv-table:: Simulated data
   :header: "Ensembl_Gene","UniProt.AC","UniProt.ID"



will become:

.. csv-table:: Simulated data
   :header: "Ensembl_Gene","UniProt.AC","UniProt.ID"




- a **collection dataset** named 'KEGG maps visualization from <dataset>', one file (png or pdf) for each given pathway.
- a **summary text file** (.tsv) of the mapping(s) with the following columns
    - **KEGG pathway ID**: KEGG pathway(s) used to map given genes/proteins ids
    - **pathway name**: name(s) of KEGG pathway(s) used for mapping
    - **nb of Uniprot_AC used** (only when Uniprot accession number is given): number of Uniprot accession number which will be converted to Entrez genes IDs
    - **nb of Entrez gene ID used**: number of Entrez gene IDs used for mapping
    - **nb of Entrez gene ID mapped**: number of Entrez gene IDs mapped on a given pathway
    - **nb of Entrez gene ID in the pathway**: number total of Entrez gene IDs in a given pathway
    - **ratio of Entrez gene ID mapped**: number of Entrez gene IDs mapped / number total of Entrez gene IDs
    - **Entrez gene ID mapped**: list of mapped Entrez gene IDs
    - **uniprot_AC mapped** (only when Uniprot accession number is given): list of Uniprot accession number corresponding to the mapped Entrez gene IDs


.. class:: infomark


KEGG Pathways names list are from

User manual / Documentation: