diff gplib.py @ 1:20429f4c1b95 draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/bgruening/galaxytools/tree/master/tools/rna_tools/graphprot commit f3fb925b83a4982e0cf9a0c11ff93ecbb8e4e6d5"
author bgruening
date Wed, 22 Jan 2020 10:14:41 -0500
children ace92c9a4653
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gplib.py	Wed Jan 22 10:14:41 2020 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1011 @@
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+import subprocess
+import statistics
+import random
+import gzip
+import uuid
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+Run doctests:
+python3 -m doctest gplib.py
+def graphprot_predictions_get_median(predictions_file):
+    """
+    Given a GraphProt .predictions file, read in site scores and return 
+    the median value.
+    >>> test_file = "test-data/test.predictions"
+    >>> graphprot_predictions_get_median(test_file)
+    0.571673
+    """
+    # Site scores list.
+    sc_list = []
+    with open(predictions_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+            score = float(cols[2])
+            sc_list.append(score)
+    f.close()
+    # Return the median.
+    return statistics.median(sc_list)
+def graphprot_profile_get_top_scores_median(profile_file,
+                                            profile_type="profile",
+                                            avg_profile_extlr=5):
+    """
+    Given a GraphProt .profile file, extract for each site (identified by 
+    column 1 ID) the top (= highest) score. Then return the median of these 
+    top scores.
+    profile_type can be either "profile" or "avg_profile".
+    "avg_profile means that the position-wise scores will first get smoothed 
+    out by calculating for each position a new score through taking a 
+    sequence window -avg_profile_extlr to +avg_profile_extlr of the position 
+    and calculate the mean score over this window and assign it to the position.
+    After that, the maximum score of each site is chosen, and the median over 
+    all maximum scores is returned.
+    "profile" leaves the position-wise scores as they are, directly extracting 
+    the maximum for each site and then reporting the median.
+    >>> test_file = "test-data/test.profile"
+    >>> graphprot_profile_get_top_scores_median(test_file)
+    3.2
+    """
+    # Dictionary of lists, with list of scores (value) for each site (key).
+    lists_dic = {}
+    with open(profile_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+            seq_id = cols[0]
+            score = float(cols[2])
+            if seq_id in lists_dic:
+                lists_dic[seq_id].append(score)
+            else:
+                lists_dic[seq_id] = []
+                lists_dic[seq_id].append(score)
+    f.close()
+    # For each site, extract maximum and store in new list.
+    max_list = []
+    for seq_id in lists_dic:
+        if profile_type == "profile":
+            max_sc = max(lists_dic[seq_id])
+            max_list.append(max_sc)
+        elif profile_type == "avg_profile":
+            # Convert profile score list to average profile scores list.
+            aps_list = list_moving_window_average_values(lists_dic[seq_id],
+                                                         win_extlr=avg_profile_extlr)
+            max_sc = max(aps_list)
+            max_list.append(max_sc)
+        else:
+            assert 0, "invalid profile_type argument given: \"%s\"" %(profile_type)
+    # Return the median.
+    return statistics.median(max_list)
+def list_moving_window_average_values(in_list, 
+                                      win_extlr=5,
+                                      method=1):
+    """
+    Take a list of numeric values, and calculate for each position a new value, 
+    by taking the mean value of the window of positions -win_extlr and 
+    +win_extlr. If full extension is not possible (at list ends), it just 
+    takes what it gets.
+    Two implementations of the task are given, chose by method=1 or method=2.
+    >>> test_list = [2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1]
+    >>> list_moving_window_average_values(test_list, win_extlr=2, method=1)
+    [3.3333333333333335, 4.5, 4.4, 4.6, 5.4, 4.6, 3.75, 3.6666666666666665]
+    >>> list_moving_window_average_values(test_list, win_extlr=2, method=2)
+    [3.3333333333333335, 4.5, 4.4, 4.6, 5.4, 4.6, 3.75, 3.6666666666666665]
+    """
+    l_list = len(in_list)
+    assert l_list, "Given list is empty"
+    new_list = [0] * l_list
+    if win_extlr == 0:
+        return l_list
+    if method == 1:
+        for i in range(l_list):
+            s = i - win_extlr
+            e = i + win_extlr + 1
+            if s < 0:
+                s = 0
+            if e > l_list:
+                e = l_list
+            # Extract portion and assign value to new list.
+            new_list[i] = statistics.mean(in_list[s:e])
+    elif method == 2:
+        for i in range(l_list):
+            s = i - win_extlr
+            e = i + win_extlr + 1
+            if s < 0:
+                s = 0
+            if e > l_list:
+                e = l_list
+            l = e-s
+            sc_sum = 0
+            for j in range(l):
+                sc_sum += in_list[s+j]
+            new_list[i] = sc_sum / l
+    else:
+        assert 0, "invalid method ID given (%i)" %(method)
+    return new_list
+def echo_add_to_file(echo_string, out_file):
+    """
+    Add a string to file, using echo command.
+    """
+    check_cmd = 'echo "%s" >> %s' % (echo_string, out_file)
+    output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
+    error = False
+    if output:
+        error = True
+    assert error == False, "echo is complaining:\n%s\n%s" %(check_cmd, output)
+def is_tool(name):
+    """Check whether tool "name" is in PATH."""
+    return find_executable(name) is not None
+def count_fasta_headers(fasta_file):
+    """
+    Count number of FASTA headers in fasta_file using grep.
+    >>> test_file = "test-data/test.fa"
+    >>> count_fasta_headers(test_file)
+    2
+    >>> test_file = "test-data/empty_file"
+    >>> count_fasta_headers(test_file)
+    0
+    """
+    check_cmd = 'grep -c ">" ' + fasta_file
+    output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
+    row_count = int(output.strip())
+    return row_count
+def make_file_copy(in_file, out_file):
+    """
+    Make a file copy by copying in_file to out_file.
+    """
+    check_cmd = "cat " + in_file + " > " + out_file
+    assert in_file != out_file, "cat does not like to cat file into same file (%s)" %(check_cmd)
+    output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
+    error = False
+    if output:
+        error = True
+    assert error == False, "cat did not like your input (in_file: %s, out_file: %s):\n%s" %(in_file, out_file, output)
+def split_fasta_into_test_train_files(in_fasta, test_out_fa, train_out_fa, 
+                                      test_size=500):
+    """
+    Split in_fasta .fa file into two files (e.g. test, train).
+    """
+    # Read in in_fasta.
+    seqs_dic = read_fasta_into_dic(in_fasta)
+    # Shuffle IDs.
+    rand_ids_list = random_order_dic_keys_into_list(seqs_dic)
+    c_out = 0
+    TESTOUT = open(test_out_fa, "w")
+    TRAINOUT = open(train_out_fa, "w")
+    for seq_id in rand_ids_list:
+        seq = seqs_dic[seq_id]
+        if (c_out >= test_size):
+            TRAINOUT.write(">%s\n%s\n" % (seq_id, seq))
+        else:
+            TESTOUT.write(">%s\n%s\n" % (seq_id, seq))
+        c_out += 1
+    TESTOUT.close()
+    TRAINOUT.close()
+def read_fasta_into_dic(fasta_file,
+                        seqs_dic=False,
+                        ids_dic=False,
+                        read_dna=False,
+                        reject_lc=False,
+                        convert_to_uc=False,
+                        skip_n_seqs=True):
+    """
+    Read in FASTA sequences, convert to RNA, store in dictionary 
+    and return dictionary.
+    >>> test_fasta = "test-data/test.fa"
+    >>> read_fasta_into_dic(test_fasta)
+    {'seq1': 'acguACGUacgu', 'seq2': 'ugcaUGCAugcaACGUacgu'}
+    >>> test_fasta = "test-data/test2.fa"
+    >>> read_fasta_into_dic(test_fasta)
+    {}
+    >>> test_fasta = "test-data/test.ensembl.fa"
+    >>> read_fasta_into_dic(test_fasta, read_dna=True)
+    {'ENST00000415118': 'GAAATAGT', 'ENST00000448914': 'ACTGGGGGATACGAAAA'}
+    """
+    if not seqs_dic:
+        seqs_dic = {}
+    seq_id = ""
+    seq = ""
+    # Go through FASTA file, extract sequences.
+    if re.search(".+\.gz$", fasta_file):
+        f = gzip.open(fasta_file, 'rt')
+    else: 
+        f = open(fasta_file, "r")
+    for line in f:
+        if re.search(">.+", line):
+            m = re.search(">(.+)", line)
+            seq_id = m.group(1)
+            # If there is a ".", take only first part of header.
+            # This assumes ENSEMBL header format ">ENST00000631435.1 cdna ..."
+            if re.search(".+\..+", seq_id):
+                m = re.search("(.+?)\..+", seq_id)
+                seq_id = m.group(1)
+            assert seq_id not in seqs_dic, "non-unique FASTA header \"%s\" in \"%s\"" % (seq_id, fasta_file)
+            if ids_dic:
+                if seq_id in ids_dic:
+                    seqs_dic[seq_id] = ""
+            else:
+                seqs_dic[seq_id] = ""
+        elif re.search("[ACGTUN]+", line, re.I):
+            if seq_id in seqs_dic:
+                m = re.search("([ACGTUN]+)", line, re.I)
+                seq = m.group(1)
+                if reject_lc:
+                    assert not re.search("[a-z]", seq), "lowercase characters detected in sequence \"%i\" (reject_lc=True)" %(seq_id)
+                if convert_to_uc:
+                    seq = seq.upper()
+                # If sequences with N nucleotides should be skipped.
+                if skip_n_seqs:
+                    if "n" in m.group(1) or "N" in m.group(1):
+                        print ("WARNING: \"%s\" contains N nucleotides. Discarding sequence ... " % (seq_id))
+                        del seqs_dic[seq_id]
+                        continue
+                # Convert to RNA, concatenate sequence.
+                if read_dna:
+                    seqs_dic[seq_id] += m.group(1).replace("U","T").replace("u","t")
+                else:
+                    seqs_dic[seq_id] += m.group(1).replace("T","U").replace("t","u")
+    f.close()
+    return seqs_dic
+def random_order_dic_keys_into_list(in_dic):
+    """
+    Read in dictionary keys, and return random order list of IDs.
+    """
+    id_list = []
+    for key in in_dic:
+        id_list.append(key)
+    random.shuffle(id_list)
+    return id_list
+def graphprot_get_param_string(params_file):
+    """
+    Get parameter string from GraphProt .params file.
+    >>> test_params = "test-data/test.params"
+    >>> graphprot_get_param_string(test_params)
+    '-epochs 20 -lambda 0.01 -R 1 -D 3 -bitsize 14 -onlyseq '
+    """
+    param_string = ""
+    with open(params_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            cols = line.strip().split(" ")
+            param = cols[0]
+            setting = cols[1]
+            if re.search(".+:", param):
+                m = re.search("(.+):", line)
+                par = m.group(1)
+                if re.search("pos_train.+", line):
+                    continue
+                if par == "model_type":
+                    if setting == "sequence":
+                        param_string += "-onlyseq "
+                else:
+                    param_string += "-%s %s " %(par, setting)
+            else:
+                assert 0, "pattern matching failed for string \"%s\"" %(param)
+    return param_string
+def seqs_dic_count_uc_nts(seqs_dic):
+    """
+    Count number of uppercase nucleotides in sequences stored in sequence 
+    dictionary.
+    >>> seqs_dic = {'seq1': "acgtACGTacgt", 'seq2': 'acgtACacgt'}
+    >>> seqs_dic_count_uc_nts(seqs_dic)
+    6
+    >>> seqs_dic = {'seq1': "acgtacgt", 'seq2': 'acgtacgt'}
+    >>> seqs_dic_count_uc_nts(seqs_dic)
+    0
+    """
+    assert seqs_dic, "Given sequence dictionary empty"
+    c_uc = 0
+    for seq_id in seqs_dic:
+        c_uc += len(re.findall(r'[A-Z]', seqs_dic[seq_id]))
+    return c_uc
+def seqs_dic_count_lc_nts(seqs_dic):
+    """
+    Count number of lowercase nucleotides in sequences stored in sequence 
+    dictionary.
+    >>> seqs_dic = {'seq1': "gtACGTac", 'seq2': 'cgtACacg'}
+    >>> seqs_dic_count_lc_nts(seqs_dic)
+    10
+    >>> seqs_dic = {'seq1': "ACGT", 'seq2': 'ACGTAC'}
+    >>> seqs_dic_count_lc_nts(seqs_dic)
+    0
+    """
+    assert seqs_dic, "Given sequence dictionary empty"
+    c_uc = 0
+    for seq_id in seqs_dic:
+        c_uc += len(re.findall(r'[a-z]', seqs_dic[seq_id]))
+    return c_uc
+def count_file_rows(in_file):
+    """
+    Count number of file rows for given input file.
+    >>> test_file = "test-data/test1.bed"
+    >>> count_file_rows(test_file)
+    7
+    >>> test_file = "test-data/empty_file"
+    >>> count_file_rows(test_file)
+    0
+    """
+    check_cmd = "cat " + in_file + " | wc -l"
+    output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
+    row_count = int(output.strip())
+    return row_count
+def bed_check_six_col_format(bed_file):
+    """
+    Check whether given .bed file has 6 columns.
+    >>> test_bed = "test-data/test1.bed"
+    >>> bed_check_six_col_format(test_bed)
+    True
+    >>> test_bed = "test-data/empty_file"
+    >>> bed_check_six_col_format(test_bed)
+    False
+    """
+    six_col_format = False
+    with open(bed_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+            if len(cols) == 6:
+                six_col_format = True
+            break
+    f.closed
+    return six_col_format
+def bed_check_unique_ids(bed_file):
+    """
+    Check whether .bed file (6 column format with IDs in column 4) 
+    has unique column 4 IDs.
+    >>> test_bed = "test-data/test1.bed"
+    >>> bed_check_unique_ids(test_bed)
+    True
+    >>> test_bed = "test-data/test2.bed"
+    >>> bed_check_unique_ids(test_bed)
+    False
+    """
+    check_cmd = "cut -f 4 " + bed_file + " | sort | uniq -d"
+    output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
+    if output:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def get_seq_lengths_from_seqs_dic(seqs_dic):
+    """
+    Given a dictionary of sequences, return dictionary of sequence lengths.
+    Mapping is sequence ID -> sequence length.
+    """
+    seq_len_dic = {}
+    assert seqs_dic, "sequence dictionary seems to be empty"
+    for seq_id in seqs_dic:
+        seq_l = len(seqs_dic[seq_id])
+        seq_len_dic[seq_id] = seq_l
+    return seq_len_dic
+def bed_get_region_lengths(bed_file):
+    """
+    Read in .bed file, store and return region lengths in dictionary.
+    key   :  region ID (.bed col4)
+    value :  region length (.bed col3-col2)
+    >>> test_file = "test-data/test4.bed"
+    >>> bed_get_region_lengths(test_file)
+    {'CLIP1': 10, 'CLIP2': 10}
+    """
+    id2len_dic = {}
+    with open(bed_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            row = line.strip()
+            cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+            site_s = int(cols[1])
+            site_e = int(cols[2])
+            site_id = cols[3]
+            site_l = site_e - site_s
+            assert site_id not in id2len_dic, "column 4 IDs not unique in given .bed file \"%s\"" %(bed_file)
+            id2len_dic[site_id] = site_l
+    f.closed
+    assert id2len_dic, "No IDs read into dictionary (input file \"%s\" empty or malformatted?)" % (in_bed)
+    return id2len_dic
+def graphprot_get_param_dic(params_file):
+    """
+    Read in GraphProt .params file and store in dictionary.
+    key = parameter
+    value = parameter value
+    >>> params_file = "test-data/test.params"
+    >>> graphprot_get_param_dic(params_file)
+    {'epochs': '20', 'lambda': '0.01', 'R': '1', 'D': '3', 'bitsize': '14', 'model_type': 'sequence', 'pos_train_ws_pred_median': '0.760321', 'pos_train_profile_median': '5.039610', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_1': '4.236340', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_2': '3.868431', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_3': '3.331277', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_4': '2.998667', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_5': '2.829782', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_6': '2.626623', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_7': '2.447083', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_8': '2.349919', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_9': '2.239829', 'pos_train_avg_profile_median_10': '2.161676'}
+    """
+    param_dic = {}
+    with open(params_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            cols = line.strip().split(" ")
+            param = cols[0]
+            setting = cols[1]
+            if re.search(".+:", param):
+                m = re.search("(.+):", line)
+                par = m.group(1)
+                param_dic[par] = setting
+    f.close()
+    return param_dic
+def graphprot_filter_predictions_file(in_file, out_file,
+                                      sc_thr=0):
+    """
+    Filter GraphProt .predictions file by given score thr_sc.
+    """
+    OUTPRED = open(out_file, "w")
+    with open(in_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            row = line.strip()
+            cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+            score = float(cols[2])
+            if score < sc_thr:
+                continue
+            OUTPRED.write("%s\n" %(row))
+    f.close()
+    OUTPRED.close()
+def fasta_read_in_ids(fasta_file):
+    """
+    Given a .fa file, read in header IDs in order appearing in file, 
+    and store in list.
+    >>> test_file = "test-data/test3.fa"
+    >>> fasta_read_in_ids(test_file)
+    ['SERBP1_K562_rep01_544', 'SERBP1_K562_rep02_709', 'SERBP1_K562_rep01_316']
+    """
+    ids_list = []
+    with open(fasta_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            if re.search(">.+", line):
+                m = re.search(">(.+)", line)
+                seq_id = m.group(1)
+                ids_list.append(seq_id)
+    f.close()
+    return ids_list
+def graphprot_profile_calculate_avg_profile(in_file, out_file,
+                                            ap_extlr=5,
+                                            seq_ids_list=False,
+                                            method=1):
+    """
+    Given a GraphProt .profile file, calculate average profiles and output 
+    average profile file.
+    Average profile means that the position-wise scores will get smoothed 
+    out by calculating for each position a new score, taking a sequence 
+    window -ap_extlr to +ap_extlr relative to the position 
+    and calculate the mean score over this window. The mean score then 
+    becomes the new average profile score at this position.
+    Two different implementations of the task are given:
+    method=1 (new python implementation, slower + more memory but easy to read)
+    method=2 (old perl implementation, faster and less memory but more code)
+    >>> in_file = "test-data/test2.profile"
+    >>> out_file1 = "test-data/test2_1.avg_profile"
+    >>> out_file2 = "test-data/test2_2.avg_profile"
+    >>> out_file4 = "test-data/test2_3.avg_profile"
+    >>> graphprot_profile_calculate_avg_profile(in_file, out_file1, ap_extlr=2, method=1)
+    >>> graphprot_profile_calculate_avg_profile(in_file, out_file2, ap_extlr=2, method=2)
+    >>> diff_two_files_identical(out_file1, out_file2)
+    True
+    >>> test_list = ["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]
+    >>> out_file3_exp = "test-data/test3_added_ids_exp.avg_profile"
+    >>> out_file3 = "test-data/test3_added_ids_out.avg_profile"
+    >>> graphprot_profile_calculate_avg_profile(in_file, out_file3, ap_extlr=2, method=1, seq_ids_list=test_list)
+    >>> diff_two_files_identical(out_file3_exp, out_file3)
+    True
+    """
+    if method == 1:
+        # Dictionary of lists, with list of scores (value) for each site (key).
+        lists_dic = {}
+        site_starts_dic = {}
+        with open(in_file) as f:
+            for line in f:
+                cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+                site_id = int(cols[0])
+                pos = int(cols[1]) # 0-based.
+                score = float(cols[2])
+                # Store first position of site.
+                if site_id not in site_starts_dic:
+                    site_starts_dic[site_id] = pos
+                if site_id in lists_dic:
+                    lists_dic[site_id].append(score)
+                else:
+                    lists_dic[site_id] = []
+                    lists_dic[site_id].append(score)
+        f.close()
+        # Check number of IDs (# FASTA sequence IDs has to be same as # site IDs).
+        if seq_ids_list:
+            c_seq_ids = len(seq_ids_list)
+            c_site_ids = len(site_starts_dic)
+            assert c_seq_ids == c_site_ids, "# sequence IDs != # site IDs (%i != %i)" %(c_seq_ids, c_site_ids)
+        OUTPROF = open(out_file, "w")
+        # For each site, calculate average profile scores list.
+        max_list = []
+        for site_id in lists_dic:
+            # Convert profile score list to average profile scores list.
+            aps_list = list_moving_window_average_values(lists_dic[site_id],
+                                                         win_extlr=ap_extlr)
+            start_pos = site_starts_dic[site_id]
+            # Get original FASTA sequence ID.
+            if seq_ids_list:
+                site_id = seq_ids_list[site_id]
+            for i, sc in enumerate(aps_list):
+                pos = i + start_pos + 1 # make 1-based.
+                OUTPROF.write("%s\t%i\t%f\n" %(site_id, pos, sc))
+        OUTPROF.close()
+    elif method == 2:
+        OUTPROF = open(out_file, "w")
+        # Old site ID.
+        old_id = ""
+        # Current site ID.
+        cur_id = ""
+        # Scores list.
+        scores_list = []
+        site_starts_dic = {}
+        with open(in_file) as f:
+            for line in f:
+                cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+                cur_id = int(cols[0])
+                pos = int(cols[1]) # 0-based.
+                score = float(cols[2])
+                # Store first position of site.
+                if cur_id not in site_starts_dic:
+                    site_starts_dic[cur_id] = pos
+                # Case: new site (new column 1 ID).
+                if cur_id != old_id:
+                    # Process old id scores.
+                    if scores_list:
+                        aps_list = list_moving_window_average_values(scores_list,
+                                                                     win_extlr=ap_extlr)
+                        start_pos = site_starts_dic[old_id]
+                        seq_id = old_id
+                        # Get original FASTA sequence ID.
+                        if seq_ids_list:
+                            seq_id = seq_ids_list[old_id]
+                        for i, sc in enumerate(aps_list):
+                            pos = i + start_pos + 1 # make 1-based.
+                            OUTPROF.write("%s\t%i\t%f\n" %(seq_id, pos, sc))
+                        # Reset list.
+                        scores_list = []
+                    old_id = cur_id
+                    scores_list.append(score)
+                else:
+                    # Add to scores_list.
+                    scores_list.append(score)
+        f.close()
+        # Process last block.
+        if scores_list:
+            aps_list = list_moving_window_average_values(scores_list,
+                                                         win_extlr=ap_extlr)
+            start_pos = site_starts_dic[old_id]
+            seq_id = old_id
+            # Get original FASTA sequence ID.
+            if seq_ids_list:
+                seq_id = seq_ids_list[old_id]
+            for i, sc in enumerate(aps_list):
+                pos = i + start_pos + 1 # make 1-based.
+                OUTPROF.write("%s\t%i\t%f\n" %(seq_id, pos, sc))
+        OUTPROF.close()
+def graphprot_profile_extract_peak_regions(in_file, out_file,
+                                           max_merge_dist=0,
+                                           sc_thr=0):
+    """
+    Extract peak regions from GraphProt .profile file.
+    Store the peak regions (defined as regions with scores >= sc_thr) 
+    as to out_file in 6-column .bed.
+    TODO:
+    Add option for genomic coordinates input (+ - polarity support).
+    Output genomic regions instead of sequence regions.
+    >>> in_file = "test-data/test4.avg_profile"
+    >>> out_file = "test-data/test4_out.peaks.bed"
+    >>> exp_file = "test-data/test4_out_exp.peaks.bed"
+    >>> exp2_file = "test-data/test4_out_exp2.peaks.bed"
+    >>> empty_file = "test-data/empty_file"
+    >>> graphprot_profile_extract_peak_regions(in_file, out_file)
+    >>> diff_two_files_identical(out_file, exp_file)
+    True
+    >>> graphprot_profile_extract_peak_regions(in_file, out_file, sc_thr=10)
+    >>> diff_two_files_identical(out_file, empty_file)
+    True
+    >>> graphprot_profile_extract_peak_regions(in_file, out_file, max_merge_dist=2)
+    >>> diff_two_files_identical(out_file, exp2_file)
+    True
+    """
+    OUTPEAKS = open(out_file, "w")
+    # Old site ID.
+    old_id = ""
+    # Current site ID.
+    cur_id = ""
+    # Scores list.
+    scores_list = []
+    site_starts_dic = {}
+    with open(in_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+            cur_id = cols[0]
+            pos = int(cols[1]) # 0-based.
+            score = float(cols[2])
+            # Store first position of site.
+            if cur_id not in site_starts_dic:
+                # If first position != zero, we assume positions are 1-based.
+                if pos != 0:
+                    # Make index 0-based.
+                    site_starts_dic[cur_id] = pos - 1
+                else:
+                    site_starts_dic[cur_id] = pos
+            # Case: new site (new column 1 ID).
+            if cur_id != old_id:
+                # Process old id scores.
+                if scores_list:
+                    # Extract peaks from region.
+                    peak_list = list_extract_peaks(scores_list, 
+                                                   max_merge_dist=max_merge_dist,
+                                                   coords="bed",
+                                                   sc_thr=sc_thr)
+                    start_pos = site_starts_dic[old_id]
+                    # Print out peaks in .bed format.
+                    for l in peak_list:
+                        peak_s = start_pos + l[0]
+                        peak_e = start_pos + l[1]
+                        site_id = "%s,%i" %(old_id, l[2])
+                        OUTPEAKS.write("%s\t%i\t%i\t%s\t%f\t+\n" %(old_id, peak_s, peak_e, site_id, l[3]))
+                    # Reset list.
+                    scores_list = []
+                old_id = cur_id
+                scores_list.append(score)
+            else:
+                # Add to scores_list.
+                scores_list.append(score)
+    f.close()
+    # Process last block.
+    if scores_list:
+        # Extract peaks from region.
+        peak_list = list_extract_peaks(scores_list, 
+                                       max_merge_dist=max_merge_dist,
+                                       coords="bed",
+                                       sc_thr=sc_thr)
+        start_pos = site_starts_dic[old_id]
+        # Print out peaks in .bed format.
+        for l in peak_list:
+            peak_s = start_pos + l[0]
+            peak_e = start_pos + l[1]
+            site_id = "%s,%i" %(old_id, l[2]) # best score also 1-based.
+            OUTPEAKS.write("%s\t%i\t%i\t%s\t%f\t+\n" %(old_id, peak_s, peak_e, site_id, l[3]))
+    OUTPEAKS.close()
+def list_extract_peaks(in_list,
+                       max_merge_dist=0,
+                       coords="list",
+                       sc_thr=0):
+    """
+    Extract peak regions from list. 
+    Peak region is defined as region >= score threshold.
+    coords=bed  :  peak start 0-based, peak end 1-based.
+    coords=list :  peak start 0-based, peak end 0-based.
+    >>> test_list = [-1, 0, 2, 4.5, 1, -1, 5, 6.5]
+    >>> list_extract_peaks(test_list)
+    [[1, 4, 3, 4.5], [6, 7, 7, 6.5]]
+    >>> list_extract_peaks(test_list, sc_thr=2)
+    [[2, 3, 3, 4.5], [6, 7, 7, 6.5]]
+    >>> list_extract_peaks(test_list, sc_thr=2, coords="bed")
+    [[2, 4, 4, 4.5], [6, 8, 8, 6.5]]
+    >>> list_extract_peaks(test_list, sc_thr=10)
+    []
+    >>> test_list = [2, -1, 3, -1, 4, -1, -1, 6, 9]
+    >>> list_extract_peaks(test_list, max_merge_dist=2)
+    [[0, 4, 4, 4], [7, 8, 8, 9]]
+    >>> list_extract_peaks(test_list, max_merge_dist=3)
+    [[0, 8, 8, 9]]
+    """
+    # Check.
+    assert len(in_list), "Given list is empty"
+    # Peak regions list.
+    peak_list = []
+    # Help me.
+    inside = False
+    pr_s = 0
+    pr_e = 0
+    pr_top_pos = 0
+    pr_top_sc = -100000
+    for i, sc in enumerate(in_list):
+        # Part of peak region?
+        if sc >= sc_thr:
+            # At peak start.
+            if not inside:
+                pr_s = i
+                pr_e = i
+                inside = True
+            else:
+                # Inside peak region.
+                pr_e = i
+            # Store top position.
+            if sc > pr_top_sc:
+                pr_top_sc = sc
+                pr_top_pos = i
+        else:
+            # Before was peak region?
+            if inside:
+                # Store peak region.
+                #peak_infos = "%i,%i,%i,%f" %(pr_s, pr_e, pr_top_pos, pr_top_sc)
+                peak_infos = [pr_s, pr_e, pr_top_pos, pr_top_sc]
+                peak_list.append(peak_infos)
+                inside = False
+                pr_top_pos = 0
+                pr_top_sc = -100000
+    # If peak at the end, also report.
+    if inside:
+        # Store peak region.
+        peak_infos = [pr_s, pr_e, pr_top_pos, pr_top_sc]
+        peak_list.append(peak_infos)
+    # Merge peaks.
+    if max_merge_dist and len(peak_list) > 1:
+        iterate = True
+        while iterate:
+            merged_peak_list = []
+            added_peaks_dic = {}
+            peaks_merged = False
+            for i, l in enumerate(peak_list):
+                if i in added_peaks_dic:
+                    continue
+                j = i + 1
+                # Last element.
+                if j == len(peak_list):
+                    if i not in added_peaks_dic:
+                        merged_peak_list.append(peak_list[i])
+                    break
+                # Compare two elements.
+                new_peak = []
+                if (peak_list[j][0] - peak_list[i][1]) <= max_merge_dist:
+                    peaks_merged = True
+                    new_top_pos = peak_list[i][2]
+                    new_top_sc = peak_list[i][3]
+                    if peak_list[i][3] < peak_list[j][3]:
+                        new_top_pos = peak_list[j][2]
+                        new_top_sc = peak_list[j][3]
+                    new_peak = [peak_list[i][0], peak_list[j][1], new_top_pos, new_top_sc]
+                # If two peaks were merged.
+                if new_peak:
+                    merged_peak_list.append(new_peak)
+                    added_peaks_dic[i] = 1
+                    added_peaks_dic[j] = 1
+                else:
+                    merged_peak_list.append(peak_list[i])
+                    added_peaks_dic[i] = 1
+            if not peaks_merged:
+                iterate = False
+            peak_list = merged_peak_list
+            peaks_merged = False
+    # If peak coordinates should be in .bed format, make peak ends 1-based.
+    if coords == "bed":
+        for i in range(len(peak_list)):
+            peak_list[i][1] += 1
+            peak_list[i][2] += 1 # 1-base best score position too.
+    return peak_list
+def bed_peaks_to_genomic_peaks(peak_file, genomic_peak_file, genomic_sites_bed, print_rows=False):
+    """
+    Given a .bed file of sequence peak regions (possible coordinates from 
+    0 to length of s), convert peak coordinates to genomic coordinates.
+    Do this by taking genomic regions of sequences as input.
+    >>> test_in = "test-data/test.peaks.bed"
+    >>> test_exp = "test-data/test_exp.peaks.bed"
+    >>> test_out = "test-data/test_out.peaks.bed"
+    >>> gen_in = "test-data/test.peaks_genomic.bed"
+    >>> bed_peaks_to_genomic_peaks(test_in, test_out, gen_in)
+    >>> diff_two_files_identical(test_out, test_exp)
+    True
+    """
+    # Read in genomic region info.
+    id2row_dic = {}
+    with open(genomic_sites_bed) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            row = line.strip()
+            cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+            site_id = cols[3]
+            assert site_id not in id2row_dic, "column 4 IDs not unique in given .bed file \"%s\"" %(args.genomic_sites_bed)
+            id2row_dic[site_id] = row
+    f.close()
+    # Read in peaks file and convert coordinates.
+    OUTPEAKS = open(genomic_peak_file, "w")
+    with open(peak_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            cols = line.strip().split("\t")
+            site_id = cols[0]
+            site_s = int(cols[1])
+            site_e = int(cols[2])
+            site_id2 = cols[3]
+            site_sc = float(cols[4])
+            assert re.search(".+,.+", site_id2), "regular expression failed for ID \"%s\"" %(site_id2)
+            m = re.search(".+,(\d+)", site_id2)
+            sc_pos = int(m.group(1)) # 1-based.
+            assert site_id in id2row_dic, "site ID \"%s\" not found in genomic sites dictionary" %(site_id)
+            row = id2row_dic[site_id]
+            rowl = row.split("\t")
+            gen_chr = rowl[0]
+            gen_s = int(rowl[1])
+            gen_e = int(rowl[2])
+            gen_pol = rowl[5]
+            new_s = site_s + gen_s
+            new_e = site_e + gen_s
+            new_sc_pos = sc_pos + gen_s
+            if gen_pol == "-":
+                new_s = gen_e - site_e
+                new_e = gen_e - site_s
+                new_sc_pos = gen_e - sc_pos + 1 # keep 1-based.
+            new_row = "%s\t%i\t%i\t%s,%i\t%f\t%s" %(gen_chr, new_s, new_e, site_id, new_sc_pos, site_sc, gen_pol)
+            OUTPEAKS.write("%s\n" %(new_row))
+            if print_rows:
+                print(new_row)
+    OUTPEAKS.close()
+def diff_two_files_identical(file1, file2):
+    """
+    Check whether two files are identical. Return true if diff reports no 
+    differences.
+    >>> file1 = "test-data/file1"
+    >>> file2 = "test-data/file2"
+    >>> diff_two_files_identical(file1, file2)
+    True
+    >>> file1 = "test-data/test1.bed"
+    >>> diff_two_files_identical(file1, file2)
+    False
+    """
+    same = True
+    check_cmd = "diff " + file1 + " " + file2
+    output = subprocess.getoutput(check_cmd)
+    if output:
+        same = False
+    return same