comparison macros.xml @ 0:0b28816c1c2c draft

planemo upload for repository commit 02414aa4c20f249c2069e5e3d587e3a8cda923a8
author recetox
date Thu, 18 May 2023 13:01:04 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
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1 <macros>
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6 <person
7 givenName="KarolĂ­na"
8 familyName="Trachtová"
9 url="" />
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11 url=""
12 email=""
13 name="RECETOX MUNI" />
14 </creator>
15 </xml>
17 <token name="@HELP@">
18 <![CDATA[
19 RMassBank workflow - part I and II
20 This is implementation of RMassBank workflow (Bioconductor R package) based on publication by Stravs et al. 2013.
22 Original RMassBank package is used to process tandem MS files and build MassBank records. Functions include
23 automated extraction of tandem MS spectra, formula assignment to tandem MS fragments, recalibration of tandem
24 MS spectra with assigned fragments, spectrum cleanup, automated retrieval of compound information from Internet
25 databases, and export to MassBank records.
27 This script is a full pipeline of RmassBank that loads settings file, compounds list, infolist and input .mzML
28 files (one or multiple) and goes through all 8 steps of data-preprocessing referenced in RMassBank's
29 Bioconductor manual (Mass spectrometry workflow, function msmsWorkflow()) and all steps of MassBank record
30 generation (MassBank record workflow, function mbWorkflow()). To make it easier for user, based on template
31 of settings required by RMassBank package the corresponding settings file is created as well
32 (see section Settings file).
34 User's inputs:
35 - *compounds list* **(must have suffix .csv)** - separator must be ',', required columns: ID, Name_deu, Name_Eng, Name, SMILES, RT, CAS
36 - *mode* - either **pH** (positive H) specifies [M+H]+ OR **pNa** specifies [M+Na]+ OR **pM** specifies [M]+ OR **mFA** specify [M-H]- and [M+FA]-
37 - *input mzML files* - files for RMassBank package must have specific naming, each filename should be in format: xxxxxxxx_1234_xxx.mzXML where the xxx denotes anything and 1234 is compound ID (must be stated in ID column of compound csv file).
38 - *infolist* **(must have suffix .csv)** - separator must be ',', columns (required columns are **bold**): '' (column name empty, values are numbers from 1 to n=number of chemicals), OK, id, dbcas, dbname_d, dbname_e, dataused, COMMENT.CONFIDENCE, COMMENT.EAWAG_UCHEM_ID, **CH$NAME1**, CH$NAME2, CH$NAME3, CH$COMPOUND_CLASS, **CH$FORMULA**, **CH$EXACT_MASS**, **CH$SMILES**, **CH$IUPAC**, CH$LINK.CAS, CH$LINK.CHEBI, CH$LINK.HMDB, CH$LINK.KEGG, CH$LINK.LIPIDMAPS, CH$LINK.PUBCHEM, **CH$LINK.INCHIKEY**, CH$LINK.CHEMSPIDER
39 - *settings parameters* - either filled in Galaxy or the whole settings file can be uploaded and used to run the RMassBank workflow
41 Galaxy outputs:
42 - CSV file with failed peaks (empty if there were no failed peaks)
43 - PDF plot showing performance of the recalibration
44 - Full R environment (.RData) that should be used as an input for RMassBank workflow - part II
45 - R environment with re-analyzed spectra (_RA.RData, see RMassBank manual for more information)
46 - R environment with refiltered spectra (_RF.RData, see RMassBank manual for more information)
47 - *zipped folder* with records ready to be uploaded to MassBank database
48 - *settings file* used to run the RMassBank
50 For more information about the data-preprocessing and record generation of the RMassBank pipeline, please refer
51 to `Bioconductor manual <>`_ for RMassBank.
53 Settings file
54 In the original RMassBank R package, user has to specify multiple parameters via the settings file. To make
55 life easier for users of this tool, most of the parameters can be specified in the Galaxy intrface for this
56 tool and are automatically filled in the settings template that can is then used for RMassBank workflow.
57 If the user wants to supply his/her own settings files, that is also possible. Path to OpenBabel will be
58 automatically filled no matter what is the original specification in the supplied settings file.
60 For all parameters, please refer to the manual for RMassBank at `Bioconductor website
61 <>`_ .
63 Parameters that can only be changed manually are:
64 - *deprofile:* leave empty if input data are already in centroid mode (usuall case), otherwise use one of the values from deprofile.spline, deprofile.fwhm or deprofile.localMax to convert the input $
65 - *babeldir:* do not change this if the settings file is to be further used in Galaxy
66 - *annotations:* several fields containg information about author, used instrument etc.
67 - *spectraList:* list of data-dependent scans in their order (relative to the parent scan), for annotation of the MassBank records
68 - *electronicNoise:* list of known electronic noise peaks
69 - *recalibrator:* custom recalibration function
70 - *titleFormat:* defines the title format
72 **All parameters are more thoroughly described in the created settings file, which can be edited in any simple
73 text editor.**
75 **NOTE:** In case of manual editing of the settings file, do not indent with TAB characters! Use only spaces.
77 Authors of RMassBank: Michael Stravs, Emma Schymanski, Steffen Neumann, Erik Mueller, with contributions
78 from Tobias Schulze.
80 RMassBank maintainer: at Eawag (
81 ]]>
82 </token>
83 </macros>