# HG changeset patch # User q2d2 # Date 1730318112 0 # Node ID 8d441435b9e6528d4ebca921d39fd259864f88d6 # Parent 555ba9f92313dba2b108866609ffbfc8b0bd2f2b planemo upload for repository https://github.com/qiime2/galaxy-tools/tree/main/tools/suite_qiime2__rescript commit 5f71b597c9495eae67a447744fded834f56ca1f7 diff -r 555ba9f92313 -r 8d441435b9e6 qiime2__rescript__extract_seq_segments.xml --- a/qiime2__rescript__extract_seq_segments.xml Mon Jun 03 23:31:04 2024 +0000 +++ b/qiime2__rescript__extract_seq_segments.xml Wed Oct 30 19:55:12 2024 +0000 @@ -6,14 +6,17 @@ --> <!-- This tool was automatically generated by: - q2galaxy (version: 2024.5.0) + q2galaxy (version: 2024.10.0) for: - qiime2 (version: 2024.5.0) + qiime2 (version: 2024.10.1) --> -<tool name="qiime2 rescript extract-seq-segments" id="qiime2__rescript__extract_seq_segments" version="2024.5.0+q2galaxy.2024.5.0" profile="22.05" license="BSD-3-Clause"> +<tool name="qiime2 rescript extract-seq-segments" id="qiime2__rescript__extract_seq_segments" version="2024.10.0+q2galaxy.2024.10.0" profile="22.05" license="BSD-3-Clause"> <description>Use reference sequences to extract shorter matching sequence segments from longer sequences based on a user-defined 'perc-identity' value.</description> + <xrefs> + <xref type="bio.tools">qiime2</xref> + </xrefs> <requirements> - <container type="docker">quay.io/qiime2/amplicon:2024.5</container> + <container type="docker">quay.io/qiime2/amplicon:2024.10</container> </requirements> <version_command>q2galaxy version rescript</version_command> <command detect_errors="exit_code">q2galaxy run rescript extract_seq_segments '$inputs'</command> @@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ </options> <validator type="expression" message="Incompatible type">hasattr(value.metadata, "semantic_type") and value.metadata.semantic_type in ['FeatureData[Sequence]']</validator> </param> - <param name="reference_segment_sequences" type="data" format="qza" label="reference_segment_sequences: FeatureData[Sequence]" help="[required] Reference sequence segments that will be used to search for and extract matching segments from 'sequences'."> + <param name="reference_segment_sequences" type="data" format="qza" label="reference_segment_sequences: FeatureData[Sequence]" help="[required] Reference sequence segments that will be used to search for and extract matching segments from 'input-sequences'."> <options options_filter_attribute="metadata.semantic_type"> <filter type="add_value" value="FeatureData[Sequence]"/> </options> @@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ </param> <section name="__q2galaxy__GUI__section__extra_opts__" title="Click here for additional options"> <param name="perc_identity" type="float" min="1e-06" max="1" value="0.7" label="perc_identity: Float % Range(0, 1, inclusive_start=False, inclusive_end=True)" help="[default: 0.7] The percent identity at which clustering should be performed. This parameter maps to vsearch's --id parameter."/> + <param name="target_coverage" type="float" min="1e-06" max="1" value="0.9" label="target_coverage: Float % Range(0, 1, inclusive_start=False, inclusive_end=True)" help="[default: 0.9] The minimum fraction of coverage that 'reference-segment-sequences' must have in order to extract matching segments from 'input-sequences'."/> <param name="min_seq_len" type="integer" min="1" optional="true" label="min_seq_len: Int % Range(1, None)" help="[optional] Minimum length of sequence allowed for searching. Any sequence less than this will be discarded. If not set, default program settings will be used."/> <param name="threads" type="integer" min="1" max="255" value="1" label="threads: Int % Range(1, 256)" help="[default: 1] Number of computation threads to use (1 to 256). The number of threads should be lesser or equal to the number of available CPU cores."/> </section>