changeset 0:472ad7da3d92 draft

planemo upload commit 9f9e8b72a239e58b5087b2b3737262c25cc2671e-dirty
author proteore
date Mon, 04 Dec 2017 09:39:21 -0500 (2017-12-04)
children 6788a57c5cb5
files README.rst enrichment_v3.R test-data/Barplot_output_for_topGO_analysis.png test-data/Dotplot_output_for_topGO_analysis.png test-data/Text_output_for_topGO_analysis.txt test-data/prot_reactome_EGFR_mapped_ensg.txt topGO.xml
diffstat 7 files changed, 742 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.rst	Mon Dec 04 09:39:21 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Wrapper for topGO
+Alexa A and Rahnenfuhrer J (2016). topGO: Enrichment Analysis for Gene Ontology. R package version 2.30.0.
+**Galaxy integration**
+Lisa Peru, T.P. Lien Nguyen, Florence Combes, Yves Vandenbrouck CEA, INSERM, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University, BIG Institute, FR
+Sandra Dérozier, Olivier Rué, Christophe Caron, Valentin Loux INRA, Paris-Saclay University, MAIAGE Unit, Migale Bioinformatics platform
+This work has been partially funded through the French National Agency for Research (ANR) IFB project.
+Contact for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
+**Galaxy component based on R package topGO.** 
+**Input required**
+This component works with Ensembl gene ids (e.g : ENSG0000013618). You can
+copy/paste these identifiers or supply a tabular file (.csv, .tsv, .txt, .tab)
+where there are contained. 
+This component provides the GO terms representativity of a gene list in one ontology category (Biological Process "BP", Cellular Component "CC", Molecular Function "MF"). This representativity is evaluated in comparison to the background list of all human genes associated associated with GO terms of the chosen category (BP,CC,MF). This background is given by the R package "", which is a genome wide association package for **human**.
+Three kind of outputs are available : a textual output, a barplot output and
+a dotplot output. 
+*Textual output* :
+The text output lists all the GO-terms that were found significant under the specified threshold.    
+The different fields are as follow :
+- Annotated : number of genes in which are annotated with the GO-term.
+- Significant : number of genes belonging to your input which are annotated with the GO-term. 
+- Expected : show an estimate of the number of genes a node of size Annotated would have if the significant genes were to be randomly selected from the gene universe.  
+- pvalues : pvalue obtained after the test 
+- ( qvalues  : additional column with adjusted pvalues ) 
+topGO provides a classic fisher test for evaluating if some GO terms are over-represented in your gene list, but other options are also provided (elim, weight01,parentchild). For the merits of each option and their algorithmic descriptions, please refer to topGO manual : 
+**Multiple testing corrections**
+Furthermore, the following corrections for multiple testing can also be applied : 
+- holm
+- hochberg
+- hommel
+- bonferroni
+- BH
+- BY
+- fdr
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/enrichment_v3.R	Mon Dec 04 09:39:21 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# enrichment_v3.R
+# Usage : Rscript --vanilla enrichment_v3.R --inputtype tabfile (or
+# copypaste) --input file.txt --ontology "BP/CC/MF" --option option (e.g
+# : classic/elim...) --threshold threshold --correction correction --textoutput
+# text --barplotoutput barplot
+# --dotplotoutput dotplot --column column --geneuniver human 
+# e.g : Rscript --vanilla enrichment_v3.R --inputtype tabfile --input file.txt
+# --ontology BP --option classic --threshold 1e-15 --correction holm
+# --textoutput TRUE
+# --barplotoutput TRUE --dotplotoutput TRUE --column c1 --geneuniverse
+# INPUT :
+# - type of input. Can be ids separated by a blank space (copypast), or a text
+# file (tabfile)
+#	- file with at least one column of ensembl ids 
+#	- gene ontology category : Biological Process (BP), Cellular Component (CC), Molecular Function (MF)
+#	- test option (relative to topGO algorithms) : elim, weight01, parentchild, or no option (classic)
+#	- threshold for enriched GO term pvalues (e.g : 1e-15)     
+#	- correction for multiple testing (see p.adjust options : holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH, BY,fdr,none
+#	- outputs wanted in this order text, barplot, dotplot with boolean value (e.g
+#	Declare the output not wanted as none
+#	- column containing the ensembl ids if the input file is a tabfile
+# - gene universe reference for the user chosen specie
+# - header : if the input is a text file, does this text file have a header
+#	- outputs commanded by the user named respectively result.tsv for the text
+#	results file, barplot.png for the barplot image file and dotplot.png for the
+#	dotplot image file 
+# loading topGO library
+'%!in%' <- function(x,y)!('%in%'(x,y))
+# Parse command line arguments
+args = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
+# create a list of the arguments from the command line, separated by a blank space
+hh <- paste(unlist(args),collapse=' ')
+# delete the first element of the list which is always a blank space
+listoptions <- unlist(strsplit(hh,'--'))[-1]
+# for each input, split the arguments with blank space as separator, unlist,
+# and delete the first element which is the input name (e.g --inputtype) 
+options.args <- sapply(listoptions,function(x){
+         unlist(strsplit(x, ' '))[-1]
+        })
+# same as the step above, except that only the names are kept
+options.names <- sapply(listoptions,function(x){
+  option <-  unlist(strsplit(x, ' '))[1]
+names(options.args) <- unlist(options.names)
+if (length(options.args) != 12) {
+    stop("Not enough/Too many arguments", call. = FALSE)
+typeinput = options.args[1]
+listfile = options.args[2]
+onto = as.character(options.args[3])
+option = as.character(options.args[4])
+correction = as.character(options.args[6])
+threshold = as.numeric(options.args[5])
+text = as.character(options.args[7])
+barplot = as.character(options.args[8])
+dotplot = as.character(options.args[9])
+column = as.numeric(gsub("c","",options.args[10]))
+geneuniverse = as.character(options.args[11])
+header = as.character(options.args[12])
+if (typeinput=="copypaste"){
+  sample =
+  sample = sample[,column]
+if (typeinput=="tabfile"){
+  if (header=="TRUE"){
+    sample = read.table(listfile,header=TRUE,sep="\t",na.strings="NA",fill=TRUE)  
+  }else{
+    sample = read.table(listfile,header=FALSE,sep="\t",na.strings="NA",fill=TRUE)  
+  }
+  sample = sample[,column]
+# Launch enrichment analysis and return result data from the analysis or the null
+# object if the enrichment could not be done.
+goEnrichment = function(geneuniverse,sample,onto){
+	# get all the GO terms of the corresponding ontology (BP/CC/MF) and all their
+  # associated ensembl ids according to the org package
+	xx =,mapping=geneuniverse,ID="ensembl")
+	allGenes = unique(unlist(xx))
+	# check if the genes given by the user can be found in the org package (gene
+  # universe), that is in
+	# allGenes 
+	if (length(intersect(sample,allGenes))==0){
+	    print("None of the input ids can be found in the org package data, enrichment analysis cannot be realized. \n The inputs ids probably have no associated GO terms.")
+      return(c(NULL,NULL))
+	}
+	geneList = factor(as.integer(allGenes %in% sample)) 
+	names(geneList) <- allGenes
+	#topGO enrichment 
+	# Creation of a topGOdata object
+	# It will contain : the list of genes of interest, the GO annotations and the GO hierarchy
+	# Parameters : 
+	# ontology : character string specifying the ontology of interest (BP, CC, MF)
+	# allGenes : named vector of type numeric or factor 
+	# annot : tells topGO how to map genes to GO annotations.
+	# argument not used here : nodeSize : at which minimal number of GO annotations
+	# do we consider a gene  
+	myGOdata = new("topGOdata", description="SEA with TopGO", ontology=onto, allGenes=geneList,  annot =, mapping=geneuniverse,ID="ensembl")
+	# Performing enrichment tests
+	result <- runTest(myGOdata, algorithm=option, statistic="fisher")
+  return(c(result,myGOdata))	
+# Some libraries such as GOsummaries won't be able to treat the values such as
+# "< 1e-30" produced by topGO. As such it is important to delete the < char
+# with the deleteInfChar function. Nevertheless the user will have access to the original results in the text output.
+deleteInfChar = function(values){
+	lines = grep("<",values)
+	if (length(lines)!=0){
+		for (line in lines){
+		  values[line]=gsub("<","",values[line])
+		}
+	}
+	return(values)
+corrMultipleTesting = function(result, myGOdata,correction,threshold){
+	# adjust for multiple testing
+	if (correction!="none"){	
+	  # GenTable : transforms the result object into a list. Filters can be applied
+	  # (e.g : with the topNodes argument, to get for instance only the n first
+	  # GO terms with the lowest pvalues), but as we want to  apply a correction we
+	  # take all the GO terms, no matter their pvalues 
+	  allRes <- GenTable(myGOdata, test = result, orderBy = "result", ranksOf = "result",topNodes=length(attributes(result)$score))
+    # Some pvalues given by topGO are not numeric (e.g : "<1e-30). As such, these
+	  # values are converted to 1e-30 to be able to correct the pvalues 
+    pvaluestmp = deleteInfChar(allRes$test)
+	  # the correction is done from the modified pvalues  
+	  allRes$qvalues = p.adjust(pvaluestmp, method = as.character(correction), n = length(pvaluestmp))
+	  allRes =
+	  # Rename the test column by pvalues, so that is more explicit
+	  nb = which(names(allRes) %in% c("test"))
+    names(allRes)[nb] = "pvalues"
+	  allRes = allRes[which(as.numeric(allRes$pvalues) <= threshold),]
+	  if (length(allRes$pvalues)==0){
+		  print("Threshold was too stringent, no GO term found with pvalue equal or lesser than the threshold value")
+      return(NULL)
+	  }
+	  allRes = allRes[order(allRes$qvalues),]
+	}
+	if (correction=="none"){
+	  # get all the go terms under user threshold 
+	  mysummary <- summary(attributes(result)$score <= threshold)
+	  numsignif <- as.integer(mysummary[[3]])
+	  # get all significant nodes 
+	  allRes <- GenTable(myGOdata, test = result, orderBy = "result", ranksOf = "result",topNodes=numsignif)
+	  allRes =
+	  # Rename the test column by pvalues, so that is more explicit
+	  nb = which(names(allRes) %in% c("test"))
+	  names(allRes)[nb] = "pvalues"
+	  if (numsignif==0){
+		  print("Threshold was too stringent, no GO term found with pvalue equal or lesser than the threshold value")
+      return(NULL)
+	  }
+	 allRes = allRes[order(allRes$pvalues),] 
+	} 
+  return(allRes)  
+# roundValues will simplify the results by rounding down the values. For instance 1.1e-17 becomes 1e-17
+roundValues = function(values){
+	for (line in 1:length(values)){
+    		values[line]=as.numeric(gsub(".*e","1e",as.character(values[line])))
+  }
+  return(values)
+createDotPlot = function(data, onto){
+	values  = deleteInfChar(data$pvalues)
+  values = roundValues(values)
+  values = as.numeric(values)
+  geneRatio = data$Significant/data$Annotated
+	goTerms = data$Term
+	count = data$Significant
+	labely = paste("GO terms",onto,sep=" ")
+	png(filename="dotplot.png",res=300, width = 3200, height = 3200, units = "px")
+	sp1 = ggplot(data,aes(x=geneRatio,y=goTerms, color=values,size=count)) +geom_point() + scale_colour_gradientn(colours=c("red","violet","blue")) + xlab("Gene Ratio") + ylab(labely) + labs(color="p-values\n") 
+	plot(sp1)
+createBarPlot = function(data, onto){
+	values  = deleteInfChar(data$pvalues)
+  values = roundValues(values)
+  values = as.numeric(values)
+  goTerms = data$Term
+	count = data$Significant
+	png(filename="barplot.png",res=300, width = 3200, height = 3200, units = "px")
+	labely = paste("GO terms",onto,sep=" ")
+  p<-ggplot(data, aes(x=goTerms, y=count,fill=values)) + ylab("Gene count") + xlab(labely) +geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=c("red","violet","blue")) + coord_flip() + labs(fill="p-values\n") 
+	plot(p)
+# Produce the different outputs
+createOutputs = function(result, cut_result,text, barplot, dotplot, onto){
+  if (is.null(result)){
+	  if (text=="TRUE"){
+      err_msg = "None of the input ids can be found in the org package data, enrichment analysis cannot be realized. \n The inputs ids probably either have no associated GO terms or are not ENSG identifiers (e.g : ENSG00000012048)."
+      write.table(err_msg, file='result.csv', quote=FALSE, sep='\t', col.names = T, row.names = F)
+    }
+	  if (barplot=="TRUE"){
+	    png(filename="barplot.png")
+      #text(0,0,err_msg)
+    }
+	  if (dotplot=="TRUE"){
+	    png(filename="dotplot.png")
+      #text(0,0,err_msg)
+	  }
+    return(TRUE)
+  }
+  if (is.null(cut_result)){
+	  if (text=="TRUE"){
+		  err_msg = "Threshold was too stringent, no GO term found with pvalue equal or lesser than the threshold value."
+      write.table(err_msg, file='result.csv', quote=FALSE, sep='\t', col.names = T, row.names = F)
+    }
+	  if (barplot=="TRUE"){
+	    png(filename="barplot.png")
+      text(0,0,err_msg)
+    }
+	  if (dotplot=="TRUE"){
+	    png(filename="dotplot.png")
+      text(0,0,err_msg)
+	  }
+    return(TRUE)
+  }
+	if (text=="TRUE"){
+		write.table(cut_result, file='result.csv', quote=FALSE, sep='\t', col.names = T, row.names = F)
+	}
+	if (barplot=="TRUE"){
+		createBarPlot(cut_result, onto)
+	}
+	if (dotplot=="TRUE"){
+		createDotPlot(cut_result, onto)
+	}
+  return(TRUE)
+# Load R library ggplot2 to plot graphs
+# Launch enrichment analysis
+allresult = goEnrichment(geneuniverse,sample,onto)
+result = allresult[1][[1]]
+myGOdata = allresult[2][[1]]
+if (!is.null(result)){
+	# Adjust the result with a multiple testing correction or not and with the user
+	# p-value cutoff
+  cut_result = corrMultipleTesting(result,myGOdata, correction,threshold)
+  cut_result=NULL
+createOutputs(result, cut_result,text, barplot, dotplot, onto)
Binary file test-data/Barplot_output_for_topGO_analysis.png has changed
Binary file test-data/Dotplot_output_for_topGO_analysis.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/Text_output_for_topGO_analysis.txt	Mon Dec 04 09:39:21 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+GO.ID	Term	Annotated	Significant	Expected	pvalues	qvalues
+GO:0045087	innate immune response	1428	35	2.84	6.5e-27	9.28915e-24
+GO:0007268	synaptic transmission	766	20	1.52	7.2e-17	9.35410909090909e-14
+GO:0019933	cAMP-mediated signaling	56	9	0.11	1.2e-15	1.4291e-12
+GO:0050796	regulation of insulin secretion	208	13	0.41	2.6e-15	2.8582e-12
+GO:0007193	adenylate cyclase-inhibiting G-protein c...	75	9	0.15	1.9e-14	1.93949285714286e-11
+GO:1904322	cellular response to forskolin	5	5	0.01	2.3e-14	2.19128666666667e-11
+GO:0007189	adenylate cyclase-activating G-protein c...	84	9	0.17	5.5e-14	4.91253125e-11
+GO:0002223	stimulatory C-type lectin receptor signa...	139	10	0.28	1.1e-13	9.24711764705882e-11
+GO:0006171	cAMP biosynthetic process	139	13	0.28	1.2e-13	9.52733333333333e-11
+GO:0055085	transmembrane transport	1435	25	2.86	3.7e-13	2.78298421052632e-10
+GO:0007596	blood coagulation	590	21	1.17	9.7e-12	6.931135e-09
+GO:0048010	vascular endothelial growth factor recep...	317	11	0.63	1.6e-11	1.0888380952381e-08
+GO:0038095	Fc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway	316	10	0.63	3.9e-10	2.53340454545455e-07
+GO:0030168	platelet activation	263	11	0.52	6.2e-10	3.85235652173913e-07
+GO:2000480	negative regulation of cAMP-dependent pr...	8	4	0.02	9.2e-10	5.47821666666667e-07
+GO:0038096	Fc-gamma receptor signaling pathway invo...	74	6	0.15	6.7e-09	3.829988e-06
+GO:0010881	regulation of cardiac muscle contraction...	19	4	0.04	5.0e-08	2.74826923076923e-05
+GO:0051343	positive regulation of cyclic-nucleotide...	5	3	0.01	7.2e-08	3.81093333333333e-05
+GO:0010800	positive regulation of peptidyl-threonin...	26	4	0.05	1.9e-07	9.69746428571429e-05
+GO:1901841	regulation of high voltage-gated calcium...	8	3	0.02	4.0e-07	0.00019711724137931
+GO:0022400	regulation of rhodopsin mediated signali...	33	4	0.07	5.2e-07	0.00023972
+GO:0001975	response to amphetamine	33	4	0.07	5.2e-07	0.00023972
+GO:0060316	positive regulation of ryanodine-sensiti...	9	3	0.02	6.0e-07	0.000259836363636364
+GO:1901844	regulation of cell communication by elec...	9	3	0.02	6.0e-07	0.000259836363636364
+GO:0007190	activation of adenylate cyclase activity	35	4	0.07	6.6e-07	0.000277413529411765
+GO:0071361	cellular response to ethanol	11	3	0.02	1.2e-06	0.000476366666666667
+GO:0060315	negative regulation of ryanodine-sensiti...	11	3	0.02	1.2e-06	0.000476366666666667
+GO:0032465	regulation of cytokinesis	98	5	0.2	1.4e-06	0.00054074054054054
+GO:0010801	negative regulation of peptidyl-threonin...	13	3	0.03	2.0e-06	0.000752157894736842
+GO:0007611	learning or memory	229	11	0.46	2.1e-06	0.000769515384615385
+GO:0032516	positive regulation of phosphoprotein ph...	15	3	0.03	3.2e-06	0.00111539512195122
+GO:0005513	detection of calcium ion	15	3	0.03	3.2e-06	0.00111539512195122
+GO:0097338	response to clozapine	2	2	0	3.9e-06	0.00132702142857143
+GO:0051447	negative regulation of meiotic cell cycl...	19	3	0.04	6.9e-06	0.00229320697674419
+GO:0031954	positive regulation of protein autophosp...	20	3	0.04	8.1e-06	0.00263084318181818
+GO:0051000	positive regulation of nitric-oxide synt...	21	3	0.04	9.4e-06	0.00298523111111111
+GO:0000186	activation of MAPKK activity	258	6	0.51	1.1e-05	0.00341741304347826
+GO:0043647	inositol phosphate metabolic process	71	4	0.14	1.2e-05	0.00364876595744681
+GO:0051412	response to corticosterone	26	3	0.05	1.8e-05	0.00524975510204082
+GO:0007616	long-term memory	26	3	0.05	1.8e-05	0.00524975510204082
+GO:0005980	glycogen catabolic process	27	3	0.05	2.0e-05	0.0057164
+GO:0002576	platelet degranulation	89	4	0.18	2.9e-05	0.00812625490196078
+GO:0002027	regulation of heart rate	90	4	0.18	3.0e-05	0.00824480769230769
+GO:0046209	nitric oxide metabolic process	94	4	0.19	3.5e-05	0.00943745283018868
+GO:0046777	protein autophosphorylation	231	8	0.46	3.8e-05	0.0100566296296296
+GO:0035556	intracellular signal transduction	2849	30	5.67	4.1e-05	0.0106532909090909
+GO:0018107	peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation	78	8	0.16	4.3e-05	0.0109734464285714
+GO:0019433	triglyceride catabolic process	35	3	0.07	4.5e-05	0.0112823684210526
+GO:0048016	inositol phosphate-mediated signaling	36	3	0.07	4.9e-05	0.0120734310344828
+GO:1901621	negative regulation of smoothened signal...	6	2	0.01	5.7e-05	0.0138065593220339
+GO:0050730	regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphor...	214	5	0.43	6.2e-05	0.0147673666666667
+GO:0042045	epithelial fluid transport	7	2	0.01	8.0e-05	0.0187422950819672
+GO:0044281	small molecule metabolic process	2690	28	5.35	8.4e-05	0.019362
+GO:0018105	peptidyl-serine phosphorylation	237	5	0.47	0.00010	0.022684126984127
+GO:0021762	substantia nigra development	47	3	0.09	0.00011	0.02456265625
+GO:0034351	negative regulation of glial cell apopto...	9	2	0.02	0.00014	0.0307806153846154
+GO:0007411	axon guidance	600	7	1.19	0.00015	0.0324795454545454
+GO:0090330	regulation of platelet aggregation	13	2	0.03	0.00030	0.063989552238806
+GO:0008286	insulin receptor signaling pathway	361	7	0.72	0.00036	0.0745617391304348
+GO:0070588	calcium ion transmembrane transport	205	7	0.41	0.00036	0.0745617391304348
+GO:0071902	positive regulation of protein serine/th...	316	5	0.63	0.00038	0.0775797142857143
+GO:0046827	positive regulation of protein export fr...	15	2	0.03	0.00040	0.080512676056338
+GO:0071380	cellular response to prostaglandin E sti...	17	2	0.03	0.00051	0.0998412328767123
+GO:0035413	positive regulation of catenin import in...	17	2	0.03	0.00051	0.0998412328767123
+GO:0045787	positive regulation of cell cycle	340	5	0.68	0.00053	0.102354459459459
+GO:0006094	gluconeogenesis	84	3	0.17	0.00062	0.118138933333333
+GO:0051592	response to calcium ion	114	6	0.23	0.00077	0.144790394736842
+GO:0043536	positive regulation of blood vessel endo...	22	2	0.04	0.00087	0.16146974025974
+GO:0071364	cellular response to epidermal growth fa...	23	2	0.05	0.00095	0.174057051282051
+GO:0042752	regulation of circadian rhythm	98	3	0.2	0.00097	0.175471772151899
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/prot_reactome_EGFR_mapped_ensg.txt	Mon Dec 04 09:39:21 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/topGO.xml	Mon Dec 04 09:39:21 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+<tool id="topGO" name="topGO enrichment analysis" version="0.1.0">
+    <description>
+    performs enrichment analysis using R package topGO
+    </description>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="1.54.0">bioconductor-graph</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="2.28.0">bioconductor-topgo</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <stdio>
+        <exit_code range="1:" />
+    </stdio>
+    <command><![CDATA[
+  #if $inputtype.filetype == "file_all": 
+  Rscript --vanilla $__tool_directory__/enrichment_v3.R --inputtype tabfile --input '$inputtype.genelist' --ontology '$ontocat' --option '$option' --threshold '$threshold' --correction '$correction' --textoutput '$condtext.textoutput' --barplotoutput '$condbar.barplotoutput' --dotplotoutput '$conddot.dotplotoutput' --column '$inputtype.column' --geneuniverse '$geneuniverse' --header '$inputtype.header'
+  #end if
+      #if $inputtype.filetype == "copy_paste": 
+  Rscript --vanilla $__tool_directory__/enrichment_v3.R --inputtype copypaste --input '$inputtype.genelist' --ontology '$ontocat' --option '$option' --threshold '$threshold' --correction '$correction' --textoutput '$condtext.textoutput' --barplotoutput '$condbar.barplotoutput' --dotplotoutput '$conddot.dotplotoutput' --column c1 --geneuniverse '$geneuniverse' --header None
+  #end if
+    ]]></command>
+    <inputs>
+  <conditional name="inputtype">
+    <param name="filetype" type="select" label="Select your type of input file" help="The identifiers must be Ensembl gene IDs (e.g : ENSG00000139618). If it is not the case, please use the ID Mapping tool.">
+      <option value="file_all">Input file containing your identifiers</option>
+      <option value="copy_paste">Copy/paste your list of IDs</option> 
+    </param>
+    <when value="copy_paste">
+      <param name="genelist" type="text" label="Enter a list of identifiers"/>
+    </when>
+    <when value="file_all">
+      <param name="genelist" type="data" format="txt,tabular" label="Choose an input file" help="This file must imperatively have 1 column filled with IDs consistent with the database that will be used. Please use the MappingIDs component if this is not the case."/>
+      <param name="column" type="text" label="Please specify the column where you would like to apply the comparison (e.g : Enter c1)" value="c1"/> 
+      <param name="header" type="select" label="Does your file have a header?" multiple="false" optional="false"> 
+ 	<option value="TRUE" selected="true">Yes</option>
+        <option value="FALSE" selected="false">No</option>
+      </param>
+    </when>
+  </conditional>
+      <param name="geneuniverse" type="select" label="Select a specie">
+        <option value="org.At.tair.db" >Arabidopsis</option>
+        <option value="" >C.elegans</option>
+        <option value="" >Fly</option>
+        <option value="" selected="true">Human</option>
+        <option value="" >Mouse</option>
+        <option value="org.Sc.sqd.db" >Yeast</option>
+      </param>
+      <param name="ontocat" type="select" label="Ontology category">
+              <option value="BP" >Biological Process</option>
+              <option value="CC" >Cellular Component</option>
+              <option value="MF" >Molecular Function</option>
+        </param>
+        <param name="option" type="select" label="Choose the topGO option for your analysis">
+                <option value="classic" >Classic fisher test</option>
+                <option value="elim" selected="true">Elim</option>
+                <option value="weight01" >Weight01</option>
+                <option value="parentchild" >ParentChild</option>
+          </param>
+        <param name="threshold" type="text" label="Enter the p-value threshold level under the form 1e-level wanted (e.g : 1e-3)" value="1e-3"/>
+	<param name="correction" label="Choose a correction for multiple testing" type="select">
+             <option value="none" >None</option>
+             <option value="holm">Holm correction</option>
+             <option value="hochberg" >Hochberg correction</option>
+             <option value="hommel" >Hommel correction</option>
+             <option value="bonferroni" >Bonferroni correction</option>
+             <option value="BH" selected="true">Benjamini and Hochberg</option>
+             <option value="BY" >Benjamini and Yekutieli</option>
+             <option value="fdr" >FDR</option>
+           </param>
+            <conditional name="condtext">
+            <param name="textoutput" type="select" label="Generate a text file for results">
+              <option value="TRUE">Yes</option>
+              <option value="FALSE">No</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="TRUE"/>
+            <when value="FALSE"/>
+          </conditional>
+          <conditional name="condbar">
+            <param name="barplotoutput" type="select" label="Generate a barplot of over-represented GO terms">
+              <option value="TRUE">Yes</option>
+              <option value="FALSE">No</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="TRUE"/>
+            <when value="FALSE"/>
+          </conditional>
+          <conditional name="conddot">
+              <param name="dotplotoutput" type="select" label="Generate a dotplot of over-represented GO terms">
+              <option value="TRUE">Yes</option>
+              <option value="FALSE">No</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="TRUE"/>
+            <when value="FALSE"/>
+          </conditional>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+      <data name="outputtext" format="tabular" label="Text output for topGO analysis $ontocat category" from_work_dir="result.csv">
+        <filter>condtext['textoutput']=="TRUE"</filter>
+      </data>
+      <data name="outputbarplot" format="png" label="Barplot output for topGO analysis $ontocat category" from_work_dir="barplot.png">
+        <filter>condbar['barplotoutput']=="TRUE"</filter>
+      </data>
+      <data name="outputdotplot" format="png" label="Dotplot output for topGO analysis $ontocat category" from_work_dir="dotplot.png">
+        <filter>conddot['dotplotoutput']=="TRUE"</filter>
+      </data>
+   </outputs>
+   <tests>
+     <test>
+       <conditional name="inputtype">
+         <param name="filetype " value="tabfile"/>
+         <param name="genelist" value="prot_reactome_EGFR_mapped_ensg.txt"/>
+         <param name="column" value="c1"/>
+         <param name="header" value="FALSE"/>
+       </conditional>
+       <param name="ontocat" value="BP"/>
+       <param name="option" value="elim"/>
+       <param name="threshold" value="1e-3"/>
+       <param name="correction" value="BH"/> 
+       <conditional name="condtext">
+         <param name="textoutput" value="TRUE"/>
+       </conditional>
+       <conditional name="condbar">
+         <param name="barplotoutput" value="TRUE"/>
+       </conditional>
+       <conditional name="conddot">
+         <param name="dotoutput" value="TRUE"/>
+       </conditional>
+       <param name="geneuniverse" value=""/>
+       <output name="outputtext" file="Text_output_for_topGO_analysis.txt"/>
+       <output name="outputbarplot" file="Barplot_output_for_topGO_analysis.png"/>
+       <output name="outputdotplot" file="Dotplot_output_for_topGO_analysis.png"/>
+     </test>
+   </tests>
+   <help><![CDATA[
+**Galaxy component based on R package topGO.** 
+**Input required**
+This component works with Ensembl gene ids (e.g : ENSG0000013618). You can
+copy/paste these identifiers or supply a tabular file (.csv, .tsv, .txt, .tab)
+where there are contained. 
+This component provides the GO terms representativity of a gene list in one ontology category (Biological Process "BP", Cellular Component "CC", Molecular Function "MF"). This representativity is evaluated in comparison to the background list of all human genes associated associated with GO terms of the chosen category (BP,CC,MF). This background is given by the R package "", which is a genome wide association package for **human**.
+Three kind of outputs are available : a textual output, a barplot output and
+a dotplot output. 
+*Textual output* :
+The text output lists all the GO-terms that were found significant under the specified threshold.    
+The different fields are as follow :
+- Annotated : number of genes in which are annotated with the GO-term.
+- Significant : number of genes belonging to your input which are annotated with the GO-term. 
+- Expected : show an estimate of the number of genes a node of size Annotated would have if the significant genes were to be randomly selected from the gene universe.  
+- pvalues : pvalue obtained after the test 
+- ( qvalues  : additional column with adjusted pvalues ) 
+topGO provides a classic fisher test for evaluating if some GO terms are over-represented in your gene list, but other options are also provided (elim, weight01,parentchild). For the merits of each option and their algorithmic descriptions, please refer to topGO manual : 
+**Multiple testing corrections**
+Furthermore, the following corrections for multiple testing can also be applied : 
+- holm
+- hochberg
+- hommel
+- bonferroni
+- BH
+- BY
+- fdr
+Alexa A and Rahnenfuhrer J (2016). topGO: Enrichment Analysis for Gene Ontology. R package version 2.30.0.
+**Galaxy integration**
+Lisa Peru, T.P. Lien Nguyen, Florence Combes, Yves Vandenbrouck CEA, INSERM, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University, BIG Institute, FR
+Sandra Dérozier, Olivier Rué, Christophe Caron, Valentin Loux INRA, Paris-Saclay University, MAIAGE Unit, Migale Bioinformatics platform
+This work has been partially funded through the French National Agency for Research (ANR) IFB project.
+Contact for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
+   <citations>
+   </citations>