comparison @ 1:20429f4c1b95 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit f3fb925b83a4982e0cf9a0c11ff93ecbb8e4e6d5"
author bgruening
date Wed, 22 Jan 2020 10:14:41 -0500
children 7bbb7bf6304f
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:215925e588c4 1:20429f4c1b95
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 import subprocess
4 import argparse
5 import shutil
6 import gplib
7 import gzip
8 import sys
9 import os
12 """
15 =================
17 GraphProt 1.1.7
18 Best install via:
20 Tested with: miniconda3, conda 4.7.12
23 Script: What's my job this time, master?
24 Author: It'll be a though one.
25 Script: I take this as a given.
26 Author: Oh yeah?
27 Script: ... I'm ready.
31 ============
33 data_id.avg_profile
34 data_id.avg_profile.peaks.bed
35 --conf-out
36 data_id.avg_profile.p50.peaks.bed
37 --gen-site-bed
38 data_id.avg_profile.genomic_peaks.bed
39 --conf-out --gen-site-bed
40 data_id.avg_profile.p50.genomic_peaks.bed
41 --ws-pred
42 data_id.predictions
43 --ws-pred --conf-out
44 data_id.predictions
45 data_id.p50.predictions
49 =============
51 python --model test2.model --params test2.params --fasta gp_data/test10_predict.fa --data-id test2pred --gp-output
52 python --model test2.model --params test2.params --fasta gp_data/test10_predict.fa --data-id test2pred --gen-site-bed gp_data/test10_predict.bed
53 python --model test2.model --params test2.params --fasta gp_data/test10_predict.fa --data-id test2pred --gen-site-bed gp_data/test10_predict.bed --conf-out
54 python --model test2.model --params test2.params --fasta gp_data/test10_predict.fa --data-id test2pred --conf-out --ws-pred
56 python --model test-data/test.model --params test-data/test.params --fasta test-data/test_predict.fa --data-id predtest
58 python --model test-data/test.model --params test-data/test.params --fasta test-data/test_predict.fa --data-id predtest --gen-site-bed test-data/test_predict.bed --sc-thr 0.0 --max-merge-dist 0 --conf-out --ap-extlr 5
60 python --data-id GraphProt --fasta test-data/test_predict.fa --model test-data/test.model --params test-data/test.params --gen-site-bed test-data/test_predict.bed --sc-thr 0.0 --max-merge-dist 0 --conf-out --ap-extlr 5
63 pwd && python '/home/uhlm/Dokumente/Projekte/GraphProt_galaxy_new/galaxytools/tools/rna_tools/graphprot/' --data-id GraphProt --fasta /tmp/tmpmuslpc1h/files/0/8/c/dataset_08c48d88-e3b5-423b-acf6-bf89b8c60660.dat --model /tmp/tmpmuslpc1h/files/e/6/4/dataset_e6471bb4-e74c-4372-bc49-656f900e7191.dat --params /tmp/tmpmuslpc1h/files/b/6/5/dataset_b65e8cf4-d3e6-429e-8d57-1d401adf4b3c.dat --gen-site-bed /tmp/tmpmuslpc1h/files/5/1/a/dataset_51a38b65-5943-472d-853e-5d845fa8ac3e.dat --sc-thr 0.0 --max-merge-dist 0 --conf-out --ap-extlr 5
66 """
68 ################################################################################
70 def setup_argument_parser():
71 """Setup argparse parser."""
72 help_description = """
73 Galaxy wrapper script for GraphProt (-action predict and -action
74 predict_profile) to compute whole site or position-wise scores for input
75 FASTA sequences.
76 By default, profile predictions are calculated, followed by average
77 profiles computions and peak regions extraction from average profiles.
78 If --ws-pred is set, whole site score predictions on input sequences
79 will be run instead.
80 If --conf-out is set, sites or peak regions with a score >= the median
81 score of positive training sites will be output.
82 If --gen-site-bed .bed file is provided, peak regions will be output
83 with genomic coordinates too.
85 """
86 # Define argument parser.
87 p = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False,
88 prog="",
89 description=help_description,
90 formatter_class=argparse.MetavarTypeHelpFormatter)
92 # Argument groups.
93 p_man = p.add_argument_group("REQUIRED ARGUMENTS")
94 p_opt = p.add_argument_group("OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS")
96 # Required arguments.
97 p_opt.add_argument("-h", "--help",
98 action="help",
99 help="Print help message")
100 p_man.add_argument("--fasta",
101 dest="in_fa",
102 type=str,
103 required = True,
104 help = "Sequences .fa file to predict on (option -fasta)")
105 p_man.add_argument("--model",
106 dest="in_model",
107 type=str,
108 required = True,
109 help = "GraphProt model file to use for predictions (option -model)")
110 p_man.add_argument("--params",
111 dest="in_params",
112 type=str,
113 required = True,
114 help = "Parameter file for given model")
115 p_man.add_argument("--data-id",
116 dest="data_id",
117 type=str,
118 required = True,
119 help = "Data ID (option -prefix)")
120 # ---> I'm a conditional argument <---
121 p_opt.add_argument("--ws-pred",
122 dest = "ws_pred",
123 default = False,
124 action = "store_true",
125 help = "Run a whole site prediction instead of calculating profiles (default: false)")
126 # Additional arguments.
127 p_opt.add_argument("--sc-thr",
128 dest="score_thr",
129 type = float,
130 default = 0,
131 help = "Score threshold for extracting average profile peak regions (default: 0)")
132 p_opt.add_argument("--max-merge-dist",
133 dest="max_merge_dist",
134 type = int,
135 default = 0,
136 choices = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
137 help = "Maximum merge distance for nearby peak regions (default: report all non-overlapping regions)")
138 p_opt.add_argument("--gen-site-bed",
139 dest="genomic_sites_bed",
140 type=str,
141 help = ".bed file specifying the genomic regions of the input .fa sequences. Corrupt .bed information will be punished (default: false)")
142 p_opt.add_argument("--conf-out",
143 dest="conf_out",
144 default = False,
145 action = "store_true",
146 help = "Output filtered peak regions BED file or predictions file (if --ws-pred) using the median positive training site score for filtering (default: false)")
147 p_opt.add_argument("--gp-output",
148 dest = "gp_output",
149 default = False,
150 action = "store_true",
151 help = "Print output produced by GraphProt (default: false)")
152 p_opt.add_argument("--ap-extlr",
153 dest="ap_extlr",
154 type = int,
155 default = 5,
156 choices = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
157 help = "Define average profile up- and downstream extension to produce the average profile. The mean over small sequence windows (window length = --ap-extlr*2 + 1) is used to get position scores, thus the average profile is more smooth than the initial profile output by GraphProt (default: 5)")
158 return p
161 ################################################################################
163 if __name__ == '__main__':
165 # Setup argparse.
166 parser = setup_argument_parser()
167 # Read in command line arguments.
168 args = parser.parse_args()
170 """
171 Do all sorts of sanity checking.
173 """
174 # Check for Linux.
175 assert "linux" in sys.platform, "please use Linux"
176 # Check tool availability.
177 assert gplib.is_tool(""), " not in PATH"
178 # Check file inputs.
179 assert os.path.exists(args.in_fa), "input .fa file \"%s\" not found" %(args.in_fa)
180 assert os.path.exists(args.in_model), "input .model file \"%s\" not found" %(args.in_model)
181 assert os.path.exists(args.in_params), "input .params file \"%s\" not found" %(args.in_params)
182 # Count .fa entries.
183 c_in_fa = gplib.count_fasta_headers(args.in_fa)
184 assert c_in_fa, "input .fa file \"%s\" no headers found" %(args.in_fa)
185 print("# input .fa sequences: %i" %(c_in_fa))
186 # Read in FASTA sequences to check for uppercase sequences.
187 seqs_dic = gplib.read_fasta_into_dic(args.in_fa)
188 c_uc_nt = gplib.seqs_dic_count_uc_nts(seqs_dic)
189 assert c_uc_nt, "no uppercase nucleotides in input .fa sequences. Please change sequences to uppercase (keep in mind GraphProt only scores uppercase regions (according to its viewpoint concept))"
190 if not args.ws_pred:
191 # Check for lowercase sequences.
192 c_lc_nt = gplib.seqs_dic_count_lc_nts(seqs_dic)
193 assert not c_lc_nt, "lowercase nucleotides not allowed in profile predictions, since GraphProt only scores uppercase regions (according to its viewpoint concept))"
194 # Check .bed.
195 if args.genomic_sites_bed:
196 # An array of checks, marvelous.
197 assert os.path.exists(args.genomic_sites_bed), "genomic .bed file \"%s\" not found" %(args.genomic_sites_bed)
198 # Check .bed for content.
199 assert gplib.count_file_rows(args.genomic_sites_bed), "genomic .bed file \"%s\" is empty" %(args.genomic_sites_bed)
200 # Check .bed for 6-column format.
201 assert gplib.bed_check_six_col_format(args.genomic_sites_bed), "genomic .bed file \"%s\" appears to not be in 6-column .bed format" %(args.genomic_sites_bed)
202 # Check for unique column 4 IDs.
203 assert gplib.bed_check_unique_ids(args.genomic_sites_bed), "genomic .bed file \"%s\" column 4 IDs not unique" %(args.genomic_sites_bed)
204 # Read in .bed regions, compare to FASTA sequences (compare IDs + lengths)
205 seq_len_dic = gplib.get_seq_lengths_from_seqs_dic(seqs_dic)
206 reg_len_dic = gplib.bed_get_region_lengths(args.genomic_sites_bed)
207 for seq_id in seq_len_dic:
208 seq_l = seq_len_dic[seq_id]
209 assert seq_id in reg_len_dic, "sequence ID \"\" missing in input .bed \"\"" %(seq_id, args.genomic_sites_bed)
210 reg_l = reg_len_dic[seq_id]
211 assert seq_l == reg_l, "sequence length differs from .bed region length (%i != %i)" %(seq_l, reg_l)
212 # Read in model parameters.
213 param_dic = gplib.graphprot_get_param_dic(args.in_params)
214 # Create GraphProt parameter string.
215 param_string = gplib.graphprot_get_param_string(args.in_params)
217 """
218 Run predictions.
220 """
221 if args.ws_pred:
222 # Do whole site prediction.
223 print("Starting whole site predictions on input .fa file (-action predict) ... ")
224 check_cmd = " -action predict -prefix " + args.data_id + " -fasta " + args.in_fa + " " + param_string + " -model " + args.in_model
225 output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
226 assert output, "the following call of produced no output:\n%s" %(check_cmd)
227 if args.gp_output:
228 print(output)
229 ws_predictions_file = args.data_id + ".predictions"
230 assert os.path.exists(ws_predictions_file), "Whole site prediction output .predictions file \"%s\" not found" %(ws_predictions_file)
231 if args.conf_out:
232 # Filter by pos_train_ws_pred_median median.
233 assert "pos_train_ws_pred_median" in param_dic, "whole site top scores median information missing in .params file"
234 pos_train_ws_pred_median = float(param_dic["pos_train_ws_pred_median"])
235 # Filtered file.
236 filt_ws_predictions_file = args.data_id + ".p50.predictions"
237 print("Extracting p50 sites from whole site predictions (score threshold = %f) ... " %(pos_train_ws_pred_median))
238 gplib.graphprot_filter_predictions_file(ws_predictions_file, filt_ws_predictions_file,
239 sc_thr=pos_train_ws_pred_median)
240 else:
241 # Do profile prediction.
242 print("Starting profile predictions on on input .fa file (-action predict_profile) ... ")
243 check_cmd = " -action predict_profile -prefix " + args.data_id + " -fasta " + args.in_fa + " " + param_string + " -model " + args.in_model
244 output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
245 assert output, "the following call of produced no output:\n%s" %(check_cmd)
246 if args.gp_output:
247 print(output)
248 profile_predictions_file = args.data_id + ".profile"
249 assert os.path.exists(profile_predictions_file), "Profile prediction output .profile file \"%s\" not found" %(profile_predictions_file)
251 # Profile prediction output files.
252 avg_prof_file = args.data_id + ".avg_profile"
253 avg_prof_peaks_file = args.data_id + ".avg_profile.peaks.bed"
254 avg_prof_gen_peaks_file = args.data_id + ".avg_profile.genomic_peaks.bed"
255 avg_prof_peaks_p50_file = args.data_id + ".avg_profile.p50.peaks.bed"
256 avg_prof_gen_peaks_p50_file = args.data_id + ".avg_profile.p50.genomic_peaks.bed"
258 # Get sequence IDs in order from input .fa file.
259 seq_ids_list = gplib.fasta_read_in_ids(args.in_fa)
260 # Calculate average profiles.
261 print("Getting average profile from profile (extlr for smoothing: %i) ... " %(args.ap_extlr))
262 gplib.graphprot_profile_calculate_avg_profile(profile_predictions_file,
263 avg_prof_file,
264 ap_extlr=args.ap_extlr,
265 seq_ids_list=seq_ids_list,
266 method=2)
267 # Extract peak regions on sequences with threshold score 0.
268 print("Extracting peak regions from average profile (score threshold = 0) ... ")
269 gplib.graphprot_profile_extract_peak_regions(avg_prof_file, avg_prof_peaks_file,
270 max_merge_dist=args.max_merge_dist,
271 sc_thr=args.score_thr)
272 # Convert peaks to genomic coordinates.
273 if args.genomic_sites_bed:
274 print("Converting peak regions to genomic coordinates ... ")
275 gplib.bed_peaks_to_genomic_peaks(avg_prof_peaks_file, avg_prof_gen_peaks_file,
276 print_rows=False,
277 genomic_sites_bed=args.genomic_sites_bed)
278 # gplib.make_file_copy(avg_prof_gen_peaks_file, avg_prof_peaks_file)
279 # Extract peak regions with threshold score p50.
280 if args.conf_out:
281 sc_id = "pos_train_avg_profile_median_%i" %(args.ap_extlr)
282 # Filter by pos_train_ws_pred_median median.
283 assert sc_id in param_dic, "average profile extlr %i median information missing in .params file" %(args.ap_extlr)
284 p50_sc_thr = float(param_dic[sc_id])
285 print("Extracting p50 peak regions from average profile (score threshold = %f) ... " %(p50_sc_thr))
286 gplib.graphprot_profile_extract_peak_regions(avg_prof_file, avg_prof_peaks_p50_file,
287 max_merge_dist=args.max_merge_dist,
288 sc_thr=p50_sc_thr)
289 # Convert peaks to genomic coordinates.
290 if args.genomic_sites_bed:
291 print("Converting p50 peak regions to genomic coordinates ... ")
292 gplib.bed_peaks_to_genomic_peaks(avg_prof_peaks_p50_file, avg_prof_gen_peaks_p50_file,
293 genomic_sites_bed=args.genomic_sites_bed)
294 # Done.
295 print("Script: I'm done.")
296 print("Author: ... ")