diff linelisting.py @ 0:be856549e863 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/Public-Health-Bioinformatics/flu_classification_suite commit b96b6e06f6eaa6ae8ef4c24630dbb72a4aed7dbe
author public-health-bioinformatics
date Thu, 04 Jul 2019 19:37:41 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/linelisting.py	Thu Jul 04 19:37:41 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+'''Reads in a fasta file of extracted antigenic sites and one containing a 
+reference flu antigenic map, reading them in as protein SeqRecords. Compares each amino
+acid of each sample antigenic map to corresponding sites in the reference and replaces
+identical amino acids with dots. Writes headers (including amino acid position numbers
+read in from the respective index array), the reference amino acid sequence and column
+headings required for non-aggregated line lists. Outputs headers and modified (i.e. dotted)
+sequences to a csv file.'''
+'''Author: Diane Eisler, Molecular Microbiology & Genomics, BCCDC Public Health Laboratory, Nov 2017'''
+import sys,string,os, time, Bio, re, argparse
+from Bio import Seq, SeqIO, SeqUtils, Alphabet, SeqRecord
+from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
+from Bio.Seq import Seq
+inputAntigenicMaps = sys.argv[1] #batch fasta file with antigenic map sequences
+refAntigenicMap = sys.argv[2] #fasta file of reference antigenic map sequence
+antigenicSiteIndexArray = sys.argv[3] #antigenic site index array csv file
+cladeDefinitionFile = sys.argv[4] #clade definition csv file
+outFileHandle = sys.argv[5] #user-specifed output filename
+lineListFile = open(outFileHandle,'w') #open a writable output file
+indicesLine = "" #comma-separated antigenic site positions
+cladeList = [] #list of clade names read from clade definition file
+ref_seq = "" #reference antigenic map (protein sequence)
+seqList = [] #list of aa sequences to compare to reference
+BC_list = [] #empty list for BC samples
+AB_list = [] #empty list for AB samples
+ON_list = [] #empty list for ON samples
+QC_list = [] #empty list for QC samples
+nonprov_list = [] #empty list for samples not in above 4 provinces
+#dictionary for location-separated sequence lists
+segregated_lists = {'1_BC':BC_list,'2_AB':AB_list,'3_ON':ON_list,'4_QC': QC_list, '5_nonprov': nonprov_list}
+uniqueSeqs = {} #empty dict with unique seqs as keys and lists of SeqRecords as values
+def replace_matching_aa_with_dot(record):
+    """Compare amino acids in record to reference sequence, replace matching symbols
+    with dots, and return record with modified amino acid sequence."""
+    orig_seq = str(record.seq) #get sequence string from SeqRecord
+    mod_seq = ""
+    #replace only those aa's matching the reference with dots
+    for i in range(0, len(orig_seq)):
+        if (orig_seq[i] == ref_seq[i]):
+            mod_seq = mod_seq  + '.'
+        else:
+            mod_seq  = mod_seq  + orig_seq[i]
+    #assign modified sequence to new SeqRecord and return it
+    rec = SeqRecord(Seq(mod_seq,IUPAC.protein), id = record.id, name = "", description = "")
+    return rec
+def extract_clade(record):
+    """Extract clade name (or 'No_Match') from sequence name and return as clade name. """
+    if record.id.endswith('No_Match'):
+        clade_name = 'No_Match'
+        end_index = record.id.index(clade_name)
+        record.id = record.id[:end_index -1]
+        return clade_name
+    else: #
+        for clade in cladeList:
+            if record.id.endswith(clade):
+                clade_name = clade
+                end_index = record.id.index(clade)
+                record.id = record.id[:end_index -1]
+                return clade_name
+def sort_by_location(record):
+    """Search sequence name for province name or 2 letter province code and add SeqRecord to
+    province-specific dictionary."""
+    seq_name = record.id
+    if ('-BC-' in seq_name) or ('/British_Columbia/' in seq_name):
+        BC_list.append(record) #add Sequence record to BC_list
+    elif ('-AB-' in seq_name) or ('/Alberta/' in seq_name):
+        AB_list.append(record) #add Sequence record to AB_list
+    elif ('-ON-' in seq_name) or ('/Ontario/' in seq_name):
+        ON_list.append(record) #add Sequence record to ON_list
+    elif ('-QC-' in seq_name) or ('/Quebec/' in seq_name):
+        QC_list.append(record) #add Sequence record to QC_list
+    else:
+        nonprov_list.append(record) #add Sequence record to nonprov_list
+    return
+def extract_province(record):
+    """Search sequence name for province name or 2 letter province code and return province."""
+    seq_name = record.id
+    if ('-BC-' in seq_name) or ('/British_Columbia/' in seq_name):
+        province = 'British Columbia'
+    elif ('-AB-' in seq_name) or ('Alberta' in seq_name):
+        province = '/Alberta/'
+    elif ('-ON-' in seq_name) or ('/Ontario/' in seq_name):
+        province = 'Ontario'
+    elif ('-QC-' in seq_name) or ('/Quebec/' in seq_name):
+        province = 'Quebec'
+    else:
+        province = "other"
+    return province
+def get_sequence_length(record):
+    """Return the length of a sequence in a Sequence record."""
+    sequenceLength = len(str((record.seq)))
+    return sequenceLength
+def get_antigenic_site_substitutions(record):
+    """Count number of non-dotted amino acids in SeqRecord sequence and return as substitutions."""
+    sequenceLength = get_sequence_length(record)
+    seqString = str(record.seq)
+    matches = seqString.count('.')
+    substitutions = sequenceLength - matches
+    return substitutions
+def calculate_percent_id(record, substitutions):
+    """Calculate sequence identity to a reference (based on substitutions and sequence length) and return percent id."""
+    sequenceLength = get_sequence_length(record)
+    percentID = (1.00 - (float(substitutions)/float(sequenceLength)))
+    return percentID
+def output_linelist(sequenceList):
+    """Output a list of SeqRecords to a non-aggregated line list in csv format."""
+    for record in sequenceList:
+        #get province, clade from sequence record
+        province = extract_province(record)
+        clade = extract_clade(record)
+        #calculate number of substitutions and % id to reference
+        substitutions = get_antigenic_site_substitutions(record)
+        percentID = calculate_percent_id(record,substitutions)
+        name_part = (record.id).rstrip() + ','
+        clade_part = clade + ','
+        substitutions_part = str(substitutions) + ','
+        percID_part = str(percentID) + ','
+        col = " ," #empty column
+        sequence = str(record.seq).strip()
+        csv_seq = ",".join(sequence) +","
+        #write linelisted antigenic maps to csv file
+        comma_sep_line = name_part + col + clade_part + col + csv_seq + substitutions_part + percID_part + "\n"
+        lineListFile.write(comma_sep_line)
+    return
+with open (antigenicSiteIndexArray,'r') as siteIndices:
+    """Read amino acid positions from antigenic site index array and print as header after one empty row."""
+    col = "," #empty column
+    #read items separated by comma's to position list
+    for line in siteIndices:
+        #remove whitespace from the end of each line
+        indicesLine = line.rstrip()
+    row1 = "\n"
+    #add comma-separated AA positions to header line
+    row2 = col + col + col + col + indicesLine + "\n"
+    #write first (empty) and 2nd (amino acid position) lines to linelist output file
+    lineListFile.write(row1)
+    lineListFile.write(row2)
+with open (refAntigenicMap,'r') as refMapFile:
+    """Read reference antigenic map from fasta and output amino acids, followed by column headers."""
+    #read sequences from fasta to SeqRecord, uppercase, and store sequence string to ref_seq
+    record = SeqIO.read(refMapFile,"fasta",alphabet=IUPAC.protein)
+    record = record.upper()
+    ref_seq = str(record.seq).strip() #store sequence in variable for comparison to sample seqs
+    col = "," #empty column
+    name_part = (record.id).rstrip() + ','
+    sequence = str(record.seq).strip()
+    csv_seq = ",".join(sequence)
+    #output row with reference sequence displayed above sample sequences
+    row3 = name_part + col + col + col + csv_seq + "\n"
+    lineListFile.write(row3)
+    #replaces digits in the indicesLine with empty strings
+    positions = indicesLine.split(',')
+    numPos = len(positions)
+    empty_indicesLine = ',' * numPos
+    #print column headers for sample sequences
+    row4 = "Sequence Name,N,Clade,Extra Substitutions," + empty_indicesLine + "Number of Amino Acid Substitutions in Antigenic Sites,% Identity of Antigenic Site Residues\n"
+    lineListFile.write(row4)
+    print("\nREFERENCE ANTIGENIC MAP: '%s' (%i amino acids)" % (record.id, len(record)))
+with open(cladeDefinitionFile,'r') as cladeFile:
+    """Read clade definition file and store clade names in a list."""
+    #remove whitespace from the end of each line and split elements at commas
+    for line in cladeFile:
+        elementList = line.rstrip().split(',')
+        name = elementList[0] #move 1st element to name field
+        cladeList.append(name)
+with open(inputAntigenicMaps,'r') as extrAntigMapFile:
+    """Read antigenic maps as protein SeqRecords and add to list."""
+    #read Sequences from fasta file, uppercase and add to seqList
+    for record in SeqIO.parse(extrAntigMapFile, "fasta", alphabet=IUPAC.protein):
+        record = record.upper()
+        seqList.append(record) #add Seq to list of Sequences
+#print number of sequences to be process as user check
+print("\nCOMPARING %i flu antigenic map sequences to the reference..." % len(seqList))
+#parse each antigenic map sequence object
+for record in seqList:
+    #assign Sequence to dictionaries according to location in name
+    sort_by_location(record)
+#sort dictionary keys that access province-segregated lists
+sorted_segregated_list_keys = sorted(segregated_lists.keys())
+print("\nSequence Lists Sorted by Province: ")
+#process each province-segregated SeqRecord list
+for listname in sorted_segregated_list_keys:
+    #acesss list of sequences by the listname key
+    a_list = segregated_lists[listname]
+    # sort original SeqRecords by record id (i.e. name)
+    a_list = [f for f in sorted(a_list, key = lambda x : x.id)]
+    mod_list = [] # empty temporary list
+    for record in a_list:
+        #replace matching amino acid symbols with dots
+        rec = replace_matching_aa_with_dot(record)
+        mod_list.append(rec) #populate a list of modified records
+    segregated_lists[listname] =  mod_list
+    print("\n'%s' List (Amino Acids identical to Reference Masked): " % (listname))
+    #output the list to csv as non-aggregated linelist
+    output_linelist(segregated_lists[listname])
\ No newline at end of file