diff help.xml @ 2:472dc85ce7c5 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/RECETOX/galaxytools/tree/master/tools/recetox_aplcms commit 506df2aef355b3791567283e1a175914f06b405a
author recetox
date Mon, 13 Feb 2023 10:28:35 +0000 (2023-02-13)
children 755ff0afaaff
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/help.xml	Mon Feb 13 10:28:35 2023 +0000
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+<token name="@GENERAL_HELP@">
+General Information
+recetox-aplcms is a software package for peak detection in high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) data.
+It supports reading .mzml files in raw profile mode and uses a bi-Gaussian chromatographic peak shape for feature detection and quantification.
+recetox-aplcms is based on the apLCMS package developed by Tianwei Yu at Emory University - see the citations and the apLCMS section beneath.
+This version includes various software updates and is actively developed and maintained on `GitHub`_.
+Please submit eventual bug reports as `issues`_ on the repository.
+.. _GitHub: https://github.com/RECETOX/recetox-aplcms
+.. _issues: https://github.com/RECETOX/recetox-aplcms/issues/new
+.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RECETOX/galaxytools/aee0dd6cf6c05936269efe4337c50e27cc68e86b/tools/recetox_aplcms/images/scheme.png
+   :width: 2560
+   :height: 788
+   :scale: 40
+   :alt: A picture of a workflow diagram.
+The individual steps of the recetox-aplcms package can be combined in 2 separate workflows processing HRMS data in an unsupervised manner or by including a-priori knowledge.
+The workflows consist of the following building blocks:
+(1) remove noise - denoise the raw data and extract the EIC
+(2) generate feature table - group features in EIC into peaks using peak-shape model
+(3) compute clusters - compute mz and rt clusters across samples
+(4) compute template - find the template for rt correction
+(5) correct time - correct the rt across samples using splines
+(6) align features - align identical features across samples
+(7) recover weaker signals - recover missed features in samples based on the aligned features
+(8) merge known table - add known features to detected features table and vice versa
+For detailed documentation on the individual steps please see the individual tool wrappers.
+apLCMS (Original Reference)
+apLCMS is a software which generates a feature table from a batch of LC/MS spectra. The m/z and retention time
+tolerance levels are estimated from the data. A run-filter is used to detect peaks and remove noise.
+Non-parametric statistical methods are used to find-tune peak selection and grouping. After retention time
+correction, a feature table is generated by aligning peaks across spectra. For further information on apLCMS
+please refer to https://mypage.cuhk.edu.cn/academics/yutianwei/apLCMS/.
+<token name="@REMOVE_NOISE_HELP@">
+recetox-aplcms - remove noise
+This tool is the first step of recetox-aplcms.
+It removes noise from the raw data and performs a first clustering step of points with close m/z values into the extracted ion chromatograms (EICs).
+Only peaks with a minimum elution length of `min_run` seconds are kept.
+Example Output
+The raw data points contained in the scans of the `mzml` file are filtered for noise and grouped into clusters based on m/z values.
+See an example output in the table below. The `group_number` column indicates the cluster index.
+| mz                   |    rt             |    intensity          |    group_number    |
+| 70.01060119055192    |    350.58654      |    21178.330810546875 |    5               |
+| 70.02334120404554    |    130.175262     |    287869.5478515625  |    10              |
+| 70.0287408273165     |    134.801352     |    60883.15185546875  |    11              |
+| 70.02872416715464    |    183.991896     |    9201.574584960938  |    11              |
+| ...                  |    ...            |    ...                |    ...             |
+recetox-aplcms - generate feature table
+The second step in the recetox-aplcms workflow performing peak shape parameter estimation.
+This tool takes the grouped features created with `recetox-aplcms-remove-noise` and computes the peak shape in `rt` domain and integrates the peak area.
+Example Output
+The output contains the `mz` and `rt` of the peaks as well as the standard deviation in both direction of the peak for the bi-gaussian peak shape.
+| mz                   |   rt              |    sd1          |    sd2            |   area               |
+| 70.02317542938793    |   142.36033       |   11.436659559  |    14.592754933   |   4159269.24595184   |
+| 70.02869594233522    |   205.48765       |   0.263230763   |    0.285101428707 |   8849767.11861127   |
+| 78.04643252598305    |   294.01713       |   0.51677558617 |    1.317028944141 |   1333044.50659719   |
+| ...                  |    ...            |    ...          |    ...            |   ...                |
+<token name="@COMPUTE_CLUSTERS_HELP@">
+recetox-aplcms - compute clusters
+Group features with `mz` and `rt` using tolerances within the tolerance into clusters, creating larger features from raw data points.
+Custom tolerances for `mz` and `rt` are computed based on the given parameters.
+The tool takes a collection of all detected features and computes the clusters over a global feature table, adding the `sample_id` and `cluster` columns to the table.
+Example Output
+| mz                   |   rt              |    sd1          |    sd2            |   area               |  sample_id          |  cluster      |
+| 70.02317542938793    |   142.36033       |   11.436659559  |    14.592754933   |   4159269.245951841  | 21_qc_no_dil_milliq |  7            |
+| 70.02869594233522    |   205.48765       |   0.263230763   |    0.285101428707 |   8849767.11861127   | 21_qc_no_dil_milliq |  9            |
+| 78.04643252598305    |   294.01713       |   0.51677558617 |    1.317028944141 |   1333044.506597194  | 21_qc_no_dil_milliq |  13           |
+| ...                  |    ...            |    ...          |    ...            |   ...                | ...                 |  ...          |
+<token name="@CORRECT_TIME_HELP@">
+recetox-aplcms - correct time
+Apply spline-based retention time correction to a feature table given the template table and the computed `mz` and `rt` tolerances.
+Example Output
+The output has the same format as `compute clusters` but the retention time values are corrected based on the template table.
+| mz                   |   rt              |    sd1          |    sd2            |   area               |  sample_id          |  cluster      |
+| 70.02317542938793    |   142.36033       |   11.436659559  |    14.592754933   |   4159269.245951841  | 21_qc_no_dil_milliq |  7            |
+| 70.02869594233522    |   205.48765       |   0.263230763   |    0.285101428707 |   8849767.11861127   | 21_qc_no_dil_milliq |  9            |
+| 78.04643252598305    |   294.01713       |   0.51677558617 |    1.317028944141 |   1333044.506597194  | 21_qc_no_dil_milliq |  13           |
+| ...                  |    ...            |    ...          |    ...            |   ...                | ...                 |  ...          |
+<token name="@COMPUTE_TEMPLATE_HELP@">
+recetox-aplcms - compute template
+Compute the template from a set of feature tables, choosing the one with the most features as the template.
+recetox-aplcms - recover weaker signals
+Second stage peak detection based on the aligned feature table from the `feature alignment` step.
+If a feature is contained in the aligned feature table, this step revisits the raw data and searches 
+for this feature at the retention time obtained by mapping the corrected retention time back to the original sample.
+This recovers features which are present in a sample but might have been filtered out initially as noise due to low signal intensity.
+Example Output
+The table has the same format as the `compute clusters` output but might contain additional features which have been extracted based
+on their presence in the aligned feature table.
+| mz                   |   rt              |    sd1          |    sd2            |   area               |  sample_id          |  cluster      |
+| 70.02317542938793    |   142.36033       |   11.436659559  |    14.592754933   |   4159269.245951841  | 21_qc_no_dil_milliq |  7            |
+| 70.02869594233522    |   205.48765       |   0.263230763   |    0.285101428707 |   8849767.11861127   | 21_qc_no_dil_milliq |  9            |
+| 78.04643252598305    |   294.01713       |   0.51677558617 |    1.317028944141 |   1333044.506597194  | 21_qc_no_dil_milliq |  13           |
+| ...                  |    ...            |    ...          |    ...            |   ...                | ...                 |  ...          |
+<token name="@ALIGN_FEATURES_HELP@">
+recetox-aplcms - align features
+This step performs feature alignment after clustering and retention time correction.
+The peaks clustered across samples are grouped based on the given tolerances to create an aligned feature table, connecting identical features across samples.
+The parameter controls in how many samples a feature has to be detected at least in order to be included in the aligned feature table.
+Example Output
+The tool outputs 3 tables: the peak related `metadata`, the `retention times` and the `intensities` for all features across all samples.
+Metadata Table
+The `npeaks` column denotes the number of peaks which have been grouped into this feature. The columns with the sample names indicate whether this feature is present in the sample.
+|  id   | mz           |  mzmin       |  mzmax        |  rt            |  rtmin        |  rtmax        |   npeaks  |  21_qc_no_dil_milliq   |  29_qc_no_dil_milliq   |  8_qc_no_dil_milliq    |
+|  1    | 70.03707021  |  70.037066   |  70.0370750   |  294.1038014   |  294.0634942  |  294.149985   |   3       |  1                     |  1                     |  1                     |
+|  2    | 70.06505677  |  70.065045   |  70.0650676   |  141.9560055   |  140.5762528  |  143.335758   |   2       |  1                     |  0                     |  1                     |
+|  57   | 78.04643252  |  78.046429   |  78.0464325   |  294.0063397   |  293.9406777  |  294.072001   |   2       |  1                     |  1                     |  0                     |
+|  ...  | ...          |   ...        |  ...          |  ...           |  ...          |  ...          |   ...     |  ...                   |  ...                   |  ...                   |
+Intensity Table
+This table contains the peak area for aligned features in all samples.
+|  id   |  21_qc_no_dil_milliq   |  29_qc_no_dil_milliq   |  8_qc_no_dil_milliq    |
+|  1    |  13187487.20482895     |  7957395.699119729     |  11700594.397257797    |
+|  2    |  2075168.6398983458    |  0                     |  2574362.159289044     |
+|  57   |  2934524.4406785755    |  1333044.5065971944    |  0                     |
+|  ...  |  ...                   |  ...                   |  ...                   |
+Retention Time Table
+This table contains the retention times for all aligned features in all samples.
+|  id   |  21_qc_no_dil_milliq   |  29_qc_no_dil_milliq   |  8_qc_no_dil_milliq    |
+|  1    |  294.09792478513236    |  294.1499853056912     |  294.0634942428341     |
+|  2    |  140.57625284242982    |  0                     |  143.33575827589172    |
+|  57   |  294.07200187644435    |  293.9406777222317     |  0                     |
+|  ...  |  ...                   |  ...                   |  ...                   |
+<token name="@MERGE_KNOWN_TABLES_HELP@">
+recetox-aplcms - merge known table
+This tool allows merging the detected features back into the table of known features and vice versa.
+It is used in the hybrid version of recetox-aplcms to augment the aligned feature table with the suspect peaks 
+and to augment this table with successfully detected features.