Mercurial > repos > rmarenco > hubarchivecreator
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planemo upload for repository commit 3af31e043f5b82636015c18e013d2f22ce6c9077-dirty
author | yating-l |
date | Fri, 20 Jan 2017 17:12:03 -0500 (2017-01-20) |
parents | d786bca6a75d |
children | 884ee2a71680 |
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- """ This Galaxy tool permits to prepare your files to be ready for Assembly Hub visualization. Program test arguments: -g test-data/augustusDbia3.gff3 -f test-data/dbia3.fa -d . -u ./tools -o output.html """ import argparse import collections import json import logging import os import sys # Internal dependencies from Bam import Bam from BedSimpleRepeats import BedSimpleRepeats from BedSpliceJunctions import BedSpliceJunctions from Bed import Bed from BigWig import BigWig from util.Fasta import Fasta from util.Filters import TraceBackFormatter from Gff3 import Gff3 from Gtf import Gtf from Psl import Psl from TrackHub import TrackHub from bigPsl import bigPsl # TODO: Verify each subprocessed dependency is accessible [gff3ToGenePred, genePredToBed, twoBitInfo, faToTwoBit, bedToBigBed, sort def main(argv): # Command Line parsing init parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create a foo.txt inside the given folder.') # Reference genome mandatory parser.add_argument('-f', '--fasta', help='Fasta file of the reference genome') # GFF3 Management parser.add_argument('--gff3', action='append', help='GFF3 format') # GTF Management parser.add_argument('--gtf', action='append', help='GTF format') # Bed4+12 (TrfBig) parser.add_argument('--bedSimpleRepeats', action='append', help='Bed4+12 format, using') # Bed12+1 (regtools) parser.add_argument('--bedSpliceJunctions', action='append', help='Bed12+1 format, using') # Generic Bed (Blastx transformed to bed) parser.add_argument('--bed', action='append', help='Bed generic format') # Bed12+12 (tblastn) parser.add_argument('--bigpsl', action='append', help='bigPsl format') # BigWig Management parser.add_argument('--bigwig', action='append', help='BigWig format') # Bam Management parser.add_argument('--bam', action='append', help='Bam format') # Psl Management parser.add_argument('--psl', action='append', help='Psl format') # TODO: Check if the running directory can have issues if we run the tool outside parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', help='Running tool directory, where to find the templates. Default is running directory') parser.add_argument('-u', '--ucsc_tools_path', help='Directory where to find the executables needed to run this tool') parser.add_argument('-e', '--extra_files_path', help='Name, in galaxy, of the output folder. Where you would want to build the Track Hub Archive') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Name of the HTML summarizing the content of the Track Hub Archive') parser.add_argument('-j', '--data_json', help='Json containing the metadata of the inputs') parser.add_argument('--user_email', help='Email of the user who launched the Hub Archive Creation') parser.add_argument('--genome_name', help='UCSC Genome Browser assembly ID') parser.add_argument('--debug_mode', action='store_true', help='Allow more details about the errors') # Begin init variables toolDirectory = '.' extra_files_path = '.' # Get the args passed in parameter args = parser.parse_args() extra_files_path = args.extra_files_path toolDirectory = #### Logging management #### # If we are in Debug mode, also print in stdout the debug dump configure_logger(extra_files_path=extra_files_path, debug=args.debug_mode) #### END Logging management #### array_inputs_reference_genome = json.loads(args.fasta) # TODO: Replace these with the object Fasta input_fasta_file = array_inputs_reference_genome["false_path"] input_fasta_file_name = sanitize_name_input(array_inputs_reference_genome["name"]) genome_name = sanitize_name_input(args.genome_name) reference_genome = Fasta(input_fasta_file, input_fasta_file_name, genome_name) user_email = args.user_email # TODO: Use a class to have a better management of the structure of these inputs # These inputs are populated in the Galaxy Wrapper xml and are in this format: # ARRAY[DICT{FILE_PATH: DICT{NAME: NAME_VALUE, EXTRA_DATA: EXTRA_DATA_VALUE}}] # EXTRA_DATA could be anything, for example the index of a BAM => {"index", FILE_PATH} array_inputs_bam = args.bam array_inputs_bed_generic = args.bed array_inputs_bed_simple_repeats = args.bedSimpleRepeats array_inputs_bed_splice_junctions = args.bedSpliceJunctions array_inputs_bigwig = args.bigwig array_inputs_gff3 = args.gff3 array_inputs_gtf = args.gtf array_inputs_psl = args.psl array_inputs_bigpsl = args.bigpsl outputFile = args.output json_inputs_data = args.data_json # TODO: Instead use a class to properly store the objects, with object_hook inputs_data = json.loads(json_inputs_data) # We remove the spaces in ["name"] of inputs_data sanitize_name_inputs(inputs_data) # TODO: Check here all the binaries / tools we need. Exception if missing # Create the Track Hub folder trackHub = TrackHub(reference_genome, user_email, outputFile, extra_files_path, toolDirectory) all_datatype_dictionary = {} for (inputs, datatype_class) in [ (array_inputs_bam, Bam), (array_inputs_bed_generic, Bed), (array_inputs_bigwig, BigWig), (array_inputs_bed_simple_repeats, BedSimpleRepeats), (array_inputs_bed_splice_junctions, BedSpliceJunctions), (array_inputs_gff3, Gff3), (array_inputs_gtf, Gtf), (array_inputs_psl, Psl), (array_inputs_bigpsl, bigPsl)]: if inputs: all_datatype_dictionary.update(create_ordered_datatype_objects(datatype_class, inputs, inputs_data)) # Create Ordered Dictionary to add the tracks in the tool form order all_datatype_ordered_dictionary = collections.OrderedDict(all_datatype_dictionary) logging.debug("----- End of all_datatype_dictionary processing -----") logging.debug("all_datatype_ordered_dictionary keys are: {0}".format(all_datatype_ordered_dictionary.values())) logging.debug("----- Beginning of Track adding processing -----") for index, datatypeObject in all_datatype_ordered_dictionary.iteritems(): trackHub.addTrack(datatypeObject.track.trackDb) logging.debug("----- End of Track adding processing -----") # We process all the modifications to create the zip file #trackHub.createZip() # We terminate le process and so create a HTML file summarizing all the files trackHub.terminate() logging.debug('#### End of HubArchiveCreator Debug Mode: Bye! ####') sys.exit(0) def sanitize_name_input(string_to_sanitize): """ Sanitize the string passed in parameter by replacing '/' and ' ' by '_' :param string_to_sanitize: :return : :Example: >>> sanitize_name_input('this/is an//example') this_is_an__example """ return string_to_sanitize \ .replace("/", "_") \ .replace(" ", "_") def sanitize_name_inputs(inputs_data): """ Sanitize value of the keys "name" of the dictionary passed in parameter. Because sometimes output from Galaxy, or even just file name, from user inputs, have spaces. Also, it can contain '/' character and could break the use of os.path function. :param inputs_data: dict[string, dict[string, string]] """ for key in inputs_data: inputs_data[key]["name"] = sanitize_name_input(inputs_data[key]["name"]) def create_ordered_datatype_objects(ExtensionClass, array_inputs, inputs_data): """ Function which executes the creation all the necessary files / folders for a special Datatype, for TrackHub and update the dictionary of datatype :param ExtensionClass: :param array_inputs: :param inputs_data: :type ExtensionClass: Datatype :type array_inputs: list[string] :type inputs_data: dict :rtype: dict """ datatype_dictionary = {} # TODO: Optimize this double loop for input_false_path in array_inputs: for key, data_value in inputs_data.items(): if key == input_false_path: logging.debug("input_false_path: " + input_false_path) logging.debug("data_value: " + str(data_value)) extensionObject = ExtensionClass(input_false_path, data_value) datatype_dictionary.update({data_value["order_index"]: extensionObject}) return datatype_dictionary def configure_logger(extra_files_path=None, debug=False): if not extra_files_path: raise Exception("Extra files path is not set. Stopping the application") # All case log: log everything in a .log file logger_file_name = ''.join([__name__, '.log']) logging_file_path = os.path.join(extra_files_path, logger_file_name) logging.basicConfig(filename=logging_file_path, level=logging.DEBUG) log_stdout = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) if not debug: configure_logger_user(log_stdout) else: configure_logger_dev(log_stdout) # stderr configuration configure_logger_stderr() logging.debug('#### Welcome in HubArchiveCreator Debug Mode ####\n') def configure_logger_user(log_stdout=None): """ User Logger is defined as following: - User needs to have WARN, ERROR and CRITICAL but well formatted / without traceback in STDOUT - Still access to full, brute and traceback for errors in STDERR - And further access to debug if needed in .log """ if not log_stdout: raise Exception("No log_stdout given. Stopping the application") # stdout for INFO / WARN / ERROR / CRITICAL log_stdout.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = TraceBackFormatter('%(message)s') log_stdout.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger().addHandler(log_stdout) def configure_logger_dev(log_stdout=None): """ Dev Logger is defined as following: - Dev needs to have WARN, ERROR and CRITICAL but well formatted / without traceback, in stdout - Still access to full, brute and traceback in stderr for errors - And further access to debug if needed """ if not log_stdout: raise Exception("No log_stdout given. Stopping the application") log_format = '%(message)s' # stdout and stderr and both identical for INFO / WARN / ERROR / CRITICAL log_stdout.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) log_stdout.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger().addHandler(log_stdout) def configure_logger_stderr(): """ Configure what should be logged in stderr """ log_error = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) log_error.setLevel(logging.ERROR) log_error_format = '%(message)s' formatter_error = logging.Formatter(log_error_format) log_error.setFormatter(formatter_error) logging.getLogger().addHandler(log_error) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger(__name__) main(sys.argv)