changeset 1:25afbac62e0d draft

author rnateam
date Wed, 07 May 2014 04:59:28 -0400 (2014-05-07)
parents b2040467dad2
children 0c393c9d3756
files readme.rst
diffstat 4 files changed, 744 insertions(+), 739 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Tue May 06 12:51:51 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-    "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", 
-    "annotation": "", 
-    "format-version": "0.1", 
-    "name": "BlockClustWorkflow", 
-    "steps": {
-        "0": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 0, 
-            "input_connections": {}, 
-            "inputs": [
-                {
-                    "description": "", 
-                    "name": "Input BAM file"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "name": "Input dataset", 
-            "outputs": [], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 267, 
-                "top": 257.5
-            }, 
-            "tool_errors": null, 
-            "tool_id": null, 
-            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Input BAM file\"}", 
-            "tool_version": null, 
-            "type": "data_input", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }, 
-        "1": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 1, 
-            "input_connections": {
-                "tool_mode|reads_bam": {
-                    "id": 0, 
-                    "output_name": "output"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "inputs": [], 
-            "name": "BlockClust", 
-            "outputs": [
-                {
-                    "name": "tags_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "hclust_plot", 
-                    "type": "pdf"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "clusters", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "model_based_pred_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "sim_tab_out", 
-                    "type": "tabular"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "cluster_dist", 
-                    "type": "pdf"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "cluster_hclust", 
-                    "type": "pdf"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 524, 
-                "top": 323
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {
-                "HideDatasetActioncluster_dist": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "cluster_dist"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActioncluster_hclust": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "cluster_hclust"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionclusters": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "clusters"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionhclust_plot": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "hclust_plot"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionmodel_based_pred_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "model_based_pred_bed"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionnearest_neighbour_pred_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionsim_tab_out": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActiontags_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "tool_errors": null, 
-            "tool_id": "", 
-            "tool_state": "{\"tool_mode\": \"{\\\"operation\\\": \\\"pre\\\", \\\"reads_bam\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"mode\": \"{\\\"operation\\\": \\\"pre\\\", \\\"reads_bam\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"__page__\": 0}", 
-            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
-            "type": "tool", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }, 
-        "2": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 2, 
-            "input_connections": {
-                "input": {
-                    "id": 1, 
-                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "inputs": [], 
-            "name": "Sort", 
-            "outputs": [
-                {
-                    "name": "out_file1", 
-                    "type": "input"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 797, 
-                "top": 355
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {
-                "HideDatasetActionout_file1": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "out_file1"
-                }
-            }, 
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-            "tool_id": "sort1", 
-            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"style\": \"\\\"alpha\\\"\", \"column\": \"{\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"1\\\"}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"order\": \"\\\"ASC\\\"\", \"input\": \"null\", \"column_set\": \"[{\\\"other_order\\\": \\\"ASC\\\", \\\"__index__\\\": 0, \\\"other_column\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"6\\\"}, \\\"other_style\\\": \\\"alpha\\\"}, {\\\"other_order\\\": \\\"ASC\\\", \\\"__index__\\\": 1, \\\"other_column\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"2\\\"}, \\\"other_style\\\": \\\"num\\\"}, {\\\"other_order\\\": \\\"ASC\\\", \\\"__index__\\\": 2, \\\"other_column\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"3\\\"}, \\\"other_style\\\": \\\"num\\\"}]\"}", 
-            "tool_version": "1.0.3", 
-            "type": "tool", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }, 
-        "3": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 3, 
-            "input_connections": {
-                "input": {
-                    "id": 2, 
-                    "output_name": "out_file1"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "inputs": [], 
-            "name": "blockbuster", 
-            "outputs": [
-                {
-                    "name": "output", 
-                    "type": "tabular"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 970, 
-                "top": 225
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {}, 
-            "tool_errors": null, 
-            "tool_id": "", 
-            "tool_state": "{\"distance\": \"\\\"40\\\"\", \"scale\": \"\\\"0.5\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"print\": \"\\\"2\\\"\", \"tagFilter\": \"\\\"0\\\"\", \"merge\": \"\\\"0\\\"\", \"minBlockHeight\": \"\\\"1.0\\\"\", \"input\": \"null\", \"minClusterHeight\": \"\\\"50.0\\\"\"}", 
-            "tool_version": "0.1", 
-            "type": "tool", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }, 
-        "4": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 4, 
-            "input_connections": {
-                "tool_mode|input_bbo": {
-                    "id": 3, 
-                    "output_name": "output"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "inputs": [
-                {
-                    "description": "runtime parameter for tool BlockClust", 
-                    "name": "tool_mode"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "name": "BlockClust", 
-            "outputs": [
-                {
-                    "name": "tags_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "hclust_plot", 
-                    "type": "pdf"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "clusters", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "model_based_pred_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "sim_tab_out", 
-                    "type": "tabular"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "cluster_dist", 
-                    "type": "pdf"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "cluster_hclust", 
-                    "type": "pdf"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 1232, 
-                "top": 321
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {
-                "HideDatasetActioncluster_dist": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "cluster_dist"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActioncluster_hclust": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "cluster_hclust"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionclusters": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "clusters"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionnearest_neighbour_pred_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionsim_tab_out": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActiontags_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "tool_errors": null, 
-            "tool_id": "", 
-            "tool_state": "{\"tool_mode\": \"{\\\"pred\\\": {\\\"pred_mode\\\": \\\"model_based\\\", \\\"enable_pred\\\": \\\"yes\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}, \\\"operation\\\": \\\"clust\\\", \\\"reference\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"input_bbo\\\": null}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"mode\": \"{\\\"operation\\\": \\\"clust\\\", \\\"reference\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"input_bbo\\\": null}\", \"__page__\": 0}", 
-            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
-            "type": "tool", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }, 
-        "5": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 5, 
-            "input_connections": {
-                "input": {
-                    "id": 4, 
-                    "output_name": "clusters"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "inputs": [], 
-            "name": "Extract Genomic DNA", 
-            "outputs": [
-                {
-                    "name": "out_file1", 
-                    "type": "input"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 1495, 
-                "top": 248
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {
-                "HideDatasetActionout_file1": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "out_file1"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "tool_errors": null, 
-            "tool_id": "Extract genomic DNA 1", 
-            "tool_state": "{\"out_format\": \"\\\"fasta\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0, \"interpret_features\": \"\\\"yes\\\"\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"seq_source\": \"{\\\"index_source\\\": \\\"cached\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"input\": \"null\"}", 
-            "tool_version": "2.2.3", 
-            "type": "tool", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }, 
-        "6": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 6, 
-            "input_connections": {
-                "seqdb": {
-                    "id": 5, 
-                    "output_name": "out_file1"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "inputs": [], 
-            "name": "Search covariance model(s)", 
-            "outputs": [
-                {
-                    "name": "outfile", 
-                    "type": "tabular"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "multiple_alignment_output", 
-                    "type": "tabular"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 1753, 
-                "top": 247
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {
-                "HideDatasetActionmultiple_alignment_output": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "multiple_alignment_output"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionoutfile": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "outfile"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "tool_errors": null, 
-            "tool_id": "", 
-            "tool_state": "{\"A\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"nohmm\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"--acyk\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"bottomonly\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"g\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"inclusion_thresholds_opts\": \"{\\\"inclusion_thresholds_selector\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 3}\", \"__page__\": 0, \"max\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"notrunc\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"mid\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"seqdb\": \"null\", \"toponly\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"cm_opts\": \"{\\\"database\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"cm_opts_selector\\\": \\\"db\\\"}\", \"reporting_thresholds_opts\": \"{\\\"reporting_thresholds_selector\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 3}\", \"cyk\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null}", 
-            "tool_version": "", 
-            "type": "tool", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }, 
-        "7": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 7, 
-            "input_connections": {
-                "tool_mode|clusters_bed": {
-                    "id": 4, 
-                    "output_name": "clusters"
-                }, 
-                "tool_mode|cmsearch_out": {
-                    "id": 6, 
-                    "output_name": "outfile"
-                }, 
-                "tool_mode|sim_tab_in": {
-                    "id": 4, 
-                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "inputs": [], 
-            "name": "BlockClust", 
-            "outputs": [
-                {
-                    "name": "tags_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "hclust_plot", 
-                    "type": "pdf"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "clusters", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "model_based_pred_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "sim_tab_out", 
-                    "type": "tabular"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "cluster_dist", 
-                    "type": "pdf"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "cluster_hclust", 
-                    "type": "pdf"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 2049, 
-                "top": 433
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {
-                "HideDatasetActionclusters": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "clusters"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionhclust_plot": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "hclust_plot"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionmodel_based_pred_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "model_based_pred_bed"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionnearest_neighbour_pred_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionsim_tab_out": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActiontags_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "tool_errors": null, 
-            "tool_id": "", 
-            "tool_state": "{\"tool_mode\": \"{\\\"cmsearch_out\\\": null, \\\"operation\\\": \\\"post\\\", \\\"clusters_bed\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 2, \\\"sim_tab_in\\\": null}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"mode\": \"{\\\"cmsearch_out\\\": null, \\\"operation\\\": \\\"post\\\", \\\"clusters_bed\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 2, \\\"sim_tab_in\\\": null}\", \"__page__\": 0}", 
-            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
-            "type": "tool", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed May 07 04:59:28 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+    "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", 
+    "annotation": "Until clustering step. No post processing included.", 
+    "format-version": "0.1", 
+    "name": "BlockClustWorkflow_clustering", 
+    "steps": {
+        "0": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 0, 
+            "input_connections": {}, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "", 
+                    "name": "Input BAM file"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Input dataset", 
+            "outputs": [], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 217, 
+                "top": 282.5
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": null, 
+            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Input BAM file\"}", 
+            "tool_version": null, 
+            "type": "data_input", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "1": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 1, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "tool_mode|reads_bam": {
+                    "id": 0, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "BlockClust", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "tags_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "hclust_plot", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "clusters", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "model_based_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "sim_tab_out", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_dist", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_hclust", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 446.5, 
+                "top": 239.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActioncluster_dist": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "cluster_dist"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActioncluster_hclust": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "cluster_hclust"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionclusters": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "clusters"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionhclust_plot": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "hclust_plot"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionmodel_based_pred_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "model_based_pred_bed"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionnearest_neighbour_pred_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionsim_tab_out": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActiontags_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"tool_mode\": \"{\\\"operation\\\": \\\"pre\\\", \\\"reads_bam\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"__page__\": 0}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "2": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 2, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input": {
+                    "id": 1, 
+                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Sort", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file1", 
+                    "type": "input"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 740, 
+                "top": 271
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionout_file1": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "sort1", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"style\": \"\\\"alpha\\\"\", \"column\": \"{\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"1\\\"}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"order\": \"\\\"ASC\\\"\", \"input\": \"null\", \"column_set\": \"[{\\\"other_order\\\": \\\"ASC\\\", \\\"__index__\\\": 0, \\\"other_column\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"6\\\"}, \\\"other_style\\\": \\\"alpha\\\"}, {\\\"other_order\\\": \\\"ASC\\\", \\\"__index__\\\": 1, \\\"other_column\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"2\\\"}, \\\"other_style\\\": \\\"num\\\"}, {\\\"other_order\\\": \\\"ASC\\\", \\\"__index__\\\": 2, \\\"other_column\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"3\\\"}, \\\"other_style\\\": \\\"num\\\"}]\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.3", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "3": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 3, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input": {
+                    "id": 2, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "blockbuster", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 961.5, 
+                "top": 219.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"distance\": \"\\\"40\\\"\", \"scale\": \"\\\"0.5\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"print\": \"\\\"2\\\"\", \"tagFilter\": \"\\\"0\\\"\", \"merge\": \"\\\"0\\\"\", \"minBlockHeight\": \"\\\"1.0\\\"\", \"input\": \"null\", \"minClusterHeight\": \"\\\"50.0\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "4": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 4, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "tool_mode|input_bbo": {
+                    "id": 3, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "runtime parameter for tool BlockClust", 
+                    "name": "tool_mode"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "BlockClust", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "tags_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "hclust_plot", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "clusters", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "model_based_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "sim_tab_out", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_dist", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_hclust", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1220.5, 
+                "top": 375.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActioncluster_dist": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "cluster_dist"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActioncluster_hclust": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "cluster_hclust"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionsim_tab_out": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActiontags_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"tool_mode\": \"{\\\"pred\\\": {\\\"pred_mode\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}, \\\"enable_pred\\\": \\\"yes\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}, \\\"operation\\\": \\\"clust\\\", \\\"reference\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"input_bbo\\\": null}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"__page__\": 0}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed May 07 04:59:28 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+    "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", 
+    "annotation": "", 
+    "format-version": "0.1", 
+    "name": "BlockClustWorkflow_clustering", 
+    "steps": {
+        "0": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 0, 
+            "input_connections": {}, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "", 
+                    "name": "Input BAM file"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Input dataset", 
+            "outputs": [], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 217, 
+                "top": 276.5
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": null, 
+            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Input BAM file\"}", 
+            "tool_version": null, 
+            "type": "data_input", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "1": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 1, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "tool_mode|reads_bam": {
+                    "id": 0, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "BlockClust", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "tags_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "hclust_plot", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "clusters", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "model_based_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "sim_tab_out", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_dist", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_hclust", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 446.5, 
+                "top": 233.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActioncluster_dist": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "cluster_dist"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActioncluster_hclust": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "cluster_hclust"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionclusters": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "clusters"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionhclust_plot": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "hclust_plot"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionmodel_based_pred_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "model_based_pred_bed"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionnearest_neighbour_pred_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionsim_tab_out": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActiontags_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"tool_mode\": \"{\\\"operation\\\": \\\"pre\\\", \\\"reads_bam\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"__page__\": 0}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "2": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 2, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input": {
+                    "id": 1, 
+                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Sort", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file1", 
+                    "type": "input"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 740, 
+                "top": 265
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionout_file1": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "sort1", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"style\": \"\\\"alpha\\\"\", \"column\": \"{\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"1\\\"}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"order\": \"\\\"ASC\\\"\", \"input\": \"null\", \"column_set\": \"[{\\\"other_order\\\": \\\"ASC\\\", \\\"__index__\\\": 0, \\\"other_column\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"6\\\"}, \\\"other_style\\\": \\\"alpha\\\"}, {\\\"other_order\\\": \\\"ASC\\\", \\\"__index__\\\": 1, \\\"other_column\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"2\\\"}, \\\"other_style\\\": \\\"num\\\"}, {\\\"other_order\\\": \\\"ASC\\\", \\\"__index__\\\": 2, \\\"other_column\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"3\\\"}, \\\"other_style\\\": \\\"num\\\"}]\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.3", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "3": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 3, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input": {
+                    "id": 2, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "blockbuster", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 961.5, 
+                "top": 213.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"distance\": \"\\\"40\\\"\", \"scale\": \"\\\"0.5\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"print\": \"\\\"2\\\"\", \"tagFilter\": \"\\\"0\\\"\", \"merge\": \"\\\"0\\\"\", \"minBlockHeight\": \"\\\"1.0\\\"\", \"input\": \"null\", \"minClusterHeight\": \"\\\"50.0\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "4": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 4, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "tool_mode|input_bbo": {
+                    "id": 3, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "runtime parameter for tool BlockClust", 
+                    "name": "tool_mode"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "BlockClust", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "tags_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "hclust_plot", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "clusters", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "model_based_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "sim_tab_out", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_dist", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_hclust", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1220.5, 
+                "top": 369.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActioncluster_dist": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "cluster_dist"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActioncluster_hclust": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "cluster_hclust"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionsim_tab_out": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActiontags_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"tool_mode\": \"{\\\"pred\\\": {\\\"pred_mode\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}, \\\"enable_pred\\\": \\\"yes\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}, \\\"operation\\\": \\\"clust\\\", \\\"reference\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"input_bbo\\\": null}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"__page__\": 0}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "5": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 5, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input": {
+                    "id": 4, 
+                    "output_name": "clusters"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Extract Genomic DNA", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file1", 
+                    "type": "input"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1562, 
+                "top": 204
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionout_file1": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "Extract genomic DNA 1", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"out_format\": \"\\\"fasta\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0, \"interpret_features\": \"\\\"yes\\\"\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"seq_source\": \"{\\\"index_source\\\": \\\"cached\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"input\": \"null\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "2.2.3", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "6": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 6, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "seqdb": {
+                    "id": 5, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "runtime parameter for tool Search covariance model(s)", 
+                    "name": "cm_opts"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Search covariance model(s)", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "outfile", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "multiple_alignment_output", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1857, 
+                "top": 256.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionmultiple_alignment_output": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "multiple_alignment_output"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionoutfile": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "outfile"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"A\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"nohmm\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"--acyk\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"bottomonly\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"g\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"inclusion_thresholds_opts\": \"{\\\"inclusion_thresholds_selector\\\": \\\"--incE\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"incE\\\": \\\"0.1\\\"}\", \"__page__\": 0, \"max\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"notrunc\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"mid\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"seqdb\": \"null\", \"toponly\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"cm_opts\": \"{\\\"database\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"cm_opts_selector\\\": \\\"db\\\"}\", \"reporting_thresholds_opts\": \"{\\\"reporting_thresholds_selector\\\": \\\"-E\\\", \\\"E\\\": \\\"0.1\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}\", \"cyk\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null}", 
+            "tool_version": "", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "7": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 7, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "tool_mode|clusters_bed": {
+                    "id": 4, 
+                    "output_name": "clusters"
+                }, 
+                "tool_mode|cmsearch_out": {
+                    "id": 6, 
+                    "output_name": "outfile"
+                }, 
+                "tool_mode|sim_tab_in": {
+                    "id": 4, 
+                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "BlockClust", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "tags_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "hclust_plot", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "clusters", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "model_based_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "sim_tab_out", 
+                    "type": "tabular"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_dist", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "cluster_hclust", 
+                    "type": "pdf"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 2165.5, 
+                "top": 313.5
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionclusters": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "clusters"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionhclust_plot": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "hclust_plot"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionmodel_based_pred_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "model_based_pred_bed"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionnearest_neighbour_pred_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "nearest_neighbour_pred_bed"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionsim_tab_out": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "sim_tab_out"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActiontags_bed": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "tags_bed"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"tool_mode\": \"{\\\"cmsearch_out\\\": null, \\\"operation\\\": \\\"post\\\", \\\"clusters_bed\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 2, \\\"sim_tab_in\\\": null}\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"__page__\": 0}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/readme.rst	Tue May 06 12:51:51 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-This package is a Galaxy workflow for BlockClust pipeline.
-`Galaxy <>`_ is an open, web-based platform for data intensive research.
-All tools can be combined in workflows without any need of programming skills. 
-Furthermore the platform can be extended with more tools at any time.
-Each tool has its own information about what it does and how the input is supposed to look like.
-You can make data available for Galaxy by uploading local files or downloading online content.
-Inputfiles, workflowsteps and results are stored in a history where you can view them or reaccess them later.
-It is possible to share workflows and histories with other users or make the public available.
-Saved workflows can be used with new input files or just to rerun an analyses which ensures repeatability.
-Getting Started
-BlockClust can be installed on all common Unix systems. 
-However, it is developed on Linux and I don't have access to OS X. You are welcome to help improving this documentation, just contact_ me.
-For any additional information, especially cluster configuration or general Galaxy_ questions, 
-please have a look at the Galaxy Wiki.
-.. _contact:
-.. _Galaxy:
-* Python 2.6 or 2.7
-* standard C compiler, C++ and Fortran compiler
-* Autotools
-* CMake
-* cairo development files (used for PNG depictions)
-* python development files
-* Java Runtime Environment (JRE, used by OPSIN and NPLS)
-To install all of the prerequisites you can run the following command, depending on your OS:
-- Debian based systems: apt-get install build-essential gfortran cmake mercurial libcairo2-dev python-dev
-- Fedora: yum install make automake gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran cmake mercurial libcairo2-devel python-devel
-- OS X (MacPorts_): port install gcc cmake automake mercurial cairo-devel
-.. _MacPorts:
-Galaxy installation
-0. Create a sand-boxed Python using virtualenv_ (not necessary but recommended)::
-        wget
-	python ./ --no-site-packages galaxy_env
-	. ./galaxy_env/bin/activate
-.. _virtualenv:
-1. Clone the latest `Galaxy platform`_::
-	hg clone
-.. _Galaxy platform:
-2. Navigate to the galaxy-central folder and update it::
-	cd ~/galaxy-central
-	hg pull
-	hg update
-   This step is not necessary if you have a fresh checkout. Anyway, it is good to know ;)
-3. Create folders for toolshed and dependencies::
-	mkdir ~/shed_tools
-	mkdir ~/galaxy-central/tool_deps
-4. Create configuration file::
-	cp ~/galaxy-central/universe_wsgi.ini.sample ~/galaxy-central/universe_wsgi.ini
-5. Open universe_wsgi.ini and change the dependencies directory::
-	LINUX: gedit ~/galaxy-central/universe_wsgi.ini
-	OS X: open -a TextEdit ~/galaxy-central/universe_wsgi.ini
-6. Search for ``tool_dependency_dir = None`` and change it to ``tool_dependency_dir = ./tool_deps``, remove the ``#`` if needed
-7. Remove the ``#`` in front of ``tool_config_file`` and ``tool_path``
-8. (Re-)Start the galaxy daemon::
-	sh --reload
-   In deamon mode all logs will be written to main.log in your Galaxy Home directory. You can also use::
-   During the first startup Galaxy will prepare your database. That can take some time. Have a look at the log file if you want to know what happens.
-After launching galaxy is accessible via the browser at ``http://localhost:8080/``.
-Tool Shed configuration
-- Register a new user account in your Galaxy instance: Top Panel → User → Register
-- Become an admin
-	- open ``universe_wsgi.ini`` in your favourite text editor (gedit universe_wsgi.ini)
-	- search ``admin_users = None`` and change it to ``admin_users = EMAIL_ADDRESS`` (your Galaxy Username)
-	- remove the ``#`` if needed
-- restart Galaxy
-	sh --reload
-BlockClust installation
-BlockClust will automatically download and compile all requirements, 
-like EDeN, samtools and so on. It can take up to 1-2 hours.
-Installation via Galaxy API (recommended)
-- Generate an `API Key`_
-- Run the installation script::
-	python ./scripts/api/ --api YOUR_API_KEY -l http://localhost:8080 --url -o rnateam -r e9b2400cc569 --name blockclust_workflow --tool-deps --repository-deps --panel-section-name ChemicalToolBoX
-The -r argument specifies the version of ChemicalToolBoX. You can get the latest revsion number from the 
-`test tool shed`_ or with the following command::
-	hg identify
-You can watch the installation status under: Top Panel → Admin → Manage installed tool shed repositories
-.. _API Key:
-.. _`test tool shed`:
-Installation via webbrowser
-- go to the `admin page`_
-- select *Search and browse tool sheds*
-- Galaxy test tool shed > Sequence Analysis  > blockclust_workflow
-- install chemicaltoolbox
-.. _admin page: http://localhost:8080/admin
-If you have any trouble or the installation did not finish properly, do not hesitate to contact me. However, if the 
-installation fails during the Galaxy installation, you can have a look at the `Galaxy wiki`_. If the ChemicalToolBoX installation fails, 
-you can try to run::
-	python ./scripts/api/ --api YOUR_API_KEY -l http://localhost:8080 --url -o rnateam -r e9b2400cc569 --name blockclust_workflow
-That will rerun all failed installation routines. Alternatively, you can navigate to the ChemicalToolBoX repository in 
-your browser and repair manually: 
-Top Panel → Admin → Manage installed tool shed repositories → chemicaltoolbox → Repository Actions → Repair repository
-On slow computers and during the compilation of large software libraries, like R, 
-the Tool Shed can run into a timeout and kills the installation.
-That problem is known and should be fixed in the near future.
-If you encouter a timeout or 'hung' during the installation you can increase the ``threadpool_kill_thread_limit`` in your universe_wsgi.ini file.
-**Database locking errors**
-Please note that Galaxy per default uses a SQLite database. Sqlite is not intended for production use. 
-With multiple users or complex components, like that workflow, you will see database locking errors. 
-We highly recommend to use PostgreSQL for any kind of production system.
-.. _Galaxy wiki:
-An example workflow is located in the `Tool Shed`::
-You can install the workflow with the API::
-	python ./scripts/api/ --api YOUR_API_KEY -l http://localhost:8080 --url -o rnateam -r e9b2400cc569 --name blockclust_workflow --tool-deps --repository-deps --panel-section-name BlockClust
-or as described above via webbrowser. You have now successfully installed the workflow, 
-to import it to all your users you need to go to the admin panel, choose the worklow and import it.
-For more information have a look at the Galaxy wiki::
-Please **note** that Galaxy per default uses a SQLite database. Sqlite is not intended for production use. 
-With multiple users or complex components, like that workflow, you will see database locking errors. 
-We highly recommend to use PostgreSQL for any kind of production system.
-Sample Data
-If you use this workflow directly, or a derivative of it, or the associated
-wrappers for Galaxy, in work leading to a scientific publication,
-please cite:
-P. Videm  at al...
-Additional References
-This workflow is available on the main Galaxy Tool Shed:
-Development is being done on github:
-These dependencies should be resolved automatically via the Galaxy Tool Shed: