Mercurial > repos > richard-burhans > segalign
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planemo upload for repository commit a4be517dbe8277bed184b915721964820d7a3af0
author | richard-burhans |
date | Mon, 06 May 2024 17:44:50 +0000 |
parents | 36cafb694dd2 |
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#!/usr/bin/env python """ Diagonal partitioning for segment files output by SegAlign. Usage: diagonal_partition <max-segments> <lastz-command> """ import os import sys import typing T = typing.TypeVar("T", bound="_Sliceable") class _Sliceable(typing.Protocol): def __len__(self) -> int: ... def __getitem__(self: T, i: slice) -> T: ... def chunks(lst: T, n: int) -> typing.Iterator[T]: """Yield successive n-sized chunks from list.""" for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i: i + n] if __name__ == "__main__": DELETE_AFTER_CHUNKING = True # input_params = "10000 sad sadsa sad dsa sa --strand=plus --output=out.maf sadads 2> logging.err" # sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + input_params.split(' ') chunk_size = int(sys.argv[1]) # first parameter contains chunk size params = sys.argv[2:] # Parsing command output from SegAlign segment_key = "--segments=" segment_index = None input_file: typing.Optional[str] = None for index, value in enumerate(params): if value[: len(segment_key)] == segment_key: segment_index = index input_file = value[len(segment_key):] break if segment_index is None: print(f"Error: could not segment key {segment_key} in parameters {params}") exit(0) if input_file is None or not os.path.isfile(input_file): print(f"Error: File {input_file} does not exist") exit(0) if ( chunk_size == 0 or sum(1 for _ in open(input_file)) <= chunk_size ): # no need to sort if number of lines <= chunk_size print(" ".join(params), flush=True) exit(0) # Find rest of relevant parameters output_key = "--output=" output_index: typing.Optional[int] = None output_alignment_file = None output_alignment_file_base: typing.Optional[str] = None output_format = None strand_key = "--strand=" strand_index = None for index, value in enumerate(params): if value[: len(output_key)] == output_key: output_index = index output_alignment_file = value[len(output_key):] output_alignment_file_base, output_format = output_alignment_file.rsplit( ".", 1 ) if value[: len(strand_key)] == strand_key: strand_index = index if segment_index is None: print(f"Error: could not output key {output_key} in parameters {params}") exit(0) if strand_index is None: print(f"Error: could not output key {strand_key} in parameters {params}") exit(0) err_index = -1 # error file is at very end err_name_base = params[-1].split(".err", 1)[0] data: typing.Dict[ typing.Tuple[str, str], typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int, str]] ] = {} # dict of list of tuple (x, y, str) direction = None if "plus" in params[strand_index]: direction = "f" elif "minus" in params[strand_index]: direction = "r" else: print( f"Error: could not figure out direction from strand value {params[strand_index]}" ) exit(0) for line in open(input_file, "r"): if line == "": continue ( seq1_name, seq1_start, seq1_end, seq2_name, seq2_start, seq2_end, _dir, score, ) = line.split() # data.append((int(seq1_start), int(seq2_start), line)) half_dist = int((int(seq1_end) - int(seq1_start)) // 2) assert int(seq1_end) > int(seq1_start) assert int(seq2_end) > int(seq2_start) seq1_mid = int(seq1_start) + half_dist seq2_mid = int(seq2_start) + half_dist data.setdefault((seq1_name, seq2_name), []).append((seq1_mid, seq2_mid, line)) # If there are chromosome pairs with segment count <= chunk_size # then no need to sort and split these pairs into separate files. # It is better to keep these pairs in a single segment file. skip_pairs = [] # pairs that have count <= chunk_size. # these will not be sorted if len(data.keys()) > 1: for pair in data.keys(): if len(data[pair]) <= chunk_size: skip_pairs.append(pair) # sorting for forward segments if direction == "r": for pair in data.keys(): if pair not in skip_pairs: data[pair] = sorted( data[pair], key=lambda coord: (coord[1] - coord[0], coord[0]) ) # sorting for reverse segments elif direction == "f": for pair in data.keys(): if pair not in skip_pairs: data[pair] = sorted( data[pair], key=lambda coord: (coord[1] + coord[0], coord[0]) ) else: print(f"INVALID DIRECTION VALUE: {direction}") exit(0) # Writing file in chunks ctr = 0 for pair in data.keys() - skip_pairs: for chunk in chunks(list(zip(*data[pair]))[2], chunk_size): ctr += 1 name_addition = f".split{ctr}" fname = input_file.split(".segments", 1)[0] + name_addition + ".segments" with open(fname, "w") as f: f.writelines(chunk) # update segment file in command params[segment_index] = segment_key + fname # update output file in command if output_index is not None: params[output_index] = ( f"{output_key}{output_alignment_file_base}{name_addition}.{output_format}" ) # update error file in command params[-1] = err_name_base + name_addition + ".err" print(" ".join(params), flush=True) # writing unsorted skipped pairs if len(skip_pairs) > 0: skip_pairs_with_len = sorted( [(len(data[p]), p) for p in skip_pairs] ) # list of tuples of (pair length, pair) aggregated_skip_pairs: typing.List[typing.List[typing.Any]] = ( [] ) # list of list of pair names current_count = 0 aggregated_skip_pairs.append([]) for count, pair in skip_pairs_with_len: if current_count + count <= chunk_size: current_count += count aggregated_skip_pairs[-1].append(pair) else: aggregated_skip_pairs.append([]) current_count = count aggregated_skip_pairs[-1].append(pair) for aggregate in aggregated_skip_pairs: ctr += 1 name_addition = f".split{ctr}" fname = input_file.split(".segments", 1)[0] + name_addition + ".segments" with open(fname, "w") as f: for pair in sorted(aggregate, key=lambda p: (p[1], p[0])): chunk = list(zip(*data[pair]))[2] f.writelines(chunk) # update segment file in command params[segment_index] = segment_key + fname # update output file in command if output_index is not None: params[output_index] = ( f"{output_key}{output_alignment_file_base}{name_addition}.{output_format}" ) # update error file in command params[-1] = err_name_base + name_addition + ".err" print(" ".join(params), flush=True) if DELETE_AFTER_CHUNKING: os.remove(input_file)