diff uclust2otutable.py @ 0:e85e7ba38aff draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/QFAB-Bioinformatics/metaDEGalaxy/tree/master/uc2otutable commit 0db3cb4e9a87400bb2f8402ffc23334e24ad4b4e-dirty"
author qfabrepo
date Mon, 14 Sep 2020 04:52:36 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uclust2otutable.py	Mon Sep 14 04:52:36 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+import sys
+import progress
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description="This script converts uclust format from vsearch to tabular format"
+	)
+parser.add_argument("-v","--version",action="version",version="%(prog)s 1.0")
+parser.add_argument("-i","--input",dest="uclust",default=False,help="input filename in uclust format")
+parser.add_argument("-o","--output",dest="otutable",default=False,help="output filename")
+if(len(sys.argv) == 1):
+	parser.print_help(sys.stderr)
+	sys.exit()
+args = parser.parse_args()
+ucFileName = args.uclust
+outFileName = args.otutable
+# Tab-separated fields:
+# 1=Type, 2=ClusterNr, 3=SeqLength or ClusterSize, 4=PctId, 5=Strand, 6=QueryStart, 7=SeedStart, 8=Alignment, 9=Label
+# Record types (field 1): L=LibSeed, S=NewSeed, H=Hit, R=Reject, D=LibCluster, C=NewCluster, N=NotMatched
+# For C and D types, PctId is average id with seed.
+# QueryStart and SeedStart are zero-based relative to start of sequence.
+# If minus strand, SeedStart is relative to reverse-complemented seed.
+MaxError = -1
+Type = '?'
+ClusterNr = -1
+Size = -1
+PctId = -1.0
+LocalScore = -1.0
+Evalue = -1.0
+Strand = '.'
+QueryStart = -1
+SeedStart = -1
+Alignment = ""
+QueryLabel = ""
+TargetLabel = ""
+FileName = "?"
+Line = ""
+def GetSampleId(Label):
+	sep=";"
+	SampleID_temp = Label.split(sep,1)[0]
+	SampleID = SampleID_temp.split('_',1)[-1]
+	return SampleID
+def OnRec():
+	global OTUs, Samples, OTUTable
+	if Type != 'H':
+		return
+	OTUId = TargetLabel
+	if OTUId not in OTUIds:
+		OTUIds.append(OTUId)
+		OTUTable[OTUId] = {}
+	SampleId = GetSampleId(QueryLabel)
+	if SampleId not in SampleIds:
+		SampleIds.append(SampleId)
+	N = GetSizeFromLabel(QueryLabel, 1)
+	try:
+		OTUTable[OTUId][SampleId] += N
+	except:
+		OTUTable[OTUId][SampleId] = N
+def Die(Msg):
+	print >> sys.stderr
+	print >> sys.stderr
+	traceback.print_stack()
+	s = ""
+	for i in range(0, len(sys.argv)):
+		if i > 0:
+			s += " "
+		s += sys.argv[i]
+	print >> sys.stderr, s
+	print >> sys.stderr, "**ERROR**", Msg
+	print >> sys.stderr
+	print >> sys.stderr
+	sys.exit(1)
+	print("NOTHERE!!")
+def Warning(Msg):
+	print >> sys.stderr
+	print >> sys.stderr, sys.argv
+	print >> sys.stderr, "**WARNING**", Msg
+def isgap(c):
+	return c == '-' or c == '.'
+def GetSeqCount(FileName):
+	Tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+	try:
+		TmpFile = Tmp.file
+	except:
+		TmpFile = Tmp
+	s = subprocess.call([ "grep", "-c", "^>", FileName ], stdout=TmpFile)
+	TmpFile.seek(0)
+	s = TmpFile.read()
+	return int(s)
+def GetSeqsDict(FileName):
+	return ReadSeqsFast(FileName, False)
+def ReadSeqsDict(FileName, Progress = False):
+	return ReadSeqsFast(FileName, Progress)
+def ReadSeqsOnSeq(FileName, OnSeq, Progress = False):
+	ReadSeqs3(FileName, OnSeq, Progress)
+def ReadSeqsFastFile(File, Progress = False):
+	Seqs = {}
+	Id = ""
+	N = 0
+	while 1:
+		if N%10000 == 0 and Progress:
+			sys.stderr.write("%u seqs\r" % (N))
+		Line = File.readline()
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			if Progress:
+				sys.stderr.write("%u seqs\n" % (N))
+			return Seqs
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			continue
+		Line = Line.strip()
+		if Line[0] == ">":
+			N += 1
+			Id = Line[1:]
+				Id = Id.split()[0]
+			Seqs[Id] = ""
+		else:
+			if Id == "":
+				Die("FASTA file does not start with '>'")
+			Seqs[Id] = Seqs[Id] + Line
+def ReadSeqsFast(FileName, Progress = True):
+	File = open(FileName)
+	return ReadSeqsFastFile(File, Progress)
+def ReadSeqs(FileName, toupper=False, stripgaps=False, Progress=False):
+	if not toupper and not stripgaps:
+		return ReadSeqsFast(FileName, False)
+	Seqs = {}
+	Id = ""
+	File = open(FileName)
+	while 1:
+		Line = File.readline()
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			return Seqs
+		Line = Line.strip()
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			continue
+		if Line[0] == ">":
+			Id = Line[1:]
+				Id = Id.split()[0]
+			if Id in Seqs.keys():
+				Die("Duplicate id '%s' in '%s'" % (Id, FileName))
+			Seqs[Id] = ""
+		else:
+			if Id == "":
+				Die("FASTA file '%s' does not start with '>'" % FileName)
+			if toupper:
+				Line = Line.upper()
+			if stripgaps:
+				Line = Line.replace("-", "")
+				Line = Line.replace(".", "")
+			Seqs[Id] = Seqs[Id] + Line
+def ReadSeqs2(FileName, ShowProgress = True):
+	Seqs = []
+	Labels = []
+	File = open(FileName)
+	if ShowProgress:
+		progress.InitFile(File, FileName)
+	while 1:
+		progress.File()
+		Line = File.readline()
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			if ShowProgress:
+				print >> sys.stderr, "\n"
+			return Labels, Seqs
+		Line = Line.strip()
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			continue
+		if Line[0] == ">":
+			Id = Line[1:]
+				Id = Id.split()[0]
+			Labels.append(Id)
+			Seqs.append("")
+		else:
+			i = len(Seqs)-1
+			Seqs[i] = Seqs[i] + Line
+def ReadSeqs3(FileName, OnSeq, ShowProgress = True):
+	File = open(FileName)
+	if ShowProgress:
+		progress.InitFile(File, FileName)
+	Label = ""
+	Seq = ""
+	while 1:
+		Line = File.readline()
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			if Seq != "":
+				OnSeq(Label, Seq)
+			if ShowProgress:
+				print >> sys.stderr, "\n"
+			return
+		Line = Line.strip()
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			continue
+		if Line[0] == ">":
+			if Seq != "":
+				if ShowProgress:
+					progress.File()
+					Label = Label.split()[0]
+				OnSeq(Label, Seq)
+			Label = Line[1:]
+			Seq = ""
+		else:
+			Seq += Line
+def WriteSeq(File, Seq, Label = ""):
+	if Label != "":
+		print >> File, ">" + Label
+	SeqLength = len(Seq)
+	BlockCount = int((SeqLength + (BLOCKLENGTH-1))/BLOCKLENGTH)
+	for BlockIndex in range(0, BlockCount):
+		Block = Seq[BlockIndex*BLOCKLENGTH:]
+		Block = Block[:BLOCKLENGTH]
+		print >> File, Block
+def GetSizeFromLabel(Label, Default = -1):
+	Fields = Label.split(";")
+	for Field in Fields:
+		if Field.startswith("size="):
+			return int(Field[5:])
+	if Default == -1:
+		Die("Missing size >" + Label)
+	return Default
+def StripSizeFromLabel(Label):
+	Fields = Label.split(";")
+	NewLabel = ""
+	for Field in Fields:
+		if Field.startswith("size="):
+			continue
+		if NewLabel != "":
+			NewLabel += ";"
+		NewLabel += Field
+	return NewLabel
+def GetQualFromLabel(Label):
+	n = Label.find("qual=")
+	assert n >= 0
+	return Label[n+5:-1]
+def StripQualFromLabel(Label):
+	n = Label.find("qual=")
+	assert n >= 0
+	return Label[:n]
+def GetField(Label, Name, Default):
+	Fields = Label.split(';')
+	for Field in Fields:
+		if Field.startswith(Name + "="):
+			n = len(Name) + 1
+			return Field[n:]
+	if Default == "":
+		Die("Field %s= not found in >%s" % (Name, Label))
+	return Default
+def GetIntFieldFromLabel(Label, Name, Default):
+	return int(GetField(Label, Name, Default))
+def GetFieldFromLabel(Label, Name, Default):
+	return GetField(Label, Name, Default)
+def DeleteFieldFromLabel(Label, Name):
+	NewLabel = ""
+	Fields = Label.split(';')
+	for Field in Fields:
+		if len(Field) > 0 and not Field.startswith(Name + "="):
+			NewLabel += Field + ';'
+	return NewLabel
+def ReplaceSize(Label, Size):
+	Fields = Label.split(";")
+	NewLabel = ""
+	Done = False
+	for Field in Fields:
+		if Field.startswith("size="):
+			NewLabel += "size=%u;" % Size
+			Done = True
+		else:
+			if Field != "":
+				NewLabel += Field + ";"
+	if not Done:
+		die.Die("size= not found in >" + Label)
+	return NewLabel	
+def Error(s):
+	print >> sys.stderr, "*** ERROR ***", s, sys.argv
+	sys.exit(1)	
+def ProgressFile(File, FileSize):
+#	if not sys.stderr.isatty():
+#	return
+	Pos = File.tell()
+	Pct = (100.0*Pos)/FileSize
+	Str = "%s %5.1f%%\r" % (FileName, Pct)
+	sys.stderr.write(Str)
+def Progress(i, N):
+#	if not sys.stderr.isatty():
+	return
+	Pct = (100.0*i)/N
+	Str = "%5.1f%%\r" % Pct
+	sys.stderr.write(Str)
+def PrintLine():
+	print(Line)
+def ParseRec(Line):
+	global Type
+	global ClusterNr
+	global Size
+	global PctId
+	global Strand
+	global QueryStart
+	global SeedStart
+	global Alignment
+	global QueryLabel
+	global TargetLabel
+	global LocalScore
+	global Evalue
+	Fields = Line.split("\t")
+	N = len(Fields)
+	if N != 9 and N != 10:
+		Error("Expected 9 or 10 fields in .uc record, got: " + Line)
+	Type = Fields[0]
+	try:
+		ClusterNr = int(Fields[1])
+	except:
+		ClusterNr = -1
+	try:	
+		Size = int(Fields[2])
+	except:
+		Size = -1
+	Fields2 = Fields[3].split('/')
+	LocalScore = -1.0
+	Evalue = -1.0
+	if len(Fields2) == 3:
+		try:
+			PctId = float(Fields2[0])
+			LocalScore = float(Fields2[1])
+			Evalue = float(Fields2[2])
+		except:
+			PctId = -1.0
+	else:
+		try:
+			PctId = float(Fields[3])
+		except:
+			PctId = -1.0
+	Strand = Fields[4]
+	try:
+		QueryStart = int(Fields[5])
+	except:
+		QueryStart = -1
+	try:
+		SeedStart = int(Fields[6])
+	except:
+		SeedStart = -1
+	Alignment = Fields[7]
+	QueryLabel = Fields[8]
+	if len(Fields) > 9:
+		TargetLabel = Fields[9]
+def GetRec(File, OnRecord):
+	global Line
+	while 1:
+		Line = File.readline()
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			return 0
+		if Line[0] == '#':
+			continue
+		Line = Line.strip()
+		if len(Line) == 0:
+			return 1
+		ParseRec(Line)
+		Ok = OnRecord()
+		if Ok != None and Ok == 0:
+			return 0
+		return 1
+def ReadRecs(argFileName, OnRecord, ShowProgress = False):
+	return ReadFile(argFileName, OnRecord, ShowProgress)
+def ReadRecsOnRec(argFileName, OnRecord, ShowProgress = True):
+	return ReadFile(argFileName, OnRecord, ShowProgress)
+def GetRecs(argFileName, OnRecord, ShowProgress = True):
+	return ReadFile(argFileName, OnRecord, ShowProgress)
+def ReadFile(argFileName, OnRecord, ShowProgress = True):
+	global FileName
+	FileName = argFileName
+	File = open(FileName)
+	if ShowProgress:
+		progress.InitFile(File, FileName)
+	while GetRec(File, OnRecord):
+		if ShowProgress:
+			progress.File()
+	if ShowProgress:
+		progress.FileDone()
+OTUIds = []
+SampleIds = []
+OTUTable = {}
+ReadRecs(ucFileName, OnRec)
+s = "OTUId"
+for SampleId in SampleIds:
+	s += "\t" + SampleId
+fout.write("%s\n" % s)
+for OTUId in OTUIds:
+	s = OTUId
+	for SampleId in SampleIds:
+		try:
+			n = OTUTable[OTUId][SampleId]
+		except:
+			n = 0
+		s += "\t" + str(n)
+	fout.write("%s\n" % s)